Dear Kandpal Ji,
First of all we welcome to merapahad portal.
We are in Delhi, if you go through the today’s newspapers issue you will a long list of achievement by Uttarakhand Govt and photo of our honorable CM. However, the ground realities are well known to everybody. If I take my example, we have been following a matte r of road link in our village area but no gain. We have used information tool RTI but no concrete steps have been taken so far. The road proposal is only rolling in papers.
I believe the vote casted by people where are based very much true on real ground situation there. There are many questions, I am sure for which, Govt has no answer:-
- Where is the employment
- Why has the migration rate has become just double.
- Why the road connetivty has not been made upto the village areas
There are many such question which are un-answered.
Dear Shri Mehta Ji,
Aaj Foundation day ke avsar per pollm ke dwara aap hum sabhi ko ek avsar the rahin hain hum sab log ek dusre ko vicharon ko jhan saken.
Since last three years I have being going to my village once in a year and sometimes more due to social reasons.Prior to that My father used to go to attand all these.Since the death of my mother and father I have the direct link with all my relatives there.Through them I get their feedback regarding what they expect and what they have received.
I came to know that a lot has been intiated by the government as policy for development and enviromental issues.But if you see the ground realities,they way,with the convenience of all together it is being implemented,says a lot.How can all those who raise the voice can expect that the initiator will also check the implimentation if the system is corrupt.This is not appropriate to mention the specific instance here but collectively we have to start and RTI is an important instrument along withtoday zero price video/photo uploads of the reallity.We have to stop taking photos of green trees or sunset but the real issues,let others be the tourist,we be the concerned for right work for right time.Nam/post ka moh tyag ker hum sab ko ekjutta dikhani hogi.
Once over phone I told that we uttrakhandies have increased over numbers in Delhi (for example) but diminished over voice.