Uttarakhand > Development Issues - उत्तराखण्ड के विकास से संबंधित मुद्दे !
Why Uttarakhandi living outside the state are more successful?
पंकज सिंह महर:
--- Quote from: M S Mehta on November 05, 2007, 11:57:18 AM ---
Rajesh Ji,
It is obvious that people who have migrated from Uttarakhand have got better facilites to grow in their life compared to their to home state. Hardly anyone has got a remarkable success from the Uttarakhand itself.
There is a lot latent talent in UK people. I am sure if people get good facilites in hill in terms of education and etc. a lot of big star will arise from UK also.
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मेहता जी, मै आपसे सहमत हूं.
कारण शिक्षा ही नही है, पहाडों में वास्तव में मूलभूत सुविधाओं की इतनी कमी है कि आदमी अगर कुछ हो जाये तो वहा रहना ही नही चाहता है, शिक्षा और स्वास्थ्य तथा आवश्यक वस्तुओं की अनुपलब्धता यह तीन कारण है जो हमारे "लायक" पहाडी को पहाड में रूकने नही देते, क्योकि आर्थिक रूप से सक्षम होने के बाद भी आदमी वहा पर सुविधाओ से वंचित है.
शुगर टेस्ट कराने या कोई भी शारीरिक परीक्षण कराने के लिये (हायर लेबल का जैसे एम०आर०आई०, टी०एम०टी, डाफ्लर, फिजियोथेरेपी) वहां से आदमी को आज भी हल्द्वानी या देहरादून आना पडता है. एम०आर०आई० जो कि हड्डी रोग के लिये आवश्यक परीक्षण है, की सुविधा आज की तारीख में सिर्फ देहरादून में उपलब्ध है, यदि आप के पास पैसा है तो भी आप यह काम पहाड में कैसे करोगे? यही नही फल-फूल, सब्जी भी वहा पर इच्छानुसार आप नही ले सकते.......
इसलिये भागता है आदमी पहाड से.....! अगर यह सुविधायें सरकार हमें उत्तरकाशी या पिथौरागढ़ में उपलब्ध करा दे तो मैं क्यों आऊं देहरादून या दिल्ली..............![/b]
पंकज सिंह महर:
--- Quote from: rajesh.joshee on November 05, 2007, 11:52:35 AM ---I have seen that we Uttarakhand people are more successful, more hardworking and sincere to our work outside the state. General image of a Pahadi Uttrakhand man is Drinker and useless.
M. S. Dhoni is a live example, though he is representing a state which is more undeveloped.
One of my friend who was outside Uttarakhand earlier and now in Dehradun (he is a senior Administrative officer in Secretariate) quoted me that:
"Uttarakhand ka admi sabse jyada mehnati, imandar, intelligent aur sincere hai, Per Kashipur, Tanakpur, Rishikesh aur Kotdwar se neeche tak, Uttarakhand ke ander koi admi kaam hi nahi karna chahta."
His observation is that the people of Uttarakhand living inside the state are very casual in their working.
The same is the observation of mine that the Uttarakhandi living outside the state of country are more concern about their culture, state and people.
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जोशी जी,
यह हमारा दुर्भाग्य ही रहा है कि हमारे प्रदेश में रहकर हम अपनी पह्चान नही बना पाये, चाहे नारायण दत्त तिवारी हों या बहुगुणा जी या फिर मुरली मनोहर जोशी जी, सबने शुरूआत तो यहा से की और जब सफल हो गये, थोडा मुकाम बना लिया तो चले इलाहाबाद और वही के हो गये, मुझे लगता है यह हमारी परम्परा ही रही है कविल्ठा में कालिदास जी जन्मे और कर्मभूमि बनी मालवा!
कारण क्या रहा?? वही मूलभूत सुविधाओं की कमी.....जब तक हमारे पहाड में अच्छी शिक्षा और स्वास्थ्य तथा आवश्यक वस्तुओं की अनुपलब्धता का अभाव रहेगा यह स्थिति बनी रहेगी.. जब यह गांव-गांव में सुलभ हो जायेगी तो आप देखना कहां जाता है उत्तराखण्ड.....!
Actually we are not looking at the big picture.The same is applicable at the national level as well.
Earlier people used to migrate abroad quoting the same logic,and now they are coming back to India.
Development is not a one day process and that too when government is involved.
For government it is a very tough task,it has to deal with politics,pampered employees, corruption and still get the work done.Then there is problem of change in continuity with new incoming governments.
Private SEZ will never face these problems but the moment government attempts this it becomes adifficult task.
Biggest examples are SIDCUL zones.These government sponsored mini SEZs which were created with good intentions ,overnight with a change of government have become a bedrock of scams.And I am very sure with mismanagement ,undue political interference will ultimately become another HMT.
Secondly, in todays time people are not sure that how much is too much .They may keep on struggling hard in alien lands for money and may collect more than they require and once this thing dawns on them probably it is too late to come back.
एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720:
At present we ask any migrated Uttarakhandi whether he / she would like to go back to UK. Most of them still say no. The clear reasons is that our condition is same as it was before becoming UK. hence migration from Pahad can not be stopped untill unless there is development.
--- Quote from: loneranger on November 07, 2007, 12:35:18 PM ---Actually we are not looking at the big picture.The same is applicable at the national level as well.
Earlier people used to migrate abroad quoting the same logic,and now they are coming back to India.
Development is not a one day process and that too when government is involved.
For government it is a very tough task,it has to deal with politics,pampered employees, corruption and still get the work done.Then there is problem of change in continuity with new incoming governments.
Private SEZ will never face these problems but the moment government attempts this it becomes adifficult task.
Biggest examples are SIDCUL zones.These government sponsored mini SEZs which were created with good intentions ,overnight with a change of government have become a bedrock of scams.And I am very sure with mismanagement ,undue political interference will ultimately become another HMT.
Secondly, in todays time people are not sure that how much is too much .They may keep on struggling hard in alien lands for money and may collect more than they require and once this thing dawns on them probably it is too late to come back.
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Anubhav / अनुभव उपाध्याय:
Very good analysis sir +1 karma for this.
--- Quote from: loneranger on November 07, 2007, 12:35:18 PM ---Actually we are not looking at the big picture.The same is applicable at the national level as well.
Earlier people used to migrate abroad quoting the same logic,and now they are coming back to India.
Development is not a one day process and that too when government is involved.
For government it is a very tough task,it has to deal with politics,pampered employees, corruption and still get the work done.Then there is problem of change in continuity with new incoming governments.
Private SEZ will never face these problems but the moment government attempts this it becomes adifficult task.
Biggest examples are SIDCUL zones.These government sponsored mini SEZs which were created with good intentions ,overnight with a change of government have become a bedrock of scams.And I am very sure with mismanagement ,undue political interference will ultimately become another HMT.
Secondly, in todays time people are not sure that how much is too much .They may keep on struggling hard in alien lands for money and may collect more than they require and once this thing dawns on them probably it is too late to come back.
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