Author Topic: Race For Chair - क्या ऐसे ही होगा उत्तराखंड राज्य का सपना साकार?  (Read 52210 times)

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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जैसे की आप जानते है हमारा राज्य 09 नवम्बर २००० को बहुत बड़ी लड़ाई लड़ने में बाद अस्तितव में आया और आज तक ८ साल होने वाले है उत्तराखंड की जनता विकास के लिए त्राहि त्राहि कर रही है यही दूसरी अब तक यहाँ उत्तराखंड राज्य में 5 मुख्य मंत्री बन चुके है !

     1)     First CM Nitiyanand Swami - BJP
     2)     Bhagat Singh Koshiyari - 2nd. = BJP:
     3)     N D Tiwari  - 3rd (Corgres completed the 5 yrs tenure)
     4)     B C Khanduri - 4th - BJP
      5)    Now Ramesh Pokhariyal.. BJP ..

 क्या उत्तराखंड राज्य बनाने का उद्देश यही था कि उत्तराखंड राज्य में हर २ साल और महीनो में एक नया मुख्यमंत्री हो !

Your views are welcome on this debate..


M S Mehta


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हम सब आम जनता का सपना कभी पूरा हो या नहीं पता नहीं मगर इन नेताओं का सपना तो कम से कम पूरा हो रहा है ...
जो विघायक UP   में रहते हुए बस राज्य मंत्री पद तक का ख्वाब देख सकता था वो आज राज्य का मुख्या बनने के सपने देख सकता है ..   जहाँ  UP रहते हुए इनकी सोच सिर्फ  लाल बती  तक ही रहती होगी आज कम से कम मुख्यमंत्री का पद इनका टारगेट रहेगा ..
जब तक इन लोगों की  इच्छा की पूर्ति नहीं होगी तब तक शयद हमे इंतजार करना पड़ेगा ..........


जैसे की आप जानते है हमारा राज्य 09 नवम्बर २००० को बहुत बड़ी लड़ाई लड़ने में बाद अस्तितव में आया और आज तक ८ साल होने वाले है उत्तराखंड की जनता विकास के लिए त्राहि त्राहि कर रही है यही दूसरी अब तक यहाँ उत्तराखंड राज्य में 5 मुख्य मंत्री बन चुके है !

     1)     First CM Nitiyanand Swami - BJP
     2)     Bhagat Singh Koshiyari - 2nd. = BJP:
     3)     N D Tiwari  - 3rd (Corgres completed the 5 yrs tenure)
     4)     B C Khanduri - 4th - BJP
      5)    Now Ramesh Pokhariyal.. BJP ..

 क्या उत्तराखंड राज्य बनाने का उद्देश यही था कि उत्तराखंड राज्य में हर २ साल और महीनो में एक नया मुख्यमंत्री हो !

Your views are welcome on this debate..


M S Mehta

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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We are taking you back during the struggle days of uttarakhand state.


See the conditioni now... .. Was this was the objective of making Uttarakhand State.

Where the Development ? ? ?

Everybody needs chair and only Chair


This poster illustrates a striking poem:
Uttarakhand : A song of the people

Will attain Uttarakhand, struggling, confronting, forcing.
Will attain Uttarakhand, swearing by her martyrs.

Look and see, the voices rising from mountain villages
Look and see, the fists of women becoming torch-bearers
Will attain Uttarakhand, coming forward hand in hand.

The young are losing land and village
Coming down in search of work
Will attain Uttarakhand, finding the answers.

The hot lava flows through the veins of hills
Will decide what is wrong and what is right
Will attain Uttarakhand, changing people's votes.

The sacred Ganga is watching us once again
The Badri Kedar calling us once again
Will attain Uttarakhand, swearing by the Panch Prayag.

New stories are weaved with the tri-colored flag
The sounds of Hansulies and Drantiyas are being heard
Will attain Uttarakhand, thinking carefully.

Why is development so distant from villages
Why so near the rivers but so far from the waters
Will attain Uttarakhand, changing the false numbers and lies.

Pay attention, one day a new dawn will take birth
Pay attention, the painful night will be gone
Will attain Uttarakhand, waving winning banners.
 This poster requests the solidarity of every Indian in several languages. Put out by the Uttarakhand Sanskritic Morcha, the poster draws on several popular graphic elements including the raised fist for revolution and the shaking hands for solidarity and cooperation. The top symbol of a fist holding up a horn is the JSM's emblem.


एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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इतिहास के झरोखों से उत्तराखंड राज्य संगर्ष ... और उत्तराखंड बनने के बाद कुर्सी की दौड़ में विकास को कोई महत्व नहीं !

Uttarakhand : A song of the people

Will attain Uttarakhand, struggling, confronting, forcing.
Will attain Uttarakhand, swearing by her martyrs.

Look and see, the voices rising from mountain villages
Look and see, the fists of women becoming torch-bearers
Will attain Uttarakhand, coming forward hand in hand.

