Author Topic: Semmukhem Uttarakhand,नाग देवता का सेममुखेम उत्तराखंड  (Read 120982 times)


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Bhishma Kukreti

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             Different Kumaoni and Garhwali Versions of Ramola Gatha Folklore -1

Folklore, Folk Legends, Folk Myths of Kumaon-Garhwal, Uttarkahnd-8
Religious, Spiritual and Mythological Folklores of Garhwal, Kumaon, Uttarakhand – 8 
[Notes on Sem-Mukheem (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Garhwal; Sem-Mukhem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Uttarkashi Garhwal; Sem-Mukhem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Tihri Garhwal; Sem-Mukhem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Chamoli Garhwal; Sem-Mukhem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Rudraprayag Garhwal; Sem-Mukhem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Pauri Garhwal; Sem-Mukhem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Dehradun Garhwal; Sem-Mukhem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Hardwar Garhwal; Sem-Mukhem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Pithauragarh Kumaon ; Sem-Mukhem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Kumaon ; Sem-Mukhem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Bageshwar Kumaon ; Sem-Mukhem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of  Champawat Kumaon ; Sem-Mukhem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Almora Kumaon ; Sem-Mukhem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Nainital Kumaon ; Sem-Mukhem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Udham  Singh Nagar Kumaon ]

                                        Bhishma Kukreti

There are two versions of Ramola Gatha in Garhwali and Kumaon versions.
                                      Garhwali Version of Ramola Gatha
    When Krishna felt aversion from Dwarika he wanted to make his new residence in Ramolihat (Tihri Garhwal). Lord Krishna saw the natural beauty of Ramolihat in his dreams and was hooked to it.
 Gangu ramola was the chief of Ramoligarh. His wife was Mainavati who had two sons –Siduva and Biduva.  Siduva and Biduva were mild and very amicable in nature while their father Gangu Ramola was cruel and businessman like.
Lord Krishna told to Gangu Ramola his wish to reside in Ramolihat. Gangu ramola put the condiation that when Krishna would kill the Rakshsani of Ramolighat Krishna could live in Ramoligarh. Krishna killed the Rakshsani . Gangu Ramola pleasingly allowed Krishna to live in Ramoligaht. Krishna started living in Seem-Mukheem.

** Read Kumaoni Version of Ramola Gatha in Religious, Spiritual and Mythological Folklores of Garhwal, Kumaon, Uttarakhand – part 9 

Curtsey and references:
Dr. Krishna Nand Joshi, Kumaon ka Lok Sahity
 Dr Trilochan Pandey, Kumaoni Bhasha aur Uska Sahity
Dr Siva Nand Nautiyal, Garhwal ke Lok Nrityageet 
Dr Govind Chatak, Garhwali Lokgathayen
Dr. Govind Chatak, Kumaoni Lokgathayen
Dr Urbi Datt Upadhyaya, Kumaon ki Lokgathaon ka Sahityik Adhyan
Dr. Prayag Joshi, Kumaon Garhwal ki Lokgathaon ka Vivechnatmak Adhyayan
Dr Dinesh Chandra Baluni, Uttarakhand ki Lokgathayen
Dr Jagdish (Jaggu) Naudiyal, Uttarakhand ki Sanskritik Dharohar, (Ravain) 
Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna, Dhunyal
Shambhu Prasad Bahuguna, Virat Hriday

Copyright (Interpretation) @ Bhishma Kukreti, 21/4/2013
Folklore, Folk Legends, Folk Myths of Kumaun-Garhwal, Uttarakhand- to be continued…9
Notes on Sem-Mukheem (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Garhwal; Sem-Mukhem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Uttarkashi Garhwal; Sem-Mukhem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Tihri Garhwal; Sem-Mukhem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Chamoli Garhwal; Sem-Mukhem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Rudraprayag Garhwal; Sem-Mukhem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Pauri Garhwal; Sem-Mukhem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Dehradun Garhwal; Sem-Mukhem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Hardwar Garhwal; Sem-Mukhem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Pithauragarh Kumaon ; Sem-Mukhem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Kumaon ; Sem-Mukhem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Bageshwar Kumaon ; Sem-Mukhem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of  Champawat Kumaon ; Sem-Mukhem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Almora Kumaon ; Sem-Mukhem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Nainital Kumaon ; Sem-Mukhem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Udham  Singh Nagar Kumaon  to be continued……

