Author Topic: Actresses Of Folk Songs - उत्तराखण्ड के लोक गीतों की नायिकायें  (Read 120229 times)


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Chhuma Bo ka naam sun ke ek karnpriy geet yaad aa gya

"Jhunagr Ki Baal... Jhungar Ki Baal.."
"Chhuma Parsidh Hai Ja.. Kumu Gadwaal..."
"Pyari Chhuma Bo"
छुमा बौऊ
  छुमा एक नाम ही नही , एक पहिचान भी है ,हमारी , हमारी   पहाडी संस्कृतिकी की , हमारे साहित्य की !  वो  हमारी गीतों कि नायका भी है  ! छुम्मा बौ पहाडी की संस्कृति कि एक आई कान भी है  ! वो किसी खाबो कि रुपहली परी से कम नही !  वो भावों और विचारों में विचाने वाली किसी एक विचार का नाम भी है ! वो अपने लाब्ब्न्य रूप रंग श्रृंगार व अदाओ के लिए मेरे पहाड़ के प्रतेक व्यक्ति हॄदय में कल भी थी , आज भी है और आने वाले कल में भी विराजमान रहेगी !
     यू तो पहाड़ में कई खुबसूरत , कई चर्चित नायाकवो ने ने जन्म लिया जिन्होंने अपने अपने समय में अपनी अदाओं से , अपने रूप से पहाड़ के लोग गीतों में व वहा के आदमियों के मन में अपना एकछत्र राज किया जिनमे गैणी, सुरमा ,गयेली दौन्था  आयद की चर्चा बड़े फकर के साथ किया जाता है लेकिन इन सबसे उप्पर , सबसे अलग एक नायका ,जो   अलग से देखाई देती है वो है छुम्मा ...       


Bhishma Kukreti

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Sadei: Poetic Folktale about Unique Sacrifice by a Sister for Her Brother

Folklore, Folk Legends, Folk Myths of Kumaon-Garhwal, Haridwar, Uttarkahnd-55

 Folklore, Folktales, Folk Ballads, Folk Stories of Human Behavior, Human Relationship, Human Psychology, Human Sensitivity, Human values, Human Sacrifices, interpersonal bond from Haridwar,   Garhwal, Kumaon (Uttarakhand) – 2 
The write up is dedicated to late Tara Datt Gairola who first time brought the hidden Folklores of Garhwal and Kumaon and analyzed them in ‘Himalayan Folklores’)

                                        By: Bhishma Kukreti

  Tara Datt Gairola was first Garhwali who collected and edited folk songs of Garhwal and Kumaon with Oakley.
 Sadei a folk song is very long poetry published in book form by Tara Datt Gairola. The folk story is about a woman’s unique sacrifice for her brother’s life.
 The following a couple poetry lines are about wish of a married woman to have brothers in her Mayka. However, the story is long.

            कुमाऊं, गढ़वाल ,हरिद्वार  की लोक गाथाएँ  -55       
                 गढ़वाल , कुमाऊं ,  हरिद्वार, की मानवीय संवेदनाओं की  लोक गाथाएँ -2   
                            सदेई : एक असाधरण त्याग गाथा

         (सन्दर्भ:तारा दत्त गैरोला , सदेई, खंड काव्य )

हे ऊँचि डांड्यों तुम नीसि जावा,
घणी  कुळायुं तुम छाँटि होवा।
मैकू लगीं छ खुद मैतुड़ा की,
बाबा जी को देश देखण देवा।।
मैत कि मेरि तुत पौन प्यारी,
सुणौ तू रैबार माँ को मेरी।
गाड गदन्यु व हिलांस कफू,
मैत का तुम मेरा गीत गावा।
बारा ऋतू बौड़लि बार मास,
आली -जाली जनु दाई फेरो।
आई नि आई निरभाग मैक,
क्वी बि नि आई ऋतुमेरि दांक।
बसंत मैना सबका त भाइ,
भेंटण आला बैण्यु को अपणा।
दीदी भुली मीलिक गीत गाली,
गळा लगाली खुद बिसराली।  ….

          When Sadei was very young she was married to far village Thati Kathud. Sadei could not watch her mother’s land as in between there were mountains and dense pine forest. She did not have brother. Therefore, no body used to visit her from her parents. Sadei used to wish that she would have brother who would call her to Mayaka. Sadei had two sons.
   She prayed before her family goddess Jhali-Mali. Sadei promised a gift to goddess after she had brother. Goddess blessed her.
  After some time, she came to know that her mother delivered a male child (her brother). He was named as Sadeu.
 When Saeu became young his brother told him that he has a sister married to far village. One day, Sadeu saw dream that his sister was weeping under a tree and was calling ‘brother! Brother!
Next day, he goes to his sister in law village.
Sadei saw her brother and became happy. Her sons also were pleased seeing their maternal uncle.
  As per promise to goddess, Sadei performed a Yagya (ritual). Now, time came for sacrifice, there was Akashvani (call from sky) that goddess does not want animal sacrifice. Sadei became ready to sacrifice herself instead of animal life. There was Akashvani that goddess does not take female life for sacrifice. Akashvani suggested for her sons sacrifice for goddess.
  Sadei became unconscious for time being. However, after some moments, she became ready to offer her sons life.
  She undressed her sons, her sons asked about their undressing by her, She replied them they would take bath. She offered them bath. Sadei beheaded her sons by sword. She took head inside room and came beheaded bodies of her sons at alter place. Again there was Akashvani that offer means heads and not bodies. Sadei goes to room and found that her sons were alive.

