Author Topic: Let Us be Effective Manager (Mangament Guru)-By Bi  (Read 90177 times)

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Let Us be Effective Manager (Mangament Guru)-By Bi
« Reply #120 on: December 16, 2013, 07:18:35 PM »
 Management Lesson of 'The Right Persons in Wrong Jobs’ in Garhwali Proverb

Jain Bacchaa Janan Chhau u Jogi Hwe Ge: A management lesson about The Right Persons in Wrong Jobs and lesson of Do Not be Wrong Person in Right Job in North Indian, Garhwali Proverb
(A Research Review on Garhwali, Kumaoni, Hardwar Folk Literature)
              Successful Management Lessons in Garhwali-Kumaoni Folk Proverbs -11
                Management Lessons in Garhwali –Kumaoni Folk Literature part -30 

             By: Bhishma Kukreti (Yogic Ways of Marketing Management Expert) 

          The literal meaning of Garhwali proverb ‘Jain Bacchaa Janan Chhau u Jogi Hwe Ge ar Ju Nyaltu ch Vaik Byau Hwe ge’ is that who is fertile to conceive child is monk and who is impotent is married.
             The meaning of above Garhwali proverb is that there shouldn’t be wrong person in right job or there shouldn’t be right person in right job.
                   It is happening everywhere- The Right People in the Wrong jobs
 Due to prestigious job many persons choose jobs not suitable for them and are unable to achieve target.  In ShrimadBhagwad Geeta, it is said that the person should choose job as per his/her nature (Prakriti) and person should not take job against his/her nature.
    Many people are stuck in job because they could not find better jobs. They also seldom achieve target. Stuck to uninterested job may happen due to lack of skills or no interest to get extra skill; lack on initiative; no skill for job hunting. Many times there is pressure to do job as to take works of family business as Lord Buddha took title of prince. Many times, the person is in illusion that that job I suitable for them.
 The management should provide the job to right people who enjoy that particular job.
The management should be careful in hiring stage to hire right person suitable for the key jobs.

            Don’t be the Right Person in Wrong Job
      To avoid situation of right person in wrong job, the persons should also choose the education or career educations that suit them. In job search too, the person should choose the job that they enjoy the most.
        The person should depend upon inner direction and should know their special talents. Depending upon specific talent, the person should choose job.

Copyright @ Bhishma Kukreti  14/12/2013

     Notes on   Management Lessons in Garhwali –Kumaoni –Haridwar Folk Literature to be continued….
Management Lessons in Garhwali-Kumaon Folktales, Folk Stories, traditional Narratives, Community stories to be continued …
Research Review of Garhwali-Kumaoni Literature to be continued….

1-Bhishma Kukreti, 1984, Garhwal Ki Lok Kathayen, Binsar Prakashan, Lodhi Colony, Delhi 110003
2-Anil Dabral, 2007, Garhwali Gadya Parampara,
3- Bhishma Kukreti, 2003, Salan Biten Lok Kathayen, Rant Raibar, Dehradun
4- Bhishma Kukreti, October 2007, Gadhwali Lok kathaon ma Prabandh Shastra ki suchna, Chitthi Patrika (Lok Ktha Visheshank), Dehradun
5-This article is based on ideas of Dr. Fiona Michel and Dr. Anthea Fursland
Notes on Management lesson about The Right Persons in Wrong Jobs and lesson of Do not  be Wrong Person in Right Job in North Indian, Garhwali Proverb; Management lesson about The Right Persons in Wrong Jobs and lesson of Do not  be Wrong Person in Right Job in North Indian, Garhwali Proverb from  Dhangu Patti Garhwal; Management lesson about The Right Persons in Wrong Jobs and lesson of Do not  be Wrong Person in Right Job in North Indian, Garhwali Proverb from Udyapur Patti Garhwal; Management lesson about The Right Persons in Wrong Jobs and lesson of Do not  be Wrong Person in Right Job in North Indian, Garhwali Proverb from Dabralsyun Garhwal; Management lesson about The Right Persons in Wrong Jobs and lesson of Do not  be Wrong Person in Right Job in North Indian, Garhwali Proverb from Langur, Sheela Garhwal; Management lesson about The Right Persons in Wrong Jobs and lesson of Do not  be Wrong Person in Right Job in North Indian, Garhwali Proverb from Pauri Garhwal; Management lesson about The Right Persons in Wrong Jobs and lesson of Do not  be Wrong Person in Right Job in North Indian, Garhwali Proverb from Chamoli Garhwal; Management lesson about The Right Persons in Wrong Jobs and lesson of Do not  be Wrong Person in Right Job in North Indian, Garhwali Proverb from Rudraprayag Garhwal; Management lesson about The Right Persons in Wrong Jobs and lesson of Do not  be Wrong Person in Right Job in North Indian, Garhwali Proverb from Tehri Garhwal; Management lesson about The Right Persons in Wrong Jobs and lesson of Do not  be Wrong Person in Right Job in North Indian, Garhwali Proverb from Uttarkashi Garhwal; Management lesson about The Right Persons in Wrong Jobs and lesson of Do not  be Wrong Person in Right Job in North Indian, Garhwali Proverb from Dehradun Garhwal; Management lesson about The Right Persons in Wrong Jobs and lesson of Do not  be Wrong Person in Right Job in North Indian, Garhwali Proverb from Haridwar ,Garhwal;

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Let Us be Effective Manager (Mangament Guru)-By Bi
« Reply #121 on: December 17, 2013, 05:26:51 PM »
Jawan ku Ghav: Himalayan Folktale for Energetic, Futuristic Managers

      (The non Healable Wound by Sharp or Bad words: A Himalayan Folktale for Managers)

