Author Topic: Important Days Related To Uttarakhand - उत्तराखण्ड से संबंधित महत्वपूर्ण दिवस  (Read 25378 times)

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Mainly Punjabi trespassers seize much of the best Terai land. The dispossession of the native Pahari inhabitants (Buksha and Tharu tribals) and other Hindi-speaking residents exacerbates communal tensions. Various U.P. governments, influenced by big landowning interests, legalize land seizures.

Women organize to fight alcohol consumption in the hills, a distressing byproduct of development and the worsening economic situation.

P.C. Joshi and other Kumaoni intellectuals form the Kumaon Morcha group to agitate for local autonomy. Bitter political infighting with the Garhwal-based Uttaranchal Parishad deflates the movement.

Due to erosion and declining ground cover, the Alaknanda floods, killing hundreds of people.

The Chipko movement struggles for the forest rights of Uttarakhandi people. Marches, demonstrations, and spontaneous actions in defense of the forests spread throughout the hills. Gandhian in nature, the movement's activists fan out across the hills to organize peasants against the commercial interests undermining their livelihoods.

Non-violent forest rights demonstrations are held in Uttar Kashi and Gopeshwar.

Gaura Devi leads village women to save Reni forest from contractors.

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Student activists form the left-oriented Uttarakhand Sangarsh Vahini to fight the liquor and timber mafias that benefit from their collusion with the police.

Chipko spreads to Kumaon.

Several attempts to fell Uttarakhand forests are thwarted by mass action on the part of local villagers. Once again, women play a pivotal role in the struggle to save the trees.

Activists form the Uttarakhand Kranti Dal to contest elections and pursue statehood for the impoverished region

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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The Indian government bans the felling of trees above 1000 meters. However, the Forest Protection Act has the unintended consequence of strengthening the timber mafia while also depriving people of their forest rights.

Improving relations between India and China allows for the reopening of the pilgrimage route to Mt. Kailash and Lake Mansarovar (through Pitharogarh district and to Tibet through Lipu Lekh pass).

Anti-alcohol agitation begins anew and sharpens social tensions between men and women in the hills. Deforestation continues, though tempered by government regulations. Mining interests and dam projects threaten the Himalayan ecosystem.

Several left-leaning organizations assemble to form the Uttarakhand Sanyukta Sangarsh Samiti (USSS) to campaign for autonomy.

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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A devastating earthquake rocks Uttar Kashi, killing over 2,000 people. The slowness of relief operations and reconstruction upsets many hill residents, already accustom to the prolonged neglect afforded the region by state and federal governments.

Despite measures in the state legislature towards granting separate status for Uttarakhand, the new backward-caste dominated government of Uttar Pradesh extends caste reservations into the hills. These reservations, though established to increase opportunity and social justice for low-caste people, meets with fierce resistance in Uttarakhand. Uttarakhandis see the measures as an attempt to colonize the hills with people from the plains, as low-caste Hindus make up a tiny fraction of the hill districts' population. Demonstrations are fired upon, leaving dozens dead. On October 2, the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, buses carrying protesters to the capital are stopped in the town of Muzaffarnagar. More violence ensues including the molestation and rape of dozens of Uttarakhand women by state police.

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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The cover-up of the 1994 incidents unravels under further investigation. The Uttar Pradesh government refuses to acknowledge responsibility. Uttarakhandis hold monthly protest rallies in remembrance of the movement's martyrs.

Massive forest fires in May devastate Uttarakhand

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Through the years

1924 The first demand for Statehood raised by Kumaon Parishad

1931 Kumaon Commissioner Evitson submitted report on economic backwardness of the region to Government of United Province

1938 The All India Congress at its Srinagar (Garhwal) convention chaired by Jawahar Lal Nehru moots Statehood to the region

1946 Haldwani convention of the All India Congress chaired by Badri Dutt Pandey demands separate administrative unit for hills. Demand rejected by United Province Premier G.B. Pant

1952 Communist Party of India General Secretary P.C. Joshi submits a memorandum to Government of India for Statehood to the hills

1953 Three-member States Reorganisation Commission formed by Central Government under Fazal Ali does not consider demand for Uttarakhand though one member, K.M. Panicker, supports it.

1965 The Communist Party moots proposal for an Autonomous Hill State.

1973 Uttarakhand Parvatiya Rajya Parishad gives `Dilli Chalo' call to press for Statehood

1974 Congress MP Pratap Singh Negi presents a proposal in Parliament for creation of Uttarakhand

1979 Uttarakhand Rajya Parishad constituted by Janata Party MP Trepan Singh Negi holds a rally in Delhi on July 28, 1980. Jaswant Singh Bisht of the first regional party, the Uttarakhand Kranti Dal (UKD), wins assembly election from Ranikhet.

