Krishna Janma Jagar Gatha: Asian, Garhwali Folk Ritual Song about Krishna Birth
Folklore, Folk Legends, Folk Myths of Kumaon-Garhwal, Haridwar, Uttarkahnd-68
Pauranic /Epic, Marathon, Classic, Impressive, Grand, Mahabharata Folklore, Ramayana Folklores, Folktales, Folk Stories of Haridwar, Garhwal, Kumaon, Uttarakhand – 5
(The write up is dedicated to Dr. Shiva Nand Nautiyal for his extensive works on Kumaoni-Garhwal I Folk and Modern Literature)
By: Bhishma Kukreti
Krishna is worshipped as Nag (Snake) in Garhwal and Kumaon. Whenever, there is Ghadela for Nagraja ritual performance the Jagari tells the story of Krishna. The following folk song is about Krishna birth. There is local folk touch on this universal story.
कुमाऊं, गढ़वाल ,हरिद्वार की लोक गाथाएँ -68
( गढवाली लोक गीत, कुमाउनी लोक गीत, उत्तराखंडी लोक गीत , हिमालयी लोक गीत, हरिद्वार से लोक गीत ,मध्य हिमालयी लोक गीत , हिमालयी लोक गीत,उत्तर भारितीय लोक गीत, भारतीय लोक गीत श्रृंखला )
कुमाऊं, गढ़वाल ,हरिद्वार से पौराणिक लोक गाथाएँ - 4
नागराजा कृष्ण जन्म गाथा
सन्दर्भ : डा शिवा नन्द नौटियाल , गढ़वाल के लोकनृत्य गीत
(इंटरनेट प्रस्तुति; भीष्म कुकरेती )
जमुना पार होलू कंसु को कंस कोट
जमुना पार होलू गोकुल बैराट
कंसकोट होलू राजा उग्रसेन
तौंकी राणी होली राणी पवनरेखा
बांयीं कोखी पैदा पापी हरिणा कंश
दांयी कोखी पैदा देवतुली देवकी
ओ मदु बामण लगन भेददा
आठों गर्भ को होलू कंसु को छेदक
हो बासुदेव को जायो प्रभो , जसोदा को बोलो
देवकी नंदन प्रभो , द्वारिका नरेश
भूपति-भूपाल प्रभो , नौछमी नारेणा
भगत वत्सल प्रभो , कृष्ण भगवान्
हो परगट ह्व़े जाण प्रभो, मृत्यु लोक मांज
घर मेरा भगवान अब , धर्म को अवतार
सी ल़ोल़ा कंसन व्हेने , मारी अत्याचारी
तै पापी कंसु को प्रभो कर छत्यानाश
हो देवकी माता का तैंन सात गर्भ ढेने
अष्टम गर्भ को दें , क्या जाल रचीने
अब लगी देबकी तैं फिलो दूजो मॉस
तौं पापी कंस को प्रभो, खुब्सात मची गे
हो क्वी विचार कौरो चुचां , क्वी ब्यूँत बथाओ
जै बुधि ईं देवकी को गर्भ गिरी आज
सौ मण ताम्बा की तौन गागर बणाई
नौ मण शीसा को बणेइ गागर की ड्युलो
हो अब जान्दो देवकी जमुना को छाल
मुंड मा शीसा को ड्युलो अर तामे की गागर
रुँदैड़ा लगान्द पौंछे , जमुना का छाल
जसोदा न सुणीयाले देवकी को रोणो
हो कू छयी क्या छई , जमुना को रुन्देड
केकु रूणी छई चूची , जमुना की पन्दयारी
मैं छौं हे दीदी , अभागी देवकी
मेरा अष्टम गर्भ को अब होंदो खेवापार
हो वल्या छाल देवकी , पल्या छाल जसोदा
द्वी बैणियूँ रोणोन जमुना गूजीगे
मथुरा गोकुल मा किब्लाट पोड़ी गे
तौं पापी कंस को प्रभो , च्याळआ पोड़ी गे
हो अब ह्वेगे कंस खूंण अब अष्टम गर्भ तैयार
अष्टम गर्भ होलो कंस को विणास
अब लगी देवकी तैं तीजो चौथो मॉस
सगर बगर ह्व़े गे तौं पापी कंस को
हो त्रिभुवन प्रभो मेरा तिरलोकी नारेण
गर्भ का भीतर बिटेन धावडी लगौन्द
हे - माता मातेस्वरी जल भोरी लेदी
तेरी गागर बणे द्योलू फूल का समान
हो देवकी माता न अब शारो बांधे याले
जमुना का जल माथ गागर धौरयाले
सरी जमुना ऐगे प्रभो गागर का पेट
गागर उठी गे प्रभो , बीच स्युन्दी माथ
हो पौंची गे देवकी कंसु का दरबार
अब बिसाई देवा भैजी पाणी को गागर
जौन त्वेमा उठै होला उंई बिसाई द्योला
गागर बिसांद दें कंस बौगी गेन
अब लगे देवकी तैं पांचो छठो मास
तौं पापी कंस को हाय टापि मचीगे
हो- अब लागी गे देवकी तैं सतों आठों मॉस
भूक तीस बंद ह्व़े गे तौं पापी कंस की
