"MADHULI" kumoani film.
This situation produced some kumaoni leaders and they determined to bring an end to this situation by organising the people. If u want this film vcd please call M The film present story is 1916-1921.the country achieved freedom. In those days means of transport in the hills were almost nil; neither there were motor roads or motor vehicles. English rulers used to travel inside rural regions either on horse or on foot. They had need of coolies for transport of camp requirements from one place to another. These coolies were the villagers themselves. Each village used to have register coolie begaar.This register used to be kept by village padhaan. This register used to be under the unwritten law of the English people. Every family had to give one person involuntarily for this transport. The items used to be TANT, ration, untensils, bedding, tables, chaires, even toilet commode. In case if any village family was absent due to illness of ceremonials like marriage the family had to suffer harassment. Due to awe of the administration and lack of organisation to face this atrocity they silently used to suffer. This situation produced some kumaoni leaders and they determined to bring an end to this situation by organising the people.
If u want this film vcd please call M.