1986 Demonstrations protesting delay in formation of Uttarakhand mark Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi's Pauri and Nainital visit

1987 Demonstration and rally organised at Boat Club on November 231988 Jail Bharo agitation launched by the UKD at district headquarters

1989 Two UKD members, Kashi Singh Airi and Jaswant Singh Bisht, win their respective Assembly seats

1990 Uttarakhand Kranti March is organised by the UKD. UP Assembly adopts a unanimous resolution to form Uttarakhand

1991 The UKD supports Mulayam, loses all assembly seats in Uttarakhand. The Janata Dal demands Hardwar be made part of Uttarakhand. The CPI's memorandum to prime minister too demands Hardwar's merger in Uttarakhand

1992 The UP Assembly adopts another unanimous resolution to be sent to the Centre demanding statehood to `Uttaranchal'

1994 Mulayam's decision to enforce 27-per cent quota for OBCs in the hills, evokes large-scale protests. Police fire on agitators at Mussoorie, Khatima, Srinagar and Muzaffarnagar

1995 Anti-quota protests taken over by the demand for a separate State, agitation dies a natural death due to vested interests of leaders

1996 Prime Minister H.D. Deve Gowda during Independence Day speech lists formation of Uttarakhand among his priorities. Again, promises on the eve of assembly elections to bring Uttarakhand into existence by March 31, 1997.

1997 The BSP-BJP Government passes another resolution demanding Statehood for Uttaranchal. The Centre prepares draft bill which is awaiting the approval of the Union Cabinet.

पंकज सिंह महर

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9 नवम्बर, 2000- पृथक उत्तराखण्ड राज्य की आधिकारिक घोषणा एवं उत्तरांचल नाम से नये राज्य का गठन।

12 जनवरी, 2001, उत्तराखण्ड विधान सभा का पहला सत्र विधान सभा भवन, देहरादून में प्रारम्भ हुआ।

18-03-2002 - निर्वाचित उत्तराखण्ड विधान सभा का पहला सत्र प्रारम्भ हुआ।

1 जनवरी, 2007- प्रदेश का नाम उत्तरांचल से परिवर्तित कर उत्तराखण्ड किया गया।

Parashar Gaur

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: In Gadwal whos from where and when
by parashargaur on 10 Dec 2008 11:02

सन 1300 के बाद गडवाल में हुई मुख्य घटनाए .....

1358 ....... श्रीनगर की स्थापना हुयी थी !

सन 1791 नेपाल ने गडवाल पर चडाई कर के वो लंगूरगडी तक आगये थे ! राजा जयकृतशाह और के साथ संधि हुई और निर्णय
लिया गया की गडवाल नेपाल को हर साल 3000 हज़ार कलदार बतौर हरजाना देगा !

सन 1803 गडवाल में बहुत बुरा अकाल पडा जिसके कारण वो नेपाल को पैसे नही दे पाये ! नेपाल ने
गडवाल पर युद्ध कर दिया ! नेपाल की सेना ने बहुत बुरा वर्तावाव किया ! माँ बहिनों के ईज़त
लूटी ! मासूम बाचौ को उर्ख्याली ' पथर से बनी धान कूटने के गहरा गाढा जैसा " मे
डालकर कुटा ! आजतक उसे गुख्यानी के नाम से भी जाना जाता है !

सन 1804 , ४ मई - गडवाल के राजा प्रधोमानाशाहा और नेपाल थापा के बीच देहरादून के खुडबुडा मोहला
के पास घामासान युद्ध होवा जिसमे राजा मारा गया ! सन १४ तक गुर्खाओने गडवाल पर
राज किया !

सन 1904 में ही राजा सुदर्शन साह ने टिहरी अपनी नई राजधानी बनाई !

सन 14-15 राजा सुधार्शन साह ने गुरखाओं को भगाने के लिए अंगरेजो से मदद मांगी ! जिसे 'सिंगुओली के
संधी ' के नाम से भी जाना जाता है जिसमे गडवाल को दो भागो में बांटा गया एक टेहरी
गडवाल जो राजा के पास रहा गया और दोसरी पौडी गडवाल जो के पास चलागया
जिसे ब्रिटिशों गडवाल भी कहा जाता है !

सन 1823 में गडवाल में बंदोवस्त सुरू हुआ !

सन 1824 गडवाल में चा की खेती सुरू की गयी !

सन 1826 मसूरी की स्थापना हुई !

सन 1858 गडवाल में पहले बार भर्ती सुरू हुई !

सन 1880 कालौ डांडा के नाम को बदलकर लोर्ड लेंसीडाउन के नाम पर ' लेंसीडाउन' रखा गया !

सन 1887 पहली गडवाल पलटन पिथोरागढ़ से लेंसीडाउन आई !

सन 1890 पहली बार गडवाल में दारू / सराब का चलन शुरू हवा !

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