Uttarakhand Updates > Anti Corruption Board Of Uttarakhand - उत्तराखण्ड में फैले भ्रष्टाचार के खिलाफ आम आदमी की मुहिम
Comment over the so called Hydro power project scam
Mehta Ji
I live in Dehradun and I am fully aquinted with the facts of the topic u made as breaking news. As this blog has concerns for the Pahad, it should not be boiled with the paid news that has recently been aired through Aaj Tak. In my view, this is only to tarnish the image of Nishank Government that is dedicated for the welfare of people. It is conspiracy made by those who can not digest the popularity of the government. The self identified hydro power projects that has yet not been allotted, cant be blamed for irregularity. The process of allotment is in offing and opposition is making hue and cry as if some thing happened very serious.
True to the fact, sponsored news as such is an impediment for the ongoing development works. Only by viewing the news, no one should make opinion.
What a mockery of media! Commercialisation has made fourth estate as a tool to showcase or downgrade anyone. A sponsor programme is being telecasted though Aaj Tak news channel and a blog of Pahad made for the concerns of Pahad takes it in the sense it has been aired.
One Pundir, the reporter belongs to Muzaffar Nagar, not of Uttarakhand. While Ashish is not correspondence but marketing person in the channel.
Uttarakhand is endowed with the enormous potential of hydro power. If it is harnessed, it can raise the revenue of the state. Also, it can make Uttarakhand, self reliant power state. Keeping this in view, the state government has made a concrete policy enshrined that private investors can come forward and make self identified projects. The government would examine the investors and through the projects. But, contrary to it, people clinging to power are making hue and cry to tarnish the image.
Ramesh Bhatt
Anubhav / अनुभव उपाध्याय:
Thanks Tejpal ji for writing on the forum. I would request you to give some facts for your views as given by Aaj Tak paid news.
Uttarakhand Admin:
Tejpal ji we appriciate your concerns. We have covered the news given by Aaj Tak. We do not know the authenticty of the same. That's why we have put it 'as is'.
If you have some facts and figures to share please put them here so that members can make their mind accordingly.
एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720:
Dear Tejpal Ji,
First of all a very warm welcome to Merapahad Community and a big thank for making your comments on the subject.
Tejpal Ji.. Aaj Tak is India's No 1 News Channel and they exposed this scam with many facts. I saw the full programme and even our Honorable CM was there answering the questions. The Reporter asked many questions to CM and asked clarification on many issues, but the answers were not satisfactory from his side. He has been harping on MOU only.
We are of the opinion that is 100% discrepancy.
The whole Uttarahkand even the nation wish that Govt of produce the facts / evidence against the questions raised by Aaj Tak.
Let me also make clear that this is a free portal Uttarkahand where anyone can raise against the corruption. We are not into the politics at all.
If you have the facts available against the concerned raised by the Aaj Tak, you can also produce them here. Let everybody know the truth.
Secondly, our humble request not to make any personal remarks against any Reporter etc.
We would like to also clarify that our aim is not to defame the Govt over this issue. We only want truth and people found guilty must be punished.
M S Mehta.
PS : we are also producing some views of many people through our mail groups.
This is the main Topic where this discussion is going on.
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