Bhishma Kukreti

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Different Kumaoni and Garhwali Versions of Ramola Gatha Folklore -2

Folklore, Folk Legends, Folk Myths of Kumaon-Garhwal, Uttarkahnd-9
Religious, Spiritual and Mythological Folklores of Garhwal, Kumaon, Uttarakhand – 9 
[Notes on Seem-Mukheem (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Garhwal; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Uttarkashi Garhwal; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Tihri Garhwal; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Chamoli Garhwal; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Rudraprayag Garhwal; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Pauri Garhwal; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Dehradun Garhwal; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Hardwar Garhwal; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Pithauragarh Kumaon ; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Kumaon ; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Bageshwar Kumaon ; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of  Champawat Kumaon ; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Almora Kumaon ; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Nainital Kumaon ; Seem-Mukheem  (Ramola Gatha) folklore of Udham  Singh Nagar Kumaon ]

                                        Bhishma Kukreti

 There are two versions for Ramola folklore in Uttarakhand. This writer already narrated the Garhwali version of Ramola folklore in last part of Folklore of Uttarakhand. 
              Kumaoni Version of Ramola Gatha folklore
The Kumaoni version of Ramola Gatha folklore is slightly different than Garhwali version as the following few lines show the difference

         कुमाऊं और गढ़वाल की लोक गाथाएँ -9
                                      कुमाऊं में रमोला गाथा

(सन्दर्भ: डा प्रयाग जोशी , कुमाउनी लोक गाथाएँ )

बूढ़ गंगू रमोला बैठ्यो उच्ची सिंघासन
कौ भाया जोलिया, तुनि कथ बटि आया ?
कृष्ण ज्यू का जोलिया  ले परमाणु दियो
पैलि की पंगत होली आदिल कुशलि
दूसरी पंगति प्रभु इसी लेखि राखी
मेरो मन लागी गयो रंगीली रमोली
ढाई गज जमीन राजा में कोण दी हाले
परमाण पढ़न राजा गुस्सा भरी आयो
आज मांग छ ढाई गज , भल बाकी मांगलो 
   Once, lord Krishna saw Ramoligarh in dreams, he sent letter with his ambassador. Krishna explained that he is attracted to Ramoli Garh and he requires two yards land in Ramoligarh. Gangu Ramola became furious by reading the message. And said,” today, Krishna is demanding two yard land in Ramoligarh , tomorrow he will ask the whole land.”  Gangu Ramola said to messenger,” I am pardoning today. However you tell next time, I shall behead you and will offer your head to Badrinath Ji.” The messenger returned to Dwarka.
 Later on Krishna came to Ramoligarh in the dress of an old Brahmin. He requested two and half yard land from Gangu Ramola for building a small hut. Gangu became angry and took out the sword.
Krishna transformed into a bee and flew to Gangu’s inner palace. When Gangu returned to his inner palace he was shocked to find his empty grain stores, wreathless godowns.
  The twenty dozens of goat of Gangu were gone to grassland. Krishna played the flute and Chausinga goat the sign of wealth of Gangu came after Krishna to Dwarka and Gangu lost all his wealth.
 Gangu with his two wives Ijula and Bijula started living on root bulbs and leaves. Later on, Ramola went towards Tibet for begging. After roaming in all directions, Gangu reached to Dwarka. He played Damru. Rukmani the wife of Krishna offered Ramola the best food. However, due to curse of Krishna the rice balls changed into insects and curry into blood. Gangu thought of some curses. Rukmani advised gangu to visit to Krishna for pardon.
 Younger wife of Gangu Bijula asked pardon from Krishna. She told to Krishna,” o Lord! Ramoligarh is empty and my husband is also wealth less and fames less.’ Ramola also asked pardon and Krishna pardoned Ramola.
 Krishna offered Kauni a cereal to Bijula and after taking Kauni she became pregnant. She was shocked.
The elder queen Ijula complained about ten month pregnancy of bijula to Gangu. Gangu asked Bijula to meet him at breakfast.
Listening, the order of her husband she started weeping. She decided to do suicide. Howver, she delivered two child boys.
 The children advised Bijuli to cover them by leaves and to offer breakfast to father. They advised their mother not to disclose the secret till twelve years.
 Guru Nilpal took the children and concluded naming ceremony for both the children and named them Sidua and Bidua. Both the boys became experts of twelve Shashtras and Boksadi mantra.
 At the time of Uttarayan, Sidua and Bidua decided to meet their mother.
When Nilpal was gone to bathing and both the children ran away to their mother.
Both the children came to court of Gangu and called Gangu as jaidyol Pitaji’. Gangu asked them to be in limit as he did not have any son.
Gangu asked his both the wives about sons. The elder wife Ijula told that they are her sons.  Bijula also told that they are her sons. Gangu ordered to tie the weight of seven shallow pans and seven tava on the chest of both the wives. He said that the milk will come out from the real mother chest.
Milk started flowing from the chest of Bijuli.
Gangu salted both the boys. In later stage, Sidua and Bidua became famous price of Ramolagarhi
Curtsey and references:
Dr. Krishna Nand Joshi, Kumaon ka Lok Sahity
 Dr Trilochan Pandey, Kumaoni Bhasha aur Uska Sahity
Dr Siva Nand Nautiyal, Garhwal ke Lok Nrityageet 
Dr Govind Chatak, Garhwali Lokgathayen
Dr. Govind Chatak, Kumaoni Lokgathayen
Dr Urbi Datt Upadhyaya, Kumaon ki Lokgathaon ka Sahityik Adhyan
Dr. Prayag Joshi, Kumaon Garhwal ki Lokgathaon ka Vivechnatmak Adhyayan
Dr Dinesh Chandra Baluni, Uttarakhand ki Lokgathayen
Dr Jagdish (Jaggu) Naudiyal, Uttarakhand ki Sanskritik Dharohar, (Ravain) 
Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna, Dhunyal
Shambhu Prasad Bahuguna, Virat Hriday

