Author Topic: Some Scheme/ Initiative Taken by Uttarakhand Govt- सरकार की पहल  (Read 46830 times)

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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We will give the update of various initiative taken by the Uttarakhand Govt in this thread.
Hope you will also provide the subject details here.
M S Mehta

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GPF status by SMS for Uttarakhand employees
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2010, 04:22:58 PM »
   GPF status by SMS for Uttarakhand employees     SMS GPF services will help state government employees track status of their General Provident Fund (GPF) accounts at the click of a mouse   
Dehradun: In a fresh e-Governance initiative, the Uttarakhand government has launched SMS GPF services to help state government employees track status of their General Provident Fund (GPF) accounts at the click of a mouse.

With this, Uttarakhand has become the second state to offer these services after Tamil Nadu. This facility has been jointly launched by the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General and
National Informatics Centre (NIC).
The facility of obtaining GPF information through SMS would benefit around one lakh state government employees of Uttarakhand.

The employees can get details of the monthly deposit, monthly withdrawal, yearly status and opening and closing balance through this new facility.

For availing of the services, the state government employees would have to log on to website  and go inside the SMS menu where they can enter their GPF number and register themselves for obtaining the information. The updated information would then be sent to their mobile through the SMS.

According to Uttarakhand Auditor General Praveer Pandey, the SMS GPF services would bring about transparency in governance and enable the employees to know of their GPF accounts at the click of a mouse.

This is also the part of the government’s e- Governance initiative for better administration and employee satisfaction. Around 30,000 mobile numbers have already been registered for these services in the state.
—iGovernment Bureau

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Authorities in Uttarakhand resort to bio-fencing to prevent accidents

Various authorities in Uttarakhand have come together to prevent accidents by taking up bio fencing along the state's accident-prone highways.

The forest department, the department of transportation, public works department and the district administration have now identified 45 places that are prone to such frequent accidents.

The highways entwine steep hills and rescue operations become difficult when vehicles fall into gorges.

Officials said they aimed to plant bamboo saplings for 50 to 100 meters on the roadside, which will grow into a natural hedge.

"This is an accident prone zone, if a vehicle falls it goes deep down into the gorge. To stop such accidents we are making this bamboo fencing. We are planting healthy rhizome bamboos at five feet from each other. After one or two years it will grow into a natural hedge and work as a fencing," said K C Tiwari, the forest range officer of Nainital.

Officials said the project would be implemented in two phases, with an emphasis on 45 accident-prone areas.

"In the first phase we have selected two routes, one is from Haldwani to Bhawari which is a hilly road and other is Haldwani to Nainital via Kathgodam. On the whole we have selected 45 such accident prone areas in which we are going to establish bio-fencing of 50 to 100 meters," said Parag Madhurkar, divisional forest officer and Bio-Fencing project in-charge, Nainital.

Dendrocalamus Strictus, a strong and superior quality of bamboo is being planted, which fully grows up in two to three years. By Vipul Goel (ANI)

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Uttarakhand govt clears scheme of financial assistance to

writers for publishing books     Dehra Dun, Jul 29 (PTI) Uttarakhand Chief Minister  Ramesh Pokhariyal Nishank has approved a scheme for providing  financial assistance to writers for publishing their books.     The state's culture department would have the right to  sanction upto Rs 2 lakh to the writers for publication of  their book. However, if the publication requires more than Rs  2 lakh, the department has to forward the matter to the  government, an official release said.     For the purpose, the poet or the writers have to submit  10 copies of their manuscript to the department. The culture  department would have the right to fix the price of the book.However, the royalty would be paid to the writer, the release  added

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Uttarakhand CM announces job quota for statehood activists

Uttarakhand chief minister Ramesh Pokhariyal Nishank today announced 10% reservation in government jobs for Uttarakhand statehood agitationists.

After unfurling the national flag at the historic parade ground here on the occasion of Independence Day, he also said a pension of Rs10,000 per month will given to the activists who became disabled during the statehood movement of 1990s.

Besides, the chief minister announced that Siddowala Polytechnic will be converted to the first technology college for women in the state. He said a women's university will be set up in the hill state.

On the occasion of Independence Day, Nishank honoured 37 officials and employees for successful conduct of the Mahakumbh Mela in Haridwar earlier this year.

