Uttarakhand > Films of Uttarakhand - उत्तराखण्ड की फिल्में
उत्तराखंड मूल के निर्देशक विनोद कापड़ी की फिल्म "मिस टनकपुर हाज़िर हो" -26 Jun 15
एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720:
Miss Tanakpur Haazir Ho
Thursday 25 June 23:49 0 Comments
Release Date : 6/26/2015 12:00:00 AM
Director : Vinod Kapri
Genre : Comedy
Miss Tanakpur Haazir Ho
Details :
Friday, 26th June 11:50 AM IST
MISS TANAKPUR HAAZIR HO Is Effective Yet Simple Social Satire
Annu Kapoor is too good, Ravi Kissen is hilarious, Om Puri is decent, Sanjay Mishra is outstanding and Rahul Bagga fits the bill, tight screenplay
dialogues are amateur, editing is uneven, background score is cliche
Critic Rating:
Business Rating:
Watch it for simplistic approach and effective message
Detailed Analysis:
In last few years films like 'Phas Gaye Re Obama', 'Dekh Tamasha Dekh' created some kind of wave in Bollywood where film makers are trying to raise social evils in a very effective humorous manner. 'Miss Tanakpur Haazir Ho' is one more such film.
Inspired by true events in Rajasthan, the film centers on a love story set in a village of Haryana. Sulaal Gandass (Annu Kapoor) is head of village and he has some real funny idiosyncrasies.
At the core of the film is a young villager Arjun (Rahul Bagga) who is falsely accused by the headman of *ually assaulting a buffalo and is ordered by a khap panchayat to marry the 'victim' by way of expiation. Then there are interesting characters like Cop Malang Singh (Om Puri). Just about everything is amiss in tension-ridden Tanakpur, beginning with its impotent and unscrupulous headman Sualal Gandaas (Annu Kapoor). The man's much younger wife, Maya (Hrishitaa Bhatt), is in a dangerous liaison with the village electrician Arjun (Rahul Bagga) and she loses no opportunity to invite him into her bedroom. Arjun is a morose drifter whose father has put his life's savings aside so that his son can become a policeman. The mukhiya throws his weight around with the help of a dumb henchman, Bheema (Ravi Kishen), who merrily rushes in where angels would fear to tread.
Also in the antagonist's camp is a mumbo-jumbo spouting tantric (Sanjai Mishra) who vows to help the bristling cuckold dispatch Arjun to his doom.That is where the buffalo comes in handy. The silent animal falls prey to the headman, his lackeys and police inspector Matang Singh (Om Puri), who is all too willing to be bribed to do the master's bidding.How this case brings forward evils of society, prevalent issues of rural life and judicial system form the rest of the story.
Performance wise Annu Kapoor is good with electric act and he looks like a complete fit in the role. Sanjay Mishra once again proves his mettle with astounding act, Ravi Kissen is decent and so is Om Puri. Rahul Bagga looks good for most of the part but lacks finesse in his performance.
Film has such a thin plot which is usually a case with satirical films though dialogues disappoints but screenplay takes care of the proceedings exceedingly well. Film has uneven editing that at times one loses the flow of events in 1st half with too many sequences. Music is below par . Cinematography is first class and production design are good.
TV journalist turned director Vinod Kapri tries to deliver honest film but due to his broad strokes and Haryanvi language that desired magic did not come out. But still he delivers a film which is worth a watch purely because of interesting premise and good actors.
Film will release today and it will struggle due to unexciting promos and dry content. There is competition for the film from 'ABCD 2' though exceptional reviews and word of mouth can give it some push but still a box office success looks like a tough task.
एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720:
Miss Tanakpur Haazir Ho
The Story of #MissTanakpur :Raju Hirani’s take on “Miss Tanakpur”
Filmmaker Raju Hirani was utterly astonished to know that “Miss Tanakpur Hazir Ho” was shot in just 32 days. He said it just doesn’t look like work of a debutant director. Vinod Kapdi recounts the story of that heartening encounter: http://goo.gl/pA3pPj
एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720:
Mahi Singh Mehta
12 hrs ·
आज Vinod Kapri India जी फिल्म "मिस टनकपुर हाज़िर हो" देखने गया ! पहले सोचा अकेले जाउ फिल्म देखने लेकिन बाद में परिवार को भी ले गया नॉएडा spice सिनेमा में। सिर्फ फिल्म देखने हेतु ऑफिस से जल्दी निकल आया ! इस फिल्म के रिलीज़ का मुझे बेसब्री से इन्तेजार था लिहाजा ज्यादे इन्तेजार नहीं सका! अब फिल्म के बारे में बताऊ - फिल्म का पहला हाफ में काफी कॉमेडी है लोगो को हसने के लिए मजबूर करती है ऐसा लग रहा था फिल्म पूरी कॉमेडी होगी लेकिन दूसरा हाफ सामाजिक बुराइयो की पोल खोलती है चाहे वो पुलिस प्रशाशन का भ्रष्टाचार हो न्याय पालिका दबा के घूसखोरी। तीसरी तरफ लोक तंत्र नहीं अपने तत्र में विश्वाश न रखने वाले "खाप" पंचायतो के तालिबानी फरमानों के बारे में फिल्म जनता को आँख खोलने के लिए मजबूर करती है। जिस तरह कई बार न्यालयो में बिना ठोस सबूतो के झूठे मुकदमे दर्ज किये जाते है जिसके कारण निर्दोष लोगो के सीधी साधी जिंदगी नरक जाती है। अदालतों को भी फिल्म कुछ न कुछ सोचने के लिए मजबूर करेगी। गाव का भोला भाला जीवन और दृश्य लुभावने है। सभी पात्रो ने अपने अपने character के साथ न्याय किया है। मुझे अन्नू कपूर का अभिनय बेहद पसंद आया।
मसाला फिल्मो को पसंद करने वाले को शायद फिल्म बहुत ज्यादे पसंद न आये लेकिन सामाजिक मुद्दो पर संजीदा काफी पसंद कर रहे है। मेरी रेटिंग रेटिंग पूछी जाय तो 3 स्टार मिलेंगे। विनोद कापड़ी जी का निर्दशन में कही ऐसा नहीं लगा ये उनकी पहली फिल्म है बहुत अच्छा काम किया है उन्होंने । निश्चित रूप से फिल्म उनके लिए bollyhood में लम्बे करियर का दरवाजा खोलने वाली है। निसंकोच - थोड़ा तांत्रिक का रोल के बारे में असमंजस में हूँ। हलाकि मिश्रा जी ने बहुत अच्छा अभिनय किया है लेकिन मुझे लगता है १-२ बार ज्यादे दिखाया गया है। बाकी ठीक है। मित्रो आप भी जरूर देखे ! भरपूर मनोरंजन है फिल्म में !
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