Author Topic: Gairsain: Uttarakhand Capital - गैरसैण मुद्दा : अब यह चुप्पी तोड़नी ही होगी  (Read 85690 times)

सुधीर चतुर्वेदी

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आज कल फोरम  पर बस एक ही चर्चा है राजधानी गैरसैण .... ख़ुशी की बात आप सभी बुद्दिजीवी लोगो का रुख एक सराहनीय पहल की और है और आप सभी लोगो को इस कार्य को करने के लिये ढेर सारी शुभकामनाय . यह बेहद एक महतवपूर्ण पहल है की राजधानी को देहरादून से हटाकर गैरसैण लाया जाया , इस चीज से क्या वित्त का आनावयाशक दवाब राज्य की जनता और सरकार पर नहीं  पड़ेगा ? कयोंकि देहरादून मे बहुत जयादा विकाश हो गया है यानि अ़ब वहा से सब हटा के गैरसैण बनाना सायद अरबो - करोडो का एक नया भार? मेरे हिसाभ से अगर राजधानी से भी महत्वपूरण बात है तो वह है पहाड़ मे रोजगार को लाना जिससे वहा का पलायन रुके और वहा के लोग डेल्ही , मुम्बई , की तरफ न जाकर अपने यहाँ रुके खैर ये मेरी सोच है ... आप सभी लोगो को शुभकामनाय

धन्यवाद ....................................................................... जय उत्तराखंड

पंकज सिंह महर

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नैनीताल की खोज पी० बरन ने की और मसूरी की खोज कै० यंग ने, चुनौती के रुप में इन हिल स्टेशनों का विकास बिट्रिश सरकार ने किया और उन शहरों को इस हिसाब से बसाया कि ये शहर आज भी भारत के बड़े-बड़े शहरों को मात करते हैं। अंगेजों की सोच तो यहां तक भी थी कि इन शहरों तक रेल भी पहुंचा दी जाय। इसी प्रकार से पंवार वंश के राजाओं ने नरेन्द्रनगर, कीर्तिनगर, श्रीनगर, पुरानी टिहरी जैसे नगर बनाये और बसाये। इससे पहले भी कत्यूरी राजवंश ने जोशीमठ और बैजनाथ जैसे शहरों का निर्माण किया। चंद राजाओं ने अल्मोड़ा, रुद्रपुर, बाजपुर, काशीपुर और चंपावत शहर बसाये।

लेकिन आजादी के ६३ साल और उत्तराखण्ड निर्माण के ९ साल बाद हमने कितने शहर बसाये? नगण्य।

हम यह पहल कर रहे हैं कि उत्तराखण्ड राज्य के मध्य में पौड़ी, चमोली और अल्मोड़ा जनपदों के बीच में दूधातोली-भराड़ीसैंण- गैरसैंण-चौखुटिया के बीच में ५० किमी० लम्बाई और २० किमी० चौड़ाई वाले स्थान पर एक नया शहर बनाया जाय "चन्द्र सिंह गढ़वाली नगर" जिसे उत्तराखण्ड की भावनाओं और जरुरत के हिसाब से प्रदेश की राजधानी के रुप में विकसित किया जाय।

वित्तीय भार तो चंद, पंवार, कत्यूरी और अंग्रेजी शासनकाल  में भी आया होगा, अगर इसी वित्तीय भार को देखा जाता तो शायद हम आज भी गुफाओं और कन्दराओं में ही रह रहे होते।


