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Fishes In Uttarakhand Rivers - उत्तराखंड की नदियों के जलचर

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Biologist and extreme angler Jeremy Wade caught this fish in Kaliganga in some part of Uttarakhand. According to him the quality of water is so pure in this area of Himalayas that it provides a conducive environment for fishes to grow that big. He also concluded there are chances of finding fishes which are far bigger than this one.

Video of this catch can be seen here


एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720:

Nice aritlce rawat ji.

--- Quote from: Rawat_72 on April 13, 2009, 09:00:31 AM ---Biologist and extreme angler Jeremy Wade caught this fish in Kaliganga in some part of Uttarakhand. According to him the quality of water is so pure in this area of Himalayas that it provides a conducive environment for fishes to grow that big. He also concluded there are chances of finding fishes which are far bigger than this one.

--- End quote ---

Anubhav / अनुभव उपाध्याय:
Good article Rawat ji.

Too Big!!


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