Immutable Definition of Brand Loyalty
Immutable Laws of Brand Loyalty -2
(Brand Loyalty Management based on Narada Bhakti Sutra)
(Examples of Narada Bhakti Sutra for Brand Loyalty Management)
By: Bhishma Kukreti (Management Acharya)
अथतो भक्तिं ब्याख्यास्याम: - II 1 II
Now, we shall explain Loyalty or Devotion.
सा तस्मिन परम प्रेम रूपा II2II
That (Bhakti or Devotion) is the highest love for the one or God
अमृत स्वरूपा च II 3 II
And of the nature of immortal bliss
यल्लब्ध्वा पुमान् सिद्धो भवति अमृतो भवति तृप्तो भवति II 4 II
On attaining which, the man become perfect, immortal and satisfied forever.
यत्प्राप्य न किंचिद्वांछति, न शोचति , न द्वेष्टि , न रमते , नोत्साही भवति II5II
On gaining that (devotion) one asks nothing, cries over nothing (extreme joy cry), hates nothing and delights in nothing , and is never enthusiastic in worldly deeds (but that does not mean the devotee is boring person) .
यंज्ञात्वा मत्तो मवति, स्तब्धो भवति, आत्मारामो भवति II 6II
Experiencing devotion /Bhakti, the devotee becomes exhilarated, beyond self-control, stands still, and celebrates in the Self.
Brand Loyalty defined as per Narada Bhakti Sutra -
The Brand loyalty of Customer is total love for the brand, the customer loyalty for the brand is as good as eternal love for the customer; the brand loyal customer feels total satisfaction from the brand and the real brand lover does not have any type of fluctuation for the brand in customer’s Chitta (mind, intellect and ego).
Definition of Brand Loyalty by modern Branding Advisors:
Brand Loyalty from Narada Bhakti Sutra angle, is an ideal situation for the brand. Every Marketer has to reach to that idealistic position to get loyal customer as per Narada Bhakti Sutra.
However, the modern branding scholars defined Brand Loyalty from various angles as follows (2) –
Cunningham (1956) defined the Brand Loyalty that the brand loyalty is the proportion of total purchase by the largest single brand.
Day (1969) illustrates that the true brand loyalty occurs when the customer holds favourable attitude towards the brand in addition to purchasing it repeatedly.
Jacoby and Chestnut (1978) defined the brand loyalty is the biased behavioural response expressed over time, by some decision making unit , with respect to one or more alternative brands out of a set of such brands and is a function of psychological (decision –making-evaluative ) process .
Dick and Basu (1994) define the brand loyalty that the brand loyalty is the strength of the relationship between an individual’s relative attitude and repeat patronage.
Amine (1998) described Brand Loyalty as the brand loyalty is an effective buying behaviour of a brand (and not only an intention to buy it) , repeated over time (its buying proportion 50% of the purchases made within a product category) and reinforced with strong commitment to the brand.
Fournier (1998) explains that brand loyalty is a long term, committed and affects laden partnership.
Oliver (1999) shows that the brand loyalty is a deeply held commitment to rebuy or re-patronize a preferred product/service consistently in the future, thereby causing repetitive the same brand or same brand –set purchasing, despite situational influence and marketing efforts having the potential to cause switching behaviour.
Neal (1999) elucidates the brand loyalty as the proportion of times a purchase chooses the same product or service in a category compared with her or his total number of purchases in a category assuming that acceptable competitive products or services are available.
All the above brand loyalty scholars defined Brand Loyalty from business angle but the definition derived from the Narada Bhakti Sutra fit for products, services and concepts too. And the author would like to put the definition derived from Narada Sutra again as-
The brand loyalty is the highest love for the brand by the customer; the customer feels the brand as it is nectar and eternal bliss and there is no fluctuation in the Chitta (Mind, Intellect and ego) of customer for the brand is called true brand loyalty.
Every marketer should try to work on achieving the Brand Loyalty by customer as per new definition based on Narada Sutra .
NBS= Narada Bhakti Sutra
1-Narada Bhakti Sutra evam Shandilya Bhakti Sutra, Gita Press Gorakhpur, India
2- All the definitions are taken from - Alexander Frab (2001), Achieving Brand Loyalty in China through after sales service Springer Gabbler, p 102
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, Mumbai, India 2020
The Immutable Definition of Brand Loyalty based on Narada Bhakti Sutra will be explained in following chapters …