Uttarakhand > Development Issues - उत्तराखण्ड के विकास से संबंधित मुद्दे !
Anubhav / अनुभव उपाध्याय:
To create an environment conducive to the rapid and ecologically sustainable industrial development of the State of Uttranchal with a view to:-
1. Harnessing industrial resources of the State and putting them to productive use.
2. Enhancing the flow of investments into industry and infrastructure.
3. Generating additional employment opportunities.
4. Raising the per capita income levels and standards of living of the people.
5. Ensuring equitable industrial development of all regions of the State.
6. Putting the State of Uttranchal on a high growth path.
7. Above all, endeavouring to create an industry-friendly environment in the State with the State Government playing the role of a facilitator for industrial development.
The Industrial Policy outlined in this document has been prepared bearing in mind the constraints, strengths and potential for industrial development in the State of Uttaranchal. The strategy detailed in the Policy aims at ensuring rapid, balanced and sustainable industrial development of Uttaranchal. Special emphasis has been paid to the revival and growth of traditional industries with a view to ensuring the economic development of the remote and hill areas of the State. Development of infrastructure, enhanced private sector participation, human resource development, expansion of marketing facilities and above all protection of the environment have been identified as areas of focus. Importantly, this first ever policy for industrial development of this area, is the outcome of a consultative process involving industry associations, concerned government departments and organizations and public representatives. Above all, this policy endeavours to establish an industry friendly environment in the State with the State government playing the role of a facilitator in industrial development.
Uttaranchal, the 27th State of India, came into being on 9th November, 2000. The main objective for the creation of this new State was to ensure rapid economic development of this area. Various factors have contributed to the economic backwardness of Uttaranchal, one of the foremost being slow industrial growth. The reasons for this include hilly and difficult terrain; gaps in infrastructure; lack of connectivity; problems of raw materials availability; limited access to markets and, most importantly, the absence of a specific policy for industrial development in the area keeping in view its special conditions. It is in this context that an Industrial policy for the State of Uttaranchal is being formulated.
Area 54,483 Sq. kms.
Total population 84,79,562
Density 159 per sq. km.
Literacy rate 72.28%
Forest Coverage 64.81%
Investment Rs. 305.58 crores
Employment 1,53,229
Investment Rs. 2694.66 crores
Employment 50,802
Electrified villages 78.6%
Metal roads 16,652 kms.
Post Offices 2695
P.C.Os 5095
Telephone connections 55316
Distribution of villages on the basis of distance from road :
Less than 1 km 41.51%
1 to 3 kms 17.25%
3 to 5 kms 13.32%
More than 5 kms 27.92%
Major Forest Produce :
Estimated growing stock 188.8 thousand cmt.
Timber production (1995-96) 307 thousand cmt. (round)
Fire wood production (1995-96) 167 thousand cmt.(stack)
Resin production (1999-2000) 1 lakh quintal
Availability of Important Minerals (million tonnes):
Mineral Quantity
Limestone 430.5
Marble 6.4
Rock Phosphate 25.0
Barytes .085
Greyphite 10.7
Dolomite(superior) 30
Magnesite 70.294
Copper 1.6
Soap stone 26.64
Gypsum 0.195
Rest info can be found on the below link:
Source: http://laghu-udyog.com/policies/state/uttran/utran.htm
एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720:
i think this is the vision.
To create an environment conducive to the rapid and ecologically sustainable industrial development of the State of Uttranchal with a view to:-
1. Harnessing industrial resources of the State and putting them to productive use.
2. Enhancing the flow of investments into industry and infrastructure.
3. Generating additional employment opportunities.
4. Raising the per capita income levels and standards of living of the people.
5. Ensuring equitable industrial development of all regions of the State.
6. Putting the State of Uttranchal on a high growth path.
7. Above all, endeavouring to create an industry-friendly environment in the State with the State Government playing the role of a facilitator for industrial development
In addition to this, there should some employement reservation for Uttarakhandi also.
पंकज सिंह महर:
यदि इस योजना का सही ढंग से क्रियान्वयन किया जाय तो निश्चित रुप से पहाड़ों का भला हो सकता है।
Anubhav / अनुभव उपाध्याय:
Bilkul sahi kaha aapne Mahar ji.
हेम पन्त:
Large\Medium Scale Industries in Uttrakhand
Situation is better today for plane districts (Udham Singh Nagar and Haridwar) but in Hill districts it is more or less same even after 7 years of formation of Uttarakhand
Sl. No. Name of District Large/Med units Inv.(In Crores) Employment
1. Almora 3 10.28 260
2. Nainital 87 902.49 23045
3. Pithoragarh 3 8.89 211
4. Udham Singh Nagar 1 8.71 32
5. Bageswar -
6. Chempawat -
7. Chamoli -
8. Dehradun 50 233.74 14052
9. Pauri Garhwal 7 266.43 1187
10. Tehri Garhwal 8 29.00 510
11. Uttar Kashi -
12. Rudraprayag -
13. Haridwar 7 99.37 7080
Total 166 1588.91 46377
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