Author Topic: गढ़वाल का इतिहास 1223-1804 AD- History of Garhwal Region from 1223-1804 AD  (Read 198070 times)

Bhishma Kukreti

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 History aspects- Entertainment through Folk Stories in Garhwal in Pal /Shah Period
                Entertainment in Garhwal – 3

Administration, Social and Cultural Characteristics History of Garhwal in Shah Dynasty -81 

   History of Garhwal including Haridwar (1223- 1804 AD) –part -271     
   History of Uttarakhand (Garhwal, Kumaon and Haridwar) -518
                        By: Bhishma Kukreti (A History Research Student)

 People used to entertain them by telling Folk Tales. Folk Tales were also means of teaching management lesions to the new generation and reminding management lesions to the older generation.
Dr Mohan Babulkar classified Garhwali folk stories as follows –
1-Folk Tales related to Deities and Goddesses (Dev Lok Kathayen)
2-Normal Story (Katha )
3-Relgious Folk Tales (Vrat Kathayen)
4-Inspiring/Preaching Folk Stories (Updeshatmak Kathayen) –
A-Birds stories
b- Animal Stories
C-Knowledge offering Stories
5-Entertaining Folk Stories
6-Ghost Folk Stories
7-Fairy Folk tales
8- Problem Solution Folk Tales
9-Misclenious Folk Tales


Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti Mumbai, India, 21/12/2014
History of Garhwal – Kumaon-Haridwar (Uttarakhand, India) to be continued… Part -519
(The History of Garhwal, Kumaon, Haridwar write up is aimed for general readers)
History of Garhwal from 1223-1804 to be continued in next chapter ….
History of Characteristics of Garhwal Kings Shah dynasty, to be continued

Notes on Garhwal ka Itihas, Garhwal ka Madhy Yugin Itihas , South Asian Modern Period  History of Garhwal;  South Asian Modern Period   History of Pauri Garhwal; South Asian  Modern Period   History of Chamoli Garhwal;  South Asian Modern Period   History of Rudraprayag Garhwal;  South Asian Modern  History of Tehri Garhwal;  South Asian Modern  History of Uttarkashi Garhwal;  South Asian Modern Period   History of Dehradun, Garhwal;  Modern  History of Haridwar ;  South Asian Modern Period   History of Manglaur, Haridwar;  South Asian Modern Period   History of Rurkee Haridwar ;  South Asian Modern Period   History of Bahadarpur Haridwar ; South Asian Modern Period  History of Haridwar district, South Asian History of Bijnor old Garhwal
History aspects- Entertainment through Folk Stories in Garhwal in Pal /Shah Period; Entertainment through Folk Stories in Tehri Garhwal in Pal /Shah Period; Entertainment through Folk Stories in Uttarkashi Garhwal in Pal /Shah Period; Entertainment through Folk Stories in Dehradun Garhwal in Pal /Shah Period; Entertainment through Folk Stories in Haridwar Garhwal in Pal /Shah Period; Entertainment through Folk Stories in Pauri Garhwal in Pal /Shah Period; Entertainment through Folk Stories in Chamoli Garhwal in Pal /Shah Period; Entertainment through Folk Stories in Rudraprayag Garhwal in Pal /Shah Period;   
स्वच्छ भारत !  स्वच्छ भारत ! बुद्धिमान भारत

Bhishma Kukreti

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             History Aspects of Proverbs and Sayings of Garhwal

Administration, Social and Cultural Characteristics History of Garhwal in Shah Dynasty -82 

   History of Garhwal including Haridwar (1223- 1804 AD) –part -272     
   History of Uttarakhand (Garhwal, Kumaon and Haridwar) -519
                        By: Bhishma Kukreti (A History Research Student)

 Garhwal and Kumaon are famous for highest proverbs and sayings in any language (record 13000).
The proverbs are classified as –
1-Proverbs related to human types, concepts, epitomes, maxims, proper etc
2- Proverbs and saying focused on places and people
3-Proverbs and saying centered on historic or protagonist personalities
4-Proverbs related to mythology, god, heroes, spectacular human acts etc 
5-Proverbs human, animal, plant behaviors
Many proverbs are created by people taking examples from Kings, Ministers, Army chiefs  and their deeds.
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti Mumbai, India, 22/12/2014
History of Garhwal – Kumaon-Haridwar (Uttarakhand, India) to be continued… Part -520
(The History of Garhwal, Kumaon, Haridwar write up is aimed for general readers)
History of Garhwal from 1223-1804 to be continued in next chapter ….
History of Characteristics of Garhwal Kings Shah dynasty, to be continued

Notes on Garhwal ka Itihas, Garhwal ka Madhy Yugin Itihas , South Asian Modern Period  History of Garhwal;  South Asian Modern Period   History of Pauri Garhwal; South Asian  Modern Period   History of Chamoli Garhwal;  South Asian Modern Period   History of Rudraprayag Garhwal;  South Asian Modern  History of Tehri Garhwal;  South Asian Modern  History of Uttarkashi Garhwal;  South Asian Modern Period   History of Dehradun, Garhwal;  Modern  History of Haridwar ;  South Asian Modern Period   History of Manglaur, Haridwar;  South Asian Modern Period   History of Rurkee Haridwar ;  South Asian Modern Period   History of Bahadarpur Haridwar ; South Asian Modern Period  History of Haridwar district, South Asian History of Bijnor old Garhwal
स्वच्छ भारत !  स्वच्छ भारत ! बुद्धिमान भारत

Bhishma Kukreti

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                  Hearsay Proposing Rewards for Kumaonis