Garhwali Folktales, Fables, Traditional stories, Community Narratives for Effective Managers, Effective executives, Effective Boss, Effective Supervisors or Stories for Effective management, management Lesson from Garhwali Folk Literature from Garhwal, part- 30   

       Translated by: Bhishma Kukreti (Management Training Expert)

 There was a Brahmin. He had a young and unmarried daughter. The Brahmin was worried for her marriage. He decided to for foreign land and earn there for his daughter marriage. On the way of foreign land, the Brahmin met lion the king of forest. Brahmin hid his nose and thumbs and saluted to Lion. The lion was pleased. The lion asked to Brahmin for his tour. The Brahmin told the reality. The lion gave the Brahmin gold coins.
      Brahmin returned to his village and engaged his daughter with suitable groom. Brahmin went to forest for inviting the lion for the occasion of his daughter marriage. The lion accepted the invitation. However, the lion said that if he (lion) comes in open all human beings would run away. The lion advised the Brahmin to put him (lion) into a close room. The lion told to Brahmin after the marriage, Brahmin could out him (lion).
      As per advice from the lion, Brahmin put the lion inside room. The guests asked Brahmin about animal inside the room. The Brahmin told that there was his dog inside the room.
  When nobody was there, Brahmin went inside the room to get out the lion. The lion asked the Brahmin to wound him by heavy axe. Brahmin refused to do so as the lion helped the Brahmin and the lion was his guest too. However, the lion insisted that the Brahmin should wound lion’s back by heavy axe. Brahmin had to would the back of lion by heavy axe. The lion ran towards the forest.
 After a year, Brahmin was visiting his daughter’s in law village. The Brahmin saw the same lion on the way. The lion showed his completely healed wound to the Brahmin. Brahmin was very pleased to see that the lion is fine. The lion said to Brahmin,” The physical wound by axe is healed. However, the wound by your remark ‘my dog is inside the room’ always bites me. This wound by bad words wouldn’t heal ever.”
Brahmin felt sorry that even in good sense, ‘we should not use sharp or  bad words for others.’ The Brahmin saluted the lion again.

** Garhwali Traditional Story taken from Garhwali Gadya Ki Parmapra by Dr. Anil Dabral. Page 168

Copyright @ Bhishma Kukreti 17/12/2013 for review and interpretation
Garhwali Folktales, Fables, Traditional stories for Managers,/executives, boss, supervisors or Stories for management from Garhwal to be continued…

1-Bhishma Kukreti, 1984, Garhwal Ki Lok Kathayen, Binsar Prakashan, Lodhi Colony, Delhi 110003
2- Bhishma Kukreti 2003, Salan Biten Garhwali Lok Kathayen, Rant Raibar, Dehradun
3- Bhishma Kukreti, Garhwali Lok Kathaon ma Prabandh Vigyan ka Tantu , Chitthi Patri’s Lok Kathayen Visheshank  , Dehradun
Himalayan Folktale for Energetic, Futuristic Managers; Himalayan Folktale from Dhangu Patti Garhwal for Energetic, Futuristic Managers; Himalayan Folktale from Gangasalan Pargana Garhwal for Energetic, Futuristic Managers; Himalayan Folktale from Lansdowne Tehsil Garhwal for Energetic, Futuristic Managers; Himalayan Folktale from Pauri Garhwal for Energetic, Futuristic Managers; Himalayan Folktale from Uttarkashi Garhwal for Energetic, Futuristic Managers; Himalayan Folktale from Tehri Garhwal for Energetic, Futuristic Managers; Himalayan Folktale from Chamoli Garhwal for Energetic, Futuristic Managers; Himalayan Folktale from Rudraprayag Garhwal for Energetic, Futuristic Managers; Himalayan Folktale from Dehradun Garhwal for Energetic, Futuristic Managers; Himalayan Folktale from Haridwar, Garhwal for Energetic, Futuristic Managers; Himalayan Folktale from Garhwal, North India  for Energetic, Futuristic Managers; Himalayan Folktale from Garhwal, South Asia  for Energetic, Futuristic Managers;

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Let Us be Effective Manager (Mangament Guru)-By Bi
« Reply #122 on: December 17, 2013, 08:06:56 PM »
Jai Ganv ni Jan vai Ganvak Pata Batu ni Puchhan:  Relevant Market Research lesson from Himalayan Garhwali Proverb
         (Scope of Marketing Management lessons in Garhwali Proverbs)

(A Research Review on Garhwali, Kumaoni, Hardwar Folk Literature)
              Successful Management Lessons in Garhwali-Kumaoni Folk Proverbs -11
                Management Lessons in Garhwali –Kumaoni Folk Literature part -32 

             By: Bhishma Kukreti (Yogic Ways of Marketing Management Expert) 

        The literal meaning of Garhwali proverb ‘Jai Ganv ni Jan vai Ganvak Pata Batu ni Puchhan’ is not to ask the address of that village where you would not visit. The said Himalayan, Garhwali proverb is useful message for upcoming Market Research Managers and Marketing Managers.
 The market research should be relevant to the organization.
                 For example, Lakhani is as low income group footwear brand. Lakhani brand should never waste their money on researching ultra premium or premium consumer behaviors as the behaviors of Amitabh Bacchan, Ambani etc.
         The prospect  mining in market research and  in selling also advise that don’t waste your time in that place where you don’t have your focus market.
           Another example, Uttarakhnd Kranti Dal is a local political party of Uttarakhand state of India. Uttarakhand Kranti Dal should not send their market research team to know about political affiliations of Kerala voters.
                      Main Aspects of Market Research