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कुछ लोगों का कहना है कि यदि गैरसैण में राजधानी बनेगी तो इसमें बहुत खर्चा होगा। तो इसमें बुराई क्या है? यदि पहाड़ के विकास के लिये खर्चा हो रहा तो अच्छा ही तो है। क्या आप चाहते हैं कि यह खर्चा केवल देहरादून जैसे बड़े शहरों तक ही सीमित रह जाये। कुछ कहते हैं कि उत्तराखंड में भ्रष्टाचार है इसलिये अधिकतर पैसा भ्रष्ट लोग खा जायेंगे। तो यह तो देहरादून पर होने वाले खर्चे के लिये भी सही है, वहाँ भी तो लोग पैसा खायेंगे तो ना करें कुछ भी खर्चा। अरे भ्रष्टाचार तो सारे भारत में हैं तो क्या सारे नये निर्माण रोक दिये जाने चाहिये। भ्रष्टाचार एक समस्या है हमें उसके भी समाधान की जरूरत है लेकिन इसका मतलब यह नहीं कि जब तक वह समस्या हल नहीं हो जाती तब तक हम हाथ पर हाथ धरे बैठे रहें। कई लोगों ने कहा है कि सरकारी योजनाओं का केवल 10 से 15 प्रतिशत ही इसके सही हकदार के पास पहुँचता है और यह केवल उत्तराखंड के लिये ही नहीं बल्कि पूरे देश के लिये सत्य है। एक और जहाँ हमें इसके खिलाफ लड़ना है वहीं विकास को जारी रखना जरूरी है नहीं तो जो दस या पन्द्रह पैसा पहुंच रहा है वह भी नहीं पहुँचेगा।

अब आते हैं कुछ और विद्वानों के उदाहरणों पर। कई लोगों ने राजधानियों पर शोध किया और अपनी पुस्तकें प्रकाशित की। डेविड गौर्डन, थामस हॉल  जैसे विद्वानों ने 19 वीं व बीसवीं सदी की युरोप की राजधानियों का अध्ययन किया। इसके अलावा सर पीटर हॉल ने 7 प्रकार की राजधानियों को चिन्हित किया। कई विद्वानों के अध्ययन से यह बात सामने आयी है कि राजधानी ही राज्य की दशा व दिशा को निर्धारित करती है। यूरोप के अधिकाश देशों की राजधानियाँ उसके नाभि स्थल में स्थित रही हैं। जिन देशों में ऐसा नहीं है उनमे से अधिकांश देश एक से अधिक राजधानियों का भार ढो रहे हैं। विद्वानों का यह भी मानना है कि सोवियत संघ के विघटन व जर्मनी के एकीकरण दोनों उदाहरण यह साबित करते हैं राजधानियाँ देश के भविष्य को प्रभावित करती हैं और यह करती रही हैं।

तो यह तो रही वैज्ञानिक व अध्ययन आधारित सोच जो यह बताती है कि गैरसैण या उसके आसपास की जगह  राजधानी के लिये उपयुक्त है ।

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Manmohan Kathait


Mehta Saab , I am not satisfied with ur view there are lots of other issues-

First of all Dehradoon vry much justified place & its now completely
stablised so no need to discuss on petty issue

There are other issue-
1) Education
2) Unemployment
3) Poverty
4) Health

So its requested to u don't do this...

हेम पन्त

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पंकज दा वित्तीय भार तो कोई मसला होना ही नहीं चाहिये, ये तो विकास की बात है और विकास करने में खर्च होना तो स्वाभाविक है.. फिर देहरादून को तो राजधानी रहना ही नही है, क्यूंकि यह अस्थाई राजधानी है, और सभी दलों के नेताओं के बीच "वृहद देहरादून"  के नाम से एक नया शहर बसाने की गुप्त सहमति हो चुकी है. उनकी यही मंशा दीक्षित आयोग की रिपोर्ट में भी परिलक्षित होती है. तो क्या "वृहद देहरादून" नामक शहर मुफ़्त में बन जायेगा?

सरकार क्षेत्रीय लोगों की भावनाओं को नकारते हुए टिहरी जैसे विनाशकारी बांध बनवा सकती है और विस्थापितों के लिये एक नया शहर बना सकती है तो जनभावनाओं के अनुकूल गैरसैंण क्षेत्र को विकसित करने में क्या दुविधा है. हमारी मांग उचित है और सभी लोग जुट कर इस दिशा में संघर्ष करेंगे तो सफलता मिलना अवश्यंभावी है.

