Author Topic: History of Plant Science , History of Botany , Botanical Researches In India  (Read 87488 times)

Bhishma Kukreti

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Flora mentioned in Second  Chapter of Harshacharita by Banabhatta 

Glimpses of Botany in Harsha period 606-647 AD-1 
BOTANY History of Indian Subcontinent –137   
Information Collection and Compilation: Bhishma Kukreti
The following plants are mentioned in Second t Chapter (Dwitiya Uucchchwas)  of Harshacharita by Banabhatta  -
Sanskrit name ------------Common Name  --------------------  Botanical name
-----------------------Red Lotus ---- Already mentioned
Soma------------ Soma   ---------------- Ephedra species
Neevara -------------- -------------------- Hygroryza aristata
Kusha ------------Already mentioned
Udumbara ------ Cluster fig tree -------------Ficus racemosa 
Mallika  flower -----------------already mentioned
Sandal ---------------------already mentioned
Patala      ----------           Stereospermum suavelolens
Mandara ---------------China rose -----------Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Arjuna ------------- Arjuna --------------------- Terminalia arjuna
Shami -------------- Ghaf ----------------------Prosopis cineraria
Karanja -------Indain beech ------------------Millettia pinnata
 Yuva ------------Barley -------------- Hordeum     vulgare
Vansh ------------- Bamboo----------------Bambusa vulgare
Girkarnika  - Butterfly beans r ----------Clitoria ternatea
Durva -------------Bermudagrass -------------Cynodon Dactylon
Mango ------------ already mentioned
Karnikar ----------Kanak Champa --------- Pterospermum acerifolium
Parijata  ---Already mentioned
Bakula ------------Bullet Wood -------------Mimusops elengi       
1- Harshacharita  of Banabhatta , Trans by E.B. Cowell and F.W. Thomas 1897 (available on net . Columbia –edu/itc/mealac/Pritchett/OOlitlink/harshacharita/index.html . accessed  on 29-8-2010)
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Bhishma Kukreti

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Flora mentioned in Third Chapter of Harshacharita by Banabhatta 

Glimpses of Botany in Harsha period 606-647 AD-3
BOTANY History of Indian Subcontinent –139   
Information Collection and Compilation: Bhishma Kukreti
The following plants are mentioned in third Chapter (Tritiya Uuchcchchwas) of Harshacharita by Banabhatta  -
Sanskrit name ------------Common Name  --------------------  Botanical name
Nipa --------------------Nipa palm ------------------ Nipa fruticans
Kadamb – as mentioned above in earlier chapters
Kutaja --------------------Kutaja ---------Holarrhena pubescence
Kamale –   Lotus ------As mentioned in earlier chapters
Neel kamal  ---------- water Lily ---------Nymphaea nouchali
Shephalika ----------- Night Flowering jasmine ---Nyctanthes arbor-tristis
Kumuda----------------- White Night Lotus ---------Nymphaea lotus
Priyangu ------------------Priyangu ----------------Aglara elaeagnoidis
 Rice and Cucumber as described in earlier chapter
Rice , cumin as described earlier
Ketki ----------------Umbrellas tree -  Pandanus odoratissimus
Rajamasha -----------Cow pea ---------Vigna unguiculata
Darim ----------------Pomegranate --- Punica  granatum
Pilu ------- Tooth brush tree ------------Salvedora persica
Vijadhya ----------------Citron ------- Citrus medica
Tamalpatra ----------Bay Leaf ---Cinnamomum tamla
Flora mentioned in  Harshacharita by Banabhatta   will continued in next chapter
1- Harshacharita  of Banabhatta , Trans by E.B. Cowell and F.W. Thomas 1897 (available on net . Columbia –edu/itc/mealac/Pritchett/OOlitlink/harshacharita/index.html. accessed  on 29-8-2010)
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Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: History of Plant Science , History of Botany , Botanical Researches In India
« Reply #142 on: September 04, 2020, 11:38:14 AM »
Flora mentioned in Fourth  Chapter of Harshacharita by Banabhatta