  In market research the following types of market research is followed-
Target Market – Product Demand, Market Size, Sales, Customer behaviors, buying behaviors, Content or satisfaction level
Product Development- Brand name, Brand preferences, brand awareness, brand positioning, packaging and packaging protection, image making factors, trends  etc
Distribution- Physical distribution system, Major points of interest of whole Sellers and Retailers
Pricing – Price elasticity, discount options and customer behaviors in terms of pricing
  External factors- Competition, legal and local rules and culture
 Now, the marketer should focus on a particular aspect of market, customers, distribution segment. Too much data always confuse for market strategy decision.
The marketers should go affordable market research.
Many times, the market research also becomes part of promotion. For example, today on 17th December, 2013 , a local political party of Delhi Aam Admi Parti decided that they will distribute twenty five lacks pamphlets to people of Delhi to know whether Am Admi Parti should form a government with the help of Indian Congress party  or not. The pamphlets are also source of publicity too.

 Therefore, the marketers should focus on the subject of market research that is relevant for the organization.

Copyright @ Bhishma Kukreti  17/12/2013

     Notes on   Management Lessons in Garhwali –Kumaoni –Haridwar Folk Literature to be continued….
Management Lessons in Garhwali-Kumaon Folktales, Folk Stories, traditional Narratives, Community stories to be continued …
Research Review of Garhwali-Kumaoni Literature to be continued….

1-Bhishma Kukreti, 1984, Garhwal Ki Lok Kathayen, Binsar Prakashan, Lodhi Colony, Delhi 110003
2-Anil Dabral, 2007, Garhwali Gadya Parampara,
3- Bhishma Kukreti, 2003, Salan Biten Lok Kathayen, Rant Raibar, Dehradun
4- Bhishma Kukreti, October 2007, Gadhwali Lok kathaon ma Prabandh Shastra ki suchna, Chitthi Patrika (Lok Ktha Visheshank), Dehradun
Notes on Relevant Market Research, Marketing Management lesson in Himalayan Garhwali Proverb; Relevant Market Research, Marketing Management lesson in Himalayan Garhwali Proverb from Dhangu Patti Garhwal ; Relevant Market Research, Marketing Management lesson in Himalayan Garhwali Proverb from Garhwal ; Relevant Market Research, Marketing Management lesson in Himalayan Garhwali Proverb from Gangasalan Garhwal ; Relevant Market Research, Marketing Management lesson in Himalayan Garhwali Proverb from Lansdowne Tehsil Garhwal ; Relevant Market Research, Marketing Management lesson in Himalayan Garhwali Proverb from Pauri Garhwal ; Relevant Market Research, Marketing Management lesson in Himalayan Garhwali Proverb from Hardwar ; Relevant Market Research, Marketing Management lesson in Himalayan Garhwali Proverb from Dehradun Garhwal ; Relevant Market Research, Marketing Management lesson in Himalayan Garhwali Proverb from Uttarkashi Garhwal ; Relevant Market Research, Marketing Management lesson in Himalayan Garhwali Proverb from Tehri Garhwal ; Relevant Market Research, Marketing Management lesson in Himalayan Garhwali Proverb from Chamoli Garhwal ; Relevant Market Research, Marketing Management lesson in Himalayan Garhwali Proverb from Rudraprayag Garhwal ; Relevant Market Research, Marketing Management lesson in Himalayan Garhwali Proverb from Garhwal, India ; Relevant Market Research, Marketing Management lesson in Himalayan Garhwali Proverb from Garhwal, South Asia  ;

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Let Us be Effective Manager (Mangament Guru)-By Bi
« Reply #123 on: December 18, 2013, 04:50:15 PM »
Dubal Khudwa:  A Garhwali, Asian Folk Tale for Top Manager and Higher Management

Garhwali Folk Tales, Fables, Traditional stories, Community Narratives for Effective Managers, Effective executives, Effective Boss, Effective Supervisors or Stories for Effective management, management Lesson from Garhwali Folk Literature from Garhwal, part- 33   

       Translated by: Bhishma Kukreti (Management Training Expert)

  There was a King. The King had seven daughters. One day, the King called his eldest daughter and asked her,” On whose luck will you live and earn?”
          The eldest daughter answered, “It is your luck that I would live and earn.”
     One by one he asked the same question to his other five daughters. All answered same way that their livelihood depended on King’s luck.
At last, the King asked his youngest daughter the same question. The youngest daughter answered,” My livelihood would depend on my luck,”
The King became very angry. His body was shivering by anger. Due to anger, his eyes were coming out of eye hole.
         Immediately, he called a Dubal Khudwa (who uproots creeping grass in the garden) and married his youngest daughter with Dubal Khudwa. Dubal Khudwa used to take grass and used to sell in market for his livelihood.
      One day, the Dubal Khudwa went to market for selling the grass. There he collected small pieces of different clothes from a tailor and came to home. He asked his wife (princess) to sew those small pieces to make a bed sheet. She sewed those pieces and made a beautiful colorful sheet.
           Next day, Dubal Khudwa went to bazaar to sell the sheet. Dubal Khudwa was showing his sheet to people that the King reached there. The King liked the bed sheet. He did not recognize his son in law. He asked the price of sheet to Dubal Khudwa. Dubal Khudwa replied that he would ask the price of sheet. The king told Dubal Khudwa to ask the price of sheet and should come to his palace tomorrow.
           Next day, Dubal Khudwa reached to palace and told that his wife wanted half of the King palace and the visit of King to his house for meal in return of sheet. The King agreed and half of his palace was handed over to Dubal Khudwa.
       As per promise, the King visited to the palace of Dubal Khudwa for meal.
               The daughter cooked varieties of food. The king sat on a stool for the meal. Servants started serving the meal. The King tasted vegetable that was without salt. He tasted all thirty six vegetables and all were salt less. He took sweet pudding) Kheer0 and stud away from kitchen.
               Now, the daughter took twenty inside parts of lemon. She colored each lemon inside fruit endocarp part. Those were looking marvelous. The servants served the colored lemon fruit parts to the King. The King tasted first part and found it was too sour. He tasted seven parts and all were sour.  The King became angry and told to Dubal Khudwa,” have you called me to be insulted? You would be hanged tomorrow.”
    Now, his daughter came out behind the curtain. She saluted her father and told,” Father! You could not eat salt fewer vegetables. You also could not eat sour lemon. You married me to Dubal Khudwa but now, I am the owner of half the palace because of my luck.”
        The King understood his mistake and he awarded his half the Kingdom to his youngest daughter.