Copyright (Interpretation) @ Bhishma Kukreti, 21/4/2013
Folklore, Folk Legends, Folk Myths of Kumaun-Garhwal, Uttarakhand- to be continued…10
Religious, Spiritual, Mythological Folklore of Garhwal, Kumaon, Uttarakhand to be continued… 10 

Bhishma Kukreti

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Siduva-Biduva Gatha:  Garhwali, Kumaoni Folklore of Sem-Mukhem
Folklore, Folk Legends, Folk Myths of Kumaon-Garhwal, Uttarkahnd-10
Religious, Spiritual and Mythological Folklores of Garhwal, Kumaon, Uttarakhand – 10 
                                         Bhishma Kukreti
  Siduva –Biduva  gatha is part of Ramola gatha. The folk stories tell that Brahmkunvar was one o f sons of Devki. Kansh killed Brahmkunvar as soon as he took birth from Devki. Siduva and Biduva were his maternal uncle. The Uttarakhandi folklore appreciates the bravery and Bugsa vidya expertise of Siduva and Biduva. Siduva saved Brahmkunvar when Krishna sent Brahmkunvar to Naglok. The initiating chants of Siduva and Biduva are
कुमाऊं और गढ़वाल की लोक गाथाएँ -10
  गढ़वाल  कुमाऊं में सिदुवा  और विदुवा  (रमोला )गाथा
(सन्दर्भ :मूल -डा गोविन्द चातक , कुमाउंनी लोक गाथाएँ )

