Uttarakhand > Films of Uttarakhand - उत्तराखण्ड की फिल्में
Suggest Best Locations For Film Shooting in Uttarakhand - फिल्म शूटिंग
एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720:
Best Locations you suggest for Film Shooting in Uttarakhand
The heavenly beauty of Uttarakhand has always drawn the attention of Bollyhood to shooting of movies here. We have already compiled a detailed list of Hindi Movies whose shooting was done in Uttarakhand. http://www.merapahad.com/forum/films-of-uttarakhand/hindi-movies-shoot-in-uttarkahand/
However, there are several places which have still escaped from the eyes of Bollyood Film Directors.
Under this thread, I would you request to you to kindly recommend the best places for shooting of Films in village, Distt and other areas with photographs and more details so that it can give people more information about tourist places. There may be possibility that Film Maker may plan to shoot their Movies in those locations.
M S Mehta
एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720:
Chaukori : Eleven Km away from Berinag, Garaun water falls four Kms to the east of
the Berinag, Musk Deer Farm at Kotmanya,
Him Darshan Kutir at Dharamghar.
This place comes between Bageshwar and Pithoragrah Distt.
Route. - From Bageshwar > Kanda > Vijaypur > Kamedi Devi > Kotmanya > Chaukari.
This is excellent location for film shooting.
Surrounding Areas : Berinag, Tea Garden of Dan Singh Bisht (Maal Daar).
एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720:
This is the photo of Pithoragarh Distt Main City. A good location for Film Shooting.
पंकज सिंह महर:
उत्तराखण्ड में ऐसी कई जगहें हैं, कुछ तो ज्ञात हैं और कुछ अज्ञात हैं। उत्तरकाशी जिले में हरसिल और हर की दून जैसा रमणीक स्थल हैं।
पौड़ी में खिर्सू और लैंसडाउन, नैनीताल में नौकुचियाताल, सातताल, चम्पावत में बालेश्वर मंदिर, श्यामलाताल और शारदा घाटी, लोहाघाट और चम्पावत के बीच में मरोड़ाखान वाला क्षेत्र और मायावती आश्रम, एबट माउंट,.....ऐसे ही पिथौरागढ में स्वयं शहर, चंडाक, मुन्स्यारी, नारायण आश्रम आदि, दन्या और धौलादेवी का जंगल......टिहरी बांध, ऐसी पता नहीं कितनी जगहें हैं, जहां शूटिंग की जा सकती है।
एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720:
In Bageshwar, there is Kausani, Garur, Kanda, Reema, Pindari Glaciers and other areas are worth for film shooting.
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