History of Attacks on Chandi Hills of Haridwar, Bhabhar Garhwal at the period of Delhi Sultan Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud
History of Garhwal including Haridwar (1223- 1804 AD) –part -37
History of Uttarakhand (Garhwal, Kumaon and Haridwar) -282
By: Bhishma Kukreti (A History Research Student)
History of Muslim Attacks on Chandi Hills of Haridwar (Garhwal)
Delhi ruler Razia Begum was killed in conspiracy. After two generations heirs of Razia , Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud got the crown in 1246. In this phase of turmroil in Delhi Sutanat the rulers of Ganga-Yamuna Doab declared them free from Delhi Sultanet. Therefore, Balban the chief commander of Nasiruddin Muhammad marched to Doab (Yamuna-Ganges plains).
In 1254, Delhi Shahi army attacked on the territories of Chandi Hills of Haridwar, Bhabhar (Garhwal) and Bijnor. The army looted the area and took people for making them slaves. After looting Chandi hills, Shivalik hills, the Delhi Shahi army crossed Yamuna.
History of Destructions of Bhabhar Region (Garhwal)
The Rajput Chieftains of Katehar near of Badayun, Sambhal and Aval regions started attacking on the Shahi territory of of Badayun, Sambhal and Aval. Ulugh Khan Balban the Chief Commander of Delhi Shahi ruler sent huge army to suppress Katehar Rajput that they would not stand before Shahi army.
On that time, a Rana ruler was ruling Dehradun, Saharanpur, Bhabhar, Haridwar, Roorkee (Haridwar district). Perhaps, the capital of Rana ruler was in Dehradun.
On the period of Mohrram in 1254, Shahi army crossed Ganges at Chandighat (Haridwar) and marched towards bank of Ramganga through the foothills of Himalaya and Shivalik. The Shahi army destroyed Bhabhar region, looted, killed people brutally (massacre), people were captured and enslaved. The local brave rulers of Bhabhar, Garhwal took the step to defend their independence. There was fierce battle at Tanklabali between local chieftain army and Shahi army. A commander Ijjajuddin Darmashi was killed in the battle. Delhi Sultan was in rage to hear the death of his commander Ijjajuddin Darmashi. He ordered to take sever revenge with Katehar ruler. The Sultan was confused Katehar with Bhabhar.
Mithavali or Kalalghati is recognized as Takalabanli. Most probably, Shahi army marched from Chandighat to Mithavali, Laldhang, Kalalghati, Kotdwar and reached to Kalagarh. From Kalagarh, Shahi army took south turn from Ramganga River.
**Read more about Balban attack on South Garhwal including Haridwar in next chapter …
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti Mumbai, India, bckukreti@gmail.com 8/3//2014
1-Dr. Shiv Prasad Dabral, 1971, Uttarakhand ka Itihas Bhag-4, Veer Gatha Press, Dogadda, Pauri Garhwal, India
2-Harikrishna Raturi, Garhwal ka Itihas
3-Dr. Patiram, Garhwal Ancient and Modern
4-Rahul Sankrityayan, Garhwal
5- Oakley and Gairola, Himalayan Folklore
6- Bhakt Darshan, Garhwal ki Divangit Vibhutiyan
7-Foster, Early Travels in India William Finch
8-Upadhyaya, Shri Shankaracharya
9-Shering, Western Tibet and British
10-H.G. Walton, Gazetteer of British Garhwal
11-B.P.Kamboj, Early Wall Paintings of Garhwal
12-H.g Walton, Gazetteer of Dehradun
13- Vimal Chandra, Prachin Bharat ka Itihas
14-Meera Seth, Wall Paintings of Western Himalayas
15-Furar, Monumental Antiquities
16-Haudiwala, Studies in Indo-Muslim History
17- Rahul Khari 2007, Jats and Gujjar Origin, History and Culture
18- Upendra Singh, 2006, Delhi: Ancient History, Barghahan Books
19- B.S. Dahiya, 1980, Jats the Ancient Rulers (A Clan Study) , Sterling Publications
20- Maithani, Bharat –Gotrapravardeepika
21 Prem Hari Har Lal, 1993, The Doon Valley Down the Ages
22-Dashrath Sharma, Early Chauhan Dynasties
23- Shailndra Nath Sen, Ancient History and Civilization
24-H.M Elliot, 1867, The History of India as told by its Own Historians
(The History of Garhwal, Kumaon, Haridwar write up is aimed for general readers)
History of Garhwal from 1223-1804 to be continued in next chapter
History of Garhwal – Kumaon-Haridwar (Uttarakhand, India) to be continued… Part -283
Notes on Early Medieval History of Garhwal; Early Medieval History of Pauri Garhwal; Early Medieval History of Chamoli Garhwal; Early Medieval History of Rudraprayag Garhwal; Early Medieval History of Tehri Garhwal; Early Medieval History of Uttarkashi Garhwal; Early Medieval History of Dehradun, Garhwal; Early Medieval History of Haridwar ; Early Medieval History of Manglaur, Haridwar; Early Medieval History of Rurkee Haridwar ; Early Medieval History of Bahadarpur Haridwar ; History of Haridwar district to be continued…
Notes on History of Muslim Attacks on Chandi Hills of Haridwar, Bhabhar Garhwal at the period of Delhi Sultan Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud; History of Muslim Attacks on Chandi Hills of Haridwar, Mithavali, Bhabhar Garhwal at the period of Delhi Sultan Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud; History of Muslim Attacks on Chandi Hills of Haridwar, Kalaghati, Bhabhar Garhwal at the period of Delhi Sultan Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud; History of Muslim Attacks on Chandi Hills of Haridwar, Laldhang, Bhabhar Garhwal at the period of Delhi Sultan Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud; History of Muslim Attacks on Chandi Hills of Haridwar, Kotdwara, Bhabhar Garhwal at the period of Delhi Sultan Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud; History of Muslim Attacks on Chandi Hills of Haridwar, Kalagharh Bhabhar Garhwal at the period of Delhi Sultan Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud; History of Muslim Attacks on Chandi Hills of Haridwar, Ramganga valley Bhabhar Garhwal at the period of Delhi Sultan Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud; History of Muslim Attacks on Chandi Hills of Haridwar, Dehradun, Bhabhar Garhwal at the period of Delhi Sultan Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud;