Mr. Vinod Kimothi well known RTI activist and social worker detected a case of PTA ....................
PTA teachers in Govt. aided School who had worked up to 2001 and left job for any reason have capacity to pay hefty some now will get their Jobs back with Govt. scale and salary .
In a significant decision from DIRECTOR of Education Uttarakhand ordered to absorbe left PTA teachers in vacant post of any Govt. aided schools of Uttarakhand .
In one similar case DEO Dehradun by the order of DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION Uttarakhand Dehradun, absorbed One PTA teachers who had worked up to 2001 and Left the job of Rs500 for higher salary of Public School where he worked up to 2004.After leaving school another teacher was appointed on his post.
When Govt. decided to pay salary to regular working PTA teachers of aided school, he too applied for that. But due to joining of another regular teacher on his place and his absence in that Aided School and working in other place at the time of issuance of salary GO on 2003 The Education official of that time holding seat declined his application.This PTA fellow moved to court getting no relief.BUT.......
After 10 years by the virtue of .....golden hand ...... Director of Education ordered to DEO Dehradun to adjust him in Any Govt. aided school and pay salary. After this order this PTA fellow ......adjusted School his good will....and good appointment in Gorkha Military Inter College Dehradun as an Lecturer.
It is GOOD news to all veteran PTA teachers who LEFT his PTA job 10 years before and working in Low salary job any where OR on Road for surge of good livelihood EDUCATION DEPARTMENT UTTARAKHAND is for your help. Invest SMARTLY.....Enjoy...Happily.
I posted several reports on it Earlier.....I hope KHANDURI JI.....Factor...will change this Image of UTTARakhand.