Author Topic: Let Us be Effective Manager (Mangament Guru)-By Bi  (Read 90177 times)

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Let Us be Effective Manager (Mangament Guru)-By Bi
« Reply #170 on: April 27, 2020, 04:00:20 PM »
CEO Handling Criticism from inside and from Outside

Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series – 47
(Guiding Lessons for CEOs based on Shukra Niti)
(Refreshing notes for Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) based on Shukra Niti)   

By: Bhishma Kukreti (Sales and Marketing Consultant)
सकीर्त्यै सत्यंजेन्नित्यं नावमन्येत वै प्रजा: I
लोको निंदति राजंस्वतां चारै: संश्रावितो यदि  II(Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,133) 
 कोपं करोति दौरात्म्यदात्म दुर्गुणलोपक: I
सीता साध्वपि रामेण त्यक्ता लोकपवादत: (Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,134)
 शक्तेनापि हि धृतो दंडाअल्पो रजके  कचित्
If spies (a research or survey) inform to the king, “O King! The subject is criticizing you (for such mistakes or negative points).  The king that is incapable that king tries to hide his negative points and becomes angry but no other kings. Ramchandra was the strongest Kings but he left his wife Sita and did not punish that washer man that criticized Rama
(Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,133, 134)
 CEO should know handling criticism –
 The CEO gets criticism from inside and outside too. CEO must be expert of handling criticism.
Jeff Wolf (7 Disciplines of a Leader Fame) suggests following ways for CEO handling criticism (2)  –
Most Critics are getting rise out of you so, don’t fire back.
The CEO should not let it get personalize 
The CEO should not get bitter
CEO should know that criticism comes with job.
CEO should avoid Knee –Jerk relationship
CEO should face the truth (if it reality)
CEO must rise above criticism and analyse objectively
Use sense of Humour for defusing your criticism
1-Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books Delhi, page 
2- Jeff Wolf, 8.7.2015, How Effective Leaders Handle Criticism, 3049410/how-leaders-handle-criticism
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2020 
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Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Let Us be Effective Manager (Mangament Guru)-By Bi
« Reply #171 on: April 28, 2020, 01:37:34 PM »

CEO must know the reasons for Customers and Employees don’t Complaint

Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series – 48
(Guiding Lessons for CEOs based on Shukra Niti)
(Refreshing notes for Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) based on Shukra Niti)   

By: Bhishma Kukreti (Sales and Marketing Consultant)
सक्षमं वक्ति न भयाद्राज्ञो गुर्वपि दूषणम्   I
स्तुति प्रिया हि वै देवा विष्णुमुख्या इति श्रुति: II (  Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,136) 
Translation –
Even the knowledgeable King offers assurance of fearlessness, the person does not tell the negative points of the King before him because it is heard that  Lord Vishnu also like the  personal appreciation and appreciating person .   (  Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,136)     
 CEO must know the psychology behind customers /employees not complaining –
There following main reasons for customers or employees not complaining about CEO’s negative points or about something critical about organization /product –
Employees /Customer don’t see any pints in complaining
Employees are afraid that CEO and higher authorities will take revenge today or after some time.
Customer /employees are busy in other important tasks and don’t see the complaint as priority.
Customers think that company will make things worse and same way employees think
Fear Retaliation fear from customer and employees
Many times, the CEO or higher management do not ask any suggestion or feedback from employees and same ways, companies don’t ask feedback  from customers an hence CEO and companies block the customer feedback.                       

Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books Delhi, page 35
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2020 

Guidelines for Chief Executive  Officers knowing Complaint  psychology ; Guidelines for Managing Directors; Guidelines for Chief Operating  Officers knowing Complaint  psychology  (CEO); Guidelines for  General Mangers; Guidelines for Chief Financial  Officers knowing Complaint  psychology  (CFO) ; Guidelines for Executive Directors ; Guidelines for ; Refreshing Guidelines for  CEO knowing Complaint  psychology; Refreshing Guidelines for COO knowing Complaint  psychology; Refreshing Guidelines for CFO knowing Complaint  psychology ; Refreshing Guidelines for  Managers knowing Complaint  psychology ; Refreshing Guidelines for  Executive Directors; Refreshing Guidelines for MD knowing Complaint  psychology  ; Refreshing Guidelines for Chairman ; Refreshing Guidelines for President

