Uttarakhand Updates > Articles By Esteemed Guests of Uttarakhand - विशेष आमंत्रित अतिथियों के लेख
Article by Famous Scientiest Ram Prasad Ji - वैज्ञानिक राम प्रसाद जी के लेख
एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720:
वैज्ञानिक राम प्रसाद जी के लेख
आज मेरापहाड़ से जुड़ रहे है एक एसे व्यक्तित्व जो एक प्रख्यात वैज्ञानिक है, एक प्रत्रकार और समाज सेवी भी है! उत्तराखंड के विभिन्न जन समस्याओ और सामाजिक कार्यो में भी उनका बहुत योगदान रहा है! ये व्यक्तित्व है श्री राम प्रसाद जी!
श्री राम प्रसाद जी इस थ्रेड में अपना लेख लिखेंगे! हमें उम्मीद है हमारी नयी पीड़ी उनके लेखो से प्रेरित होगी!
M S Mehta
श्री राम प्रसाद जी एक एक परिचय !
वैज्ञानिक रामप्रसाद: एक परिचय
उत्तराखण्ड की देवभूमि ने कई राष्ट्रीय, अंतराष्ट्रीय महापुरुषों, संतों, साहित्यकारों, राजनेताओं, योद्धाओं, समाज सुधारकों, क्रान्तिकारियों, व खिलाड़ियों को जन्म देकर मानवता को गौरवान्वित किया। तीर्थो व धामों की इस पावन धरती जहाँ एक तरफ महान क्रान्तिकारी स्वतंत्रता सेनानी चन्द्रसिंह गढ़वाली, भवानीसिंह रावत, जन अधिकारों के समर्पित प्रखर योद्धा श्रद्धेय श्रीदेव सुमन, नागेन्द्र सकलानी जी, चिपको आन्दोलन की प्रणेता गौरा देवी,महा निषेद आन्दोलन की अमर नायिका टिचकी माई, मुकुन्दीलाल बैरिष्टर या मानव उत्थान समिति के प्रणेता आध्यात्म पुरुष हंस जी महाराज, विश्व प्रसिद्ध पर्यावरणविद सुन्दरलाल बहुगुणा, चण्डी प्रसाद भट्ट व ओम प्रकाश डंगवाल, राधाबहिन तथा विश्व प्रसिद्ध निशानेबाज जसपाल राणा, पर्वतारोही बछेन्द्रीपाल, उत्तराखण्ड जन आन्दोलन के महानायक इन्द्रमणि बडोनी, क्रान्तिवीर देवसिंह रावत, प्रख्यात साहित्यकार सुमित्रानन्दन पंत, व चन्द्रकुँवर बत्र्वाल, शैलेश मटियाणी तथा प्रसिद्ध जननेता स्व0 गोविन्द बल्लभ पंत व ऋषिवल्लभ सुन्द्रियाल व ज्योतिष्पीठाधीशशंकराचार्य माधवाश्रम जी महाराज ने इस पावन धरती में जन्म लिया, वहीं अनेक दक्ष चिकित्सक, अग्रणी इंजीनियर, शीर्ष प्रशासनिक अधिकारी व वैज्ञानिकों को भी जन्म दिया। देश के शीर्ष वैज्ञानिकों में अग्रणी रहेश्रामप्रसाद जी का जन्म 1 जनवरी 1931 को पौड़ी जनपद की गुजुड़ू पट्टी के सिबियाधार (कोचियार) गाँव के श्री रघुवर दत्त ध्यानी के घर में हुआ। वैज्ञानिक रामप्रसाद की प्रारम्भिक शिक्षा प्राइमरी स्कूल कोचियार (1941 तक), मिडिल स्कूल नैनीडाण्डा (1941 से 1944 तक), गवर्नमेंट इन्टर कालेज लैंसडौन (1944 से 1950 तक) में हुई। उच्च शिक्षा डी ए वी कालेज देहरादून में ग्रहण की और शोध कार्य आइ आइ टी दिल्ली में किया।
1952 से भारत सरकार के रक्षा अनुसंधान और विकास संगठन में अपना रिसर्च कैरियर आरम्भ करने वाले वैज्ञानिक राम प्रसाद जी की प्रथम प्रधान मंत्री नेहरू जी से चण्डीगढ़ अपने संस्थान में हुई मुलाकात के क्षण आज भी रोमांचित करते हैं।
अपने लम्बे जीवन काल में वैज्ञानिक रामप्रसाद ने अपना पूरा समय अनुसंधान को समर्पित किए रखा। पर कभी भी संकीर्णता को अपने पास नहीं आने दिया। वैज्ञानिक समाजवाद के उद््घोषक राम प्रसाद कई राष्ट्रीय और अन्तरराष्ट्रीय सम्मेलनों में देश व दक्षिण एशिया के वैज्ञानिक प्रतिनिधि मंडलों का नेतृत्व देश और विदेश में करते रहे। 1975 में अमेरिका व रूस के उपग्रहों अपोलो और सोयूज के अंतरिक्ष मिलन के एतिहासिक अवसर पर मास्को में समस्त विश्व के वैज्ञानिकों के महत्वपूर्ण सम्मेलन में वैज्ञानिक राम प्रसाद दक्षिण एशिया के वैज्ञानिकों के प्रतिनिधि मंडल के नेता थे। इस प्रतिनिधि मंडल में दस बारह जाने माने वैज्ञानिक थे जिन में नेहरू जी के नज़दीकी डा0 हुसैन ज़हीर, सर सी वी रमन के शिष्य डा0 कथावटे के साथ साथ बंगला देश की पूर्व प्रधान मंत्री हसीना के पति डा0 वाज़िद और नेपाल के पूर्व प्रधान मंत्री रेग्मी के नाम उल्लेखनीय हैं। असोशिएशन आॅफ साइंटिफ़िक वर्कर्स आॅफ इंडिया के वर्तमान अध्यक्ष वैज्ञानिक रामप्रसाद पाँच दसकों से नेहरूजी के इस संगठन से जुड़े हैं।
प्रधान मंत्री समय समय पर असोशिएशन आॅफ साइंटिफ़िक वर्कर्स आॅफ़ इंडिया के सम्मेलनों में अपनी भागीदारी निभाते रहे। श्रीमती इंदिरा गांधी, राजीव गांधी इन सम्मेलनों में बहुत रुचि दिखाते थे। वैज्ञानिक राम प्रसाद जी ने 22 वर्षों तक एसोशिएशन आॅफ साइंटिफ़िक वर्कर्स आॅफ इंडिया की महत्वपूर्ण बुलेटिन का भी सफलता पूर्वक प्रकाशन किया। एक बार पूर्व प्रधान मंत्री मोरारजी देसाई (तब वह मंत्री नहीें थे) ने जब बुलेटिन को अपने घर के कार्यालय में देते हुए वैज्ञानिक प्रसाद को देखा तो पास बुलाकर पूछा क्या है? जब राम प्रसाद जी ने कहा कि यह विज्ञान की पत्रिका है तो देसाई जी गुर्राये व बोले तुम मुझे विज्ञान सिखाओगे ? मैं तब का बी एस्सी हूँ तब तुम पैदा भी नहीं हुए होगे। इस पर राम प्रसाद जी ने अपने बुलेटिन के दृष्टिकोण का परिचय दिया जो कि विज्ञान को समाज का अंग बनाने को महत्व देता है। मोरारजी भाई प्रभावित हुए एवम् उन्होंने निरन्तर बुलेटिन देने व संपर्क रखने की सलाह दी। विज्ञान को मानव जीवन के उत्थान की कुंजी मानने वाले वैज्ञानिक राम प्रसाद जी ने अनुसंधान पर विशेष जोर दिया। वे स्पष्ट करते हैं कि आज के युग में वही देश व समाज आगे बढ़ सकते हंै जिनकी सोच वैज्ञानिक है और जिन्होंने विज्ञान को अपने विकास का आधार बनाया हुआ है। उन्होंने इसके लिए अनुसंधान प्रयोगशाजाओं से आम आदमी के उपयोग व समाज के विकास के लिए टेक्नोलौजिकल नर्सरियों का वृहद स्तर पर जाल सा बिछाने की सलाह दी। इसी काम में वर्षों से अनुसंधानरत वैज्ञानिक राम प्रसाद जी ट्नौर्ड संस्था के द्वारा इस अवधारणा को धरातल पर उतारना चाहते हैं। वे इस चीज से दुखी हैं कि आज के राजनेता केवल हवाई भाषणबाजी में ही दिलचस्पी रखते हैं। वह मानते हैं कि विकास का मुख्य आधार विज्ञान है पर केवल विज्ञान के नाम पर किए जाने वाले विज्ञान के प्रति उनकी कोई रुचि नहीं है। वैज्ञानिक खोज किसी भी क्षेत्र में की जा सकती है और हर क्षेेत्र मेें निरंतर होनी चाहिए पर साथ साथ ऐसी व्यवस्था भी होनी चाहिए हर खोज का समाज उपयोग करे। वैज्ञानिक राम प्रसाद बताते हैं कि मानव समाज के कल्याणार्थ की गई खोजों को प्रयोगशालाओं से निकाल कर देश व समाज के उपयोग में लाने के लिए टेक्नोलौजिकल नर्सरियाँ बहुत ही उपयोगी हैं। इस संदर्भ में नवगठित उत्तराखण्ड सरकार का ध्यान आकृष्ठ करने में प्रयासरत हैं। परन्तु बहुत खेदकी बात है कि एैसे भागीरथों की घोर उपेक्षा करके राजनेता देश व समाज का अहित तो कर ही रहे हैं साथ में विकास को अवरुद्ध भी कर रहे हैं। वैज्ञानिक राम प्रसाद जी बताते हैं कि चीन की चमत्कारिक विकास का आधार ही टेक्नोलौजिकल नर्सरियाँ हैं। परन्तु टेक्नोलौजिकल नर्सरियों के लिए चार दषक मेें देश की सरकारों से लगातार आग्रह करने वाले वैज्ञानिक राम प्रसाद की इस धरोहर की उपेक्षा हो रही है।
परन्तु इस सब के बाद भी वैज्ञानिक राम प्रसाद जी मयूर विहार स्थित अपनी प्रयोगशाला में इसी आशा में अनुसंधानरत है ंकि कभी तो सरकार को अपने दायित्व का बोध होगा । इसी पर कटाक्ष करते हुए वे ’प्यारा उत्तराखंड’ में ’फट्टे की सरकार’ नामक स्तम्भ लिख रहे हैं।
Technological Nursery for Optics Research and
Development (TNORD)