Copyright (Interpretation) @ Bhishma Kukreti, 12/06/2013
Folklore, Folk Legends, Folk Myths of Kumaon-Garhwal-Haridwar (Uttarakhand) to be continued…56 
Folklore, Folktales, Folk Ballads, Folk Stories of Human Behavior, Human Relationship, Human Psychology, Human Sensitivity, , Human values, Human Sacrifices,  interpersonal bond  from Haridwar,   Garhwal, Kumaon (Uttarakhand) – 3 
                                  Curtsey and references
Dr. Krishna Nand Joshi, Kumaon ka Lok Sahitya (Folklore texts of Kumaon)
 Dr Trilochan Pandey, Kumaoni Bhasha aur Uska Sahity(Folklore literature of Kumaon )
Dr Shiva Nand Nautiyal, Garhwal ke Lok Nrityageet  (Folk Songs and Folk dances of Garhwal )
Dr Govind Chatak, Garhwali Lokgathayen (Folklore of Garhwali)
Dr. Govind Chatak, Kumaoni Lokgathayen (Folklore of Kumaoni)
Dr Urvi Datt Upadhyaya, Kumaon ki Lokgathaon ka Sahityik Adhyayan (Literary review of Folklore of Kumaon)
Dr. Dip Chand Chaudhri, 1995, Askot ka Palvansh , Gumani Shodhkendra, Uprada, Gangalighat
Dr. Prayag Joshi, Kumaon Garhwal ki Lokgathaon ka Vivechnatmak Adhyayan (Critical Review of Folklore of Kumaon and Garhwal)
Dr Dinesh Chandra Baluni, Uttarakhand ki Lokgathayen (Folklore of Uttarakhand)
Dr Jagdish (Jaggu) Naudiyal, Uttarakhand ki Sanskritik Dharohar, (Partially Folklore of Ravain) 
Ramesh Matiyani ‘Shailesh’ 1959, Kumaun ki Lok Gathayen
Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna, Dhunyal (Folklore and Folk Songs of Garhwal)
Shambhu Prasad Bahuguna, Virat Hriday
Kusum Budhwar, 2010, Where Gods Dwell: Central Himalayan Folktales and Legends 
C.M. Agarwal , Golu Devta, 1992, The God of Justice of Kumaon Himalayas
N.D .Paliwal, 1987, Kumaoni Lok Geet
E.S. Oakley and Tara Datt Gairola 1935, Himalayan Folklore
M.R.Anand, 2009, Understanding the Socio Cultural experiences of Pahadi folks: Jagar Gathas of Kumaon and Garhwal
Dr. Pradeep Saklani, 2008, Ethno archeology of Yamuna Valley
Shiv Narayan Singh Bisht, 1928, Gadhu Sumyal, Banghat , Pauri Garhwal
Kumaon: Kala, Shilp,aur Sanskriti
Anjali Kapila (2004), Traditional health Practices of Kumaoni women
Bhishma Kukreti, Garhwali Lok Natkon ke Mukhy Tatva va Vivechana
Helle Primdahi, 1994, Central Himalayan Folklore: folk Songs in Rituals of the Life Cycle
Hemant Kumar Shukla, D.R. Purohit, 2012, Theories and Practices of Hurkiya Theater in Uttarakhand, Language in India Vol.12:5: 2012 Page 143- 150
Dev Singh Pokhariya, 1996, Kumauni Jagar Kathayen aur Lokgathayen
Madan Chand Bhatt, 2002, Kumaun ki Jagar Kathayen 
Bhishma Kukreti, Garhwal ki Lok Kathayen, Alaknanda Prakashan
Bhishma Kukreti, Notes on History, Folk Literature of Haridwar

Notes on Poetic Folktale about Unique Sacrifice by a Sister for Her Brother from Garhwal-Kumaon-Haridwar; Poetic Folktale about Unique Sacrifice by a Sister for Her Brother from Chamoli Garhwal; Poetic Folktale about Unique Sacrifice by a Sister for Her Brother from Rudraprayag, Garhwal; Poetic Folktale about Unique Sacrifice by a Sister for Her Brother from Uttarkashi Garhwal; Poetic Folktale about Unique Sacrifice by a Sister for Her Brother from Pauri Garhwal; Poetic Folktale about Unique Sacrifice by a Sister for Her Brother from Dehradun Garhwal; Poetic Folktale about Unique Sacrifice by a Sister for Her Brother from Pithoragarh, Kumaon; Poetic Folktale about Unique Sacrifice by a Sister for Her Brother from Kumaon; Poetic Folktale about Unique Sacrifice by a Sister for Her Brother from Champawat, Kumaon; Poetic Folktale about Unique Sacrifice by a Sister for Her Brother from Bageshwar, Kumaon; Poetic Folktale about Unique Sacrifice by a Sister for Her Brother from Nainital, Kumaon; Poetic Folktale about Unique Sacrifice by a Sister for Her Brother from Almora,  Kumaon; Poetic Folktale about Unique Sacrifice by a Sister for Her Brother from Udham Singh Nagar, Kumaon…

Bhishma Kukreti

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 Virtuous Jasi Jagar Gatha: Depicting Outrageous Mother in law in a traditional love ballad from Uttarakhand

Folklore, Folk Legends, Folk Myths of Kumaon-Garhwal, Haridwar, Uttarkahnd-51

Love Folklore, Folktales, Love Ballads, Folk Stories of Love, Adoring, Affection, Fondness, friendliness, Liking from Haridwar,   Garhwal, Kumaon (Uttarakhand) – 7 
The write up is dedicated to Dr. Prayag Joshi who brought the hidden Folklores of Garhwal and Kumaon and analyzed them)

                                        By: Bhishma Kukreti
 The folk ballads of Hills of Uttarakhand are simple and in Jagar the story line is strong.

               General Characteristics of Folk Ballads of Kumaon and Garhwal

              Hills of Uttarakhand Traditional ballads are created by anonymous creative. These conventional ballads may be created collectively or by single creator. There was no custom for writing and preserving time-honored ballads in hills of Garhwal and Kumaon. The preservation methods for habitual ballads were oral methods. The stories of folk ballads of Kumaon and Garhwal are always simple.  The stories are known by audience; therefore, stories are not entire stories in folk ballads of Garhwal and Kumaon. The conventional ballads of Garhwal and Kumaon may be of semi prose types or in poetic forms. However, the stanzas are sung by Jagris. The language of Jagar ballads are always impersonal language as the Jagari represents the community.
 Usually, in Jagar ballads of Garhwal and Kumaon have historical backgrounds. The traditional ballads exist in various forms depending upon the exclusivity of regions.
 There are many stock phrases for creating folk ballads.
                        Jasi Folk ballad: a love Story and depicting Outrageous Mother in law 

              The present folk ballad story is about tremendous love of a husband for his wife and outrageous behavior of mother in law.

           कुमाऊं, गढ़वाल ,हरिद्वार  की लोक गाथाएँ/जागर  -51       
                    गढ़वाल , कुमाऊं ,  हरिद्वार, की प्रणय  लोक गाथाएँ -7 
                          जसी : सास द्वारा प्रताड़न विषयी लोक  गाथा
   (  सन्दर्भ:  डा.प्रयाग जोशी , कुमाऊं, गढ़वाल की लोक गाथाओं का विवेचनात्मक अध्ययन )
रूप आगलि होली वा धर्मावती राणी,
रूप  आगलि होली सेली सीतली।
भूका देखीक वा खाणु नि खांदी
नंगा देखीक वा बस्तर नि लांदी।
जनि छई राणी बल तनि छयो राजा,
दान्यों मा दानी होला बल हरिश्चन्द्र रजा।
रिंगदी डिंड्याळी छै जैकि उड़दी अटारी,
धारु गरुड़े छै जैकी गाडू घटूड़े
ढुंगा जनी धन छयो मेघ जसी मन
गाडू का ढुंग पूजिन राजान , धारु का मशाण
पर राजा का घर बेटा नि जरमे 
तब सुमरदो राजा पंचनाम देव,
जरमी गये नौनी एक वैकी दिबतौं का वरन।
भली ह्वे नौनी तेरी राजा जसीली 'जसी ' नौकी।
जोन सी टुकड़ी नौनी , फ्यूंळी सि कोंपळी
मादेवन जन पारबती पाए,
बीरुवा जसी को बाँधणे मलेऊ जसी जोड़ी.......