Copyright @ Bhishma Kukreti 17/12/2013 for review and interpretation
Garhwali Folktales, Fables, Traditional stories for Managers,/executives, boss, supervisors or Stories for management from Garhwal to be continued…

1-Bhishma Kukreti, 1984, Garhwal Ki Lok Kathayen, Binsar Prakashan, Lodhi Colony, Delhi 110003
2- Bhishma Kukreti 2003, Salan Biten Garhwali Lok Kathayen, Rant Raibar, Dehradun
3- Bhishma Kukreti, Garhwali Lok Kathaon ma Prabandh Vigyan ka Tantu , Chitthi Patri’s Lok Kathayen Visheshank  , Dehradun
Garhwali, Asian Folk Tales from Garhwal for Top Managers, Higher Management; Garhwali, Asian Folk Tales from Dhangu Garhwal for Top Managers, Higher Management; Garhwali, Asian Folk Tales from Gangasalan Garhwal for Top Managers, Higher Management; Garhwali, Asian Folk Tales from Lansdowne Tehsil Garhwal for Top Managers, Higher Management; Garhwali, Asian Folk Tales from Pauri Garhwal for Top Managers, Higher Management; Garhwali, Asian Folk Tales from Chamoli Garhwal for Top Managers, Higher Management; Garhwali, Asian Folk Tales from Rudraprayag Garhwal for Top Managers, Higher Management; Garhwali, Asian Folk Tales from Uttarkashi Garhwal for Top Managers, Higher Management; Asian Folk Tales from Tehri Garhwal for Top Managers, Higher Management; Asian Folk Tales from Dehradun Garhwal for Top Managers, Higher Management; Asian Folk Tales from Haridwar  Garhwal for Top Managers, Higher Management; Asian Folk Tales from Garhwal, Himalaya  for Top Managers, Higher Management; Asian Folk Tales from Garhwal , North India for Top Managers, Higher Management;

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Let Us be Effective Manager (Mangament Guru)-By Bi
« Reply #124 on: December 18, 2013, 08:01:39 PM »
Importance of Training and Development of Employees in Workplace in Garhwali Proverb- Kana Kaccha Pathai Chori, Kaccha Aru Laya Tori

(A Research Review on Garhwali, Kumaoni, Hardwar Folk Literature)
              Successful Management Lessons in Garhwali-Kumaoni Folk Proverbs -12
                Management Lessons in Garhwali –Kumaoni Folk Literature part -34 

             By: Bhishma Kukreti (Yogic Ways of Marketing Management Expert) 

               The literal meaning of Garhwali proverb काणा कच्चा पठाई चोरी,,काचा आरू लाया तोरी (तोड़ी) Kana Kaccha Pathaai, Kaccha Aru Laya Tori is that you send a blind and inexperienced for theft and he would bring unripe peach fruits.
                 The Garhwali proverb teaches about importance of training and development of employees in workplace.
                 Loss by Untrained Employees

1-Delay in project
2-Inconsistant quality
3-Fearful atmosphere and heterogeneous knowledge among employees
4-Higher cost in production
5-Loss in physical distribution by more tears and wears
6- Disputes with chain of customers
7-Late payment cycle       

  Benefits by Trained and Developed Employees in Workplace

1-Training brings consistency in quality
2- Delay in project is checked by training
3- Less tears and wears in physical distribution
4- Employees understand their roles
5-Lower cost at every level
6-The cycle of Production centre to product reaching to ultimate customer and getting payment e is reduced.
7-Performance of employees increase
8-Less disputes among work force or outsiders
9-Employees satisfaction increase
10- Fearless atmosphere and homogenous knowledge among employees

 ** Collected by Lalt Pundir in Garhwali Okhan, facebook group
Copyright @ Bhishma Kukreti  18/12/2013

     Notes on   Management Lessons in Garhwali –Kumaoni –Haridwar Folk Literature to be continued….
Management Lessons in Garhwali-Kumaon Folktales, Folk Stories, traditional Narratives, Community stories to be continued …
Research Review of Garhwali-Kumaoni Literature to be continued….

