Author Topic: Great Personalities of Garhwal from Malari Era to till Date  (Read 17553 times)

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Re: Great Personalities of Garhwal from Malari Era to till Date
« Reply #10 on: December 23, 2011, 01:26:26 PM »
                प्रजामंडल अर सुमन की आहुती       कोंग्रेस अर गांधी जे क नेतृत्व मा ब्रिटिश गढ़वाळ मा स्वतंत्रता आन्दोलन जोरून मा चलणु छौ टिहरी मा द्वी काम छौ एक त टीरी का राजा से छुटकारा र स्वतंत्रता .देहरादून मा टीरी का वास्ता टिहरी राज्य प्रजामंडल कि स्थापना १९३९ मा ह्व़े प्रजामंडल मा श्री देव सुमन (जौं ळ , बमुन्द , टिहरी) को आण से प्रजामंडल की गति विशी भौत बढींन . सुमन कोंग्रेस का भौत सा सम्मेलनु  (श्रीनगर राजनैतिक सम्मेल्लन १९३८, देसी राज्य लोक परिषद्, लुधियाना १९३९,  लोक परिषद मुंबई १९४० आदि ) मा भाग ल़े.  भाषण पर पाबंदी : टिहरी राज मा श्रीदेव सुमन का भष्णु पर पाबन्दी लगी. कुछ आन्दोलनकारी ;  ये दौरान रज्जा अर वैका अधिकारी प्रजा मंडल का आन्दोलन तैं दबाणा बान भौं भौंकौंळ  करणा रैन . छात्र नेता राम चन्द्र उनियाल अर राम प्रसाद बहुगुणा तैं  १९४२ मा जेल ह्व़े लाहोर बिटेन कविराज दया शंकर भट्ट टिहरी का गौं गौं सोतान्त्र्ता का प्रचार करण लगी गे आनंद स्वरुप रतूड़ी, ब्राह्म देव सीर्सवाल, शिव प्रसाद जोशी , डा कुशला नन्द गैरोला मसूरी मा मजदूर संगठन का बल पर लोगूँ तैं चित्वळ जाग्रति फैल़ाणा) करणा  रैन देव प्रयाग का बिद्या धर 'भिकारी' पत्रकार भैर का अख्बारून मा टिहरी को क्रूर शासन के खबर देणो रै भगवान् दास मुल्तानी साबुण बेचणो बहाना से टिहरी का गाँव गाँव घुम्दो थौ अर लोखुं तैं चित्वळ करदो छौ 'पौण टूटी' कर : यू एक्श्पोर्ट अर इम्पोर्ट ड्यूटी छे अर लोक भौत रूसयाँ छया'आमद  कर ' :   १९४१ मा राज्य प्रतिबिधि सभा न एक विधेयक पास ह्व़े जै मा  सालाना  २००० रु से अळग आमद पर कर लगाणे नियम बौण हालाँकि खेम राज बहुगुणा, देवेन्द्र दत्त सकलानी, महानंद डंगवाल, लक्ष्मी चंद जैन, इंद्र सिंह नेगी, शंकर सिंह, रतिराम अर नारायण सिंह जन प्रतिनिधि सभा सद्स्युन  विधेयक को विरोध कॉरी छौ याँ से मातबर लोक बि राज को विरुद्ध ह्व़े गेन . सुमन न प्रतिन्ध्युं तैं त्यागपत्र को सुजौ दे सुमन तैं राज्य निकाल़ा : १९३८ मा सुमन तैं राज्य निकाल़ा करे गे अर देहरादून जेल मा रखे गे . ९ सितम्बर खुणि प्रों भगवती प्रसाद पांथरी , शिव प्रसाद पैन्यूली , रघुबीर पैन्यूली तैं बि देहरादून जेल मा भिजे गे कार्यकर्ताओं की धर पकड़ : रियासत शासन न टैम टैम पर वीरेन्द्र सकलानी, प्रेम दत्त डोभाल, दिनेश चंद सकलानी, बंशी लाल पुंडीर अर शिव प्रसाद नौटियाल, मनोहर लाल 'श्रीमन' तैं बंदी बणये गे देव प्रयाग मा रामदयाल, विद्याधर डंगवाळ , देवी प्रसाद कोठियाल , घनश्याम कोठियाल तैं जेल भिजे गे घूसखोरी : पुलिस वा लुं मजा ऐ गे छया ओ घुस ल़ीण मा उस्ताद ह्व़े गे छया मुक्ती अर फिर बंदी : कुछ दिनों मा आन्दोलन कार्युं तै जेल से भैर कार . पर फिर श्री देव सुमन तै बंदी बणये गे जेल मा श्रीदेव सुमन न टीरी जेल मा अनसन करीं अर बाद मा आमरण अनसन मा बैठी गेन  अर बयासी दिन की भूख हडताल ५ जुलाई  १९४४ का दिन श्रीदेव सुमन को महाप्रयाण ह्व़े/बलिदान दिवस च . सुमन को बलिदान तैं क्वी बि गढवाळी , क्वी बि भारतीय, क्वी बि स्वतन्त्रता प्रेमी नि बिसर सकदो ये दौरान प्रजा क दगड अर प्रजामंडल का क्रांतिकारियों दगड प्रताडन को काम जारी रै प्रजमंडक का क्रन्तिकार्युं जां कि परिपुरना नन्द पैन्यूली , इंद्र सिंग , टीकाराम, , भूदेव लखेड़ा , दादा दौलतराम जेल मा अगस्त १९४६ई.  मा भूख हडताल पर बैठी गेन  फिर समझौता ह्व़े त आन्दोलान्कार्युं न  सितम्बर खुणि  भूख हडताल खतम करी .                 नरेंद्र शाह को सिंघासन त्याग श्रीदेव सुमन को इंतकाल से देश मा जगा जगा टिहरी नरेश के भौत काट ह्व़े . आन्दोलन जोरूं पर थौ जु थमणो नाम नि लीणों थौ . राजा  नरेंद्र शाह तैं २६ मई १९४६ को गद्दी से उतरणे घोषणा करे अर विजय दशमी को नरेंद्र शाह न टिहरी रियासत की गद्दी अपण ज्याठ नौनु मानवेन्द्र शाह  तैं सौम्पू बकै फड़की - 53  मा बांचो ... To be continued on part 53 References: Courtsy to books of Dr Shiv Prasad Dabral,  Pundit Hari Krishn Raturi, Minyaan Prem Singh Bhakt Darshan's garhwal kee divangat vibhutiyan (Uttarakhand ka Itihas, History of Garhwal, History of Tihri Garhwal) Copyright @ Bhishm Kukreti, Mumbai

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Great Personalities of Garhwal from Malari Era to till Date
« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2013, 01:27:30 PM »
  Garhwal kee Sanskrit Sahity  Ko Den :  Critical History of Sanskrit Literature Development in Garhwal Region
                       (A Review of Book ‘Garhwal ki Sanskrit ko Den by Dr Prem Datt Chamoli)
(Sanskrit Literature from Garhwal, Sanskrit Literature from Uttarakhand, Sanskrit Literature from Himalaya)
                                                                       Bhishma Kukreti
 (The write up analyzes the book Garhwal ki Sanskrit ko Den ‘by Dr Prem Datt Chamoli that  deals with works of Garhwali scholars in developing Sanskrit literature. This is the first time that a scholar pays attention on contribution of Garhwalis for developing Sanskrit literature in comprehensive volume. The book deals with sculpture, poetries, dramas, essays, short stories, life sketches, astrology,  Karmkand, Neetishashtra, Ayurved, Srotra, history, Teeka etc)
                             Garhwali scholars had been contributing development of Sanskrit, Braj, Hindi, English and Garhwali languages literature with proficiency.  There had been reviews, analysis, praises of contributors and contribution about Braj, Hindi language literature by Garhwalis. However, less is talked about Sanskrit and English literature contribution by Garhwali intellectuals. Dr Purushottam Dobhal first time brought the details of Garhwalis for contributing for Sanskrit literature in 1980.
                           Dr Prem Datt Chamoli (a lecturer in Meerut) took the task for doing comprehensive research on ‘Contribution of Garhwalis for Developing Sanskrit Literature and published a big volume book ‘ Garhwal kee Sanskrit Sahity ko Den’.  As world literature lovers remember Allan Cunningham (1834) , Samuel Austin  Allibon (1859)  William Thomas Lowndes , Henry George Bohn (1861) for scripting History of English Literature ;  Aldon and Brooks for writing French literature history; Conte , Lapidge, Solodow,  Kenney etc for writing history of Latin literature;  Mure for Grece language literature history;  Maxmullar for Sanskrit literature history;  the world literature critics will always remember Dr Prem Datt Chamoli for writing Critical History of Sanskrit Literature by Garhwali scholars.
  Dr Prem datt Chamoli divided the book into chapters as importance of subject, culture of Sanskrit literature creation/writing in Garhwal  Nation/region, Sanskrit literature in sculptures,  epics, long poetries, poetries, dramas, essays, translation, short stories, stories, astrology, interpretations, Karmkand and Dharmshashtra, Neetishashtra, Ayurved, formulas, dictionaries, poetic structure or chhand, history, philosophy, researches etc.
                       Sanskrit Literature on  Sculptures of   Garhwal
  The learned academician Dr Chamoli provided details of Sanskrit literature available on various sculptures in Garhwal. Many examples are provided by him by his own visit the sites. There are following data in the book about Sanskrit literature in sculpture of Garhwal till date:
1-DevPrayag Yatri Namvali (The names of pilgrims visited Dev Prayag)
2- Sanskrit in Barahat pillar (Uttarkashi)
3-Sanskrit writings on a hill on the Ansuya Devi temple road
4- Palethi sculpture
5- Lakha Mandal- Ishwara  Pillar
6- Lalitshur copper sculpture of Pandukeshwar
7-Laitshur copper sculpture-2
8- Padmat Dev Copper plate Sculpture, Pandukeshwar
9- Sumikshraj copper plate Sculpture, Pandukeshwar
10- Kalimath sculpture, (Rudrusunu)
11- Nala- Magdev ka Shilalekh
12-Chandpur Shilalekh
13- Sanskrit Literature on Trishul of Ashokchall, Gopeshwar
14- Sanskrit Literature on lower part of Trshul ar Badahat , Uttarkashi
15- Sanskrit Literature on stone of door of Khshetrapal Temple, Dev Prayag
16-  Sahajpal Shilalekh
17- Vamangufa, Devprayag
18- Sanskrit writing on Fateshah coins
19- Sanskrit Literature on Doors of Raghunath temple, Devprayag
20- Parushram Mandir , Uttarkashi
21- Sanskrit wordings on doors of Vishnath temple of Uttarkashi
22-Sanskrit writings on Badrinath temple
  The erudite Prem Datt did translation of each script and also detailed the timing with references about each sculpture.
                                 Sanskrit Epics /Mahakavya by Garhwali Scholars
                         In the chapter ‘Mahkavy’, the well-read professor Dr Prem Datt Chamoli analyzes the Sanskrit epics written by eminent Garhwali scholars with detailing story of each epic with reviewing poetic structures of epic as raptures, symbols, poetic forms, description of subject matter by various angles, symbols creating various images, figures of speeches in epics. The industrious Sanskrit researcher Prem Datt Chamoli  has been successful in reviewing epics brilliantly and his criticism is comparable to any international fame literature reviewers and historians.
                    There is analysis of following epics with the biographical briefs of epic creators:
1-Edward Vansham (by  Urbi Datt Dangwal, Dang, Garhwal , 1868-1936)
2-Shri Nar Narayan Kavyam ( By Sadanand Dabral, Timli, Dabralsyun, Pauri Garhwal 1877-1950)
3-Kank Vansh (By Balkrishna Bhatt, Jakholi, Bhardar Patti, Tihri Garhwal, 1901-1943)
4-Lauhpurushvdanam ( Shiv Prasad Bhardwaj)
5- Seemaatikrnam( Shrikant Kukreti Acharya, Naugaon, Udaypur Patti, Pauri garhwal, 1911-1989)
6-Yugnirmata Swami Dayanand (Shrikant Kukreti Acharya, Naugaon, Udaypur Patti, Pauri garhwal, 1911-1989)
7- Dhukshate Ha dharti ( Dr Ashok Kumar dabral, Timali, Dabralsyun, 1943)
8- Devatma Himalaya (Dr Ashok Dabral)
9- Dashmesh Charitam ( Shridhar Prasad Baluni, Bagi, Ajmer Patti, Pauri garhwal 1941)

 The luminous critic Prem Datt provides readers about life sketches of epic creators and their struggle for creating such great literature.
   Prem  Datt analyzed these Garhwali epics as famous critics  as Oscar Wild, Benendetto Croce, Bradley, Eikhenbaum reviewed the literature with insight.
                  Long Poetries/Khnadkavy in Sanskrit by Garhwali Scholars
                          Garhwal had been very fertile territory for creating long poetries in Sanskrit. Dr Prem Datt Chamoli provides very fine details of each Khandkavy or long poetries with the details of poetry creators and the poetic forms of each long poem and the criticism is as comparable the criticism of Blake Morrison, Tolstoy, T. S Elliot, A de Lamartine, Martin Swales, E Sam Ouer, Ulli Beir,  Ken MacCullough, Gerald Moore, Charlotte Melin , J.M Rutland, D.G Walters, E. Florit for providing the insight of poems to the readers.
        The book shows the strong investigating character of Prem datt Chamoli who analyzed following Sanskrit Khandkavya/long poetries by Garhwalis   with all angles of poetry criticism:
1-Manoday Kavya (By Jyotik Ray Bharath, sixteenth century, Pokhri, Garhwal)
2-Ramayn Pradeep (By Medhakar Bahuguna, Pokhari, Pauri Garhwal, eighteenth century)
3-Bahuguna Vanshavali (Medhakar Bahuguna, Eighteenth century)
4-Sudarshanoday Kavya (by Kumuda Nand Bahuguna, Pokhari, Pauri Garhwal, nineteenth century)
5- Shringar Lata (by  Vishnu Datt Nautiyal and  Hari Datt Nautiyal, Tihri Garhwal)
6- Laghu Ramayan (By Hari datt Nautiyal)
7- Laghu Bhagwatam (By Hari datt Nautiyal)
8- Kamdoot Kavyam (By Vishnu Datt Nautiyal and Hari datt Nautiyal)
9-Bhojanvali: (By Hari Datt Nautiyal)
10-Garhwal-Ragyan Vanshavali ( By Devraj Kavi, Shrinagar, Nineteenth century)
11-Virahi Nadoday Kavyam ( By Vijaya Nand Bahuguna, Kothar, Pauri Garhwal, 1860-)
12-Ras Vilas (By Sada Nand dabral, Timli, 1877-1950)
13-Prastav Puspanjali ( Hari Krishna Daurgadatti, Ranihat, Chauras , Tihri Garhwal, 1855-1892)
14-Shatshloki Raghuvansh ( Hari Krishna Daurgadatti, Ranihat, Chauras , Tihri Garhwal, 1855-1892)
15- Tapovan Shatkam  (By Balkrishna Bhatt, Jakholi, Bhardar Patti, Tihri Garhwal, 1901-1943)
16-Swatantra Bharatam (By Balkrishna Bhatt, Jakholi, Bhardar Patti, Tihri Garhwal, 1901-1943)
17- Sur Shatakam ( Jitendra Chandra Bhartiy, Sirala, Devprayag, 1915-)
18- Akashvani (By Ram Prasad Hatwal, Barain, Girgaon, Shrinagar Garhwal, 1918-)
19-Bharat Sandesh (By Shiv Prasad Bhardwaj, Dang, Gagwadsyun, Pauri Garhwal 1922-2010)
20- Mahaveer Charitam  (By Shiv Prasad Bhardwaj, Dang, Gagwadsyun, Pauri Garhwal 1922-2010)
21-Swatantrata Vijay (Chandi Prasad Bahuguna, Khatwad, Lostu, Tihri Garhwal, twentieth century)
22-Veer Tarangani  (Sahshi Dhar Sharma Dev Prayag,Born  1932-)
23- Shankar Sarvswam (Sahshi Dhar Sharma Dev Prayag,Born  1932-)
24-Kenedy Karunanjali  (Sahshi Dhar Sharma Dev Prayag,Born  1932-)
25- Indira-Kirti-Shatakam ( Shri Krishna Semwal, Hyun/Yamunapur , Kedar Valley, 1949)
26- Anand Kand Charitam (Shrikant Kukreti Acharya, Naugaon, Udaypur Patti, Pauri garhwal, 1911-1989)
                   Miscellaneous Sanskrit Poetries by Garhwali Poets
                      Prem datt Chamoli analyzed the works of Sanskrit poets as Narhari Bhatt Shashtri, Shrikrishna semwal, Nag Datt Sharma, Parma Nand pandey in the chapter ‘Muktak’.
Bhaktirasamritam ( Shrikrishan Semwal, )
Shaktisaurabham ( Shrikrishna Semwal)
Priydarshneeyam ( Shrikrishna Semwal)
Bhimshatkam ( Shrikrishna Semwal)
Indu Vilas ( Jagdish semwal)
Dheera nand Tarangani ( Dr om Prakash Bhatt, Khashtal, Khas patti, Tihri Garhwal, 1949)
Sarswati Vilasam ( Visheshwar datt dimari Shashtri, Beeron, Chamoli Garhwal 1913)