D-5 Dronacharya Apartments,
Mayur Vihar Phase I Ext.,
Tel: 22714920
Fax: 22719366
E-mail: tnordramprasad@yahoo.co.in
March 16, 2003
Institute Of Forest Ecology
Mendel University of Forestry
Zamedelska 3
Czech Republic
uttaranchal_web_watch@hotmail.com <uttaranchal_web_watch@hotmail.com>
Dear Shri Tewari,
Uww has already published
1. First things first in Uttarakhand
2. Uttrakhand and 50 years of Indian Science.
3. Science Driven development of Uttaranchal (3) “Uttaranchal and Professor MGK Menon
The fourth note: Science Driven Development of Uttaranchal (4) : Dr Murli Manohar Joshi and Uttaranchal has also been sent Dr M M Joshi is the current Science Minister and as stated we will have a lot to say about his subsequent work.
The next note Science Driven Development of Uttaranchal (5): Koshiyariji and his 80 days is being forwarded herewith. Shri Koshiyari is the leader of opposition in Uttaranchal and it is understood that he is currently hospitalized in Delhi.
With kind regards,
Yours sincerely
Science Driven Development of Uttaranchal (5): Koshiyariji and his 80 days.
The series Science Driven Development of Uttaranchal was started with the article First things first in Uttarakhand based on an editorial in British Journal Nature (Vol. 275, 21 September 1978, pp. 167-168) that carried the title 'First thing first in the Third World'. This was followed by a review of the 50 years of Indian Science. The views of a former science minister (Professor MGK Menon) and future science minister (Dr M M Joshi) were then brought in to the discussion. This addition covers the efforts of TNORD to educate the Uttaranchal Chief Ministers on the role of science in the development of the new state. Former Chief Minister Koshiyariji had some 80 days to orbit the state. This was a very short time for a pedestrian round and Shri Koshiyari was advised to take a scientific flight. This presentation is compiled from the following four letters
24.11.2001(Shri Koshiyari) Harness developed TNORD MOU with Joshi & Kalam
13.11.2001(Dr M M Joshi) Sustainable politics of Uttaranchal development
16.11.2001(Dr M M Joshi) Overcoming Vittal’s Red Tape Gorilla
08.11.2001(Shri Koshiyari) Al Qaeda of bureaucracy & Intellectual cluster bombs
and accordingly the text has four parts.
The state of development would not physically change during Shri Koshiyari’s tenure as Chief Minister, Uttaranchal. This handicap could be compensated by focusing on intellectual front. It took almost the same tenure time for George Bush to prepare for launching Operation Enduring Freedom. The preparation for this operation was covered by intellectual work. Much of this work has already been done by TNORD. Shri Koshiyari could take advantage by agreeing to launch a movement for science driven rural development on the lines of TNORD.
Dr Murli Manohar Joshi is the Minister for Science in Government of India. Shri Bachi Singh Rawat is the Minister of State in the same Ministry. Shri K C Pant is the Deputy Chairman of Planning Commission. Gen Khanduri, an Engineer is the Minister of State (Independent Charge) in the Union Cabinet. The new state of Uttaranchal has come up with a special status. Dr Murli Manohar Joshi has recently been honoured by the Russian Academy of Natural Science. The Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India has given up his association with the Govt to devote himself to the roots. TNORD has the authority of an enduring effort of three decades for science driven rural development. There is Joshi-Khanduri MOU for establishing a lens industry in Uttaranchal. The weakness of the state of Uttaranchal to implement this MOU raises many questions. These questions have been discussed in the correspondence presented to Shri Koshiyari. The following table sums up the contents of the correspondence.
The Al Qaeda of administration in our country was designed by Lord McCauley. It was designed to serve the colonial ends. There was no effort to organise an Operation Enduring Freedom. No Al Qaeda was developed to implement Gandhi’s Rachanatmak Karya Krama. The TNORD effort tries to focus on these issues. The above four letters form the text of a different type of research paper. They together try to demonstrate a different culture to facilitate development.
The ongoing body – machine or social system – has to follow the law of diminishing returns after reaching the saturation or maturity point. The spirit of innovation ends at this point. Rules are set and followed ritually. Rules override development. The living system takes care of itself by incorporating rhythmic dialectics in its rules of operation. History is never written on a clean slate. The written slate becomes an old page. Lord McCauley, capitalism, communism, first world war, second world war, atom bomb, computer, internet, etc are objects of the past pages of the history. They are not dead. But there are other objects too which are visualised but not yet realised. These objects are strange to old objects but old objects are not strangers to these new objects. Development has to be oriented to these new objects. The very nature of definition of development takes it off from the party agendas. TNORD programme is filtered through party agendas. Letters are addressed to MPs, Ex-MPs and other stake holders. But the work that does not provide play ground for party politics looses importance. Development has always been non-glamorous. To cover this weakness, it is necessary to launch an intense intellectual operation enduring freedom to persuade authorities as it has been attempted here.
Harness potentials of Drs Joshi and Kalam
As mentioned in our letter dated Nov 8, 2001, we consider Uttaranchal as a laboratory for development and you as its new director. In that letter we brought to your kind notice how the Russian honour to Dr Murli Manohar Joshi can be treated as a new resource for the development of Uttaranchal. We later addressed two letters to Dr. Joshi in the same connection and copies of the same are enclosed.
In the meantime I had a telephonic talk with Bharat Ratna Dr A P J Abdul Kalam, who till recently was the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India. It may be possible to associate Dr Kalam with the development of Uttaranchal. The news weekly Outlook published an interview with Dr Kalam. Presented below is TNORD reaction on the relevant excerpts of this interview.
Dr Kalam: “Economic growth comes from the integrated growth of technology, infrastructure, education and, above all the urge to market our products…The nation has to market Indian products which have brand value. It should also share its civilisational qualities for world peace. G-8 leaders visit other countries to market their equipment and systems with nicely-packaged political agenda. Recently I visited Tripura, Assam and Jharkhand. All these states have abundant natural and human resources. There should be integrated projects in mission-mode, unique for a particular state and funded in an integrated way.”
TNORD: The observations of Dr Kalam are particularly important in relation to the newly created Uttaranchal state. There is a nicely packaged development agenda that seeks establishment of a lens industry in the region. There is Joshi-Khanduri MOU that envisages funding of the projects of the programme dedicated to the establishment of a technological nursery for optics research and development in an integrated way. Dr Murli Manohar Joshi has recently been honoured by the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences for his work on sustainable consumption. This amounts to marketing of Indian thoughts on civilisational qualities for world peace. TNORD can also be utilised as a demonstration model for this Indian thought ready for international intellectual market.
Dr Kalam: “In my career of 43 years, I’ve changed my area of work almost every 10 years. Change brings new thoughts, new thoughts lead to innovative actions. From August 2001, I have been visiting many states. I have addressed about 15,000 students, mostly in high schools. I shared their imaginations. I have found that I can communicate well with them. Think I can ignite in their minds a love for science and the nation’s mission: a developed India.”
TNORD: Drs Murli Manohar Joshi and Abdul Kalam share the summit of Indian Science. The above synthesis of the two in TNORD programme is extremely interesting. Dr Kalam’s decision to leave the space and enter the roots is very significant. He hopes to devote himself to the roots of Indian masses. There is, however, a formidable barrier between the roots of Indian masses and his target, that is students, mostly in high schools. This barrier of literacy has to go. Man must be reached in his natural dialect.
Dr Kalam: On page 33 the same news-weekly carries an impression by Anita Pratap on Rebuilding India. This impression observes: “They are also supporting the introduction of science and technology in the 30 villages around Kanchipuram. Spearheading this movement is Missile Man Abdul Kalam, a key supporter of the Kanchi Math.” In its quiet unobtrusive way, the Kanchi Math truly symbolises the spirit of Hinduism – a way of life more tolerant, philosophical and non-didactic than any other religion in the world. Located in the heart of Kanchipuram, the Kanchi Math, the seat of the Shankarachayras for 2500 years, is so nondescript that you could actually miss it.-
TNORD: Religion is some thing, which is conveyed to the man in his own dialect. Religion, although a social reality and not a natural reality, has thus become a part of the belief which is naturally conveyed from one generation to the other within the social range, which is the community. This is why religion works as primary governance for human society. As the society evolves it becomes complex and becomes a battle ground of conflicting orders that are created in the process of evolution. The orders that are more tolerant, philosophical and non-didactic survive. In the age of science, science and the science of science cannot be ignored and it has to deep as in the case of the Kanchi Math.
