From - Ram Prasad
Date: Wednesday, 2 January, 2013, 8:25 AM
विकास धर्म की बहस पहाड़ी उत्तराखंड के औद्योगिकीकरण पर अटक जाती है
addressed to
सदस्य, म्यर उत्तराखंड, धुमाकोट/नैनीडांडा तथा इंटरनेट पर उपलब्ध दूसरे उत्तराखंडी ग्रुप
हम चर्चा करते आये हैं कि जनवरी के महीने में चार महत्व पूर्ण भाषण होते है. दो देश के राष्ट्र पति के और दो प्रधान मंत्री के. इस साल राष्ट्रपति का एक और भाषण होने वाला है. यह भाषण साइंस कांग्रेस के अवसर पर होगा. राष्ट्रपति इस कांग्रेस का उद्घाटन करेंगे. दूसरी ओर कोचियार लाइब्रेरी में विकास धर्म की चर्चा शुरू हो गयी है. इस धर्म में विज्ञान आता है और सनातन धर्मों में समा जाता है. आज की चर्चा साइंस कांग्रेस से शुरु की जा रही है. तभी तो साइंस धर्म पर चर्चा करना जरूरी है. इस संदर्भ में सब से पहले कल कोलकाता में उद्घाटित हो रहे साइंस कांग्रेस की जानकारी लेना ज़रूरी होगा. यहाँ इन्टरनेट यह जानकारी दे रहा है:
The Centenary Session of Indian Science Congress is being organised from 3rd-7th, January , 2013 in University of Calcutta, Kolkatta. The President of India, ShriPranab Mukerjee will inaugurate the Centenary Session of the Indian Science Congress at Salt lake Stadium on 3rd January, 2013 , in the august presence of the Prime Minister of India Dr Manmohan Singh , Ms Mamata Banerjee, Chief Minister of West Bengal, Shri. M K Narayana Governor, West Bengal and Dr Jaipal Reddy, Minister of Science & Technology, Government of India.
This is another historical occasion where the presiding Prime Minister of the Country is the General President for the Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA). Bose Institute and University of Calcutta are co-hosting the events being organized at Kolkata. The five-day Science Congress will be attended by eminent scientists and academicians from all over the world.
The historical importance of 100th Science Congress is in more than one way. Whereas the themes for all the sessions up the period of 2003 since the first session in 1914 could be grouped under ‘Shaping of the Indian Science’, the focal theme selected for the centenary session is “Science for shaping the future of India”.
साइंस कांग्रेस की जानकारी तो समाचारों के माध्यम से मिलती जाएगी. पर कोचियार लाइब्रेरी तो उस साइंस में रुचि ले रही है जो साइंस उत्तराखंड के पहाडी हिस्से के औद्योगिकीकरण में सहायक हो. इसलिए यहाँ पर हम मेल Sun, 3 January, 2010 12:24:29 PM How Phatte ki Sarkar is working as a template for Gopio-WFSW Effect के पहले पैराग्राफ को उद्धृत कर रहे हैं जो कहता है
The Science Congress Ritual has started in Trivandrum. Shortly the Indian Prime Minister will inaugurate it. He will deliver his prepared speech. It will follow the familiar template of speeches. The people attending this annual ritual would not know what happened in the 1947 Science Congress. The country was still a British Colony. But the Prime Minister of the Interim Government was Jawaharlal Nehru. The world was different then. The Second World War had erased the power of colonial empires. The power of emperors had been erased by the First World War. The world around the 1947 Science Congress was concerned about the future of colonies that were being liberated from the colonial rule of the Colonial Powers of Europe. The Great Britain was the leader of the leader of the Big Three that won the war. It was this country that was to create a template of development for the decolonized world of the tomorrow of that time. The Phatte ki Sarkar has discussed this template of development in terms of 1946 WFSW Nehru Effect and the Nehru Bhatnagar Effect.
