Author Topic: उत्तराखंडी नाटकों की शुरुआत (गढ़वाली, कुमाऊंनी) - UTTARAKHANDI PLAYS !!  (Read 65200 times)

Bhishma Kukreti

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                Ekikaran or Unification of Social Organizations
(A Hilarious, Satirical, humorous, Inspiring Modern Garhwali Drama)

                            Playwright: Lalit Mohan Thapliyal

                            Translation by: Bhishma Kukreti

(The Garhwali Play Ekikaran was staged first on 24th March 1959, in Sarojani Community Hall, Delhi by Garhwal Sangit Natak Samaj)

Din Dayal
Mrs. Din Dayal
Mathyal Ji
Poet or Kavi Ji
Editor Ji
                       Request by Narrator –
Ladies, Gentlemen and Drama Lovers!
Welcome in this Stage Hall!
We promised you that we shall show you another Drama!
But! You all are experienced and wise people-
You would ask-
How shall we show the Drama?
Yes! Here is no decorated Stage!
Yes! Here is no colorful Curtain for the Stage!
Yes! You won’t find make for artists of stage!
Definitely, there are no musical instruments for the Stage!
Even there is no curtain that opens door for new scene! new world! New Galaxy!
The Curtain is not there that takes audience away from own real world to next unknown realism!
There is no stage that opens the inner conscious of audience that takes another view of thousands of windows of next realism!
Yes1 we don’t have stage that takes you new secrets of consciousness!
You are absolutely Right!
However, you don’t need any stage for our stage play!
Whatever is here that is stage and product of stage.
 You, me, he we are the stage characters!
Means, in this stage play, you all are characters!
Every character will emerge from you and play his or her part!
The dram is mirror of us.
Every good and wrong act has its own shadow!
You will see black spot!
The play is satire on our own society.
We shall laugh on us!
We shall laugh loudly on our own absurdness!
Might be! The satire might provoke you!
Might be it may hurt you!
However, don’t take it by heart!
Please don’t take wrong as it is time of Holi!
(Deen Dayal comes on Stage)
Deen Dayal- What a bad Sunday today! Wherever I went the person was not in his flat. My half Sunday is wasted. (Sees that from Audience Mathyal Ji is coming towards stage). Who is he coming on the road? Oh! He is Mathyal Ji! Namaskar Mathyal Ji!
Mathyal Ji- At present I am in hurry. I shall meet you next time
Deen Dayal- Come in Please sit for a moment. Hot Tea is waiting for you.
Mathyal Ji- Well coming to you. I am in hurry.
Deen Dayal- Rest for a moment. Towards inside) - Listen! Boil tea for Mathyal Ji! He is visiting.
Mathyal Ji-What is news?
Deen Dayal-. No News Wees. From morning, I have been visiting to many could not find anybody at home. I did not find place for playing cards.
Mathyal Ji-Did you not hear that there is unionization? Everybody has gone there for unionization.
Deen Dayal-Who is getting united?
Mathyal Ji-It is dam surprising! You did not know about Unionization. You should be Garhwali of Delhi and should not behave as Garhwali of Garhwal. Be Delhi ties if you live In Delhi.
Deen Dayal- Is Garhwali of Delhi different species than Garhwali of Garhwal?
Mathyal Ji-I will make you understand.  Let us smoke cigarette (Mathyal offers cigarette to Deen Dayal. Both smokes cigarette) Do you have three rupees?
Deen Dayal- Yes! I have. What do you want by three rupees?
Mathyal Ji- Give me three rupees. (Deen Dayal gives three rupees and Mathyal brings out a receipt book out and writes) Take receipt. Now, you are real Garhwali of Delhi. As you have become a member of a Garhwali organization you are now Garhwali of Delhi.
Deen Dayal- What will I do of becoming member? It is no use for me.
Mathyal Ji-we shall have meeting on Saturday-Sunday. We shall discuss seriously there on wrong and right matter.  We shall make constitution for the organization. We’ll pass non confidence motion. Now, we have come to city. We should now behave like city dwellers.
Deen Dayal- Whose member I became? (Sees receipt)Oh! You are president of the organization!
Mathyal Ji-Not today! I am president for twelve years.
Deen Dayal- Who is secretary of the organization?
Mathyal Ji-I am secretary too.
Deen Dayal- Oh! You are all in all.
Mathyal Ji-No! No! I am president, secretary and treasurer. Other members are workers. You attend the meeting. If there is any position left I shall offer you position in the organization.
Deen Dayal- Well! Is this your unitization?
Mathyal Ji-No! No! You did not understand me. There are more than hundred Garhwali organizations in Delhi. There should be unionization of these all organizations. It will be very big organization of all Garhwali organizations. By unity we shall progress together or will jump into valley together.
