Author Topic: History Of Uttarakahnd Cinema - उत्तराखंड के फिल्मो का इतिहास  (Read 87143 times)

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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I fully endorse views of Dr Sahab.
Facts quoted by Dr Verma Ji towards not flourishing UK’s Cinema are very much correct. We all should unitely voice for these and Govt must think over these issues.

Dear Bijalwan Ji,
Thanks for your information and interest in our Uttarakhandi cinema. Uttarakhandi cinema may prosper like any other regional Cinema of the country. Several film personalities from the entire country have came in my contacts so far and I presume that we can form a better film industry in our State, provided the Govt. takes some wise initiative and cooperate us.
Our biggest asset is the natural beauty, flora and faunna of Uttarakhand, mountains and rivers, which can be proudly depicted in our films.
It is very sad that untrained technicians are mishandling the CD industrytoday, causing bad name to our regional Cinema. No doubt, we have a very good talent in Devbhoomi.
Nextly, untill and unless we, the members of the film fraternity unite, our Govt. will not come to help and support us. So, I appeal to all the people connected and interested in cinema to get united under one banner, whatsoever.
Nextly, I never feel hasitation in saying that there are many Associations or organisations in UK, which are playing their own truimpt individually. We ahve to request them also to unite under one Umbrella. Please leave the EGO and come forward.
Dr. R.K.Verma,


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Dear Mehta ji,
Some of my friend members have been kind enough to mention clippings and names of a few garhwali Films produced during 1983 and 2004. I thank them for providing information on the subject; but few other names of the films are missing in this list. May I add for information those names, such as Pyaru Rumal (A dubbed film from Nepali film 'Kusume Rumal', Udankar, Bwari Ho To Yanni, Satmanglya, Garh Rami Baurani, Kismet, Jeetu Bagadwal, Kismat Apni Apni and Meri Ganga Holi Te Memu Ali.
Will the Film lovers kindly update the names of those films which are left and missing in my above list? I invite film lovers to write more on Garhwali Cinema.
Thanks and Regards.
Dr. R.K.Verma

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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I have requested Dinesh Ji who has rich knowledge about UK's films made past. He may add a few names which have left out.

Secondly, it is shocking to see that films UK had started since two decades back but till date we do not have a registered industry.

Dear Mehta ji,
Some of my friend members have been kind enough to mention clippings and names of a few garhwali Films produced during 1983 and 2004. I thank them for providing information on the subject; but few other names of the films are missing in this list. May I add for information those names, such as Pyaru Rumal (A dubbed film from Nepali film 'Kusume Rumal', Udankar, Bwari Ho To Yanni, Satmanglya, Garh Rami Baurani, Kismet, Jeetu Bagadwal, Kismat Apni Apni and Meri Ganga Holi Te Memu Ali.
Will the Film lovers kindly update the names of those films which are left and missing in my above list? I invite film lovers to write more on Garhwali Cinema.
Thanks and Regards.
Dr. R.K.Verma

Dinesh Bijalwan

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I agree with  Shri Varmaji but it is a very difficult task to bring  all the people at one place.  Governments help is required.   Small film makers may also pool to go for a big venture on equity basis.


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Dear Shri Bijalwan ji,
Nothing is difficult, if we march ahead with full dedication, zeal and determination. There are Film Trade Organizations working effectively in various parts of our country. IMPPA, FWICE, Film Federation of India are few main oragnizations serving at Mumbai. In most of the States, Film Organizations are working in full spirit.
I had been the Convenor of the SIR Cell of FFI, Bombay the apex body of the Film Industry in India. I know that Film Trade Organizations can do wonder.
The Govt. of India had nominated me as the Jury of the International Film Festival at Goa in 2006 and I was astonished to know, while meeting people at Goa that several persons of the industry did not know about Uttarakhand even, what to say of Uttarakhand Film Industry.
The main need of the hour is UNITY and collective efforts to mobilise the resources and making a strong pressure over the State Govt..
I welcome any person, who is willing to lead the movement. I am always with them who care for the promotion of Film Industry in UK.
I invite you to please come forward and give us your valuable patronage. Regards.
Dr. R.K.Verma

Anubhav / अनुभव उपाध्याय

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By no means complete, the following list of contemporary cultural artists gives a taste of the rich diversity of the performing arts from the Uttarakhand region.

First and foremost, a huge debt is owed to Mohan Upreti (1928-1997), who more than anyone pioneered efforts to rescue and revitalize Uttarakhandi Kumaoni balladeering and folkloric traditions. As a revolutionary playwright and composer of national repute, the Almora-born Upreti established the Parvatiya Kala Kendra in Delhi to promote hill arts and culture. Their latest plays, Kagaar Ki Aag and Prahari Hain Hum Jungal Ki, have continued this proud contribution to Uttarakhandi culture, as have their traditional Kumaoni Ram Lilas. Upreti is further profiled here.

Anubhav / अनुभव उपाध्याय

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Thakur Bir Singh is also another notable patron of Uttarakhandi culture who has passed on, founding the Akhil Garhwal Sabha in the 1950s, and sponsoring the first Uttarakhand Mahotsavs that raised the profile of Uttarakhandi music and theatre across the state. In recent years, the AGS has also hosted the Uttarakhand Lok Natya Mahotsav in the off years between Uttarakhand Mahotsavs.

Anubhav / अनुभव उपाध्याय

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Jeet Singh Negi is considered to be the father of modern Garhwali folk music. He was the first to give voice to Garhwali language and sentiments as far back as the 1940s and became a Garhwali institution in Dehradun in the post-independence period. His music and plays maintained the Garhwali culture during a time of rapid change. Gopal Babu Goswami, Chandra Singh Rahi, and Heera Singh Rana are three other folk singers from Kumaon and Garhwal who made their mark, bridging traditional jagaars with the contemporary folk sounds that dominate today’s regional music industry.

Anubhav / अनुभव उपाध्याय

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‘Girda’ Girish Tiwari and Narender Singh Negi, pictured here together in a Jugalbandhi, are fitting companions that unite Kumaon and Garhwal within a revolutionary Uttarakhand. Negi is the most popular Garhwali folk singer of all time with his enormous yearly output of quality songs, while Girda has only grown in stature as the people’s poet and troubadour of the authentic political and cultural sentiments of all Uttarakhand.

Anubhav / अनुभव उपाध्याय

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Rajendra Dhasmana was an integral part of the cultural awakening of the 70s, penning several plays such as Arddh Grameshwar, before becoming one of Uttarakhand’s senior journalists and human rights activists. He served as chief editor of the Collected Works of Gandhi, a desk editor for Doordarshan, and most recently is currently active as president of Uttarakhand’s branch of the People’s Union for Civil Liberties.


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