Glimpses of Botany in Harsha period 606-647 AD-3
BOTANY History of Indian Subcontinent –139   
Information Collection and Compilation: Bhishma Kukreti
The following plants are mentioned in t Fourth  Chapter (Chaturtha Uuchcchchwas) of Harshacharita by Banabhatta  -
Sanskrit name ------------Common Name  --------------------  Botanical name
Kadamba – already mentioned in earlier chapters
Knadalini - already mentioned in earlier chapters
Karanda - already mentioned in earlier chapters
Khadira – already mentioned in earlier chapters
Mango ---already mentioned in earlier chapters
Parijata - already mentioned in earlier chapters
Mustard - already mentioned in earlier chapters
Amalthaka - already mentioned in earlier chapters
Kadli - already mentioned in earlier chapters
kamla -already mentioned in earlier chapters
Kusha -- already mentioned in earlier chapters
Sindhuwara -- already mentioned in earlier chapters
Barley - already mentioned in earlier chapters
Sami- already mentioned in earlier chapters
References –
1- Harshacharita  of Banabhatta , Trans by E.B. Cowell and F.W. Thomas 1897 (available on net . Columbia –edu/itc/mealac/Pritchett/OOlitlink/harshacharita/index.html. accessed  on 29-8-2010)
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti 2020 tja

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: History of Plant Science , History of Botany , Botanical Researches In India
« Reply #143 on: September 06, 2020, 12:22:08 PM »
Flora mentioned in Fifth,  Sixth and seventh  Chapters of Harshacharita by Banabhatta 

Glimpses of Botany in Harsha period 606-647 AD-3
BOTANY History of Indian Subcontinent –139   
Information Collection and Compilation: Bhishma Kukreti
The following plants are mentioned in the fifth  Chapter (Panchama Harshaturtha Uuchcchchwas) of Harshacharita by Banabhatta  -
Sanskrit name ------------Common Name  --------------------  Botanical name
Lotus – already mentioned in previous chapters
Mano- already mentioned in previous chapters
Champaka --- already mentioned in previous chapters
Navamallika –Jasmine --- already mentioned in previous chapters
Flora mentioned in  Sixth   Chapter of Harshacharita by Banabhatta 
The following plants were mentioned   in the Flora mentioned in seventh Chapter of Harshacharita by Banabhatta  :
Atimukta – Hiptage -----------Hiptage benghalensis

Karnikara – Kanak Champa ---Pterospermum acerifolium

References –
1- Harshacharita  of Banabhatta , Trans by E.B. Cowell and F.W. Thomas 1897 (available on net . Columbia –edu/itc/mealac/Pritchett/OOlitlink/harshacharita/index.html. accessed  on 29-8-2010)
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti 2020 tja

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: History of Plant Science , History of Botany , Botanical Researches In India
« Reply #144 on: September 07, 2020, 09:18:03 AM »
Flora mentioned in 8th Chapters of Harshacharita by Banabhatta 

Glimpses of Botany in Harsha period 606-647 AD-5
BOTANY History of Indian Subcontinent –142
Information Collection and Compilation: Bhishma Kukreti
The following plants are mentioned in the   8th chapter of    (Harshacharita Uuchcchchwas) of Harshacharita by Banabhatta –
Sanskrit name ------------Common Name  --------------------  Botanical name
Nagkeshara --------------Ceylon Ironwood ----Mesua ferrea
Kurukvakas --------Philippine violet -------Barlenia cristata
Devdaru --------------- Deodar --------  Cedrus deodara
Pitadaru -------------Golden Shower ------- Cassia fistula
Gunja ---------------Rosary pea ----- Abrus precatorius

Other floras as Karnikara, Champak, Sarala Pines (Indian long leaf pines) as  Tamla, Dhulikadmba (Bur flower tree) , Kutja, Shephalica (Night Flowering Jasmine) are already mentioned in previous Chapters too
Falegrahi = Fruits bearing trees
Vindhya Thick Forests related to Plants
Bana’s Harshacharita presents a wonderful illustration of woodland as reflecting a major realm of human life of Bana time.  Bana used the plants for ornamentation of his prose-poetry but in reality, those plants were described in the society too as Bana  used them in his literature. The purpose of Bana was not to explain plant science of his time but he used flora for decoration of his literature. The intense uses of plants clearly show that Bana has tremendous observation power for looking at  nature.
References –
1- Harshacharita of Banabhatta , Trans by E.B. Cowell and F.W. Thomas 1897 (available on net . Columbia –edu/itc/mealac/Pritchett/OOlitlink/harshacharita/index.html. accessed  on 29-8-2010)
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti 2020

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: History of Plant Science , History of Botany , Botanical Researches In India
« Reply #145 on: September 09, 2020, 12:28:45 PM »
Flora mentioned in World’s first Novel –Kadambari