Deen Dayal- Very nice thought and concept! Did you find the way and means for progress?
Mathyal Ji-No, till date we could not find the means for progress. However, very soon we shall find one day the keys for progress
Deen Dayal- पैल जा खाड अर तब मी गाड मी गाड. First jump into deep pit and then call for help to come up.
Mathyal Ji-Oh! It happens like this way only. It takes time for social benefits. We can’t change your situation in one night.
(Mrs. Deen Dayal comes with two glasses of tea)
Mrs. Dayal- Take tea.
Deen Dayal- (takes from Mrs. Dayal and offers to Mathyal Ji)
Mathyal Ji (Sipping tea) - Oh! What a pleasure! Sister! You are incarnation of Annapurna Devi! (sips again) What a perfect blending of tea, sugar and milk! Mind Boggling Taste of Tea! I will not call it culinary but pure chemistry (Sips tea very fast)
(Deen Dayal takes empty glasses and come near to his wife)
Mrs. Dayal-He is talking very sweet and sweet! Did you pay him subscription?
Deen Dayal- Do you mean Membership subscription?
Mrs. Dayal- Yes! I paid three rupees.
Mrs. Dayal- Shit! You are fool of fools. You should have asked me before handing him well earned three rupees.
Mrs. Dayal- Let the bear make him runs.
(Deen Dayal goes towards Mathyal Ji. Mrs. Dayal writes on a paper)
Mathyal Ji-Your wife is Sulakshani! What a woman! Dayal! You are Lucky. Yesterday, I was with Colonel Sab. What a bad tea there in his home! He is big man. I should have not criticized him. But your wife prepares excellent tasty tea.
Mrs. Deen Dayal- Bother! You tell just to please me. Otherwise, you might have tasted tea from thousands of houses.
Mathyal Ji-Yes! I have tasted tea in many houses. I might have tasted thousands of cups of tea from the day I came in social field as social worker.
Mrs. Deen Dayal- Yes! Bhaiji! You don’t have shortage of tea.
Mathyal Ji-Shortage of Tea? Yes, wherever I go everybody offers tea because I am famous social worker. As social worker, I can’t deny offer.
Mrs. Deen Dayal- Bhaiji! You are famous social worker. Teach some trick to my husband too. He is very simple person. Please offer him a position in social organization committee..
Mathyal Ji-Definitely! You have high thinking. Now, your hubby has become member of my organization. I shall put him in a position.
Mrs. Deen Dayal- Bhaiji! Do you know that we have also a woman welfare organization?
Mathyal Ji-Yes I heard about it. Your organization is doing marvelous job. Are you also member of this woman organization?
Mrs. Deen Dayal- What member! I am the whole and sole of the organization.
Mathyal Ji-Very good! Do you favor unitization or federalism of our Garhwali social organizations?
Mrs. Deen Dayal- Till date, I have not decided. If you suggest the alternate I shall follow you.
Mathyal Ji- Come forward for unitization. You propose for unitization of Garhwali social organizations. Nobody is in favor of federal body of organizations. There is one Garhwali Natak Fatak Sanstha in Sarojani Nagar. Garhwali Natak Fatak Sanstha has funda of federal system of organizations. Tell them that they should pay attention on Drama Frama. What the hell! Do they know about social organizations and social issues?
Mrs. Deen Dayal- Well! Be sure that our organization is with you.
Mathyal Ji-It is great pleasure that you are supporting unitization and federal system. You send a written proposal for unification of all social organizations. Now, I shall make a move. People are coming there to attend meeting for unification.
Mrs. Deen Dayal- Definitely, I shall send written proposal in favor of unification. Bhaiji! We are organizing a collective Holi celebration. I have written four rupees as your contribution. This is receipt for four rupees.
Mathyal Ji-Sister! Don’t you think four rupees is high?
Mrs. Deen Dayal- Our organization is new and we don’t have sink fund.
Mathyal Ji-Ok! I shall make a move. I shall send four rupees very soon.
Mrs. Deen Dayal- Sorry Brother! We need subscription today only.
Mathyal Ji- I will find out whether I got four rupees or not? (Takes hand in his pocket)
Mrs. Deen Dayal- I am sure you will have four rupees in your pocket. I have already prepared receipt.
Mathyal Ji- Ok! Take four rupees. Now, I will make move.
Mrs. Deen Dayal-Well!
Mathyal Ji – Brother! Now I will take your leave.
Deen Dayal- When you were calling my wife as sister. Am I your brother?
Mathyal Ji-Well! I am social worker. Calling brother or sister is our norms.
(Mathyal Ji starts walking out)
Mrs. Deen Dayal- Come again for taking tea!
Mathyal Ji- Definitely (self- Four rupees per glass tea!) (He gets down from stage.
Deen Dayal- You never told that you created a woman organization?