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स्वतंत्रता दिवस पर तोहफों की बौछार

देहरादून। मुख्यमंत्री डा. रमेश पोखरियाल निशंक ने स्वतंत्रता दिवस के मौके पर सूबे के नागरिकों के लिए कई घोषणाएं की। इसी दिन सीएम का जन्म दिन भी होता है। लिहाजा इसे सीएम का रिटर्न गिफ्ट भी माना जा रहा है।

परेड ग्राउंड में आयोजित मुख्य समारोह में सीएम डा. निशंक ने कहा कि अब सभी आंदोलनकारियों को सरकारी नौकरियों में दस फीसदी का क्षैतिज आरक्षण दिया जाएगा। शारीरिक रूप से अक्षम आंदोलनकारियों को दस हजार रुपये की विशेष मासिक पेंशन दी जाएगी। सीएम ने कहा कि वनस्थली विद्यापीठ के सहयोग से राज्य में एक महिला विश्वविद्यालय की स्थापना होगी तो सुद्दोवाला पालीटेक्निक को सूबे के पहले महिला तकनीकी कालेज के रूप में विकसित किया जाएगा। डा. निशंक ने कहा कि हर जिले में एक निकाय को आदर्श निकाय के रूप में विकसित किया जाएगा। इसके विकास में सरकार विशेष मदद देगी। जड़ी-बूटी कृषिकरण प्रोत्साहन के तहत 50 हजार किसानों को लाभान्वित करके उन्हें 50 फीसदी अनुदान दिया जाएगा। इस बार 300 से अधिक सुदूरवर्ती स्वास्थ्य केंद्रों पर सहायकों की तैनाती होगी।

डा. निशंक ने कहा कि सूबे के शहीदों की याद में शौर्य वृक्षारोपण कार्यक्रम शुरू किया गया है। इस कार्य में अच्छा काम करने वाले तीन स्कूलों को राज्य स्तरीय तरुश्री पुरस्कार से नवाजा जाएगा। सूबे में साहित्यकारों को प्रोत्साहन देने के इरादे से राज्य ललित कला अकादमी का गठन जल्द ही किया जाएगा।

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                          दीनदयाल उपाध्याय विवि को हरी झंडी        

देहरादून। कैबिनेट ने नए एफिलिएटिंग विश्वविद्यालय का नामकरण पंडित   दीनदयाल उपाध्याय विवि किया है। इसे अस्थायी तौर पर देहरादून से संचालित   किया जाएगा। लघु व मध्यम उद्योगों से सरकारी खरीद होने के बाद देनदारी   विवाद के निस्तारण के लिए फेसिलिटेशन काउंसिल का गठन होगा। नए मनोरजनों को   भी कर के दायरे में लाने को स्वीकृति दी गई है।
 सचिवालय सभागार में कैबिनेट के निर्णयों की ब्रीफिंग करते हुए मुख्य   सचिव एनएस नपलच्याल ने बताया कि सरकार ने नए एफिलिएटिंग विवि का नाम पंडित   दीनदयाल उपाध्याय विश्वविद्यालय करने का निर्णय किया है। लघु व मध्यम   उद्योगों से होने वाली सरकारी खरीद के सापेक्ष देनदारी विवादों को हल करने   के लिए फेसिलिटेशन काउंसिल (सुविधाएं मुहैया कराने के लिए परिषद) का गठन   उद्योग निदेशक की अध्यक्षता में होगा। इसमें उद्योगों के प्रतिनिधि भी   शामिल किए जाएंगे। काउंसिल की बैठक में आपसी सहमति से देनदारी विवाद के   मसले हल होंगे। उन्होंने बताया कि लघु व मध्यम उद्योगों को बीमार होने से   बचाने को यह कदम उठाया गया है। मुख्य सचिव ने बताया कि कैबिनेट ने वृद्ध   तथा अस्वस्थ कलाकारों, साहित्यकारों व लेखकों की पेंशन को एक हजार से   बढ़ाकर तीन हजार रुपये कर दिया है। यदि इन लोगों को अन्य स्रोतों से भी   पेंशन मिलती है तो उसका इस पेंशन पर कोई असर नहीं पड़ेगा। इसके लिए संस्कृति   सचिव की अध्यक्षता में राज्य स्तरीय समिति गठित की गई है। समिति पेंशन के   लिए पात्र लोगों का चयन करेगी। वर्तमान में पेंशन के 49 आवेदन संस्कृति   विभाग को मिल चुके हैं। विभाग ने इस मामले में सर्वेक्षण भी किया है, ताकि   लेखकों, कलाकारों व साहित्यकारों को चिन्हित किया जा सके। कैबिनेट ने   मनोरंजन कर के अलग-अलग अधिनियमों को अधिक सम्यक बनाने का निर्णय किया है।   इसके लिए एक नियमावली बनाई जाएगी। मनोरंजन कर की दरों में भी बदलाव पर   सहमति बनी है और नए मनोरंजनों को कर के दायरे में लाने को हरी झंडी दे दी   गई है। ब्रीफिंग के दौरान प्रमुख सचिव पीसी शर्मा व राकेश शर्मा भी मौजूद   थे।