                       King Harishchandra was a great donor. He had airy palace. He had many cowsheds in hills and watermills in valleys. His wife Dharmavati was beautiful and great donor. They worshipped each auspicious stones of valleys and hills. However, they did not have child. After many years, a girl child took birth. Pundits assured that she would be famous and Pundit named her ‘Jasi’ (famous and auspicious).   
         Jasi was married to Biruva Bhandari a brave man of Kolagarh. They had great affection for each other. Biruva forget everything in love for his wife Jasi.
                    One night, Biruva saw his late father in dream. In morning he told his beloved wife Jasi that he had to go Gaya for Pinddan (a ritual for offering respect to dead) of his father. Biruva promised to bring jewelry and other precious things for her. Jasi became very unhappy and sad for thinking her separation from her husband. Biruva had to leave for Gaya.
                    Jasi left using make up. She was very sad.
               Mother of Biruva Padmavati was jealous about affection of Biruva to his wife Jasi. Padmavati was of opinion that now, Biruva would not take care her (Padmavati).
          One day, Jasi went to water source (Pandyar) with her friends. Her friends came back but Jasi was there at Pandyar. Thee after she saw her brother in law Padmu there. Jasi asked about her sister and her children.  Padmu threw flowers on her.
           After some time, Jasi came back to her home. Her mother in law saw her with flowers. Padmavati started quarrelling and abusing Jasi. Padmavati blamed her daughter in law for her extra marital relationship with her brother in law Padmu Raut.
       Padmavati beheaded Jasi and threw dead body in garden.
          When Biruva came back from Gaya he did not see his beloved wife.  His mother Padmavati told a lie that Jasi had extra marital relation with Padmu Raut and she did suicide.
                     Knowing death of his beloved Biruva became sad. After seeing dead body of his beloved Jasi , Biruva became unconscious.
              Biruva sprinkled Ganga water on Jasi and prayed that if Jasi was virtuous she would be alive. Jasi became alive. Biruva and Jasi live happily for long. 


Copyright (Interpretation) @ Bhishma Kukreti, 6/06/2013
Folklore, Folk Legends, Folk Myths of Kumaon-Garhwal-Haridwar (Uttarakhand) to be continued…52 
Love Folklore, Folktales, Folk Stories of Love, Adoring, Affection, Fondness, friendliness, Liking from Haridwar,   Garhwal, Kumaon ( Uttarakhand ) to be continued…8 
                                  Curtsey and references
Dr. Krishna Nand Joshi, Kumaon ka Lok Sahitya (Folklore texts of Kumaon)
 Dr Trilochan Pandey, Kumaoni Bhasha aur Uska Sahity(Folklore literature of Kumaon )
Dr Shiva Nand Nautiyal, Garhwal ke Lok Nrityageet  (Folk Songs and Folk dances of Garhwal )
Dr Govind Chatak, Garhwali Lokgathayen (Folklore of Garhwali)
Dr. Govind Chatak, Kumaoni Lokgathayen (Folklore of Kumaoni)
Dr Urvi Datt Upadhyaya, Kumaon ki Lokgathaon ka Sahityik Adhyayan (Literary review of Folklore of Kumaon)
Dr. Dip Chand Chaudhri, 1995, Askot ka Palvansh , Gumani Shodhkendra, Uprada, Gangalighat
Dr. Prayag Joshi, Kumaon Garhwal ki Lokgathaon ka Vivechnatmak Adhyayan (Critical Review of Folklore of Kumaon and Garhwal)
Dr Dinesh Chandra Baluni, Uttarakhand ki Lokgathayen (Folklore of Uttarakhand)
Dr Jagdish (Jaggu) Naudiyal, Uttarakhand ki Sanskritik Dharohar, (Partially Folklore of Ravain) 
Ramesh Matiyani ‘Shailesh’ 1959, Kumaun ki Lok Gathayen
Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna, Dhunyal (Folklore and Folk Songs of Garhwal)
Shambhu Prasad Bahuguna, Virat Hriday
Kusum Budhwar, 2010, Where Gods Dwell: Central Himalayan Folktales and Legends 
C.M. Agarwal , Golu Devta, 1992, The God of Justice of Kumaon Himalayas
N.D .Paliwal, 1987, Kumaoni Lok Geet
E.S. Oakley and Tara Datt Gairola 1935, Himalayan Folklore
M.R.Anand, 2009, Understanding the Socio Cultural experiences of Pahadi folks: Jagar Gathas of Kumaon and Garhwal
Dr. Pradeep Saklani, 2008, Ethno archeology of Yamuna Valley
Shiv Narayan Singh Bisht, 1928, Gadhu Sumyal, Banghat , Pauri Garhwal
Kumaon: Kala, Shilp,aur Sanskriti
Anjali Kapila (2004), Traditional health Practices of Kumaoni women
Bhishma Kukreti, Garhwali Lok Natkon ke Mukhy Tatva va Vivechana
Helle Primdahi, 1994, Central Himalayan Folklore: folk Songs in Rituals of the Life Cycle
Hemant Kumar Shukla, D.R. Purohit, 2012, Theories and Practices of Hurkiya Theater in Uttarakhand, Language in India Vol.12:5: 2012 Page 143- 150
Dev Singh Pokhariya, 1996, Kumauni Jagar Kathayen aur Lokgathayen
Madan Chand Bhatt, 2002, Kumaun ki Jagar Kathayen 
Bhishma Kukreti, Garhwal ki Lok Kathayen, Alaknanda Prakashan
Bhishma Kukreti, Notes on History, Folk Literature of Haridwar

Notes on depicting Outrageous Mother in law in a traditional love ballad from Uttarakhand; Outrageous Mother in law in a traditional love ballad from Haridwar; Outrageous Mother in law in a traditional love ballad from Pithoragarh; Outrageous Mother in law in a traditional love ballad from Champawat; Outrageous Mother in law in a traditional love ballad from Bageshwar; Outrageous Mother in law in a traditional love ballad from Almora; Outrageous Mother in law in a traditional love ballad from Nainital; Outrageous Mother in law in a traditional love ballad from Udham Singh Nagar; Outrageous Mother in law in a traditional love ballad from Pauri Garhwal; Outrageous Mother in law in a traditional love ballad from Uttarkashi; Outrageous Mother in law in a traditional love ballad from Tehri Garhwal; Outrageous Mother in law in a traditional love ballad from Chamoli Garhwal; Outrageous Mother in law in a traditional love ballad from Rudraprayag ; Outrageous Mother in law in a traditional love ballad from Dehradun.