सुधीर चतुर्वेदी

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उत्तराखंड का जब आन्दोलन चला था तो बच्चे, बुडे,नोजवान, महिला सभी लोगो ने राज्य प्राप्ति के लिये संघर्ष किया कारन साफ था की राज्य बनेगा तो पहाड़ से पलायन रुकेगा, रोजगार होगा हमारे घर के लोगो को देल्ही,मुंबई, लखनऊ या कही और नहीं जाना होगा लकिन सारे सपने टूट गये राज्य बना लेकिन रोजगार पहाड़ मे न जाकर सिर्फ हरिद्वार, रुद्रपुर मे रह गये यानि फिर भी पहाड़ वालो को घर से जाना ही पड़ा रोजगार के लिये रही बात देहरादून की वो तो राजधानी बन गई उसका तो ठीक है बाकि पहाडी जिलो का क्या होगा जिन्होने वास्तव मे पहाडी राज्य के लिये लडाई लड़ी (अल्मोरा , बागेश्वर, चम्पावत,  पिथोरागढ़, नैनीताल, पोडी, टिहरी, उत्तरकाशी,चमोली, रुद्रप्रयाग) उनका क्या होगा अगर राजधानी से पहाड़ का विकास है तो जरुर गैरसैण को राजधानी बना दी jani chahiyai फिर bhalay ही Iskay लिये एक आन्दोलन kayao न हो. पहाड़ की Vastvik लडाई पहाड़ के जिलो ने लड़ी है लेकिन आज vahi पर रोजगार नहीं अगर कोई पहाड़ का banda रोजगार के लिये हरिद्वार या रुद्रपुर जाता है तो vaha पर salary कम mahgai jayada uppar से akad की हमारे यहाँ जॉब के लिये aayai है. वो लोग yai bhul jatay है की राज्य पहाड़ वालो ने banaya है राज्य pahadiyo का सपना था . Netao का तो राज्य बन के fayada ही हुआ है jaha pahlay 14 M.L.A Hotay thay vaha आज 70 M.L.A और mantri की पोस्ट निकल गई. अगर पहाडी जिलो का vikash अगर राजधानी से है तो हम भी गैरसैण के साथ ..............................

जय उत्तराखंड

हेम पन्त

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सुधीर जी आप जैसे समझदार युवा हमारे इस अभियान में बहुत तेजी से जुड़ रहे हैं. अगर पहाड़ों का विकास चाहिये तो राजधानी पहाड़ में बनानी ही पड़ेगी...

मैदानों में रहने वाले और पहाड़ों की तरफ दौरे करने से हिचकने वाले नेता/अफसर कभी भी गैरसैंण को राजधानी नहीं बनने देना चाहेंगे... लेकिन यह जनतन्त्र है और जनता जो चाहेगी वो अन्तत: होकर रहेगा..

Mohan Bisht -Thet Pahadi/मोहन बिष्ट-ठेठ पहाडी

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मेरे प्यारे साथियों .. दादा .. भूली.. बनियों..
आज बहुत ख़ुशी हो रही है की हम लोग करीब पिछले ३-४ हफ्तों से गैरसैण राजधानी के मुद्दे पर बड़ा ही अच्छा discussion  kar rahe hai . और काफी लोगो का समर्थन और विरोध का सामना करना पड़ा jise hamaari takat har din duguni hoti gaye.. और बहुत ही अच्छा लगा .. हर एक एक discussion पर समर्थको को ताकत मीली और अब समय आ गया है की हम गैरसैण की और बड़े ... अब धरातली पटल पर उतर kar proff karne  का समय आगया है जिसके लिए हम लोग २८ अगस्त 2009 को रवाना हो rahe है.. आप सभी का इस रैली मे स्वागत है.. गैरसैण यात्रा.. २८ अगस्त को शाम को ७ बजे दिल्ली से सुरु होगी...

ज्यादा जानकारी और Yaatra मे शामिल होने के लिए संपर्क करे..

