Author Topic: Kailash Mansarovar - कैलाश मानसरोवर यात्रा:उत्तराखण्ड की प्रसिद्ध धार्मिक यात्रा  (Read 90197 times)

पंकज सिंह महर

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       जैसा कि आप सभी अवगत हैं कि हमारा उत्तराखण्ड देवभूमि है और इस देव भूमि में सर्वत्र विराजमान हैं, देवाधिदेव-महादेव। महादेव का निवास स्थान है मानसरोवर झील के ऊपर कैलाश पर्वत मे, कैलाश पर्वत वर्तमान में चीन में है, लेकिन वास्तव में और पौराणिक मान्यताओं के अनुसार कैलाश पर्वत उत्तराखण्ड का ही हिस्सा है।
      आज भी प्रतिवर्ष भारत सरकार द्वारा कैलाश मानसरोवर यात्रा का आयोजन किया जाता है और इस यात्रा का जिम्मा उठाता है कुमाऊं मण्ड्ल विकास निगम और यह यात्रा हमारे प्रदेश से होकर गुजरती है। तो आइये जाने इस पवित्र यात्रा के बारे में.........!

मानसरोवर वह स्थान है जिसे शिव का धाम माना जाता है। पौराणिक कथाओं के अनुसार मानसरोवर के पास स्थित कैलाश पर्वत में शिव-शंभु का धाम है। यही वह पावन जगह है, जहाँ शिव-शंभु विराजते हैं।
     इस अलौकिक जगह पर प्रकाश तरंगों और ध्वनि तरंगों का समागम होता है जो ‘ॐ’ की प्रतिध्वनि करता है। इस पावन स्थल को भारतीय दर्शन के हृदय की उपमा दी जाती है, जिसमें भारतीय सभ्यता की झलक प्रतिबिंबित होती है। कैलाश पर्वत की तलछटी में कल्पवृक्ष लगा हुआ है।
      कैलाश पर्वत, 22,028 फीट ऊँचा एक पत्थर का पिरामिड, जिस पर सालभर बर्फ की सफेद चादर लिपटी रहती है। हर साल कैलाश-मानसरोवर की यात्रा करने, शिव-शंभु की आराधना करने, हजारों साधु-संत, श्रद्धालु, दार्शनिक यहाँ एकत्रित होते हैं, जिससे इस स्थान की पवित्रता और महत्ता काफी बढ़ जाती है।

     मान्यता है कि यह पर्वत स्वयंभू है। कैलाश-मानसरोवर उतना ही प्राचीन है, जितनी प्राचीन हमारी सृष्टि है। इस अलौकिक जगह पर प्रकाश तरंगों और ध्वनि तरंगों का समागम होता है, जो ‘ॐ’ की प्रतिध्वनि करता है। इस पावन स्थल को भारतीय दर्शन के हृदय की उपमा दी जाती है, जिसमें भारतीय सभ्यता की झलक प्रतिबिंबित होती है। कैलाश पर्वत की तलछटी में कल्पवृक्ष लगा हुआ है। कैलाश पर्वत के दक्षिण भाग को नीलम, पूर्व भाग को क्रिस्टल, पश्चिम को रूबी और उत्तर को स्वर्ण रूप में माना जाता है।  
       पौराणिक मान्यताओं के अनुसार यह जगह कुबेर की नगरी है। यहीं से महाविष्णु के करकमलों से निकलकर गंगा कैलाश पर्वत की चोटी पर गिरती है, जहाँ प्रभु शिव उन्हें अपनी जटाओं में भर धरती में निर्मल धारा के रूप में प्रवाहित करते हैं।