Bhishma Kukreti

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  Jiyarani Jagar:  The Jagar (Ritual Folk Song) of a female legend
Folklore, Folk Legends, Folk Myths of Kumaon-Garhwal, Uttarkahnd-21
 Chivalry, Gallantry, Graciousness Folklores, Folk Legends, Folk Myths of Garhwal, Kumaon, Uttarakhand –6 
                                         Bhishma Kukreti
        Jiyarani Jagar Gatha is famous near Haldwani of Kumaon region.  Jiyarani was the queen of Kumaon king Prithwipal (around fourteenth century). In her memory, there is a fair in Ranibagh Haldwani, Kumaon in the month of January. 
  The Jagar of Jiyarani starts as -
कुमाऊं और गढ़वाल की लोक गाथाएँ/जागर  -21   

जियारानी की गाथा : भडौ , कटकू, भड़वळि  या पांवड़ा जागर
सन्दर्भ; दीप चंद  चौधरी, अस्कोट का  पालवंश  पृष्ठ -13 -17

आ  .....आ..... जिया  ........आ
नीलकंठ माज धरमवंती जिया
महादेव ज्यून की तीन ला बैणी छिन
जेठी छी गंगादेइ मांजिलो जिया
निकासि कन्नरा
गंगदेइ विवाई छ राजा पृथ्वी साईं
xxx   xxx   xxx
आ  .....आ ..... जिया  ........आ
राजा पिथुर हिन रुक्क भेजी हाछ
आब खैरागढ़ बठि मैं विवाई लिजाव
राजा पिथुर छियो अस्सी बरस को
निमाउंती जिया छि ऊ बार बरषै की
बार बरषै की कन्या को रुक्क आइ  रयोछ
राजा पिथुर जो छ मुल-मुल हंस छ
लाद कर सेक वाको पुट फर पट्यौलो   
आँखों का भंवरी च्यूं गाँठी दि रौछ
xxx    xxx     xxx
आ  .....आ ..... जिया  ........आ
तुरक को घोड़ो आछ
वाको केश तै का खुटा फंसी ग्योछ
नाप नूप वाले जब छै गज नौ वेद
भूरा तुरक कणी खबर है गैछ
आओ म्यार फौंज कूंछ
जाको यो केश हय
वींके खोजी ल्यावो
          The story of Jiyarani Jagar states that once, the queen Jiyarani was bathing in a river at Chitrashila  near Ranibagh  . Her hair flew into river and reached far away to a Sayad who pulled the hair and kidnapped the queen Jiyarani.  The eighty year old king Prithvipal tried his best to free his queen from Turk Sayyad but failed to do so.
  Jiyarani put her condition to Pathan Turk Sayyad that if her army would get free her before twelve year he would marry her afterwards.
   Under the leadership of prince Hathiya Kunwar , the nine lakhs Kumaoni armed forces reached there to get free Jiyarani. Hathiya Kunwar got free the queen Jiyarani.
 There is other folk tale about Jiyarani that she became Sati (burning with her husband dead body).

Copyright (Interpretation) @ Bhishma Kukreti, 6/5/2013
Folklore, Folk Legends, Folk Myths of Kumaon-Garhwal, Uttarakhand to be continued…22 

Chivalry, Gallantry, gracious Folklores, Folk Legends, Folk Myths of Garhwal, Kumaon, Uttarakhand to be continued…7   
Curtsey and references:
Dr. Krishna Nand Joshi, Kumaon ka Lok Sahitya (Folklore texts of Kumaon)
 Dr Trilochan Pandey, Kumaoni Bhasha aur Uska Sahity(Folklore literature of Kumaon )
Dr Siva Nand Nautiyal, Garhwal ke Lok Nrityageet  (Folk Songs and dances of Garhwal )
Dr Govind Chatak, Garhwali Lokgathayen (Folklore of Garhwali)
Dr. Govind Chatak, Kumaoni Lokgathayen (Folklore of Kumaoni)
Dr Urbi Datt Upadhyaya, Kumaon ki Lokgathaon ka Sahityik Adhyayan (Literary review of Folklore of Kumaon)
Dr. Dip Chand Chaudhri, 1995, Askot ka Palvansh , Gumani Shodhkendra, Uprada, Gangalighat
Dr. Prayag Joshi, Kumaon Garhwal ki Lokgathaon ka Vivechnatmak Adhyayan (Critical Review of Folklore of Kumaon and Garhwal)
Dr Dinesh Chandra Baluni, Uttarakhand ki Lokgathayen (Folklore of Uttarakhand)
Dr Jagdish (Jaggu) Naudiyal, Uttarakhand ki Sanskritik Dharohar, (Partially Folklore of Ravain) 
Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna, Dhunyal (Folklore and Folk Songs of Garhwal)
Shambhu Prasad Bahuguna, Virat Hriday
Kusum Budhwar, 2010, Where Gods Dwell: Central Himalayan Folktales and Legends 
C.M. Agarwal , Golu Devta, 1992, The God of Justice of Kumaon Himalayas
N.D .Paliwal, 1987, Kumaoni Lok Geet
E.S. Oakley and Tara Datt Gairola 1935, Himalayan Folklore
M.R.Anand, 2009, Understanding the Socio Cultural experiences of Pahadi folks: Jagar Gathas of Kumaon and Garhwal
Dr. Pradeep Saklani, 2008, Ethnoarcheology of Yamuna Valley
Shiv Narayan Singh Bisht, 1928, Gadhu Sumyal, Banghat , Pauri Garhwal
Kumaon: Kala, Shilp,aur Sanskriti
Anjali Kapila (2004), Traditional health Practices of Kumaoni women
Bhishma Kukreti, Garhwali Lok Natkon ke Mukhy Tatva va Vivechana
This chapter contains about Jiyarani Jagar (Devotional folk songs) of Kumaon; Jiyarani Jagar (Devotional folk songs) of Haldwani, Kumaon; Jiyarani Jagar (Devotional folk songs) of Sitarganj, Kumaon; Jiyarani Jagar (Devotional folk songs) of Rudrapur, Kumaon; Jiyarani Jagar (Devotional folk songs) of Sitarganj, Kumaon; Jiyarani Jagar (Devotional folk songs) of Kashipur, Kumaon; Jiyarani Jagar (Devotional folk songs) of Kicchha, Kumaon; Jiyarani Jagar (Devotional folk songs) of Kathgodam, Kumaon; Jiyarani Jagar (Devotional folk songs) of Kaldhungi, Kumaon; Jiyarani Jagar (Devotional folk songs) of halrakhan , Kumaon; Jiyarani Jagar (Devotional folk songs) of taikota, Kumaon; Jiyarani Jagar (Devotional folk songs) of Bhowali, Kumaon; 


