Author Topic: Tourist Places Of Uttarakhand - उत्तराखण्ड के पर्यटक स्थल  (Read 57918 times)

पंकज सिंह महर

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       इस टोपिक के अन्तर्गत हम उत्तराखण्ड के विभिन्न पर्यटक स्थलो के बारे में जानकारी देंगे। जिन स्थानों पर व्यापक सूचना नहीं है और हमें लगता है कि यह एक पर्यटक स्थल के रुप में विकसित है या हो सकता है, उनकी जानकारी यहां पर दी जायेगी।

पंकज सिंह महर

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हमारे फोरम के नये सदस्य श्री डी०एन० बरोला जी ने रानीखेत के बारे में निम्न जानकारी दी है।

Ranikhet – a paradise for tourists.

Before reaching Ranikhet one has to stop for a while at China View, a beautiful place where Cantonment employee checks your toll tax receipt. This is a place from where you can have a glance of a wonderful sun-set. The scintillating beauty of the hills and sprawling valleys, which is visible from here, is simply marvelous. The chirping of birds returning towards their nests pronounce that the Sun God is now slowly yet certainly vanishing away in the horizon to appear on the other side of the Globe. The walk between China View and Ranikhet Club is simply superb. One is overawed to see the natural beauty of the Oak, Pine and Deodars spread over a large area. In appreciation of this walk some times back there used to be a hoarding depicting a slogan. ‘In hills it is fashion to walk and not to ride in a car’.  But this slogan is now missing. One more curve and you are near the Commandant’s Drive. Walking through the serpentine roads, you may come across a hoarding special for the attention of the Motorists-‘Curves please, slowly measure’. This reminds me of a writer describing a lady lying in pronate posture with her raised head, as a landscape of hills and valleys. This hoarding has also vanished away long back ago. There used to be another hoarding waning the rash and negligent drivers-‘It is better to be 10 minutes late here, then to die 10 years early’.

Jhula Devi Temple to Chaubatia used to be a really dense forest. Though things have not changed much yet, but the dense forest is craving for ecological conservation.  A few days back I went to Chaubatia, and on my way, I was pleasantly surprised to see a slogan “Leopards have the right of way” in Hindi and English both. I know the Leopards or other beasts would not be able to read it, but then the two legged specie called The Man can certainly read it. Such slogans at solitary spots do create an atmosphere to think and to brood over and therefore are most welcome.
It was this very month of October that I was a looking to the glanderous beauty of the Himalayas. The beautiful snowy Himalayan Peaks change colours frequently. The divine beauty of the Himalayas can be observed right from Sun rise to Sun set. Especially in October, the scenic beauty of Ranikhet is simply fantastically marvelous. During this month, the sky is absolutely without blemish. Trees and plants bathed in rain, stand in grandeur, spreading their breeze blow majestically is if bow their head to receive the visitors for the sojourn at Ranikhet. This is charm of this hill station called Ranikhet. Would you believe that 480 Km. long range of Himalayas is visible at one go from Ranikhet? Himalayas are hardly 90 Kms. away from Ranikhet as the crow flies. The Himalayan Peaks visible are Trishul, Nanda Devi, Neelkanth, Nanda Ghunti Chaukhamba, Hathi Parvat, Gaura Parvat,Bandar Puchh, Bharatkhanta, Kedarpeak, , Sukam Peak, Nandakhat, Bhanumati Peak, Panchuli Peak.etc. In all 200 Peaks are sighted from Ranikhet. Some of the Peaks are more than 6000 Meters in height.