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Let Us be Effective Manager (Mangament Guru)-By Bi
« Reply #172 on: April 29, 2020, 03:48:20 PM »
      CEO should know handling anger especially when criticized 

Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series – 48
(Guiding Lessons for CEOs based on Shukra Niti)
(Refreshing notes for Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) based on Shukra Niti) 
By: Bhishma Kukreti (Sales and Marketing Consultant)
किं पुनर्मनुजा नित्यं निंदाज: क्रोध: इत्यत: I
राजा सुभागदंडी स्यात्सुक्षमी रंजक सदा II   (  Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,137)     
Translation –
  This is well known fact (from centuries) that people get angry when they are criticized. That is why the King should pay attention on law and order and has to be tolerant or permissive and eradicator of pain of citizens. (  Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,137)   
 This is a normal tendency that the people becoming angry when they are criticized or ignored.
 The CEO should know handling personal criticism and should know how to handle anger too. The permissive characteristic is the best way not to feel angry when criticized.
  Tackling anger is also personal management and becoming aware about anger is the best way to tackle anger. One should ask self the following questions when feel angry –
When and where the anger occurs
Why do you feel anger?
What kind of memories or images comes when you become angry?
What and how do you feel In mind, intellect and ego) when you are angry?
What is the thought process (in mind, intellect and ego) when you are angry?
What other people do when you become angry on them?
Are you comfortable or uncomfortable after anger is calmed down?
Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books Delhi, page 35
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2020 
Guidelines for Anger handling for Chief Executive Officers;  Guidelines for Anger handling for Managing Directors;  Guidelines for Anger handling for Chief Operating officers (CEO);  Guidelines for Anger handling for  General Mangers;  Guidelines for Anger handling for Chief Financial Officers (CFO) ;  Guidelines for Anger handling for Executive Directors ;  Guidelines for Anger handling for ; Refreshing  Guidelines for Anger handling for  CEO; Refreshing  Guidelines for Anger handling for COO ; Refreshing  Guidelines for Anger handling for CFO ; Refreshing  Guidelines for Anger handling for  Managers; Refreshing  Guidelines for Anger handling for  Executive Directors; Refreshing  Guidelines for Anger handling for MD ; Refreshing  Guidelines for Anger handling for Chairman ; Refreshing  Guidelines for Anger handling for President

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Let Us be Effective Manager (Mangament Guru)-By Bi
« Reply #173 on: April 30, 2020, 01:01:42 PM »
Six things, those are not permanent 

Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series – 50
(Guiding Lessons for CEOs based on Shukra Niti)
(Refreshing notes for Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) based on Shukra Niti)   

By: Bhishma Kukreti (Sales and Marketing Consultant)
यौवनं जीवितं चित्तं छाया लक्ष्मीश्च I
चंचलानि षडेतानि ज्ञात्वा  धर्मरतो भेवेत् II(  Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,138)   
Translation –
Youth, life, wealth, shade, Lakshmi, Sovereignty do not last forever and the King should make policies accordingly. (  Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,138)   

Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books Delhi, page 35
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2020 

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Let Us be Effective Manager (Mangament Guru)-By Bi
« Reply #174 on: May 01, 2020, 05:31:03 PM »
Major Reasons for  employees and Associates disliking CEO

Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series – 51
(Guiding Lessons for CEOs based on Shukra Niti)
(Refreshing notes for Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) based on Shukra Niti)   