The young are losing land and village
Coming down in search of work
Will attain Uttarakhand, finding the answers.

The hot lava flows through the veins of hills
Will decide what is wrong and what is right
Will attain Uttarakhand, changing people's votes.

The sacred Ganga is watching us once again
The Badri Kedar calling us once again
Will attain Uttarakhand, swearing by the Panch Prayag.

New stories are weaved with the tri-colored flag
The sounds of Hansulies and Drantiyas are being heard
Will attain Uttarakhand, thinking carefully.

Why is development so distant from villages
Why so near the rivers but so far from the waters
Will attain Uttarakhand, changing the false numbers and lies.

Pay attention, one day a new dawn will take birth
Pay attention, the painful night will be gone
Will attain Uttarakhand, waving winning banners.
 This poster requests the solidarity of every Indian in several languages. Put out by the Uttarakhand Sanskritic Morcha, the poster draws on several popular graphic elements including the raised fist for revolution and the shaking hands for solidarity and cooperation. The top symbol of a fist holding up a horn is the JSM's emblem.

The poster was put out by the Uttarakhand Sanyukta Sangarsh Samiti (Uttarakhand Joint-Action Committee), the non-partisan umbrella group for the Uttarakhand movement. Underneath the picture of Uttarakhand in chains, are listed various organizations protesting the delay in the formation of Uttarakhand promised both by the BJP-led administration and its predecessor the United Front government. Another major concern was the issues of Haridwar and Udham Singh Nagar districts, both of which are under pressure to be dropped from the new state. The campaign brought the entire region to a close in a five-day bandh and was hugely successful. Women also took out processions demanding justice for the Muzaffarnagar rapes.

source :

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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अब तो उत्तराखंड के हालात देख कर एक हिंदी फिल्म का गाना याद आता है !

"कौन सुनेगा, किस को सुनाये
इसी लिए चुप रहता हूँ ?

  १. कहाँ है राज्य के राजधानी का मुद्दा ?
  २.. क्यों है जनता अभी भी पहाड़ छोड़ने को मजबूर ?
  ३.. कहाँ है पहाड़ में रोजगार ?
  ४..  कहाँ है पहाड़ में रोड नेटवर्क ?
  ५..  कहाँ खोजे गए पहाड़ में रोजगार के साधन ?
  ६... क्यों तरस रहे है उर्जा प्रदेश में लोग बिजली पानी के लिए ?
  ७..  क्यों मजबूर है उत्तराखंड का शिक्षित युवा, राज्य से बहार जाने के लिए
 ८..  क्यों नहीं थम रहा है पलायन ?
  ९..  क्यों बढ रहा है उत्तराखंड मे भू माफियाओ का राज ?
 १०..  क्यों नहीं हो पा रहे है उत्तराखंड के पर्यटन स्थलों का विकास ?
इसी लिए चुप रहता हूँ ?

मेरी यह कविता उत्तराखंड के नव निर्वाचित मुख्यमंत्री जो कवि भी है उनको भेट इस उम्मीद के साथ ही उत्तराखंड में कुछ तो विकास हो ?[/b][/size][/color]

Sunder Singh Negi/कुमाऊंनी

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readable poem good................good...........good.

अब तो उत्तराखंड के हालात देख कर एक हिंदी फिल्म का गाना याद आता है !

"कौन सुनेगा, किस को सुनाये
इसी लिए चुप रहता हूँ ?

  १. कहाँ है राज्य के राजधानी का मुद्दा ?
  २.. क्यों है जनता अभी भी पहाड़ छोड़ने को मजबूर ?
  ३.. कहाँ है पहाड़ में रोजगार ?
  ४..  कहाँ है पहाड़ में रोड नेटवर्क ?
  ५..  कहाँ खोजे गए पहाड़ में रोजगार के साधन ?
  ६... क्यों तरस रहे है उर्जा प्रदेश में लोग बिजली पानी के लिए ?
  ७..  क्यों मजबूर है उत्तराखंड का शिक्षित युवा, राज्य से बहार जाने के लिए
 ८..  क्यों नहीं थम रहा है पलायन ?
  ९..  क्यों बढ रहा है उत्तराखंड मे भू माफियाओ का राज ?
 १०..  क्यों नहीं हो पा रहे है उत्तराखंड के पर्यटन स्थलों का विकास ?
इसी लिए चुप रहता हूँ ?

मेरी यह कविता उत्तराखंड के नव निर्वाचित मुख्यमंत्री जो कवि भी है उनको भेट इस उम्मीद के साथ ही उत्तराखंड में कुछ तो विकास हो ?[/b][/size][/color]

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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From: ramesh pant <>
To: <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2009 03:24:47 +0000

Dear Sir
I wish to comment as follows;
1. Small states tend to have this difficuty. Goa, Jharkhand etc. are other example.
2. There was hardly any sacrifice worth the name except of few brave ladies.
3. The region has contrdictions due to Caste and Kumaon-Tehari-Poudhi etc. It is bound to disturb us till all think alike. Even Pravasi has all these difficuties.  Mumabi has more than 75  Uttarakhand Association and story is like our politicians only.
4. The state has capital in plains. Therefore it may be another factor to querrel.