Ranikhet has a number of tourist spots. Ashiyana Park and the Ranee Jheel are the latest attractions. With Ranikhet being given a place of honour in ‘International Gateway’ at Zone 5 by the World Tourism Organization, Ranikhet is bound to develop further as a premier tourist destination.(By D.N.Barola)

पंकज सिंह महर

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उपत :

रानीखेत-अल्मोड़ा मोटर-मार्ग के पाँचवें किलोमीटर पर उपत नामक रमणीय स्थल है।  कुमाऊँ की रमणीयता इस स्थल पर और भी आकर्षक हो जाती है।  उपत में नौ कोनों वाला विशाल गोल्फ का मैदान है।  गोल्फ के शौकीन यहाँ गर्मियों में डेरा डाले रहते हैं।  रानीखेत समीप होने की वजह से सैकड़ों प्रकृति-प्रेमी और पर्वतारोही भी इस क्षेत्र में भ्रमणार्थ आते रहते हैं।  प्रकृति का स्वच्छन्द रुप उपत में छलाक हुआ दृष्टिगोचर होता है।  रानीखेत से प्रतिदिन सैलानी यहाँ आते रहते हैं।

पंकज सिंह महर

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The snow-covered mountains of Khirsu offer a panoramic view of the Central Himalayas and attracts a large number of toursits. From here one can get a clear view of many named and unnamed peaks.
Located 19 km away from Pauri at an altitude of 1,700 m, Khirsu is a peaceful spot, free from pollution. The tranquility of the adjoining thick oak and deodar forests and apple orchards, is broken only by the chirping of birds.
The ancient temple of Ghandiyal Devta, in the vicinity, is well worth a visit. Accommodation is available at the Tourist Rest House and Forest Rest House.

पंकज सिंह महर

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Doodhatoli situated at an altitude of 3100 m, is covered with dense mixed forests. Thalisain is the last bus terminus (100 km from Pauri), from where Doodhatoli is at a distance of 24 km by trek. One of the most picturesque places, it commands a panoramic view of the Himalayan ranges and the surrounding areas.
The indomitable freedom fighter of Garhwal, Veer Chandra Singh Garwali, was enamoured by the place. As was his last wish, a memorial in his name has been erected here after his death. A humble but bold memorial in his name creates a 'never say die' atmosphere under the tall oak trees.

पंकज सिंह महर

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Chila Wildlife Sanctuary, a heaven for animal watchers is just 8 km from Haridwar and 21 km from Risikesh. Located on the banks of river Ganga, in the heart of Shivalik Hills, Chila is a part of the famous Rajaji National Park. The fauna include elephants, spotted deer, stag deer, neelgai bull, wild beer, fox, porcupine, jungle fowls and peacocks. Besides these, migratory birds are also seen on the river Ganga. There is a Tourist Rest House in addition to a Forest Rest House.

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Mahar da,

There is a thread already opened on this subject.


पंकज सिंह महर

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55 kms from Pithoragarh, situated at an elevation of 1725 mtrs. Didihat is presently the pilgrim route to Kailash Mansarovar. Didihat is located in a beautiful valley surrounded by green attractive ridge and ofkrs a fascinating view of the Panchchuli peaks.

Askot: At a distance of 54 kms from Pithoragarh, Ashot was the ancient kingdom of Katyur Dynasty. There is a palace of the last Katyuri king. The name has been derived from the word-Asi-Kot, that Is 80 forts. There are remains of the the ancient forts all over the area. The area is rich for its sal. Oak and pine forests and numerous waterfalls. The Malika Arjun Temple and the Ashram of Swami Narayan are the other places of the attraction.

Shirakote :
This place is home of God Malaynath. Shirakote provide attractive view of lush green valley and Himalayan peaks. Thal and

Ek Hathia Deval :
25 kms from Didihat on way to Chaukorl stands the famous and historic temple of Lord Shiva. 5 kms from Chaukori, Thal and Ek Hathia Deval are famous for their scenic beauty.

