Author Topic: Articles By Shri D.N. Barola - श्री डी एन बड़ोला जी के लेख  (Read 157627 times)

हेम पन्त

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सर इस सुन्दर जानकारी के लिये धन्यवाद...

पहाङी हाकी के बारे में हमने भी अपने बुजुर्गों के मुंह से सुना है...

आप ने जिस दूसरे खेल का जिक्र किया है, वह तो हमने भी अपने बचपन में "पिड्डू" के नाम से खेला है...
आपके लेख बहुत ज्ञानवर्धक होते हैं... आशा है इसी तरह हमें अपने ज्ञानगंगा के पवित्र जल से अभिसिंचित करते रहेंगे..

GIRAA – Kumaun ki haakee

एक और खेल जो गिरा की ही तरह होता था उसका नाम है सिमंटाई या सत्पत्थारी. इसमें सात पत्थरों से विकिट बनाया जाता था. कपड़े की बौल से विकेट गिराना होता था. विकेट कीपर ही खिलाड़ी को बौल मारकर आउट करता था. आज से सब खेल लगभग समाप्त हो चुके हैं. यदि हांकी को पुनर्जीवित करना है तो इन खेलों को भी पुनर्जीवित करना होगा.(D.N.Barola)

D.N.Barola / डी एन बड़ोला

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कुमाउनी गढ़वाली राजभाषा कैसे बने   (How to develop Kumaoni and Garhwali as Official Language (Raj bhaasa)

कुछ जागरूक नागारिकोँ ने कुमाउनी तथा गढ़वाली को उत्तराखंड की राजभाषा के रुप मैं प्रतिस्थापित करने की मांग की. कभी कभार इस विषय मैं बहस चलती रहती है,परन्तु सच तो यह है कि कुमाउनी तथा गढ़वाली भाषा है ही नहीं. yah bolee की श्रेणी मैं आती हैं. Or bolee हर पांच सात किलोमीटर मैं बदल जाती हैं हालांकि मोटे तौर पर उसका स्वरूप वही रहता है. भाषा का दर्जा प्राप्त करने कि लिए लिपि का होना आवश्यक है. इस समय यह देवनागरी मैं लिखी जाती है. कुमाउनी अति सम्रद्ध हैं. इसका साहित्य परिपूर्ण है. अब तो कुमाउनी तथा गढ़वाली मैं CD कैसेट व फिल्मोंभरमार है. दोनों अति भावपूर्ण बोलियाँ हैं, इनका भावार्थ समझने के लिए बहुत कुछ समझना व समझाना होगा. जैसे कोई बुजुर्ग किसी चंचल बाला को भावातिरेक हो, प्यार स्वरूप उलाहना देते हुई खर्युनी कहता है और वह लाडली अल्हर बालिका मंद मुस्कान लिए मुदित मन से इठलाती हुई चपल चितवन से निहारते हुई खेतों की और सरपट भाग जाती है. दुर्गन्ध को ही लें. कपरे जलने की दुर्गन्ध को हन्त्रीं, मिट्टी से आती गंध को मतें कहते है. इसी प्रकार गुवैन, किह्नाएँ, कुकैं, सनाएँ, भैसें आदि कहा जाता है. अन्य भाषाओँ मैं इतने विभिन्न प्रकार के शब्द नहीं पाए जाते. अंग्रेजी मैं जो लिखा जाता है वैसा पढ़ नहिउन जाता. जैसे बी उ टी बुत है तो पी उ टी पुट होता है. मात्र २६ अक्षरों हनी के बाबजूद इसकी उच्चारण शैली पूर्ण विकसित है. इस कारन अंगरेजी पूरे संसार की मान्य भाषा है. कुमाउनी को भाषा का स्थान देने के लिए देवनागिरी लिपि के लुप्त प्रे सब्दोँ का पुनः समावेश करना होगा, जैसे हलन्त, दीर्घ, विशार्ग, चन्द्रबिन्दु आदि का प्रयोअग करना होगा. संस्कृत सब भासोँ कि जननी है. संस्कृत से मदद लेकर देवनागरी को कुमाउनी लिखने योग्य बनाना होगा. इसका मानकीकरण कर, उच्चारण शैली विकसित करनी होगी तथा इसका सब्द्कोस बनाना होगा. इसका मानकीकरण कर उच्चारण शैली विकसित करनी होगी बिना व्याकरण के भाषा नहीं बन सकती, अतः इसका व्याकरण भी विकसित करमा होगा. अतः मैं समझता हूँ कि सबसे अवश्कीय है, कुमाउनी या परेड कहने-कहलाने मैं गौरवान्वित महसूस करमा तथा कुमाउनी या गढ़वाली बोलने की पहल करना. इस प्रकार की सामूहिक पायल ही कुमाउनीतथा गढ़वालिऊ को भाषा के रुप मैं प्रतिस्थापित कर पायेगी. भाषा बनने के पशात हे कुमाउनी तथा गढ़वाली को राजभाषा का स्थान प्राप्त हो सक्गा. इस यथार्थ को जल्दी समझना हे ठीक होगा. (D.N.Barola)

