Dear Bijalwan Ji,
Thanks for your information and interest in our Uttarakhandi cinema. Uttarakhandi cinema may prosper like any other regional Cinema of the country. Several film personalities from the entire country have came in my contacts so far and I presume that we can form a better film industry in our State, provided the Govt. takes some wise initiative and cooperate us.
Our biggest asset is the natural beauty, flora and faunna of Uttarakhand, mountains and rivers, which can be proudly depicted in our films.
It is very sad that untrained technicians are mishandling the CD industrytoday, causing bad name to our regional Cinema. No doubt, we have a very good talent in Devbhoomi.
Nextly, untill and unless we, the members of the film fraternity unite, our Govt. will not come to help and support us. So, I appeal to all the people connected and interested in cinema to get united under one banner, whatsoever.
Nextly, I never feel hasitation in saying that there are many Associations or organisations in UK, which are playing their own truimpt individually. We ahve to request them also to unite under one Umbrella. Please leave the EGO and come forward.
Dr. R.K.Verma,