1-Bhishma Kukreti, 1984, Garhwal Ki Lok Kathayen, Binsar Prakashan, Lodhi Colony, Delhi 110003
2-Anil Dabral, 2007, Garhwali Gadya Parampara,
3- Bhishma Kukreti, 2003, Salan Biten Lok Kathayen, Rant Raibar, Dehradun
4- Bhishma Kukreti, October 2007, Gadhwali Lok kathaon ma Prabandh Shastra ki suchna, Chitthi Patrika (Lok Ktha Visheshank), Dehradun
Notes on Importance of Training and Development of Employees in Workplace: a Management lesson in Garhwali Proverb; Importance of Training and Development of Employees in Workplace: a Management lesson in Garhwali Proverb from Dhangu Garhwal; Importance of Training and Development of Employees in Workplace: a Management lesson in Garhwali Proverb from Gangasalan Garhwal; Importance of Training and Development of Employees in Workplace: a Management lesson in Garhwali Proverb from Lansdowne Tehsil Garhwal; Importance of Training and Development of Employees in Workplace: a Management lesson in Garhwali Proverb from Pauri Garhwal; Importance of Training and Development of Employees in Workplace: a Management lesson in Garhwali Proverb from Hardwar; Importance of Training and Development of Employees in Workplace: a Management lesson in Garhwali Proverb from Dehradun Garhwal; Importance of Training and Development of Employees in Workplace: a Management lesson in Garhwali Proverb from Uttarkashi  Garhwal; Importance of Training and Development of Employees in Workplace: a Management lesson in Garhwali Proverb from Tehri Garhwal; Importance of Training and Development of Employees in Workplace: a Management lesson in Garhwali Proverb from Rudraprayag Garhwal; Importance of Training and Development of Employees in Workplace: a Management lesson in Garhwali Proverb from Chamoli Garhwal; Importance of Training and Development of Employees in Workplace: a Management lesson in Garhwali Proverb from Garhwal, Himalaya; Importance of Training and Development of Employees in Workplace: a Management lesson in Garhwali Proverb from Garhwal, North India;

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Let Us be Effective Manager (Mangament Guru)-By Bi
« Reply #125 on: December 20, 2013, 05:44:49 PM »
   Bitanu:  Garhwali, North Indian Folk Tale for Brilliant Managers
Garhwali Folk Tales, Fables, Traditional stories, Community Narratives for Effective Managers, Effective executives, Effective Boss, Effective Supervisors or Stories for Effective management, management Lesson from Garhwali Folk Literature from Garhwal, part- 35   

       Translated by: Bhishma Kukreti (Management Training Expert)

              Bitanu was small in size. Itanu was elder brother of Bitanu.  They had a she buffalo. Itanu was crook. When their parent died, Itanu said to his brother to divide the buffalo. Itanu told that the mouth side of buffalo is for Bitanu and tail side buffalo is for him. Bitanu accepted the division.
           Bitanu used to provide fodder to buffalo and Itanu used to take benefits of dung. Buffalo delivered the child.  Due to division promise, Itanu got the milk.
            One day, Bitanu took the buffalo to outside village for grazing. Buffalo had dung and Bitanu was covered by dung. Buffalo went to a crop field and ate the whole crop. The field owner killed buffalo. Barely seeds were with dung. Crow came to eat barely grains and due to disturbing dung by crow, Bitanu could come out from dung.
             Bitanu tried to search for his buffalo but buffalo was dead. Bitanu dried the skin of buffalo and went towards a forest out of village boundary. In night, Bitanu sat under a big tree. After some time, thieves came there and sat under that tree. They started to distribute the theft cash, gold, silver, gems and jewelries. Afraid of them, Bitanu shook the dried, scanty buffalo skin and that skin created a sound. Thieves thought that police had come there. They ran away leaving there cash, silver, gold, gems and jewelries. Bitanu took all the precious items and came to his room in night. He buried the wealth under the soil. Bitanu married a wise girl. Due to wise wife of Bitanu, Itanu and his wife could not make fool of Bitanu. Bitanu started living happily.   

**The above Folk Story is taken- Dr. Anil Dabral, 2007, Garhwali Gadya Parampara
Copyright @ Bhishma Kukreti 20/12/2013 for review and interpretation
Garhwali Folktales, Fables, Traditional stories for Managers,/executives, boss, supervisors or Stories for management from Garhwal to be continued…

1-Bhishma Kukreti, 1984, Garhwal Ki Lok Kathayen, Binsar Prakashan, Lodhi Colony, Delhi 110003
2- Bhishma Kukreti 2003, Salan Biten Garhwali Lok Kathayen, Rant Raibar, Dehradun
3- Bhishma Kukreti, Garhwali Lok Kathaon ma Prabandh Vigyan ka Tantu , Chitthi Patri’s Lok Kathayen Visheshank  , Dehradun
Garhwali, North Indian Folk Tale for Brilliant Managers; Garhwali, North Indian Folk Tale from Dhangu Patti Garhwal for Brilliant Managers; Garhwali, North Indian Folk Tale from Lansdowne Tehsil Garhwal for Brilliant Managers; Garhwali, North Indian Folk Tale from Pauri Garhwal for Brilliant Managers; Garhwali, North Indian Folk Tale from Uttarkashi Garhwal for Brilliant Managers; Garhwali, North Indian Folk Tale from Tehri Garhwal for Brilliant Managers; Garhwali, North Indian Folk Tale from Dehradun Garhwal for Brilliant Managers; Garhwali, North Indian Folk Tale from Haridwar Garhwal for Brilliant Managers; Garhwali, North Indian Folk Tale from Chamoli Garhwal for Brilliant Managers; Garhwali, North Indian Folk Tale from Rudraprayag Garhwal for Brilliant Managers; Garhwali, North Indian Folk Tale from Garhwal, South Asia for Brilliant Managers; Garhwali, North Indian Folk Tale from Garhwal, Himalaya for Brilliant Managers;

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Let Us be Effective Manager (Mangament Guru)-By Bi
« Reply #126 on: December 20, 2013, 07:31:17 PM »
Importance of Outsourcing Management Tips in Asian, Garhwali Folk Proverb - Apan Mund Afik ni Mundyand:

                   (A Research Review on Garhwali, Kumaoni, Hardwar Folk Literature)
              Successful Management Lessons in Garhwali-Kumaoni Folk Proverbs -13
                Management Lessons in Garhwali –Kumaoni Folk Literature part -36 

             By: Bhishma Kukreti (Yogic Ways of Marketing Management Expert) 

              The literal meaning of Garhwali proverb ‘Apan Mund Afik ni Mundyand’ is that you cannot shave or your head hair by your own.
             The above proverb is used when a person tries to act his own when he is totally ineffective to do so. We need cooperation from all sides to accomplish out aims.

