Uttarakhand Updates > Anti Corruption Board Of Uttarakhand - उत्तराखण्ड में फैले भ्रष्टाचार के खिलाफ आम आदमी की मुहिम
We Don't Support Virasat in Dehradoon - विरासत उत्तराखंड हितेषी संस्था नही है
Dear Friends!
It is quite shameful that the VIRASAT is organizing such a big events in Uttarkhand, and totally ignoring, disrespecting the Uttarkhand Sanskriti & the people.
It’s time for us to act on a serious issue against the ‘so called cultural organization’-“VIRSAT” organized by REACH - Dehradun (Rural Entrepreneurship for Art & Cultural Heritage) who claims to be the biggest cultural festival in Asia .
It is established with regards to promote culture and heritage but the fact is that, they don’t know how to respect the culture & people of uttarakhand which has been proved when they humiliated the legend of uttarakhand Shri.Narendra Singh Negiji.
They have also been partial every time with the local uttarakhandi artist and the other artists while serving them.
Why can’t they involve more uttarakhandi member, when our govt. is contributing money in the welfare?
Please join hands for this cause .
एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720:
Thanks Rajneesh Ji, for sharing this information.
It is indeed a very sad and shameful incident that people who are organizing this Programme in Uttarakhand and are totally ignoring our concern.
Strong protest is required to be done for this.
हेम पन्त:
"Virasat" had already done the same thing in past too... This is totally illogical to organize a "Rural Cultural and Heritage Festival" without involving local artists.
Why state govt. is putting its money to this program, if they are not showcasing the rich art and culture of Uttarakhand?
Anubhav / अनुभव उपाध्याय:
This is really a shameful repeat of past. Government should have learned from the mistakes of past but they are again repeating the same.
Really awful.
Dinesh Bijalwan:
To counter such things all shall have to come on one platform and organize a own virasat programme in repy to the so called virsat protectors. All the cultural groups should protest. Media should also make a note of it and Uttrakhand Goverment should be more sensitive to local cultural heritage- It can have two elements - ist local heritage and 2nd National heritage. In the national hertiage part the elements of our national unity and cultural heritage can be included. The focus should be on synthesis of both elements.
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