यह स्थान बौद्ध धर्मावलंबियों के सभी तीर्थ स्थानों में सबसे अधिक महत्वपूर्ण है। कैलाश पर स्थित बुद्ध भगवान के अलौकिक रूप ‘डेमचौक’ बौद्ध धर्मावलंबियों के लिए पूजनीय है। वह बुद्ध के इस रूप को ‘धर्मपाल’ की संज्ञा भी देते हैं। बौद्ध धर्मावलंबियों का मानना है कि इस स्थान पर आकर उन्हें निर्वाण की प्राप्ति होती है। वहीं जैन धर्म के पहले तीर्थंकर ने भी यहीं निर्वाण लिया। कुछ लोगों का मानना यह भी है कि गुरु नानक ने भी यहाँ ध्यान किया था।
     मानसरोवर झील से घिरा होना कैलाश पर्वत की धार्मिक महत्ता को और अधिक बढ़ाता है। प्राचीनकाल से विभिन्न धर्मों के लिए इस स्थान का विशेष महत्व है। इस स्थान से जुड़े विभिन्न मत और लोककथाएँ केवल एक ही सत्य को प्रदर्शित करती हैं, जो है सभी धर्मों की एकता।

पंकज सिंह महर

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ऐसा माना जाता है कि महाराज मानधाता ने मानसरोवर झील की खोज की और कई वर्षों तक इसके किनारे तपस्या की थी, जो कि इन पर्वतों की तलहटी में स्थित है। बौद्ध धर्मावलंबियों का मानना है कि इसके केंद्र में एक वृक्ष है, जिसके फलों के चिकित्सकीय गुण सभी प्रकार के शारीरिक व मानसिक रोगों का उपचार करने में सक्षम हैं।

पंकज सिंह महर

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इस स्थान तक पहुँचने के लिए कुछ विशेष तथ्यों का ध्यान रखना आवश्यक है। जैसे इसकी ऊँचाई 3500 मीटर से भी अधिक है। यहाँ पर ऑक्सीजन की मात्रा काफी कम हो जाती है, जिससे सिरदर्द, साँस लेने में तकलीफ आदि परेशानियाँ प्रारंभ हो सकती हैं। इन परेशानियों की वजह शरीर को नए वातावरण का प्रभावित करना है।

भारत से मानस कैलाश कैसे पहुँचें?
१. भारत से सड़क मार्ग। भारत सरकार सड़क मार्ग द्वारा मानसरोवर यात्रा प्रबंधित करती है। यहाँ तक पहुँचने में करीब 28 से 30 दिनों तक का समय लगता है। यहाँ के लिए सीट की बुकिंग एडवांस भी हो सकती है और निर्धारित लोगों को ही ले जाया जाता है, जिसका चयन विदेश मंत्रालय द्वारा किया जाता है।
२. वायु मार्ग। वायु मार्ग द्वारा काठमांडू तक पहुँचकर वहाँ से सड़क मार्ग द्वारा मानसरोवर झील तक जाया जा सकता है।

३. कैलाश तक जाने के लिए हेलिकॉप्टर की सुविधा भी ली जा सकती है। काठमांडू से नेपालगंज और नेपालगंज से सिमिकोट तक पहुँचकर, वहाँ से हिलसा तक हेलिकॉप्टर द्वारा पहुँचा जा सकता है। मानसरोवर तक पहुँचने के लिए लैंडक्रूजर का भी प्रयोग कर सकते हैं।

४. काठमांडू से लहासा के लिए ‘चाइना एयर’ वायुसेवा उपलब्ध है, जहाँ से तिब्बत के विभिन्न कस्बों - शिंगाटे, ग्यांतसे, लहात्से, प्रयाग पहुँचकर मानसरोवर जा सकते हैं।

पंकज सिंह महर

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इस यात्रा का आयोजन प्रतिवर्ष कुमाऊं मण्डल विकास निगम द्वारा किया जाता है।

"All that is beautiful is sacred"

865 Kms from Delhi, stand Mount Kailas and Lake Mansarovar constituting one of the grandest of the Himalayan beauty spots. The perpetual snowclad peak of holy Kailas of hoary antiquity and celebrity, the spotless design of nature's art, of most bewitching and overpowering beauty, has a vibration of the supreme order from the spiritual point of view. It seems to stand as an immediate revelation of the Almighty in concrete form, which makes man bend his knees and lower his head in reverence. Its gorgeous silvery summit, resplendent with the luster of spiritual aura,pierces into a heavenly height of 6690 meters (22028 feet) above the level of the sea.