                      Gurkha/Nepalese defeating Hearsay -9   
                 History British Campaign for Capturing Kumaon -41
Nepal Rule over Kumaun, Garhwal and Himachal (1790-1815) -254
            History of Uttarakhand (Garhwal, Kumaon and Haridwar) -782   
                          By: Bhishma Kukreti (A History Student)

       Hearsay captured Champawat due to Kumauni fighters and Subedar Bahadur Singh. Hearsay wrote a letter to Gardner on 1st March 1815 wherein he clearly noted that the win was solely due to Kuamuni soldiers and not due to Rohila soldiers.
           Hearsay demanded money and gun, bullets as gifts for rewarding Kumaunis. Hearsay tried for purchasing guns from Pilibhit for gifting to Kuamunis. Hearsay proposed that British should oofer Rs 50/- , Dushala and a turban to each Group leaders of Fartyal, Mahra, Tadagi etc groups.  He proposed rewards for soldiers who participated in winning Champawat and other influential people of Kumaon too.

(From writings of B D Pande, Atkinson, Preamble, Sanwal, Saxsena,  Fraser etc) 
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti Mumbai, India, 26/4/2016
History of Garhwal – Kumaon-Haridwar (Uttarakhand, India) to be continued… Part -783
*** History of Gorkha/Gurkha /Nepal Rule over Kumaun, Garhwal and Himachal (1790-1815) to be continued in next chapter
(The History of Garhwal, Kumaon, Haridwar write up is aimed for general readers)
XX                    Reference    
Atkinson E.T., 1884, 1886, Gazetteer of Himalayan Districts …
Hamilton F.B. 1819, An Account of Kingdom of Nepal and the territories
Colnol Kirkpatrik 1811, An Account of Kingdom of Nepal
Dr S.P Dabral, Uttarakhand ka Itihas part 5, Veer Gatha Press, Dogadda
Bandana Rai, 2009 Gorkhas,: The Warrior Race
Krishna Rai Aryal, 1975, Monarchy in Making Nepal, Shanti Sadan, Giridhara, Nepal
I.R.Aryan and T.P. Dhungyal, 1975, A New History of Nepal , Voice of Nepal
L.K Pradhan, Thapa Politics:
Gorkhavansavali, Kashi, Bikram Samvat 2021 
Derek J. Waller, The Pundits: British Exploration of Tibet and Central Asia page 172-173
B. D. Pande, Kumaon ka Itihas
Balchandra Sharma, Nepal ko Aitihasik Rup Rekha
Chaudhari , Anglo  –Nepalese Relations
Pande, Vasudha , Compares Histriographical Traditions of Gorkha Rule in Nepal and Kumaon
Pradhan , Kumar, 1991, The Gorkha Conquests , Oxford University  Press
Minyan Govrdhan Singh , History of Himachal Pradesh
A.P Coleman, 1999, A Special Corps
Captain Thomas Smith, 1852,Narrative of a Five Years Residence at Nepal Vol.1
Maula Ram/Mola Ram  , Ranbahadurchandrika and Garhrajvanshkavya
J B Fraser , Asiatic Research
Shyam Ganguli, Doon Rediscovered
Minyan Prem Singh, Guldast Tabarikh Koh Tihri Garhwal
Patiram Garhwal , Ancient and Modern
Tara Datt Gairola, Parvtiy Sanskriti
John Premble, Invasion of Nepal
Chitranjan Nepali, Bhimsen Thapa aur Tatkalin Nepal
Sanwal, Nepal and East India Company
Nagendra kr Singh, Refugee to Ruler
Saxena, Historical papers related to Kumaon
Paper Respecting Nepal War by East India Company (papers in Stock)
Basu, Rise of Christian Power in India)
Moti Lal Ghosh, an article in Amrit Bazar Patrika
History Gurkha /Gorkha Rule over Garhwal, Kumaon, Uttarakhand Ruthless Gurkha/Nepalese Administration in Himachal; Himachal; History Gurkha /Gorkha Rule over Pauri Garhwal, Udham Singh Nagar Kumaon, Uttarakhand Ruthless Gurkha/Nepalese Administration in Himachal; Sirmour Himachal; History Gurkha /Gorkha Rule over Chamoli Garhwal, Nainital Kumaon, Uttarakhand; Kangara Himachal Ruthless Gurkha/Nepalese Administration in Himachal; History Gurkha /Gorkha Rule over Rudraprayag Garhwal, Almora Kumaon, Uttarakhand; Baghat Himachal; History Gurkha /Gorkha Rule over Tehri Garhwal, Champawat Kumaon, Uttarakhand Ruthless Gurkha/Nepalese Administration in Himachal; Punar Himachal; History Gurkha /Gorkha Rule over Uttarkashi Garhwal, Bageshwar Kumaon, Uttarakhand;  Nahan Himachal; History Gurkha /Gorkha Rule over Dehradun Garhwal, Pithoragarh Kumaon, Uttarakhand; History Himachal Ruthless Gurkha/Nepalese Administration in Himachal;  History of Nepal, History of Doti Nepal, History of Nepalese/ Gurkha regime
Nepal Itihas, Garhwal Itihas, Kumaon Itihas, Himachal Itihas;  Gurkha/Gorkha ka Kumaon par  Adhikar Itihas , Gurkha/Gorkha Garhwal par Shasan Itihas Ruthless Gurkha/Nepalese Administration in Himachal;  Gurkha/Gorkha Rule in Kumaon, Garhwal Uttarakhand; History Gurkha/Gorkha  Rule in Himachal Ruthless Gurkha/Nepalese Administration in Himachal


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