Glimpses of Botany in Harsha period 606-647 AD-6
BOTANY History of Indian Subcontinent –143
Information Collection and Compilation: Bhishma Kukreti
 Kadambari is the first Novel of this world. Banabhatta could write the first part (Poorva Bhag) of Kadambari in his life and  his son Bhushan Bhatt completed the second part (Uttar Bhag) of Kadambari. The novel is romantic novel and is based on the story of Kadambari is taken from Gunadhyaya’s Brihatkatha. The plot of Kadambari is complex and difficult to summarize in few words.
Kadambari word has double meaning that is alcoholic beverage or literary piece.
It is not necessary or essential for Botanists to know the plot but for them it is essential the flora mentioned din Kadambari of Banabhatta and Bhushan Bhatta .
The following plants are mentioned in Kadambari  (1)–
Sanskrit name ---- Common Name----------------Botanical Name
Jambu (Juice )------ Malabar Plum -----------Syzygium  cumini
Dadhima (seeds) –Pomegranate --------------Punica Granatum
Amlatakri ----------Emblic --------------Phyllantus emblica
Padma ----------------Lotus ------------ Nelumbo nucifera
Draksha --------------Grapes ---------- Vitis venifera
Shalmali  -------- Silk Tree -------------Bombax ceiba
March -----------Pepepr -------------Piper nigrum
Tamala------------Indian bay leaf -----------Cinnamoum tamala 
Ankola ---- --Hill sack tree --------------- Alangium salvifolum
Tripatra ------------- Clove ------------------- Syzygium aromaticum
Narikela     -- ----coconut --------------------Cocos nucifera
Bilva ---------------- Bel ---------------------Aegle marmelos
Aswatha --------- Indian rock Fig  ------ Ficus religosa
Durva --------------Burmuda Grass ---------Cyndon dactylon
Sala ------------ Sal tree -----------  Sorea robusta
Kusha ------ Halfa Grass ---------Desmostachya bipinnata
Palm trees and palm leaves (Talpatra)
Saptaparni ------Blackbord tree---------- Astonia scholaris
Munja -----------Munja ---------------Saccharum munja
Chandana /Sandal
Ketki ------------  Kewada ----------------Pandanus odorifer
Asoka --------- Asoka -------------- Saraca asoka
Kalpavriksha a religious tree
Venu ------------a type of Bamboo
Agru---- Agar Wood-----------------Aqularia malaccensis
Sindhuvara ----------Sinduvara --------------Symphorema polyandrum
Kalhara ----- Water lily
Kumuda ----Water lily
Tambula –------------Betel -------------------------Piper betle 

Bana used flora for ornamentation of the language .
 Kadambari also illustrates Timber land, Vindhyavana , Vana or forests, Vanalakshami , Dandaka Vana , Nandan vana  ,
Conclusively, it is better to say that Bana Bhatt and his son Bhushan described plants, trees, shrubs and creepers not for making people to understand the Botany or plant science but used plants as figures of speeches.

1-Tripathi, Radhaballabh (translator) 2003, , Kadambari Banabhatta  , Rahdakrishna Prakashan , Delhi
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Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: History of Plant Science , History of Botany , Botanical Researches In India
« Reply #146 on: September 29, 2020, 09:52:42 AM »
Glimpses of Botany in Daskumaracharita by Dandin

Applied Botany in Classic Sanskrit Literature     
BOTANY History of Indian Subcontinent –144
Information Collection and Compilation: Bhishma Kukreti
The Sanskrit Classic Daskumaracharita by Dandin is about the stories of ten male children  and the stories narrated by them..
There are three main parts and 14 chapters.
As a lover of nature, Dandin stands in the ranks of Kalidasa, Bana, and Bhavabhuti Dandin invites his readers most of the time in forests directing us that Dandin had great knowledge about Forrest, ecology, and plant kingdom as a whole.
Apart from describing Forests, Dandin used plants for ornamentation (Figures of Speech)  the poetries or proses.
Following plants are described by Dandin in Daskumaracharita.-
Prthama Uchchvasa of Pitika (Fist Chapter of First part)-
Stalk of Lotus
Kunda flower
Bimba flower
Medicinal herbs
Herbs for defusing the snake poison
II Uchchvasa –
Punnaga tree
Fourth Uchchvasa –
Sandal paste
Tambula (Betel)
Fifth  Uchchvasa –
Turmeric powder
Akshata (Rice )
Mango trees Mango sprout
Oshira (a medicinal plant)
Shirsha flower
Plants mentioned in Uttar Peethika of Daskumarcharitam by Dandin –
Karnikkara flower
Betel nut
Bitter lemon
Til sesamum
Atimukta creepers
 It is repeatedly would be said that t Dandin t used the plants for creating figures of speech and he was successful. 
The Dasa Kumar Charita edited by H.H.Wilson. MA. F.R.S  , 1846 , Society of the publication of Oriental text, free PDF available on Internet
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Bhishma Kukreti