D.N.Barola / डी एन बड़ोला

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Child is the Father of Man - An advice to Sr.Citizen
            Child is the father of Man. This is an old saying. In Hindi we say Katore Pai Katora, Beta Baap se Bhi gora. These are age-old proverbs. If you want to make a place in the modern social outfit, you have to learn from you children. After all you have given all you learnt throughout your life at one go or from time to time and at the fag end of your life. The children start from the place where you have finished. Naturally they are more up to date, nay up to the minute as regards the latest technology. In fact they have got the up to the second updates on these matters. Your son-in-law, daughter-in-law or son or daughter even your grand-daughters and grandsons may educate you about the latest slang, latest discoveries. Do you know about the mouse, Internet, and about the latest models of motorcycle, or car or aero plane and what not? Today when a child is born, he or she opens his/her eyes in the room where there is a TV or a Computer. Naturally the child is being fed with information, information and information. It is being stored in his brains’ memory. In our times we came to know about the Radio in late 1950s. Even today many senior citizens do not want to know about how to send a SMS through the mobile not to speak of chatting in the Internet, which is the latest craze with the youth. Why not learn the art of chatting from your grand children?  Your son is a busy person naturally he is short of time, but does not matter, your grandson or daughter will educate you about the functions of mobile or Internet or other gadgets.  Learn from them, don’t hesitate, I am doing it and I am happy. In fact encourage your children to educate you. Be tactful if you learn from them I can assure you they also will learn from you and this is where you can win the battle and can share your experiences with them, which you so anxiously want to download. When you were teaching your children, you always scolded them, taunted them and even beaten them, some times bitterly. But your son or grand-children would be willing to give the education about the latest gadgets with love and affection. He will tell you about how to write a Blog in internet. Once you start learning internet, you have vast scope to download whatsoever you learnt throughout your life. Once it is down loaded, believe me, yougner generation will read it and appreciate it.  So hurry up, avail of this opportunity and live happily.(D.N.Barola)

D.N.Barola / डी एन बड़ोला

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चल तुमेडी बाटे बाट मैं क्या जानू बुडिये की बात   (Chal Tumeri baate baat, main kya janoo budiyaa ki baat.)

रात्रि मैं भोजन के पश्चात निद्रा रानी के आव्हान के लिए कहानी सुनना बच्चों की दिन चर्या का एक आवश्यकीय अंग होता है. हम भी बचपन मैं रोज कहानी सुनते थे कहानी सुनते सुनते सो जाना एक साधारण बात थी.

एक दिन की बात है की रात्रि मैं हमारी दादी ने एक कहानी सुनाई 'चल तुमेडी बाटे बाट मैं क्या जानू बुडिये की बात'  दादी ने बताया की एक गाँव मैं एक शेर लगा था वह दिन दहाड़े आकर आदमियों का शिकार करता  था गाँव के लोगो  ने शेर से फरियाद की की वह एक बार मैं एक ही  आदमी को शिकार बनाए  जंगल का राजा शेर राजी हो गया क्योंकि उसे बिना मेहनत के शिकार जो मिल रहा था. तब से बारी बारी लोग शेर का शिकार बनने लगे एक दफा एक चतुर बुडिया की बारी आइ वह शेर का निवाला नहीं बनना चाहती  थी अतः उसने स्वयं को  
एक तुमडी (A hollow gourd)मैं बंद कर लिया तथा गाँव वालों से कहा कि उसे घुरया दें तुमडी घुरीते घुरीते जा रही थी कि शेर कि उस पर नज़र पड़ गयी. उसने तुमडी  को रोका और कहा की मेरा शिकार कहाँ हैं बुडिया बोली  चल तुमेडी बाटे बाट मैं क्या जानू बुडिये की बात इस प्रकार बुडिया बच गई उसने चतुराई से अपनी जान बचा ली