By: Bhishma Kukreti (Sales and Marketing Consultant)
 अदानेन अपमानेन छलाच्च   कटुवाक्यत:  I
  राज्ञ: प्रबलदंडेन नृपं मुंचति वै प्रज्ञा   ((  Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,139) 
   अतिभीरुमति दीर्घसूत्रं  च  अतिप्रमादिनम् I
  व्यषनाद्विषयाक्रांतं न भजन्ति नृपं प्रजा:  I(  Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,140)   
 विपरीत गुणरैभि: सानवया रज्यते प्रजा
 The citizens or subjects leave such king that the King does not donate (or does not spend on social causes) , that insults to citizens or does not honour humanity; the king who is humbug , rude in speaking ; punishes severely for petty crime too. The citizens also leave that king that is coward, who dillydallies, who is careless, addictive. The citizens like those kings whose have opposite characters of the above. (  Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,139-140) 
          Major Reasons for Employees and stakeholders dislike or hate the CEO –
  There are following major reasons that   employees and stakeholders dislike CEO-
 1-Employees and stakeholders dislike the CEO if the CEO does no act for social cause or does not save enough for doing social causes activities.
2-Employees and stakeholders dislike or hate CEO if the CEO is habitual insulting employees or other persons or people are not respected .
3-Employees and stakeholders dislikes or hate the CEO if the CEO is bad mouthed or speaks harshly
4-Employees and stakeholders dislike or hate the CEO if the CEO deceives people or is humbug.
5- Employees and stakeholders dislike the CEO who punishes employees badly.
6- Employees and stakeholders dislike the CEO is not bold or is coward
7- Employees and stakeholders dislike the CEO that does dillydally or is indecisive.
8- Employees and stakeholders dislike that CEO that is careless by nature.
9- Employees and stakeholders dislike that CEO who  is addictive.
All the above reasons are still relevant and most of human resource research papers are revealing above reasons for employees disliking their bosses.
1-Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books Delhi, page 36
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2020

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Let Us be Effective Manager (Mangament Guru)-By Bi
« Reply #175 on: May 02, 2020, 03:59:39 PM »

Dangers of gambling, alcoholism and drug addiction

Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series – 52
(Guiding Lessons for CEOs based on Shukra Niti)
(Refreshing notes for Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) based on Shukra Niti)   

By: Bhishma Kukreti (Sales and Marketing Consultant)
मृगया अक्षस्तथा पानं गर्हितानि महीभुजाम I
दृष्टास्तेभ्यस्तु विपद: पांडुनैषध वृष्णषउ  II(  Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,142 ) 
 Addiction of Hunting, gambling. And alcohol drinking are very dangerous habits of the Kings. As Pnadu lost his vigour by hunting, King Nal lost this wealth by gambling and Vrishni dynasty Kingdom was lost due to excess alcohol drinking.  (  Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,142)     
  CEO should not have addiction problem with alcohol drinking, drugs and gambling. CEO must know that drugs, alcohol or gambling does not care about your wealth or respect in the society.

1-Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books Delhi, page 36
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2020

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Let Us be Effective Manager (Mangament Guru)-By Bi
« Reply #176 on: May 04, 2020, 12:54:50 PM »
CEO taking help from kind hearted Guru or Consultants or Outside Advisors

Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series – 54
(Guiding Lessons for CEOs based on Shukra Niti)
(Refreshing notes for Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) based on Shukra Niti)   

By: Bhishma Kukreti (Sales and Marketing Consultant)
वर्धयत्रिह   धर्मार्थो       सेवितो सद्भिरादरात्  I
निगृहीतेंद्रयग्राम:  कुर्वीत          गुरुसेवनम् II ( Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,147  ) 
शास्त्राय गुरुसंयोग: शास्त्रं विनयवृद्धये I
विद्याविनीतो नृपति: सतो भवति संमत: II(  Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,148  ) 
With the cooperation /help from kind hearted subordinates the King should increase wealth and establish policies (dharma) and should serve the Gurus by controlling five senses (means no addiction).  Serving the Gurus means getting knowledge of books and experience, By getting book knowledge a person increase his habit of becomes politeness and modesty. Therefore, the modest King is praised by simple –kind hearted subordinates  . (  Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,147 and 148) 
   CEO should take help from Consultants
  CEO must take a note that nobody is expert of all sciences and art. Therefore, for various works, CEO must take help of consultant .The consultant is that has specific knowledge and experiences in a particular industry or division.
 The consultants offer their services on contract basis or freelance basis (as and when required) .
Mostly following types of consultants are there –
Change management Consultants or advisors
Finance and Accounting Consultants or advisors
Marketing or branch of marketing Consultants or advisors
Human resources Consultants or advisors (especially placement and training)
Technology as information technology Consultants or advisors
Organizational design   Consultants or advisors
 The CEO must see that organization work with Consultants and advisors following guidelines –
 Organization must give exact role to consultants and advisors
Organization should build a balanced relationship with Consultants or advisors
Organization should train  the staff offering required cooperation and trust to  the Consultants or advisors
Organization set time bound program for each Consultants or advisors
Organization offer sufficient feedback to Consultants or advisors and should take timely feedback from them.
Management should also keep Vigilance on Consultants or advisors
Organization should take maximum benefits from Consultants or advisors without illegal exploitation