                Defining Outsourcing

 Outsourcing is a management practice in life or in business by companies or people to reduce cost, labor or difficulties by transferring work to outside suppliers than completing inside or ourselves.

               Importance of Outsourcing Management

  Saving Time by Outsourcing-Outsourcing is effective management practice to save time when done properly

Cost Effectiveness in Outsourcing-Outsourcing is many times more affordable than if work is completed in house.
 Reducing Overheads in Outsourcing- Outsourcing is a weapon to reduce overheads.
Operational Control in Outsourcing – For many company, outsourcing is the way of operational control.
Outsourcing brings Staffing Flexibility- In cyclic or seasonal production business, outsourcing brings staffing flexibility. For example if you are in air coolers business you may hire labor from contractors for three four months.
Continuity in Staff High Turnover- Outsourcing create continuity when there is high staff turnover in the company
Bringing talent inside- When you hire outsourced talent you get chance training of your staff by outside staff.

               Most Outsourcing Tasks
 There are following main outsourcing tasks-
2-Taxation services
3-Manufacturing and Engineering
4-Computer Data processing
5-Customer services
6-Web design, computer programming and web software services
7-Research and development
8-Market research and other marketing programs
9-Legal Services
10-Legal Services
11-Creative services
12-Training services
13-Healthcare services
14- Unskilled or skilled human resources
 When a person or company is unable to act perfectly the outsourcing is the best solution.

Copyright @ Bhishma Kukreti  18/12/2013

     Notes on   Management Lessons in Garhwali –Kumaoni –Haridwar Folk Literature to be continued….
Management Lessons in Garhwali-Kumaon Folktales, Folk Stories, traditional Narratives, Community stories to be continued …
Research Review of Garhwali-Kumaoni Literature to be continued….

1-Bhishma Kukreti, 1984, Garhwal Ki Lok Kathayen, Binsar Prakashan, Lodhi Colony, Delhi 110003
2-Anil Dabral, 2007, Garhwali Gadya Parampara,
3- Bhishma Kukreti, 2003, Salan Biten Lok Kathayen, Rant Raibar, Dehradun
4- Bhishma Kukreti, October 2007, Gadhwali Lok Kathaon ma Prabandh Shastra ki suchna, Chitthi Patrika (Lok Ktha Visheshank), Dehradun
Importance of Outsourcing Management Tips in South Asian, Garhwali Folk Proverb; Importance of Outsourcing Management Tips in Asian, Garhwali Folk Proverb from Malla Dhangu Garhwal; Importance of Outsourcing Management Tips in Asian, Garhwali Folk Proverb from Dhangu Patti Garhwal; Importance of Outsourcing Management Tips in Asian, Garhwali Folk Proverb from Gangasalan Garhwal; Importance of Outsourcing Management Tips in Asian, Garhwali Folk Proverb from Pauri Garhwal; Importance of Outsourcing Management Tips in Asian,  Garhwali Folk Proverb from Haridwar Garhwal; Importance of Outsourcing Management Tips in Asian, Garhwali Folk Proverb from Dehradun Garhwal; Importance of Outsourcing Management Tips in Asian, Garhwali Folk Proverb from Uttarkashi Garhwal; Importance of Outsourcing Management  tips in South Asian, Garhwali Folk Proverb from Tehri Garhwal; Importance of Outsourcing Management Tips in Asian, Garhwali Folk Proverb from Chamoli Garhwal; Importance of Outsourcing Management Tips in Asian, Garhwali Folk Proverb from Rudraprayag Garhwal; Importance of Outsourcing Management Tips in South Asian, Garhwali Folk Proverb from Garhwal, Uttarakhand; Importance of Outsourcing Management Tips in Asian, Garhwali Folk Proverb from Garhwal, Himalaya; Importance of Outsourcing Management Tips in South Asian, Garhwali Folk Proverb from Garhwal, North India;

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Let Us be Effective Manager (Mangament Guru)-By Bi
« Reply #127 on: December 22, 2013, 06:18:25 PM »
       Choli: A Garhwali Folktale for Winning Managers

Garhwali Folk Tales, Fables, Traditional stories, Community Narratives for Effective Managers, Effective executives, Effective Boss, Effective Supervisors or Stories for Effective management, management Lesson from Garhwali Folk Literature from Garhwal, part- 37   

       Collected and edited by: Bhishma Kukreti (Management Training Expert)

            There was a village. The water source was far from the village. The villagers had to take water by vessel on their head.  The villagers used to take their cattle to water source.
                 There was a widow in the village. She had two daughters. Both were different from each others. The widow had a pair of bulls. Turn by turn the daughter used to go to water source by taking bulls to water source.
        It was dry summer. Their mother was cooking sweet rice pudding (Kheer). That day was the turn of Choli to take bulls for water source. Choli was in hurry to take Kheer. She wanted to eat Kheer earlier than anybody else.
    Choli took the bulls towards water source. However, her eagerness to eat Kheer compelled her to take a sinful decision. 
  On the half way, she urinated on the bull’s feet and came back to cattle shed without taking Bulls to water source. Her mother saw that bull feet were wet.
 Choli took Kheer before her sister.
 Due to summer and thirst, by evening, both the bulls died. Bulls cursed Choli.
In next life, Choli took birth as a bird called Choli or Papiha (sparrow hawk). The sparrow hawk does not take water from land but have to depend on rain and always she cries “sarga dida pani de , pani de or O heaven give me water , give me water).