दूसरी कहानी के अनुसार जब शेर नहीं माना तो बुडिया ने शेर को समझाया कि वह अपने नाती के पास जा रही है अभी वह दुबली पतली है नाती के पास जाकर लोटते वक्त काफ़ी मोटी हो जाउंगी तब मुझे खाना शेर राजी हो गया और चतुर बुडिया ने अपनी जान बच्चा ली कहानी सुनते सुनते मैं कब सो गया मुझे पता नहीं
. (D.N.Barola)

D.N.Barola / डी एन बड़ोला

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Gairsen-The Dream Capital of Uttarakhand

*Location of Gairsen is in the centre of Uttarakhand

            Gairsen was conceived as the Capital of the Uttarakhand, well before the establishment of Uttaranchal. Now Uttaranchal has rightly been renamed as Uttarakhand, but the topic of Gairsen becoming the Capital of Uttarakhand seems to be vanishing away into the oblivion. Uttarakhand was conceived as a hill State and the Uttarakhand Kranti Dal wanted only the Kumbh area of Haridwar and Udham Singh Nagar as part of Uttarakhand. But entire Haridwar District was included in Uttaranchal. People wanted Uttarakhand to be a purely Hill State. The political parties including the UKD reasoned that a pure Hill State may not be viable and self sufficient, hence the inclusion of the plain area was considered essential. UKD leaders used to say that Haridwar is the Dwar (Gateway) to Uttarakhand and Udham Singh Nagar, the Angan (courtyard). Hence both Udham Singh Nagar and Haridwar were included in Uttaranchal. As a natural corollary to the inclusion of the Dwar and the Angan, development work started outside the Dwar and in and around the Angan. Thus began the story of the utter neglect of development of hill areas and today spate of dissatisfaction prevails in the hill areas of Uttarakhand.

            As per the Census 2001 the population graph has tilted in favour of the plains drastically. Thus the concept of the hill State has started dwindling. In the coming decades things would be heavily tilted in favour of the plains. People from the hills are continuously migrating into the foothills. Once they migrate to the plains in search of livelihood, they call for their families as well. These hill people now actually living in the plains area of Uttarakhand were deeply involved and were instrumental in spearheading the Uttarakhand agitation. They cherished the establishment of a hill state and agitated for the same. Some even sacrificed their lives. They are now settled in the foothills. They talk about Uttarakhand and are great well-wishers of the hill areas even today, but are not in a position to come back to the hills and they have now submerged themselves into the main stream of plains’ conveniences and comforts. Recently I had been to Haldwani to meet my brother. I heard one of my cousins saying Dajyoo Pahar se Aye Hain (The elder brother has come from the hills). I was startled to hear this. I felt that geographically Uttarakhand has two separate entitles, i.e. the hills and the plains. I put a question to them. How about Gairsen as the Capital of Uttarakhand? Almost all of them said if the Capital can be established between Dehradun and Haldwani it will be better, other wise Dehradun is O.K.
            Now that UKD has joined the Bharatiya Janta Party Government. Diwakar Bhatt, Minister in the BJP Government has been confusing the people by giving contradictory statements. Sometimes he says Gairsen is in the agenda of UKD and sometimes he says that Gairsen may or may not be considered as State Capital for various reasons.  People of Uttarakhand wanted to nurse Gairsen as the future Capital of Uttarakhand, but the population graph has now tilted in favour of plains in a big way and it has become very difficult to project Gairsen as the future Capital.  Now Hill people living in the plains feel it uncomfortable to come to the Hills even for community Puja celebrations. They send their share of the Puja to their brethren living in the hills and forget about the hills. UKD which was instrumental in spearheading the Uttarakhand Movement must consider whether now is it possible to convince the people and lead a mass movement for the establishment of Capital at Gairsen? Otherwise, I am afraid, Gairsen is destined to remain the dream capital of Uttarakhand and the posterities will only find a mention of Gairsen as the conceived Capital of Uttarakhand in the books of the Historians.