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Applied Botany/Medicinal Plants Description  in Classic Kama Sutra

Vatsayana: the Creator of Kama sutra
Applied Botany in Classic Sanskrit Literature     
BOTANY History of Indian Subcontinent –146
Information Collection and Compilation: Bhishma Kukreti
Vatsayana had been an Indian philosopher and scholar of love and love science.  Hardly anything is known about Vatsayana than his famous text Kama Sutra.
It is believed that Vatsayana lived between 1st and 6th centuries. (1)
 Vatsayana created Kamsutra or ‘Aphorism on Love’ by Vatsayana.
Kamasutra by Vatsayana contains 1250 shlokas or verses. The classic Shastra is divided into parts, part into chapters and chapter into paragraph. Kama Sutra is divided into 7 books, 36 chapters and 64 sections. The Shastra is half poetry and half prose.
The plants described in Kamasutra are purely of medicinal and decorative uses and that means the plant described in Kama Sutra are of Applied Botany interest.
 For the botany matter, VII part is important and following plants or their applications are described in Kama Sutra (2) –
In 4th Chapter of part 7 uses of following plants are described -
Crepe Jasmine – Tabernaemontana divaricata
Crepe Ginger – Costus Specious
Indian coffee plum – Flacourtia cataphracta
Hog weed, or Black creeper - Echites pubescense
Yellow Amaranth 
Lotus --- Nilumbiuam speciosum
 Sri Lanka Ironwood - Mesua ferrea 
False mangos teen – Gracinia xanthochymus
Jujube-- ------Ziziphus jujube
Amla -----------Phyllantus emblica
Arris root
Sisu --- Dalberga sissoo
False Daisy-  Eclipta – prostrata
Uchchata ----------Arbus precatorius
Wild pepper ---------Piper Cahaba 
Shalparni -- ---Hedysarum gangeticum
Kuili –
Indian Bowstring Hemp –Sansevieria roxburghiana
Water Chestnut ------ Trapa bispinosa
Indian beans
Tuscan Jasmine
Kshirakakoi –a Kind of Onion – Lilium polyphyllum
Satavari - Asparagus
Gaduchi – Heart Leaved --- Tinospora cordifolia
Swadaustra – Tribulus terristris
Agnimanth ---------Headache tree – Premna serratifolia
Kutj – Arcitic Snow – Wrightia antidysenterica
Ashwagandha ----Physalis flexuosa
Egg Plant
Shavra kanduka
Jalsuka – Allium species
Bajra rsa perhaps Bajra pr a Millet
Hasti charma Plant –
Valuka --------- Gisekia pharnaceoides
Vatsayana, was basically a philosopher or psychologist who had good knowledge of  herbs and herb based medicines of his time  too . Vatsayana described above plants in Kamasutra for preparation of medicines for enhancing love making strength or for cosmetic purposes.

1-Haskar, A.N., D, 2011, Kama Sutra, Penguin Classic
2- The Kamsutra of Vatsayana , Translator – Richard Burton Bhagwan Lal Indarjit, Shivram Bhide , 2009 Kamsutra  Society of London . page 169 -
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Medicinal Plants n Kalyana Karakam (Sanskrit Literature)