1-Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books Delhi, page 36
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2020
Guidelines for taking help from Consultants for Chief Executive Officers; Guidelines for taking help from Consultants for Managing Directors; Guidelines for taking help from Consultants for Chief Operating officers (CEO); Guidelines for taking help from Consultants for  General Mangers; Guidelines for taking help from Consultants for Chief Financial Officers (CFO) ; Guidelines for taking help from Consultants for Executive Directors ; Guidelines for taking help from Consultants for ; Refreshing Guidelines for taking help from Consultants for  CEO; Refreshing Guidelines for taking help from Consultants for COO ; Refreshing Guidelines for taking help from Consultants for CFO ; Refreshing Guidelines for taking help from Consultants for  Managers; Refreshing Guidelines for taking help from Consultants for  Executive Directors; Refreshing Guidelines for taking help from Consultants for MD ; Refreshing Guidelines for taking help from Consultants for Chairman ; Refreshing Guidelines for taking help from Consultants for President

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Re: Let Us be Effective Manager (Mangament Guru)-By Bi
« Reply #177 on: May 05, 2020, 03:50:19 PM »
CEO should   be quick in SWOT analysis 

Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series – 55
(Guiding Lessons for CEOs based on Shukra Niti)
(Refreshing notes for Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) based on Shukra Niti)   

By: Bhishma Kukreti (Sales and Marketing Consultant)
प्रेर्यमाणोप्य    स्द्वृततैर्ना   कार्यषु   परवर्तते I
श्रुत्या   स्मृत्या लोक्तश्च मनसा   साधु निश्चितम् II(  Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,149  ) 
 यत्कर्मधर्मसंज्ञं    तद्वयवस्यति   च   पंडित :
आददान: प्रतिदिनं कला: सम्यग्  महीपति:II (  Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,1450  ) 
-:Translation :-
The king that is capable of deciding what is good and what is bad that King, even after influences from crooked once, will not take bad decision.  Because, that   king takes decision after studying the Shastra (principles) and as per the customs.  It means the king is great if he is expert on analysing what is good and what is bad.(  Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,149-150  ) 
 -: CEO should know and be quick in SWOT analysis:-