Bhishma Kukreti

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Teelu Rauteli: A Courageous Woman Warrior of Garhwali Folk literature     

Folklore, Folk Legends, Folk Myths, Jagar of Kumaon-Garhwal –Haridwar (Uttarakhand) -37

 Chivalry, Gallantry, Graciousness Folklores, Folk Legends, Folk Myths, Ballads of Bravery of Garhwal, Kumaon, Haridwar, Uttarakhand –21 

                                         Bhishma Kukreti

                     The folk song related to great woman warrior Teelu Rauteli of Garhwal if very famous. There is confusion among cultural historians about the period of Teelu Rauteli. A few cultural historians suggest her time around 1380AD. A few cultural historians advocate her time around eighteenth century. 

                  कुमाऊं, गढ़वाल ,हरिद्वार  की लोक गाथाएँ/जागर  -37   

                  तीलू रौतेली रण भूत जागर लोक गाथा वीर-वीरंगनाएं  गाथा : भडौ , कटकू, भड़वळि  या पांवड़ा, जागर 
         डा शिवानन्द नौटियाल के अनुसार , "   वीरांगना  तीलू रौतेली गढवाल कि झांसी कि राणी कहलायी जाती है . तीलू कि याद में रण भूत नचाया जाता है . जब तीलू रौतेली नचाई जाती है तो अन्य बीरों  के रण भूत /पश्वा जैसे शिब्बू पोखरियाल, घिमंडू हुडक्या, बेलु -पत्तू सखियाँ , नेगी सरदार आदि के पश्वाओं को भी नचाया जाता है . सबके सब पश्वा मंडांण   में युद्ध नृत्य के साथ नाचते हैं"

                   ओ कांडा का कौथिग उर्यो
                   ओ तिलु कौथिग बोला
                   धका धै धै    तिलु रौतेली  धका धै धै 
                  द्वी बीर मेरा रणशूर ह्वेन
                   भगतु पत्ता को बदला लेक कौतिक खेलला
                 धका धै धै  तिलु रौतेली धका धै धै
                 अहो रणशूर बाजा बजी गेन रौतेली धका धै धै
                बोइयों का दूध तुम रणखेतु बतावा  धका धै धै
                तीलु रौतेली ब्वादा रणसाज सजावा धका धै धै
                इजा मैणा यूं बीरूं टीका लगावा , साज सजावा ,धका धै धै
                 मै तीलु  बोदू जौंका भाई होला , जोंकी बैणि होली
                                                 ओ रणखेत जाला धका धै धै
                 बल्लू प्रहरी टु मुलक जाइक धाई लगै दे धका धै धै
                                           बीरों के भृकुटी तण गे धका धै धै
                                           तीलु रौतेली धका धै धै
                ओ अब बूड़ी सलाण नाचण लागे धका धै धै
                 अब नई जवानी आइगे धका धै धै
                 बेलू देबकी द्वी सखी संग चली गे धका धै धै
                 ओ खैरा गढ़ मा जुद्ध लगी गे धका धै धै
                  खड़कु रौत तखी मोरी गे  धका धै धै
                                       तीलु रौतेली धका धै धै
                   ओ काण्ड को कौतिक उर्यो गे धका धै धै
                   तीलु रौतेली तुम पुराणा हथ्यार पुजावा धका धै धै
                   अपणि ढाल कटार तलवार सजावा धका धै धै
                   घिमंडू की हुडकी बाजण लगे धका धै धै
                  ओ रणशूर साज सजीक ऐगे तीलु रौतेली धका धै धै
                   दीवा को अष्टांग करी याल धका धै धै
                    रण जीति घर आइक गाडुल़ो छतर रे धका धै धै
                    धका धे धे तीलु रौतेली  धका धै धै
                   पौंची गे तीलु रौतेली टकोली भौन धका धै धै
                    यख बिद्वा कैंत्युरो मारियाले धका धै धै
                   तब तीलु पौंची गे सल्ड मादेव धका धै धै
                     ओ सिंगनी शार्दूला  धका धै धै
                   धका धे धे तीलु रौतेली धका धै धै
                   येख वख मारी कैकी बौडी गे चौखाटिया देघाट धका धे धे
                     बिजय मीले पण तीलु घिरेगे धका धै धै
                    बेल्लू देबकी रणखेतुं मा इखी काम ऐन
                   इथगा मा शिब्बू पोखरियाल मदद लेक आइगे धका धै धै
                   अब शार्दूला लड़द पौंची कालिंकाखाळ
                सराइंखेत आइगे घमासान जुद्ध ह्व़े धका धै धै
                शार्दूला की मार से कैंत्युरा रण छोडि भाजी गेन धका धै धै
                रण भूत पितरां कल तर्पण दिंऊला  धका धै धै
                यख शिब्बू पोखरियाल तर्पण देण लग्ये  धका धै धै
                सराईखेत  नाम तभी से पड़े धका धै धै
                यख  कौतिक तलवारियों को होलो  धका धै धै
                ये तें खेलला मरदाना मस्ताना रणवांकुर जवान धका धै धै
                सरदार चला तुम रणखेत चला तुम धका धै धै
                धका धै धै  तीलु रौतेली धका धै धै
                ओ रणसिंग्या रणभेरी नगाड़ा बजीगे  धका धै धै
                ओ शिब्बू ब्वाडा तर्पण करण खैरागढ़ धका धै धै
                अब शार्दूला पौंची गे खैरागढ़ धका धै धै 
                यख जीतू कैंत्युरा मारी , राजुला जै रौतेली अगने बढी गे धका धै धै
                 रण जीति सिंगनी दुबाटा मा नाण लगे धका धै धै
                  राजुलात रणचंडी छयी अपणो काम करी नाम धरे गे धका धै धै
                  कौतिका जाइक खेलणो छयो खेली याला
                   याद तौंकी जुग जुग रहली धका धै धै
                   तू साक्षी रैली खाटली के देवी धका धै धै
                   तू साक्षी रैली स्ल्ड का मादेव धका धै धै
Xxx                  xxx
                   ओ तू साक्षी रैली पंच पाल देव
                    कालिका की देवी लंगडिया भैरों
                    ताडासर देव , अमर तीलु, सिंगनी शार्दूला  धका धै धै
                    जब तक भूमि , सूरज आसमान
                     तीलु रौतेली की तब तक याद रैली
                     धका धे धे तीलु रौतेली धका धै धै  तीलु रौतेली धका धै धै