   The report of commission to settle the issue of Capital of Uttarakhand has been received by the Chief Minister. But the CM is sitting tight over the report. He has not thought it proper to take into confidence at least the MLAs or the Legislative Assembly. On an enquiry whether Gairsen can be the summer capital of Uttarakhand, he said that such a proposal is not in the consideration of the Government. Does it mean that Gairsen, the dream capital of Uttarakhand is destined to remain the dream capital only and nothing else. This is a big question mark and the people of Uttarakhand have to look for an answer to this.(D.N.Barola)

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Really a very interesting tale. Thanx

चल तुमेडी बाटे बाट मैं क्या जानू बुडिये की बात

रात्रि मैं भोजन के पश्चात निद्रा रानी के आव्हान के लिए कहानी सुनना बच्चों की दिन चर्या का एक आवश्यकीय अंग होता है. हम भी बचपन मैं रोज कहानी सुनते थे कहानी सुनते सुनते सो जाना एक साधारण बात थी.

एक दिन की बात है की रात्रि मैं हमारी दादी ने एक कहानी सुनाई 'चल तुमेडी बाटे बाट मैं क्या जानू बुडिये की बात'  दादी ने बताया की एक गाँव मैं एक शेर लगा था वह दिन दहाड़े आकर आदमियों का शिकार करता  था गाँव के लोगो  ने शेर से फरियाद की की वह एक बार मैं एक ही  आदमी को शिकार बनाए  जंगल का राजा शेर राजी हो गया क्योंकि उसे बिना मेहनत के शिकार जो मिल रहा था. तब से बारी बारी लोग शेर का शिकार बनने लगे एक दफा एक चतुर बुडिया की बारी आइ वह शेर का निवाला नहीं बनना चाहती  थी अतः उसने स्वयं को 
एक तुमडी (A hollow gourd)मैं बंद कर लिया तथा गाँव वालों से कहा कि उसे घुरया दें तुमडी घुरीते घुरीते जा रही थी कि शेर कि उस पर नज़र पड़ गयी. उसने तुमडी  को रोका और कहा की मेरा शिकार कहाँ हैं बुडिया बोली  चल तुमेडी बाटे बाट मैं क्या जानू बुडिये की बात इस प्रकार बुडिया बच गई उसने चतुराई से अपनी जान बचा ली

दूसरी कहानी के अनुसार जब शेर नहीं माना तो बुडिया ने शेर को समझाया कि वह अपने नाती के पास जा रही है अभी वह दुबली पतली है नाती के पास जाकर लोटते वक्त काफ़ी मोटी हो जाउंगी तब मुझे खाना शेर राजी हो गया और चतुर बुडिया ने अपनी जान बच्चा ली कहानी सुनते सुनते मैं कब सो गया मुझे पता नहीं
. (D.N.Barola)

D.N.Barola / डी एन बड़ोला

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You love to marry, we marry to love हम शादी करते हैं प्यार करने के लिए

एक विदेशी नागरिक ने एक बार विवेकानंद से पूछा कि भारत मैं लड़का लड़की बिना एक दूसरे से परिचित हुवे केवल माता पिता के कहने पर शादी क्यों कर लेते हैं तथा ज़िंदगी भर एक दूसरे का साथ निभाते हैं तथा शादी टूटती भी नहीं है. इसका क्या कारण है? स्वामी जी ने अंग्रेजी मैं जबाब दिया – यू लव तू मेरी वी मेरी तू लव ( You love to marry, we marry to love) आप प्यार करते हो शादी करने के लिए और हम शादी करते हैं प्यार करने के लिए . भारतीयता के अनुरूप कितना सही उत्तर दिया स्वामी जी ने. परन्तु आज कल टीवी मैं संयुक्त परिवारों कि भद्दी तस्वीर पेश की जा रही है. इसे रोकना होगा तथा संयुक्त परिवार कि खूबियों से लोगों से परिचित कराना होगा. सामाजिक विघटन को रोकना होगा। इसमें सबका सहयोग चाहिए (D.N.Barola)

D.N.Barola / डी एन बड़ोला

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No Bharat Ratna for Mahatma Gandhi, Why?