                                  Sanskrit   Novels by Garhwalis
1-Pratap Vijayh (Shrikant Kukreti Acharya, Naugaon, Udaypur Patti, Pauri garhwal, 1911-1989)
2- Bandhu jeewanam ( Shiv Prasad Bhardwaj)
                         Sanskrit Dramas by Garhwali Scholars
 Dr Prem Datt Chamoli detailed Sanskrit dramas written by Garhwalis in the chapter ‘ Natak’ in the said book.
  The writer of ‘Garhwal ki Sanskrit ko Den (a 535 page book)’ Dr Chamoli investigates all the parameters of dramas for scrutinizing each Sanskrit drama written by Garhwali scholars.  There are following sub-chapters in main Chapter ‘Natak’ the dramas:
1-Garhwal men Naty Parampara (Culture of Drama/stage plays in Garhwal)
2-Nrityadhyay (about dance and drama, twelfth century)
3-Sabha Bhushanam (By Vishnu Datt and Hari Datt Nautiyal)
4- Navya-Bharat-Natkam (By Balkrishna Bhatt, Jakholi, Bhardar Patti, Tihri Garhwal, 1901-1943)
5-Nar- Narayanabhyudayam Natakam ( Murlidhar Sharma, Dev Prayag, 1907- expired)
6- Sangchhdhwam   (By Shiv Prasad Bhardwaj, Dang, Gagwadsyun, Pauri Garhwal 1922-2010)
7- Mayapati (By Shiv Prasad Bhardwaj, Dang, Gagwadsyun, Pauri Garhwal 1922-2010)
8-Ajey Bharatam (By Shiv Prasad Bhardwaj, Dang, Gagwadsyun, Pauri Garhwal 1922-2010)
9- Hun Parajayam (By Shiv Prasad Bhardwaj, Dang, Gagwadsyun, Pauri Garhwal 1922-2010)
10-Kaisari-Chakram (By Shiv Prasad Bhardwaj, Dang, Gagwadsyun, Pauri Garhwal 1922-2010)
11- Sakshatkar  (By Shiv Prasad Bhardwaj, Dang, Gagwadsyun, Pauri Garhwal 1922-2010)
12-Abhinandanam (By Shiv Prasad Bhardwaj, Dang, Gagwadsyun, Pauri Garhwal 1922-2010)
13- Nagesh ( By Vam Dev Vidyarthi, Dev Prayag, twentieth century )
14-Yam Nachiketkeeyam ( By Jagdish Semwal)
15- Bangladeshudayam ( Ram Krishna Nautiyal, Majyur, Chopda Patti, Garhwal)
16- Vidambana Natyayatri ( ram Krishna Nautiyal)
17- Kanvashram ( ram Krishna Nautiyal)
18- Pranay Vicched ( Ra Krishna Nautiyal)
                        Sanskrit   Essays and Translations in Garhwal
  Garhwal had been fertile territory for developing Vedic Sanskrit and Sanskrit from vedic era. Therefore all types of literature is created in Garhwal. However, due to various natural disasters at various era, the literature is lost.
   There has been a strong culture of writing Sanskrit essays and translation in Garhwal. Dr Chamoli describes the essays and translation in the following chapters:
1-Jeewanrdash (by Brahmanand Kimothi, Kimotha, Chandrshila, Chamoli Garhwal, 1900-expired)
2-Nibandh-Pustika( Padma Datt Pandey, Paithani, Narayan Bagd, Chamoli Garhwal, 1903-1960)
3- Kavy Prabhandh (By Balkrishna Bhatt, Jakholi, Bhardar Patti, Tihri Garhwal, 1901-1943)
4- Sanskrit Nibandh Manimala ( Shiv Prasad Bhardwaj)
5- Sanskrit Nibandh sagar ( Shiv Prasad Bhardwaj)
6- Brihad Anuvad - Chandrika (Chakradhar hans Nautiyal, Msan, Sitaunsyun, Pauri Garhwal, 1924- expired)
7- Anuvad Darpan (By Shridhara Nand Ghildiyal)
                                      Fictions and life sketches, Miscellaneous literature 
 Garhwalis wrote innovative Sanskrit short stories too.  Dr Prem datt Chamoli provides details with complete review of Sanskrit stories written by Garhwalis as :
1-Maletha Gramh ( Mahmahopadhyaya Parmeshwaranand Ghildiyal)
2-Nyash ( Shiv Prasad Bhardwaj)
3- Kavi Charitam ( (Parmeshwara Nand Ghildiyal)
4-Mahapurush Charitawali (Shiv Prasad Bhardwaj)
5-Sanskrit sopanam ( Dr Hari datt Bhatt shailesh , Bhatwadi , Agstmuni, 1930-2011)
6- Dev Bani Praveshika in five parts (Ansuya Prasad Bhatt, Bhatwadi, Agstmuni)
7-Dev Bani Chandrika ( Ansuya Prasad Bhatt)
8- Kalidas garima ( Shiv Prasad Bhardwaj)
                                  Sanskrit Astrology Literature in Garhwal
  Jyotish or Astrology is integral part of Sanskrit literature. Garhwalis wrote various types of astrological literature in Sanskrit as detailed by Dr Chamoli:
1-Fateshah Karan granth ( By Jatadhari  Mishra around seventeenth  century)
2-Karan Vaishnav ( Shankar Bhatt, eighteenth century)
3-Karan granth ( Suresha nand Bhatt Tihri, 1868- 1942)
4-Vastu Shiromani ( Shankar Guru )
5- Jatadhari Falit Granth ( Shri Suri Gauripati Daivegy around seventeenth century)
6-Jatak Chandrika (Jjaidev Bahuguna eighteenth century)
7- Prashn sindhu ( Vasba Nand Bahuguna, eighteenth century )
8- Jyotistatwam ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979) . Dr Chamoli describes here about 50 books written by Mukund Barthwal too
9-Mukund Vinod sarani   ( Muuand  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
10-Mukund Vilas Sarani ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
11- Vrihad hoda Chakra ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
12-Makarndtati  ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
13-Brihajjyotishshashtra Praveshika ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
14-panchang Manjusha ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
15- Dasha Manjari ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
16- Isht lagan Nirnay ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
17- Mukund Padhati ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
18- Prasav Chintamani ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
19-Jatak Sutram ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
20-Ary Nirnay ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
21-Bal Bodh Deepika ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
22-jatak Bhushanam ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
23-Ashtbarg Nibandh or dainik faladesh ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
24-Jatak Deepika ( Balkrishn Bhatt, Jakholi, Bhardar , tihri )
25- Tajik Chandrama ( Balkrishna Bhatt )
25- Gadavali ( Chakradhar Bhatt Joshi , Dev Prayag 1909 –expired)
                      Edited and Compiled  Literature of Sanskrit Astrology
26- Singh Makarashth Guru Nirnay (Ambika Datt Anthwal, Bhaktiyana, Shrinagar Ninteenth century )
27- Jyotish Rantn Bhandar Sarani ( Amla nand Dhashmana , Bagiyali, Ekeshwar, garhwal, 1879-1964)
28- Ganit Sar sangrah ( Trilochan Bahuguna, Pokhari, Chalansyun, Garhwal , 1872-1956)
29-Singhmakarshth Gurumeemanshakutuhal ( Vashba Nand Khanduri, Bagdi, Simli, Chandpur Gadhi , 1883-expired)
30- Jyotish Bhashkar  ( Mukundram Kimothi, Kimotha, Chandrshila, Chamoli Garhwal, 1885-19665)
31-Panchang Bhashkar (Totaram Bhatt, Bhatwadi, Chamoli Garhwal 1887-1957)
32- Muhurt Sangrah Darpan ( Bhim Datt Kainthola, Kyunkola, Pauri Garhwal , twentieth century )
33-Ayurday Sangrah ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
34- Jyotisar sangrah ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
35- Jatak Parijatadi Sangrah ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
36-Nashtjatak Sangrah ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
37- Tajik Yog Sangrah ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
38- Byapar Ratnam ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
39- Jyotish Ratnakar ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
40- Tajik-Yogavali ( Chakrdhar Bhatt Joshi )
             Jyotish teeka or Interpretition of Astrological Principles
41- Tajik Neelkanthi ( Mahidhar Dangwal, Suradi, Khas Patti, Tihri, 1946-1911)
42- Jyotishtatw Vivek Nibandh ( Mahidhar Dangwal, Suradi, Khas Patti, Tihri, 1946-1911)
43-Singh Makarashth Guru Nirnay ( Ambikadatt Anthwal, , Interpretition Tungeshwar Prasad pandey)
44-Jyotishtatwam (Mukund Ram Barthwal, teeka- Chakradhar joshi)
                                   Karmkand Literature
                 Dr Chamoli states that Garhwalis are not behind in providing  Karmkand literature in Sanskrit and proof is :
1-Karmkand Sammuchaya ( lakshmi Dhar Bhatt Joshi, Dev Prayag)
2-Karmkand sammuchaya ( Divakar Maithani, born 1862-expired)
3-Karmkand  Ratnakar ( Deva Nand dimri , Dimpar (Dimmar) , Karn prayag, 1874-exp)
4-Shakt Toshani ( Totaram bhatt, Bhatwadi , Chamoli)
5- Teerth Shradham (Totaram bhatt, Bhatwadi, Chamoli)
6- Vedik Shradh padhatti ( Maya datt Pandey , Paithani, Badhan, Chamoli Garhwal, 1901-1956)
7-Pitrikarm Padhati (By Balkrishna Bhatt, Jakholi, Bhardar Patti, Tihri Garhwal, 1901-1943)
8-Sanskar Padhati (By Balkrishna Bhatt, Jakholi, Bhardar Patti, Tihri Garhwal, 1901-1943)
9-Pooja Padhati (By Balkrishna Bhatt, Jakholi, Bhardar Patti, Tihri Garhwal, 1901-1943)
10- Durga Pooja Padhati (By Balkrishna Bhatt, Jakholi, Bhardar Patti, Tihri Garhwal, 1901-1943)
11- Teerth-Vidhan padhati ( Vishvnath Lalmohariya Sharma, Shonit, Guptkashi, twentieth century )
12-Shradh Prakash ( Kula Nand jamloki, Ravigram, Chamoli 1895-Exp)
13- Rudri- Chandi-Gutki  (( Kula Nand jamloki, Ravigram, Chamoli 1895-Exp)
14-Yagy Padhati ( Kula Nand jamloki, Ravigram, Chamoli 1895-Exp)
15- Karmkand- Bhashkar ( Vishal Mani Upadhyay Sharma , Ghaghora, Guptkashi, Chamoli 1900-Exp)
16- Pooja Padhati  ( Vishal Mani Upadhyay Sharma , Ghaghora, Guptkashi, Chamoli 1900-Exp)
17- Durga Pooja Padhati ( Vishal Mani Upadhyay Sharma , Ghaghora, Guptkashi, Chamoli 1900-Exp)
18-Sadachar Chandrika ( Vishal Mani Upadhyay Sharma , Ghaghora, Guptkashi, Chamoli 1900-Exp)
19-Shriganeshadi Poojan Padhati  ( Parmanand Pandeyy )
20- Shubhkarm Sanchika ( Ram Sharan Shaili , Shail, Gochar , Chamoli, 1905 –Exp)
21- Karmkandarth Prakashika ( Ravi Datt Maindola, Maindoli, Lainsdown tahseel, Pauri Garhwal, 1905-)
22- Pitrikaram sammuchay ( Ravi Datt Maindola, Maindoli, Lainsdown tahseel, Pauri Garhwal, 1905-)
23- Chaturdash Vivah padhati ( Vijaya nand Khanduri , Badud , Banelsyun , Pauri Garhwal, 1909-1977)
24- Shribhukhand Dev Pooja Padhati ( Bhola Nath Shukl  Sharma, Rudrapur, Guptkashi, Chamoli, 1912-)
25- Adarsh pooja Saroj (Janardan semwal, Andarvadi, Ukhimath, Chamoli, 1928-)
26- Sanskar saroj ( Janardan Semwal)
                                 Dhram Shashtra in Garhwal 
 There has been a culture for writing literature on Dharma Shashtra,Neeti shashtra in Sanskrit n Garhwal. Conscientious examiner Dr Chamoli in his book Garhwal ki Sanskrit Sahity ko Den  ‘ details as:
1-Nirnayamrit ( Allatnath, Twelfth century )
2-Dharmavalli ( Hari Datt Nautiyal  Seventeenth or eighteenth century )
3-Ekvishanti ( Hari datt Nautiyal)
                             Ayurvedic Sanskrit literature in Garhwal
                      There is sizable contribution of Garhwalis in enriching Ayurvedic literature as:
  1-Rasrangin : (Sadanand Ghildiyal, Khola, Shrinagar, Garhwal, 1898-)
2- Pathyapath (Parma nand Pandeyy, Dyuli, Kirtinagar, Garhwal 1901-Exp)
3-Ayurvediy itihas ( Suresha nand Thapliyal,Thala village near  Nagnath Pokhari, chamoli, 1931-)
4- Ayurvediy Kriya Sharir (Shiv Charan dhyani, Khandwari, Idiyakot, Pauri Garhwal, 1931-)
                                          Srotras and Tantra Shashtra
                      According to research of Dr Prem Datt Chamoli Garhwalis contributed in nurturing the literature of Srotra and tantra in Sanskrit with vigor and focus as:
1-ShriVadrivishwas-Vakaradi Sahshtranam-Stvrajh( collection with Parmanand gairola, Jakh, Chandpur , Karnprayag)
2-ShriHitakhya- Bhairav Stavh( Jai dev Bahuguna, eighteenth century)
3- Uttarakhand Teerth Mahtyamya ( Maula Ram tomar seventeenth century )
4-Ranbahdur Chandrika ( Maularam Tomar)
5-Gyanamrit Kavya ( Maularam tomar)
6-Nakshtramala Stotratam ( Hari datt Nautiyal)
7- Vadari Mahtmya ( Tularam Bahuguna , nineteenth century )
8-Stotra sangrah ( Hari Sharma , Kyukleshwar Temple , 1840-1911)
9-Stavan Stavkavali ( Harikrishna Daurgadatti)
10- Bhakti lahri ( Ishwari datt Daurgadatti, Ranihat, Chauras , 1889-1942)
11-Shri Kilkileshwar Shankar Shatkam ( Mahant yogendra Puri, Dhingoli, Badiyargarh, Tihri , 1896-1957)
12-Nanda Devi Stuti (Maya Datt Pandey)
13- Shiv Shatkam ( Bal Krishna Bhatt)
14- Shri Badrinath Suprabhatam ( Murlidhar Shashtri, Dev Prayag)
15- Namami Raghuvanshnatham ( Jagdish Prasad Semwal)
16- Tantrik Grahth ( Mukund Ram Jadli, Garadveet, Buradsyun, Pauri Garhwal, 1888-1969): The book is written mixing Garhwali with Sanskrit
17- Bhuwankosh ( Devi Prasad Tripathi (1965)
18- Shri Badrinath Stotram ( Shridhar Prasad Baluni )
19- Shri Kedarnath Stotram ( Shridhar Prasad baluni)
20 Shri Guru Ram rai charitamritam ( Shridhar Prasad Baluni)
21- Shri Chandi Sidhirahasya ( Chandi Prasad Bahuguna, Bugani )
22- Hrishikesh mahtyam ( Chandi Prasad bahuguna)

Works of Dr Dharma nand Dimri Sharma ( Dimmar 1955) who wrote tens of books in Sanskrit including a Mahkavya (epic)
                                Dictionaries and Grammar Literature
 There are books of dictionaries in Sanskrit created by Garhwalis as :
1-Mukundkosh: ( Mukund ram Barthwal, Khand  Bichhla Dhangu)
2- Kosh Namavali ( Mukund Ram Barthwal)
3-Jyotish Shabd Kosh (Mukund Ram barthwal, Khand, Bichhla Dhangu )
4-Shroutra Yagy Prakriya ( Peetambar datt Bashishtha , Thalasu, Nagpur Patti, Chamoli 1903-)
5- Nyay Darshan Kosh ( Chakradhar Bijlwan,
6- Panineey Vyakranam Bhasha vaigyanikam Vyakhyanam ( Dr Ghanshyam Uniyal, Thaplai, Dhunsir Patti, Tihri 1942)
7- Vakya Padeeyam ( Vamdev , Dev Prayag, 1934)

                             Chhand Parampara
1-Chhand Parampara ( Hari datt Nautiyal, nineteenth century )
2-Vritmala  (shridhara Nand Jamloki, Bamakholi, Ukhimath , 1920-)
                                  History and culture Literature of  Sanskrit of Garhwal
1-Rigvedic itihas (Hari Ram Dhashmana, Bagiyali, Ekeshwar, pauri Garhwal, 1874-1960)
2-Sanskrit sahitya ka Itihas in Sanskritaized  Hindi by Bachaspati gairola ( Falswadi, Sitaunsyun, Garhwal)
3-Sanskrit Vangmayno Itihas in Gujrati ( Chandi Prasad Naithani, Pali, Gugadsyun patti, 1927-)
4- Vaidik Sahity Sanskriti by Vachaspati Gairola in Hindi
5- Aalaknanda ( Sachida nand Kandpal, Dasjyula Kandei, Rudraprayag, 1930-2002)
  The work of Dr Chamoli will be appreciated forever by all literature lovers as he did not leave anything to be ignored in Sanskrit literature of Garhwal and by Garhwalis. The well researched book is always a collector book and is available from:
Garhwal ki Sanskrit Sahity Ko Den: A Critical History of Sanskrit literature by Garhwali Scholars
By Dr Prem Datt Chamoli
Ram Chandra Chamoli 
8 New Friends colony
Ajabpura Klana By Pass road
Dr Naresh Chandra Chamoli
Makan number -3
Near santoshi Mata mandir
Paniyala Road
Dist Haridwar
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti , Mumbai 2011

  Garhwal kee Sanskrit Sahity  Ko Den :  Critical History of Sanskrit Literature Development in Garhwal Region
                       (A Review of Book ‘Garhwal ki Sanskrit ko Den by Dr Prem Datt Chamoli)
(Sanskrit Literature from Garhwal, Sanskrit Literature from Uttarakhand, Sanskrit Literature from Himalaya)
                                                                       Bhishma Kukreti
 (The write up analyzes the book Garhwal ki Sanskrit ko Den ‘by Dr Prem Datt Chamoli that  deals with works of Garhwali scholars in developing Sanskrit literature. This is the first time that a scholar pays attention on contribution of Garhwalis for developing Sanskrit literature in comprehensive volume. The book deals with sculpture, poetries, dramas, essays, short stories, life sketches, astrology,  Karmkand, Neetishashtra, Ayurved, Srotra, history, Teeka etc)
                             Garhwali scholars had been contributing development of Sanskrit, Braj, Hindi, English and Garhwali languages literature with proficiency.  There had been reviews, analysis, praises of contributors and contribution about Braj, Hindi language literature by Garhwalis. However, less is talked about Sanskrit and English literature contribution by Garhwali intellectuals. Dr Purushottam Dobhal first time brought the details of Garhwalis for contributing for Sanskrit literature in 1980.
                           Dr Prem Datt Chamoli (a lecturer in Meerut) took the task for doing comprehensive research on ‘Contribution of Garhwalis for Developing Sanskrit Literature and published a big volume book ‘ Garhwal kee Sanskrit Sahity ko Den’.  As world literature lovers remember Allan Cunningham (1834) , Samuel Austin  Allibon (1859)  William Thomas Lowndes , Henry George Bohn (1861) for scripting History of English Literature ;  Aldon and Brooks for writing French literature history; Conte , Lapidge, Solodow,  Kenney etc for writing history of Latin literature;  Mure for Grece language literature history;  Maxmullar for Sanskrit literature history;  the world literature critics will always remember Dr Prem Datt Chamoli for writing Critical History of Sanskrit Literature by Garhwali scholars.
  Dr Prem datt Chamoli divided the book into chapters as importance of subject, culture of Sanskrit literature creation/writing in Garhwal  Nation/region, Sanskrit literature in sculptures,  epics, long poetries, poetries, dramas, essays, translation, short stories, stories, astrology, interpretations, Karmkand and Dharmshashtra, Neetishashtra, Ayurved, formulas, dictionaries, poetic structure or chhand, history, philosophy, researches etc.
                       Sanskrit Literature on  Sculptures of   Garhwal
  The learned academician Dr Chamoli provided details of Sanskrit literature available on various sculptures in Garhwal. Many examples are provided by him by his own visit the sites. There are following data in the book about Sanskrit literature in sculpture of Garhwal till date:
1-DevPrayag Yatri Namvali (The names of pilgrims visited Dev Prayag)
2- Sanskrit in Barahat pillar (Uttarkashi)
3-Sanskrit writings on a hill on the Ansuya Devi temple road
4- Palethi sculpture
5- Lakha Mandal- Ishwara  Pillar
6- Lalitshur copper sculpture of Pandukeshwar
7-Laitshur copper sculpture-2
8- Padmat Dev Copper plate Sculpture, Pandukeshwar
9- Sumikshraj copper plate Sculpture, Pandukeshwar
10- Kalimath sculpture, (Rudrusunu)
11- Nala- Magdev ka Shilalekh
12-Chandpur Shilalekh
13- Sanskrit Literature on Trishul of Ashokchall, Gopeshwar
14- Sanskrit Literature on lower part of Trshul ar Badahat , Uttarkashi
15- Sanskrit Literature on stone of door of Khshetrapal Temple, Dev Prayag
16-  Sahajpal Shilalekh
17- Vamangufa, Devprayag
18- Sanskrit writing on Fateshah coins
19- Sanskrit Literature on Doors of Raghunath temple, Devprayag
20- Parushram Mandir , Uttarkashi
21- Sanskrit wordings on doors of Vishnath temple of Uttarkashi
22-Sanskrit writings on Badrinath temple
  The erudite Prem Datt did translation of each script and also detailed the timing with references about each sculpture.
                                 Sanskrit Epics /Mahakavya by Garhwali Scholars
                         In the chapter ‘Mahkavy’, the well-read professor Dr Prem Datt Chamoli analyzes the Sanskrit epics written by eminent Garhwali scholars with detailing story of each epic with reviewing poetic structures of epic as raptures, symbols, poetic forms, description of subject matter by various angles, symbols creating various images, figures of speeches in epics. The industrious Sanskrit researcher Prem Datt Chamoli  has been successful in reviewing epics brilliantly and his criticism is comparable to any international fame literature reviewers and historians.
                    There is analysis of following epics with the biographical briefs of epic creators:
1-Edward Vansham (by  Urbi Datt Dangwal, Dang, Garhwal , 1868-1936)
2-Shri Nar Narayan Kavyam ( By Sadanand Dabral, Timli, Dabralsyun, Pauri Garhwal 1877-1950)
3-Kank Vansh (By Balkrishna Bhatt, Jakholi, Bhardar Patti, Tihri Garhwal, 1901-1943)
4-Lauhpurushvdanam ( Shiv Prasad Bhardwaj)
5- Seemaatikrnam( Shrikant Kukreti Acharya, Naugaon, Udaypur Patti, Pauri garhwal, 1911-1989)
6-Yugnirmata Swami Dayanand (Shrikant Kukreti Acharya, Naugaon, Udaypur Patti, Pauri garhwal, 1911-1989)
7- Dhukshate Ha dharti ( Dr Ashok Kumar dabral, Timali, Dabralsyun, 1943)
8- Devatma Himalaya (Dr Ashok Dabral)
9- Dashmesh Charitam ( Shridhar Prasad Baluni, Bagi, Ajmer Patti, Pauri garhwal 1941)

 The luminous critic Prem Datt provides readers about life sketches of epic creators and their struggle for creating such great literature.
   Prem  Datt analyzed these Garhwali epics as famous critics  as Oscar Wild, Benendetto Croce, Bradley, Eikhenbaum reviewed the literature with insight.
                  Long Poetries/Khnadkavy in Sanskrit by Garhwali Scholars
                          Garhwal had been very fertile territory for creating long poetries in Sanskrit. Dr Prem Datt Chamoli provides very fine details of each Khandkavy or long poetries with the details of poetry creators and the poetic forms of each long poem and the criticism is as comparable the criticism of Blake Morrison, Tolstoy, T. S Elliot, A de Lamartine, Martin Swales, E Sam Ouer, Ulli Beir,  Ken MacCullough, Gerald Moore, Charlotte Melin , J.M Rutland, D.G Walters, E. Florit for providing the insight of poems to the readers.
        The book shows the strong investigating character of Prem datt Chamoli who analyzed following Sanskrit Khandkavya/long poetries by Garhwalis   with all angles of poetry criticism:
1-Manoday Kavya (By Jyotik Ray Bharath, sixteenth century, Pokhri, Garhwal)
2-Ramayn Pradeep (By Medhakar Bahuguna, Pokhari, Pauri Garhwal, eighteenth century)
3-Bahuguna Vanshavali (Medhakar Bahuguna, Eighteenth century)
4-Sudarshanoday Kavya (by Kumuda Nand Bahuguna, Pokhari, Pauri Garhwal, nineteenth century)
5- Shringar Lata (by  Vishnu Datt Nautiyal and  Hari Datt Nautiyal, Tihri Garhwal)
6- Laghu Ramayan (By Hari datt Nautiyal)
7- Laghu Bhagwatam (By Hari datt Nautiyal)
8- Kamdoot Kavyam (By Vishnu Datt Nautiyal and Hari datt Nautiyal)
9-Bhojanvali: (By Hari Datt Nautiyal)
10-Garhwal-Ragyan Vanshavali ( By Devraj Kavi, Shrinagar, Nineteenth century)
11-Virahi Nadoday Kavyam ( By Vijaya Nand Bahuguna, Kothar, Pauri Garhwal, 1860-)
12-Ras Vilas (By Sada Nand dabral, Timli, 1877-1950)
13-Prastav Puspanjali ( Hari Krishna Daurgadatti, Ranihat, Chauras , Tihri Garhwal, 1855-1892)
14-Shatshloki Raghuvansh ( Hari Krishna Daurgadatti, Ranihat, Chauras , Tihri Garhwal, 1855-1892)
15- Tapovan Shatkam  (By Balkrishna Bhatt, Jakholi, Bhardar Patti, Tihri Garhwal, 1901-1943)
16-Swatantra Bharatam (By Balkrishna Bhatt, Jakholi, Bhardar Patti, Tihri Garhwal, 1901-1943)
17- Sur Shatakam ( Jitendra Chandra Bhartiy, Sirala, Devprayag, 1915-)
18- Akashvani (By Ram Prasad Hatwal, Barain, Girgaon, Shrinagar Garhwal, 1918-)
19-Bharat Sandesh (By Shiv Prasad Bhardwaj, Dang, Gagwadsyun, Pauri Garhwal 1922-2010)
20- Mahaveer Charitam  (By Shiv Prasad Bhardwaj, Dang, Gagwadsyun, Pauri Garhwal 1922-2010)
21-Swatantrata Vijay (Chandi Prasad Bahuguna, Khatwad, Lostu, Tihri Garhwal, twentieth century)
22-Veer Tarangani  (Sahshi Dhar Sharma Dev Prayag,Born  1932-)
23- Shankar Sarvswam (Sahshi Dhar Sharma Dev Prayag,Born  1932-)
24-Kenedy Karunanjali  (Sahshi Dhar Sharma Dev Prayag,Born  1932-)
25- Indira-Kirti-Shatakam ( Shri Krishna Semwal, Hyun/Yamunapur , Kedar Valley, 1949)
26- Anand Kand Charitam (Shrikant Kukreti Acharya, Naugaon, Udaypur Patti, Pauri garhwal, 1911-1989)
                   Miscellaneous Sanskrit Poetries by Garhwali Poets
                      Prem datt Chamoli analyzed the works of Sanskrit poets as Narhari Bhatt Shashtri, Shrikrishna semwal, Nag Datt Sharma, Parma Nand pandey in the chapter ‘Muktak’.
Bhaktirasamritam ( Shrikrishan Semwal, )
Shaktisaurabham ( Shrikrishna Semwal)
Priydarshneeyam ( Shrikrishna Semwal)
Bhimshatkam ( Shrikrishna Semwal)
Indu Vilas ( Jagdish semwal)
Dheera nand Tarangani ( Dr om Prakash Bhatt, Khashtal, Khas patti, Tihri Garhwal, 1949)
Sarswati Vilasam ( Visheshwar datt dimari Shashtri, Beeron, Chamoli Garhwal 1913)

                                  Sanskrit   Novels by Garhwalis
1-Pratap Vijayh (Shrikant Kukreti Acharya, Naugaon, Udaypur Patti, Pauri garhwal, 1911-1989)
2- Bandhu jeewanam ( Shiv Prasad Bhardwaj)
                         Sanskrit Dramas by Garhwali Scholars
 Dr Prem Datt Chamoli detailed Sanskrit dramas written by Garhwalis in the chapter ‘ Natak’ in the said book.
  The writer of ‘Garhwal ki Sanskrit ko Den (a 535 page book)’ Dr Chamoli investigates all the parameters of dramas for scrutinizing each Sanskrit drama written by Garhwali scholars.  There are following sub-chapters in main Chapter ‘Natak’ the dramas:
1-Garhwal men Naty Parampara (Culture of Drama/stage plays in Garhwal)
2-Nrityadhyay (about dance and drama, twelfth century)
3-Sabha Bhushanam (By Vishnu Datt and Hari Datt Nautiyal)
4- Navya-Bharat-Natkam (By Balkrishna Bhatt, Jakholi, Bhardar Patti, Tihri Garhwal, 1901-1943)
5-Nar- Narayanabhyudayam Natakam ( Murlidhar Sharma, Dev Prayag, 1907- expired)
6- Sangchhdhwam   (By Shiv Prasad Bhardwaj, Dang, Gagwadsyun, Pauri Garhwal 1922-2010)
7- Mayapati (By Shiv Prasad Bhardwaj, Dang, Gagwadsyun, Pauri Garhwal 1922-2010)
8-Ajey Bharatam (By Shiv Prasad Bhardwaj, Dang, Gagwadsyun, Pauri Garhwal 1922-2010)
9- Hun Parajayam (By Shiv Prasad Bhardwaj, Dang, Gagwadsyun, Pauri Garhwal 1922-2010)
10-Kaisari-Chakram (By Shiv Prasad Bhardwaj, Dang, Gagwadsyun, Pauri Garhwal 1922-2010)
11- Sakshatkar  (By Shiv Prasad Bhardwaj, Dang, Gagwadsyun, Pauri Garhwal 1922-2010)
12-Abhinandanam (By Shiv Prasad Bhardwaj, Dang, Gagwadsyun, Pauri Garhwal 1922-2010)
13- Nagesh ( By Vam Dev Vidyarthi, Dev Prayag, twentieth century )
14-Yam Nachiketkeeyam ( By Jagdish Semwal)
15- Bangladeshudayam ( Ram Krishna Nautiyal, Majyur, Chopda Patti, Garhwal)
16- Vidambana Natyayatri ( ram Krishna Nautiyal)
17- Kanvashram ( ram Krishna Nautiyal)
18- Pranay Vicched ( Ra Krishna Nautiyal)
                        Sanskrit   Essays and Translations in Garhwal
  Garhwal had been fertile territory for developing Vedic Sanskrit and Sanskrit from vedic era. Therefore all types of literature is created in Garhwal. However, due to various natural disasters at various era, the literature is lost.
   There has been a strong culture of writing Sanskrit essays and translation in Garhwal. Dr Chamoli describes the essays and translation in the following chapters:
1-Jeewanrdash (by Brahmanand Kimothi, Kimotha, Chandrshila, Chamoli Garhwal, 1900-expired)
2-Nibandh-Pustika( Padma Datt Pandey, Paithani, Narayan Bagd, Chamoli Garhwal, 1903-1960)
3- Kavy Prabhandh (By Balkrishna Bhatt, Jakholi, Bhardar Patti, Tihri Garhwal, 1901-1943)
4- Sanskrit Nibandh Manimala ( Shiv Prasad Bhardwaj)
5- Sanskrit Nibandh sagar ( Shiv Prasad Bhardwaj)
6- Brihad Anuvad - Chandrika (Chakradhar hans Nautiyal, Msan, Sitaunsyun, Pauri Garhwal, 1924- expired)
7- Anuvad Darpan (By Shridhara Nand Ghildiyal)
                                      Fictions and life sketches, Miscellaneous literature 
 Garhwalis wrote innovative Sanskrit short stories too.  Dr Prem datt Chamoli provides details with complete review of Sanskrit stories written by Garhwalis as :
1-Maletha Gramh ( Mahmahopadhyaya Parmeshwaranand Ghildiyal)
2-Nyash ( Shiv Prasad Bhardwaj)
3- Kavi Charitam ( (Parmeshwara Nand Ghildiyal)
4-Mahapurush Charitawali (Shiv Prasad Bhardwaj)
5-Sanskrit sopanam ( Dr Hari datt Bhatt shailesh , Bhatwadi , Agstmuni, 1930-2011)
6- Dev Bani Praveshika in five parts (Ansuya Prasad Bhatt, Bhatwadi, Agstmuni)
7-Dev Bani Chandrika ( Ansuya Prasad Bhatt)
8- Kalidas garima ( Shiv Prasad Bhardwaj)
                                  Sanskrit Astrology Literature in Garhwal
  Jyotish or Astrology is integral part of Sanskrit literature. Garhwalis wrote various types of astrological literature in Sanskrit as detailed by Dr Chamoli:
1-Fateshah Karan granth ( By Jatadhari  Mishra around seventeenth  century)
2-Karan Vaishnav ( Shankar Bhatt, eighteenth century)
3-Karan granth ( Suresha nand Bhatt Tihri, 1868- 1942)
4-Vastu Shiromani ( Shankar Guru )
5- Jatadhari Falit Granth ( Shri Suri Gauripati Daivegy around seventeenth century)
6-Jatak Chandrika (Jjaidev Bahuguna eighteenth century)
7- Prashn sindhu ( Vasba Nand Bahuguna, eighteenth century )
8- Jyotistatwam ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979) . Dr Chamoli describes here about 50 books written by Mukund Barthwal too
9-Mukund Vinod sarani   ( Muuand  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
10-Mukund Vilas Sarani ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
11- Vrihad hoda Chakra ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
12-Makarndtati  ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
13-Brihajjyotishshashtra Praveshika ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
14-panchang Manjusha ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
15- Dasha Manjari ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
16- Isht lagan Nirnay ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
17- Mukund Padhati ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
18- Prasav Chintamani ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
19-Jatak Sutram ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
20-Ary Nirnay ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
21-Bal Bodh Deepika ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
22-jatak Bhushanam ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
23-Ashtbarg Nibandh or dainik faladesh ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
24-Jatak Deepika ( Balkrishn Bhatt, Jakholi, Bhardar , tihri )
25- Tajik Chandrama ( Balkrishna Bhatt )
25- Gadavali ( Chakradhar Bhatt Joshi , Dev Prayag 1909 –expired)
                      Edited and Compiled  Literature of Sanskrit Astrology
26- Singh Makarashth Guru Nirnay (Ambika Datt Anthwal, Bhaktiyana, Shrinagar Ninteenth century )
27- Jyotish Rantn Bhandar Sarani ( Amla nand Dhashmana , Bagiyali, Ekeshwar, garhwal, 1879-1964)
28- Ganit Sar sangrah ( Trilochan Bahuguna, Pokhari, Chalansyun, Garhwal , 1872-1956)
29-Singhmakarshth Gurumeemanshakutuhal ( Vashba Nand Khanduri, Bagdi, Simli, Chandpur Gadhi , 1883-expired)
30- Jyotish Bhashkar  ( Mukundram Kimothi, Kimotha, Chandrshila, Chamoli Garhwal, 1885-19665)
31-Panchang Bhashkar (Totaram Bhatt, Bhatwadi, Chamoli Garhwal 1887-1957)
32- Muhurt Sangrah Darpan ( Bhim Datt Kainthola, Kyunkola, Pauri Garhwal , twentieth century )
33-Ayurday Sangrah ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
34- Jyotisar sangrah ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
35- Jatak Parijatadi Sangrah ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
36-Nashtjatak Sangrah ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
37- Tajik Yog Sangrah ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
38- Byapar Ratnam ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
39- Jyotish Ratnakar ( Mukund  Ram Barthwal, Khand , Bichhala Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal, 1887-1979)
40- Tajik-Yogavali ( Chakrdhar Bhatt Joshi )
             Jyotish teeka or Interpretition of Astrological Principles
41- Tajik Neelkanthi ( Mahidhar Dangwal, Suradi, Khas Patti, Tihri, 1946-1911)
42- Jyotishtatw Vivek Nibandh ( Mahidhar Dangwal, Suradi, Khas Patti, Tihri, 1946-1911)
43-Singh Makarashth Guru Nirnay ( Ambikadatt Anthwal, , Interpretition Tungeshwar Prasad pandey)
44-Jyotishtatwam (Mukund Ram Barthwal, teeka- Chakradhar joshi)
                                   Karmkand Literature
                 Dr Chamoli states that Garhwalis are not behind in providing  Karmkand literature in Sanskrit and proof is :
1-Karmkand Sammuchaya ( lakshmi Dhar Bhatt Joshi, Dev Prayag)
2-Karmkand sammuchaya ( Divakar Maithani, born 1862-expired)
3-Karmkand  Ratnakar ( Deva Nand dimri , Dimpar (Dimmar) , Karn prayag, 1874-exp)
4-Shakt Toshani ( Totaram bhatt, Bhatwadi , Chamoli)
5- Teerth Shradham (Totaram bhatt, Bhatwadi, Chamoli)
6- Vedik Shradh padhatti ( Maya datt Pandey , Paithani, Badhan, Chamoli Garhwal, 1901-1956)
7-Pitrikarm Padhati (By Balkrishna Bhatt, Jakholi, Bhardar Patti, Tihri Garhwal, 1901-1943)
8-Sanskar Padhati (By Balkrishna Bhatt, Jakholi, Bhardar Patti, Tihri Garhwal, 1901-1943)
9-Pooja Padhati (By Balkrishna Bhatt, Jakholi, Bhardar Patti, Tihri Garhwal, 1901-1943)
10- Durga Pooja Padhati (By Balkrishna Bhatt, Jakholi, Bhardar Patti, Tihri Garhwal, 1901-1943)
11- Teerth-Vidhan padhati ( Vishvnath Lalmohariya Sharma, Shonit, Guptkashi, twentieth century )
12-Shradh Prakash ( Kula Nand jamloki, Ravigram, Chamoli 1895-Exp)
13- Rudri- Chandi-Gutki  (( Kula Nand jamloki, Ravigram, Chamoli 1895-Exp)
14-Yagy Padhati ( Kula Nand jamloki, Ravigram, Chamoli 1895-Exp)
15- Karmkand- Bhashkar ( Vishal Mani Upadhyay Sharma , Ghaghora, Guptkashi, Chamoli 1900-Exp)
16- Pooja Padhati  ( Vishal Mani Upadhyay Sharma , Ghaghora, Guptkashi, Chamoli 1900-Exp)
17- Durga Pooja Padhati ( Vishal Mani Upadhyay Sharma , Ghaghora, Guptkashi, Chamoli 1900-Exp)
18-Sadachar Chandrika ( Vishal Mani Upadhyay Sharma , Ghaghora, Guptkashi, Chamoli 1900-Exp)
19-Shriganeshadi Poojan Padhati  ( Parmanand Pandeyy )
20- Shubhkarm Sanchika ( Ram Sharan Shaili , Shail, Gochar , Chamoli, 1905 –Exp)
21- Karmkandarth Prakashika ( Ravi Datt Maindola, Maindoli, Lainsdown tahseel, Pauri Garhwal, 1905-)
22- Pitrikaram sammuchay ( Ravi Datt Maindola, Maindoli, Lainsdown tahseel, Pauri Garhwal, 1905-)
23- Chaturdash Vivah padhati ( Vijaya nand Khanduri , Badud , Banelsyun , Pauri Garhwal, 1909-1977)
24- Shribhukhand Dev Pooja Padhati ( Bhola Nath Shukl  Sharma, Rudrapur, Guptkashi, Chamoli, 1912-)
25- Adarsh pooja Saroj (Janardan semwal, Andarvadi, Ukhimath, Chamoli, 1928-)
26- Sanskar saroj ( Janardan Semwal)
                                 Dhram Shashtra in Garhwal 
 There has been a culture for writing literature on Dharma Shashtra,Neeti shashtra in Sanskrit n Garhwal. Conscientious examiner Dr Chamoli in his book Garhwal ki Sanskrit Sahity ko Den  ‘ details as:
1-Nirnayamrit ( Allatnath, Twelfth century )
2-Dharmavalli ( Hari Datt Nautiyal  Seventeenth or eighteenth century )
3-Ekvishanti ( Hari datt Nautiyal)
                             Ayurvedic Sanskrit literature in Garhwal
                      There is sizable contribution of Garhwalis in enriching Ayurvedic literature as:
  1-Rasrangin : (Sadanand Ghildiyal, Khola, Shrinagar, Garhwal, 1898-)
2- Pathyapath (Parma nand Pandeyy, Dyuli, Kirtinagar, Garhwal 1901-Exp)
3-Ayurvediy itihas ( Suresha nand Thapliyal,Thala village near  Nagnath Pokhari, chamoli, 1931-)
4- Ayurvediy Kriya Sharir (Shiv Charan dhyani, Khandwari, Idiyakot, Pauri Garhwal, 1931-)
                                          Srotras and Tantra Shashtra
                      According to research of Dr Prem Datt Chamoli Garhwalis contributed in nurturing the literature of Srotra and tantra in Sanskrit with vigor and focus as:
1-ShriVadrivishwas-Vakaradi Sahshtranam-Stvrajh( collection with Parmanand gairola, Jakh, Chandpur , Karnprayag)
2-ShriHitakhya- Bhairav Stavh( Jai dev Bahuguna, eighteenth century)
3- Uttarakhand Teerth Mahtyamya ( Maula Ram tomar seventeenth century )
4-Ranbahdur Chandrika ( Maularam Tomar)
5-Gyanamrit Kavya ( Maularam tomar)
6-Nakshtramala Stotratam ( Hari datt Nautiyal)
7- Vadari Mahtmya ( Tularam Bahuguna , nineteenth century )
8-Stotra sangrah ( Hari Sharma , Kyukleshwar Temple , 1840-1911)
9-Stavan Stavkavali ( Harikrishna Daurgadatti)
10- Bhakti lahri ( Ishwari datt Daurgadatti, Ranihat, Chauras , 1889-1942)
11-Shri Kilkileshwar Shankar Shatkam ( Mahant yogendra Puri, Dhingoli, Badiyargarh, Tihri , 1896-1957)
12-Nanda Devi Stuti (Maya Datt Pandey)
13- Shiv Shatkam ( Bal Krishna Bhatt)
14- Shri Badrinath Suprabhatam ( Murlidhar Shashtri, Dev Prayag)
15- Namami Raghuvanshnatham ( Jagdish Prasad Semwal)
16- Tantrik Grahth ( Mukund Ram Jadli, Garadveet, Buradsyun, Pauri Garhwal, 1888-1969): The book is written mixing Garhwali with Sanskrit
17- Bhuwankosh ( Devi Prasad Tripathi (1965)
18- Shri Badrinath Stotram ( Shridhar Prasad Baluni )
19- Shri Kedarnath Stotram ( Shridhar Prasad baluni)
20 Shri Guru Ram rai charitamritam ( Shridhar Prasad Baluni)
21- Shri Chandi Sidhirahasya ( Chandi Prasad Bahuguna, Bugani )
22- Hrishikesh mahtyam ( Chandi Prasad bahuguna)

Works of Dr Dharma nand Dimri Sharma ( Dimmar 1955) who wrote tens of books in Sanskrit including a Mahkavya (epic)
                                Dictionaries and Grammar Literature
 There are books of dictionaries in Sanskrit created by Garhwalis as :
1-Mukundkosh: ( Mukund ram Barthwal, Khand  Bichhla Dhangu)
2- Kosh Namavali ( Mukund Ram Barthwal)
3-Jyotish Shabd Kosh (Mukund Ram barthwal, Khand, Bichhla Dhangu )
4-Shroutra Yagy Prakriya ( Peetambar datt Bashishtha , Thalasu, Nagpur Patti, Chamoli 1903-)
5- Nyay Darshan Kosh ( Chakradhar Bijlwan,
6- Panineey Vyakranam Bhasha vaigyanikam Vyakhyanam ( Dr Ghanshyam Uniyal, Thaplai, Dhunsir Patti, Tihri 1942)
7- Vakya Padeeyam ( Vamdev , Dev Prayag, 1934)