           Tilu Rauteli was daughter of Thokdar Bhup Singh Goral of Chaundkot. Tilu Rautela had two twin brothers Bhagtu and Patwa. Her father engaged Teelu Rauteli at early age. However, the enemies killed her would be husband before marriage.
        At that time, the Katyuri king Dham Shahi attacked on Khairagarh king Manshahi. Manshahi fought bravely but had to escape from the battle. Manshahi took assylam in Chaundkot Garhi.   Bhup singh and his two sons fought with the army of Dhamshahi. The attackers killed Bhup Singh and his sons in the battle.
  There was Kanda fair after winter. Teelu Rauteli showed to her mother for her interest for visiting fair. When tilu Rauteli was ready to start her mother remembered her husband and her two sons. She said to daughter Teelu,” had there been my sons alive they would have taken revenge with Dham Shahi. They would have offered blood for Tarpan of deceased sons and my husband”
  Teelu rauteli took the vow to take revenge of death of her brave father and two twin valiant brothers.
     Teelu Rauteli informed the area people that they would not celebrate fair but would destroy Katyuri. All fighters of the area became ready.
  Teelu put on the warrior dress with sword. She rode on her black horse. Her bold female friends Bellu and Rakki also went with her. The family Hudkya (A type of drum player) Ghemdu was with her with sword. She went to family and village temples for blessing.
  The Army of Teelu Rauteli started their campaign from Khairagarh. Teelu Rauteli and her army freed Khairagarh from Katyuri army.
       At later stage, she freed Bhaun (Idiyakot), Salt Mahadev, Bhilan, Bhaun, Jadalyun, Chaukhatiya, Saraikeht and Kalikakhal from enemies.
Tilu took rest for days at Bironkhal.
        Teelu Rauteli was on her camping in Kandagarh region. The army was taking rest. Teelu was taking bath into Nayar River. An enemy soldier Rajwar killed her by deceptive method. Teelu rautlei was twenty two years old when she became martyr. Teelu Rauteli fought with enemy army for seven years. 

Copyright (Interpretation) @ Bhishma Kukreti, 27/5/2013
Folklore, Folk Legends, Folk Myths of Kumaon-Garhwal-Haridwar (Uttarakhand) to be continued…38 

Chivalry, Gallantry, gracious Folklores, Folk Legends, Folk Myths of Garhwal, Kumaon, Uttarakhand to be continued…22   
Curtsey and references:
Dr. Krishna Nand Joshi, Kumaon ka Lok Sahitya (Folklore texts of Kumaon)
 Dr Trilochan Pandey, Kumaoni Bhasha aur Uska Sahity(Folklore literature of Kumaon )
Dr Siva Nand Nautiyal, Garhwal ke Lok Nrityageet  (Folk Songs and dances of Garhwal )
Dr Govind Chatak, Garhwali Lokgathayen (Folklore of Garhwali)
Dr. Govind Chatak, Kumaoni Lokgathayen (Folklore of Kumaoni)
Dr Urvi Datt Upadhyaya, Kumaon ki Lokgathaon ka Sahityik Adhyayan (Literary review of Folklore of Kumaon)
Dr. Dip Chand Chaudhri, 1995, Askot ka Palvansh , Gumani Shodhkendra, Uprada, Gangalighat
Dr. Prayag Joshi, Kumaon Garhwal ki Lokgathaon ka Vivechnatmak Adhyayan (Critical Review of Folklore of Kumaon and Garhwal)
Dr Dinesh Chandra Baluni, Uttarakhand ki Lokgathayen (Folklore of Uttarakhand)
Dr Jagdish (Jaggu) Naudiyal, Uttarakhand ki Sanskritik Dharohar, (Partially Folklore of Ravain) 
Ramesh Matiyani ‘Shailesh’ 1959, Kumaun ki Lok Gathayen
Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna, Dhunyal (Folklore and Folk Songs of Garhwal)
Shambhu Prasad Bahuguna, Virat Hriday
Kusum Budhwar, 2010, Where Gods Dwell: Central Himalayan Folktales and Legends 
C.M. Agarwal , Golu Devta, 1992, The God of Justice of Kumaon Himalayas
N.D .Paliwal, 1987, Kumaoni Lok Geet
E.S. Oakley and Tara Datt Gairola 1935, Himalayan Folklore
M.R.Anand, 2009, Understanding the Socio Cultural experiences of Pahadi folks: Jagar Gathas of Kumaon and Garhwal
Dr. Pradeep Saklani, 2008, Ethno archeology of Yamuna Valley
Shiv Narayan Singh Bisht, 1928, Gadhu Sumyal, Banghat , Pauri Garhwal
Kumaon: Kala, Shilp,aur Sanskriti
Anjali Kapila (2004), Traditional health Practices of Kumaoni women
Bhishma Kukreti, Garhwali Lok Natkon ke Mukhy Tatva va Vivechana
Helle Primdahi, 1994, Central Himalayan Folklore: folk Songs in Rituals of the Life Cycle
Hemant Kumar Shukla, D.R. Purohit, 2012, Theories and Practices of Hurkiya Theater in Uttarakhand, Language in India Vol.12:5: 2012 Page 143- 150
Dev Singh Pokhariya, 1996, Kumauni Jagar Kathayen aur Lokgathayen
Madan Chand Bhatt, 2002, Kumaun ki Jagar Kathayen 
Notes on Teelu Rauteli: Brave Woman Warrior of Garhwali Folk literature; Teelu Rauteli: valiant Woman Warrior of Garhwali Folk literature from Pauri Garhwal; Teelu Rauteli: daring Woman Warrior of Garhwali Folk literature from Tehri Garhwal; Teelu Rauteli: Brave Woman Warrior of Garhwali Folk literature from Rudraprayag; Teelu Rauteli: Brave Woman soldier of Garhwali Folk literature from Chamoli Garhwal; Teelu Rauteli: heroic Woman Warrior of Garhwali Folk literature from Uttarkashi; Teelu Rauteli: courageous Woman fighter of Garhwali Folk literature from Chaundkot; Teelu Rauteli: daring Woman Warrior of Garhwali Folk literature from Badalpur; Teelu Rauteli: fearless Woman combatant of Garhwali Folk literature from Syunsi Baijaron; Teelu Rauteli: Brave Woman Warrior of Garhwali Folk literature from Paino; Teelu Rauteli: dauntless Woman Warrior of Garhwali Folk literature from Khatli; Teelu Rauteli: Gallant  female Warrior of Garhwali Folk literature from Savli         

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 Fyunli Rauteli –Bhupu Raut Jagar Gatha:

Bhishma Kukreti

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Tiloga Tadyali -Amardev Sajwan : The Heer Ranjha of Garhwal
                Bhishma Kukreti
  We find love stories in every area of world. There have been said many love stroies in Garhwali folk dance-song. One of the famous love legend is the story of love between Tiloga Taidwali and Amardev Sajwan . Tiloga belonged to Taidi village of Banelsyun patti above Vyaschatti (meeting place of Ganges and Nayar rivers ) Pauri Garhwal and  Thokdae Amar dev sajwan was Thokdar of Bharpur village Tihri Garhwal. Amardev sajwan was bravest among bravest Amaedev Sajwan fell in love of beautiful Tiloga but in between their villages deep Ganga river was the hurdle in their meeting  however, no hurdle is hurdle in the true love. Amardev used to come daily to meet his beloved Tiloga by crossing ganga in night and he used to go back before down
  One day the villagers of Taidi saw both in love making scene. All villagers of Taidi became angry and they killed Amardev by compelling him to run here and there. Tiloga became sad and she cut her both the mammary glands ,  threw cut glands into two wells of the village and died by Sati Dharma
The following song is sung in their love memory in Garhwal in Ghadela to satisfy the unsatisfied souls of Tiloga and Amardev Sajwan
बांकी तड़याली  तिलोगा बांकी
सेर कि भिडाल्यूं  बांकी
सडक तिरवाली बांकी
राति जुनख्याळी सिरवाणी कि कूल
कु होली घसेर बांकी
छोटी च मिंडाळी , ठुल्ली च घसेर
छुणक्याळी चुड़ीयूँ की क्वा होली घसेर बांकी
तू बेटी छे कि  ब्वारी
तू बेटूलि होली कैकी,  मांगणा कै जौलो 
तू ब्वारी होली  कैकी , छुड़ेणो कै जौलो
 Reference Dr Shiva Nand Nautiyal, Garhwal ke  Nrity-Geet
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 Fyunli Rauteli –Bhupu Raut Jagar Gatha: The Love Folk Song Resisting Inter caste Marriage

Folklore, Folk Legends, Folk Myths of Kumaon-Garhwal, Haridwar, Uttarkahnd-49

Love Folklore, Folktales, Love Ballads. Folk Stories of Love, Adoring, Affection, Fondness, friendliness, Liking from Haridwar,   Garhwal, Kumaon (Uttarakhand) – 5 
(This write up is dedicated famous Jagri (Jagriya) of Dhangu and east Udaipur –Late Dunkar Singh Negi of Jaspur, Malla Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal)

                                         Bhishma Kukreti
              Commonly, the difference between a general Garhwali-Kumaoni love folk song sung in alone or in community events and Jagar love song is that in Jagar love song tales, the religious rituals are there while in general category love folk songs the religious rituals are seldom found.
 The present folk song is Jagar folk song of Kumaon and Garhwal. Now days, the song is not sung. The story seems to be of ancient time as Nag Vansh is described in this Jagar love song. There is tension in this love Jagar song due to inter caste marriage proposal.
   This Love Jagar song has an exclusivity that the creator spent more time on describing the beauty of the heroin than spending more time on events. That is why this Jagar is sung only in between the Jagars of designated deity Jagars.

         कुमाऊं, गढ़वाल ,हरिद्वार  की लोक गाथाएँ/जागर  -49       

                    गढ़वाल , कुमाऊं ,  हरिद्वार, की प्रणय  लोक गाथाएँ -5   

                            फ्यूंळी रौतेली प्रणय गाथा

                    (सन्दर्भ; तारा दत्त गैरोला )

बीजी जान बीजी जान भूमि का भूमिया जी
बीजी जान बीजी हो मेरा खोळि का गणेश।
बीजी जान बीजी हो कुटदाऋ तुम चेल्यों
बीं धारु उरख्याळी घेड़ूड़ी बिटाली हो।
बीजी जान बीजी रे पंध्यार्यों तुम चेल्यों
वीं पाणी नवळी हो गौंतली मिंडुकी से।
सौंरीकोट त होलो नागु स्यो सबर्याळ
नागु की एक नौनी फ्यूंळी नाम की होली।
तैकि छाती छ  सूर्ज पीठी माज छ चंदा
हाथुं स्या नि लियेंदी भूम्या सया नि धरेन्दी।
वींकी रंगम मैलो होंदो सूर्ज  घुमैलो
वींकी बांकी धपेलि काळा  नाग सि लम्बा।
होली स्यून्द जि वींकी धौळी फाट सी चौड़ी
नाकुड़ी त छ वींकी खांडा धार सि पैनी।
xxx               xxx
होलो जवान कनु स्यु मुरली को त बज्जैया
मुर्ली स्यो त बजौला लेलो मोहि फिऊळी.
xxx           xxx
होला राजकुमार स्यो बांको भूपु जी हां
देवा मै वई कु जी या कर्लो जिब हत्या
सुणे नागु न इनो जो होइगे दुविधा मा
देला फ्यूंळी भूपू कु होलो हर्ष सबू कू
                 It is early morning. We remember all gods and goddesses. Wake up!  The girls and women! Because you all have to go for crushing grains. Wake up girls! You have to carry water from water source. 
               There was a Sabaryal nag in Saunrikot. His daughter was beautiful Fyunli. Sun was on her chest and moon on her back. She was softer than butter. She was softer that she could not put her feet on the earth. She was brighter than Sun. Her hairs were as black snake. Her nose was sharp. Her womanhood was attractive.
          Fyunli became ready and did her make up by ornaments. Fyunli was walking towards water source (Pandhyar). She was with her maid servants.
    She started filling her pitcher. She saw the shadow of a young man. The shadow was of Bhupu Raut playing flute on the tree. Bhupu Raut was her lover. Bhupu Raut played his flute and Fyunli lost her conscious by the music. Bhupu came down from tree and started love making with her. They forgot the time.
        When both came in conscious state it was night. Fyunli started walking towards her house. Her father Sabaryal nag was angry as flames of fire. 
  She told about her loving to Bhupu Raut. Sabaryal was again angry as Bhupu Raut was non nag Vanshi.  Fyunli told that if she would not marry with Bhupu Raut she would do suicide hanging her.   
   Sabaryal became ready after high perusal from his daughter Fyunli. This way, both Fyunli and Bhupu Raut got married.   