Copyright @ Bhishma Kukreti 22/12/2013 for review and interpretation
Garhwali Folktales, Fables, Traditional stories for Managers,/executives, boss, supervisors or Stories for management from Garhwal to be continued…

1-Bhishma Kukreti, 1984, Garhwal Ki Lok Kathayen, Binsar Prakashan, Lodhi Colony, Delhi 110003, 
2- Bhishma Kukreti 2003, Salan Biten Garhwali Lok Kathayen, Rant Raibar, Dehradun
3- Bhishma Kukreti, Garhwali Lok Kathaon ma Prabandh Vigyan ka Tantu , Chitthi Patri’s Lok Kathayen Visheshank  , Dehradun
 Himalayan Garhwali Folktale for Winning Managers; Himalayan Garhwali Folktale from Dhangu Garhwal for Winning Managers; Himalayan Garhwali Folktale from Gangasalan Garhwal for Winning Managers; Himalayan Garhwali Folktale from Lansdowne Tehsil Garhwal for Winning Managers; Himalayan Garhwali Folktale from Pauri Garhwal for Winning Managers; Himalayan Garhwali Folktale from Hardwar Garhwal for Winning Managers; Himalayan Garhwali Folktale from Dehradun Garhwal for Winning Managers; Himalayan Garhwali Folktale from Uttarkashi Garhwal for Winning Managers; Himalayan Garhwali Folktale from Tehri Garhwal for Winning Managers; Himalayan Garhwali Folktale from Rudraprayag Garhwal for Winning Managers; Himalayan Garhwali Folktale from Chamoli Garhwal for Winning Managers; Himalayan Garhwali Folktale from Garhwal, Uttarkashi  for Winning Managers; Himalayan Garhwali Folktale from Garhwal, North India  for Winning Managers;

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Let Us be Effective Manager (Mangament Guru)-By Bi
« Reply #128 on: December 23, 2013, 05:17:14 PM »
 Vani Vilas Puran: A Garhwali Folk Story for Bold and Radical Thinking Managers 
Garhwali Folk Tales, Fables, Traditional stories, Community Narratives for Effective Managers, Effective executives, Effective Boss, Effective Supervisors or Stories for Effective management, management Lesson from Garhwali Folk Literature from Garhwal, part- 37   

       Collected and edited by: Bhishma Kukreti (Management Training Expert)

                   Vani Vilas Dabral of Dabar (Dabralsyun, Pauri Garhwal) was a brilliant scholar of Gangasalan (south Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand, India).  Vani Vilas was Sanskrit scholar from a Sanskrit scholar family. Vani Vilas was great ‘Saptah Karmkand’ Pundit of his area. His father Sada Nand Dabral was famous Sanskrit scholar and his sons Lakshmi Vilas and Parth Sarthi Dabral were also brilliant literature scholars.
                 Vani Vilas Dabral was so brilliant and logical person of his time that many stories related to Vani Vilas became as folk stories in his life time. Nobody could claim that those stories were created by folk story tellers or they were true stories. The following folk story is very famous stories related to life of Vani Vilas Dabral. 
              Untouchable Caste System is State of Mind
   Vani Vilas Dabral from Dabar was very bold and brilliant from his childhood.
   The untouchable caste system was very much alive in Dabralsyun too as in Garhwal.  The deprived class people as ironsmith, coppersmith, and goldsmith etc (Shilpkar or Harijan) were not allowed to touch upper caste people and those deprived class people were not allowed to enter into house of upper class.
        There was a flat stone (Badi Patal) on the courtyard of Vani Vilas. The deprived class (Shilpkar) people used to sit on that stone and used to have meal offered by mother of Vani Vilas. The tradition of Shilpkar eating meal offered by Vani Vilas family was going for many centuries. That stone was also called ‘Shilpakrun Patal’ or the stone of Shilpkar.
            One day, ten year old boy Vani Vilas took cooked Bhat and Dal (noon meal) on a plate and came out from his kitchen. Vani Vilas started eating Bhat –Dal on the flat stone designated for Shilpkar.
Mother of Vani Vilas saw that Vani was taking meal on Shilpkar Patal. She cried on rage.
She said,” O Vani! What the hell are you doing?”
Vani replied coolly,” I am having lunch.”
Mother told,” But you are taking meal on Shilpkar Patal.”
The ten years old boy Vani replied,” So what?”
 Mother told,” You will become Shilpkar or untouchable caste man”
Ten year old Vani replied,” Oh Mother! These Shilpkars have been taking meal offered by our forefathers on this stone for centuries and they could not become Vith (Upper caste). How come I become Shilpkar by my eating food on this stone for one day?”
 The mother of Vani Vilas was clueless to answer the logical answer from her son.