                             Chhand Parampara
1-Chhand Parampara ( Hari datt Nautiyal, nineteenth century )
2-Vritmala  (shridhara Nand Jamloki, Bamakholi, Ukhimath , 1920-)
                                  History and culture Literature of  Sanskrit of Garhwal
1-Rigvedic itihas (Hari Ram Dhashmana, Bagiyali, Ekeshwar, pauri Garhwal, 1874-1960)
2-Sanskrit sahitya ka Itihas in Sanskritaized  Hindi by Bachaspati gairola ( Falswadi, Sitaunsyun, Garhwal)
3-Sanskrit Vangmayno Itihas in Gujrati ( Chandi Prasad Naithani, Pali, Gugadsyun patti, 1927-)
4- Vaidik Sahity Sanskriti by Vachaspati Gairola in Hindi
5- Aalaknanda ( Sachida nand Kandpal, Dasjyula Kandei, Rudraprayag, 1930-2002)
  The work of Dr Chamoli will be appreciated forever by all literature lovers as he did not leave anything to be ignored in Sanskrit literature of Garhwal and by Garhwalis. The well researched book is always a collector book and is available from:
Garhwal ki Sanskrit Sahity Ko Den: A Critical History of Sanskrit literature by Garhwali Scholars
By Dr Prem Datt Chamoli
Ram Chandra Chamoli 
8 New Friends colony
Ajabpura Klana By Pass road
Dr Naresh Chandra Chamoli
Makan number -3
Near santoshi Mata mandir
Paniyala Road
Dist Haridwar
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti , Mumbai 2011









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Re: Great Personalities of Garhwal from Malari Era to till Date
« Reply #12 on: January 24, 2013, 01:28:18 PM »
      Garhwal ki Divangat Vibhutiyan Part -2: Splendid Example of Biographical Writing

(Review of Garhwali ki Divangat Bibhutiyan Part-2, (1980 ke Pashchat, 1985-1990) by Dr Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal)
(Great Personalities of Garhwal, India, Great Personalities of Uttarakhand, India, Great Personalities of Himalayas, India)
                                                Bhishma Kukreti
                     Dr Nand Kishor  Dhoundiyal is an outstanding biography writer and his contribution in writing biographies of Great Garhwalis, India is very much important as the works of Dr Bhakt Darshan, Kunvar Singh Negi ‘Karmath’, John Nathan, Duane  Roller,  Robert Service,  C. Alphonso Smith, Mary Hays, Eleanor G Huzar, Sally Brown and David brown , Patric M O’Neil, L. Huges, Richard Ttaruskin, G.V .Henseburgen,  Harmann B. Gilliomee,M.Schrift,  W. Zang, Ilan Alon,  Stephen Paul Mizwa, and many more biographers of high standard.
                   In the second part of Garhwal ki Divangat Bibhutiyan  series(expired after 1980)  out of six parts  , Dr Dhoundiyal describes about 32 great Garhwali, Indian personalities and  72 martyrs in Sri Lanka Pawan operation in appendix as:
                Great Garhwali, Indian Personalities Expired between  1986-1990
      Prolific biographer Dr Dhoundiyal provides life sketches of great personalities of Garhwal, India in the second part of series Garhwal ki Divangat Vibhutiyan:
1-Ramesh Chandra Dhoundiyal (Silet, Talain , Pauri G , 1926-1986): Education Institute Founder
2-Dr Jitendra Chandra Bhartiya (Sirala, Dev Prayag, Tihri G 1918-1986) Tantrik, educator, Sanskrit and Hindi literature creator, Translator
3-Bhawani Singh Rawat (Panchur, /Nathpur, Mawalsyun, Pauri G, 1910-1986) Revolutionist and companion of Chandra Sekhar Azad
4- Aryveer ganga ram Ary (Od Gaon/Arynagar, Naugaonkhal, Chaundkot, Pauri G 1911-1986): Shilpkar Progress activist , Dola Palki Movement Activist
5- Shatrughan Badola ( Thangar, Udaypur, Pauri G 1908-1986): freedom Fighter, socialist, Social workers, political activist
6- Narayan Singh Gorla Rawat (Padsauli/Sundolavakhal, Gujdu, Pauri G ,1909-1986): Freedom Fighter Social activist, Founder of Ko.T.S.L.
7- Narendra singh Bhandari (Jaurasi, Chandrasila, Chamoli G, 1920-1986): Lecturer, Writer of Snow Boll of Garhwal, Founder of Uttarakhand Vidyapeeth, Editor of Naya Bharat, ex-minister of Uttar Pradesh government
8-Dilip Singh Bisht (Awai, Yamkeshwar, Valla Udaypur, Pauri G, 1916-1986) Social worker
9-Govind Prasad Nautiyal (Nand Prayag, Chamoli G, 1901-1986) English journalist and Columnist, Freedom Fighter, Social worker, one of the founders of Gauchar Mela
10-Mahatma Swaroop Das ( Janki Chatti, Uttarkashi-1986): a Siddh Purush and sanyasi, social activist in the area of tribes of Amarkantak, Madhy Pradesh
11-Than Singh Rawat  (Dungri, Gujdu, Pauri G, 1902-1986): Freedom fighter
12-Sher Singh Danu (Ghes Balan, Chamoli G, 1924-1987): Lawyer, Politician, Ex M.L.A Karn Prayag region, founder of Talwadi College.
13-Girdhari Prasad Thapliyal  ‘kankal’ (Shrikot, Khatsyun, Pauri G 1927-1987): Famous Garhwali poet and lyricist
14- Murlidhar Shashtri (Devprayag, 1907-1987) Sanskrit and Hindi Literature creator
15-Umrao Singh Adhikari (Baigwadi, Nandalsyun, Pauri G 1920-1987): Freedom Fighter, politician
16- Yogeshwar Prasad Khanduri (Dimmar, Chamoli G 1911-1987): Freedom Fighter, M.L.A from Karnprayag constituency
17-Pundit Chranji Lal Badola (Badoli, Guradsyun, Pauri G1929-1988) Bhagwat Vyash
18- Umesh Dobhal ( Siroli, Idwalsyun, 1952-1988) Journalist and Hindi Poet
19- Bhagwati Prasad Joshi ‘ Himwantwashi’(Joshiyana, Parsundakhal, Pauri G 1927-1988) Famous Garhwali language Story Writer and poet
20-Pundit Bhairav Datt Dhulia(Madanpur, Langur, Pauri G 1901-1988) Freedom Fighter, Journalist, Editor of Karm Bhumi, M.L.A . Lansdowne constituency
21-lalita Prasad Naithain ( Naithan, Maniyarsyun, Pauri g, 1913-1988): freedom Fighter, Chairman of Kotdwara municipality, Social worker, writer, Editor of Satypath weekly
22-Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna ( Bughani Chalansyun, Pauri G, 1919-1989) Freedom Fighter, Ex Chief Minister of Uttarpradesh, Minster of Indian government
23-Bhashkara Nand Maithani (Ganesh Bazar Shrinagar, Pauri g 19041989) Advocate, Chairman of Shrinagar Municipality
24-Kashi Prasad Agarwal ( Shrinagar, 1916-1989) Famous Advocate, Social worker
25-Bishna Singh Rawat (Tallikoti , Sarjula, Tihri G, 1943-1989) Martyr when protecting Bank from terrorist
26- Pundit Daulat Ram Juyal(Jhavansar, Amsaur, Pauri G, 1900-1989) Researcher of Old Sanskrit manuscript , editor of many unpublished literature  as Dr Pitambar Barthwal, Surdas etc 
27-Ram Prasad Bahuguan (Nandprayag, Chamoli G, 1920-1989) Freedom Fighter, Social worker, politician , Editor of Dev Bhumi
28-Swami Manmanthan (Kerala, 1930-1990) Sanysi, Pashubali Virodh andolankari, Garhwal Vishw Vidyalaya movement activist, Founder of Bhuwneshwari Ashram , Social activist
29- Colonel Budhi Singh Rawat ( Bamoli, Dabralsyun 1915-1990), Confident of Neta Ji Subhash Chandra Bose,
30-Sultan Singh Rawat (Kunwar Singh Rawat) (kadola, Sabli, Pauri g 19061990) freedom fighter, Azad Hind Fauz, social worker
31-Major General Prem  Lal Kukreti (gweel, Malla Dhangu, Pauri  G, 1933-1990), Armyman, Mountaineer,
32-Umrao Singh Rawat (Dhari, Dhangu, Pauri G, 1909-1990) Freedom Fighter, Social worker, great donor, Effective Teacher, politician   
                Dr Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal had been cautious and responsible in getting exact information that the biography of each great personality is always authentic.  While praising or criticizing any principle or concept or person, Dr Dhoundiyal took other sources for information that his writing is not biased. Dr Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal did not victimize any living person or dead ones. Dr Dhoundiyal kept strong relationship between his extra writing with the person described. Dr N. K . Dhoundiyal maintained chronological order while describing the great personality of Garhwal. 
                         Dr Dhoundiyal took every care that he talks about childhood and other part of life which shaped the person for his/her accomplishment. Dr Dhoundiyal pays attention on character building of the person when Dhoundiyal describes the life sketch of each person.  In most of the cases, Dr Dhoundiyal describes  about the turning point in the life of personality described by him in this book .The phrases used by Dr Nand Kishor are successful in creating exact images in the mind of readers. In each biography, Dr Nadn Kishor summarizes the impact on the history by the person and his works. The flow of each biography makes readers interested in reading all details.
    Garhwali soldiers lost their lives in Operation Pawan  in Sri Lanka against LTTE
                    Dr Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal provides the reader a list of Garhwali soldiers lost their lives in Operation Pawan in Sri Lanka in second part of Garhwal ki Divangat Vibhitiya as :
1-Rifleman Pushkar Kumar Bhimsingpur, Kalaghati , Kotdwara, pauri Garhwal
2- Nayak Komal Singh, Chamola, Rajwat, Langur, Pauri Garhwal
3-Nayak fateh Singh , Ramnagar danda, Doiwala, Dehradun
4-Rifleman Sakla Nand , Mallariya, Dhaijula, Pauri Garhwal
5-Rifleman Visheshwar datt, Dobra, Kandarsyun, Pauri Garhwal
6-Havldar Dalbeer singh , Gadkot, Sabli, Pauri Garhwal
7-Rifleman Lakshmi Prasad , Chamola, Talla Chandpur, Chamoli G
8-Nayak ramesh Chandra Singh , Khandwari, Kimgadigad, pauri g
9-Lansnayak Jagdamba Prasad . Totanlwala , Mehuwala, dehradun
10-Rifleman Trilok Singh, Dhari , Khatli, Pauri Garhwal
11-Rifleman Kailash Chandra Navan Malla, Sitaunsyun, Pauri Garhwal
12-Rifleman Devendra Kumar, Salkot, Maudadsyun, Pauri Garhwal
13- Rifleman Trilok Singh, Syunsal, Chauthan,Pau Garhwal ri Garhwal
14- Rifleman ram Kishan , hantur, Langur, Pauri Garhwal
15-Rifleman Surendra Singh, Bachher, Nagpur, Chamoli G
16-Subedar Uma Nand Barthwal, Meru, Sheela, Pauri g
17-Havaldar Dinesh Chandra Sati, Meharbakti, Dashauli, Chamoli Garhwal
18-havaldar Hukum Singh, Kunkhul Malla, Kafri, Chamoli G
19-Rifleman Sateshwar Prasad , Girma, Bichhlala Nagpur, Chamoli G
20- Rifleman Keshar Singh , Badeth, Dhaijuli, Pauri G
21- Rifleman Narayn Singh Negi , Saliyana, Bichhala Chandpur, Chamoli G
22-Havladar Ummed Singh,  Polan , Bangar, tihri Garhwal
23-Havladar Damodar Prasad Barmola, Dhawari, Sirgar, Chamoli  G
24-Rifleman Kalam Singh , Thano, Dehradun
25- Havladar Jagat singh, Mokson, Boongi, Pauri G
26-Lansnayak Gabbar singh , Katutha, Sarjula, Tihri g
27-havaldar Bhagwan Singh , Gharina, Bhardar, tihri g
28-Rifleman Balwant singh Balwant Singh , banjai, Pindpar, chamoli G
29-Rifleman Mahipal Singh, Dontulla, Kapri, Chamoli G
30-Havldar Deewan Singh, Burkakhet, Khansar, Chamoli G
31- Lansnayak Madan Mohan , Amola, Udaypur Valla, Pauri G
32-Rifleman Chandra Prakash , Bayali, Badalpur , Pauri G
33 Rifleman Ramesh Chandra , Kot , Bangadh, Tihri G
34- Rifleman Ummed Singh, Dabra , Palla Udaypur, Pauri G
35-Riffleman Soban Singh , Manjothi, Dasoli, Chamoli G
36- Rifleman Manmohan singh Panchan Gaon, Dhanari, Tihri Garhwal
37-Rifleman Shishupal singh , Satpali, Ringwadsyun, Pauri G
38-Rifleman Beerendra singh, Kauli, Bachhansyun, Pauri G
39-Rifleman veer Chakra Kuldeep singh , Alaru, Juya, Tihri G
40-Riffleman Vasant singh, Raundari Badi, Bungee, Pauri
41-Riffleman Dharma Singh, Dung, Dashjula Nagpur, Chamoli G
42-riffleman jay pal singh, Kothagi, Dasula Nagpur, Chamoli G
43- Riffleman Rajbeer singh , Kalsari, Chandrila, Chamoli G
44- Havladar Fate Singh, Modar,  Chandpur, Chamoli G
45- Riffleman raghubeer Singh , Jaldi, Udaykot, Tihri G
46-Riffleman Bishan Singh , Dhari, Dhasi, Talla Dhangu, Pauri Garhwal
47- Riffleman Yashvant Bisht, Jaladu, Agyastmuni, Rudraprayag,
48- Rifleman Pooran  Singh Bisht (seva Medal), Palar, Kandarsyun, pauri G
49-Nayak Manvar singh, Salyana, Loba, Chamoli G
50-Subedar yashpal Singh, Ghamandpur, Kotdwara, pauri G
51-Nayak Ghamnd Singh, Gwad talla, Gairsain, Chamoli G
52- Rifleman Mohan Singh, Kafoli, Sargur, Chamoli G
53-Riffleman Yudhbeer Singh, Maroda, Sarjula, Tihri Garhwal
54-Riffleman Praveen Singh Negi, Sarjula, Sarjula, Tihri G
55-Havldar Pratap Singh, Sarsaun, <agalsyun, Pauri g
56- Rifleman Chandra Ram, Rampur Chachai, Naldhura, Chamoli G
57-Havldar Dhyan Singh Rawat, Khandwari Khod, Khansal, Chamoli G
58-Havldar Shyam Singh, Kaliyana, Khansal, Chamoli G
59- Rifleman Chandra Singh, Icchholi, Pindarpar, Chamoli
60- Havaldar Shambhu Prasad Pokhariyal, Sisai, Beeronkhal, Khatali, Pauri Garhwal
61- Lansnayak  Balvant Singh , Khankra, Talain, Pauri Garhwal,
62-Lansnayak Bimal Kumar, Dushai, Maniyarsyun, Pauri G
63-Lansnayak Jnagveer singh (Veer chakra) , Beena Malla, Bichhla Nagpur, Chamoli
64-Rifleman Rajendra Singh , kesundar, Idwalsyun, Pauri  G
65- Rifleman Surendra Singh Panwar, , Bachher, Malla Nagpur, Chamoli G
66-Rifleman Jagat singh, Syuni Ghatkot, Bachhansyun, Rudraprayag
67-Rifleman Naresh Chandra Singh, Hansyudi, Maniyarsyun, Pauri G
68- Rifleman Shoor Beer Singh, Malhan, Dehradun
69-Havaldar Kushal Singh , Badeth, Dhaijyuli, Pauri Garhwal
70-Rifleman Mahipal Singh, Jaulchaura, Khansar , Chamoli G
71- Rifleman Parmendra Singh, Bhayansu, Langur, Pauri g
72- Rifleman Ansuya Singh, Simali, Pindarpar, Chamoli Garhwal                     
  Over all it may be said each biography becomes so interesting as if the reader was reading a fine story.  Every Garhwali, Indian should posses all the six parts of  Garhwal ki Divangat Vibhutiyan
 All Uttarakhandis will always remember the hard work and researches of Dr Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal for preserving the historical information and telling the important aspects of events happened in Garhwal
Garhwal ki Divangat Vibhutiyan (1980 ke Pashchat) Bhag -2 (san 1986-1990)
By Dr. Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal
Dhad Prakashan
74 A New canaught Place
Dehradun , 248001
Contact Number of Dr Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal ---09412111996
Copyright @ Bhishma Kukreti , Mumbai 2011


Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Great Personalities of Garhwal from Malari Era to till Date
« Reply #13 on: January 24, 2013, 01:29:00 PM »
                     Garhwal ki Divangat Vibhutiyan –Part3 (1991-1995):

(A Review of Garhwal ki Divangat Vibhutiyan (1991-1995) By Dr Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal )

(Great Garhwali, Indian personalities, Great Uttarakhandi, Indian Personalities, Great Himalayan, Indian personalities)
                                                 Bhishma Kukreti
                      Dr Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal had published sixteen biographical works as ‘ Peshavar ka Shanti Shardul, Vyakri Anek (Adiyram Dudhpudi), , Abhinandanam (Abodh Bandhu Bahuguan) etc. However, the six volumes of Garhwal ki Divangat Vibhutiyan are marvelous pieces of biographies from all angles of writing memorable and effective biographies.
                    In third part Dr Dhoundiyal provides the life stories of 33 Great Garhwali, Indian personalities and in appendix, presents very brief about 23 martyrs of separate state Uttarakhand movement as:
  1-Colonel Pitri Sharan Raturi (Godi, Juva, Tihri G 1920-1991), Azad Hind Fauz, Tihri Mukri  Andolan, Police Force, Social worker
2- Pundit Amar Nath Sharma (dev Prayag, 1922-1991) Garhwali playwright, Garhwali poet, Hindi playwright   
3-Prince of Tiheri Riyasat Thakur Shurbeer Singh Panwar (1907-1991) Writer, Historian, art collector, protector of Garhwali arts and publishers of Hindi and Garhwali unpublished or unknown manuscripts
4-Dr Bhakt Darshan (  Bharod, Sabli, Pauri G, 1917-1991): Freedom Fighter,  Central Minisiter in government of India, Journalist,  Historian and writer of Grahwal ki Divangat Vibhityan
5-Visheshwari Devi Thapliyal Chandola (Thapli, Kafolsyun , Pauri G 1908-1991) Teacher of the time when female education was in scare
6-Gaura devi (Lata, Chamoli G 1925-1991) Initiator of Chipko Andolan
7-Captain Khushal Singh Rawat ( Bamoli, Dabralsyun, Pauri G 1922-1991) Army man, writer of History of Third Battalion Garhwal Rifle
8-Shr Singh Shah (Sonala, Talla Nagpur, Chamoli G 1912-1991): Freedom Fighter, Social worker and great donor, Founder of Sher singh Shah Dharmada Trust
9-Advocate Chandra Singh Rawat (Chaid talla, Khatsyun, Pauri G, 1909-1991) Freedom Fighter, M.L. A.Pauri constituency
10-Bhagwati Charan Nrimohi ( Sirala, Kandwalsyun, Pauri g , 1911-1911): Freedom fighter, Active politician, M.l.A Pauri constituency, Garhwali language creative
11-Profesor Bhagwati Prasad Panthari (Tihri, 1914-1991): Freedom Fighter, Tihri Riyasat Mukri Andolan activist, Teacher, Garhwali playwright, biographer and historian
12-Rajeshwari devi (Melgaon, Talain, Pauri G 1930-1991) Religious leader
13- Jagat Ram Mishra (Saruda, Dogadda, Pauri G 1911-1991) Hindi poet and social worker
14-Shanti Prakash Prem Prabhakar (Kunjoli, Sabli, Pauri G1914-1992): Freedom fighter, Ary samaj Activist, Hindi poet, Social worker
15-Honorable Judge Tara Datt Uniyal (Balashram, Idwalsyun, Pauri g 1905-1992) Law practitioner
16-Gokul Singh Negi (Dhaunri, Dabralsyun, Pauri  G 1902-1992): Freedom fighter, untouchability eradication Activist, Social activist
17-Chandra Mohan Singh Negi (Kandi, Udaypur, Pauri G) 1938-1992) Legislator and ministers in UP
18-Baldev Singh Arya ( Umath, Dogadda, Pauri G) Freedom Fighter,  Minster in Uttar Pradesh
19- Vaidya Govind Ram Pokhariyal ( Kotalmand, Khatsyun, Pauri, 1916-1992) Ayurvedic Medical  practitioner and Garhwali literature creative
20-Baba belgiri Maharaj (Bulandshahr UP1892-1993) Religious Leader
21- Shamsher  Bahadur Singh ( Dehradun, 1931-1993) Famous Hindi poet
Pundit Satynarayan Babulkar (1917-1993): Contribution in Publishing Literature related to Garhwali culture and languages
22- Vidyavati Dobhal (Sainj, Aakri, Tihri, 1901-1993): Social worker, literature creative
23-Pundit Vidya datt Dabral (Timli, Dabralsyun, Pauri G 1919-1993) Famous Bhagwat Vyas
24- Keshav anuragi ( Kulad, Langur , Pauri , 1929-1993) Great Garhwali Folk Literature creative and Folk Literature activist, Expert Dhol player and Dhol Sagar , coined Music script of Garhwali folk songs (Nad Nandani –unpublished)
25-Pundit Mahesha Nand Thapliyal ( Avai, Yamkeshwar, Pauri 1908-1994): Astrological writing
26-Dr Thaman Singh Rawat( Panas, beeraunkhal, Pauri G, 1926-1994): great folk artist, Teacher, a famous nature -pathologist
27-Trepan Singh Negi (Dalla, Argadh, Tihri G 1920-1991995) Honest Parliamentarian  and imitator of Uttarakhand movement
28-Shrimati Shanti Mishra (Mathura, 1922-1995): Social worker and political activist
29- Chandra singh Rawat (Gajersain, Mawalsyun, Pauri G, 1912-1995): Freedom Fighter, Famous Arya Samaji Activist, great social activist
30-Mai Icchhagiri (Tinchari bai) (Manjyur, Chopdakot, Pauri 1920-1995): Sansysin and great social activist against alcohol consumption
31-Myrtr Yashpal Benjwal (Benji, Rudraprayag 1958-1995): Myrtre od Uttarakhand movement
32-dr Purushottam Dobhal (Musmola, badiyargadh, Tihri 1920-1995): great Garhwali, Sanskrit, Hindi, English languages literature creative especially short stories and plays
                       Dr Dhoundiyal is successful in making the life of person into story telling form that readers enjoy the subject.  The specialty of each biography is that if Dr Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal knows them in person. Definitely, book is proof that Dr Dhoundiyal has sound knowledge of historical, cultural, social, periodical changes, and geographical aspects of Garhwal.   Dr Dhoundiyal has been victorious in developing an understanding of the places, times, events, and other people when the person lived. The style and tone of all biographical sketches is that the readers easily relate with the personality and believe with heart in their humanness. The insight of personality and functional activities inspire the readers to get ready for achievement.  The author also provides his point of view in developing the characteristics of person.