इस के साथ ही अगली मेल Mon, 4 January, 2010 9:14:34 AM Endless Frontiers for Nishank (RPN) provided by the Phatte ki Sarkar का अवलोकन करना भी उचित होगा. इस मेल का अन्तिम भाग इस चर्चा में लाया जा सकता. यह था
Dr Nishank can also help the Central Government. "Inclusion of the lens nursery project in the state plan" can help Indian Government to solve some of the problems mentioned in PM’s Trivandrum address.
"noted Nobel laureate Dr Ramakrishnan's recent comment on the need for greater "autonomy from red tape and local politics" for Indian scientists". He recognizes that much of what we have to do to improve science requires money. But his "but" , that is, this is only one part of what is needed" requires an instrument to work with." He admits that also requires a change in mindset, including, if I may say so, the mindset of senior faculty and university administration. Sometimes that is the hardest thing to do.
Dr Nishank can provide information to the central government by what he is able to do by getting the lens nursery project included in the staff plan. Phatte ki Sarkar has already covered some ground in the direction of brain gain" . Gopio may agree to find resources for the "Gopio Institute of iBusiness" if things move in the direction of "establishing the lens nursery." The following solutions sought by the Prime Minister " have already been found" through the movements of Dhumakot Sangliya Experiment:
I urge all our scientific institutions to introspect and to propose mechanisms for greater autonomy, including autonomy from the government, which could help to improve standards for research and development. We must make a special effort to encourage scientists of Indian origin currently working abroad to return to our country including coming to our universities or scientific institutions for a short period. In this way we can, convert the "brain drain" of the past into a "brain gain" for the future. This will require special incentives. We need to think creatively on how this can be done so that high quality minds are attracted to teaching and research in our country. I invite you all to explore all these issues and engage with the Government so that we can do what is needed to liberate Indian science from the shackles and deadweight of bureaucratic and in-house favouritism. Only then we can unleash the latent talent and creative energies of our vast scientists and engineers too.
Dr Nishank has already done some thing by accepting the above suggestion of the Phatte ki Sarkar
Dr Nishank can also help the Central Government. "Inclusion of the lens nursery project in the state plan" can help Indian Government to solve some of the problems mentioned in PM’s Trivandrum address.
Asha Ballabh Maindoliya ने मेल Date: Monday, 31 December, 2012, 2:44 AM 2014 के चुनाव मुद्दों में लेन्स नर्सरी का मुद्दा लाया जा सकता है Dhumakot/Nainidanda ग्रुप में कहा
Yahi Jeewan ki muskan hai.
यह मुद्दा गंभीर रूप से चर्चित हो रहा है. इस दिशा में पहल धर्म जी कर रहे है. वह साथ ही साथ वह नैनीडांडा विकास संघ में भी रुचि ले रहे है. आशा बल्लभ जी स्थानीय नैनीडान्डीयन हैं. इस से उनके जीवन की मुस्कान और फैलेगी. धर्म जी ने कल की मेल Date: Tuesday, 1 January, 2013, 5:46 AM राजनीति को विकास धर्म तो अपनाना ही होगा पर टिप्पणी की
Uttarakhand as a state has done well since inception. As compared to average annual growth of mere 4.2% over 1993-94 to 2000-01, the State witnessed a robust growth of 13% over 2004-05 and 2009-10.
This growth has been primarily driven by manufacturing and construction sectors.
In terms of future development, in our view the following should be the guiding principles
1. Employment generation should be the one of the key objectives
2. The growth momentum over the last decade has to be sustained
3. The economic development should leverage on the competitive advantages of the State. Tourism has a critical role to play here
4. Hill Development has to be brought in greater focus. Tourism and Agri Business, including Herbal and Medicinal plants have to be the pillars of hill development strategy.
5. Growth has to be balanced with the imperatives of environment conservation, given the ecologically fragile nature of the State.
