Author Topic: How To Stop Migration From Uttarakhand? - उत्तराखंड से विस्थापन कैसे रोके?  (Read 82752 times)

PratapSingh Bharda

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If the govt. of uttarakhand general ample of employment opportunities in uttarkhand than we think migration would come to its least. Anyhow we dont have control over migration as our country is democratic. and everyone have the rights of free movement.

सत्यदेव सिंह नेगी

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Pratop ji we pahadies who are migrated are real victims of Politicians of our beloved Uttrakhand and Still we are hopefull that someday someone good rular will come to power and think not only for his 15 crore bunglow but for victims like me too

Jai Uttrakhand

Jai Bharat

If the govt. of uttarakhand general ample of employment opportunities in uttarkhand than we think migration would come to its least. Anyhow we dont have control over migration as our country is democratic. and everyone have the rights of free movement.

हेम पन्त

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मुझे लग रहा है अब आ ही जाना चाहिये निशंक के ऊपर नेगी जी का एक कैसेट..

सत्यदेव सिंह नेगी

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जी हेम जी नेगी जी ने एक बार इसी फोरम में बोला था की मुझे जो खबरें मिलती है उसी आधार पर मई गीत लिख देता हूँ
मुझे लग रहा है अब आ ही जाना चाहिये निशंक के ऊपर नेगी जी का एक कैसेट..

Himalayan Warrior /पहाड़ी योद्धा

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यह एक घोर निंदनीय विषय है! राज्य के मुखिया ने अमर शहीदों का उपहास किया है!

दूसरी बात वहां के मीडिया भी बिकी हुयी है, किसी ने भी इस खबर को महत्व नहीं दिया है !

सुधीर चतुर्वेदी

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agar palayan sahi hai to fir humnay rajya ki mang kayo ki ........... kayonki jo garm pradhan nahi ban saktay vo vidhayak hai aur jo vidhayak nahi ban saktay thay vo
mantri hai ..........................................  wait for 2012 Election


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अब नौछमी नारेन नहीं बल्कि कुअर्मी नारेन आयेगी वो उत्तराखंड की राजीनीति भरे हुए कुकर्मियों एक अल्बम आने वाली है !

Anil Arya / अनिल आर्य

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I would like to share my views on this topic.
1. Education - There must be an Inter College within a reach of every village. All subject teachers should be posted there to ensure the proper schooling.   
2. Infrastructure- Electricity, Water and Roads must be available in all villages. Now cabinet Hon. Env Minister has become hard for trees and environment and state goverment is also following. But my opinion is in case 100 trees are to be cut by providing a road to a village, allow with a condition that the beneficial people will grow 1000 trees on the same roadside. Why those people should not be connected who have preserved forests? Should living in a green village be a curse for those residents  :o

3. Industries. I am surprised to note that so far I have not seen any industry in hills except one at Jhirauli, in Kafligair, Bageshwar. Here we should learn from H.P  :D . I have seen there many cottage industries, Cement factory near Vikas Nagar, power projects, international level cricket stadium in Dharamshala and of course the best use of natural resources in tourism.

4. Employment - above three points can generate employment means. At present I have noticed in merapahad  only one employment i.e transport operation. This occupation is also with musslemen. The guys we see, most of them are just daily paid drivers or loanees :(  .
I am shocked to read the recent news on the views of our present Chief Minister, which is totally against forum's this thread started in October'2007.

हेम पन्त

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विनोद उप्रेती जी की Facebook Profile से..

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Dear Anil ji,

I fully endorse your views.

In fact these are the three main concern areas if concrete steps are taken to these sectors, I am sure that migration will mitigate from Pahad.

Though, Uttarakhand Govt has upgraded the schools in the villages from Primacy to Junior High School and Junior High School to High School but unfortunately the quality of education is not there. Staff is inadequate. The condition of school buildings is very very pathetic.

Same is the condition for Technical education, in several new ITI colleges have been opened but teaching staff is not there and other facilities also. In many schools has to come this extent that on 15 students there are 3 teachers. Nos of schools are at higher side but the students strength is less.

Second issue is of setting up industries in hills and road connectivity: I can hardly any step was taken by any of the ruling Govt to set-up industry in hills. The road connectivity is also poor.

The state given by  Mr Nishak is really very shameful on migration. We all condemn of his statement.   

I would like to share my views on this topic.
1. Education - There must be an Inter College within a reach of every village. All subject teachers should be posted there to ensure the proper schooling.   
2. Infrastructure- Electricity, Water and Roads must be available in all villages. Now cabinet Hon. Env Minister has become hard for trees and environment and state goverment is also following. But my opinion is in case 100 trees are to be cut by providing a road to a village, allow with a condition that the beneficial people will grow 1000 trees on the same roadside. Why those people should not be connected who have preserved forests? Should living in a green village be a curse for those residents  :o

3. Industries. I am surprised to note that so far I have not seen any industry in hills except one at Jhirauli, in Kafligair, Bageshwar. Here we should learn from H.P  :D . I have seen there many cottage industries, Cement factory near Vikas Nagar, power projects, international level cricket stadium in Dharamshala and of course the best use of natural resources in tourism.

4. Employment - above three points can generate employment means. At present I have noticed in merapahad  only one employment i.e transport operation. This occupation is also with musslemen. The guys we see, most of them are just daily paid drivers or loanees :(  .
I am shocked to read the recent news on the views of our present Chief Minister, which is totally against forum's this thread started in October'2007.


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