Author Topic: Folk Songs & Dance Of Uttarakhand - उत्तराखण्ड के लोक नृत्य एवं लोक गीत  (Read 112931 times)

पंकज सिंह महर

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पंकज सिंह महर

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Rachana Bhagat

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Mehta ji,

Aap ne kabhi "Jagar" hote hue dekha hai?

if yes, then kindly share your experience.  If any other member has this type of experience then kindly feel free to share.

Jagars - Folk Dances of Kumaon and Garhwal
Jaggar falls in the category of ghost and spiritual worship, in the form of a folk song or at times combined with dances. Sometimes, Jaggar may also be in the form of Puja folk songs and are sung in .honour of the various gods and goddesses.

There are more than 50 ballads on indigenous spirits, gods and goddesses, fairies and ghosts, the most famous Ganganath, Gorilla, and Bholanath. The chief priest, Gantava, fixes the time on whicl1 a jagar is to be formed. Around the burning fire, in a circle, are members of the village or family-suddently, like a magician the Das, or singer, slowly, and with measured drum beats, starts to invoke the spirit. Coupled with his singing, punctuated by the exotic drum-beats, and the shrill sound of the thali', the crescendo, builds up and drives the listeners into a trance. In a fit of ectasy they leap, shout, tremble and j'ump, sometimes tearing off their clothes. As they move around the fire, the Das starts to address them by the name of the spirit or spirits involved and asks the spirits, the questions that are sought by some families and the remedies. Usually the spirit demands a sacrifice of a goat or a bird. The spirit is sent back to its Himalayan abode and the spell breaks-the dance and the ceremony is over. While in a state of trance the dancers lick red-hot pokers, or shove their hands into the blazing fire without being harmed.

The instruments used are a big Drum (Dhol), a smaller Drum (Damua), Hurka and Thall

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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रचना जी,

जागर दो किस्म के होते है.

एक जो कुल देवता जैसे नारसिंह, गोलू आदि देवता का होता है और दूसरा जागर पितरो की शान्ति के लिए भी किया जाता है, जिसमे कि पित्र आतामाये जागर मे आते है ( किसी भी परिवार के सदस्य मे)

Mehta ji,

Aap ne kabhi "Jagar" hote hue dekha hai?

if yes, then kindly share your experience.  If any other member has this type of experience then kindly feel free to share.

Jagars - Folk Dances of Kumaon and Garhwal
Jaggar falls in the category of ghost and spiritual worship, in the form of a folk song or at times combined with dances. Sometimes, Jaggar may also be in the form of Puja folk songs and are sung in .honour of the various gods and goddesses.

There are more than 50 ballads on indigenous spirits, gods and goddesses, fairies and ghosts, the most famous Ganganath, Gorilla, and Bholanath. The chief priest, Gantava, fixes the time on whicl1 a jagar is to be formed. Around the burning fire, in a circle, are members of the village or family-suddently, like a magician the Das, or singer, slowly, and with measured drum beats, starts to invoke the spirit. Coupled with his singing, punctuated by the exotic drum-beats, and the shrill sound of the thali', the crescendo, builds up and drives the listeners into a trance. In a fit of ectasy they leap, shout, tremble and j'ump, sometimes tearing off their clothes. As they move around the fire, the Das starts to address them by the name of the spirit or spirits involved and asks the spirits, the questions that are sought by some families and the remedies. Usually the spirit demands a sacrifice of a goat or a bird. The spirit is sent back to its Himalayan abode and the spell breaks-the dance and the ceremony is over. While in a state of trance the dancers lick red-hot pokers, or shove their hands into the blazing fire without being harmed.

The instruments used are a big Drum (Dhol), a smaller Drum (Damua), Hurka and Thall

Rachana Bhagat

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Mehta ji,

Bahut bahut dhanywaad Jagar ke baare mai batane ke liye.

Kya aap ne kabhi "Jagar" hote hue dekha hai?

if yes, then kindly share your experience.  If any other member has this type of experience then kindly feel free to share.

Ye kitna scientifically true hai ya phir aandhvishwaas hai?

रचना जी,

जागर दो किस्म के होते है.

एक जो कुल देवता जैसे नारसिंह, गोलू आदि देवता का होता है और दूसरा जागर पितरो की शान्ति के लिए भी किया जाता है, जिसमे कि पित्र आतामाये जागर मे आते है ( किसी भी परिवार के सदस्य मे)

Mehta ji,

Aap ne kabhi "Jagar" hote hue dekha hai?

if yes, then kindly share your experience.  If any other member has this type of experience then kindly feel free to share.

Jagars - Folk Dances of Kumaon and Garhwal
Jaggar falls in the category of ghost and spiritual worship, in the form of a folk song or at times combined with dances. Sometimes, Jaggar may also be in the form of Puja folk songs and are sung in .honour of the various gods and goddesses.