                                     Martyrs of Uttarakhand Movement from 1994- 1995
             Garhwalis sacrificed their lives in Uttarakhand movement. Dr Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal provided the list of martyrs of the movement and date, places of martyrs too as:
                                                     2nd Sept 1994 at Mussurie
1-Shrimati  Belmati Chauhan
2- Shrimati hansa Dhanai
3-Ray Singh Bangari
4-Dhanpat Singh
5-Madan Mohan Mamgain
6- Balbeer Singh Negi
7- Jethu Singh
8- Policy officer Umakant tripathi
                             2nd October 1994 Rampur Tiraha Muzffarnagar
1-Satendra Singh Chauhan
2-Girish Bhadri
3- Rajendra rawat
4-Rajesh lakheda
5- Surya Prakash thapliyal
6- Ashok Keshiv
                3rd October 1994  in Police firing in Dehradun and Kotdwara
1-Rajesh rawat
2-Deepak valia
3-Balwant Singh Jagwan
4- Jaya nand Bahuguna
5- Rakesh devrani
6- Prithwi Singh Bisht
                           10th November 1995 Shriyantra island, Shrinagar
1-Yashwant Benjwal
2-Rajesh Rawat
                                         Amaran Anshankari martyr
 Vidya datt Juyal 
                     The Biographical work about great Garhwalis, Indian by Dr Dhoundiyal is imperative as the works of great biographers Alfred Ainger, Ellis Amburn, James Boswel, Thomas Carlyl,  Thpmas DiLorenzo, Richard Ellmann, Ivar Eskeland , Jean Overton Fullar, Russel Freedman, Martin Gilbert, Elizabeth Jenkins, Andre Maurois, D. L Simmons, Jenny Uglow, for providing the insight of each person and the transformation point in the lives of personalities for making them notable.
Garhwal ki Dibangat Bibhutiyan (1980 ke Pashchat) Bhag -3 ( 1991-1995)

By Dr. Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal
Dhad Prakashan
74 A New canaught Place
Dehradun , 248001
Contact Number of Dr Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal ---09412111996

Copyright @ Bhishma Kukreti , Mumbai 2011

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Great Personalities of Garhwal from Malari Era to till Date
« Reply #14 on: January 24, 2013, 01:29:34 PM »
      Garhwal ki Divangat Vibhutiyan : Part 4(1996-2000): An  Inspiration Volume
(Review of Garhwal ki Divangat Vibhutiyan Part 4 (1996-2000) by Dr N. K. Dhoundiyal)

(Garhwali, Indian Great Personalities, Great personalities of Uttarakhand, India, Himalayan, Indian Great Persons)
                                                        Bhishma Kukreti
                    Famous author, book reviewer Tim Challies considers David Mcculough, Bruce Gorden, Eric Metaxas, Walter Issacson, Iain Murray, Arnold Dallimore, George Sayer, George Marsden, Debby Applegate, Faith Cook as finest biographers.  If Tim Challies had read the biographies written by Dr Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal , Challies would have put Dr N.K Dhoundiyal with the cited great biographers. 
  There are two parts of this volume – first part about great personalities and second part about briefs of Garhwali soldiers killed in Kargil operation or other military operations between 1996-2000.
1-Swami Onkara Nand Sarswati ( Kerala 1929-1996): Religious leader of Shiva Nand Ashram,  Writer of spiritual subject and humanity , founders of 37 Educational institutions in Tihri Garhwal
2-Dr Vishwambar Datt Bhatt (Pauri G, 19081996) Education director of Delhi, First Vice Chancellor of Garhwal University
3-Ramesh Kumar Mishra ‘ Sidhesh’(Kordwara, 1924-1996): Poet, publisher, Wood and stone sculpture
4- Bhawani Datt Bhatt (Peepli, Maniyarsyun, Pauri G, 1918-1996) Father of Transportation system in Pauri Garhwal that is founder of GMOU
5-Shrimati Kaushalya Dabral( Raudia , Tihri garhwal, 1940-1996) Woman activist, Uttarakhand Movement activist
6- Bhajan Singh ‘Singh’ the Lion of Garhwali language literature (Kotsada, Sitaunsyun, Pauri g, 1905-1996) Great historian, great Garhwali and Hindi poet
7-Swami Ram (Dhashmana) ( Toli, Badalpur, Pauri G1925-1996): Yogi, Writer of Spiritual subject, Founder po Himalayan Medical Institute Jauli Grant
8-Veer daulat Singh (SiletCChaundkot 1907-1996) Famous for Peshvar kand
9-Thakur Krishna Singh (Dhanari Lakha, Uttarkashi, 1901-1996) Tihari Mukti Andolan activist , Member of Parliament
10- Kriparam naithani ( Padampur Sukhraun, Bhabhar Kotdwara-1925-1997): Village development activist
11-Mahendra Pratap Verma (Bhatkoti, Maniyarsyun, Pauri G, 1914-1997): Freedom Fighter,
12-Dr Sri Vilas Dabral ( Timli, Dabralsyun, Pauri Garhwal 1932-1997) Literature researcher, Poet, prose maker
13-Pundit Aditya Ram Dudpudi (Sainj, Dugadda, 1914-1997): Freedom fighter, writer, translator of 37 Sanskrit classics into Garhwali in poetic form
14-Ram Prasad Ghildiyal ‘ Pahad’( Badeth, Malla Dhangu, Pauri G (1911-1997): Leftist  Hindi Fiction writer, Garhwali language movement activist
15-Chait Ram Bhatt ( Kaviltha, Rudraprayag, 1933-1997):  Kalidas Literature fame
16- dr Shashi Shekhar naithani (Chaindar pali, Guradsyun 1924-1998) Phonologist, Hindi literature expert, Educationist, Deep Garhwali lover
17- Manvar Singh Negi (Ida malla, Maudadsyun, Pauri g 1916-1998): Azad Hind Fauz
18-Prakash Purohit ‘ Jaideep’( Sakand, Nand Prayag, Chamoli, 1962-1998Social activist, tracking lover, literature creative
19-Shravan das (Punjab West, 1926-1998) Shrawan Shoe Factory Owner
20- Padmashri  Ranbeer Singh Bisht ( Pokhari, Malla Udaypur, 1928-1998) Painter (artist)
21-Govind Singh Rawat (Kosa, Joshimath, Chamoli G 1935-1998) Leftist, Chipko Andolan activist, Uttarakhand movement activist
22-Dr Anand Sharan Raturi ( Godi Sirai, Tihri G, 1916-1998) Tihri Riyasat Mukti Movement activist Finance  Minister in interim  Government of Tihri Riyasat 1948 , First Vice Chancellor of Ruhelkhand University
23-Achary Gopeshwar Kothiyal (Kunjee, Narendra Nagar , tihri, 1909-1999) Freedom fighter, tihri Mukti Movement activist, Editor of Yugvani
24- pundit Devi Prasad Kothari ( Keech, Dabralsyun, Pauri 1913-1999) Astrologer, Founder of Ashram, Founder of Kanvashram Vidyamandir High school
25-Maharani kamlendu Shah ( Kyunthal Kothi, Himachal 1903-1999) Queen of Tihri Riyasat and social worker
26- Indramani Badoni ( Akhodi, Jakholi, Tihri 1925-1999) great freedom fighter, great Uttarakhand movement activist, MLA
27- Dr Shiv Prasad Dabral ( Gahli, Dabralsyun, Pauri 1912-1999): One of the Greatest Historians of the world, Playwright, editor of many Garhwali literature books
28-Ghanshyam Raturi  Sailani ( Charigad, Kemar, Tihri 1934-1999) Garhwali poet and great environment activist
29-Surendra pal ( Gadhmon , Khatsyun, Pauri 1952-2000) Shilpkar oriented literature creative of Garhwali language
30-Sateshwar Prasad Nautiyal (Sidauli, Chamoli 19162000) geologist and  Chancellor of Garhwal University 
31- Dharma Nand Semwal (Shersi fata, Chamoli G 1953-2000 ) Journalist
32- Mahant Indiresh Charan Das ( Originnal Shridhar Prasad Kukreti, Khaman, Malla Dhangu, Pauri  G, 1919-2001):  Freedom Fighter, Mahant Shri Guru ram rai kshetr dehradun, Founder of hundred of Education Institution
33- Shrimati Prabhavati Kukreti ( 1908-2000) Hindi Poet
34-Madan Joshi (Saindhar, Pauri G, 1955-2000): Journalist
35-Madhur Kukreti shashtri ( Malaniya, Ajmer, Pauri 1905-2000) Freedom activist,  Editor, writer, Politician
36- Shiv Singh Chauhan ( Maithna, Dashauli, Chamoli 1919-2000): Freedom Fighter, Historian
37- Vrati baba (mayaram Jamloki ,Ravigaon kata Chamoli G  1915-2000): Founder of Education institutions
38-Guna Nand Dangwal ‘Pathik’ ( Khasoti, Tihri 1913-2000): Garhwali Poet, Ramleela Activist
     The book provides pleasure in reading. The biographies also fulfill two objectives -the readers get pleasure in learning about the person and readers feel pleasure in act of reading too. The treatment given by Dr Dhoundiyal is lucid the subject of biographies are not dry and disinterested for readers. The biographies also accomplish one of two objectives for readers that the biography either inspires or reader feels that he/she is meeting the person in person. The world class biographer Dr Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal had been successful in making complex subject very simple for every reader which shows the great capability of Dr Dhoundiyal as effective presenter.
        Garhwali Soldiers killed in Operation Vijay Kargil battle
   Dr Dhoundiyal provides the list of Garhwali soldiers killed in Kargil battle in 1999. The readers should note that 120 Garhwali soldiers were killed out of total 500 soldiers killed in the said operation Vijay.

 Every Uttarakhandi should read all volumes of Garhwal ki Divangat Vibhutiyan (1980 ke pashchat)

Garhwal ki Divangat Vibhutiyan (1980 ke pashchat) Bhag -4 (san 1996-2000)
By Dr. Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal
Dhad Prakashan
74 A New canaught Place
Dehradun , 248001
Contact Number of Dr Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal ---09412111996
Copyright @ Bhishma Kukreti , Mumbai 2011

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Great Personalities of Garhwal from Malari Era to till Date
« Reply #15 on: January 24, 2013, 01:30:14 PM »
Garhwal Ki Divangat Vibhuityan Part 5 (2001-2005): The Best Gift from Parents their  Children
(Review of Garhwal Ki Divangat Vibhutiyan Part-5 (2001-2005) by Dr Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal )

(Great Garhwali, Indian Personalities, Great Uttarakhandi, Indian Personalities, Great Himalayan Indian Personalities)
                                                        Bhishma Kukreti
                     The books Garhwal ki Divangat Vibhutiyan  by Dr Nand Kishor Dhoundiya one of the best biographers of the world will certainly benefits you and your children in many respects as exercising your mind, providing you satisfaction, expanding your imagination and creativity, setting your goal,  becoming more focused on your set goal, accelerating your speed for achieving your goal,  improving your knowledge and over all you will learn art of living too.
         Dr Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal details the life sketches of following great Garhwali, Indian personalities in fifth part of Garhwal ki Divangat Vibhutiyan :
1-Businessman Teeka Ram Kukreti(Banchri, Dhangal, Udaypur, Pauri G, 1922-2001) Social worker and initiator of Kukreti business empire in Kotdwara
2-Vishwambar Dayal Muni Vishkarma (Bamoli, Dabralsyun, Pauri G, 1911-2001) Social worker
2A- Dhanesh Paliwal ‘ Shashtri’( Chamanpur, Bangadsyun, Pauri G 1916-2001) Freedom Fighter, Poet
3-Babu Kanti Prasad Maheshwari  (1906-2001):Social worker
4-Vasundhara Dobhal 1922-2002): Hindi and Garhwali poetess
5-Dr Parh Sarthi Dabral ( Timli, Dabralsyun, Pauri G 1936-2002):Research Scholar, Great Poet, Satirist,
6-Indar Singh Rawat (Bachheli, Pauri G, 1930-2002): Social worker with Vinoba Bhave and Jay Prakash Narayan
7- Sachidanand Kandpal ( Kandai, Nagpur Ghatda, Rudr Praya, 1930-2002): Garhwali, Sanskrit and Hindi poet
8-Sachidanand dhaulakhandi ( Dumaila, Beeron khal, Pauri G, 1927-2002) Educationist
9- Dr avtar Sigh Panwar, 1929-2002): Sculpture creative
10- Swaroop Dhoundiyal. Dhound, Dhoundiyalsyun, 1935-2002Pauri G ): Editor Alaknanda, Fiction writer, Garhwali playwright
11-Durga Prasad Ghildiyal ( Pandalyu, Pauri G, 1923-2002): great Garhwali fiction writer
12- Shri lal Thapliyal (  Dev Prayag, 1914-2002) Freedom Fighter, Hindi poet
13-Mukesh Bisht ( Bangar, Sabli, 1976-2002) Martyr  at Shrinagar Kashmir Lal Chauk
14-Badrish Pokhariyal (Timli, Khatsyun, Pauri  G, 1917-2003): Garhwali language creative
15-Dr Anand lal Shah (Lainsdowne , 1928-2003): Social worker
16- Dr Keadr nath dwivedi ( Balya, 1929-2003) Researcher, Educationist, Literature creative
17-Gopal Singh Rawat ( Silet, Talai, Pauri G, 1926-2003) freedom Fighter, Artist
18-Arjun Singh Gusain ( Dangu, Maniyarsun, pauri G, 1934-2003) Uttarakhand Movement activist, Literature creative, Editor of Hilans
19-Vaidy Prem lal Bhatt ( Tiheir, 1919-2002003) Freedom fighter, social activist
20- Maya Ram Barthwal ( Sirain , Dadamandi, Pauri G, 1918-2004) Freedom Fighter, Social Activist
21-Jeeva nand Shriya (, Jakhnyali, Nail Chami, Tihri G, 1926-2004) Garhwali and Sanskrit Poet
22- dr Shiva Nand nautiyal ( Kothala , Kandarsyun, Pauri G 1936-2004), Poet, Fiction writer , , Garhwali Folk literature researcher scholar, Politician, Minister UP Government
23- Commando Surjan Singh Bhandari ( Rani, Dangdhar, Chamoli G, 1979-2004) Martyr of  Akshar Dham terrorist attack
24-Bhagwan das Multani ( Pakistan, 1917-2004) freedom Fighter, Social worker
25- Kanhya lal Dandriyal (Naili Pali, Mwalsyun, Pauri g, 1933-2004):Great Garhwali poet
26-bab Mohan Uttarakhandi ( Bantholi, Maudadsyun, Pauri g, 1948-2004) Myrtr in Uttarakhand movement (Amaran Ansan-Hunger strike)
27-Bhakt Ram Dimri (Sembhardar , Rudrprayag, 1936-2005): Bhagwat Vyas
28-Veer singh Thakur ( Nandauli, Guradsyun, pauri G 1926-2005) Social worker
29-Abodh BandhuBbahuguan ( Jhala, Chalansyun, 1927-2005): Great Garhwali Literature creative
30- Sushil Kumar niranjan (Masankholi, Sabli, Pauri G 193-2005) Journalist
31- Shabhu Prasad Bahuguana( Barali, Chalansyun, pauri g 1909-2005) Literature Creative, Researcher
32-Shridhar Prasad Azad( Bhekona, Chamoli G, 1915-2005) Freedom fighter, politician
34-Cchakrdhar Navani (Navan, Sitaunsyun, Pauri g1911-2003): Social worker
                   Garhwalis killed in Terrorist Attack on Parliament on 13th December 2001
 In this volume, Dr Dhoundiyal providesthe list of ten Garhwalis who sacrificed their lives in terrorist attack on Indian parliament in 2003
  The volume is very interesting as other volumes of Garhwal ki Divangat Vibhitiya,  The learned Dhoundiyal not only provides the life sketches of the person concerned but also throws lime light who are related to the person directly or indirectly.  For example, while describing  Arjun Singh Gusain, dr Dhoundiyal provides the brief history of finance capital Mumbai too.
 Every parent should gift the set to their children.