पंकज सिंह महर

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उत्तर वाहिनी शिप्रा नदी भवाली होकर बहती है। भवाली के पास एक ऊँची चोटी है जिसे गागर नामन से जाना जाता  है। यहाँ से हिमालय पर्वत श्रंखला का स्पष्ट दृश्य दिखाई देता है।
      उत्तराखण्ड का यह स्थान देवभूमि (देवताओं व ऋषि- मुनियों का निवास) कहलाता है, बाबा नीम करोली महारज सोमबारी बाबा के भक्त थे। उन्होंने इस स्थान को तपस्या के लिए चुना। सोमबारी बाबा के बारें में कहा जाता है कि उनके तपस्या स्थल में भण्डारें का आयोजन होता था। इस भण्डारे में लगभग 4000 लोग उपस्थित होते थे। एक बार लोगों को खिलाते खिलाते घी खत्म हो गया, कई लोग भोजन किए बिना रह गये। बाबा जी निकटवर्ती कलसा नदी में गये और वहाँ से एक कनस्तर जल ले आये जो कढ़ाई में डालते ही घी में बदल गया। इस प्रकार शेष बचें लोंगों के भोजन कराया गया, उसी समय भीमताल से घी का एक कनस्तर वहां आ पहुंचा बाबा जी ने वह घी नदी में डाल दिया जो पानी में बदल गया । इस प्रकार की चमत्कारिक घटनाओं के कारण इस स्थान का धार्मिक महत्व बढ़ गया।
प्राचीन काल से ही मुक्तेश्वर ऋषि, मुनियो व साधु सन्यासियो की शरणस्थली अथवा प्रायश्चित का स्थान रहा है। पाण्डवकालीन प्रमाणो से ज्ञात होता है कि हिन्दू मंदिरो के देवी-देवतागणो की उपस्थिति से यह स्थान दैवीय आशीर्वाद से युक्त हो गया, यह विश्वास है कि अनेक देवी-देवता यहॉ के घने जंगलो मे पक्षियो के रूप मे भ्रमण करते है तथा अपनी आवाज मे सुन्दर मन्त्रो का उच्चारण कर इस स्थान को पवित्र करते है , शिव मंदिर के पुजारी के अनुसार निकटवर्ती गॉवो मे पाण्डवो द्वारा प्रयुक्त चक्की के अवशेष आज भी उपलब्ध है ,जब पाण्डव यहॉ आये तब उन्होने इसी प्रकार की चक्की का प्रयोग आटा पीसने के लिए किया था ।


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Mahar Ji Let me correct you on this one…>

Ek Hathia Devalay
Ek Hathia Devalay is situated in Baltir village which is like 1-1.5 km from Thal town(distt-Pithoragarh) and may be like 20-25 kms from Chaukori.And Siva Mandir is in Thal town itself.

There is an interesting story about Ek Hathia Devalay like it's name indicates it was carved by only one person in one night  on a single rock by using only one hand and a single tool.
It’s a piece of art for sure, but you can not do any worship etc here. There is a major fault in this temple the Shiv-Ling in this Devalaya faces south which incorrect. East and the north are the only two acceptable orientations for the base of Shiva ling in any temple as stipulated in our Shastras. So the base Shiva ling is noticed either facing East or North direction in any temple. While the devotee, who is worshipping Shiva-Ling is facing the East the base of Shiva Ling shall be oriented towards north direction. When the disciple is facing north while worshipping, the base of Shiv-Ling shall be oriented towards East.
There is happy water fall to the left of the Devalay and also a Naula(you guys know Naula don’t you??)  .One more interesting thing about this Devalay is if you pat on the inner walls you can hear some sort of  music. It feels like you are patting on a capper plate which is quite amazing.
One can reach here easily by a cab/car or by our good old foot:-p

55 kms from Pithoragarh, situated at an elevation of 1725 mtrs. Didihat is presently the pilgrim route to Kailash Mansarovar. Didihat is located in a beautiful valley surrounded by green attractive ridge and ofkrs a fascinating view of the Panchchuli peaks.

Askot: At a distance of 54 kms from Pithoragarh, Ashot was the ancient kingdom of Katyur Dynasty. There is a palace of the last Katyuri king. The name has been derived from the word-Asi-Kot, that Is 80 forts. There are remains of the the ancient forts all over the area. The area is rich for its sal. Oak and pine forests and numerous waterfalls. The Malika Arjun Temple and the Ashram of Swami Narayan are the other places of the attraction.

Shirakote :
This place is home of God Malaynath. Shirakote provide attractive view of lush green valley and Himalayan peaks. Thal and

Ek Hathia Deval :
25 kms from Didihat on way to Chaukorl stands the famous and historic temple of Lord Shiva. 5 kms from Chaukori, Thal and Ek Hathia Deval are famous for their scenic beauty.


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