Uttarakhand Updates > Articles By Esteemed Guests of Uttarakhand - विशेष आमंत्रित अतिथियों के लेख
Articles By Bhisma Kukreti - श्री भीष्म कुकरेती जी के लेख
एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720:
It is the fortune of merapahad portal that a great writer, social worker, Uttarakhand State Agitator and a man of multi-skilled Shri Bhishma Kukreti ji has joined us. Though, he is thousands km away from Uttarakhand in Mumbai but his heart beats for Uttarakhand only, that is why has been involved various Uttarakhadi activities.
Shri Bhishma Kukreti ji will write articles under this thread on literature and other issues. I am sure you would appreciate his articles and enrich your knowledge.
A brief Introduction about Shri Bhishma Kukreti JI,
Bhishma Kukreti
Born on 10th September 1952, (24 gate Bhadrapad)
Village : Jaspur, Dhangu ,Gangasalan, Pauri Garhwal
Mother : Smt Damayanti Dabral Kukreti
Father Shri K. R. Kukreti
Academic Education:
• Up to 8th Standard in Garhwal
• B Sc Honors (First B.Sc. Honours in Botany from Dehradun from Meerut University) from Dehradun
• M.Sc. (Botany) from Dehradun
• His research papers of M Sc thesis from France and in national journal of India. He is credited to discover a new species of Batrichosperm and many sub species of Oedigonium from Dehradun district
Professional Qualification:
• Diploma in Marketing and Business management
• Diploma in Export and Import Management
Moved to Mumbai in 1974.
PROFESSION: Sales, Marketing, Branding and Advertising; worked at higher management cadre with famous Brands like Murphy, Videocon , Kenstar, Safewell and Safeway in Mumbai
Travel: He is well traveled all over India and many countries abroad as Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, Holland, Britain, China, Honkong and Macao.
1. He is the one of the five initiators who started Uttarakhand Movement in Mumbai and spread it all over Mumbai
2. He was connected with an elite Garhwali social club Shail Suman
3. He is the initiator of Uttarakhand Mailing Group in Mumbai Published works
English Language:
Book: The Attentive Branding of Seasonal Consumer Durables
Published more than fifty articles on marketing, branding, advertising, Internet marketing and self branding in
• Advertising Express
• Marketing Mastermind
• Effective Executive
• E-Business
• Global Business Review ( A Journal)
• RBI Journal
2- Published more than ten articles in Garhwal Post a premium English weekly on “ Export from Uttarakhand” Internet and Mailing Group More than fifty articles published on various Internet sites about Garhwali-Kumauni languages and personalities Garhwali language . Famous for his provocative and bold articles and perceived as controversial writer
More than fifteen stories published in various periodicals of Garhwal. His stories are either satirist or about the suffering of Uttarakhandi women in Garhwal or in pardesh
Satire: he was regular contributor of Garhwali daily Garh Aina till it stpped publishing and his colun Inai Unai ki/Kheer Man loon wee very famous. Hiss best column was Ghaprol (Chaotic discussion/debate). There would be 1000 and more articles published by him in many periodicals.
Cartoons : He published more than 600 cartoons in various periodicals , mainly in Garh Aina on daily basis
Crossword: he is the first creative who started Garhwali language crossword
Criticism : He also does criticism on Garhwali literature and renowned literature personality Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna put him in ‘Garhwali Alochana ke Navaratna (Nine gems of Garhwali criticism)”. His longest critic is “ Awa Garhwali Bhasa tain Moran se Bachawa”
Hindi language
Book : Garhwal ki Lok Kathaen
Stories; About twenty stories are published
Articles: More than one hundred fifty articles related to Uttarakhand andolan, Importance of Internet or Digital divide in Uttrakahnd and Uttarakhand ke Paryatan Ki Parikalpana ( it ran three years as serial columns in Shail Vani Kotdwara)
Contact on E-Mail bckukreti@gmail.com
Telephone: 022, 28383574
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Bhishma Kukreti:
About Bhishma Kukreti
Born in village-Jaspur, Malla Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal on 2/4/1952
Father- Late Shri Kali Ram Kukreti
Mother- Mrs. Damyanti Dabral Kukreti
Basic Education in Garhwal
M.sc.(Botany) from Dehradun Meerut University
Bhishma Kukreti has been engaged in Marketing and Sales Profession and worked with various great brands of India. He is also a Sales Trainer.