Copyright (Interpretation) @ Bhishma Kukreti, 4/06/2013
Folklore, Folk Legends, Folk Myths of Kumaon-Garhwal-Haridwar (Uttarakhand) to be continued…50 
Love Folklore, Folktales, Folk Stories of Love, Adoring, Affection, Fondness, friendliness, Liking from Haridwar,   Garhwal, Kumaon ( Uttarakhand ) to be continued…6 
Curtsey and references:
Dr. Krishna Nand Joshi, Kumaon ka Lok Sahitya (Folklore texts of Kumaon)
 Dr Trilochan Pandey, Kumaoni Bhasha aur Uska Sahity(Folklore literature of Kumaon )
Dr Shiva Nand Nautiyal, Garhwal ke Lok Nrityageet  (Folk Songs and Folk dances of Garhwal )
Dr Govind Chatak, Garhwali Lokgathayen (Folklore of Garhwali)
Dr. Govind Chatak, Kumaoni Lokgathayen (Folklore of Kumaoni)
Dr Urvi Datt Upadhyaya, Kumaon ki Lokgathaon ka Sahityik Adhyayan (Literary review of Folklore of Kumaon)
Dr. Dip Chand Chaudhri, 1995, Askot ka Palvansh , Gumani Shodhkendra, Uprada, Gangalighat
Dr. Prayag Joshi, Kumaon Garhwal ki Lokgathaon ka Vivechnatmak Adhyayan (Critical Review of Folklore of Kumaon and Garhwal)
Dr Dinesh Chandra Baluni, Uttarakhand ki Lokgathayen (Folklore of Uttarakhand)
Dr Jagdish (Jaggu) Naudiyal, Uttarakhand ki Sanskritik Dharohar, (Partially Folklore of Ravain) 
Ramesh Matiyani ‘Shailesh’ 1959, Kumaun ki Lok Gathayen
Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna, Dhunyal (Folklore and Folk Songs of Garhwal)
Shambhu Prasad Bahuguna, Virat Hriday
Kusum Budhwar, 2010, Where Gods Dwell: Central Himalayan Folktales and Legends 
C.M. Agarwal , Golu Devta, 1992, The God of Justice of Kumaon Himalayas
N.D .Paliwal, 1987, Kumaoni Lok Geet
E.S. Oakley and Tara Datt Gairola 1935, Himalayan Folklore
M.R.Anand, 2009, Understanding the Socio Cultural experiences of Pahadi folks: Jagar Gathas of Kumaon and Garhwal
Dr. Pradeep Saklani, 2008, Ethno archeology of Yamuna Valley
Shiv Narayan Singh Bisht, 1928, Gadhu Sumyal, Banghat , Pauri Garhwal
Kumaon: Kala, Shilp,aur Sanskriti
Anjali Kapila (2004), Traditional health Practices of Kumaoni women
Bhishma Kukreti, Garhwali Lok Natkon ke Mukhy Tatva va Vivechana
Helle Primdahi, 1994, Central Himalayan Folklore: folk Songs in Rituals of the Life Cycle
Hemant Kumar Shukla, D.R. Purohit, 2012, Theories and Practices of Hurkiya Theater in Uttarakhand, Language in India Vol.12:5: 2012 Page 143- 150
Dev Singh Pokhariya, 1996, Kumauni Jagar Kathayen aur Lokgathayen
Madan Chand Bhatt, 2002, Kumaun ki Jagar Kathayen 
Bhishma Kukreti, Garhwal ki Lok Kathayen, Alaknanda Prakashan
Bhishma Kukreti, Notes on History, Folk Literature of Haridwar
Notes on the Love Folk Song Resisting Inter caste Marriage; Love Folk Song Resisting Inter caste Marriage from Chamoli Garhwal; Love Folk Song Resisting Inter caste Marriage from Rudraprayag Garhwal; Love Folk Song Resisting Inter caste Marriage from Tehri Garhwal; Love Folk Song Resisting Inter caste Marriage from Uttarkashi Garhwal; Love Folk Song Resisting Inter caste Marriage from Yamuna Valley Garhwal; Love Folk Song Resisting Inter caste Marriage from Ravain Garhwal; Love Folk Song Resisting Inter caste Marriage from Gangotri valley Garhwal; Love Folk Song Resisting Inter caste Marriage from Kedar valley Garhwal; Love Folk Song Resisting Inter caste Marriage from Pauri Garhwal; Love Folk Song Resisting Inter caste Marriage from Kotdwara Garhwal; Love Folk Song Resisting Inter caste Marriage from Yamkeshwar Garhwal; Love Folk Song Resisting Inter caste Marriage from Dhumakot Garhwal; Love Folk Song Resisting Inter caste Marriage from Lansdowne Garhwal; Love Folk Song Resisting Inter caste Marriage from Synsi Baijron Garhwal; Love Folk Song Resisting Inter caste Marriage from Dehradun  Garhwal; Love Folk Song Resisting Inter caste Marriage from Kumaon; Love Folk Song Resisting Inter caste Marriage from Haridwar.

Bhishma Kukreti

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तु सतपुळि केकु ऐ  छै प्रतिमा --सतपुली लोक गीत माला - ३
(इन्टरनेट प्रस्तुति - भीष्म कुकरेती )
 तु सतपुळि केकु ऐ  छै प्रतिमा --सतपुली लोक गीत माला - ३
(इन्टरनेट प्रस्तुति - भीष्म कुकरेती )
तु सतपुळि केकु ऐ छै स्याळी प्रतिमा ?
मि नाक कि नथुलि गड़ाणु
ऐ छौ जीजा ' हरसिंगा'
वै सुनार उखि बुलौलु
त्वेखुणि  नथुलि गडौलु
घर जा स्याळी प्रतिमा
घर जा स्याळी प्रतिमा
त्वे बगैर मन णि मंद
अब जम्मा मी घर नि जांदु
मान जीजा' हरसिंगा '
मि नाक कि नथुलि गड़ाणु
ऐ छौ जीजा ' हरसिंगा'
तु सतपुळि केकु ऐ छै स्याळी प्रतिमा ?
तु सबकी समणि आँदी ,
इन्नि बात मी नि सुवांदी
घर जा स्याळी प्रतिमा
तेरी याद जब मी आन्द
अफ्वी मी थै खेंचि लांद 
मिन क्या  कन त्वी बतौ
मी गळा कि हंसुळि गड़ाणु
ऐ छौ जीजा ' हरसिंगा'
तु सतपुळि केकु ऐ छै स्याळी प्रतिमा ?
छ्क्वे ह्वेग्युं मि बदनाम
सर्या दुन्या मा मेरि हाम 
घर जा स्याळी प्रतिमा
पैलू मीकु माया ज्वड़दि
फिर दुन्या से केकु डरदि 
बोल जीजा हरसिंगा
मेरि बौ मारली मै घर जा स्याळी प्रतिमा
तेरी दीदि  ह्व़े मेरि बौ स्याळी प्रतिमा
मि अफुखुणि साड़ी मूल्याणु ऐ छौ जिजा
तु सतपुळि केकु ऐ छै स्याळी प्रतिमा ?
आभार- तोताराम ढौंडियाल, धाद, जून १९९०


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