While the detailed recommendations are presented in the full document
लेकिन उत्तराखंड के पहाड़ी क्षेत्र का विकास तो TNORD की टेक्नोलॉजिकल नर्सरी से ही संभव हो पायेगा |
लेंस नर्सरी के प्रोजेक्ट को "स्टेट प्लानिंग कमीशन"(SPC) में लाना ही होगा |
आईये, सभी मिलकर, इस विषय पर एकजुट होकर प्रयास करें, एवं उत्तराखंड के विकास में अपना योगदान दें |
इस टिप्पणी पर बहस हुई जो कि इस तरह चली
Incredible(अतुल्य उत्तराखंड) - "ठेठ पहाड़ से" ॥ सिर्फ पहाड़ के लिए ॥
Date:Tuesday, January 1, 2013 राजनीति को विकास धर्म तो अपनाना ही होगा addressed to सदस्य,म्यरउत्तराखंड,धुमाकोट/नैनीडांडातथाइंटरनेटपरउपलब्ध दूसरेउत्तराखंडीग्रुप कोचियार मेलों में जनवरी महीने को महत्व दिया जाता है. साइंस कांग्रेस होती है. साइंस और विकास का सीधा सम्बन्ध ह...
Balbir Singh Rawat
Should we not differentiate between the words DEVELOPMENT and PROGRESS? pragati and unnati. One takes us ahead on the same plain, the other takes us higher over another plain. Rush after money and materials without elation of humane qualities is long-term-sure-to-damage achievement.
Sunil Negi
It's undoubtedly that we have progressed manifold in the last 12 years of our coming into existence, but it is ofcourse quite natural as well as after coming into separate existence the amount of budget and the decentralisation of political and economic power as compared to the undivided Utter Pradesh has increased tremendously and after being accorded the special status things have come quite favorably in terms of development. Previously when we were with UP there was merekly the development of the state except total negligence and draining out of the budget unnecessarily but after having a separate entity we were able to select our priorities and do the development as per our wishes, local realities and according the the regional demands. Let's see whether we'll be able to continue this trend in future as well or we are going to go down. But one thing is sure that as compared to development the corruption has also led to filing ofthe coffers of the politicians, corrupt bureaucracy, private contractors and the big business houses who have made UK their prime land for earning profits out of exploitation of its natural resources. We have to apply a formidable brake to this unholy trend.
धर्म सिंह बुटोला
we shall not debate on the ITIHAAS
the scenaro like PONTY/MONTY is about to vanish
the need of the hour is the indutrialisation for Hill Area Development, hence we cant say anything progressive unless there is DEVELOPMENT in the HILL AREA
Balbir Singh Rawat
You are very correct Butola Ji.
Balbir Singh Rawat
Sunil Ji, to prove that I am better, I must compare myself with one on who was equal to me at the starting point. UP vs UK is no topic for debate. What should be the standard measure of testing development/progress? WHAT IS THE REASON WE STRUGGLED FOR THE STATE OF UP HILLS? EMPLOYMENT/SELF-EMPLOYMENT AND HALTING MIGRATION, I suppose. Have we made any progress in these two aspects when seen as percentage of total population of the UK (include the pravaasees after the State was formed). Find the right figures and you will get the answer.
इस तरह हम देख रहे है कि बहस किसी भी तरफ से चल कर उत्तराखंड के औद्योगिकीकरण पर रुक जाती है. ई बिजनेस की और से चलने वाली सभी सभी बहसें इसी स्थान पर आ कर रुक जाती है. वहाँ से तो आइ बिजनेस की चढाई शुरु हो जाती है वहाँ विवेक का उपयोग में लाना जरूरी हो जाता है. टेक्नोलॉजिकल नर्सरियों की सीमा शुरू हो जाती हैं. ई बिजनेस अब तक अपरोक्ष ढंग से आइ बिजेनेस का क्षेत्र पार करता आया है. खुलकर इसलिए नहीं कर रहा था क्योंकि तब उसके लिए गरीबी की समस्या कोई समस्या थी ही नहीं. अब है. अफ्रीका का क्षेत्र अल्प या अविकसित है. उस पर संयुक्त राष्ट्र इसलिए ध्यान दे रहा है कि गरीबों का मसीहा सोविएत संघ चल बसा है. इस तरह लेन्स नर्सरी का महत्व उत्तराखंड तक ही सीमित नहीं है. विश्वव्यापी है.
राम प्रसाद