Total Members Voted: 7
Voting closed: January 15, 2008, 11:42:20 AM
नमस्कार, इस विषय पर एक पुरानी बात याद आ रही है. मैं एक शादी में सम्मिलित होने के लिए पहाड़ गया हुआ था. वहीं पर इस विषय पर बातचीत हो रही थी. तभी बातचीत में दखल देते हुए एक वृद्ध सज्जन बोले "अरे तुम शहरी लोग क्या बोलोगे. हम पहाड़ में सारे साल में सिर्फ़ चार दिन हल चलाते हैं और फिर सारे साल ऐश करते हैं. सारा काम औरतें ही करती हैं. जबकि तुम शहरी लोगों का हिसाब किताब उलटा है. तुम रोज़ दफ्टर काम काज के लिए चले जाते हो, सारे दिन काम करते हो, शाम को थक हार कर घर आते हो. और तुम्हारी बीबियाँ तुम्हारे घर से निकलते ही आराम करना शुरू कर देती हैं और शाम तुम्हारे आने तक आराम फरमाती हैं. बताओ किस कि गति ज़्यादा अच्छी है?" मैं उस समाज की मानसिकता पर स्तब्ध रह गया. I am sorry to say but most of the Pahaadis are still, what should I say, MCPs. I did not want to use this dirty word but that seems to be the most appropriate phrase to describe this oppressive mentality. They do not take pity on the overburdened ladies. Till the last day of pregnancy she works in the fields and brings ghaas-lakari for the household, she is the last person to eat whatever is left for her, even if she is having some health problems nobody comes forward to take her to the hospital. But notice the change in the attitude and behaviour of these very pahadis living in our cities. A majority of these very people either cook at home or help their wives. Here they are the ideal husbands personified and that is why the girls from the plains are after our boys. I have talked to a cross-section of these girls and they consider the pahaadis most genteel, considerate and caring husband-material!!!So, in my view the plight of our women changes with the change in the society around them. If they are in pahaad, their husbands do not care out of fear of their elders around and when they are in the cities, as their elders are not around them they are most caring husbands. Anyone differing?नमस्कार,
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