Mera Pahad > MeraPahad/Apna Uttarakhand: An introduction - मेरा पहाड़/अपना उत्तराखण्ड : एक परिचय

Uttarakhand Calamity Relief Drive By "Mera Pahad Team"

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हेम पन्त:
पढिये और समझिये..

If I am not for myself , who will be for me?
If I am not for others , what am I? And if not now, when? - Rabbi Hillel. Jewish Religious Leader

हेम पन्त:
News Published in "Hindustan" news paper 08/10/10 (Kumaon Edition)...

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720:

The second visit of merapahad team to natural calamities afffected area is starting from tomorrow. This time team will visit to Tehri Garwal.

Mr Charu Tiwari ji and Dayal Pandey alongwith some other team members are visting and they will be joined by a team at Dehradoon.

हेम पन्त:
पिथौरागढ जिले के क्वीरीजिमिया, तहसील मुनस्यारी में "मेरा पहाड़" द्वारा भेजी गई सामग्री का काशी सिंह ऐरी जी द्वारा वितरण किया गया.
दैनिक "हिन्दुस्तान" में प्रकाशित खबर


हेम पन्त:
"Sarthak Prayash" A Non Profit Social Team of Youngesters in Noida Visited to the flood and landslide affected remote areas of Uttarakhand. They sent a team to Khairna, Garampani and Almora on 19th. Then they had distributed food and clothes in Garhwal Region also. The Relief material consisted  blankets, clothes and food commodities. They were succesful to reach at the locations where local administration has not provided any relief.
For more information on Sarthak Prayas and their Calamity Relief Drive, you may contact Mr. Umesh Pant (Mob-9899221158) 


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