Author Topic: Rajula Historical film on Uttarkahand releasing on 18 Oct 2013 -राजुला फिल्म  (Read 30163 times)

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Historical Film 'Rajula' based on immortal love story of Uttarkahand 'Rajula Malushahi' is slated for release on 18 Oct 2013 in PVR Cinemas. This is has been made in Hindi so it can reach to maximum people and people the culture of Uttarakhand through this film.

Star Cast

Starring Karan Sharma, Ashima Pandey, Hemant Pandey.

Winner Best Film - Viewer's Choice at DIFF-12 and Releasing on 18th October under PVR's Director's Rare
Presented by - Manoj Chandola
Written & Directed by - Nitin Tiwari
Produced by - Priyanka Chandola & Rama Upreti
Music by - Sudheer Rikhari & Milind Trivedi
Cinematography - Eugene D'Souza
Lyrics - Manoj Chandola
For All The Official Updates On RAJULA
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The Film stars KARAN SHARMA, a well known Indian Television Actor with serials such as Crime Patrol, Savadhaan India, Kunki Jeena Isi Ka Naam hai etc. A former Radio Jockey, KARAN hails from Delhi and has his roots in Almora, the cultural capital of Uttarakhand. A Passionate and dedicated actor, Karan has given an immense contribution to the making of RAJULA. We wish him all the best with his First Feature Film at the Box Office. May God grant him all the success. Watch KARAN in RAJULA's promo as RAVI and MALUSHAHI and share it with your friends to congratulate this gifted Actor.

You can also go through detail story of Rajula Malushai here.

We are sure that you will watch this film in your nearby PVR Cinemas on 18 Oct 2013.

M S Mehta

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Rajula shared a status. October 3दगडियों!!!! इतिहास बनाने जा रहा है 18 अक्टूबर को. और हमें यह निश्चित करना है की यह इतिहास उत्तराखंडी सिनेमा का भविष्य बने और भारतीय सिनेमा और अन्तराष्ट्रीय सिनेमा में उत्तराखंड की एक पहचान बनाये. राजुला उत्तराखंड की फिल्म है लेकिन इसमें दर्शाई गयी कहानी हर एक आम भारतीय की कहानी है जो की कहीं न कहीं उन ही मुद्दों से जुदा है. आइये सब मिलकर इस कहानी को ज्यादा से ज्यादा लोगों तक पहुंचाए और इस कहानी के माध्यम से उत्तराखंड और उत्तराखंडी सिनेमा को विश्व पटल पर ले आयें. आप सभी के सहयोग के प्रार्थी. राजुला फिल्म का प्रोमो अब YouTube पर भी. देखें और शेयर करें.

 Rajula - Official Theatrical Promo (Uttarakhandi Film)

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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“Rajula” Ready to be Screened in International Film Festival

Rajula” a Hindi film written and directed by Nitin Tiwari and produced by Priyanka Chandola and Rama Upreti is ready to be screened in International film festival. 75%of the film has Hindi dialogues and 25% of the film dialogues are in Kumauni and Garhwali languages to keep the authenticity of the region and to introduce a unique flavor of the region. The music in this film is done by Sudhir & Milind and the lyrics by Manoj Chandola. Rajula contains regional language for the local people, love story, folk music, folk dance, various Uttarkhand festivals, social issues songs and action.

“Rajula” is an attempt to understand the strength of a ‘Woman in Love’. This film is about Ravi, who is searching for a unique love story for his new documentary film project, stumbles upon a riveting mythical story of Rajula-Malushahi, a 700 years old folk tale of Uttarakhand.With more than 50 different versions of the story available, no one seems to exactly know what really happened and he decides to dig deeper and explore it further.

Just then he is invited by his uncle, Puren Mama (His mother’s younger brother)for Jaagar,a traditional ceremony calling the spirits of Gods, being held at his Nanaji(His mother’s father)’S village home. Ravi is reluctant to go as his Nanaji’s family had always treated his mother (who is now deceased) as an outcast after she ran away with Ravi’s father. He is well aware of the hatred his elder uncle, Mathura Mama has in his heart for his mother, even 25 years after she left their house.Puran Mama convinces him, telling him that time is going to heal everything.

 Ravi decides to go to Uttarkhand for his documentary film and pays a short visit first to his Nanaji’s Village. But things take a very ugly turn, when during the Jaagar it is revealed that Ravi’s deceased Nanajo os on unrest after his death and that the gods are unhappy with the whole family. Ravi’s mother is accused by Mathura Mama of being the real reason behind all the miseries and problems the family has been suffering from.

Ravi snaps all his ties with his Nanaji’s family and starts his research on RajulaMalushahi.While researching, he meets, Bhawna and falls in love with her. But she, fearing a backlash from her family on choosing someone not from her caste, resists his love. Ravi confronts her and breaks all his ties with her and leaves in anger.

He continues his research on Rajula Malushahi and discovers the real bond between Rajula and her father; Sunpati. Ravi gets an uneasy feeling about how a father like Sunpati could be so cruel to her daughter that he killed her lover, Malushahias depicted in most of the versions of the story. And just when his mind starts cluttering with all the doubts and confusions about his mother, Bhawna & Rajula his life suddenly takes a new turn and one by one he starts getting all his answers. But would he be able to get his love back? Would he be able to give her mother her place in his Nanaji’s family back? Would he be able to find out what really happened with Rajula?


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