ए दीनानाथ प्रभु गरीब का मै बाप
प्रभु सभा बैठी रया यदुवंसी सभा
प्रभु सभा बैठी रया कृष्णज्यू की सभा
शिबौ रमोली का गढ़ सभा बैठि रया
जेठो भै सिदुवा , निकांसो बिदुवा
भगवान रामोलों को बाबु बूड गंगू रमोला
 One day, Siduva informed that four months rainy season is over and Ashwin month has arrived. He told that the shepherd took their goats, bulls and caws from Goth to their villages and their animals are still in Goth. Siduva suggested Biduva to take domestic animals of Goth to Pyunli Bhabhar. Biduva suggested to take help of astrologer for taking new journey for animals.  There was no auspicious date that Siduva and Bidua could take new journey of animals to Bhabhar. The astrologer also informed about Sadhe Sati Yog on both the brothers.
 The brave Ramola came to his Ramoligarh. He was unhappy. His queen asked about his uneasiness.  Brave Ramola told that due to non availability of auspicious date he is unable to visit Pyunli Bhabhar. The queen Bijumati also suggested not visiting Pyunli Bhabhar.
 The brave Ramola did not listen. He took his animals and took them towards Pyunli Bhabhar. Both brothers were in dress. They kept an axe of Twenty two kilos. Understanding the inauspicious time, the queesn also went with the. Siduva Ramola was leading the herds of goat and sheep and Biduva was in last to take care of animals. They were also having twelve pair of dogs. Queesn Bijumati was taking the prince Baleshwar with her. They reached to Vijan forest. All were sleeping including the queen Bijumati and child Baleshwar. In night, the Ramola brothers left sleeping Bijumati and Baleshwar in Viju forestand started to go towards Bhabhar.
In morning, queen Bijumati saw that Siduva and Biduva left her and Baleshwar. She came back to Ramoligarh.
    Siduva and Biduva reached to Ghanguli cave and they rested into the cave. Biduva went in search of water but did not return till evening due to loss of path. Siduva became worried for Biduva. Siduva left the herd under the supervision of dogs and went for searching Biduva.
  When Siduva reached to Kanyali Patal he started playing flute. Due to flute music both the brothers met. Both the brothers came to their animal herd. 
 In later stage, Dwarikanath thought to diminish the proud of Ramolas. Krishna ordered his aid Kalu Bajir to win over Ramoligarh, Ramolas, and Bijumati. Ramolas were cursed for Sadhe sati and pride.
Kaluwa’s army reached to Ramoligarh.  Bijumati started weeping and started saying abd words for Siduva and Biduva. The eighty years old king Gangu Ramola told her that he will fight with Kaluwa.
 Gangu went with Cloud vessels and he threw Cloud on Kaluva. Kalu bajir saw that his army is dead and blood is flowing there. Kalu saw that Gangu was hiding behind Kharsu tree. Kalu killed Gangu with sword.
 Child Baleshwar sensed that his grandfather was dead. He asked his mother for fighting with Kaluva bajir. Baleshwar advised his mother to hide under groove. Baleshwar kept Dharmshila, Pyunlas box, twelve Vidyayen on the groove for protection.
  Baleshwar started fighting with the army of Kaluva. Baleshwar used Cloud weapon. However, Baleshwar was alone.  Shankar an aid of Klau killed Baleshwar with big knife.
Baleshwar became Kafuva bird. Baleshwar as Kafuva bird went to Bhabhar and met Siduva and Biduva. Baleshwar informed about battle with kalu Bajir.
Siduva changed his dress and became Hudkya and came to Ramoligarh. With the help of twelve Shashtra-Vidya, Dharmshila, bokasd Vidya , Siduva generated fifty two hundred brave soldiers and  fought with Kalu Bajir.
 In folklore, Siduva is seen as friend of lord Krishna. In one of folklore, both Krishna and Siduva put Ghadyal in Anchhiyari region. Siduva played Damaru and Thali and Krishna danced.
Curtsey and references:
Dr. Krishna Nand Joshi, Kumaon ka Lok Sahity
 Dr Trilochan Pandey, Kumaoni Bhasha aur Uska Sahity
Dr Siva Nand Nautiyal, Garhwal ke Lok Nrityageet 
Dr Govind Chatak, Garhwali Lokgathayen
Dr. Govind Chatak, Kumaoni Lokgathayen
Dr Urbi Datt Upadhyaya, Kumaon ki Lokgathaon ka Sahityik Adhyan
Dr. Prayag Joshi, Kumaon Garhwal ki Lokgathaon ka Vivechnatmak Adhyayan
Dr Dinesh Chandra Baluni, Uttarakhand ki Lokgathayen
Dr Jagdish (Jaggu) Naudiyal, Uttarakhand ki Sanskritik Dharohar, (Ravain) 
Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna, Dhunyal
Shambhu Prasad Bahuguna, Virat Hriday

Copyright (Interpretation) @ Bhishma Kukreti, 24/4/2013


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कलश यात्रा के साथ श्रीमद्भागवत कथा शुरू

बुधवार से जल कलश यात्रा के साथ श्रीमद्भागवत कथा शुरू हुई। कथा से पहले देव डोलियों के साथ क्षेत्रवासियों ने जल कलश यात्रा निकाली। कथा में आचार्य गणेश महाराज ने कहा कि भागवत महापुराण सभी धर्मों का मूल है। कथा श्रवण करने से ही मनुष्य के कई कष्ट दूर हो जाते हैं


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