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Uttarakhand govt forms new sub-district
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2010, 09:49:29 AM »
Uttarakhand govt forms new sub-district   
Dehradun, Aug 29 (PTI) Uttarakhand government has formed a new sub-district in Haldwani in Nainital district to facilitate administrative work. The formation of the sub-district will help people deposit their taxes and buy and sell their lands easily, official sources said. Finance Secretary Radha Raturi has issued a direction in this regard, they said.

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Uttarakhand forest department initiates tree transplantation drive
                  2010-09-05 20:50:00               
,   Sep.5 (ANI): In a unique display of bionomical sensitivity, forest   officials in Uttarakhand's Haldwani district have decided to transplant   old trees instead of felling them. 
  The step is being undertaken as part of the ongoing road-widening project on the Haldwani-Nainital National Highway here.
  Trees, which are over 40 years old, are being transplanted under this   initiative. These trees are first taken out of the surface along with   their roots and then shifted to about 200 metres away with the help of   large cranes.   
  The forest department has plans to undertake 50 trees. It costs about Rs.5,000 to 7,000 for transplantation of a tree.
  It takes about five to six hours to transplant a tree.
  The attempt, carried out under the supervision of environmental experts,   was undertaken to make way for a new highway coming up in the region.
  Using coordinated efforts of technology, the meticulously planned   transplantation exercise was aimed at creating 'green' avenues for   similar development initiatives in the future.
  A team, headed by the district forest officer utilized all available   resources to inflict minimum damage on the trees during the   transplantation.
  "We are building a new road on the national highway from Haldwani to   Nainital. To widen the roads, we had to cut some trees from the way.   However, instead of cutting the trees, we have tried to undertake a   massive transplantation experiment here," said Parag Mathur, the forest   officer.
  However, this was the first time when such a large-scale effort to save forests was carried out in Uttarakhand.
  According to experts, tree transplantation techniques usually have a 60 to 70 percent success rate.
  "Basically, a week before shifting the tree, its roots and branches are   trimmed so that it can store food and nutrients from the soil   beforehand. Then, we dig the tree out of the ground in a way so that   minimum damage to the roots is inflicted and this depends on the   diameter and the age of the tree that is being uprooted," said Bhuvan   Chand Joshi, an environmental expert.
  Clarity, caution and precision are the keys to ensure that no damage is done to the transplanted tree, added Joshi.
  To minimize chances of infections, Indole Butyric Acid (IBC) is used to   promote the formation of roots at their new location. By Vipul Goel (ANI


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GVK's Alaknanda project suspended in uttarakhand
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2010, 01:00:04 PM »
GVK's Alaknanda project suspended in uttarakhand   
After the closure of three hydel projects, yet another major project has become the target of the ruling BJP’s politics in Uttarakhand.
The government has suspended the construction work of the 330-megawatt (Mw) Alaknanda hydel project at Srinagar, which is being built by infrastructure major GVK with an investment of Rs 2,769 crore.
With BJP leaders led by former state minister Mohan Singh Gaonwasi leading an agitation against the project on the issue of submergence of the Dhari Devi temple, the state government has set up a committee to look into the various issues related with the project and submit its report within 15 days time. Till the committee completed its work, the work on the dam site would remain suspended, officials here said.
The BJP government’s decision has been strongly resented by GVK, which had earlier agreed to elevate the Dhari Devi temple in order to save it from the reservoir of the dam. GVK had decided to elevate the height of the temple to 19 meters and build necessary infrastructure. The company is spending Rs 182 crore on R&R work which also includes the elevation of the temple.
"We have asked the government not to suspend the work as it would hamper our efforts to complete the dam by 2011. The government can easily complete its inquiry without affecting the construction work," said GVK Power CEO and Director P V Prasanna Reddy.
The move is also being seen as an apparent attempt by Chief Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank, who seeks to contest next assembly elections from Srinagar constituency, to appease the agitating local BJP and VHP workers.
Another issue related with the project is its height. The local leaders were alleging that the height of the dam was increased, due to which submergence area of the reservoir also got enlarged. On the other hand, Reddy claimed the height was never increased from 66 metres, only the foundation has been dug deeper.
Three major projects – 600 mw Loharinag Pala, 480 mw Pala Maneri and 381 mw Bhaironghati – had already been closed mainly on the demand of the state BJP government


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