Garhwal ki Divangat Vibhutiyan (1980 ke pashchat) Bhag -5 (san 2001-2005)
By Dr. Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal
Dhad Prakashan
74 A New Connaught Place
Dehradun , 248001
Contact Number of Dr Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal ---09412111996
Copyright @ Bhishma Kukreti , Mumbai 2011

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Great Personalities of Garhwal from Malari Era to till Date
« Reply #16 on: January 24, 2013, 01:31:02 PM »
Garhwal ki Divangat Vibhutiyan Part – 6 (2006-2010): A Collector Book for All

(Review of Garhwal ki Divangat Vibhuityan Part 6 (2006-2010) by Dr Nand Kishor Doundiyal )

(Great Garhwali, Indian Personalities, Great Uttarakhandi, Indian Personalities, Great Himalayan Personalities)

                             Review by Bhishma Kukreti
                Dr Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal has preserved materials for historians for writing the precise history of Garhwal from 1980 to 2010 by publishing his industrious books Garhwal ki Divangat Vibhutiyan  (1980 ke pashchat) as rightly  stated by Great British historian and essayist Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881)  that history is essence of innumerable biographies.
        The six volumes of Garhwal ki Divangat Vibhutiyan  (1980 ke pashchat) supports the statement of famous poet, essayist and lecturer  Ralf Waldo Emerson ( 1803-that there is properly  no history but biographies and  the readers of  Garhwal ki Divangat Vibhutiyan  (1980 ke pashchat) will find that they are reading history of Garhwal between 1980-2010 in these six volumes
     The works and researches of Dr. Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal show as if Dr Dhoundiyal eat, drunk, and lived with the persons whose biography Dr Dhoundiyal wrote.
  Dr Dhoundiyal provides biographies of following Great Garhwali, Indian personalities in the sixth part of Garhwal ki Divangat Vibhutiyan  (1980 ke pashchat) :
1-Shrimati Madhavi Bisht (Doodha tauli 1941-2006) daughter of Veer Chandra Singh Garhwali, social activist
2-Saty Prasad Raturi ( Tihri, 1908-2006) Journalist, writer of books
3-Dinesh Chandra Bhardwaj( Khaini, Talla Badalpur, Pauri G, 1939-2006) Social worker, Stage Play artist, Dramatist of Mumbai Garhwali playwright, famous announcer
4- Kunwar Prasoon ( Gadaith, Henvalghati, Tihri, 1949-2006) Journalist, Beej Bachao movement activist
5- King Manvendra shah ( Tihri, 1921-2006) King of Tihri Riyasat, MP
6- Ved Prakash Arya ( Od gaon, Chaundkot, Pauri G 1945-2007) Social worker
7-Veer Raghunath Singh Negi (Kanda Aswalsyun, Pauri  G 1911-2007) Azad Hind Fauz
8- Buddhi Ballabh Thapliyal ‘ Shrikanth’(Thapli , Pauri G 1919-2007) Literature creative, founder of Jayshri  Sahitya Samman
9-Dr Lalit Mohan Bahuguna (Mandai, Chalansyun, Pauri G 1938-2007); Language –phonologies, Grammars scholars and writers
10- Dr Govind Chatak ( Sarkasaini, Lostu, Tihri 1933-2007) Great Garhwali folk literature researcher, Linguistic scientist,  Hindi playwright, poet …
11-Rajpal batra ( Pakistan, 1930-2007):Ary Samaj Activist
12- Braj Mohan Kabtiyal (Naugaon, Maniyarsyun, Pauri G, 1931-2008): Garhwali poet and playwright, Hindi poet
13- Pundit Ishwari datt Dwivedi ( Syunraikhet, lansdowne, Pauri G 1923-2008) Garhwali and Hindi literature creative
14- Sundar lal Babulkar (Muchhiyali, Dev Prayag, 1931-2009) Social worker
15- Bhuvneshwari barthwal (Sumadi, 1920-2009) Uttarakhand movement activist
16- Dharma Nand Uniyal ( Kafna, Kadakot, Tihri 1936-2009): Literature creative
17- Pitambar Devrani (Dudekh, Langur, 1925-2009) Teacher, Uttarakhand Movement activist, collector of folk literature of garhwal, writer, social activist
18-Dr advocate Mahveer Prasad  Gairola D’Lit ( Painula, Tihri 1922-2009) great Garhwali fiction writer, social activist
19-Hukum Singh Negi (Pang, Ghuddaudsyun, Pauri g1933-2010): Research writer of old classics and legends
20- Dinesh Chandra Kulashri ( Kafaldi, Kaudiya, Pauri , 1931-2010): writer of Inspirational subject
21-Madan Singh Rawat ( Kamedi, Talai, Pauri G 19302010): social worker
22-Mrs Darshani Rawat (Badalpur, 1941-2010): politician and social activist
                  In appendixes, Dr Dhoundiyal provides the following historical information
1-List of freedom fighters who were jailed by British government
2-The list of more than 700 Garhwali and Kumauni soldiers of Azad hind Fauz
3- List of Garhwalis soldiers killed in Nakshal operation
4-List of Biographical books published so far from Garhwal
             Dr Dhoundiyal provides details of ups and downs of the person in his life while detailing the person concerned as said by Spanish essayist and philosopher Jose Ortega Gasset (1883-1955) that biography is a system: in which contradictions of a human life are unified.
          The readers after reading these biographies  of  Garhwal ki Divangat Vibhutiyan  (1980 ke pashchat) will definitely feel that they were entering into second life as quoted by Mary Cable  that the best biographies leave their readers with sense of having and of having come to know another human being in some ways better than he knew himself.
             This reviewer would like to quote the words of great French author Andre Maurois for paying respect to Dr Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal for his excellent work of more than 250 biographies in Garhwal ki Divangat Vibhutiyan  (1980 ke pashchat)  that the great biography  should, like the close of a great drama, leave behind it a feeling of serenity. Andre further says that we collect small bunch of flowers, which brought sweetness into a life, and present it as an accomplished destiny.   
 Every parent should gift these books to their children                     

Garhwal ki Divangat Vibhutiyan (1980 ke pashchat) Bhag -6 (san 2006-2010)
By Dr. Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal
Year of publication – 2011
Cost Rs 3000 for full set
Dhad Prakashan
74 A New Connaught Place
Dehradun , 248001
Contact Number of Dr Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal ---09412111996
Copyright @ Bhishma Kukreti , Mumbai 2011

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Great Personalities of Garhwal from Malari Era to till Date
« Reply #17 on: January 24, 2013, 01:31:45 PM »
Garhwali ki Divangat Vibhutiyan (1980 ke pashcat): One of the Greatest Biography Books 
                       (Review of Garhwal ki Divangat Vibhutiyan by Dr Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal)
(Great Personalities of Garhwal, Great personalities of Himalaya, Great Personalities of India, great Personalities of Asia)
                                                       Bhishm Kukreti
                            To tell the legendary stories about the ancestor is basic human nature. That is why people across celebrates father’s day, mother’s day or Hindus celebrate Pitri Paksh for sixteen days and remember their forefathers. In Shradh Tarpan, hindus not only remember their fathers but the original person of the caste and other all persons of ancestral history.
  The legendary folk stories are nothing but to pay tributes to ancestors by people. Mahabharata or Ramayana is nothing but paying tributes to legendary ancestors. Purans are also a way of remembering the legendary ancestors. There are thousands of biographies available in the world today. Howver, Garhwal ki Divangat Vibhutiyan (in six parts) by Dr Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal is one of the 100 greatest biographies written so far.
                     Great Garhwali personalities life sketches in Garhwal ki Divangat Vibhutiyan  gives account of lives of saints and sages of Garhwal expired after 1980-2010 as Biographies : God their sides(1980)  by Frances Heeray  (1985) provides life sketches of world’s great personalities who faced God with their sides.
                   Scholastic Books published a book (2001) Biographies which deals with training to write biographies. There is no surprise that great Hindi language biographer Dr Dhoundiyal have been successful in maintaining the standard of writing great biography as mentioned in the book Biographies by said publication.
                France E Ruffin published a biography of great personality Fredrick Douglass ‘Fredrick Douglass Rising up Slavery’ (2008). The inspiration level, feeling of Douglass and struggle for freeing slavery  by Douglass is the essence of biography Fredrick Douglass Rising up Slavery’ (2008)’ and same essence and emotions  could be found in Garhwal ki Divangat Vibhutiyan when Dr Dhoundiyal describes about freedom fighters of India in the book.
                     Ellen Blue Phillips wrote a biography of Abraham Lincoln (2007), so many writers wrote biography of Lincoln and readers get inspiration from each book. When one of the great writer of Hindi literature Dr Dhoundiyal describes Hemvati  Nandan bahuguna , the readers gets inspiration from the content .
               Tabattha Yeatts (2007), Stephanie Sammartino , Alice Calaprice , Joyce Goldenstern  , Marrie Hammontree, Ann Henrichs etc wrote the biographies of great Albert Einstein  and they were successful to open the insight of becoming Albert as great genius or great personality. Same way, Dr Dhoundiyal is successful in portraying the way many great Garhwalis became genius though in adverse conditions.
       The biographies  of Thomas Jefferson by   Rita Mullin, Victoria Sherrow, Carol H. Behrman,  A.M.Kishel, R.b. Bernstein, T.S. Trueit , Ellan Phillips create desire for freedom from any type of slavery and when Dr Dhoundiyal  describes the life span of a freedom fighter or a soldiers in Garhwal ki Divangat Vibhutiyan (Great Garhwali personalities) the readers gets desire for freedom from from all types of slavery
              As the life works of 204 great personalities cited in Biographies by John L. Wakelyn make readers aware about their works important same way Garhwal ki Divangat Vibhutiyan make the readers fully aware about contributions of those great personalities important for Garhwali society and India. 
                 The essence of any biographical book is to brief about personalities for their contribution in a or many fields as New Biography of south African Biography by Human research councils (edited by Verwey) serves the purpose same way, serves the basic essence of biographical details Garhwal ki divangat Vibhutiyan by scholarly investigator  Dr Dhoundiyal
           If you might have read the biography book Women and Art in South Africa by Marion Arnold, Great English Painters by Allan Cunningham you would get good knowledge of women art creation and emotion of and artists besides women artists of Africa. Same way, Dr Dhoundiyal had been captivating in explaining art and way of art creation when he portrays artists as Avtar Singh panwar , Ranbeer Singh
  Catherine Clay could fruitfully found the insight of women writers in her book British Women Writers (1914-1945) and there is no surprise that Dr Dhoundiyal have productively got the insight of Garhwali women writers in Garhwal ki Divangat Vibhutiyan (Great Garhwali personalities expired after 1980).
           Rylene Ramsy wrote biography book French Women in politics. The readers will enjoy Woman in French Politics and the Garhwali women in politics cited in Divangat Vibhutiyan  with same vigour.
  As Don Cook impresses readers by his the biography book Charles De Gaulle, Dr Dhoundiyal too impresses by his biographical sketches of political leaders of Garhwal in his book Garhwal ke Divangat Vibhutiyan
  As the Italians pay respect to the biographers as Antonio Bonfini , Angelo Fabroni, A. Gallo, Ascanio Condivi, B. Platina, Dominico Bernini,  F. Micanzio, G, Papini, Giuseppe Carpani, G. Mazzucchelli, G.B. Cavalcaselle, G. Vasari, L. Ugolini, S. Gotta, S.B Soncino, V.da Bissticci, for their great works Indians respect the work of dr Nand kishor Dhoundiyal fr his biographical works
  If Brazilians feel proud of biographer Alessandra Silvestry-Levy, Garhwalis across the world are proud of Dr Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal
           International readers have to depend on Anhua Gao, Gao Wenqin, tien-Min Lee  to taste the   Chinese biographies and Hindi readers have to refer Dr Dhoundiyal to know great personalities expired after 1980 on the works of Dr Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal
     Lyndall Gordon, M. Masson and tony Peake served South African society by writing biographies and Dr Dhoundiyal serves Garhwali societies by publishing six volumes of biographical books about great Garhwalis.
       When people know about Israel through the biographies by A. Dankner, Shamul Katz, Aryeh Krishek, Simon Louvish, Robert Rosenberg, people come to Garhwal through reading books as Garhwal ki Divangat Vibhutiyan (Great Garhwalis)
 The importance of dr Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal in Garhwal region is as important as  J. Graff, J Jorgenson, J.M Jnudsen, H. Nathansen, G.N von Nissen, J.M . Thiele are important in biographical literature of Danish region.
  The world biography analysts praise biographers of Dutch region as Booven, G. Brandit, Liempt, K.van Mander,Casper  Winterman   , famous Hindi critic Mohan Babulkar praises Dr Dhoundiyal for his biographies  about Garhwali personalities.
  The biographies written by Austrian biographers O.E Deustsch, Theodor von Frimmel, G.A. Griesinger , Geza  Silberer , Alfred von Wurzbach,  C.con Wurzbach, Stefan Zweig are appreciated worldwide and definitely the biographies written by Dr Dhoundiyal will be read with great taste by the readers all across the globe
         New Zealand biographers as Michael Basset, James Cowan, Dunmore, E.J. Godley,   Michael King had been successful in providing insight of personalities of new Zealand as Dr Dhoundiyal could provide the insight of Garhwalis described in his book Garhwal ki Divangat Vibhitiyan.
                 The contribution of Dr Dhoundiyal in Garhwal ki Divangat Vibhutiyan is equally important as works of German biographers as   Adolf Strodtmann, Anton Praetorius,  F von OppelnBronikwski , Emil Ludwig , Theodore Kolde,  Otto Jahn, Linna Raman , Erika Rosenberg, Joseph Wulf, Karl Goedeke, H. Fraenkel, Ludwig Geiger, G.Eduard, H.Dukas, Peter Bamm, Lilly Becher, Berling , W. Hildesheimer, L.Prowe, Gerd Puritz, j.h Mackay, Anton Schindler etc for preserving regional heritage and history.
                      Venezuelan biographers E. Bruzual and Christina Marcono are famous for creating identity for the region Venezuela and same way dnad Kishor Dhoundiyal hs been perfect in creating an image for Garhwalis through his books Garhwal ki Divangat Vibhutiyan.
         Historians, analysts will always remember the works of Dr Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal .

Garhwal ki Divangat Vibhutiyan (1980 ke pashchat) in six volumes  (san 1980-2010)
By Dr. Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal
Year of publication – 2011
Language: Hindi
Cost Rs 3000 for full set
Dhad Prakashan
74 A New Connaught Place
Dehradun , 248001
Contact Number of Dr Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal ---09412111996
Copyright @ Bhishma Kukreti , Mumbai 2011





Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Great Personalities of Garhwal from Malari Era to till Date
« Reply #18 on: January 24, 2013, 01:36:58 PM »
गढवाळ का नामी गिरामी लोक अर जाती(मलारि जुग बिटेन अब तलक ) फड़क -39

गढ़वाल की विभूतियाँ व समाज (मलारी युग से वर्तमान तक ) भाग 39

Great Garhwali Personalities and Societies of Garhwal Part -39

भीष्म कुकरेती (Bhishm Kukreti )

 महाराज पृथ्वीपति शाह (रा.का. 1634 -1664 या 1631 -1664 ई. )

पृथ्वी पति शाह महान पराक्रमी, भड़, साहसी , विपदा मा भौत धीरू , बैर्युं बिणासी छयो .
पृथ्वी पति शाह को जादा तर समौ जुद्ध अर बैरी बिणास मा ही व्यतीत ह्व़े.

पृथ्वी पति शाह का समौ की कुछ बड़ी घटनाउन बान याद करे जान्दन :

 १-पच्छिम का तरफ राज्य बढ़ोतरी : पृथ्वी पति क टैम पर गढवाळ राज्य सतलज तक पौंची गे थौ.

फिर हिमाचल का राजा एक्ब्न्द ह्वेना अर हाट कोटी तक राज राई

२- शाहजहाँ से राज्य रक्षा ; पृथ्वी पति तैं शाहजंहा से कथगा दें गढवाल राज्य की रक्छा करण पोड़ .

 पैथर पृथ्वी पति के डरा शिकोह दगड दोस्ती होई गे

३- पृथ्वी पति को नौनु मेदनी शाह को दिल्ली दरबार मा जाण

४- जब औरंगजेब न अपण भायुं तैं गिरफ्तार करीक दिल्ली को राज हथियाई त दारा शिकोह को नौनु सुलेमान सिकोह

तैं पृथ्वी पति न श्रीनगर मा शरण दे छे

५- सुलेमान शिकोह तैं पृथ्वी पति को नौनु मेदनी शाह न औरंगजेब तैं सौंप

६- मेदनी शाह न औरंगजेब को तरां अपण बुबा को राज्य हथियाई

पृथ्वी पति शाह का दरबारी:
पुरोहित : श्री कंठ

राजगुरु : सारंगधर नौटियाल अर वृहस्पति

बजीर: माधो सिंह भंडारी

सेना नायक : माधो सिंह भंडारी को ब्यटा गजे सिंह

देवत्री : डोभाल

दीवान ; बंदे सिंह भंडारी

राणी : पृथ्वी पति शाह की भौत सी राणी छे .
मथुरा बौराणी : मथुरा बौराणी को एक रजत पत्र देव प्रयाग मंदिर मा च (1664 AD ). मथुरा बौराणी गजे सिंह की कज्याण छे

गजे सिंह भंडारी: गजे सिंह भंडारी बि अपण बुबा ज्यू माधो सिंह भंडारी जन बड़ो भड़ (बलशाली, वीर ) थौ.

गजे सिंह त्यागी छौ. गढवाल राज्य रक्छा बान वैन कथगा इ लड़ऐयूँ मा भाग ल़े

गजे सिंह का कत्ति पावडा /जागर/लोक गीत गढवाळ मा अबी तलक चलदन

राणी बर्त्वाल जी, राणी सिरमौर जी : पृथ्वी पति शाह को मोरणो परांत सात साल तक फतेशाह की अभिभावक का रूप मा
राणी बर्त्वाल जी न राज सम्बाळ , ए बीच मेदनी शाह मुग़ल दरबार मा ही राई . बीच मा राणी सिरमौर जी न बि अभिभावक का रूप मा राज करी


1- Dr Shiv Prasad Dabral, Uttarakhand Ka Itihas Bhag 4
History of Garhwal, History of Kumaun)

2- Harikrishn Raturi Garhwal ka Itihas

3- Garhwal ka Aitihasik Birtaant in Garhwali and Memoir oof Garhwal as translation by Tara Datt Gairola

बकै अगने खंड 40 मा बाँचो ...

To be continued part 40

गढवाळ का नामी गिरामी लोक अर जाती(मलारि जुग बिटेन अब तलक ) फड़क -40

गढ़वाल की विभूतियाँ व समाज (मलारी युग से वर्तमान तक ) भाग 40

Great Garhwali Personalities and Societies of Garhwal Part -40

भीष्म कुकरेती (Bhishm Kukreti )
 मेदनी शाह (रा.का.1664 -1684 ई. )
मेदनी शाह एक अवसरवादी मनिख छयो. वैन 1661 ई. मा अपण बुबा ज्यू क राजगद्दी छीनी पण

लोखुंन वै तैं तबी राजा मान जब वैका बुबा ज्यू गुजरी गेन

सुलेमान सिकोह तैं मेदनी शाह न औरंगजेब तैं सौंप

बुटोळगढ़ पर अधिकार : मेदनी शाह की सेना मा सेनानायक तुंवर न बुटोऊळ गढ़ जीति

अर तुंवर सेनानायक तैं मेदनी शाह न बुटोला नेगी कि उपाधि दे थै.

पृथ्वीपुर कस्बा बसाण : औरंगजेब से मेदनी शाह तैं दून को पट्टा मील अर मेदनी शाह न अपण बुबा ज्यू का नाम पर उख

एक कस्बा बसै.

बाज बहादुर को आक्रमण : ये समौ पर पूरबी सीमा क रज्जा बाज बहदुर न गढवाळ पर आक्रमण करी थौ.

पुरिया नैथाणी : पुरिया नैथाणी एक होशियार राजनायक छौ . जब कै स्य्यिद न भाभर पर कब्जा करी त
मेदनी शाह न पुरिया नैथाणी तैं औरंगजेब का दरबार मा भेजी अर सईद बिटेन भाभर वापस ल़े .

पुरिया नैथाणी न औरंगजेब से कथगा ही कर ख़तम कर्रें. पुरिया नैथाणी क होशियारी का कथगा इ किस्सा

लोक कथाओं मा प्रसिद्ध छन अल्पवयस्क राजा प्रदीप शाह के रक्छा बि पुरिया नैथाणी न करी छे

मेरी गंगा ह्वेली तो मीमा आली: हरिद्वार मा जब हौरी राजाओं न गढवाली राजा से पैलि नयाणो

खड़यंत्र रच गंगा न अपनों रस्ता बदली अर गढ़वाळी राजा मेदनी शाह क शिविर का पास बगण बिसे गे

गुरु राम राय तैं जगा : मेदनी शाह न निरंकारी गुरु गुरु राम राय तैं देहरादून मा धामावाला गाँव डेरा बसाणे दे

मेदनी शाह क टैम पर कुमौं नरेश न उत्तरी गढवाळ पर आक्रमण बि करी

मेदनी शाह न डोटी नरेश से संधि करी छे

मेदनी शाह का टैम पर रानीतिक उठा पटक ही राई

 मनसबदार भीमसिंह /भीमसिंह बर्त्वाल:: १६५८-१६७८ ई. तलक मुग़ल दरबार मा गढवाल का द्वी प्रतिनिधि (मनसबदार ) छया.
एक को नाम भीम सिंह या भीम सिंह बर्त्वाल थौ. भीमसिंह तैं १००० जात अर ६०० सवार को मनसब मिल्युं थौ . सैत च

भीम सिंह राणी बर्त्वाळी को भै बंद राय होलू

मनसबदार प्रेम सिंह : प्रेम सिंह तैं बि १००० जात अर ५०० सवार को मनसब मिल्युं थौ.


1- Dr Shiv Prasad Dabral, Uttarakhand Ka Itihas Bhag 4
History of Garhwal, History of Kumaun)

2- Harikrishn Raturi Garhwal ka Itihas

3- Garhwal ka Aitihasik Birtaant in Garhwali and Memoir of Garhwal as translation by Tara Datt Gairola

बकै अगने खंड 41 मा बाँचो ...
To be continued part 41

गढवाळ का नामी गिरामी लोक अर जाती(मलारि जुग बिटेन अब तलक ) फड़क -41

गढ़वाल की विभूतियाँ व समाज (मलारी युग से वर्तमान तक ) भाग 41

Great Garhwali Personalities and Societies of Garhwal Part -41

भीष्म कुकरेती (Bhishm Kukreti )
 महाराज फतेपति शाह (फतेशाह )(रा.का. १६६४-१७१६ ई. )

फतेपति शाह को राज्य काल क बारा मा इतियास कारुं मा घंघतोळ इ च .