‘Strength respects strength’ was the philosophy on which Dr Kalam worked while he was at the Defence work. We coined a parallel philosophy ‘confidence wins confidence’. This philosophy coin should also work for the development of Uttaranchal. Uttaranchal must muster confidence in order to acquire strength. There is, however, something more than the above philosophy and that something drives Dr Kalam to give up the ongoing business and start a new one.
Dr Kalam proposes to communicate with high school students to interest them in his dream of developed India. It is obvious from the middle excerpt in the above table that Dr Kalam means a business far different from what he has been officially engaged in for 43 years. But the third excerpt is related to his unofficial business at the Kanchi Math to build a more tolerant, philosophical and non-didactic society in 30 surrounding villages. Such a society would provide enduring freedom to man to live, to work and to develop. The term enduring freedom is used here to take advantage of the non-didactic demonstration of the Operation Enduring Freedom, which was originally christened as Operation Infinite Justice. The commanding role of operational science to achieve end objectives rather than preaching them is obvious. This in a way is reiteration of the theory of technological nurseries and industrial orchards. TNORD would like to get associated with his activities. This is possible if your government provides adequate financial support to TNORD. There is already Joshi-Khanduri MOU on TNORD and the state support will enable us to implement the MOU very effectively.
Interaction with Dr MM Joshi : Joshi-Khanduri MOU
Shri Gopi Arora was the Commissioner of Kumaun when the university held the seminar “Science and Rural Development in Mountains (Nainital,3-5 November 1978). He chaired the session that made recommendations for TNORD type development. A book bearing the title of the seminar and highlighting its Ecological, Socio-Economical and Technological Aspects” was edited by S Singh, S P Singh and C Shastri and published by Gyanodaya Prakashan, Naini Tal. While TNORD took a long time to take a shape and is still working to survive, the Chinese implemented the same idea through Spark and Village and Township programmes. Shri Arora considers the survival of TNORD as a miracle.
This miracle, in a way, is a practical demonstration of the theory of sustainable consumption for which the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences has recently honoured you. TNORD has studied the later part of your international address and found that the ideas can be implemented. It took first the central paragraph and sent the study for consideration by MPs, Ex-MPs from Uttaranchal and other stake holders of the movement. It was perhaps the oath-taking time of Shri Koshiyari when I happened to meet you in the CSIR corridor. TNORD, therefore, took the opportunity to write a different kind of welcome letter to the new Chief Minister, Uttaranchal. This letter carried the concluding part of your address and parallel TNORD comments. The point is to implement what we call Joshi-Khanduri MOU on Science backed Development of Uttaranchal.
For the emerging state of Uttaranchal it is important not to overlook the underlying social, political, cultural and philosophical factors which drive consumption and production. It is hoped that Shri Koshiyari will take advantage of the advice you have made in your address. We may also add two preceding paragraphs of your address to the paragraphs already discussed. These have been discussed in the following table.
Dr M M Joshi: As I have been arguing at various fora in our approach to science and technology we often tend to overlook the underlying social, political, cultural and philosophical factors which drive consumption and production. In a situation where unbridled consumer choice is unquestionably accepted as a value it is impossible to go beyond technocratic and economistic approaches to sustainability. I have been emphasising in some of my earlier speeches and I repeat again that a purely economic and technological solution to unsustainable forms of production and consumption is an impossibility because production and consumption are social acts and un-sustainability is primarily a social problem. Social problems apparently created by technology cannot be solved by the application of yet more technology. Social problems have to be understood in terms of social value systems and values have to change fundamentally for the problems to be resolved.
TNORD: The planet earth has been the playground of the living system. Things have worked in sustainable mode till the man started playing with science and technology and crossed the sustainability limits. But nature has its own dialectics. Engles and other Marxist thinkers studied this phenomenon in their classical works. But the same dialectics were also discussed long ago in Bhagwadgita. Lenin regarded war as the politics of peace and peace as the politics of war. Currently the dialects of contemporary human society are being discussed peacefully at the WTO level and violently at the level of the Operation Enduring Freedom. The solution to current problems does not lie at these two visible sites. Freedom is endurable only if the operations start from the root level in Gandhian Utility Mode, which we call Gumod in TNORD language. The term Gandhian Utility is a re-christianed title to represent Gandhiji’s work ‘Rachnatnamak Karyakrama’
Dr M M Joshi: The social context in which we live today is dominated by the phenomenon of globalisation. Globalisation, of course, means many things to many people. To many it is a threat to an insular protectionist existence – a juggernaut which must be resisted as long as possible. To many others it is the inevitable march of modern science and technology led by giant trans-national corporations into ever new markets and the subjugation of diverse economies into a homogenised common economic order. Some few, however, seen in it a rare opportunity for rediscovering and reinventing the inter-relatedness of the universe, of the entire humanity, of man and man, of man and nature. The challenge is to see how this latter meaning of globalisation can be made the part of new global ‘commonsense’ and how we employ science and technology to produce this common sense.
TNORD: The term globalisation can be understood only in dialectic language. TNORD is extensively using this tactics in its studies. Pallavi Dhyani calls it i-business and she has discussed the point in terms of Gumod and Agra Summit. We may term the tactics as i-business. In this i-business we may use singularisation or particularisation as the paired opposite of globalisation. In a way the tactics is an integral part of the Operation Enduring Freedom when the press describes biscuit as the paired opposite of bomb. The language of biscuit and the language of the bomb are the same – mechanical and hostile. Every thing is in war mode. The paired opposite of this mode is Gumod. It has no role today as the war is on. War is the commonsense today. We may take this as a non-sense. But the sense of root development – community reconstruction is better understood by this non-sense.
The first part of your address discusses why sustainability is the central issue that we need to address. TNORD shows the way it can be achieved. But the ideas are like Devaki’s infants, which are killed by Kansa as soon as they are born. Your concept of sustainable consumption has to be shifted to Gokul in order to make it survive. TNORD can perhaps be the cradle and Uttaranchal its Gokul. Joshi-Khanduri MOU is the guideline. It is already under processing and we would request you to kindly take interest in this direction.
Interaction with Dr MM Joshi : Operation Enduring Freedom against Bureaucracy
TNORD hopes to implement the contents of your Russian address. In our recent years we have compared TNORD effort with the ‘Operation Enduring Freedom’. We are up against the Taliban of bureaucracy. Being a young organisation TNORD has the legitimacy of handpicking our strategies. The concept of sustainable consumption also enjoys the same legitimacy. But bureaucracy has its own legitimacy to block development. There is, therefore, an intrinsic conflict in the developmental process. The target of the “Operation Enduring Freedom” hopes to go guerrilla and this gives us a legitimacy to study N Vittal’s famous book. For the time being we have discussed the following excerpts from the author’s preface.
Vittal: Introducing the chapter on Innovative Approach to Development, N Vittal observes: “Development poses a major challenge to anyone in administration today. I have had my share of challenges also. Again I have developed certain concepts regarding the techniques that can be adopted for development. For example, some places, which are backward, are like the sleeping beauty in the fairy tale, which can be brought to life at the kiss of a prince. Certain areas require the treatment given by Prof. Higgins to Eliza Doolittle to transform her from a flower girl into My Fare Lady. Yet another strategy is to have a vision of development like Michaelango. When asked how he made beautiful statues out of marble, which is shapeless, he said that he had the vision of the statue to be carved out in his mind. He merely removed from the marble block whatever was not part of the state. And, lo and behold, the statue was there.” –
TNORD: Being a new state Uttaranchal should take the advantage of such works as “The Red Tape Guerrilla” by N Vital (Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 1996). The governance is the key problem of development. Being a new state, Uttaranchal has the advantage of hand picking its priorities and preferences. One year is over. The Chief Minister was hand picked and so were the other ministers and the Governor. But the administrative machinery was inherited from the parent state. The reason for separation was the question of development, which according to N Vittal poses a major challenge. The fairy tale did not work. There was no sleeping beauty. The new prince of governance did not succeed to enliven it. The new state will have to work resort to innovating approaches to convert Eliza into My Fair Lady and also develop the vision of development like Michaelango.
Vittal: Finally, Vittal adds, “I always admired a story told by Shri T A Pai, the former minister and banker and a multi-splendoured personality. It appears that a rat was being harassed by a cat. It went to the owl, the wise bird, for advice. The owl said: “You have been harassed, because you are a rat, whereas your opponent is a cat. If you also become a cat, then there will be no problem.” In principle, it was very sound advice. The next day the rat went to the owl again and said: “I agree in principle that if I changed from a rat to a cat, I would have no problem. But could you please tell me how I could become a cat?” The owl then pulled itself to his full professorial length and said: “I am here to give you policy directions and advice; implementation is your problem!”-
TNORD: In a way the strategy already exists in TNORD’s scheme of things. The progress, however, is so slow that Prof. Paintal is worried if TNORD is trying to implement owl’s advice. The progress was very slow in the case of “Operation Enduring Freedom” as well. In the case of TNORD this fear does not matter. Shri T A Pai was thrilled when, as the science minister in the Govt. of India, the concept of technological nurseries and industrial orchards was brought to his notice when a delegation met him for organising a symposium on social and political obstacles in the application of science and technology in developing countries. He readily agreed to support the proposal. TNORD has been created on that understanding. The new state can use this for administration of development.