The PARIKRAMA or circumambulation of the Kailas Parvat is about 54 kms. Mount Kailas is revered in Sanskrit literature as the abode of the all-blissful Lord Shiva and his divine spouse Parvati, the all-enchanting Nature (Prakriti) which from 32 kms. off is overlooking the Holy Mansarovar and the Rakshas TaI, in the south. The holy Mansarovar or manasa-sarovara is the holiest, the most fascinating, the most inspiring, the most famous of all the lakes in the world and the most ancient that civilization knows. It is a famous lake in the Hindu mythology. The lake is majestically calm and dignified like a huge bluish green emerald or a pure turquoise set between the two mighty and equally majestic silver mountains, the Kailas on the north and the Gurla Mandhata on the south and between the sister lake Rakshas Tal or Ravan Harda on the west and some hills on the east.

पंकज सिंह महर

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Stretching majestically over an extensive cradle of the Tibetan plateau and hanging at a heavenly height of 4550 mts (14950 feet). above the sea-level, the vast expanse of the lake with a circumference of about 88 Kms. and a depth of nearly 90 mtrs covers an area of about 320 sq. kms. By far the most magnificent and thrilling of one's experience would be in winter when the whole lake freezes hard, and again in spring when the ice breaks and melts to clear blue waters. It is only the inspired poet or the divine artist with his magic colours that can, for instance, describe and represent adequately the beauty and grandeur of sunrise and sunset on the lake. The water of Mansarovar is as sweet as that of any river or of any glacial lake. The holy manas provides fine caves, camping ground and good sites to pilgrims. At certain places the site is rocky or sandy. On full moon nights, with the full moon overhead, the scene is simply indescribable.

At sunset the whole of the Kailas range on the north becomes a fiery region all of a sudden, throwing an observer into a trance, and by the time he returns to consciousness he sees only the Silvery Peak in front.

The weather is always uncertain. One moment you have scorching Sun, the next moment it begins to hail and snow and shortly after having a nap and coming out of your camp, you will see a clear blue sky and bright Sun above and a bed of pearl-like hail and white snow on the ground.

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कैलाश मानसरोवर यात्रा

The world-famous and holy Mt. Kailash & Manas Lake have been, the source of inspiration for many religions and beliefs. Despite many difficulties and long distances, people are keen to go there at least once in their lives. Continued from centuries, this pilgrimage had been stopped from 1959 to 1980, and when it restarted in 1981 it was welcomed everywhere. Hundreds of Indians thus got the opportunity to go through this region. Situated on the other side of Himalayas of Uttarakhand, Kailash & Mansarovar are the most pious and most beautiful shrines.

Also, from religious point of view, these are highly regarded. Darshan and 'parikrama' of Kailash and Mansarovar is considered as uncommonly pious by the believers of four religions Bonpa, Hindu, Buddhist and Jain.

Bonpa, the ancient Tibetans, see a nine story 'swastik' in it and consider it an abode of Damchauk and Dorge Phangmo. Hindus worship it as the abode of Shiva and Parvati. Buddhists believe it to be the home of Buddha and Manipadam and Jains worship it as the place of "nirwan of First Tirthankar".

Near Mansarovar there is a beautiful lake called Rakash Tal - or Ravehahalad. In the north of these two lakes is Mt. Kailash and its series (22028 ft./6675 mts.) in the south Mount Gurala is situated. From this region four big rivers of north India originate' Karnalies, Satluj, Brahamputra and Sindh. 865 kms from Delhi, Mt. . Kailash and Mansarovar in Tibet, are always very near to the hearts of Indians. Due to Mansarovar, Uttarakhand is also termed as Manas-Khand.

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.........It, is believed that Mansarovar is originated from the forehead of Brahma and was discovered by the king Gurlamandhata, after whom the highest Mt. Gurula (Mamonani) is named. Thus the unique mountain and lake are attached to our history, culture and mythology. In the parikrama of Kailash (Kongrigpoke) one has to walk 55 kms. and its highest point is Dolmapass at 19000 ft. Mansarovar is situated at the height of 14930 ft./4530 mt. with a circumference of 90 kin., depth of 90 mt. and total area of about 320 sq. km. Mansarovar is attached to Rakashtal with a natural canal at a height of 14900 ft./4515mt. Circumference of Rakashtal is 122 kms. River Satluj originates from the north west corner of Rakashtal.

