Author Topic: Nanda Raj Jat Story - नंदा राज जात की कहानी  (Read 188935 times)

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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नंदा देवी - उत्तराखंड की ईष्ट देवी ( नंदा राज जात  की कहानी)   


नंदा देवी उत्तराखंड के घर घर पूजी जाती है ! इस बात मे कोई शक नही उत्तराखंड की धरती देव मुनियों की धरती है ! यह वही धरती है जहाँ पर गंगा को धरती पर पहली बार उतारा गया, यह वही धरती है, जहाँ शिव ने पार्वती से शादी की !

नंदा देवी राज जात को जी हर १२ साल मनाया जाता है ! नंदा देवी की कहानी और इससे जुड़ी अन्य पौराणिक कहानिया हम यहाँ पर सुनियोजित दंग से प्रस्तुत करंगे !

जय नंदा देवी.. ...

एम् एस मेहता   


Nanda Devi Uttarakhand ke ghar ghar main pooji jaati hain. Is baat main koi shaq nahi ki Uttarakhand Dev Muniyon ki dharti hai. Yeh wahi dharti hai jahan Ganga ko pahli baar dharti pai utara gaya yeh wahi dharti hai jahan Shiv Parvati ka vivaah hua.

Nanda Devi Raaj Jaat jo ki har 12 saal main manaya jaata hai ko hum yahan suniyojit dhang se prastut karenge.

Jay Nanda Devi
M S Mehta

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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नंदा की उपासना प्राचीन काल से ही किये जाने के प्रमाण धार्मिक ग्रंथों, उपनिषद और पुराणों में मिलते हैं । रुप मंडन में पार्वती को गौरी के छ: रुपों में एक बताया गया है । भगवती की ६ अंगभूता देवियों में नंदा भी एक है । नंदा को नवदुर्गाओं में से भी एक बताया गया है । भविष्य पुराण में जिन दुर्गाओं का उल्लेख है उनमें महालक्ष्मी, नंदा, क्षेमकरी, शिवदूती, महाटूँडा, भ्रामरी, चंद्रमंडला, रेवती और हरसिद्धी हैं । शिवपुराण में वर्णित नंदा तीर्थ वास्तव में कूर्माचल ही है । शक्ति के रुप में नंदा ही सारे हिमालय में पूजित हैं ।

नंदा के इस शक्ति रुप की पूजा गढ़वाल में करुली, कसोली, नरोना, हिंडोली, तल्ली दसोली, सिमली, तल्ली धूरी, नौटी, चांदपुर, गैड़लोहवा आदि स्थानों में होती है । गढ़वाल में राज जात यात्रा का आयोजन भी नंदा के सम्मान में होता है ।

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Nanda Devi Raj Jat

The legend of the Nanda Devi Raj Jot is an important event from the sprituo-cultural point of view as the shrines ofNonda Devi are scattered all over the Central Himalayas. The deui is considered as the Isht- Devi, by the hill folk. The royal family ofGarhwal conducts the Nanda Raj Jot to please the Isht- Devi, in order to seek blessings for a prosperous kingdom and the defecit of their enemies. Her relationship with the people is just the same as that of Sita with Mithila, similarly Gaura is known to be the daughter of Uttarakhand. Daughter of the king of mountains, Himavat. Gaura was married to the ash- smeared, leapord skin wearing yogi. It is popularly believed that according to the Indian calendar, during the Krishna Paksha of Bhado (2nd week of August) the Deui visits her mother's place and the event is celebrated with the performance of special rituals and prayers on Nanda Ashtami in the numerous Nanda devi temples spread all over the Garhwal and Kumaon regions.

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Genesis of the tradition

The event marks the coming of Nanda Devi to her mother's place (mait). During this time Uttarakhand reverberates with festivities. The event finishes when the people of her maiti (mother's home), escort her in a procession to her Sauras (husbands home in Kailash). This procession is called the Nanda Jat. The entire s-cene is beautifully protrayed in the folk songs and Jagars sung by the women of Uttarakhand. Such Nanda Jats arc held in almost all the places in the hills, where there is a Nanda Devi Temple. Every Garhadhipatis in the hills took out Nanda Jats to please the Isht- Devi. Every twelve years the Nanda Raj Jat replaces the annual Raj Jat on the route of Hornkund, from the temple of Nanda Devi. The dolis of other devtas also known as the 'Birs of Nanda Devi', also join the Raj Jat. The Goril Dev of Kumaon and the Lattu Dev of Bandhan are the prominent devtas.

The Nanda Raj Jat was started by the ancestors of the Rajas of Garhwal. The ancient tradition of taking out Nanda Jats among
all the Garhadhipatis, was combined by the Raja into a Royal pilgrimage every twelve years. Raja Ajay Par(Shesh Pal) of
Chandgarh started the Nanda Raj Jat in the 15th century. Since then, the royal family takes the pilgrimage along with their
purohits to seek forgiveness from Nanda Devi, and offer 'Tarpan' for the ancestors who had died at the Roopkund, along with his pregnant wife and courtesans.

However, Carbon 14 dating of the skeletons, done by Crane and Griffin in 1958 proved that the bones found were between
500 to 800 years old.


एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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The Royal Journey

After the programme for the yatra is chalked by the Kunwars, the prince of Kaunsuva arrives in Nauti to seek the blessings of
the goddess and to organise the Jat. He brings offerings including the Ringal- Ki- Chhantoli, a specially prepared umbrella and a four horned ram, which becomes the seat of the idol of the Nanda Devi and is made of gold.

Route of the Raj Jat

Being the Isht- Devi of the kings of Garhwal the Raj Jat initiates at Nauti. The sub-clans, based on the names of the villages, are fixed as the Chhatolis, who on reaching the next village meet the Chhatolis reach the village after covering the pre-set route.These meetings are decided prior to the initiation of the Yatra which are as follows :

Chhatoli of Lord Lattu of Bagoli
Chhatoli of the Raj Jat
chhatoli of Dewan Khandoori
Chhatoli of Barhatkoki
Other Chhatolis
The Raj Jat does not confine itself only to Garhwal, but to the entire India. This 18 day long Yatra spreads the fragrance of
customs and traditions of the Garhwal- Kumaon region. The arrangements at the camp set up, are done for the devotees taking care of their requirements during the torturous journey.

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The festivities come to a standstill, when the comes for the Devi to leave for her Sauras (husband's home). Special pr"y"
and rituals are performed and the offerings are loaded on the four-horned Ram just like the things given to a daughter in her
marriage are sent. The deity is decorated like a bride, ready to leave for her husband's home. The scene becomes pathetic when the devotees, in tears, bid farewell to the Devi, as if they are bidding farewell to their own daughter.

Leaving the image of the Goddess there, the four horned ram proceeds towards towards Kailash (Trishuli peak) the abode of
Lord Shiva on its own.

The Trishuli peak is the highest peak of the Nanda Parbat, the highest mountain range in Chamoli district. The parbat is
revered by the people, the women folk believe that the mist I around the Nanda Kot peak is the smoke coming out of the
kitchen of Goddess Nanda. They get sentimental while they sing songs associated with their revered Goddess, whom they regard
as a pampered daughter of their own.

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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The Popularity

Parvati (Shail Putri), the daughter of Hills and the consort of Lord Shiva, is known as Nanda in Garhwal & Kumaon areas.
The popularity of the Goddess is understandable, as the highest peak of the district has been identified with the name of the
deity, also several Nanda temples are situated at all the prominent places in Garhwal and Kumaon like Nauti, Chandpur,
Kurur, Devrada, Kulsari, Nandkesri, Lohajang, Shila Samudra, Nandakot Vaidini, Srinagar, Sink, Devikhet, Nandprayag,
Gopeshwar, Helang, Lata Niti and Badrinath. Similarly the Kumaon region include Nanda Devi temples located at Nainital,
Almora, Baijnath, Shuwbhgash, Munsiyari, Doonagiri, Jageshwar, Bageshwar and Ranikhet.

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Nanda in History

The genesis of Nanda Devi is not very clear. Folk lyrics suggest that Nanda was a princess of the Chanda dynasty of Almora.
Some people associate the Goddess with YogMaya, the daughter of Nanda, who replaced the eighth issub of Vasudev (father of
Krishna) and who escaped from the hands of her assailant, Kansa and forewarned him of his impending death at the hands
of Lord Krishna. There is no mention of Nanda in the Puranas or other scriptures. However, certain later inscriptions mention
a Goddess with names similar to Nanda. The Goddess finds mention in Sanskrit literature. Some very old statues found in

Mathura show one Goddess as Eknansha. Accordingly, some people believe that the same Goddess was subsequently regarded
as Nanda. Naini (of Nainital) and Naina (of Himachal Pradesh) also appear to be variants of the same Goddess. There are
ancient temples of the Goddess at about twenty places all over Garhwal. Similar temples are found in Almora region also.

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The history of Nanda Raj Jat is associated with King Jasdhaval of Kannauj. It is believed that the wife of King Vallabha was the daughter of the ruler of Chandpur (Garhwal). Once the Queen was cursed by Nanda Devi and consequently her kingdom
became a victim of droughts, famines and other natural calamities. The royal priest, on assessing the reason, advised
the King to participate in the Nanda Raj Jat, to get rid of the curse. So King Jasahaval, Queen Vallabha, Prince Jadeel and
Princess Jadeela, along with a troupe of dancing girls and musicians, arrived in Garhwal and joined the Jat at village Bann.
They did not obey the prohibitions, to be observed during the Yatra, defying the norms, the King held dancing sessions. Since
then the place is known as Patar Nachonia (the spot where the festivities were organised). The entourage had to make a night
halt at Roopkund, where the Queen delivered in a cave. The irreverance earned the Devi's wrath, causing heavy snowfall and
perishing the entire troupe. It is believed that some people had slipped into lake Roopkund and the dancing girls had turned
into rocks. This accident is believed to have occured around 1150 A.D. Jasdhaval is believed to be an ancestor of the Prince
of Kansua and thus originated the tradition of paying homage to King Jasdhaval at this point during the Nanda Jat.



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