TNORD hopes to work on what we understand as Joshi-Khanduri MOU in our writings. What we feel is that the Ministers should work in mission mode to overcome the tactics of obstructions by the system. We hope to receive your full support.
Resource Mobilisation for Operation Enduring Freedom against under development
We consider Uttaranchal as a laboratory for development and you as its new director. This line of approach is necessary to initiate Switzerland type development in the new state. Uttaranchal has a better resource position than Switzerland. It is closer to the equator. It also lies in the Monsoon belt. It receives more water and it receives more solar energy. Water is the key resource on this planet. It is the source of life. Altitude is another resource. Storing of water at high altitudes amounts to possessing wealth and power. The dedication of Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi to the filed of sustainable consumption is another advantage for the new state. He has been recently awarded the knighthood for science, technology and development by the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences for this dedication. I happened to meet him while you were being sworn in as the Chief Minister – there was a brief reference about your new role.
Dr. Joshi gave me a copy of the address he delivered at the time of conferment of the honour. In TNORD letter addressed to MPs, Ex-MPs and other stakeholders in the development of Uttaranchal one of the paragraphs of this addressed was studied. A copy of this letter (dated November 3) was sent to you as well. The text following this paragraph has also been studied and this study is reproduced in the table given below:
Dr M M Joshi: In July last year, both at Moscow and in this city I shared with you my reflections on the concept of ‘sustainable consumption’ and my vision of a future based on the ideals of sustainability. I had argued that we need to take action at multitudinous levels – at the level of epistemology and scientific knowledge production processes so as to restore the centrality of social, ethical and spiritual values to the knowledge production process; at the level of educational processes which makes education not a packaged commodity to be sold and distributed to passive consumer but an active process of discovery, exploration and learning; at the level of technology development and production to institutionalise policies, structures and managerial processes which prevent or eliminate the use of unsustainable technologies and stimulate the use of sustainable ones; at the level of structures of governance; at the level of social system design.
TNORD: The living system has a built in mechanism, by which it lives and learns. It is characterised by rhythmic operations of dialectics that include existence and non-existence – that is life and death. The built in mechanism of natural education can be modified by artificial means available in the society in which the living system resides. But the sustainable character of the living system is disturbed in this process. For example, in today’s reality there is a conflict between Talibanism and Operation Enduring Freedom and this conflict has driven the issue of sustainability out of sight. Such things have happened in the past whenever a social order seeks solutions for its own contradictions. It is hoped that the operation enduring freedom will make freedom of life on this planet enduring. The vast countrysides all over the world need intervention of the high-end knowledge through nursery-orchard concept of technology application.
Dr M M Joshi: I do not propose to repeat what I had elaborated in considerable detail then. I only wish to reiterate the importance of an integrative, comprehensive and holistic approach to bring about an urgently needed paradigm shift. It is my fervent hope that the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, which has taken on itself the ambitious mission of bringing about the economic and spiritual renaissance of Russia will join hands with concerned and responsible intellectual leaders of the world to help in redrawing the agenda for and the vision of a sustainable future. As an honorary member, I hope that I will have some opportunity of playing a role in this process.-
TNORD: All that the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences could do is to bestow “Knighthood of Science, Technology and Development” upon Dr Joshi. Sky is the limit for the opportunity that Dr Joshi has as an honorary member of the Academy. After my meeting with Dr Joshi I had a talk with Dr V S Ramamurthy, Secretary, DST, to know if any other agency in the country is working on the ideas on sustainable consumption. The ideas on sustainable consumption are Dr Joshi’s own. I contacted Prof. A Rehman, a noted authority on history of science who is known for his left leanings. I was surprised to hear from him compliments for Dr Joshi’s scholarship.
Dr M M Joshi: I would like to conclude with a poignant call given by that great educational thinker from Latin America, the late Dr. Ivan Illich:
“I and many others known and unknown to me call upon you:
“To celebrate our joint power to provide all human beings with the food, clothing and shelter they need to delight in living. To discover, together with us, what we must do to use mankind’s power to create the humanity, the dignity and the joyfulness of each of us.
“To be responsibly aware of your personal ability to express your true feelings and to gather us together in their expression. We can only live these changes: we cannot think our way to humanity. Every one of us, and every group with which we live and work, must become the model of the era which we desire to create. The many models which will develop should give each one of us an environment in which we can celebrate our potential – and discover the way into a more humane world.
“The call is to live the future. Let us join together joyfully to celebrate our awareness that we can make our life today the shape of tomorrow’s future.”-
TNORD: How to implement the call in the real world today when most destructive weapons of all types are being used to establish Enduring Freedom? TNORD’s August 23 letter to Dr Joshi discussed the observation in his inaugural address at the International Seminar on “Strengthening Technology Networks: Vision, Missions & Actions” (New Delhi, 10th February, 2000) “the more we discover the interconnections, the more we will appreciate the unity amongst the immense diversity.” It concluded: “Now that TNORD has been advised to establish contact and linkages with the DST Mission Mode programme on the development of the State of Uttaranchal through Shri YS Rajan for necessary grants, its experience of working in General Utopian Mode (Gumod) can be utilised by your Ministry for strengthening technology networks in the country. The concept of Monads, described by Leibniz as simple, mind-like substances of which the world is made up, may be fashioned to design futures for the country and the world as a whole. As the Minister for Science & Technology and Human Resource Development, you assure the industry and business all the help required. The i-business of TNORD also comes under the cover of this assurance. The spirit of your letter to Gen. Khanduri confirms this assurance. But the taste of assurance, as Confucius argued, lies in implementation of these assurances by DST.”
Dr M M Joshi: I do believe that this Academy would usher in an era of peace, prosperity and cooperation among nations. Let us all join together in creating a non-exploitative, non-violent human society. Honoured colleague scientists and friends, once again I thank you for the rare privilege you have given me of becoming a member of your prestigious Academy as also for listening to me with patience.-
TNORD: In order to make the Russian and other academies of the world take interest in our words we have to make our own ideas live. The state of Uttaranchal has just come up. Its leadership is raw. It is illiterate in the matters of development and governance. In words of Dr Illich successful implementation of TNORD can provide “a model of the era which we desire to create.”
Dr. Joshi is quite serious about experimenting with his ideas on sustainable consumption. TNORD can be a convenient laboratory for the purpose. He has suggested to General Khanduri that TNORD should establish contact and linkages with the Mission Mode programme of DST. TNORD needs the state support in this connection and we tried to establish contact and linkage with the former Chief Minister. The following table gives a list of the communications sent to him.
10.11.2000 (Building New Uttaranchal)
Scientific organisation of development of the new state
16.11.2000 (TNORD & Globalisation Dump)
Extraction of Uttaranchal Agenda from Hindustan Reports
18.11.2000 (Science Push for Uttaranchal)
Introduction to letter of 16.11.2000 to MPs, Ex MPs and other stakeholders
12.12.2000 (Build Uttaranchal Resources )
A commentary on Rajendra Dhasmana’s Jansatta article
19.12.2000 (TNORD & Chinese Dumping)
PM’s concern over Chinese dumping and the role of TNORD
24.12.2000(Reinvestment R&D)
Supplementary information on TNORD and Chinese Dumping
31.12.2000(Facilitation of TNORD plan)
Uttaranchal production - Revival of the cutting edge of technology
05.01.2001(Meeting with Uttaranchal CM)
New Economics – Analysis to prevent paralysis of Uttaranchal
09.01.2001(Live Vision Research)
Prof. Indiresan and Hidden Lines of the CSIR History
16.01.2001(Prof Indiresan's Uttaranchal)
Role of TNORD as the charge of light brigade in the developmental war
20.01.2001(Science & Tourism )
Copy of letter to the Minister of Science and Tourism
23.01.2001(Indiresan provoked response)
1978 Nainital recommendations on science and mountain development
24.01.2001(Rich opportunity for Science)
Utilising Uttaranchal headed science, technology and planning
25.01.2001 (Science & Republic Day )
Utilising the TIFAC committee on the development of Uttarakhand
10.02.2001(Tech for disaster management)
Utilising TNORD as a nursery for organisation of disaster management
18.02.2001 (Tech Nursery is the Spark)
The Hindu Big Fight, technological nurseries and the Chinese spark
07.03.2001(R&D leads investment)
Investing root based cultural energy for development
08.03.2001(Concept of site development)
There must be flowers to make investment bees sit – the Chinese case
14.03.2001(Importance of being Fonia)
Discussion of the Times of India Q&A\Kedar Singh Fonia Head for the Hills
16.04.2001 (Uttaranchal in Info-age)
Managing chaos in development and development in chaos
18.04.2001(Site representations )
-Extending the role of Pauri Garhwal Vikas Sangthan in TNORD context
19.04.2001(Authorities – site and website)
Virtual exhibition of Swadeshi in Swadeshi dot com
30.04.2001(Site authorities for development)
Development –Rhythm of Corridor talks and ground reality at sites
11.05.2001 (National Technology Day 2001)
Technology can make ‘Maila Anchal’ shining white
19.06.2001(TNORD on the mission drive)
Dr Murli Manohar Joshi’s letter to Gen Khanduri (Mimod vs Gumode)
27.06.2001 (Mission mode for TNORD)
Linking Nainital recommendations with the Almora recommendations
24.07.2001(I-busines of Agra Summit)
Making unemployment problem the core issue for Uttaranchal
08.08.2001(Uttaranchal Grant of Rs 15 lakhs)
TNORD as the Palo Alto Research Centre for Uttaranchal
TNORD has been studying Joshi Dialectics along with the Paintal Phenomenon that concerns the illiteracy of the literates. What is the good of literacy if it is not utilised to read and write. According to Dr A S Paintal, one of the foremost of the living scientists in India, communications often go unattended leave alone the deep studies. This is true not only in the context of TNORD texts but also the texts of other scholars including Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi. Dr. Joshi is in power and a new state like Uttaranchal can be benefited by asking science to offer solutions for the problems of the state.