SWOT means Strength, Weakness and Opportunity and Threats of any concept or matter.
Strength and weaknesses are internal matter of any organization,  organization has controls on those and opportunities and threats are external matters and organization does have little control over opportunities and threats .
    -: SWOT Analysis Chart:-
 I Strength 1--------------------------- Weaknesses -1
I  Strength -2                ----------------Weakness -2
Strength 3 -------------------------------- Weakness 3
Opportunity -1 ----------------------------- Threat -1
Opportunity -2 ----------------------------- Threat -2
Opportunity 3------------------------------ Threat -3 
  The CEO should be habitual of doing SWOT analysis quickly because all the time CEO has to take decision and best decision are those which are taken after deep analysis. Doing SWOT analysis is must for CEO all the time before taking decision   and analysing SWOT quickly and correctly depend on the person ‘s past practices. 
Therefore ambitious to become CO should make an habit of making SWOT analysis all the time.
 -: Ideal questions that can help CEO for doing SWOT Analyses:-
Strength (internal and positive) –
What business process is successful?
Which assets are successful?
Which Physical Assets are successful?
What Competitiveness is with the organization?
Weaknesses (internal and negative)-
Are the processes competitive enough?
Do the physical assets need changes?
What are the gap between assets of organization and competition?
Opportunities (outside) –
Is market growing?
Are suppliers or associates are competitive enough to support the goal of organization?
What re chances of technical changes in future and your competitiveness
Will consumer behaviour help you?
Is Organization’s image perfect with future?
Who are Potential competitors those will enter into business?
Supplier’s strength
Consumer behaviours
Technical changes in the organization suit future
The above are just example to understand SWOT Analysis 
1-Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books Delhi, page 36
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2020
Guidelines for making SWOT analysis for Chief Executive Officers; Guidelines for making SWOT analysis for Managing Directors; Guidelines for making SWOT analysis for Chief Operating officers (CEO); Guidelines for making SWOT analysis for  General Mangers; Guidelines for making SWOT analysis for Chief Financial Officers (CFO) ; Guidelines for making SWOT analysis for Executive Directors ; Guidelines for making SWOT analysis for ; Refreshing Guidelines for making SWOT analysis for  CEO; Refreshing Guidelines for making SWOT analysis for COO ; Refreshing Guidelines for making SWOT analysis for CFO ; Refreshing Guidelines for making SWOT analysis for  Managers; Refreshing Guidelines for making SWOT analysis for  Executive Directors; Refreshing Guidelines for making SWOT analysis for MD ; Refreshing Guidelines for making SWOT analysis for Chairman ; Refreshing Guidelines for making SWOT analysis for President

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Let Us be Effective Manager (Mangament Guru)-By Bi
« Reply #178 on: May 06, 2020, 03:47:59 PM »
CEO should be non-addicted to all senses

Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series – 56
(Guiding Lessons for CEOs based on Shukra Niti)
(Refreshing notes for Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) based on Shukra Niti)
By: Bhishma Kukreti (Sales and Marketing Consultant)
जितेन्द्रियस्य  नृपते  नीतिशास्त्र  अनुसारिण: I
भवत्यु चलिता लक्ष्य: कीर्त्यश्च नभो: स्पृश: II (  Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,151  ) 
 The King that is master of all senses or controls all senses (touch, visual, smell, taste, audio and reproductive senses) and follow the Niti Shastra (Shastra of Niti / right policies), there, Lakshmi Goddess of wealth live there and he never losses fame. (  Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,151  ) 
 The CEO should control all senses means the CEO should not be slave of any senses or should be non- addicted.
The CEO should have knowledge of right policies those benefit the organization and should impose those policies in the organization.
1-Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books Delhi, page 36
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2020

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Let Us be Effective Manager (Mangament Guru)-By Bi
« Reply #179 on: May 07, 2020, 04:26:15 PM »
CEO must have a couple of Knowledge
Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series – 57
(Guiding Lessons for CEOs based on Shukra Niti)
(Refreshing notes for Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) based on Shukra Niti)   
By: Bhishma Kukreti (Sales and Marketing Consultant)
आन्वीक्षिकी त्रयी वार्ता दंडनीतिश्च शाश्वती I
विद्याश्च एवैता  अभ्यसेन्नृपति: सदा   II(  Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,152  ) 
The king should practice of Tarkashashtra (/logic by sage Gautama,  all three Vedas (knowledge of past) , behavioural science (Varta ) , economics and political science (danadniti). These knowledge are traditional knowledge and must.
(  Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan,152 )
    From Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan 153 to Shukra Niti  Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan156 discusses that king should have knowledge or practice  following knowledge –
Vedang (grammar, education , Poetic styles, astrology, ages ) , Knowledge of logic, investigating the elements practices , Dharmashastra (regional cultural and political constitution)  history, trick of collecting interest, agriculture, trading or commerce, husbandry industry (Varta)
 CEO must have deep or practical knowledge of following knowledge –
Grammar/ language
History of old knowledge
Regional political, social and cultural constitutions
Practice of investigating the matter quickly (analytical power)
Political and defence science
Commerce /trading and interest rules of the land
Agriculture and Agro economics Knowledge
Domestic animal Economics
Geographical knowledge senses 
1-Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books Delhi, page 36
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2020


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