Applied Botany in Jain Ayurveda Literature -1
Applied Botany in Classic Sanskrit Literature      
BOTANY History of Indian Subcontinent –147
Information Collection and Compilation: Bhishma Kukreti
 There is Ayurveda available in Jain literature too.  Pushpa Ayurveda-the Flower Therapy was developed by Jain priests as special branch of Ayurveda. The first example of Pushpa Ayurveda is in Kalyana Karakam by Ugradityacharya
Pujyapada a Jain philosopher and physician of 6th century AD wrote treatise on medicines as manuals for the use of Jain physicians. Later on in 9th century AD under the patronage of Rashtrakula ruler Amoghavarsha, Ugradityacharya enlarged the work ‘Kalyana Karaka’ by Pujyapada.
  Plants and herbal medicines in in Kalyana Karakam:
Ganga Dhar Gune (the forwarding notes writer ) of  Kalyana Karakam informs about  medicnes and herbs in Kalyana Karakam as (2) - 
At the end of book, there are herbal medicines lists in Sanskrit Hindi, Marathi and Kannada for the benefits of the readers.
The following herbs /medicines are mentioned in Kalyana Karakam (3) –
Plants/Medicines in the text  /Hindi or common name ---------Plants used for medicines (botanical name)
Ankol (Sage Leaved Alangium  ) -----Alangium salvifolium
Adhrik – Tree Root
Adhripu --------Tree
Anjan – Surma or eye brow cosmetics
Ambuj - Lotus ----------------------- Nelumbo nucifera
abud./ Motha (hindi) ------Cyperus rotundus
Avuruha (Sthal Pdmnini or Land Lotus)
Umbastika (Yuthika ) -------------------- Jasmine auriculatum
Ashumati (shalparni, sal ) -------------------Desmodium gangeticus
Agru –(padma) -------------------Lotus
Agasti ( Agati) ----------------------Sesbania grandiflora
Agni /agnik/ -Leadwort --------Plumbago zeylanica
Agnimantha -  ---Clerodendrum phlomidis
Ajaji --- Cumin  ---------Cuminum cyminum
Ajkarna – Malabar Kino -------Pterocarpus
Ajgnadha – Goat weed --------Ageratum conyzoides
Ajmoda ----------Celery --------Apium graveolens
Ajshrig ----Indian Ash tree -----Rhus succedanea
Atrupa -----------Belladonna –Atropa belladonna
Atsi—Lin seeds ------------Linum usitatissimum
Atitrala or Ativala –(Nagvali) -Piper betle
Ativisha ---------------------Aconitum heterophyllum
Adrak --------- Ginger----------Zingiber officinale
Adrikarni –Blue pea ----Clitoria ternatea
Adhomanini ------Cauliflower-------Brassica oleracea
Anildhani ----------Bahera -------Terminalia bellirica
Apvarga Beej ?
Apmarga –Chaff flower --------Achyranthes aspera
Abhay --------Khas /Vativer -------Chyrsopon zizznioides
Abhrak- An medicinal Bhashama by mixing plant juices and mica for long perod
Amrataru – Menhadi /Henna ----Lawsonia inermis
Amardaru- Deodar – Cedrus Deodara
Amrit --- Heart leveed moon seed—Tinospora cordifolia
Amlifal------ Tamarind --- Tamarindus indica
Aurashkar --- Marking nut----------Semecarpus anacardium
Arisht ---------- Neem ----------Azadirachta indica
Arimad ---------------- Acacia catechu
Ark ------------- Crown Flower----- Calotropis giganta
Arjun --------------Arjun ------------- Terminalia arjuna
Alark -------- White Crown Flower 
Ashoka ------Asoka ----------- Saraca asoka
Ashmantak ------- Bidi leave plant – Sesbania grandlora
Ashnabhita ------------Bergenia ligulata
Ashwatha ---------------- Ficus religiosa
Ashwagandha ---- Withania somnifera
Ashwamarak ------------ Oleander – Nerium indicum
Asan --------------- Malabar Kino --------Pterocarpus marsupium
Asit ---Kala tila –Sesamum indicum 
Asthi – Hadsakari –Veldit Grape – Cissus guadrangularis
Ahinstra ??
Aksha -------- Terminalia bellirica
Akshi ------- ??
Akhukarni -----------Musakai –Merrimia gangetica 
Ajigandhi = see Ajgandha
Atrupa - Adusa – Vasaka – Basingu--  Justica abhatoda
Adhaki –  Arhar/Tuar -----------Cajanus cajan
Ardrak ----- Ginger ------------see above
Adityaparni ?
Amlak – see Atrupa
Am/Amrak/Amrak dal ------ Mango – Mangifera indica
Amla -------Indian gooseberry, Phyllanthus emblica
Argwadha ----------- Golden Shower – Cassia fistula
Aranyalu -------------  tubers from forests
Arevati – danada Thor ---------Euphorbia royaleana
Alabu – tumbi ---- Bottle  Guard) ,  Lagenaria siceraria
Aluk ---- Yam
Asfot -- Bauhinia variegate
Aspatra – Lotus
1-Rangrajan Haripriya ET all, 2001, Jainism: Art, Architecture, Literature & Philosophy, Sharda Publishing House,   page 184
2-The Kalyana Karakam of Ugradityacharya (edited by Vardhaman Parashnath Shstri) (1940), Seth Govind Ji Rao Ji Doshi, Sakharam Nemichand Granthalaya , Sholapur  , p 18
3- The Kalyana Karakam of Ugradityacharya (edited by Vardhaman Parashnath Shstri) (1940), Seth Govind Ji Rao Ji Doshi, Sakharam Nemichand Granthalaya , Sholapur  749 to 812
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Bhishma Kukreti

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Medicinal Plants n Kalyana Karakam (Sanskrit Literature) -2