Dr Murli Manohar Joshi was in the Opposition when the Golden Jubilee Session of Parliament was held. He delivered the only science speech in this session. He observed: “I was expecting a discussion on science and technology along with industrial policy or defence policy but the opportunity did not come. Perhaps we are waiting for them in the 21st century. When this century arrives we may have an opportunity to discuss these matters.” When this century arrived he found him on the driver’s seat. He got an opportunity to implement his ideas in UP hills. There was a three-day workshop in Almora. TNORD discussed the outcome. The following titles of this discussion provide windows to look at the workshop from different angles:
Almora Inaugural Function(Almora Workshop)
Value of Almora Convergence vs 1945 CSIR Committee Report
Almora inaugural address (Almora Working Groups)
Himnad & Almora Convergence(The Hindu Discussion)
Almora Plenary(N Murthy for Uttaranchal)
Indiresan provoked response-
Almora Round Table(TNORD & Almora Vision )
Science Mushahira (Almora)-
TNORD was not a participant at the workshop. The picture projected from these windows is a reconstruction from the secondary reflections including the official record notes and recommendations. Uttarakhand was the object under observation. Later Uttarakhand emerged as a separate state. This new state has the benefit of the Almora convergence and the scholarly background of TNORD. The new state has the underlying mechanism to lead a movement for building a research relevance rhythm at least for establishing a lens industry in Uttaranchal. A success of this mission may create a new enthusiasm within the country to start a new movement for science driven rural development.
Technological Nursery for Optics Research and
Development (TNORD)
D-5 Dronacharya Apartments,
Mayur Vihar Phase I Ext.,
Tel: 22714920
Fax: 22719366
E-mail: tnordramprasad@yahoo.co.in
March 15, 2003
Institute Of Forest Ecology
Mendel University of Forestry
Zamedelska 3
Czech Republic
uttaranchal_web_watch@hotmail.com <uttaranchal_web_watch@hotmail.com>
Dear Shri Tewari,
Uww has already published
1. First things first in Uttarakhand
2. Uttrakhand and 50 years of Indian Science.
3. Science Driven development of Uttaranchal (3) “Uttaranchal and Professor MGK Menon
In this series please find herewith an article: Science Driven Development of Uttaranchal (4) : Dr Murli Manohar Joshi and Uttaranchal
Dr M M Joshi is the current Science Minister. We will have a lot to say about his subsequent work
With kind regards,
Yours sincerely
Science Driven Development of Uttaranchal (4) : Dr Murli Manohar Joshi and Uttaranchal
Uttaranchal Web Watch has given TNORD an opportunity to project its work on science driven development of the new state. The year 1997 was important. It marked 50 years of Indian Independence. The starting TNORD article was First Things First in Uttarakhand published in Garhwal Post. The next article was Fifty Years of Science for Development of the Nation. These two articles were not were not given the title Science Driven Development of Uttaranchal. But the third article in the series was given Science Driven Development of Uttaranchal (3).... Professor MGK Menon and Uttaranchal. During the year the 11th Parliament held a special session to mark 50 years of Indian Independence. Dr M M Joshi, MP at that time delivered a science speech. At the conclusion of the speech Hon'ble Deputy Chairman said: “Thank you Joshiji. There was only one speech on science and technology and it has been an excellent speech.” TNORD studied the speech part by part in order to understand its importance in relation to Uttaranchal in particular. As in the case of Professor Menon the study is being presented here as a dialogue.
Beginning Of The Speech
Dr M M Joshi: Mr. Chairman, I am grateful to you for presenting a historical document on the 50 years of Indian independence before the Parliament, which has just been discussed by Shri Ram Vilas Paswan. Science and Technology has been included in this document. There has been very little interest of the house in science and technology. After the implementation of the constitution, in 45 years from 1952-1997, the house has not even devoted 45 hours on science and technology. The Parliament has not even cared to discuss the budget for science and technology. The situation today is that even the customary practice of PM working as a Cabinet Minister for Science and Technology and a full time minister in-charge seems to have been given up.
TNORD: It is important to discuss this part of Dr. Joshi’s speech in two parts. One is during the Nehru era and the other during the post Nehru era. Dr Joshi has discussed the scientific policy resolution of 1958 later but he has not made a reference to the joint conferences of scientists and Hon’ble Members of Parliament. . Following the death of Jawaharlal Nehru in 1964 CSIR had to struggle for survival. There were as many as 51 questions and four debates on CSIR in Parliament between 1961 and 1968 and a Committee of Inquiry (the Sarkar Committee) was appointed. Sarkar Committee was one of the committee’s carrying scientists and MPs. Then there were discussions in Parliament following the suicide by Dr. Shah.
Dr M M Joshi: don’t know who is the minister for science and technology and who is the stakeholder. If we had discussed science, discussed industrialization, discussed technology, for 45 hours the time would have not been sufficient because science and technology has a very important place in today's world especially in the light of globalization. Science and Technology, Research and Development are very important in the competitive world about which you are so much concerned. I am sorry to note that in the 101 hours and 39 minutes of the 10th Lok Sabha, 57 hour and 17 minutes was spent on stoppages of various kinds. In one session 57 hours and 17 minutes can be wasted on unproductive stoppages but we have not been able to find 45 minutes for science and technology during the last 45 yeas from 1952 to-date. When the scientific policy resolution was presented in 1958, there was a discussion for 5 or 6 hours. After that there was some discussion in 1983 on technology policy. I was expecting a discussion on science and technology along with industrial policy or defence policy but the opportunity did not come. Perhaps we are waiting for them in the 21st century. When this century arrives we may have an opportunity to discuss these matters. I am grateful to Shri Vajpayeeji that he drew the attention of the house on need to devote time to serious discussions. If his suggestion has some impact, we may have some time for in the 21st century since 20th century is about to pass by. But in spite of all this neglect from the Parliament and Government, our country has made an impressive progress in science and technology. We could, however, made much more progress but even then in our country several laboratories like the National Physical Laboratory and National Chemical Laboratory came into being. Came into being the National Botanical Laboratory. There is not a subject in which we do not have laboratories. These laboratories are there but what is their position? In these 50 years their technology and their equipment have become obsolete. When we brought this point in focus through the committee on science and technology with some difficulty, Shri Narasimha Rao gave a hint to make better provision in 1995-96 budgets. But even this hint is gradually vanishing.
TNORD: Professor Alagh is the Minister for Science and Technology but it is a shared responsibility. It is obvious from Dr Joshi’s observations that he is making a reference to the personality of Jawaharlal Nehru vis-à-vis the science portfolio. Nehru himself was unhappy with the way scientific infrastructure built with an enormous investment did not work up to his expectations during the Second Five Year Plan. That is why he encouraged the Association of Scientific Workers of India to organise a symposium on “Science and the Nation during the Third Five Year Plan” and follow its recommendations. The Association suggested organisation of technological nurseries in the countryside to link the work of national laboratories and research institutes with industrial activities at root level. A particular example was developed in the shape of Technological Nursery for Optics Research and Development, which seeks establishment of a lens industry in UP hills. Dr Joshi is of course well aware of this programme as he hails from the UP hills and is himself an optical scientist. On a closer examination of the 1958 scientific policy resolution it will be seen that it is a technology policy resolution as its preamble records:
“Scientific Policy Resolution (New Delhi, the 4th March 1958/13th Phalguna, 1879) No. 131/CF/57.¾The key to national prosperity, apart from the spirit of the people, lies, in the modern age, in the effective combination of three factors, technology, raw materials and capital of which the first perhaps is the most important, since the creation and adoption of new scientific techniques can, in fact, make up for a deficiency in natural resources, and reduce the demands on capital. But technology can only grow out of study of science and its applications.”
The question arises why should technological nurseries be set up in the countryside? Answer is found in the role of the public sector primarily based on foreign collaboration. CSIR did not and could not find a role as a grand industrial laboratory in the service of public sector. The private sector could not share industrial research with each other. So it also did not have a role for CSIR.
Concluding Part Of The Speech
Shri Nirmal Kanti Chatterjee (Dumdum): The most surprising thing was that Vajpayeeji began by quoting Rajni Palm Datt, and Shri Joshi is referring to the books by P.C. Ray and Debi Prasad Chattopadhyay. I am waiting to hear from the famous book "End of History'. Are you going to mention that also.