Bharat Ratna Front side

Bharat Ratna Reverse side
    Bharat Ratna was established by Dr. Rajendra Prasad, President of India on January 2, 1954. The original statutes of January, 1954 did not make allowance for posthumous awards and this perhaps explains why the decoration was not awarded to Mahatma Gandhi. But the provision to award Bharat Ratna posthumously was added in January, 1955.  Bharat Ratna (Jewel of India or Gem of India) is India’s highest civilian award, which is expected to be awarded for the highest degrees of national service. This service includes artistic, literary, and scientific achievements, as well as “recognition of public service of the highest order” Bharat Ratna carries neither special title nor any other honorifics, but they do have a place in the Indian order of precedence. The honour has been awarded to forty persons, including two non-Indians. Originally, the specifications for the award called for a circular gold medal carrying the state emblem and motto, among other things. The actual award is designed in the shape of a peepal leaf.
The reverse side of the medal carries the state emblem and motto. The award is attached to a two-inch long ribbon, and was designed to be worn around the recipient's neck.

 The Bharat Ratna citation

    Last year the former Deputy Prime Minister Lal Krishna Advani had floated an all India undesirable debate by recommending the name of the former Prime Minister Atal Behari Bajpai for the country’s top decoration Bharat Ratna and in the process every day we were reading the names of different personalities in the newspapers. This debate did not enhance the importance and status of the top award of the Nation. 

    At that time Bal Thakerey, the Shiv Sena Chief said he would refuse to receive the Bharat Ratna in case it is awarded to him. The news could not make any headline, because Bharat Ratna is not an award which may be discussed in any or every corner of the Nation.  Sometimes back Advani had created an unnecessary controversy by his irresponsible utterances in Pakistan about Mohd. Ali Jinnah, the creator of Pakistan.  He seemd to have tried to show his gratefulness to Bajpai by putting the demand for awarding the Bharat Ratna on him, in return for supporting him as the Prime Ministerial candidate of the Bharatiya Janta Party. Since then a long list of those who are desirous of getting Bharat Ratna was being published every day. The latest to join the fray were Karpoori Thakur, Shankar Rao Chauhan, Mohd. Rafi, Mulayam Singh Yadav, Chandra Shekhar, Lalu Prasad Yadav etc.etc. Mayawati Chief Minister of U.P. also recommended Kanshi Ram. The name of Jyoti Basu and many others was also in the air. The Union Minister Subodh Kant Sahai  proposed the name of Yog guru Ram Dev for this award. Earlier some Congressmen wanted Sonia Gandhi to be awarded Bharat Ratna in view of her sacrifice in refusing the post of Prime Minister. I am sure some more names like Mayawati, Rabri Devi and others would also have been proposed in the near future. A prestigious decoration Bharat Ratna became a subject of an undesirable debate. Every Tom, Dic and harry chatting on the street jocularly said as to why he should not be decorated with Bharat Ratna.

    I personally feel sad to state that Advani and other leaders have forgotten the name of a towering personality, whom we named as the ‘Father of the Nation’, Mahatma Gandhi-the apostle of peace and non-violence. The first name in the galaxy of the Bharat Ratna awardees should have been Mahatma Gandhi and none else. But the hard fact is that his name did not find a place in the list of Bharat Ratna. What a great irony! Last year also no body was awarded the Bharat Ratna. Why the Government is forgetting such a great personality like Mahatma Gandhi is a question which may be answered by the time only one day! This is my faith.

    I feel really sad that whereas the World is eager to see the name of Mahatma Gandhi amongst the recipients of Noble Peace Prize, we in India had forgotten Mahatma Gandhi and we were not even discussing Bharat Ratna for being awarded to him. We can only draw consolation by convincing ourselves that Bharat Ratna probably is not so significant for a great personality like Mohan Das Karam Chand Gandhi. We have been respecting Mahatma Gandhi as the Father of the Nation and I think Bharat Ratna stands no where compared to the Father of the Nation title awarded by the people from the core of their hearts.     Bharat Ratna controversy apart, an interesting point worth mentioning was that the Noble Foundation has been subject to widely discussed criticism of the Noble Peace Prize as it had the most notable omission of the name of Mahatma Gandhi.  His omission has been widely discussed. The criticism about omission was discussed through public statements by the various members of Noble Committee. It has been acknowledged by the committee that Gandhi was nominated in 1937, 1938, 1939, 1947 and finally a few days before he was murdered in January, 1948. The omission has been publicly regretted by later members of the Noble Committee. In the year 1948, the year of Gandhi’s death, the Noble Committee declined to award a prize on the ground that ‘there was no suitable living candidate. The omissions resulted in part from the provision in Alfred Nobel's will that only living people could receive the prize.  Nobel died in 1896. In fact last year when Al gore and Rajendra Pachauri’s UN panel shared the Peace Prize, this omission again came to the fore. In the Internet World Bloggers highlighted this omission and I was one of them who demanded one time exception in the Noble Peace Prize rules to award the Noble Peace Prize to Mahatma Gandhi posthumously, because without this, the Peace Prize looks to be loosing its elegance, particularly because the world sincerely recognizes Mahatma Gandhis’ contribution to peace and non-violence. (D.N.Barola)