फतेशाह वीर, पराक्रमी , भड़, सांसदार (साहसी) थौ जैक राज मा , पड़ोसी राजाओं दगड कथगा जुद्ध ह्वेन .

महाराज फते शाह न जिंदगी का भौत सा हिस्सा जुद्ध भूमि मा बितायेन . प्रजा क दगड वैको संपर्क बरोबर रौंदो थौ.

गढवाल का सीमान्त अडगै (क्षेत्र) मा आक्रमणकारियूँ से प्रजा की रक्षा करें मा अगने छौ .

महाराज फते शाह कवियों, विद्वानुं , चित्र्कारून बड़ो मान करदो छौ .


गुरु व पुरोहित : फते शाह का राज मा वृहस्पति ओझा, धीरेन्द्र जी, बागेश्वर ज्यू, गुणा नाथ जोशी
, मणि कंठ दुयाल, पूर्ण नन्द कंडवाल पुरोहित अर गुरु छाया

बजीर: चन्द्र मणि डंगवाल अर गजे सिंह भंडारी

राज ज्योतिषी : जटा धर मिश्र

बक्षी : केसर सिंह सुकेत्या , भोजवाण , भादल का बणिया

दीवान : चारो खत्री , गुलाब सिंह

भंडारी ; नित्या नन्द डोभाल

लेखवार : धीरज मणि पैन्युली

फौन्ज्दार ;

घाल का - बीरा नेगी
रवांई का : अर्जुन सिंग रायजादा, बलराम सकन्यानी
सल़ाण का : औतार सिंह भंडारी

भांग का : रौथाण , मेघा बुगाणि , गुणा, नत्थू , मिसर, सिद्ध साह

टकसाली : केसोपुरी, निर्मल पुरी
उमराव : असवाल, झिन्क्वाण , बर्त्वाल , सजवाण

मंत्री: धमादों दीना नाथ पल्याल

नागपुर खान को कारिन्दा : गरीबदास

नागपुर का कमीण : मदु रावत

दालिपोथा का खिदमत गार : दीना बुगाणों

बद्रीनाथ का रावल : नारायण, सीताराम

केदारनाथ का रावल : महालिंग

देहरा का महंत : माता पंजाब कौर

२४ राणियाँ ; महाराज फते शाह के चौबीस राणियां छे

१- सुकेत जी - २

२- कुमैणी जी -२

३- पश्चिम की -२

४-कहलूर की - २

५-बघाट कि -२

६ - मडी की - १

७- बिसर की -२

८- बर्त्वाली - २

९- झिन्क्वाणी -२
१०-बड़े पुरिया की- २

११-जस रोटा की -२

१२- जम्मू की -१

गुरु राम राय तैं गाँव दान : फतेशाह न गुरु राम राय तैं सात हौरी गाँव दान मा दिनी . अर फिर ड्यारा दू ण (देहरादून )
सहर बसणे शुरुवात ह्व़े

श्रीनगर मा गुरु राम राय मंदिर :फते शाह न एक गुरु राम को मंदिर श्रीनगर मा बि बणे छयो जु बिरही गंगा औगळ-बौगळ (बढ़ ) मा बौगी गे

सिरमौर से युद्ध : फतेशाह की सिरमौर से जुद्ध ह्व़े छौ .सिरमौर का हिसा पर कब्जा बि करी, पण औरंगजेब का दबाब में वापिस करी.
गुरु गोविन्द सिंग का दगड झडप : फते शाह की ख्द्प गुरु गोविन्द सिंह से अपण समद्युळ का वजे से ह्वीं

दाबा गढपतिको दगड लड़ाई: दाबा रज्जा न जब कर दींण बंद करी त फते शाह न वै पर आक्रमण करी एर वै तैं हराई

श्रीनगर पर कुमौं क रज्जा को अधिकार : १७०९ ई मा कुमाऊं का रज्जा को अधिकार श्रीनगर पर होई फिर १९१० मा

फते शाह न श्रीनगर अर बाकि जगाओं पर दुबार अपण अधिकार करी.

पुरिया नैथाणी का दौत्य कार्य: पुरिया नैथाणी के राज्नैयीक चतुरता का वजे से दिल्ली का बादशाह न गढवाल पर आक्रमण नि

कवि भूषण को गढवाल औण : फते शाह कवियुं आदर करदो छौ. इन बुले जांद कवि भूषण १६८५ का करीब गढवाळ ऐ थौ.

कवि मतिराम को गढवाळ औण : कवि मतिराम गढवाळ ऐ छौ अर गढवा ळ मा ' व्रितकौमादी' की रचना करी छे

कवि रतन (क्षेमराज) को गढवाळ औण : क्षेम राज कवि भौत सा साल श्रीनगर राज दरबार मा राई अर क्षेम राज न

कथगा इ संस्कृत ग्रन्थ रचेन जु अबी बि सेंट पीट्स बर्ग पुस्तकालय मा छन

राज सभा का नवरत्न : श्रीनगर दरबार मा नौ रत्न छया जौंक नाम इन छन :

सुरेशा नन्द बडथ्वाल

 रेवत राम धष्माना

 रुद्री दत्त किमोठी
हरि दत्त नौटियाल

 वासबा नन्द बहुगुणा,

किर्ती राम कैंथोला

 शशि धर डंगवाल

सहदेव चंदोला

 हरि दत्त थपलियाल

ज्योतिषी जटाधर मिश्र : जाता धर मिश्र न ज्योतिष पर कति ग्रन्थ लेखिन .

नीलकंठ : नीलकंठ संस्कृत को प्रकांड विद्वान् थौ

सुखदेव मिश्र : सुखदेव मिश्र संस्कृत को बड़ो विद्वान् छौ

राम चन्द्र कंडियाल: सभा कवि राम चन्द्र कंडियाल न संस्कृत मा ' फतेहशाहयशोवर्णन ' की रचना करी थौ.

चित्रकार श्याम दास ; चित्रकार श्याम दास दरबारी तसवीरदार छयो जो मेदनी शाह का टैम पर सुलेमान सिकोह का दगड श्रीनगर ऐ गे छयो

चित्रकार केहिर दास: केहिर दास श्याम दस को नौनु छौ अर दरबार क तस्वीर दार छौ

चित्रकार मंगत राम : श्याम दास को नाती मंगत राम बि दरबारी तस्वीर दार छयो.


1- Dr Shiv Prasad Dabral, Uttarakhand Ka Itihas Bhag 4
History of Garhwal, History of Kumaun)

2- Harikrishn Raturi Garhwal ka Itihas

3- Garhwal ka Aitihasik Birtaant in Garhwali and Memoir of Garhwal as translation by Tara Datt Gairola

बकै अगने खंड 42 मा बाँचो ...

 To be continued part 42

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Great Personalities of Garhwal from Malari Era to till Date
« Reply #19 on: January 24, 2013, 01:38:13 PM »


               गढवाळऐ बड़ा आदिम (मलारी काल से लेकी अब तलक: फडकी -१ )


              (गढवाल कि विभूतियाँ : मलारी युग से आज तक भाग-१   )

            ( Great Personalities of Garhwal from Malari Era  to till Date part -1 )

                 गढवाल का बड़ा आदिम : भाग -१

                          भीष्म कुकरेती

 ( ये लेख कु उद्देश्य नवाड़ी साख/छिंवाळी/न्यू जनरेशन  तैं गढवाळी भाषा मां अपण ऊँ लोकुं  तैं याद कराण  जौंक कारण  आज गढवाळ च , जौंक वजै से आज हम तैं घमंड च / गर्व च )

                         मलारी जुग का नामी गिरामी गढवाळी (बड़ा आदिम /महान विभतियाँ)

      मलारी  सरदार  : गढवाळ  मा मलारी सभ्यता वेदूं सभ्यता से भौत पैलाकी च  . डा. शिव प्रसाद डबराल की खोज से  (कर्म भूमि १९५६ अर १९५८ का लेख) 

एक मलारी  सरदार की समाधी ११००० फीट पर नीति घाटी कु गाँव मलारी मा मील मील. सरदार बड़ो वीर छयो.इस लगद यू मलारी सरदार ५००० साल पैलाकू  सरदार छौ   

                     वेदूं, महाभारत, पुराणु  मा वर्णित गढवाली बड़ा आदिम (विभूतियाँ )

    भेद नरेश : ऋग्वेद कु हिसाब से गढवाल मा  भेद नरेश एक अनार्य राजा छौ अर वैन अपण अधीन भड़ू (बीर) अज, शिग्रु, यक्षु की  सहायता से  आर्य राजा सुदास को दगड भारी लडै करी छे . भेद नरेश न

 शम्बर की भी हत्या करी थौ. भेद तैं सुदास न मारी छौ

अज : खरसाली को मंदिर को हिसाब से इन  लगद अज ऋग्वेदीय समौ मा  गढवाल अर हिमाचल कु खस रज्जा   छौ

शिग्रु : इन मने सक्यांद ऋग्वेद कु समौ मा शिग्रु भाभर अर शिवालिक पख्यडों  कु रज्जा  छौ

पैलू वेनपुत्र  : महाभारत /पुराणु क हिसाब से यू  अत्याचारी रज्जा वेन कु बै जंघड़ से पैदा ह्व़े अर गढवाल अर हौरी पहाड़ों का गोंड, कोल, भील जात्युं आदि बुबा छौ.

दुसुर  वेनपुत्र :  वेन कु दें जंघड़ से   दुसुरु नौनु पैदा ह्व़े अर वैन उत्तराखंड को दखिणी भाग, भाभर, अर उत्तरप्रदेश पर राज कौर . एको क्वाठा भितर (राजधानी) हरिद्वार छे.

कोल राक्षस : केदारखंड मा कोल राक्षस को बिरतांत च जैन उत्तराखंड पर राज करी थौ अर राजा सत्य संध  न कोल राक्षस की हत्या करी थौ.

सत्य संध : सत्य संध न कोल राक्षस तैं मारिक उत्तराखंड पर राज करी थौ.

पुरूरवा  अर उर्वशी : हरिवंश  को हिसाब से पुरुरवा अर उर्वशी न बद्रिकाश्रम जं जगा मा वास करी छौ अर पर्वतीय दासुं तैं मारी छौ पण ऊ एक भलो शाषक भी छयो

                                ययाति जुग

नहुष :  नहुष पुरुरवा को नाती छौ अर सैत  च वैन उत्तराखंड पर राज करी थौ

ययाति : पुरुरवा को पड़नाती   बड़ो भड़ रज्जा थौ अर वैन अपण राज मध्य देस तक पसारी (फ़ैलाया ) थौ

अनु : अनु ययाति को पांच नौन्याळउं मदे एक छौ अर वै तैं भैबांटो   मा उत्तराखंड को राज मीली थौ.

अंगिरा ऋषि  :  अंगिरा ऋषि न बद्रिकाश्रम मा तपस्या कॉरी छौ

मरीचि ऋषि : मरीचि  ऋषि न बद्रिकाश्रम मा तपस्या कॉरी छौ

पुलह ऋषि : पुलह ऋषि न बद्रिकाश्रम मा तपस्या कॉरी छौ

                     मन्धाता जुग या कृत  जुग

मन्धाता रज्जा : मन्धाता की राजधानी अयोध्या छे अरउ भौत बड़ी अडगें (क्षेत्र ) कु रज्जा छौ (मध्य देश, पंजाब, मध्य भारत आदि . विक राज उत्तराखंड पर बि छौ

कुत्स : कुत्स मन्धाता कु नौनु छौ अर वैकु  बि उत्तराखंड पर   अधिकार अपण बुबा जं रये 

मुचकुंद : मुचकुंद कुत्स कु लौड़ छौ , अर मान्धाता कु नाती जैकू उत्तराखंड पर अधिकार रयो .

महान त्यागी उशीनगर नरेश : वैदिक साहित्य मा उत्तराखंड कु नाम उशीनगर थौ . ययाति बंशी अनु को झड़ -झड़ नाती उशिनारेश ण फिर से उत्तराखंड पर राज करी . उशिन्रेश बड़ो त्यागी छौ. एक दें

 इंद्र अर अग्नि न उशिनारेश क त्याग कि परीक्षा बान बाज अर कबूतर को रूप धारण करी . उशिनारेश या उत्तराखूंट   नरेश न कबूतर की जाण बचौणोऊ  खातिर अपण जंघड़उं , सरैल कु मांश तराजू मा छधी थौ

इथगा बड़ो त्यागी थौ उत्तराखूंट   को ऊ रज्जा .

मुनि बशिष्ठ : एक अन्य मुनि बशिष्ठ की  छ्वीं महाभारत आदि पर्व (९९/६-७ ) मा च जखमा मुनि बशिष्ठ की बात करे गे बल  सहस्त्रार्जुन का दौरान भृगुवंशी लोक मुनि बशिष्ठ को आश्रम, उत्तराखूंट   मा लुक्याँ रैन

कण्व ऋषि : कण्व ऋषि  गढवाली ऋषि थौ अर मालिनी नदीक  किनारों (कोटद्वार, भाभर ) पर वैकु आश्रम छौ . कण्व ऋषि  विश्व मित्र अर मेनका कि नौनी  शकुन्तला को धर्म बुबा को नाम से पछ्याणे जांद .

शकुन्तला : शकुन्तला को जन्म , परवरिश , भरण पोषण मालनी न्दी क किनारों पर ही ह्व़े . वा दुष्यंत रजा कि राणि बौण . शकुन्तला सही माने मा गढवाळी ही छे

भरत : भरत शकुन्तला अर दुष्यंत कु नौनु छौ अर गढवाली छौ जैक जनम , परवरिश मालनी नदी (कोटद्वार )  क किनारों पर ही ह्व़े . वो बड़ो भड़ छयो अर वैको नाम से ही आज जम्बुद्वीप को नाम भारत पोड़ी .

भृगु ऋषि : महाभारत का तीर्थ पर्व मा भृगु  संहिता कु लिख्वार भृगु मुनि की छ्वीं छन. ब्रिगु ऋषि क आश्रम हरिद्वार का न्याड़ बताये गे अर हरिद्वार कु पास ही आज भी उदयपुर पट्टी, यमकेश्वर क्षेत्र , पौड़ी गढवाल क भृगुखाळ जगा च .

अगने बाँचो --लन्गत्यार मा ..... फडकी द्वी (2)

क्रमश : ...भाग दो

Continued .... part 2

(This article is not history but is the description of Great Garhwalis based on the book Uttarakhand ka Itihas part-2 by Dr Shiva Nand Dabral , 1968 and other books as Mahabharat .


गढवाळऐ बड़ा आदिम (मलारी काल से लेकी अब तलक: फडकी-३


                                                                              (गढवाल कि विभूतियाँ : मलारी युग से आज तक भाग-3   )


                                                                                              ( Great Personalities of Garhwal from Malari Era  to till Date Part -3  )


                                                                                                          भीष्म कुकरेती (Bhishm Kukreti )


उत्तराखंड मा बुद्ध जुग या बुद्ध मत वालूँ मा प्रसिद्ध मनिख


मयूरध्वज कु जैन रज्जा: महावर कु समौ उपरान्त (500 इशा पूरब न्याड़ ध्वार ) उत्तराखंड कु द्खिंनी अडगें (क्षेत्र), नजीबाबाद कु नजीक   मा कबि जैन रज्जा कु राज छयो.


श्रुघन  नगर कु बामण ५०० इशा पूर्ब)  : उत्तराकह्दं की द्खिंनी अडगें (क्षेत्र) मा एक बामण रौंदू थौ जु बड़ो विद्वान थौ अर घमंडी बि थौ. महत्मा बुद्ध इख ऐ छ्या अर ऊन वै बामण कु घमंड ख़तम करी थौ (चीनी  गौन्त्या (भ्रमणकारी)   युवान चांग की गौन्त्या को बिरतांत/ डायरी  )


गंगाद्वार (हरिद्वार ) अर मोरगिरी  का वासिंदो को दान (५०० इशा पूर्ब)  :  यीं अडगें (क्षेत्र) वालुंन भारहुत बौध स्तूप  तोरण का वास्ता दान दे थौ. यूँ दान्युं मादे  चक्रमोचिका पुत्र नागरक्षित भूध भिक्षु बौंण   अर गोतिपुत , वाछिपुत धनभुती, बाधपाल, भी बौध भिक्षु छया . नागार्क्षित (नागिल) की बैणी   बि भूध भिक्षुणि छे ,


भौत बड़ो रज्जा अशोक : इन बुल्दन बल भौत बड़ो रज्जा अशोक न उत्तराखंड प्र राज करी थौ ( 258-257 B.C) अर वैका खैकर ( प्रतिनिधि ) उत्तराखंड का पुराणा रज्जा ही छया ( डा शिव प्रसाद, उत्तराखंड का इतिहास -३ )


मंझिम स्थविर : बौध मोग्ग्लिपुत स्थविर न उत्तराखंड मा बौध धर्म फुळणो/ फैल़ाणो काज मंझिम स्थविर तैं दे छौ जु उत्तराखंड ऐ छौ.



 गढवाळऐ बड़ा आदिम (मलारी काल से लेकी अब तलक: फड़क - 4 )

                                                                                                                                                       (गढवाल कि विभूतियाँ : मलारी युग से आज तक भाग- 4     )

                                                                                                                                ( Great Personalities of Garhwal from Malari Era  to till Date Part - 4  )


                                                                                                                                                                                        भीष्म कुकरेती


 ( ये लेख कु उद्देश्य नवाड़ी साख/छिंवाळी/न्यू जनरेशन  तैं गढवाळी भाषा मां अपण ऊँ लोकुं  तैं याद कराण  जौंक कारण  आज गढवाळ च , जौंक वजै से आज हम तैं घमंड च / गर्व च )

गढवाळऐ कुलिंद राज ( 118- B.C to 175  A .D    .) का नामी गिरामी मनिख-मनख्याणि (Great Garhwalis 118-22 B.C)

काद ; काद गढ़वाळ कु रज्जा छौ अर कनैत बंश ये या यीं जात कु नाम से पोड़

कदैक शाखा : इन बुले जांद बल कुलिंद की एक शाखा कु नाम कदैक ह्व़े जन से कनैत जाती क नाम पोड़ . कनैती राज यमुना बिटेन काली नदी, सहारनपुर तक थौ

खरोष्ठी अर ब्राह्मी लिपि : कनैती राज मा खरोष्ठी अर ब्राह्मी लिपि छे अर सहित च वैबरी कुमौं अर गढवाल राजनीति क हिसाब से एकी छ्या 

अगरज : अगरज एक  कनैती रज्जा छौ

गागी : गागी एक कनैती राणी छे

धनभुती : एक कनैती रज्जा थौ

वाछी : धनभुती की राणी क नौ वाछी थौ

नागरखिता :  नागरखिता धनभुती की राणी छे

बाधपाल : बाधपाल एक कनैती रज्जा थौ

धनभुती दुसर : धनभुती दुसर  एक कनैती रजा थौ

बलभूति :   बलभूति एक कनैती रज्जा थौ

वाछी : वाछी बलभूति की राणी छे

विश्व देव : विश्व देव कनैती रज्जा छौ अर अमोघभूति क बुबा थौ

कौत्सी: कौत्सी  विश्व  देव की राणी छे 

अमोघभूति (87-165 AD )  :इन माने जांद बल ए समौ क बीच मा मा कनैत रज्जा अमोघभूति न या हौरी बि कनैती ठकुरयों  न गढवाल कुमाऊं मा राज करी थौ अर अमोघभूति भौत बड़ो रज्जा ह्व़े.