Dr Murli Manohar Joshi (Allahabad): Your Marxist government also listens and reads these people...(pause) If you read Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay, if you read Ravindra Nath the country will be immensely benefited. If you read Vivekananda, if you read Netaji Subhas, if you read Swami Jitatmanand, if you read Jagdish Chandra Bose. (Pause) you will be assured...(pause) You will need a lot of time to ready Dr Mukherjee. (Pause)-
TNORD: This light political deviation from the topic it is seen that the political parties passing through crisis of confidence in the changed world scenario and the traditional transactional philosophies of political rivals are visibly looking for transformational measures to come closer the present day reality. Science, planning, state interventionism, secularism and internationalism have been essential ingredients in the communist philosophy. This was not so with the non-communist parties. But the things are changing. Many of the strategic experiences of the Soviet experiment have been incorporated in corporate development in the West. These elements have always been popular in developing countries but they had to restrict themselves in the cold ware environment.
Dr M M Joshi: I am saying all this because the scientists before independence were acquainted with the Indian tradition; I am only interested in presenting an example before you. Later what C.V. Raman did was a new dimension of that insight. What Satendranath did that too was an extension of the same insight. What Satendranath did was very important. Jagdish Chandra Bose was the first scientist who proved that what you call inanimate, also has a sensitivity. Several people say that only men have soul. Women do not have it; animals do not have it. Many scientists, philosophers do not agree with this.-
TNORD: Before the independence India was a part of the British Empire. Indian science and scientists belonged to that Empire and what they achieved was in the interest of the masters. Science like cricket helped in cultural conquest of the colony and the imperial system gave all encouragement in this direction. Moreover the main enemies of the Empire were in Europe and the rivalry was over the colonies. They were even prepared to permit industrial research in their colonies, as it will be seen from the CSIR example. It was set up for fostering industrial development in India. Post independence expansion re-emphasied the role
Dr M M Joshi: It is said that there is no harm in eating animals because they do not have soul. This is only an aspect. But Jagdishchandra Bose proved that even iron, copper and other alloys have sensitivity. This he proved in 1901. "In 1899 Bose began a comparative study of the non-living like metals and animals. Experimentally he found that metals become less sensitive if continuously used, but return to normal after a period of rest. The discovery of the 'fatigue of metals' led Bose from the domain of physics to physiology. To the surprise of scientists, the boundary line between the so-called 'living' and 'non-living' became hard to ascertain. Physiologists listened with skepticism and doubt to Bose who demonstrated his experiments in the physics section of British Association at Bradford. Scientists saw with wonder the similar curves of muscles and metals, when they are responding to the affect of fatigue, stimulation, depression and poisonous drugs. Subsequently Bose found that plants also responded in the similarly way like metals or muscles.-
TNORD: In spite of the support they received from the crown scientists, like the rest of the countrymen patriot at heart. One can see that Bose fundamentally was opposed to colonial exploitation of men, animals and plants as well as non-living resources. The best way was to present the resentment was to take things to the natural world far removed from the imagination of the suspecting rulers. Those were the times when social science had begun to emerge as an extension of the natural science. But the most important thing to note was the ready support of the rulers to the innovators. Bose would not have been supported in today’s science environment in India because of what P M Bhargava has described as the science Mafia. The members of this Mafia have full control over funds allocated for scientific research. They have laid down the procedures in which extra-executive members of Boards, Councils and Committees help each other and prevent new ideas. In this process many good ideas are swept aside as the committeemen are not mentally tuned to respond to them.
Dr M M Joshi: In 1901, May 10, Bose demonstrated all his experiments in England, and concluded with the words..."
I will also conclude with the same words:” I have shown you these evening autographic records of the history of stress and strain in the living and non-living. How similar are the writings! So similar indeed that you cannot tell one apart from the other. Among such phenomena how can we draw a line of demarcation and say, here the physical ends, and there the physiology begins? Such absolute barriers do not exist... It was when I came upon the mute witness of these self-made record, and perceived on them one phase of a pervading unity that bears within it all things..."
"Sarvamide khalu brahmam".. the mote that quivers in ripples of light, the teeming life upon our earth and the radiant suns that shine above us it was then that I understood for the first time a little of that message..."
TNORD: In his demonstration Bose has emphasised the presence of a natural continuum in the domain of science. Under the influence of the above Mafia scientific activities have become ad-hoc and so have the scientific careers. The question of continuum does not arise. The executive authority finds it convenient to leave decisions to the meetings. In absence of the continuum, the proceedings are dominated by external considerations and they tend to corrupt the system. A lot of non-science is promoted as science. In committees decisions are taken either by blind consensus in favour of the strong or by majority in other cases and the executive head works as a signing machine in return for the privileges of status, power and money. Where is the room for eternal truth to come out? See the agenda and records of scientific meetings. They are ad-hoc and often contradictory. There is no pervading unity in the records and thus there is no scope for eternal truth to come out.
Dr M M Joshi: Ram Vilasji; try to understand this message. "...Proclaimed by my ancestors on the banks of the Ganges thirty centuries ago. They who see but one, in all the changing manifoldness of this universe, unto them belongs Eternal Truth - unto none else, unto none else".
the discovery of eternal truth. So, the discovery of eternal truth.
The objective of Indian science and technology should be search for eternal truth. The objective of the Parliament of the country and the managing bureaucracy should be to extend this eternal truth for the welfare of the whole world.
TNORD: Here the political scenario shifts from the Marxist proletarian to caste-dominated proletarian who seeks sharing of the privileges and inheritance. Dr. Joshi perhaps wants to point out that deep knowledge of the thinkers should be respected and that knowledge can lead to eternal truth for the welfare of the whole world. But this respect for knowledge has to be seen in the historical context of rise of intellectual Mafia in Brahminism and indeed in all priest-hoods including the scientific priest-hood just discussed. A rhythmic interaction between top-down and bottom-up processes is the only way to ensure the emergence of eternal truth.
Dr M M Joshi: This Parliament should free the scientific and research process, which has been slowed down, which has become blunt and which is under the Western chains. This Parliament has to free Indian talent and intellect from the western thinking and if the second war for freedom, about which the Hon'ble speaker has given a call, is to start the most important thing is to free the Indian science and the Indian technology from Western domination. Thank you very much.-
TNORD: he concept of technological nursery in the countryside is the current solution for ensuring this rhythmic interaction. The eternal truth is that national laboratory and research institutes were set up during Nehru’s time with a particular perception in view. The work was half done. The young Abhimanyu has entered the Chakravyuha but he does not know how to come out. Technological nurseries will enable him to come out of this chakravyuha of confusion.
Mashelkar and Beyond
Dr M M Joshi: Nobody will give you technology. In no country does somebody give technology.
TNORD: Technology is not a commodity. It is a culture that it to be nurtured through technological nurseries.
Dr M M Joshi: I have recently been to an UNCTAD conference of UN. Some questions were raised there. I presented my views on these problems. In one session the Tunisian delegate got up and asked a question to the World Bank and IMF representatives. You advised "You become a democracy" and we became a democracy. You advised us 'You promote human rights. And we promoted human rights. You advised us "You follow open market policies " and we made ourselves an open market. You had promised some thing. You said, "When you do all these three things, you will get investment, you will get technology and you will have employment". He said they have done all the three things. They are waiting for years. There is no investment; there is no technology and there is no employment.
TNORD: Why to go that far. International bureaucracy is after all an extension of the British bureaucracy the same way as English is the international language. Dr. I.H. Usmani, former chairman of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission observed: "I remember when I was young and junior ICS officer in undivided India, the fist lessons taught to me as a probationer were: (a) collect your land revenue; (b) maintain law and order at all costs; (c) keep away from the people; (d) if you don't want to get something done, either raise queries on the files or entrust the matter to a committee. When the British ruled here, they had no interests in the planned development of national resources. They set up administrative machinery, which suited their ends.” Thus only bureaucracy is a mirror of intention.
Dr M M Joshi: Nobody will give you technology. Those who projected rosy pictures, I want them to ask where is the technology? What technology other than that in Pepsi Cola, in lipsticks, in biscuits, in ice cream. Your space department created a large tower. For that tower wheels were ordered from an American company. The American Company had agreed. It was a return agreement but the American Company refused to deliver wheels. This is a separate issue that the Indian scientists accepted the challenge and produced much better wheels...(pause) You have entered the field of atomic energy with this Swadeshi Bhavana. You will progress in the field of space with the same Swadeshi Bhavana.
TNORD: A myth of technology transfer has been created to confuse developing countries. According to Dr S. Horiuchi, a former Minister in the Embassy of Japan in India, “there is some perception gap between the technology and the process of transfer. Technology is a system which consists of hardware and software parts and this software part is more important in the transfer of technology.” The system vision of technology was clear up to Nehru’s time even though CSIR failed to deliver during the second five year plan and PSUs were set up with foreign collaboration. The current vision document of CSIR talks of rural development in passing but neglects it in practice (CSIR vis-a-vis TNORD)
Dr M M Joshi: We have made progress in the field of computers. Our Swadeshi Technology rose ahead of the foreign technology. But even today we are advised to read Technology of the West. I am glad that you have shown me that book. The book should be shown to this house as well. I have been warning people for five years since Hastings wrote this book. But the things have gone much ahead since then. I want to draw your attention to the 1967 Foreign Policy Magazine. What for do they want to use technology and what technology do you want? They say "Americans should not deny the fact that of all the nations in the world, theirs is the most just and the best model for the future." And that model should be accepted without hesitation. What do they say?