D.N.Barola / डी एन बड़ोला

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Patwari- पटवारी उत्तराखंड की निहत्थी पुलिस
चौंकने की बात नहीं है पर यह सच है कि उत्तराखंड के ग्रामीण अंचल मैं निहत्थी पुलिस आज भी कार्य कर रही है. गाँधी के देस मैं अजूबा पटवारी अहिंसक पुलिस के रुप मैं पिछले २०० सालों से सुचारू रुप से कार्य कर रही है. धारा ३०२ जैसे जघन्य अपराध की जांच भी पटवारी ही करता है हथियार के नाम पर उसके पास एक डंडा ही होता है. मुलजिम को बंद करने के लिए कमरा भी नहीं होता. रात्रि को अपराधी को बंद करने हेतु वह अक्सर     हतगड़ी  को अपराधी व खुद के हाथ मैं बांध कर लेट जातें हैं . पटवारी को वर्दी भी नहीं मिलती ऐसे मैं कौन अपराधी है कौन पटवारी पहिचानाना था. मुश्किल हो जाता है संसार  का एक मात्र अजूबा पटवारी ट्रेनिंग स्कूल अल्मोड़ा मैं  है. पहाड़ कि शांत प्रिय जनता पटवारी व्यवस्था को अच्छा समझती है (D.N.Barola)