मोहन बिष्ट          दयाल पाण्डेय       मुकुल पाण्डेय
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एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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From :
Ashok Pande wrote:
Dear Kamalji
We are talking of the Uttarakhand Govt, Most of the employees, ministers are Uttarakhandis. If they are the ones indulging in rampant corruption, eating away the funds meant for the people, where could U get development from? Would Gairsain solve the problem? In an earlier mail I had said Gairsain as capital shall be old wine in New Bottle. No benefits again rather funds for development and maintenance shall be diverted to create Structures, will in turn increase the real estate prices there. Land owners, Farmers, Orchard owners will sell their property to City Dwellers, who will further sell the same to some others, Real estate shall become unreal. Ofcourse modern economy Job Openings shall be created, but what will ultimately happen to the poor farmers. How will they survive in this new economy setup, Will they be able to survive in this New economy setup? Building of a city like capital in the hills will lead to unmeasured environmental damages too.
And who says one can't have e-governance setup in the hills. Kindly do a study on egovernance in AP (started by Shri Chandrababu Naidu) & probably TN, Karnataka(who probably have more population illiterate then our state), has resolved, fast paced governance, helped curb corruption. (BTW Let them eat cake is attributed to Marie-Antoinette (1755-93), the Queen consort of Louis XVI. She is supposed to have said this when she was told that the French populace had no bread to eat.) BTW where a cell phone has reached almost every villager in the nook and corner of UK, has Internet not reached? Even if it is not BSNL landlines can bring Internet within reach. There shall be no need to travel to the capital for every instance, if we have a decentralised role model of governance. If it is really so that villager has to go to the capital for every other resolution of problems, then remove the babus who arent doing their jobs well. Let the pressure be on the babus and Ministers. Hard times seek harsh measures.
My take is don’t insist on a new capital now, Insist on basics, Insist on efficiency, Insist on removal of corruption, Red tapism, Let the benefits of forming Uttarakhand reach the young, old, poor, masses.
As to your blue print on removing corruption, I would seek help of all of you in the same. It should be a joint effort to remove the menace which is cancerous and permeated to all levels not just the top. Brought us to a state where the Leaks are almost the size of Inlets. In a small state like uttarakhand it will not be difficult to identify the corrupt, where almost anybody and everybody goes through it or sees it happening below his eyes.
For a start a small step towards the blueprint.
1) First and foremost let us pass a resolution and involve as many Uttarakhandis to pledge for a  Zero Tolerance to Corruption Policy,
2) Create an eforum where all instances, ways, methods employed by various depts in indulging in bribery, corruption, favouritism are described in detail
3) Every instance of any form of Corruption, delaying tactics be reported in this forum. Even apprehensions to be noted.
4) Any instance cited, Complaint lodged shall be moved upto the Minister, CM level, CAG level.
5) Apply as much pressure by media, protests. dharnas  that life becomes difficult to the organised crooks in uniform.
6) If issues arent resolved still, further course of action shall be mooted.
I hope the beginning to Zero Tolerance of corruption in Uttarakhand has its first bricks laid here. Shree Ganeshay Namah!
Warm Regds
Ashok Pande

Dear Ashok ji,

I normally don't get time to read mails in detail but this time I made it a point that let me get some time to go through the discussion.

How do you know that we are turning a blind eye to corruption. Wherever I work (alas not in Uttarakhand) as a part of management team we have made it clear that NO Corruption would be tolerated in work. We have a very transparent system and stringent policies in place in our organisation.

Now you would say what I have done for Uttarakhand. I normally dont want to boast for any thing which I have done or am doing BUT let me assure you that whatever little time I get after my office hours that is only for Uttarakhand related cause and believe me I am not doing such discussions only for Gairsain issue but facilitating such discussions from last more then 10 years for various issues pertaining to Uttarakhnad.

Corruption is a there in INDIA also BUT it does not make every Indian as corrupt. If you go through todays news then even PM Manmohan Singh acknowledged that there is corruption, specially among people from high post. At the same time the Judges have agreed to disclose all of their properties in public. So we cant say corruption is only in UK and as I said that we are not saying the corruption is not an issue. This is an issue and people are fighting for that only. If you go through our forum then you will find we have many threads where we discussed about corruption in Uttarakhand BUT since corruption is an issue it does not make Gairasain as non-issue.