TNORD: The original author of western intentions is McCauley. He primarily focused on language and science in a polarized way for a system of domination and to give a practical shape to his vision he was also associated with development of the Indian civil service. He worked to demolish the intellectual superiority of Indian mythology and its symbolic strength. He ridiculed symbolism that Amrit Manthan represented. Horiuchi has pointed out the strength of software in technology. Usmani has illustrated the intentions of the British. The British people knew that it is the software side that has to be destroyed first. When they did with English language, they only needed a bureaucracy to establish domination fully.
Dr M M Joshi: "The opportunity lies before us as Americans, the United States is in a position not only to lead in the 21st century as the dominant power of the information age, but to do so by breaking down the barriers that divide nations and groups within nations and by building ties that create an ever greater reservoir of shared interests among an ever larger community of peoples."
TNORD: This is the familiar expression of the phrase ‘imperialism is the highest form of capitalism’. The country that controls means of production dominates. Monopoly leads to unlimited profit. This unlimited profit is then shared with those sections of subject countries that have enough political influence over their people to make them join the driving reservoir of the dominant influence.
Dr M M Joshi: What are these shared interests? They have some joint ventures and some bureaucrats who want to work in multinationals or World Bank.
TNORD: The above vision of the monopoly control for endless profits needs operating agents both corporations and individuals.
Dr M M Joshi: Read the whole article and the whole magazine. You will realize what they want to say and what are the things in their minds. They say: "The current trends that fall under the broad definitional umbrella of globalization are accelerating a process that has taken place throughout history and discreet groups have become familiar with one another, allied and combing up, ultimately becoming more alike." More alike means, ultimately becoming more American like or more Western like.
TNORD: Globalization process helps those who have production capabilities of a very high standard and those who can afford sophisticated industrial R&D to keep themselves ahead of others. But it is difficult to remain in the race on this strength as the cost of R&D enormously rises at higher levels of production in prosperous environment. There is always the danger of innovation from the poor countries. To avoid this possibility they have to work for suppressing developing R&D
Dr M M Joshi: "Inevitably, the United States has taken a lead in this transformation. It is this indispensable nation in the management of global affairs and the leading producer of information technology and services in the early years of information age."
TNORD: United States has taken a lead because they got engaged in space war against the Soviet Union and they invested a lot in space R&D. As victors over their rivals, they are in possession of R&D capital that is being used for commercial purposes now.
Dr M M Joshi: They claim to be masters of information age. They have enough strength, resources and technological powers to keep the whole world under their control. You must lead the world and cast it under your mould. They have said many interesting things. They said spread English throughout the world. If this is done where is the difficulty.
TNORD: Technology is not a commodity it is a culture. The wartime culture cannot be sustained for long. In order to preserve the advantage, they have to work to suppress R&D in less developed countries. They are working for unbalancing the economies of developing countries so that they may not invest sufficiently in R&D.
Dr M M Joshi: "It is in the general interest of the United States to encourage the development of a world in which the fault lines separating nations are bridged by shared interests and it is the economic and political interests of the United States to ensure that if the world is moving towards a common language, it be English; that if the world is moving towards common telecommunications, safety, and quality standards, they be America; that if the world is becoming linked by television, radio and music, the programming be American; and that if common values are being developed, they be values with which Americans are comfortable."
TNORD: Those who are well informed about Sanskrit literature would know the story of the Crane and Fox. One should not be surprised if the USA works this way. Crane will find itself in advantage if food is served in pot with a long neck. On the other hand the fox will be served better if food is available in a plate. There is nothing wrong with USA if it is working to safeguard her interests. The press has recently highlighted the fact that Dr. Abdul Kalam hails from the Muslim community on the Ramanathapuram coast which speaks only Tamil and he received his early education in Tamil. But we have very few Kalams and Rays.
Dr M M Joshi: This is the use of technology. The technology that you want to bring to this country it is the technology of an exploitative system by very nature. I do not want to go into the philosophy because of the paucity of time. Technology can grow in a self-organized, self-adjusted and self-sustained manner indigenously and beat the invading technology. Mulayam Singh Yadavji has pointed out that English is the largest hindrance in the progress of science and technology in India. If training in science and technology is given in mother tongues it is possible to provide scope to our talents for marching ahead of the world. In rhythm with our culture the technologies developed will not exploit man and will work for human welfare such technologies may be termed as technologies with a human face.
TNORD: Here comes the role of technological nurseries. We have pointed out that technology is not a commodity but a culture. It is live phenomenon. It grows with workers and dies with them if it is not supported by a system vision following almost the same pattern as does the life cycle of human beings. There is nothing wrong if individuals and individual activities function the way they are functioning today. The living system integrates them and adds dimensions which are different from individual characteristics. This is what probably Dr Joshi wants to express when he talks of technologies with human face. Science is the daughter of devil. It is born from jealousy, greed, etc. It is the system wisdom of social totality that this daughter of devil becomes a fairy to bring about human welfare. She needs education in technological nurseries.
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Technological Nursery for Optics Research and
Development (TNORD)
D-5 Dronacharya Apartments,
Mayur Vihar Phase I Ext.,
Tel: 22714920
Fax: 22719366
E-mail: tnordramprasad@yahoo.co.in
March 10, 2003
Institute Of Forest Ecology
Mendel University of Forestry
Zamedelska 3
Czech Republic
uttaranchal_web_watch@hotmail.com <uttaranchal_web_watch@hotmail.com>
Dear Shri Tewari,
In response to your e-mail, I have already sent to you my article First Things First In Uttarakhand yesterday.
Today I am sending another article Fifty Years of Science for Development of the Nation. It was written five years ago, almost at the same time when the above article was written. This article may also be useful in Uttaranchal context. What Nehru did in 1947 in national context, Tiwariji also do in the context of Uttaranchal. He was the founder President of the Association of Scientific Workers of India. Czechlovakia, too, was very active in scientific workers’ movement at that.
With kind regards,
Yours sincerely
Fifty Years of Science for Development of the Nation
by Ram Prasad
The Times of India, New Delhi, has started a daily series India 50: A Times of India Debate. There is a good opportunity for the Association of Scientific Workers of India to join this debate and argue for the place of science in India’s development and report to the Nation what it has been doing during these fifty years. This we do by making a reference to two articles published in the debate series. One of them is “Should we close down the IIMs?” (July 24, 1997) carrying the editorial comment P V Indiresan argues for a calculus of compassion over the narrow philosophy of ‘opportunity costs.’ This paper is not marked as a debate paper but it is positioned at the location of the debate papers. The other paper contributed by V G Vergese, carries the title “Nation Building: Key areas neglected.”
During the last fifty years of the Association of Scientific Workers of India has been struggling to find a role for itself in Indian Society. This role, according to Jawaharlal Nehru, the founder president, at the inauguration of ASWI in January 1947, was embodied in the slogan “let scientists look after themselves and the country as well.” It is in this connection that we found interest in the comments of V G Vergese who concluded : “Nehru said he was feeling “stale” and wished to retire in 1958. He repeated this a year later. The economy was in trouble. He should have been allowed to go. As an elder statesman he would still have had a position of great prestige. As Prime Minister, he had run out of ideas. The country was adrift and no new leadership could grow under the “bunyan tree” as S K Patil later put it. One can only muse on what might have been had some of these things been otherwise.”
Nehru had not run of ideas. He was actually worried about the non-implementation of ideas. We would like to invite attention to the 1958 scientific policy resolution. One phase of India’s scientific policy which was termed as the “Nehru Bhatnagar Effect”, that is, creation of national laboratory and research institutions under CSIR, was over. This scientific resolution provided what can be termed in the current political vocabulary as a ‘Chara’ for scientists. If this ‘chara’ turns into a ‘Ghotala’ we may be tempted to blame Nehru. But the real story is some thing else. When national laboratories and research institutes did not contribute adequately in the implementation of the Second Five Year Plan he was worried. He personally participated in the 1963 conference of scientists and educationists called for the review of the 1958 scientific policy resolution. Not satisfied with the outcome of that conference he called on the Association of Scientific Workers of India to organise the 1964 symposium on “Science and the Nation during the Third Five Year Plan” and work for the implementation of its recommendations.
Working on the policy recommendations of the 1964 symposium the Association of Scientific Workers of India came out with the concept of technological nurseries for the development of countryside. The Association concentrated on the role of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research and the Department of Science and Technology in fostering industrial development of the country. A specific project on organising a Technological Nursery for promoting production of internationally marketable optical components in UP hills was formulated as a pilot programme. By concentrating on the implementation of this programme it was possible to identify fatal system defects.
It is obvious from this experience that Nehru had the right perspective of making science a tool of development and social transformation. But this need a horizontal as well as vertical support. There were no colleagues of his either in the Government or in any of the political parties of his time who took real interest in science. Vertically his successors did not disturb his scientific policy but they did not provided the second momentum to science. Science remained a peripheral activity of the central government. Science today is a committee operated business. There are any number of mutually admiring eminent scientists and many super eminent scientists. These eminent and super eminent scientists work on the same philosophy as the graduates of the Indian Institutes of Management. According to Indiresan:
While they roll along in their chauffeur-driven cars, they shut their eyes to the inhuman slums they pass by. They forget that, strictly speaking, they too reside in an environment which is no better than that of a slum
Most of the eminent and super eminent scientists have very close links with international science. They belong to the class of super Indians who need not worry about their children. The may have, or will have, settled down comfortably in industrially advanced countries or found comfortable jobs in India. But this attitude of eminent and super eminent scientists need not worry us. P V Indiresan’s arguement for a calculus of compassion over the narrow philosophy of career advancement do have some supporters and the Association of Scientific Workers of India is one of them.