In winter all mountains and river lakes are frozen and covered with snow, so the time of yatra is from May to September. Indian pilgrims visit from June to September in 16 batches. (30-40 in every batch). Foreign Ministry of Indian Govt. advertises this pilgrimage. Selected people go through medical tests and other formalities before they do yatra in their batches. The management of this yatra is done by Kumaon Mandal Vikas Nigam Ltd. in Indian region and Tibetan tourism agency in Tibet respectively. 

पंकज सिंह महर

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 यह यात्रा २८ दिन की होती है, जिसका विवरण निम्नवत है
The daywise schedule of yatra is given below:-

First Day - The pilgrims cover 320 Km from Delhi to Kathgodam via Moradabad, Rampur, Haldwani. They cross the rivers Yamuna, Ganga and Ramganga W. rivers on the way. Before starting the journey, pilgrims are briefed by the Under Secretary, Ministery of External Affairs, about the Yatra and their medical check-up is done at Indo-Tibetian Border Police Centre.

Second Day - After having Breakfast at Kathgodam, the journey to Bageshwar starts. At lunch, bus reaches to Almora and lunch is served in the KMVN (Kumaon Mandal Vikas Nigam) guest house. Then there is drive uphill to Bageshwar which lies on the confluence of Gomti and Saryu.

Third Day - Before breakfast at Bageshwar, the Baijnath temple may be visited. From here the pilgrim reach Chaukori via Kanda - Vijaypur - Kotmunya. Everyone will be pleased by the impressive view of the mighty Himalaya form the tea estate of Chaukori. Then there is a drive downhill to Thal, uphill to Didihat where lunch is served, then downhill again to Ogla - Jauljibi and finally along the Gori river till they reach Dharchula, crossing the Gomti, Saryu, Ramganga E. and Gori on the way. One can now see the mountains of Nepal. The distance covered is 160 Km.

Fourth Day - 19 Km from Dharchula the Dhauli E. meets the Kali at Tawaghat. One can plan to reach out and touch the Chhiplakot peaks, lakes and glaciers via village Khela in a future trip. The pilgrims cross the bridge over the roaring Dhauli and see the confluence of the Kali and Dhauli, and then drive on to Mangti. If one is lucky one might find oneself in this region during the Kandali festival which is held once in twelve years. Travel along the Kali river through dense forest to climb up to the village of Gala (2440m). Here are KMVN's cottages. There is a PWD dak bungalow at Jipti (2378m) 2 Km further.

Fifth Day - Although Gala to Buddhi (2740 m) via Malpa (2018m) is 20 Km. To reach Malpa one has to climb down 4444 steps to reach the river Kali. This place is Lakhanpur. To the right of the Kali is the Chhata fall. On the left is also a fall in Nepal. Next is the beautiful Najang fall. The Kali seems almost like a violent storm in this region. Budi (2740m) is at a distance of 9 Km from Malpa and the group rests at Lamre before reaching Budi. There are numerous springs and waterfalls on either side of the river; also can seen the Api - Nampa range of Nepal.

Sixth Day - Gunji (3500m) is 17 Km from Budi. On reaching Chhialekh the group enters the region of Byans. The pasture of Chhialekh is strewn with grasses and flowers. Then comes Garbhiang village (3225m), deserted because of geopolitical and geological reasons. Here the Kali meets the Tinkar coming from Nepal. The Kali is no longer intimidating and becomes almost silent by the time Gunji (3500m) comes. The trek from Budhi to Gunji via Chhialekh and Garbhiang is 20-22 km long and most tiring of all. Buddhi to Chhialekh is a steep climb. On the way Api mountain range on the Nepal side is seen.

Seventh Day - One moves along the relatively quieter Kali to walk 10 Km to reach Kalapani (3600m). There are pine, bhojpatra and juniper forests in this region. Although the river has been coming all the way from Lipulekh pass, the small pool formed under a huge rock is considered to be the source of the Kali. There are snow - clad mountains all around and Vyas's cave is to be found on the mountain in front of Kalapani. It was because of the visit of Rishi Vyas that the region is known as Byans. There is also a hot water spring at Kalapani.