वाछी : अमोघभूति की राणी वाछी छे

मगभत : मगभत एक कनैती रज्जा छौ

शिव दत्त : शिव दत्त एक कनैती रज्जा छौ

हरिदत्त : हरिदत्त एक कनैती रज्जा छौ

शिवपालि :  शिवपालि कनैती रज्जा छौ

भद्र मित्र : भद्र मित्र  एक राज कर्मचारी थौ जु देहरादून मा चुंगी उग्राणि करदो छौ




                                                                       गढवाळऐ बड़ा आदिम (मलारी जुग  बिटेन अब तलक: फड़क - 5 )

                                                                                                                                                                      (गढवाल की  विभूतियाँ : मलारी युग से आज तक भाग- 5      )

                                                                                                                                        ( Great Personalities of Garhwal from Malari Era  to till Date Part - 5    )





शक-पह लव अधिकार जुग का नामी गिरामी गढवाळी

शकादित्य : बद्री दत्त पांडे कु लिखण च बल उत्तराखंड कु रज्जा शकादित्य न मौर्य बंश को आख़री रजा राजपाल तैं मारी थौ

कुशाण जुग मा नामी गिरामी गढ़वाळी)


विम : इन बुले जान्द बल कुशाण नरेश विम कु राज मायापुर (हरिद्वार )  पर अधिकार करी थौ

कुशाण रज्जा  कु मुख्त्यारी रजा (क्षत्रप) एधुराया अधुजा :  क्वी क्वी इन बुल्दु बल  एधुराया अधुजा उत्तराखंड पर कुशाण बंश कु क्षत्रप ह्वेक  राज करी

कार्तिकेय की जन्मभूमि उत्तराखंड : डा शिव प्रसाद क हिसाब से कार्तिकेय अर गणेष कि जन्म भूमि उत्तराखंड च

वासुदेव : वासुदेव न उत्तराखंड पर २०६-२५० तक राज करी 

छत्रेश्वर, भानु, रावण : भैड़गाँव (डाडामंडी पौड़ी ग ), देहरादून, बेहत से  प्राप्त सिक्कों से पता चलद बल कबि गढवाळ की यीं अडगें मा छत्रेश्वर, भानु, रावण  रज्जुं राज थौ (240 से  290  ई ) ई रज्जा कुशाण नि छया

शिव भवानी अर शीलवर्मन रज्जा :  देहरादून का अभिलेखों से पता चल्दु बल शिव भवानी पोण बंश का अर  शीलवर्मन रज्जा राजाओं न देहरादून पर राज करी थौ अर दुयूंन  अश्वमेध यग्य करी छौ (290 - 350   ई..) ई रज्जा कुशाण नि छया 




                                                                                                               गढवाळऐ बड़ा आदिम (मलारी जुग  बिटेन अब तलक: फड़क - 6  )

                                                                              (गढवाल की  विभूतियाँ : मलारी युग से आज तक भाग- 6       )
                                                                                                                                                        ( Great Personalities of Garhwal from Malari Era  to till Date Part - 6     )


राजा मात्रिमित्र : काशीपुर से मिलयां सिक्कों क अनुसार (अनुमान)  मात्रिमित्र उत्तराखंड कु एक रज्जा छौ (सैट च वैकी राजधानी गोविषाण छे  (मित्र बंश 250 - 290    AD  .

राजा पृथ्वी मित्र : इन लगद प्रिथवीमित्र मित्र बंश कु रज्जा छौ



अगने बाँचो ....फडक - 7




 (This write up is not historical details but just to inform about Great Garhwalis and is based on book Uttarakhand ka Itihas by dr shiv Prasad Dabral, History of Uttarakhand by Dr Shiv Prasad Dabral )


 गढवाळ का नामी गिरामी लोक (मलारी जुग बिटेन अब तलक )  : फडक - 7

                                                                 गढ़वाल की विभूतियाँ (मलारी युग से वर्तमान तक ) : भाग 7

                                                               Great Personalities of Garhwal ( Malari era till date) Part 7

                                                                           भीष्म कुकरेती     Bhishm kukreti


          ( ये लेख कु उद्देश्य नवाड़ी साख/छिंवाळी/न्यू जनरेशन  तैं गढवाळी भाषा मां अपण ऊँ लोकुं  तैं याद कराण  जौंक कारण  आज गढवाळ च , जौंक वजै से आज हम तैं घमंड च  /गर्व च )


Dynasty of Jay Das जयदास अर वैका  वंशज (190-350 AD)

जयदास अर वैका वंशंजूं  राज छागळपुर मा ( लाखामंडल का नजीक ) छौ अर सी तौल़ा क ख़ास -ख़ास रज्जा छ्या . 

१- जैदास ' नरपति'

२-गुहेश 'क्षिपति'

३- अचल 'अवनीपतीश '

५- छागलेशदास '

६-रुद्रेश दास ' न्रिपतेश'

७-  अजेश्वर, छाग्लेश  या छागलकंतु

 यूँ रज्जा क राज मा लोकूं तैं शिखा दीणो भलो रिवाज थौ. इन लगद ये बगत लाखामंडल जिनां शैव धर्म को बोल बाला थौ अर राज परिवार मा उमा-महेश्वर की पूजा हुंदी छे.



(History of Early Garhwal, History of Early Kumaun )




........बकै फाड़ी -  8 मां.

.......To be Continued  part 8

                                                      गढवाळ का नामी गिरामी लोक (मलारी जुग बिटेन अब तलक )  : फडक -8



                                                                           गढ़वाल की विभूतियाँ (मलारी युग से वर्तमान तक ) : भाग 8


                                                                      Great Personalities of Garhwal ( Malari era till date) Part 8

                                               भीष्म कुकरेती     Bhishm kukreti


          ( ये लेख कु उद्देश्य नवाड़ी साख/छिंवाळी/न्यू जनरेशन  तैं गढवाळी भाषा मां अपण ऊँ लोकुं  तैं याद कराण  जौंक कारण  आज गढवाळ च , जौंक वजै से आज हम तैं घमंड च  /गर्व च )



कर्त्रिपुर मागुप्त राजाओं प्रान्तशासक

  डा डबराल न बि किताब, कथों, पुराणा स्वांग (नाटक) अर शिलालेखुं बांचिक य़ी बोल बल उत्तराखंड  पर गुप्त रज्जों राज राई अर उख इतिहास कु समौ या च

१- गढवाळी खशाधिपति अर ऊंका वंशज ( 350-380 AD)

२- गुप्त राजौं अधिकार (380 - 470AD)

३- विषयपति सर्वनाग  (465-485 AD) : विषयपति सर्वनाग  गुप्त राजाओं क कत्रीपुर मा मुख्त्यार थौ

४- नागवंशी नरेश (485- 576AD) : गोपेश्वर अर बाड़ाहाट क अभिलेखुं क हिसाब से जब गुप्त राजाओं तागत कम ह्व़े त नाग्वंश्युं न गुप्त राजाओं बिटेन उत्तराखंड कु  राज हथिया

५- यदुवंशी : नाग्वंश्युं समौ पर यामुनाप्रदेश (पच्छमी   उत्तराखंड ) मा यदुवंश्युं क राज थौ



.......To be continued part - 9

.......बकै फडक   9 मा बाँचो.....

Reference : Dr Shiv Prasad Dabral : Uttarakhand ka Itihas Part 3, (History of Uttarakhand)

(History of Early Garhwal, History of Early Kumaun



                                                 गढवाळ का नामी गिरामी लोक (मलारी जुग बिटेन अब तलक )  : फडक -9   

                                              गढ़वाल की विभूतियाँ (मलारी युग से वर्तमान तक ) : भाग 9   


                                                     Great Personalities of Garhwal ( Malari era till date) Part 9   

                                                   भीष्म कुकरेती      (Bhishm Kukreti )


 ( ये लेख कु उद्देश्य नवाड़ी साख/छिंवाळी/न्यू जनरेशन  तैं गढवाळी भाषा मां अपण ऊँ लोकुं  तैं याद कराण  जौंक कारण  आज गढवाळ च , जौंक वजै से आज हम तैं घमंड च  /गर्व च )


महाकवि कालिदास गढवाळी ही थौ


 Great Poet  Kalidas was Garhwali !!!!

उन त महाकवि कालिदास क जन्म स्थान कु बारा मां जण गरुं मा  इकराय णी च फिर बि इन बुले जय सक्यांद बल कालिदास कु जन्म कविल्ठा मा होई (  100 se 400 AD का  बीच  कु समौ )

 भज्ञान ललिता प्रसाद नैथाणी , सदानंद जखमोला,   डा शिवा नन्द नौटियाल अर भीष्म कुकरेती न वैज्ञानिक ढंग से सिद्ध करी बल कालिदास कु जन्म कविल्ठा (चमोली गढवाल ) ही छ . भीष्म कुकरेती न त नेपाली लिखवार कु

आधिकारिक लेख  बल कालिदास कु जन्म नेपाल मा ह्व़े छौ कु तर्कशाश्त्र का पूरा सिद्धांत का बल पर सिद्ध करी बल कालिदास नेपाली ना गढवाळी थौ

 कालिदास कु उत्तराखंड

       कालिदास क साहित्य मा गढवाल/उत्तराखंड ही उत्तराखंड च

कुमारसंभव मा गढवाळ -कुमाऊं

                     कुमारसंभव कु पैलो सर्ग का चौड़ा श्लोकुं मा हिमालय कु बिरतांत च

                      पन्दरा श्लोक बिटेन गढ़वाल , भागीरथी, अलकनंदा (गंगा) जन बातुन बिरतांत च

                    तिसरू  सर्ग मा गंधमाधन डांड, पाख पख्यड़ऊँ आदि कु  बिरतांत च 

              छठों सर्ग मा हिमालय कु बिरतांत मनिख जन च

                सातों सर्ग मा औसधिप्रस्थ, म्दाराच्ल पहाड़  अर कैलास कु बिरतांत च

 मेघदूत मा गढवाळ

  मेघदूत मा कुरुक्षेत्र बिटेन कनखळ औणो अर अग्वाड़ी हिमालय, अलकापुरी ( आजौ बसुधारा ) अलकनंदा अर कैलास कु बिरतांत च

अभिज्ञानशाकुंतलम स्वांग मा गढवाळ

  पैलक अंक मा  मा कणवाश्रम की ब्त्था छन . अर इख मा गंगा जी , मालनी पर आधारित  घटना छन . दुसर अर तीसर अंक मा बि कण्वाश्रम की ब्त्था छन. . अगनि हेमकूट की घटना छन

   विक्रमोवंशीयम मा गढवाळ 

     ये काव्य मा हेमकूट, कार्तिकेय आदि को विर्तांत च


 (History of Early Garhwal, History of Early Kumaun


बकै अग्वा ड़ी क फान्क्युं (फडक ) '... 10    मा बाँचो

to be continued in part 10........



                                                                               गढवाळ का नामी गिरामी लोक (मलारी जुग बिटेन अब तलक )  : फडक -10   


                                                                          गढ़वाल की विभूतियाँ (मलारी युग से वर्तमान तक ) : भाग 9   
                                                                (Great Personalities of Garhwal ( Malari era till date) Part -10                                                                                                                                                                                           

                                                                            भीष्म कुकरेती      (Bhishm Kukreti )


 ( ये लेख कु उद्देश्य नवाड़ी साख/छिंवाळी/न्यू जनरेशन  तैं गढवाळी भाषा मां अपण ऊँ लोकुं  तैं याद कराण  जौंक कारण  आज गढवाळ च , जौंक वजै से आज हम तैं घमंड च  /गर्व च )


मौखरी राज ( 480-550 AD )

हूण रज्जा यशोबर्मन ( 530-540 AD) :      इन लगद हूण आक्रमण से पैली अर पैथ्रां गढवाळ का कुछ या सबि हिस्सौं मा मौकहरी राज थौ . उन त मंदसौर स्तम्भ अधार पर जणगरा ब्थान्दन बल कुछ समौ तलक गढवाल़ो  कुछ हिस्सों पर हूण वंशीय खासकर यशोबर्मन को राज बि राई

 मौखरी नरेश इशानबर्मन : आदित्यसेन का अफसाड़ अभिलेक से पता चलद बल जय बगत हूण वंशीय राज हिमाचल तलक ह्व़े गे थौ वैबरी गढवाल को हिस्सा पर मौखरी नरेश इशानबर्मन को राज छयो अर वैन अर वैको राजकुमार सर्व बर्मन न   हूणो तैं गढवाल मा नि घुसण दे थौ.

मौखरी नरेश सर्व बर्मन:  सर्व बर्मन इशानबर्मन को लौड़ छयो अर वैन अपण बुबा राजा  इशानबर्मन को दगड मिलीक हूणों तैं गढवाळ मा नि आणि दे. इशानबर्मन बड़ो तागतबर मनिख थौ


((History of Early Garhwal, History of Early Kumaun )



                                                                                   गढवाळ का नामी गिरामी लोक (मलारी जुग बिटेन अब तलक )  : फडक -11   


                                                                           गढ़वाल की विभूतियाँ (मलारी युग से वर्तमान तक ) : भाग 11   

                                                                              Great Garhwali Personalities (Malari Era till Date): Part 11                                                                                                                                                                                             

                                                                                          भीष्म कुकरेती      (Bhishm Kukreti )


 ( ये लेख कु उद्देश्य नवाड़ी साख/छिंवाळी/न्यू जनरेशन  तैं गढवाळी भाषा मां अपण ऊँ लोकुं  तैं याद कराण  जौंक कारण  आज गढवाळ च , जौंक वजै से आज हम तैं घमंड च  /गर्व च )


कर्तारिपुर पुर का नागवंशी रज्जा

          गुप्तकाल मा गुप्त रजौ क गढवाली प्रांताधिकारी विषयपति (465-485AD)  क बारा मा कुछ उल्लेख एक ताम्रपत्र मा मिल्द

   गोपेश्वर (चमोलू) अर बाड़ाहाट  का त्रिशूल अभिलेखुं से पता चल्दु बल एक दें मौखरी बंश राज से पैलि नागवंशी राजाऊं राज बि राई

डा शिव प्रसाद डबराल को अन्थाज से युंको राज 485 AD  शुरू ह्व़े होलू

नाग्वंशियुं का पांच राजों नाम त्रिशूल अभिलेख का अनुसार इन छन :

गोपेश्वर क त्रिशूल लेख:

१- स्कंदनाग : जु नाग्वंश्युं राज शुरू करण वाल माने जांद

२- विभुनाग

३- अन्शुनाग

४- गणपति नाग   

बाड़ाहाट त्रिशूल लेख मा

5- गणेश्वर : गणेश्वर का बारा मा जादा पता नि चल्दु पण इथगा त छें च वो धार्मिक किस्मौ रज्जा थौ

६- गुह नाग : महाबलशाली थौ. वैका आँख बड़ा बड़ा छया, बिग्रैल छौ अर दानी छौ . जणगरु विद्वान् छौ त धार्मिक बि थौ. इन लगद कै दुश्मन राजा न गुह पर आक्रमण करी थौ पण गुह न वै राजा तैं हरै  छौ

गणपति नाग   :  गणपति नाग   को नाम सैत च गणेश्वर बि थौ.

गणेश्वर न बाड़ाहाट  (उत्तरकाशी) मा एक भौत उच्चो शिव मंदिर बणे छयो

गणेश्वर कु नौन गुह  न  ए मंदिर का समणी २१ फूट उच्चो पितल़ो त्रिशूल थर्पी (स्थापना )   छौ : गोपेश्वर ( 15 foot )  अर बाड़ाहाट द्वी इ त्रिशूल कला क मामला मा एकजनी छन अर इन लगद बल यूँ त्रिशुलूं तैं  एकी सल्ली (कलाकार) न गाड़ी / बणे होलू .


 Reference : Dr Shiv Prasad Dabral , Uttarakhand ka Itihas - 3 (History of Garhwal Uttarakhand , )

(History of Early Garhwal, History of Early Kumaun )


अग्वाड़ी का लेख फडकी/भाग 12  मा बाँचो .....

To be Continued ....  on part 12th



                                                                                   गढवाळ का नामी गिरामी लोक (मलारी जुग बिटेन अब तलक )  : फडक -12   


                                                                            गढ़वाल की विभूतियाँ (मलारी युग से वर्तमान तक ) : भाग 12   

                                                                              Great Garhwali Personalities (Malari Era till Date): Part 12                                                                                                                                                                                             

                                                                                            भीष्म कुकरेती      (Bhishm Kukreti )


                         ( ये लेख कु उद्देश्य नवाड़ी साख/छिंवाळी/न्यू जनरेशन  तैं गढवाळी भाषा मां अपण ऊँ लोकुं  तैं याद कराण  जौंक कारण  आज गढवाळ च , जौंक वजै से आज हम तैं घमंड च  /गर्व च )


 सैंहपुर  का यादव राजवंशी बारह राजा (600-800 AD का न्याड ध्वार )


लाखमंडल अभिलेख मा  सैंहपुर  का  बारा राजाओं क बर्णन मिल्दो . सैंहपुर/ सिंहपुर कालसी से आठ मील दूर यमुना अर गिरिनदी क संगम  पर यमुना क दें छ्वाड च अर लाखामंडल मा औन्दो .

राजकुमारी ईश्वरा : ईश्वरा  सैंहपुर /सिंहपुर की  राजकुमारी छे अर वा बाल विध्वा ह्वेका अपण मैत सैंहपुर मा रौंदी थै . अपण कजै क प्रशश्ति मा इख मंदिर बणे अर पितृकुल का बारा पितरूं  प्रशश्ति लिखाई

१- राजर्षि सेनवर्मन : राजर्षि सेनवर्मन न ये यदु वंश की स्थापना   सैंहपुर मा करी छे ( मूल पुरुष यदु माने जान्द )

२- नृपति आर्यवर्मन : नृपति आर्यवर्मन राजर्षि सेनवर्मन कु लौड़ छौ  एक सदाचारी मनिख छौ

३- नृपति देव वर्मन :    नृपति देव वर्मन नृपति आर्यवर्मन , कु नौनु छौ . डौर भौ से दूर अर हौरुं डौर भौ दूर करण मा श्रेष्ठ छौ , कुल के विजय का वास्ता प्रसिद्ध थौ

४- भूपाल प्रदीप वर्मन :     प्रदीप वर्मन , देव वर्मन कु नौनु छौ . क्रोधी अर शत्रुमर्दन का बान प्रसिद्ध

५- भूपति इश्वर वर्मन : सिह्वर वर्मन प्रदीप वर्मन कु राजकुमार छौ . दानि छौ .

६ - राजा  वृद्धि  वर्मन : वृद्धि वर्मन क बुबा को इश्वर वर्मन  थौ. सुखदाई राजा छौ

७ -  राजसिंह सिंहवर्मन :   राजसिंह सिंहवर्मन ,  वृद्धि वर्मन क लौड़ छौ . ये ही दानि, शौर्यमान राजा न सैंहपुर /सिंहपुर 

८ - नृपति जल वर्मन : नृपति जल वर्मन , राजसिंह सिंहवर्मन  को बेटा छौ . ताप दूरकर्ता छौ 

९- महीपति यग्य   वर्मन :   नृपति जल वर्मन को बेटा क नाम महीपति यग्य   वर्मन छौ

१० राजर्सी घंघल अचल वर्मन :    राजर्सी अचल वर्मन , महीपति यग्य   वर्मन को पुत्र थौ. सदाचारी

११- नृपतीश  महाघंघल दिवाकर वर्मन :   महाघंघल दिवाकर वर्मन राजर्सी अचल वर्मन कु लौड़ थौ . तेजस्वी

१२- नृपति पाल , रिपुघन्घल भाष्कर वर्मन :नृपति पाल भाष्कर वर्मन ,  महाघंघल दिवाकर वर्मन कणसो भुला थौ . शत्रु विजयी

डा डबराल को हिसाब से घंघल शब्द को अर्थ विजयी है (घंघोल शब्द से आई )

ये जुग मा  शील सुभाव अर मोरन वा ळ की याद मा मंदिर बनौणो रिवाज छौ. शैव मत को प्रचार भौत छौ , खासकर शिव लिंग पूजै तैं जादा मान्यता छई . शिव पार्वती क ब्यौ की गाथा वै बगत प्रसिद्ध ह्व़े गे छे. कखी कखी बौध धर्म को प्रचार बि होंदु थौ .


Reference : Dr Shiv Prasad Dabral , Uttarakhand ka Itihas - 3 (History of Garhwal, Uttarakhand , )

(History of Early Garhwal, History of Early Kumaun )


...... बकै  13 वां खंड मा बाँचो

To be continued in 13th part ........



                                                                         गढवाळ का नामी गिरामी लोक (मलारी जुग बिटेन अब तलक )  : फडक -13   


                                                          गढ़वाल की विभूतियाँ (मलारी युग से वर्तमान तक ) : भाग 13   

                                                                      Great Garhwali Personalities (Malari Era till Date): Part 13                                                                                                                                                                                             

                                                                          भीष्म कुकरेती      (Bhishm Kukreti )


                                                      ( ये लेख कु उद्देश्य नवाड़ी साख/छिंवाळी/न्यू जनरेशन  तैं गढवाळी भाषा मां अपण ऊँ लोकुं  तैं याद कराण  जौंक कारण  आज गढवाळ च , जौंक वजै से आज हम तैं घमंड च  /गर्व च )


 महाराजा  हर्षवर्धन अर वैका बंश  (500-647) क  समौ कु उत्तराखंड

             हर्षवर्धन कु समौ कु इतिहास अबी तलक पुरो त जाणि द्याओ कुछ बि उपलब्ध नी च . बस चीनी गौन्त्या यूअन  -चांग को लिख्युं से काम चलणु च , जैन बोली बल उत्तराखंड का कुछ हिस्सों पर हर्षवर्धन को राज छौ.तै बगत उत्तराखंड मा  तीन रज्जा छया

१- स्त्रुघन  जनपद  - यमुना क पच्छमी पणढाल से लेकी गंगा जी


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