Characteristics of Accompanying Persons with Patients in Charaka Samhita with reference to Medical Tourism
History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in Charaka Samhita, Kushana Period (185-73 BCE) -26
History of Medical Tourism, Health and Wellness Tourism in India, South Asia- 117
(With Special mentions of History of Medicines in India)
By: Bhishma Kukreti (Medical Tourism Historian)
Charaka Samhita directly does not refer medical tourism as word medical tourism is newly word coined by markers and marketing personnel. However, Charaka Samhita offer the medical tourism marketing students that there existed medical tourism around 1000 BCE and late third century too.
Global Health Care Resources published a data 2016-2017 Global Buyers Survey Briefs (2017) in partnership with International Healthcare Research Centre and provided the survey about accompanying persons with patients for medical treatment abroad and offered following data on page 14 –
86 % patients do bring their family members for medical treatment trips. 74.4 % patients bring one family member, 23.3% bring two family members and 2.3% bring three family members with them for medical treatments in foreign countries .
Many hundred years back, the Anushilan part of Charaka Samhita described the characteristics of accompanying persons with patients as follows (1)-
The person accompanying patient should be experts on many arts; having money; adaptable, same nature as of patients, amicable with others or hard life, trustworthy, humble, away from worries of trouble, focused ones.
The above citation from Charaka Samhita by Atrideva clearly suggest well developed medical tourism concept in India long back .
References –
1- Vidyalankar , Atrideva , 1960 , Ayurved ka Vrihad Itihas , Bhargava Prkashan , Hindi Samiti, Varansi , page 173
Copyright @ Bhishma Kukreti, //2019
History of Medical Tourism, health Tourism and Wellness Tourism and History of Medicines in India will be continued in next chapter –
Characteristics of Accompanying Persons with Patients in Charaka Samhita ,History of Medical Tourism , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism and Characteristics of Accompanying Persons with Patients in Charaka Samhita ,History of Medicines in India , North India , South Asia; Characteristics of Accompanying Persons with Patients in Charaka Samhita ,History of Medical Tourism , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism and Characteristics of Accompanying Persons with Patients in Charaka Samhita ,History of Medicines in India , South India; South Asia, Characteristics of Accompanying Persons with Patients in Charaka Samhita ,History of Medical Tourism , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism and Characteristics of Accompanying Persons with Patients in Charaka Samhita ,History of Medicines in India , East India, , Characteristics of Accompanying Persons with Patients in Charaka Samhita ,History of Medical Tourism , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism and Characteristics of Accompanying Persons with Patients in Charaka Samhita ,History of Medicines in India , West India, South Asia; Characteristics of Accompanying Persons with Patients in Charaka Samhita ,History of Medical Tourism , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism and Characteristics of Accompanying Persons with Patients in Charaka Samhita ,History of Medicines in India , Central India, South Asia; Characteristics of Accompanying Persons with Patients in Charaka Samhita ,History of Medical Tourism , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism and Characteristics of Accompanying Persons with Patients in Charaka Samhita ,History of Medicines in India , North East India , South Asia; Characteristics of Accompanying Persons with Patients in Charaka Samhita ,History of Medical Tourism , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism and Characteristics of Accompanying Persons with Patients in Charaka Samhita ,History of Medicines in India , Bangladesh , South Asia; Characteristics of Accompanying Persons with Patients in Charaka Samhita ,History of Medical Tourism , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism and Characteristics of Accompanying Persons with Patients in Charaka Samhita ,History of Medicines in India, Pakistan , South Asia; Characteristics of Accompanying Persons with Patients in Charaka Samhita ,History of Medical Tourism , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism and Characteristics of Accompanying Persons with Patients in Charaka Samhita ,History of Medicines in India , Myanmar, South Asia; Characteristics of Accompanying Persons with Patients in Charaka Samhita ,History of Medical Tourism , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism and Characteristics of Accompanying Persons with Patients in Charaka Samhita ,History of Medicines in India , Afghanistan , South Asia ; Characteristics of Accompanying Persons with Patients in Charaka Samhita ,History of Medical Tourism , Health Tourism and Wellness Tourism and Characteristics of Accompanying Persons with Patients in Charaka Samhita ,History of Medicines in India , Baluchistan, South Asia,