Visited Great Britain, China, Macau, Holland, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium France,
Research Work
Four research papers published from international science journals on Oediogoniales of Dehradun
Garhwali Language Literature
–Kablat published in 2012 a satire and other prose collections
-Kavvak Kakdat – more than 600 satirical articles (2015)
- Characteristics, History of Modern Garhwali Poetry and Life sketch of more than 200 Poets in ‘Angwal ‘(2013)
-More than ten Forwarding Notes for Garhwali literature books
-English Garhwali Dictionary (A Photostat Edition)
*More than 1200 Satirical Articles published in periodicals
*More than 20 modern short stories published in various periodicals
*More than 600 Cartoons published in periodicals
* Garhwali Drama ‘Bakhron Gwer Bag’ 2003 published in Rant Raibar in series
*Salan Baten Lok Katha (folk Stories from Salan) – fifty folk stories published in Rant Raibar 2002-2003
* नै जमानौ गढ़वळि कथाकार, नै जमानो गढ़वळि कथौं कथा Characteristics and History of Modern Garhwali Short Stories and works of 2000 Story writers of 100 Languages across the world in Shailvani, Kotdwara (2012-2013)
*Initiated Criticism of Garhwali Books and published tens of critical works for Garhwali Literature
*Initiated Interview Literature genre in Garhwali and published Interviews in Garhwali language
*Initiated Crossword and other modern puzzle works in Garhwali
* Translated Ten Panchatantra stories
विदेशी भाषाओं के नाटकों का गढ़वाली में अनुवाद
विलियम शेक्सपियर के नाटक अनुवाद
१- ओथेलो
२- जूलियस सीजर
३- मर्चेंट ऑफ वेनिस
लार्ड डुनसानी के नाटक
५- अ नाईट इन ऐन इन्न
६- पिगमैग्लिओन बर्नाड शा के नाटक
७- द पिल्लोमैन - मार्टिन मैक्डोनाफ के नाटक
सैमुअल बैकेट के नाटक
८-वेटिंग फॉर गाड
ऐलिस गर्सटनबर्ग के नाटक
१०- द फोर्टीन
लिओनिड आन्द्रेव के नाटक
११ - द सर्पेन्ट्स टेल
१२ काल ऑफ़ द रिवोल्युसन
वाल्टर वाइक्स के नाटक
१३ - द वर्कर्स
१४ - द सालमौन ट्रिब्यूनल
ओक्टेव मिरब्यू के नाटक
१५ - इंटरव्यू
रॉबर्ट फ्रॉस्ट के नाटक
१६--डेथ ऑफ हायर्ड मैन
अंटोन चेखव के नाटक
१७- द बूर
जॉन लोगन के नाटक
१८ -रेड
जीन पॉल सार्त्रे के नाटक
१९ -नो एक्जिट
ग्रेग वोवोज के नाटक
२०- ब्लडी मेरी
अंटोनी कावुड के नाटक
२१- ट्वेल्व डेज इन लाइफ ऑफ रॉकी
जॉन ओर्टन
२२-व्हट द बटलर सौ
Garhwali Literature published in various periodicals and Internet medium
Total viewership as on 28/7/2014 at 11 A.M. is 7, 12347
*More than 700 Satirical-Humorous articles published
*A couple of Stories posted
*Ava Garhwali Seekhla (let us Learn Garhwali) -60 Chapters
* गढवाळ का नामी गिरामी लोक अर जाती(मलारि जुग बिटेन अब तलक ) a series in 35 chapters
*6 Bal Natak (6 Children Plays)
*Garhwali Vyanjan ( Garhwali Cuisine )- More than 200 Ethnic Cosines
* हिजड़ो दुन्या articles in series
* Digitalization of Garhwali folk Literature –300 Folk Songs, 100 Mantra, Nath Sahitya
* Digitalization of 100 Modern Garhwali Poems
*Digitalization of a couple of Modern Stories and part of a Garhwali novel as
*गढ़वाळी ठाठ: गढवाली की प्रथम आधुनिक कहानी का कुछ भाग (प्रस्तुतीकरण)
*गढ़वाली भाषा का प्रथम उपन्यास का कुछ अंश (प्रस्तुतीकरण)
*Interviews with More than 25 Garhwali Writers (Likhabhent)
*Translation of Foreign Country Short Stories into Garhwali
*Translation of Kamsutra
* विपणन गुरु a series about works of more than 50 Marketing Gurus
* प्रबंध शास्त्री a series about works of more than 50 Management Gurus
English Language Literature
Branding of Seasonal Durable Products (2003)
*More than 50 Articles on Marketing, Branding, Advertisement and management in International Journals
* More than 10 Articles related to Uttarakhand published in Garhwal Post a daily published from Dehradun
Internet English Literature Publication
*More than 50 satirical articles
*-More than 1000 Articles about Characteristics of Garhwali Poems and life sketch Poets
* Characteristics and History of Garhwali Short Stories -more than 150 stories were reviewed
*Characteristics of Modern Garhwali Dramas –more than 100 Dramas reviewed
* More than 400 articles on Garhwali Folk Songs and Dances
* More than 100 articles on Garhwali Folk Mantras and Tantra
*More than 150 Articles on Garhwali folk Dramas
* Folk Sports of Garhwal- more than 20 articles
*More Than 100 Garhwali Folk Stories (English Version) posted
* More than 50 articles on Garhwali Folklores
*Branding of Uttarakhand a series
* Two Modern Garhwali Dramas by Lalit Mohan Thapliyal translated
* Own Garhwali Drama translation
* Many folk Songs were translated in English
*Many Garhwali Poems were translated
* Folk Songs, Folk Sayings of Rawain (Garhwal)- more than 60 articles
History of Uttarakhand
*History of Uttarakhand from beginning
*History of Kumaon from 1000-1790
History of Garhwal and Haridwar from 1000 to 1804
*Miscellaneous Articles
Hindi Literature
*Garhwal Ki Lok Kthayen
Other Literature
* Around 15 Modern Short Stories
* Uttarakhand Parytan Parikalpana – 150 articles published in Shailvani, Kotdwara 2007
*गढ़वाली भाषा में लोक कथा संसार और मुख्य संकलनकर्ता, Sankalp, Delhi
*आधुनिक गढवाली भाषा कहानियों की विशेषतायें और कथाकार, Sankalp, Delhi
*गढवाली भाषा में समालोचना /आलोचना/समीक्षा साहित्य, Sankalp and Shailvani
*गढवाली भाषा साहित्य में साक्षात्कार की परम्परा Sankalp and Shailvani
* श्री नरेंद्र सिंह नेगी के गीतों में सामयिकता , Young Uttarakhand Souvenir
* आधुनिक गढ़वाली साहित्य में अनुवादित साहित्य
* आधुनिक गढ़वाळी कविता का संक्षिप्त इतिहास
* राजस्थानी, गढ़वाली-कुमाउंनी लोकगीतों का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन a series published in Nirala Uttarakhand , Jaipur
* हीरा सिंह राणा का गीत संसार में पहाड़ी मानवीय व भौगोलिक प्रकृति के प्रतीक और विम्ब
* आधुनिक गढवाळी साहित्य में महिला साहित्यकारों की महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका
* उत्तराखंडी फिल्मों का संक्षिप्त इतिहास in Many Magazines and periodicals including Shailvani व अन्य उत्तराखंड फिल्म संबंधी लेख
* ढोल सागर के बारे में जानकारियाँ and Mantra published in Nirala Uttarakhand
* आधुनिक गढ़वाली नाटक इतिहास व समालोचना, Shailvani
* कुमाउंनी एवं गढ़वाली भाषा-व्याकरण का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन, Sankalp, Delhi
Hindi Internet Literature
*मध्य हिमालयी कुमाउनी, गढ़वाळी एवं नेपाली भाषाओं व्याकरण का तुलानाम्त्क अध्ययन a series for 60 chapters
*हरिद्वार , बिजनौर और सहारनपुर का इतिहास (क्रमगत माला )
* उत्तराखंड संदर्भ में पर्यटन विपणन
* All above Offline Hindi Literature
Bhishma Kukreti:
Great Garhwali Personalities-4
Rajkumari Bisht : first female Garhwali stage artist and radio singer
By: Bhishma Kukreti
History will always remember Rajkumari Bisht, born in Pauri Garhwali as the first female who sang the song at Delhi and Lucknow Akashwani radio stations . She is the first female Garhwali who took part in many cultural music program and played many roles on the stage of such programs.
She took part in Garhwali musical and cultural program in Agra (1946), Lucknow (1954 and 1962), Delhi (from 1963 to 1970), Mumbai (1966), Uttrakashi (197 and 1969) and Pauri (1965).
Rajkumari Bisht is famous for taking lead for involvement of Garhwali women in cultural and stage program. She is very famous for playing effectively the role of Rami Baurani in the famous Garhwali Nrityy Natika written by Baldev Prasad Sharma ‘Deen’ at various cultural program at various places of India. She got high praises from late Jag Mohan Singh Negi (former minister of Uttar Pradesh), Brigadier Juyal, and Dr. Kushala Nand Gairola. She got many prizes and appraisal from Garhwali social organizations across India.
She became the inspirational institution for Garhwali females to come out for freely participation in cultural and drama Garhwali programs.
She has been was always active Gadh-Kala Sangam Chandigarh to promote Garhwali culture, music and stage plays.
Garhwalis are proud of a great migrated female Garhwali Rajkumari Bisht
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, Mumbai, India11/3/2009
Bhishma Kukreti:
Great Garhwali Personality-17
Kushum Bisht :The heroine of first Garhwali Movie
Bhishma kukreti
Delhi has provided many artists of different arts for Garhwali language . Kushum Bisht is one of the such artists who contributed a lot for Garhwali drama, plays, cultural activities, singing, and Garhwali cinema . She is credited for bringing many audio cassettes of Garhwali songs . She is also first Garhwali movie female performer of first Garhwali movies Jagwal of Pareshwar Gaur .
Born in 1963, in Gidratu village of Patwalsyun, Pauri Garhwal. She had god gifted performing ability for performing in drama . She acted in famous Garhwali dramas- Ardh Grameshwar, Fondyanath, Jank Jod, Mangan, Patrol, Jeetu Bagdwal, Gharjawain, Banji Gaudi

Kusum Bisht recording the playback song of first ever Garhwali movie Jagwal
(Courtesy : Parashar Gaud, http://cinema.prayaga.org/jagwal/0

Courtesy :http://www.merapahad.com/forum/films-of-uttarakhand/directory-of-uk's-songs-films/
She also acted in many Hindi stage plays as Apbhransh, Girgit, Nakab, Dhai Akshar Prem ka, Do Teer, Kalantar, , Kant Kala Kalakar , Kab Tak Jari Jaari Rahega, , Ek Pashani and Atithi.
She is not only a drama performer but is a very melodious singer too. She is first female singer of first Garhwal movie Jagwal. She had sung playback song for other films like Dhai and Rukma
Copyright: @Bhishma Kukreti, Mumbai, 2009
Bhishma Kukreti:
Garhwali literature-19
Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna : The Sun Of Garhwali literature
Bhishma Kukreti
(This article is devoted to Shrimati Sarju Devi Thapliyal Bahuguna wife of A B Bhauhguan . She had been the pillar as solid support and inspirational source for his becoming Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna --the the sun of Garhwali literature. The author was fortunate to to get her inspiring company for two days in Mumbai and one day in Delhi)
To write about Abodh bandhu Bahuguna is not easy in short. He has written so much in Garhwali that Hemwati Nanadan Bahuguna Garhwal University published a tribute of 128 pages to describe great Garhwali language creative and the author can say that 128 pages are still lacking to detailing him .
Abodh bandhu Bahuguna writes about him in Garhwali
Unnis sau chaurasi vikram gram jahal chalansyun
Asad ki sangrand misread ji ka ghar ayun
Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna was born on 15th June 1927 in Jhala village of Chalaansyun , Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand . His father’s name was Khimanand and mother’s name was bindra Devi Thapliyal Bahuguan . His wife Sarju Devi is the daughter of famous pundit Bhaj Ram Nutiyal of Sumadi . He expired in 2004 in Janakpuri, New Delhi, leaving behind his wife, his son Ardhendhu , three married daughters and grand children
He got his high school and secondary education from Pauri city- Garhwal, passed graduation and passed M.A in two subjects ( Hindi and Political Science ) from Nagpur University.