हो उनि सौंण की स्वाति , उनि भादों की राती
अब लगे देवकी तैं नवों-दसों मास
नेडू धोरा ऐगे बाला , तेरा जनम को बगत
अब कन कंसु न तेरो जिन्दगी को ग्यान
हो! पापी कंस न प्रभो , इं ब्युन्त सोच्याले
देवकी बासुदेव तौंन जेल मा धौरेन
हाथुं मा हथकड़ी लेने , पैरूँ लेने बेडी
जेल का फाटक पर संतरी लगे देने
हो उनि भादों को मैना उनि अँधेरी रात
बिजली की कडक भैर बरखा का थीड़ा
अब ह्वेगे मेरा प्रभो ठीक अद्धा रात
हो , हाथुं की हथकड़ी टूटी , टूटी पैरों की बेडी
जेल का फाटक खुले धरती कांपी गे
अष्टम गर्भ ह्व़ेगी कंस को काल
जन्मी गे भगवान् प्रभो , कंसु की छेदनी
At this Yamuna bank there was Kanskot of king Kansa and other side of Yamuna was Gokul Bairath.
Ugrasen was the king of Kanskot and his queen was Pawan Rekha. . Sinful Kansa was born from left uterus of Queen Pawan Rekha and virtuous Devki was born from right uterus. The future teller astrologer informed that the eighth son of Devki would kill Kansa. The whole Kanskot was worried. Many plans were created. Devki was married with Vasudev. Vasudev was told to live in Kanskot.
Kansa was sinful. He started killing his sister’s children in embryonic condition. When Kans came to know that his sister Devki was pregnant eighth time. He got made nine ton copper vessel (gagar) for carrying water and nine ton plumbs Deela (base for vessel to be kept on head). Now he asked Devki to carry water on the vessel. Weeping, Devki reached to Yamuna bank. The child inside her told her not to worry as he would reduce the weight. Devki carried water to Kanskot. Kans was shocked. While taking vessel from her head the water spilled away and many assistants of flew into the spilled water.
When Devki was nine month pregnant, Kansa kept Vasudev and Devki in the prison.
It was Bhadon night. There was heavy storm. There was heavy rain. Krishna took birth in the Rohni nakshatra. The door opened automatically. Krishna was incarnated to diminish Kansa.
Copyright (Interpretation) @ Bhishma Kukreti, 26/06/2013
Folklore, Folk Legends, Folk Myths of Kumaon-Garhwal-Haridwar (Uttarakhand) to be continued…67
Folklore, Folktales, Folk Ballads, Folk Stories of Human Behavior, Human Relationship, Human Psychology, Human Sensitivity, , Human values, Contemporary subjects, Human Sacrifices, interpersonal bond from Haridwar, Garhwal, Kumaon (Uttarakhand) –14
Curtsey and references
Dr. Krishna Nand Joshi, Kumaon ka Lok Sahitya (Folklore texts of Kumaon)
Dr Trilochan Pandey, Kumaoni Bhasha aur Uska Sahity(Folklore literature of Kumaon )
Dr Shiva Nand Nautiyal, Garhwal ke Lok Nrityageet (Folk Songs and Folk dances of Garhwal )
Dr Govind Chatak, Garhwali Lokgathayen (Folklore of Garhwali)
Dr. Govind Chatak, Kumaoni Lokgathayen (Folklore of Kumaoni)
Dr Urvi Datt Upadhyaya, Kumaon ki Lokgathaon ka Sahityik Adhyayan (Literary review of Folklore of Kumaon)
Dr. Dip Chand Chaudhri, 1995, Askot ka Palvansh , Gumani Shodhkendra, Uprada, Gangalighat
Dr. Prayag Joshi, Kumaon Garhwal ki Lokgathaon ka Vivechnatmak Adhyayan (Critical Review of Folklore of Kumaon and Garhwal)
Dr Dinesh Chandra Baluni, Uttarakhand ki Lokgathayen (Folklore of Uttarakhand)
Dr Jagdish (Jaggu) Naudiyal, Uttarakhand ki Sanskritik Dharohar, (Partially Folklore of Ravain)
Ramesh Matiyani ‘Shailesh’ 1959, Kumaun ki Lok Gathayen
Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna, Dhunyal (Folklore and Folk Songs of Garhwal)
Shambhu Prasad Bahuguna, Virat Hriday
Kusum Budhwar, 2010, Where Gods Dwell: Central Himalayan Folktales and Legends
C.M. Agarwal , Golu Devta, 1992, The God of Justice of Kumaon Himalayas
N.D .Paliwal, 1987, Kumaoni Lok Geet
E.S. Oakley and Tara Datt Gairola 1935, Himalayan Folklore
M.R.Anand, 2009, Understanding the Socio Cultural experiences of Pahadi folks: Jagar Gathas of Kumaon and Garhwal
Dr. Pradeep Saklani, 2008, Ethno archeology of Yamuna Valley
Shiv Narayan Singh Bisht, 1928, Gadhu Sumyal, Banghat , Pauri Garhwal
Kumaon: Kala, Shilp,aur Sanskriti Anjali Kapila (2004), Traditional health Practices of Kumaoni women
Bhishma Kukreti, Garhwali Lok Natkon ke Mukhy Tatva va Vivechana
Helle Primdahi, 1994, Central Himalayan Folklore: folk Songs in Rituals of the Life Cycle
Hemant Kumar Shukla, D.R. Purohit, 2012, Theories and Practices of Hurkiya Theater in Uttarakhand, Language in India Vol.12:5: 2012 Page 143- 150
Dev Singh Pokhariya, 1996, Kumauni Jagar Kathayen aur Lokgathayen
Madan Chand Bhatt, 2002, Kumaun ki Jagar Kathayen
Bhishma Kukreti, Garhwal ki Lok Kathayen, Alaknanda Prakashan
Bhishma Kukreti, Notes on History, Folk Literature of Haridwar
Khima Nand Sharma, Veer Balak Haru Heet, Kumauni Sahitya Sadan, Delhi, 1980.
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गढवाली लोक गीत, कुमाउनी लोक गीत, उत्तराखंडी लोक गीत , हिमालयी लोक गीत, हरिद्वार से लोक गीत ,मध्य हिमालयी लोक गीत , हिमालयी लोक गीत,उत्तर भारितीय लोक गीत, भारतीय लोक गीत श्रृंखला जारी..
Notes on Oriental/Asian, Garhwali Folk Ritual Song about Krishna Birth; Oriental/Asian, Garhwali Folk Ritual Song from Chamoli Garhwal about Krishna Birth; Oriental/Asian, Garhwali Folk Ritual Song from Rudraprayag Garhwal about Krishna Birth; Oriental/Asian, Garhwali Folk Ritual Song from Pauri Garhwal about Krishna Birth; Oriental/Asian, Garhwali Folk Ritual Song from Tehri Garhwal about Krishna Birth; Oriental/Asian, Garhwali Folk Ritual Song from Uttarkashi Garhwal about Krishna Birth; Oriental/Asian, Garhwali Folk Ritual Song from Dehradun Garhwal about Krishna Birth; Oriental/Asian, Garhwali Folk Ritual Song from Kotdwara Garhwal about Krishna Birth; Oriental/Asian, Garhwali Folk Ritual Song from Lansdowne Garhwal about Krishna Birth; Oriental/Asian, Garhwali Folk Ritual Song from Rath Garhwal about Krishna Birth; Oriental/Asian, Garhwali Folk Ritual Song from Kedar Ghati Garhwal about Krishna Birth; Oriental/Asian, Garhwali Folk Ritual Song from Gongotri Garhwal about Krishna Birth; Asian, Garhwali Folk Ritual Song from Joshimath Garhwal about Krishna Birth; Oriental/Asian, Garhwali Folk Ritual Song from Badiyargarh about Krishna Birth; Oriental/Asian, Garhwali Folk Ritual Song from Rishikesh Garhwal about Krishna Birth