Applied Botany in Jain Ayurveda Literature -2
Applied Botany in Classic Sanskrit Literature      
BOTANY History of Indian Subcontinent –148
Information Collection and Compilation: Bhishma Kukreti
In last chapter a group of medicinal plants mentioned in Kalyana Karakam .Now the information for  plants mentioned in Kalyana  Karakam a Jain Ayurveda Literature is as follows ( 2)-
Plants Sanskrit word---------Common Name ----Botanical name
Utpala – Kumud – a kind of Lotus – Nymphaea lotus
Udambara – Cluster fig – Ficus  racemosa
Upan ––Long pepper –Piper longum
Ela – Ilayachi – Ceylon Leadwort – Plumbago zeylanica
Eradak-----  Castor ---------Ricinus communis
Airavati or Vat patra ------- Banyan tree -------- Ficus benghalensis
Kakkol/Kakoli  ------------- Lilium pollyphyllium
Kaduk --------- Ginger –Zinziber officinale
Kadurohani – Katuki –Picorhiza kurroa
Kadfal- Kankolak ----- Pipper cubeba
Kan –Vanjeera –Vernonia anthelmintica
Kanika –arani- -Premna serratifolia
Kadali/kadal – Banana ----Musa patadisiaca
Kadamb--  Burr flower—Neolamarckia cadamba
Kanak- Kanak Champa ----Pterospermum acerifolium
Kanya ------------ Virahikand ----Dioscoriea bulbifera
Kapi/Kapith------Wood apple- Limonia acidissima
Kapovartak  -Brahmi- Water hyssop –Bacopa monnieri
Karvi ---------------Strobilanthes callosus
Karbeer /Karbeir –Kaner-Indian Oleander – Nerium oleander
Karvandi/- Karonda  ----  Carissa carandas
Karkandu---- Crossandra--------- Crossandra infundibulbifera
Kokiru ?
Kakroti – Spiny Gourd –Momordica dioica
Karchur ----------- Curcuma augustifolia
Karmraga-----Carambola  - Averroha carambola
Karaj- Karanj ---Beech tree -  Pongamia pinnata
Kalaya/kaknasa - Devil’s Claw -------Martynia annua
Kalhar --------Chinese mullein –Verbascum chinense

Kakmachi- Makoy – Solanum nigrum
Kakvallrika – Butterfly Ginger lilly - Hedychium coronarium
Kakdani – Bnegal Corrents –Capparis spinosa
Kakollika – kakoli – a Lilly
Karvelli – Karvy –Maruadana ---Strobilanthes callosa
Kalgaru –Krishnaagar ------Malayan agar Wood –Aquilaria malacenasis
Karpas ---------Cotton ---------- Gossypium hirsutum
Kaleyek –Daruhaldi--------Indian barberry- Berberis aristata
Kashtha – Daruhaldi
Kash --- Grass – Saccherum  spontaneum
Kasgmari--- Gambhiri – Beachwood- Gmelina arborea
Kashmeer – Saffron – Crocus sativus 
Kas –Vetiver – Chryspogon ziznioides

Kasghani –Katreri – Solanum indicum
Kasees  ?
Kinhi – chirchira ----Acrynthes  aspera
Kirat – Chirayta, King of Bitters - Andrographis paniculata
Kukkuti – Semar –Bombax malabaricum
Kuchi- Air Plant --- Kalanchoe pinnata
Kuchandan –  Coral Wood – Adenanthera  pavonina
Kut/Kutaj --------Kutja –Halarrhena pubescens
Kutnnat – Motha – Nut Grass – Cyperus rotundus
Kunti ? Exact NA
Kunti --- Eclipta prostrate or false daisy
Kunti – Orange jasmine –Murraya;aniculata
Kunti also means – corundum – Coriandrum sativus   

Kumuda –Water Lilly –Nymphaea nouchali
Kurvaka: Yellow nail dye – Barleria prionatis
Kurat=  Kurvaka
Kumari – Ghi Kanwar-  Aoe vera
Kulhala –Gorakhmundi – Indian sphaeranthus – Saphaeranthus indicus
Kulathah – Kulthi- Horse gram -------Macrotyloma uniflorum
Kuvalay – or Kamodani
Kush-  Darbha ----------Desmostachya bipinnata
Kush (lemon variety) – Chakotara –Pomelo ---Citrus maxima
Kusumbha – Ceylon oak or Schleichera oleosa