The expert of every branch of Garhwali literature
Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna has written literature in every segment of literature including jokes. The author has already expressed his views that to describe his literature we require book and not article. Therefore, , the author will provide the names of book in this article to tell readers about his contribution in Garhwali literature:

Abodh Bandhu Augean (1927-2003)
Bhumyal : Bhumyal is a first mahakavya (epic) of Garhwali language
Tidka: Is a collection of his satirist and humorous poems
Ran Mandan: the poems are of chivalry raptures with full of patriotism and inspiring ones
Parvati : there are 100 Garhwali rhymes in this marvelous collection of poems . Uttar Pradesh government awarded this collection of poetries
Ghol: Bahuguna is also credited to bring modernism in Garhwali poetic field. Here are his atukant (without rhyme) poems
Daisat: He was stern supporter of separate Uttarakhand and these poems are exposure of suppression of administration on the movement .
Kankhila: Abodh bandhu says that the poems of this volume are the extract of his won experiences of life
Shailodaya: The collection of conventional ad experimental Garhwali poems
Poetries for Children
Ankh-Pankh: is the poems for children and was awarded by Uttar Pradesh government
Mai Ko Lal: This play is about the non-violence movement of Shridev Suman
Chakrachal: The are twelve prose and four Geet-natika
His famous drama is on the heroism of brave personality of our past Bhad madhosingh Bhandari and his sacrifice for Maletha Canal .
1-Katha Kumud : collection of short stories
2-Ragdwat : These are the collection of modern styles of stories with lot of experimentations
Bhugtyun Bhavishya : This novel is based on the struggle of Garhwali in migration after independent
Garhwali Vyakaran ki Roop Rekha : The introduction of Garhwali language grammar
On Folk Literature
1-Dhunyal : In Dhunyal, there are famous Garhwali folk song and a long introductory write up about folk songs of Garhwal
2-Katha ghuli Kuthghali: he published famous folk stories of Garhwal in gad myatiki Ganga
3-Lnagadi Bakari (Hindi ) : there are collection of famous Garhwali folk stories and he also wrote long commentary on Garhwali folk stories, which is a treasurer for Garhwali folk literature
History and Critic of Garhwali literature
1-Gad Myateki Ganga : In his editorial book he wrote history and progress of Garhwali prose from 8th century till 1975. He wrote about the contribution style, subject about each Garhwali prose writer and provide us the details of periodicals which became the instruments for progress of Garhwali prose
2-Shailvani: In this volume, Bahuguna takes us on the rout of history of Garhwali poems and the readers become surprised to know about the detailing by Bahuguna and can not be without saluting Bahuguna for his industrious research work
Travelogue, Memoir and Discussion
Ek Kaunli Kiran: This prose a collection of his memoirs, miscellaneous articles , travel experiences, and discussion with Bhishma kukreti. The discussion and interview with Bhishma Kukreti open many unknown aspects of Garhwali society and Garhwali literature . He called this hot and long discussion between him and Bhishma Kukreti as gem of Garhwali literature.
Introduction and Commentary on books
He has written commentary and introduction of books of many Garhwali writers as in Gathwani Gaun batin (a collection of poems of various Garhwali poets .)
Awards and facilitations
Lok Bharati Nagrik Samman in Gauchar Chamoli in 1979
Jaishri Samman by Garhwali Bhasha parishad Dehradun in 1984
Facilitation by Garhwali Bhasa Sangam of Tihri in 1988
Gadhratna award by Garhwal Bhratri Mandal Mumbai in 1991
Award by Garhwal Sarva hitaisani Sabah Delhi in 1999
Awarded by Jaimini Academy Panipat in 2ooo
Awarded by Surabhi Sanskriti Samiti Madhya Pradesh in 2001
Kavya Bhusan award by Bhartiya Sanskrit avam Sahitya Sansthan in 203
Uttar Pradesh Government awarded him thrice (1981, 1986 and 1989)
Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal university published 18 page tribute on his contribution in the name of Parvat Putra Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna
The above details of his published work make him “ The Sun of Garhwali Literature”
Copyright @ Bhishma Kukreti, Mumbai, 2009
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