There are more than 50 ballads on indigenous spirits, gods and goddesses, fairies and ghosts, the most famous Ganganath, Gorilla, and Bholanath. The chief priest, Gantava, fixes the time on whicl1 a jagar is to be formed. Around the burning fire, in a circle, are members of the village or family-suddently, like a magician the Das, or singer, slowly, and with measured drum beats, starts to invoke the spirit. Coupled with his singing, punctuated by the exotic drum-beats, and the shrill sound of the thali', the crescendo, builds up and drives the listeners into a trance. In a fit of ectasy they leap, shout, tremble and j'ump, sometimes tearing off their clothes. As they move around the fire, the Das starts to address them by the name of the spirit or spirits involved and asks the spirits, the questions that are sought by some families and the remedies. Usually the spirit demands a sacrifice of a goat or a bird. The spirit is sent back to its Himalayan abode and the spell breaks-the dance and the ceremony is over. While in a state of trance the dancers lick red-hot pokers, or shove their hands into the blazing fire without being harmed.

The instruments used are a big Drum (Dhol), a smaller Drum (Damua), Hurka and Thall

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Rachana Ji,

yah i have seen many Jagar. This is mixture.

Mehta ji,

Bahut bahut dhanywaad Jagar ke baare mai batane ke liye.

Kya aap ne kabhi "Jagar" hote hue dekha hai?

if yes, then kindly share your experience.  If any other member has this type of experience then kindly feel free to share.

Ye kitna scientifically true hai ya phir aandhvishwaas hai?

रचना जी,

जागर दो किस्म के होते है.

एक जो कुल देवता जैसे नारसिंह, गोलू आदि देवता का होता है और दूसरा जागर पितरो की शान्ति के लिए भी किया जाता है, जिसमे कि पित्र आतामाये जागर मे आते है ( किसी भी परिवार के सदस्य मे)

Mehta ji,

Aap ne kabhi "Jagar" hote hue dekha hai?

if yes, then kindly share your experience.  If any other member has this type of experience then kindly feel free to share.

Jagars - Folk Dances of Kumaon and Garhwal
Jaggar falls in the category of ghost and spiritual worship, in the form of a folk song or at times combined with dances. Sometimes, Jaggar may also be in the form of Puja folk songs and are sung in .honour of the various gods and goddesses.

There are more than 50 ballads on indigenous spirits, gods and goddesses, fairies and ghosts, the most famous Ganganath, Gorilla, and Bholanath. The chief priest, Gantava, fixes the time on whicl1 a jagar is to be formed. Around the burning fire, in a circle, are members of the village or family-suddently, like a magician the Das, or singer, slowly, and with measured drum beats, starts to invoke the spirit. Coupled with his singing, punctuated by the exotic drum-beats, and the shrill sound of the thali', the crescendo, builds up and drives the listeners into a trance. In a fit of ectasy they leap, shout, tremble and j'ump, sometimes tearing off their clothes. As they move around the fire, the Das starts to address them by the name of the spirit or spirits involved and asks the spirits, the questions that are sought by some families and the remedies. Usually the spirit demands a sacrifice of a goat or a bird. The spirit is sent back to its Himalayan abode and the spell breaks-the dance and the ceremony is over. While in a state of trance the dancers lick red-hot pokers, or shove their hands into the blazing fire without being harmed.

The instruments used are a big Drum (Dhol), a smaller Drum (Damua), Hurka and Thall

पंकज सिंह महर

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उत्तराखण्ड में देवताओं की स्तुति में रात-दिन जगकर गाए जाने वाले गीत को जागर कहते हैं।
इसमें जागरिया (ढोली) देवताओं की स्तुति करता है, उनकी वीरगाथा का वर्णन करता है फिर देवता किसी के शरीर में आकर अपने आशीर्वचन देते हैं.

नन्दा देवी की जागर का वर्णन
भाद्र के शुक्लपक्ष के प्रथम दिन से ही नन्दा के जागर लगने आरम्भ हो जाते हैं। ये जागर नन्दा के मन्दिरों या घर के किसी कमरे (कक्ष) में लगते हैं। जागर गाने वाले को जागरी कहा जाता है। जागरी नन्दादेवी के विषय में विभिन्न गीत गाते रहता है। गीतों में लगभग सभी नौ रसों का अद्भुत प्रयोग देखा जा सकता है। ये जागरे सप्तमी तक लगातार बिना रुकावट के चलती रहती है। इन जागरों को 'मित्तलीपाती' भी कहते हैं। इन जागरों में विशेष रुप से करुणा, आदर और वात्सल्य रसों का अनुपम सामंजस्य रहता है। अष्टमी के दिन 'नन्दाष्टमी' का मेला लगता है। नवमी के दिन नन्दापाती का पूजन किया जाता है जिसे छोटी नन्दाजात भी कहा जाता है। इस दिन नन्दा के प्रतीक के रुप में चीड़ का वृक्ष आंगन में गाढ़ा जाता है और उसे सुन्दर वस्रों से सजाया जाता है। उस पर प्रसाद स्वरुप ककड़ी, मक्का, चबेना इत्यादि बांधा जाता है। फिर जागर के साथ-साथ ढ़ोल दमाऊ पर नृत्य भी होता है जिसे नन्दा का पति माना गया है। संध्या के समय प्रसाद बाँटा जाता है। प्रसाद को एक तरह से छीन झपट कर लूटा जाता है। दरअसल दो दल बन जाते हैं जो नन्दादेवी के मायके वालों और शिव के गणों का प्रतिनिधित्व करते हैं।

mahi bhoj

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agar details ke saath in lok geeto ko  "play" ke saath sunne ke subidha bhi hote to acchha hota.

mahi bhoj


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