D.N.Barola / डी एन बड़ोला

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Democracy or dynastic rule democratically?
    Democracy is a Government of the people, by the people and for the people. Some say now democracy has become a Government off the people, buy the people and far (from) the people. Through democratic means political families are ruling the world. Why? This is because respecting and worshipping the King is in our blood. I remember the story of a King and a Queen that our mama or grandma used to narrate to lull us to sleep. Normally the story used to read like this. Once upon a time there lived a King. He had a beautiful queen and two children, a Prince and a Princess. They lived happily and after the death of the King the Prince ruled the Kingdom and so on. Now we have political ‘Royal Families’ whose children take over the reigns of their Kingdom ‘democratically’. The latest example is the succession of power in Pakistan by the son of assassinated   former Prime Minister of Pakistan Benazir Bhutto through a Will which Benazir signed well before her assassination. Benazir who was highlighted as a symbol of Zamhooriyat (democracy) also chose to Will her succession to his Son Bilawal and Husband. People of Pakistan accepted the Will without hesitation and now Zardari is ruling Pakistan. It is the  people who gave him  mandate to rule Pakistan
     I recently read a report in a newspaper where it has been stated that Atal Behari Bajpai, the former Prime Minister of India would like that his adopted son and son-in-law succeed him in Lucknow Parliamentary seat. The example of Lalu Prasad Yadav is aptly to be mentioned here, as he did not rely on anybody and thrust his almost illiterate wife Rabri Devi to succeed him as the Chief Minister of Bihar. The people got bewildered, but she was ultimately accepted by the people of Bihar and in fact by the people of India.  How after all this happened? It is nothing but the deep rooted sentiment of the people, where they have the story of the King and the Queen in some corner of their semi conscience brain.
    It is not that these ‘Royal families’ of the democratic rule are responsible for this. In case of succession of Bilawal Bhutto, the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) was not under any compulsion to accept the Will of Benazir. But from the point of winning an election the courtier surrounding the power centre felt that Bilawal’s induction was the need of the hour and there was no fuss on his election as PPP Leader and the Party men accepted the decision without criticism.
    Yet another important reason for hierarchical democracy is the nearness of the spouse and the children with the political leader. In most cases it is seen that the near and dear ones of the Leader are instrumental in helping the people in redressing their grievances. The family members lend a helping hand to those who are not able to reach the Leader. Gandhi Nehru family was highly criticized by almost all the political parties for the dynastic rule. But the criticism started dying down slowly when the opposition parties were not able to capture power either in the State or the Centre. There are a number of Leaders who are the beneficiaries of the dynastic rule. Shiv Sena Chief Bal Thakare is an example of dynastic rule, In Haryana, we have Devi Lal and Bhajan Lal family. Sindhia family in Rajasthan, Sheikh Abudulla family of Jammu & Kashmir, M.Karananidhi and Ram Rao family in south. In Orrissa Singh Deo family, Ravi Shankar Shukla family in Madhya Pradesh. In Uttar Pradesh Gobind Ballabh Pant family, whose heir apparent was K.C.Pant and then Ela Pant, In Uttarakhand we have Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna family. Today his son Vijai Bahuguna is Congress MP and Rita Bahugna Joshi is President of the Women’s Wing of the Congress Party. Chaudhary Charan Singh’s son Ajit Singh, and now Jayant is also in politics. Mulayam Singh Yadav’s brother and Son, Akhilesh Pratap Singh is MP. Kalyan Singh’s son. Rajnath Singh, Kalyan Singh, Arjun Singh, Prakash Singh Badal, Natwar Singh, Jaswant Singh, HD.Devegauda,  and even L.K. Advani all grooming their kith and kin in politics. If you talk about Communists,  you find Prakash Karat as the Party General Secretary and  his wife Vrinda Karat as MP, whom it is said he wants to groom as the Prime Ministerial candidate.
    If you look outside India, we find that our neighbours have dynastic rule. Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the creator of Pakistan’s daughter Fatima Jinnah, Khan Bahadur  Gaffar Khans family,  Ayub Khan family, Bhutto family, Nawaz Sharrif family all had been instrumental in trying to establish dynastic rule democratically. In Nepal Koirala family and in Sri Lanka Bandarnaike family ruled.  Even in USA you would find the dynastic rule by T. Roosevelt, Kennedy family, Bush family and now Clinton family, as Clinton’s wife Hilery Clinton became the Presidential candidate in forth coming elections, though now she has opted out from the race.
    The question is whether it is a good sign for democracy or not. In USA they have a Presidential form of Government. The President, once elected, assumed vast powers. The US President is considered to be the most powerful President of the world .But in Parliamentary democracy, the principle of collective leadership is important. The Prime Minister is in fact the first among equals.  When it comes to Party forums, you find the existence of a super High Command, who dictates terms to the Primer Minister and his team. It is in every party. In Congress the Party High Command is supreme and in the Bharatiya Janta Party the Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh (RSS) is supreme. In Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) Mayawati is the super High Command so is the case with Mulayam Singh who is equally a super High Command in his Party –SP. The votaries of dynastic rule advocate that a doctor’s son becomes a doctor, a shop-keeper’s son becomes a shop-keeper and a lawyer’s son becomes a lawyer and so on, then where is the harm in a politician’s son becoming a politician.  The argument is valid. Prior to independence there were many families who fought for the freedom of the country. Their aim was to share the agonies of their family members who were fighting with the British. They were self-less in fighting for the country’s freedom. They went to Jail and suffered innumerable hardships. But today the kith and kin want to be in politics to rule over the people and mint money. In the process the grass-root workers who work for the society for a long time are ignored.
      This is the irony of democracy! In the meanwhile I would like to finish the story by inserting the introductory lines-Once upon a time there lived a King. He had a beautiful queen …. In this penultimate paragraph I recollect the Ramdhun, a popular Bhajan (Hindu devotional song) which is based on a mantra by the 17th century Marathi saint poet Ram Das, which read –Raghupati Raghav RAJA Ram, Patitpawan Sitaram that was a favourite of Mahatma Gandhi. This ‘RAJA Ram’ song was sung by Gandhi ji and his followers as they walked during the 241 mile SALT MARCH to DANDI. This makes me to raise a question, isn’t it that our instinct accepts Raja Ram and the dynastic rule or monarchy because it has systematically and repeatedly been fed into our brains though we advocate and fight for democracy. If really so, then why blame the family rule beneficiaries and advocates? (D.N.Barola)


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