Kustuambaru – Corundum
Kushmanda – Ash gourd – Benincasa hispida
Krishna and Krishn words are used for various plants denoting as the black properties
Krishna Til – Black Sesame – Sesamum indicum
Ketaki – Kewara /kewada ---- Fragrant Screw Pine -Pandanus odorifer
Kesar  has also various meanings as Hing  Nagkeshar etc
Korant - ??
Kol ? many meanings
Kosh –  ??  jayfal etc
Koshaataki – Bitter Luffa -  Luffa acutangula
Kauluth – horse gram
Kangu – Governor’s plum ------Flacourtia indica
Kantkari- Ringni – Solanum surattense
Kand – Tubours various names
Kandal – Banana
Karnika - ??
Kantaa – perhaps  Maxican Pricky poppy – Argemorn maxicana
Kinshuka – Plash – Nutea monosperma
Kukum ??
Kundak ??
Kenchuk – Betel palm – Areca catechu
Khadir – Kattha – Acacia catechu
Kharmanjari - ? Might be Chirchira  -Pricky Chaff – Achyranthes asera
Kharjura – Silver Date Palm --------Phoenex sylvestris
Khal –Dhatura
Gajakarna - ??
Gardabha  (confusion)  The Translator Vardhman Prashanath informs Hindi meaning Shwet kumud and Martahi name as Shwet kamal. By that logic ,  it must be used for white Lotus 
Gavadani – Sind Crowfoot Plant --------Eleusine scindica
Gayatraki – Khair
Girindrakarnik/Girikanik  (as per translator Hindi name Vishnukanta ) – Clitoria ternatea
Guggul – Indian bdellium -------- Commiphora wightii
Guptafal -? Translator mentioned it as Ber in Hindi
Gupta beej ?
Guhyakshi ??
Goji ? Translator mentions it as Gobhi in Hindi and Pathari in Marathi . By that Marathi logic , it must be Air Plants
Godhum- Wheat – Triticum aestivum
Gopa- Japanese Wonder – Mirabilis jalapa
Gorat ?? the Translator mentioned it as Durgandhakhair in Hindi  (Vradhman =Translator )
Goshir – The translator mentions it as Harichandan in Hindi and Chandan in Mrathi . it means it might be –Conscinium fenestratum
Goshring (Vardhman  Parasnath  (V.P.) mentions it as babhul in Mrarthi and Babur in Hindi) – Gum Arabic – Vachellia nilotica
Gokshur-  Gokharu or Devil’s Claws
Gaur ? (ट्VP. mentions it as Shwetsiris in Marathi) that means – Albizia lebbeck
Granthi- Most probably, Elephant Ear Yam
Granthika – Leonotis nepetifolia
Gadira -- ?
Gadh - Engelhardita spicata
Gandharva hast –Translator V.P mentions as airand  (castor) a Marathi name
Gangeruk – V.P. mentioned Gulsakri as Hindi name ----- that means - Grequala hirsute
Gunja – Rati –Rosary pea – Abrus precatorius
Ghota ??
Chakramarda – Cassia tora
Chanka – Bengal gram – Cicer arietinum
Chandan – Sandaal
Champak – Champak – Magnolia champaka
Chavya – Piper retrofractum
Chitrak – Ceylon  leadwort -----Pumbago zeylanica
Chitramoola ---------Do--------
Chitralata ------Or manjistha –Indian madder -------Rubia cordifolia
Chiri or Vilva --------Stone Apple – Aegle mamelos
Chirbhat /Chirbhati ??
Chilli ?  VP. Mentions its Hindi name as ‘bathua’ and by that logic Chenopodium album
Chuchu: ??
Choch –Various meaning as coconum , Tejpat
Chor -  Ajwain   - Bishop’s weed – Trachyspermum ammi
Chhaglika (chhagltantrika) – Elephant creeper – Argyreia nervosa
Chhinodbhava ----------Cocculus cordifolius
Jat or Jatmansi – Valeriana  jatamansi
Jambu – Black plum – Syzygium cumini
Jalaj – Lotus varieties and other water born plants as algae
Jati/Jatifal  /Jaifal – Myristica fragrans
Jeer /jeera – Cumin – Cuminum cyminum
Jeerak – same Jeera
Jeewanti – Cork swallow Wort  - Leptadenia reticulate
Jangharuha –or as mentioned by V.P. as Jharsi – Mollugo stricta
Tutuk: - or as mentioned by V.P as  Dinda in Marathi – Leea macrophvlla
Tagara- Pinwheel Flower ---------Valeriana jatamansi