Gairsain is also not a panacea and will not solve all the problems BUT this would significantly impact various section of society of Uttarakhand at large. This is what is thought by many intellectuals from Uttarakhand. I can believe that many are getting attached to Gairsain issue only because of emotions but there is section of society which is attached with it only because they see the benefit of society in this movement.

May I know what is your blue print of removing corruption from India. Let us discuss on that and try to help people to implement the same blue print.

You mentioned that "In current Cyber age there is no necessity to travel to the capital,". This reminds me to statement made by Russian queen ....seeing the agitated hungry people she said that if they are not having bread for eating then why don't they eat cakes. If you see the IT and specially internet penetration in India then Internet penetration in India is not more then 1-2%. In India there is 68% of population which is below poverty lines means earning less then 40 Rs/day and these are official figures... reality might be worse then that. So if they cant afford a simple meal then how can they afford internet. So of which Cyber age are we talking?

If you see our forum for getting the Cyber age related data then every month we get more then 2.5 lacs page views in our forum and out of them only 300-400 are from Uttarakhand and that too from the big cities like Dehradoon and Haldwani. We have done the poster campaigns in Uttarakhand also to inform  people about or forum. We started career counseling sections in our forum but this has not resulted any increase in views from Uttarakhand. So we all know what is the status of Cyber age in our country and Uttarakhand. May be we are getting myopic since we are having all the luxuries of life so not able to feel the same pain as being felt by fellow Uttarakhandi at remote village. One of our member Pankaj has put it in nice way "For them a poor child is just a nice angle for their picture" let me quote "समझने के लिये दिल चाहिये, जिसमें उत्तराखण्ड बसा हो। उत्तराखण्ड के गांव का अपने एक हाथ से बहती पेंट संभाले हुये, फटी आस्तीन से सिगाँणा पोछता गरीब बच्चा जिनके लिये दर्द न होकर महज एक फोटो का एंगल हो, उनसे हम क्या आशा कर सकते हैं।'

Any ways... I am not asking you to change your views but urging you to see the views of others also and please don't discard them as frivolous or unimportant. They may not be well equipped like you for the so-called cyber age but that does not make them less human.

Waiting for seeing your blue print of corruption removal.



Ashok Pande wrote:
Shaileshji/ Kamalji
1) Its nice some of us are taking umbrage to "Corrupt" word. Just by not. being corrupt but by turning a blind eye to rampant corruption happening below your nose doesn’t absolve you from the adjective.
2) Are we here in the highway to get into any vehicle going anywhere or to a vehicle which leads us us to where we belong- pure, pristine, humane, honest.
I am surprised and amazed at your hurt on my commenting of the unbridled corruption existing in each and every dept of our Govt machinery in Uttarakhand.
When I said we Uttarakhandis are corrupt, I mean the machinery which is responsible for governance and welfare of our brethren who live in the hills with all the handicaps of rugged terrain, Post office economy making them economically disadvantaged, Lack of Employment makes the young migrate leaving the old to take care of themselves.
When I say underdeveloped, I mean the basic necessities like water, quality education, healthcare, employment opportunities in the hills. Do You believe they are hunky dory? When I say crooks - I mean the Forest mafia destroying the forests and mining destroying the environment. Its going on since ages with blessings from your leaders in the state and Delhi. The robbing by the PWD, Electricity Depts can be very well seen if u happen to visit the depts.
When the basic necessities don’t reach the most deserving recipients for rampant corruption, blood boils. And I am amazed we have Maharajas here who wish to ignore the basics
and wish to have another Capital built, sweeping the filth below the carpet. I don’t know what vision you have or what dearness you hold for your matrabhumi, but I believe we should
first clean the  filth and rubble before laying foundations of another capital. Capital can be built later too but if the same swines will rule what development do you foresee?
Shaileshji, firstly there should be a drive to cleanse the system before more money is spent on a capital which shall take years to develop and those in power get another opportunity to
take a swipe at funds for Development of new capital. Here lets us patriots should unite with no mercy to corruption, red tapism, nepotism, inefficiency.
In current Cyber age there is no necessity to travel to the capital, for which all of you are making such a hue and cry. Moreover does any of the advocates of Pro Gairsain Capital guarantee
that all your current ills will vanish if the capital is a few hours closer to you abode?
Hope this time the misunderstanding  gets corrected,
Warm Regds
Ashok Pande

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From: Shailesh Upreti
 Subject: Re: Why Gairsain??

Dear Respected and Intellectual fellow Uttarakhandies,

With due respect to you all I would like to thank everyone for pouring their personal views in GAIRSAIN think-tank. I don't wanna refrain from main stream discussion, however my humble urge to you all plz keep me off the discussion if statements like " We Uttarakhandis are also corrupt hence we aren't developed " are integral part or necessary to bring into notice here.

I might be a corrupt one and so the writer but its can't be true for all UTTARAKHANDIs,,,,,moreover its gross-insensitivity, insolence, contemptuous rudeness and huge ignorance on volunteers front working selflessly for our lovely state. Dear Respected Ashok ji I don't mean to hurt or oppose you, you might have THOUSAND of example to reveal the fact "Uttarakhandis are undeveloped", but I can have TONS of reasons to contradict the same. Please retrain from using any such generalized approach and terms, else keep me off from the discussion....."IT HURTS". I respect your time and motive to come forward with healthy discussion, however being a THETH PAHARI I wouldn't ever promote/support any unethical facts or statements creating disgust image of our entire community. I don't know how should i comment on your statements saying "We need cleansing of morals and values" when you yourselves have declared us CORRUPT and UNDEVELOPED.

To be very frank, I no where find myself fitting right into "corrupt" frame, moreover I have a self-respect/self-confidence/self-esteem for myself and I won't feel arrogant at all while saying I am very much DEVELOPED and so my UTTARAKHAND. If you find it fake, probably I don't understand the real meaning of the term DEVELOPED. For me DEVELOPMENT is good and mandatory as long as it doesn't kill our ethnic values. There we r much developed as our traditional identity is still preserved partially.

On Gairsain, I personally support all ongoing activities, being too far from the land (i consider this my misfortune though), I would be attending the rally over the phone and mail, and I would try my best that not only me but the entire UTTARAKHAND ASSOCIATION OF NORTH AMERCA and other Uttarakhandi Communities (Respected Bhisma ji plz bring Uttarakhand-Mumbai as well) to come forward and support the zeal and enthusiasm of all volunteers. I personally salute all team members for executing their keen interest and courage to KICK THE BALL OFF. We fought for our LOVE HILLS, we lost many lives during state movement,,we had the same demand at that time as well, so we totally understand the need of new CAPITAL now too. If government have no courage and competency to develop a new capital how can they think of the same for entire state. Need of a sophisticated capital is not to provide lavish lifestyle to our NETAs but a seamless access to them from different locations and vice versa.

On top of everything, I also support and willing to participate in any movement or rally or act or discussion to rectify other burning issues including but not limited to UNEMPLOYMENT, WOMEN EMPOWERMENT,  Healthcare, Corruption,  Child Education, Quality-Education, Water, Environment, NASHA-VIRODH, CANCER AWARENESS.....etc. Thanks for bringing these on top priorities (i do feel the same), so please come forward as a real motivator and I would personally be there to support in all possible ways. But don't pull other's leg if something concrete going up on ground.

We don't need any leader or team to spread an awareness, what we need is ENERGETIC CREATIVE BRAINS who can devote enough TIME on real ground rather just spreading mails alone. 

I personally respect the vision of Mr. Charu Tewari, Hem Pant, Dayal Pandey, Kailash Pandey, Mohan Bosht and the team,,,, I would also be a part of the really, its virtual this time but what matters is ENERGY, PARTICIPATION and SUPPORT.

Dear GAIRSAIN TEAM, I would be happy to sponsor the travel part of the rally, please let me know the estimate.

I would bring more people in sponsoring other expenses. Please let me know how the team working on accommodation front.

With Best Wishes and deep respect to you all....sorry if any harsh hurt you.

ek Uttarakhandi




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