However general feeling of migrants is of satisfactions. Roads are better. Facilities are reaching even all corners.
I close with Thanks for your mail with genuine concern.

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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From: manoj sharma <>
To: A Community of Uttarakhand Lovers <>
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2009 09:14:06 +0530 (IST)

Dear Friends,

This is unfortunate for our “Uttarakhand” but if we try to understand that where is problem in development of uttarakhand, we will find two major points and if we can workout on two points I am sure that we can go ahead.
1.      Our local Janta (who are living in uttarakhand) not you and me because we are staying in
Delhi or some other States. But the people who are living in uttarakhand they are not active, they are not demanding for their development, in few years you can see government has given so many “Yojana” for uttarakhand development but nobody is using their rights, if the people will be active they can make presser on Gram Pradhan, if the Gram Pradhan will be pressurized he/she will go to higher authority, but people don’t want to take it personally everybody say that “Mere Bolne Se Kya Hoga, Mai Kyun Dushmani Karun”, I have a example few months ago we had made a demand for Hospital for our reason through some minister, he send our demand in higher authority and the surveyor came from DM office and they also issue a letter to our Ggram Pradhan but he inform us after 5 monts.  And that was so late, so I mean to say that we have so many example on ground level.  We people in Delhi or other states belongs to uttarakhand are very active but on
 ground level we can’t do too much for uttarakhand, only we can correspondence through letters .

2.      2nd point is our MLA and other leader are not thinking about uttarakhand who are having key of Uttarakhand development, as example Former CM, Major B.C.Khanduri have done a excellent job for uttarakhand he has provided Ambulance Seva, Mobile Network and so many scheme (Yojana) and try to maintain discipline but our other leaders don’t want this type of honesty of tightness so they threw him out.   Because all the government people were not happy with him, he was pushing everyone for hardworking and honesty, if the government servant, leader will take their responsibility to develop our uttarakhand definitely we will rise otherwise within few years Uttarakhand will be seen as Bihar and Jharkhand.

"Na chodo youn pahadaun, na jawa videsaun maa,
yeen matra bhumi tum bachawa na saumpa videshi maa"


Manoj Kumar Duvedi

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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From: Pooran Kandpal <>
To: A Community of Uttarakhand Lovers <>
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 07:26:09 -0700 (PDT)

Dear friends, uttrakhand kisi dal ne nahi banaya. 42 shaheedo ke lahoo se is rajya ke ibarat likhi gayi. Ab jo log hamara bhala karne ki  baat kar rahe the wey apni kurshi ki daur mein lage huye hain. Hal hi mein pahad se lauta hoon. buri haalat hai. pani ke liye log taraf rahe hain.sabhi gaon bandron ke aatank se pareshan hain. varsha nahi hone se kheti sookh gayee hai. road transport ie govt tpt bilkul nahi hai. taxi/jeep walon ki loot par log pareshan hai. kishse fariyad ki jaye.rajniti mein jo bhee ho raha hai woh dukhdaayi hai. doordaraj ke gaon mein sadak nahi gayi hai. log kurshi mein garbhwati mahila ko bandh kar 4-5 km door sadak par larahe hain tab jeep mein baitha kar asptal le ja rahe hain. Pahle Lucknow se tamasha dekhte the ab Dehradoon se tamasha dekh rahen hain. Jise yeh baat satya nahi lagti kripya Distt Almora ki patti chaugaon mein jakar dekhen. wahan log bataa rahe the ki gusse ke mare log  15th L S ke vote dalne bhee nahi gaye.hamare neta kitne bebafa hogaye uttrakhand ke bhole bhale logon ko is baat ka bahut dukh hai.
Pooran Chandra Kandpal


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Very true Manoj jee.
I have seen that most of the Gram Pradhans are not aware of their rights and duties.  They are guided by Village Dev. Officers (VDO) or Panchayat Secretaries who are government officials.  They guide the Gram Pradhans according to their convenience and are least bothered about the problems of the villagers.

From: manoj sharma <>
To: A Community of Uttarakhand Lovers <>
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2009 09:14:06 +0530 (IST)

Dear Friends,

This is unfortunate for our “Uttarakhand” but if we try to understand that where is problem in development of uttarakhand, we will find two major points and if we can workout on two points I am sure that we can go ahead.
1.      Our local Janta (who are living in uttarakhand) not you and me because we are staying in
Delhi or some other States. But the people who are living in uttarakhand they are not active,  

 I have a example few months ago we had made a demand for Hospital for our reason through some minister, he send our demand in higher authority and the surveyor came from DM office and they also issue a letter to our Ggram Pradhan but he inform us after 5 monts.  
Manoj Kumar Duvedi


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