Tanvi ??
Taruni – Jasmine flexile
Tarkari –Jayanti – Clerodendrum phlomidis
Tal- Tad - Palm -----Borassus flebellifer
Talak ?? might be sandal
Tali – Most probably – Talipot palm – Corypha umbracullifera
Talispatra – Himalayan Silver fir – Abies wbbiana
Tiktak ?? V.P.  mentions different names for Marathi and  Hindi
Til sesame – Sesamum indicum
Tilak  ??– the vernacular names do not tally
Tilvaka – Lodhra – Symplocos racemosa
Tuga or Vanshlochan Bamboo manna
Tuti – V.P called it as Chhoti Ilayachi in Hindi , therefore – Elletaria cardamomum
Tutitraya ??
Tumbi – V.p mentions it as Dudhibhopala in Marathi , therefore , Lagenaia siceraria
Turag/Turaggandh  – VP.mentions it as Ashwagandha , Therefore , Withania sonifera
Tulsi – Basil --- Ocimum tenuiflorum
Tup ? Many meaning by V.P.
Tandul – Rice –Oryza sativa
Taduliya – Alpmarsa -  Achryranthes aspera
Trintrini – Tamrind – already mentioned above
Tinduka – Diospyros melanoxylon
Trapup = most probably cucumber
Trikatu – Piper – Piper longum
Trikantak  – Devil’s paws
Trijatak ??– V.P. called three names
Trifala – Harad (Terminalia chhebula ) , Bayad  (Terminalia bellerica)  , Amla  (Embilica officinalis)
Trivrit – Operculina turpethum
Truti -  V.P.mentined it as Chhoti Ilayachi or true cardamom – Elletaria cardamomum
Twaka – V.p mentions it as Dalchini – Cinnamomum verum
Darbha – Daabh- Desmostachya bipinnaata
Darvi – Indian barberries – Already mentioned
Dalita – V.P mentioned it as Shankhini in Hindi – Therefore, Euphorbia dracunculoides
Dahan – V.P. mentioned as Bhilawa in Hindi. Therefore, Marking nut - Semecarpus anacardium
Darim – pomegranate – already mentioned
Daruk – Deodar, already mentioned earlier
Dinakraktak  -V.P mentioned it as Ak in Hindi. Therefore. Crown flower –Calotropis gigantea
Ditghavrita – V.P. mentions its name Sonapatha in Hindi. Therefore, Broken bones tree – Oroxylum indicum
Dipyaka- Ajmoda – Apium Graveolens
Dughdaghrip – Rosey Milkweed Vine – Oxystelma esculantum
Durva – Doob grass – Cynodon dactylon
Devdaru – already mentioned above (AMA) 
Dati, Datik- Danti -- Baliospermum montanum
Dravanti – Dravanti –Jatrpha curcas
Draksha –Wild Grape -----Ampelocissus latifolia
Dwiraj ??- V.P. mentions daruhaldi in Haldi as Hindi meaning and both names are different plants
Dhatur – Thorn Apple – Datura innoxia
Dhaman – Dhaman -  Grewia tillifolia
Dhatki ??
Dhanya –Perhaps, a general terms for grains
Dhavani – As per  V.P., Pithvan in Marathi .Therefore,  Ureria picta
Dhatri –Anvala – already mentioned earlier
Dhyamak ??
Nakta – V.P .mentioned as Kalihari .Therefore, Glory Lily, Gloriosa superba
Naktamar --- Indian Beech  - Milletia pinnata
Namalika –A Tuber in general
Nalika – Common name for pipe type organs
Nag – as per  V.P. Nagleksar, Therefore,  Ceylon ironwood----Mesua ferrea
Nagbala – Kukurbicha –Grewia hirsute
Nagar – Nutgrass ---------Cyperus scariosus
Nagi – Bayberry (Kafal)  , Nageia nagi
Nadeya ??
Narang –Orange – Citrus reticulate
It seems Nrang has been used for other plants and products too.
Nalikera – Coconut – Cocos nucifera
Nichul – Indian Oak – Barringtonia acutangula
Nidigdhik –  Phyllanthus niruri
Nimb (here neem) – Azadidirachta indica
Nirgundi – Chaste tree – Vitex negundo
  Botany world is lucky that Vardhaman Prasnath s the editor and translator of Kalyana Karakam offered separate approximately 700 plant lists in the appendix (2). The interested Scholars can refer the above literature for further details of plants mentioned in Kalyana Karakam. This author will provide the full details in the appendix of the book.
1-Rangrajan Haripriya ET all, 2001, Jainism: Art, Architecture, Literature & Philosophy, Sharda Publishing House,   page 184
2- The Kalyana Karakam of Ugradityacharya (edited by Vardhaman Parashnath Shstri) (1940), Seth Govind Ji Rao Ji Doshi, Sakharam Nemichand Granthalaya , Sholapur  749 to 812
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2020


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