Eight Day - The group covers the 9 Km from Kalapani to Navidhang (3987m) surrounded by innumerable wild flowers. This is the region of Musk deer and Monal and the highest stage of Himalayan wilderness. The 'Om Parvat' smiles in front of the pilgrim.

Ninth Day - After walking 8 Km from Navidhang to the Lipulekh pass (5334m), the pilgrims enter Tibet, where the Tibetan/Chinese autorities welcome them. They walk down to Chang Lobochahela and from here by truck and bus they reach the old trading town of Taklakot (Purang), which is situated on the banks of the Karnali river.

Tenth and Eleventh Day - The pilgrims staying at Purang Guest House (4267m) can walk to town, Shimling monastery, Nepali market and Karnali river. 3-4 Km away is the damaged memorial of the Dogra General Jorawar Singh. The formalities of emigration and payment to the Chinese authorities are completed here. Yaks for the Kailash Parikarama and ponies for thr Manas Parkaramas are to be requisitioned here only.

Twelfth Day - The pilgrim group is divide into two subgroups, one for Kailas and another for Manas parikrama. The bus starts from Purang around midninght. Before sunrise the bus crosses the Gurla Pass (4910m). Then comes Rakastal (Long Tso, 4515m) on the left western slopes of Gurla Mountain (Memo Nani, 7683m) on the right and Mt. Kailas (Kang Rinpoche, 6675m) in front. Next is the first glimpse of Mansarovar (Tso Mapam, 4530m) at Zaidi. After crossing Parkha plains the bus reaches Tarchen, the base camp fro Kailas parikrama. Group 'A' stays at Tarchen and 'B' is taken to Hore by Bus.

Thirteenth Day - Group 'A' walks 20 Km along the Lha Chhu, constantly looking at Mt. Kailas and its changing faces. Before sunset one should reach Dirapuk Gompa (4909m) and enjoy the northern face of Kailas at sunset. Group 'B' walks along the southeastern shore of Manas. After crossing Samo and Tag rivers and visiting Seralung and Yerngo Gompa for night stay after walking or riding for 30 Km. Here in front of the pilgrim is the Manas and elevated Kailas and behind are the grand peaks of Gurla Mandhata.

Fourteenth Day - This is a slightly difficult day for group 'A'. Along Dolma La chhu the group reaches the Dolma pass (5636m), where the huge stone memorial of goddess Dolma (Tara Devi) is located. After resting and praying pilgrims walk down to Gaurikund (Tukji Chenpo Tso) and reach Zutulpuk Gompa along Lham Chu. Group 'B' walks for 40 Km along the south - western shore of Manas - the region is full of birds and flowers. Before the completion of parikrama of Manas at Zaidi, one can also visit Gossul Gompa.

Fifteenth Day - Group 'A' completes Kailas parikrama on this day by noon. Rest of the day can be used for visiting Gyengtak Gompa and Astpad, the southern face of Kailas from the ridge (6675m) above Gyengtak Gompa. This is the rest day for group 'B' but Chiu Gompa and Ganga Chnu, the natural channel which connects Manas with Rakastal, may be visited by walking 8*2 = 16 Km. From this point, grand view of Manas, Rakas, Kailas and Gurla can be seen.

Sixteenth to Twentieth Day - Group 'B' comes to Tarchen for Kailas Parikrama and group 'A' to hore for Manas parikrama. Form the 18th to the 20th days, both groups completes their respective parikramas. Form the 21st day, 'B' group comes to a waiting 'A' group of Zaidi. After prayers, bath and yajnya the pilgrims comes back to Purang enjoying the grand views of Kailas and Rakastal on the way.

Twenty first Day - Before lunch the pilgrim visit the Khojarnath Gompa, 25 Km away from Purang and situated at the bank of Karnali. In the evening, Purang market may be visited. It is now time for purchasing things from the market and government departmental stores. The pilgrims can visit Taklasar or Simling Gompa also.

Twenty Second to Twenty Eight - Day Back to Lipulekh (5122m) and finally down to Kalapani on 22nd day. 23rd Gunji, 24th Budi, 25th Gala, 26th Dharchula, 27th Bageshwar by bus. On the Twenty eight day the group reaches to N.Delhi - the National capital welcomes you.


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