** This folk story was narrated by Shri Mohan Chand Lakheda of Rikhyed (Udaypur, Pauri Garhwal) and was published in Rant Raibar 
Copyright @ Bhishma Kukreti 23/12/2013 for review and interpretation    
Garhwali Folktales, Fables, Traditional stories for Managers,/executives, boss, supervisors or Stories for management from Garhwal to be continued…

1-Bhishma Kukreti, 1984, Garhwal Ki Lok Kathayen, Binsar Prakashan, Lodhi Colony, Delhi 110003, 
2- Bhishma Kukreti 2003, Salan Biten Garhwali Lok Kathayen, Rant Raibar, Dehradun
3- Bhishma Kukreti, Garhwali Lok Kathaon ma Prabandh Vigyan ka Tantu , Chitthi Patri’s Lok Kathayen Visheshank  , Dehradun
Garhwali Folk Story for Bold and Radical Thinking Managers; Garhwali Folk Story from Dabralsyun Garhwal for Bold and Radical Thinking Managers; Garhwali Folk Story from Udaypur Patti Garhwal for Bold and Radical Thinking Managers; Garhwali Folk Story from Dhangu Patti Garhwal for Bold and Radical Thinking Managers; Garhwali Folk Story from Langur Patti Garhwal for Bold and Radical Thinking Managers; Garhwali Folk Story from Ajmer Patti Garhwal for Bold and Radical Thinking Managers; Garhwali Folk Story from Gangasalan Garhwal for Bold and Radical Thinking Managers; Garhwali Folk Story from Pauri Garhwal for Bold and Radical Thinking Managers; Garhwali Folk Story from Chamoli Garhwal for Bold and Radical Thinking Managers; Garhwali Folk Story from Rudraprayag Garhwal for Bold Managers; Garhwali Folk Story from Tehri Garhwal for Bold and Radical Thinking Managers; Garhwali Folk Story from Uttarkashi Garhwal for Bold and Radical Thinking Managers; Garhwali Folk Story from Dehradun Garhwal for Bold and Radical Thinking Managers; Garhwali Folk Story from Haridwar Garhwal for Bold and Radical Thinking Managers; Garhwali Folk Story from Garhwal, Himalaya for Bold and Radical Thinking Managers; Garhwali Folk Story from Garhwal, North India for Bold and Radical Thinking Managers;   

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Let Us be Effective Manager (Mangament Guru)-By Bi
« Reply #129 on: December 23, 2013, 08:54:01 PM »
Ghwada Bukano le Chhau Bukan Padnu Ch: Purchase the Materials with Proper Analysis, a Management Lesson from Garhwali Proverb 

                   (A Research Review on Garhwali, Kumaoni, Hardwar Folk Literature)
              Successful Management Lessons in Garhwali-Kumaoni Folk Proverbs -14
                Management Lessons in Garhwali –Kumaoni Folk Literature part -39 

             By: Bhishma Kukreti (Yogic Ways of Marketing Management Expert) 
              The literal meaning of Garhwali Proverb ‘Ghwada Bukano le Chhau Bukan Padnu Ch’ means that I purchased the horse for riding and I have to carry the horse on my shoulder.
           The above Garhwali proverb provides us the material management tips.
Recognition of Need- The organization should know its needs of old or new products.
Detailed need- The organization or organization should specify the specific needs of product or products before placing purchase order.
Decision for Proper Supplier- The material manager or organization should study the option available for the specific product/products.
Studying cost and other specific conditions- The material manager should study the cost, quality and other specifics, delivery times, terms and parameters available with each supplier and should take decision accordingly.
Inspection of production facilities and quality maintenance at supplier’s place- The organization or material manager should have knowledge of supplier’s quality maintenance capacity and production facilities.
 After taking above critical point the organization should place order.

Copyright @ Bhishma Kukreti  23/12/2013

     Notes on   Management Lessons in Garhwali –Kumaoni –Haridwar Folk Literature to be continued….
Management Lessons in Garhwali-Kumaon Folktales, Folk Stories, traditional Narratives, Community stories to be continued …
Research Review of Garhwali-Kumaoni Literature to be continued….

1-Bhishma Kukreti, 1984, Garhwal Ki Lok Kathayen, Binsar Prakashan, Lodhi Colony, Delhi 110003
2-Anil Dabral, 2007, Garhwali Gadya Parampara,
3- Bhishma Kukreti, 2003, Salan Biten Lok Kathayen, Rant Raibar, Dehradun
4- Bhishma Kukreti, October 2007, Gadhwali Lok Kathaon ma Prabandh Shastra ki suchna, Chitthi Patrika (Lok Ktha Visheshank), Dehradun
XX                             XX

 Purchasing /Procuring the Materials with Proper Analysis, a Management Lesson from Garhwali Proverb; Purchasing /Procuring the Materials with Proper Analysis, a Management Lesson from Garhwali Proverb from Dhangu Garhwal; Purchasing /Procuring the Materials with Proper Analysis, a Management Lesson from Garhwali Proverb from Gangasalan Garhwal; Purchasing /Procuring the Materials with Proper Analysis, a Management Lesson from Garhwali Proverb from Lansdowne Garhwal; Purchasing /Procuring the Materials with Proper Analysis, a Management Lesson from Garhwali Proverb from Pauri Garhwal; Purchasing /Procuring the Materials with Proper Analysis, a Management Lesson from Garhwali Proverb from Haridwar Garhwal; Purchasing /Buying the Materials with Proper Analysis, a Management Lesson from Garhwali Proverb from Dehradun Garhwal; Purchasing /Buying the Materials with Proper Analysis, a Management Lesson from Garhwali Proverb from Chamoli Garhwal; Purchasing /Buying the Materials with Proper Analysis, a Management Lesson from Garhwali Proverb from Rudraprayag Garhwal; Purchasing /Buying the Materials with Proper Analysis, a Management Lesson from Garhwali Proverb from Uttarkashi Garhwal; Purchasing /Buying the Materials with Proper Analysis, a Management Lesson from Garhwali Proverb from Tehri Garhwal; Purchasing /Buying the Materials with Proper Analysis, a Management Lesson from Garhwali Proverb from Garhwal, Uttarakhand; Purchasing /Buying the Materials with Proper Analysis, a Management Lesson from Garhwali Proverb from Garhwal, Himalaya; Purchasing /Buying the Materials with Proper Analysis, a Management Lesson from Garhwali Proverb from Garhwal, North India;                                                                                                                                                         


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