Most of the eminent and super eminent scientists, like IIT or IIM graduates, are associated with prestigious institutions. These are either old organisations supported by their past reputation or are new organisations driven by some grand design of industrially developed world as is the case of IITs yesterday and IIMs today. The earliest imperial design which offered new promises to Indian intelligentsia was the grand design of Macaulay. A calculus of compassion, as highlighted in the oath of doctors, has been an integral part of all these imperial institutions. But this calculus cannot be institutionalised.
The imperial designs are powerful enough to support themselves. They always try to patronise the governments first. When aerospace was in focus, they supported IITs. When business war against Japan came into the focus IIMs were supported. On both occasions the Indian Govt co-operated. IIMs cannot be closed down just as IITs had not been closed down and universities are still there even if they are only producing rowdy politicians and promoting the culture in which they can survive.
Nehru did not live long enough to participate in the 1964 Science and the Nation Symposium. But the concept of Technological Nurseries for the development of the countryside is very much there to remind the nation about the justification of the Nehru-Bhatnagar Effect and the Scientific Policy Resolution. It is dangerous to allow national laboratories, research institutes , universities, IITs and IIMs and the world’s third largest scientific manpower to get stagnated and look towards the industrially advanced countries. Let them look towards the development of the countryside by implementing the concept of technological nurseries.
Ram Prasad is the current President of the Association of Scientific Workers of India
From: Technological Nursery for Optics Research and
Development (TNORD)
D-5 Dronacharya Apartments,
Mayur Vihar Phase I Ext.,
Tel: 22714920
Fax: 22719366
E-mail: tnordramprasad@yahoo.co.in
March 9, 2003
Institute Of Forest Ecology
Mendel University of Forestry
Zamedelska 3
Czech Republic
uttaranchal_web_watch@hotmail.com <uttaranchal_web_watch@hotmail.com>
Dear Shri Tewari,
Thanks for your e-mail that I received this morning. Gumod Parikrama is my daily exercise. It is a hand written bulletin, which is read before the drivers of the Samachar Taxi Service Mayur Vihar, Delhi. It is written in a language that is understood by school dropouts who learn driving as they work as helpers. It is written in Hindi and I have not yet thought of translating Gumod Parikrama into English. But I can send literature in related to Uttaranchal in English .
An article of mine was published in the Garhwal Post. It was in the August 29-September 4, 1997 issue by the side of the editorial. The title was First Things First In Uttarakhand. The title of the editorial was Sustainable Development In Harmony With Nature. Even though five years have passed since then and the great Johannesburg summit has taken place, the material is as relevant and as fresh. The new state of Uttaranchal has come up and it may be worthwhile to reproduce this material in UWW. The article is enclosed.
With kind regards,
Yours sincerely
First things first in Uttarakhand
[It may be useful to inform the leaders of Uttarakhand about what the celebrated British Journal Nature editorially observed (Vol. 275, 21 September 1978, pp. 167-168) under the title ‘First thing first in the Third World’. Rather than reproducing the relevant extracts from the paper we present the views in a rewritten form what are specific to Uttarakhand]
Dreams Vs Realities
The views on the development of Uttarakhand pile up as the emerging state is becoming due any time now. These views show rather clearly both the strengths and weaknesses of discussing a subject so large and so open to wide differences in interpretation.
Let us dispose off the weaknesses rapidly in order to concentrate on the strengths. The contribution to this storehouse of views by the scholars and field workers may be largely disappointing. These days many from other parts of the country must be looking forward to discussion of the development policies of an emerging state, They are given only vague theorizing and totally uncritical self-advertisement in statements of almost uniform tedium. Example “The mission of structuring the overall problematique of social development into development complexes is to facilitate decisions in situations when concrete variants of sectoral development have to be derived from strategic goals or generally formulated concepts.”
If there is one message that out to get back to the governments of socialist countries -- and indeed of many capitalist ones too -- it is that the preparations for UNCSTD are making may scientists and technologists of the developing world much more critical of the statements of the developed nations, and meaningless, self-satisfied or jargon-ridden papers will cut little ice.
That said, it is pleasing to be able to report that contributors from developing countries, and a few non-socialist countries, did have some significant and provocative things to present. It was clearly a hope of the organizers that the meeting would shed some light on scientists’ responsibilities in the establishment of the New International Economic Order, that concept which also emerged from Algeria just five years ago and which is espoused with enthusiasm throughout much of the Third World as a way, inter alia, of obtaining control over natural resources and exerting more influence on the global monetary system. This new order is, however, not mentioned much in the capitalist world: as Professor E H S Burhop, president of the Federation, put it, “the overwhelming majority.... in the industrialized capitalist countries.... have never heard of the new order and are quite unprepared for the vast economic changes in their own countries it implies.” The contributions that made the most impact, however, were not those that concentrated on praising the new order, or for that matter reviling the multinational corporations. Most effective were those papers that took a hard look at real problems in the developing world, admitted mistakes rather than tried to dole out blame, and made positive proposals for the alleviation of difficulties.
Issue No 1: Disqualified Qualifications
Two issues of importance seem to emerge. The first is the very serious problem of effective use of intellectual resources in the Uttarakhand region. The Nature editorial records: “Higher education in the Third World is easily seen as a status symbol, by governments and people alike. The more universities, the more PhDs, the closer the resemblance to western seats of learning, the better. But the further this path is trodden, the less it seems that trained scientists and technologists have an understanding of what people’s needs are. This, of course, is not a phenomenon exclusive to the developing world, but whereas in the developed world we may have the luxury of debate as to how “relevant” university education need be, such a discussion in the developing world must surely be subservient to very visible national needs.”
In the context of the country as a whole and in the neighbouring Pakistan, the editorial notes: “And yet India, with more than a million technically qualified people, hardly seems to have harnessed this resource at all, and, in the words of a Pakistani participant, the role of science in the development of his country ‘has not been very significant.’
What can then Uttarakhand do? Do not imitate what Uttar Pradesh has done so far. Do what India or Uttar Pradesh has not done so far. The Nature editorial records: “There are many factors that have apparently contributed to a detachment of education from urgent national needs in many developing countries. The siren-call of developed world science diverts too many into vain attempts at imitation. Poor experimental facilities drive many a good scientist into rather sterile theory. Service to the community through the provision of better water supplies or more efficient energy use is not seen to be very prestigious. There is a pressing need for those concerned with national science and educational policies to recognize that higher education and scientific research establishments can best serve development not by mimicry of the developed world but by a long cool consideration of local, often rural conditions where the potential for science-based improvement is still enormous.”
Issue No 2: Organisation of Technological Nurseries
The second issue of importance to come from the conference was that development, which simply results in more jobless, cannot be acceptable. Higher productivity can well lead to unemployment, so it is most important that the aim, particularly within the rural sector, should not be for a mighty technological revolution which releases vast numbers of agricultural workers to flock the cities incapable of receiving the. abundant manpower resources of many developing countries have to be handled with greatest of care. One Bangladeshi contribution put this very succinctly: “in most cases our object is to upgrade simple rural technology to a slightly higher level of sophistication which improves the quality of life for the workers and creates more job opportunities.” The emphasis, then, is on modest aims and on evolutionary development. In a notably thoughtful contribution, Dr. H Harada, Deputy Assistant Director-General for Science at Unesco, drew attention to the need to accept a slow and deliberate pace, in which a nation is at pains to develop science ahead of technology.
So what happens to the views, which are being piled up as the new State of Uttarakhand seems to be round the corner? A final document, necessarily general, of course. But may be the germ of something more substantial. We may go back to the original Editorial and note its prescription, namely, " Numerous participants while recognizing that no New International Economic Order will come about without a correspondingly new national order, note nonetheless that there is enormous scope for international research centres to cope with developing world problems. Few of these problems do not respect national frontiers, nor are they such that questions of commercial secrecy should be involved. If there can be an International Centre for Theoretical Physics, specifically aimed to assist developing countries, is there not some sense in international, may be regional centres on other scientific matters perhaps of a more immediate concern to development? A few exist already, of course, notably through Canadian initiative of the International Development Research Centre, but there was little doubt in people's mind at Algiers that there was scope for more."
If we analyse why the International Centre for Theoretical Physics is being supported we can easily understand that the centres of higher learning like IITs in India or the above International Centre are being supported only because they supply raw scientists and raw physists for the huge R&D infrastructures of multi-nationals and the institutes of higher learning in advanced countries which largely cater for the supply of intellectual raw material for the same industrial R&D establishments.
The Technological Nursery for Optics Research and Development (TNORD) is being set up as a pioneering technological nursery to utilise the resident optical technology at the Ordnance Factory Dehra Dun. This organisation can serve as the first thing on which the new State should concentrate. This can be a model for imitation and emulation in other industries and in other parts of the country. This has been planned consciously to accommodate the spirit of the Nature Editorial.
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