Mrs. Deen Dayal- You mean I should have asked your first to create an organization?
Deen Dayal-No! I am just saying that you should have informed me good news. It is my pleasure that people appreciate your intellect.
Mrs. Deen Dayal- You paid three rupees and I took four rupees. I got back my three rupees and one rupee for the organization.
Deen Dayal-But! You gave receipt for four rupees.
Mrs. Deen Dayal- No, the receipt was for one but receipt is in such a manner that you may presume i either four or one rupee.
Deen Dayal- I have done injustice on you.
Mrs. Deen Dayal- What?
Deen Dayal- You were capable for being lawyer or minister but you are busy in cooking.
Mrs. Deen Dayal- I am fed up of your playing cards for whole Sunday.
Deen Dayal-My fellows neither are not interested in playing cards Kotpees and sweep etc but everybody is busy in unification of social organizations. I am visiting in Ekikaran Meeting.
Mrs. Deen Dayal- Visit but don’t tell in evening that you had headache there. (she walks out from stage)
Deen Dayal (Self) – I have been in Delhi for twelve years but never knew about Garhwali social organizations and their workings. (walks down from stage) O Conductor! Please stop Bus...
Baguleshwar (On the stage and Deen Dayal enters on stage. Baguleshwar walks round and round with high speed)
Deen Dayal – I have come here. But where should I go? People told me that unification is happening near Birla temple. Yes! That person is running round would know where is happening unification. Wah! He is Baguleshwar Ji! Baguleshwar Ji! Namaskar! (Baguleshwar does not pay attention) (Deen Dayal puts his hand on his back) Sir! Baguleshwar Ji!
Baguleshwar- We shall build the Garhwal Bhawan. What do think of us that you could stop building Garhwal Bhawan? Nobody can stop us building Garhwal Bhawan.
Deen Dayal –Baguleshwar Ji! I never stop you building the Garhwal Bhawan. I just asked where is happening Unification?
Baguleshwar- Do yourself unification! Join our organization and it will be unification.
Deen Dayal –Sir! I am totally ignorant about unification of Garhwali social organizations in Delhi.
Baguleshwar- Don’t you know about unification? We have 14789 members by this afternoon. We are not afraid of you. Even we don’t want that you join us.
Deen Dayal –But! I never told anything …
Baguleshwar- We have program, we have definite objective and objects. We have thousands of rupees in our bank account. What do you have?
Deen Dayal – I have only three rupees.
Baguleshwar- Give me two rupees. (Baguleshwar snatches two rupees from Deen Dayal). Now, you are also partner in this Garhwal Bhawan.
Deen Dayal Towards audience) –Thank god I still have one rupee for bus fare to go home.(Towards Baguleshwar)- Sir! What are the benefits of being member?
Baguleshwar- Are you asking Benefits? There are many benefits. We don’t make member to bogus people. You are dam lucky I made you member. Are you lucky or not?
Deen Dayal –Yes! But tell me the path for Ekikaran or unification!
Baguleshwar- I have already shoed you the method of Ekikaran or unification. Now, collect subscription for our organization. It would unify us.
Deen Dayal –I am confused about this type of unification. (Sits restlessly)
(A Poet enters)
Poet- What has happened? Is somebody died?
Deen Dayal –O Poet Ji! Thank god I met you. I came here to watch unification. However, I’m unable to see where unification is. I asked him but could not understand what he is talking about.
Poet-You are hitting the wrong target.
Deen Dayal –What happened?
Poet-He is an ill person.
Deen Dayal –Is he ill? What is the problem?
Poet- he has indigestion problem
Deen Dayal –Oh! Very bad!
(Baguleshwar comes near to them)
Baguleshwar-What are you talking about so secretly? What do you understand of you. We are not afraid of anybody. We shall build Garhwal Bhawan.
Poet-Nobody can stop you. Build Bhawan or Fort. Might be , you might have completed the building.
Baguleshwar-We have 3635 members. We are not afraid of anybody.
Poet-Yes! You should not be afraid. Why should you be afraid? You have done a lot. Now, it is time for you to take rest.
Baguleshwar- Rest? I know your dirty mind. I shall take rest and you will jump there to lead people.
Poet-No!  No! I am no where equal to you. You are wrong to think so.
Baguleshwar-You are right and I am wrong? You don’t have any say. Do you know that we have three hundred eleven members? Have you any idea of our strength?
Poet- Oh My god! I am caught unnecessarily. OK Good bye!
Deen Dayal- Don’t leave me alone.
(Baguleshwar leaves stage)
Poet-Shit! He is pain on the neck.
Deen Dayal- Still, I could not understand about your infighting.
Poet-Slowly, you will understand. At present, the infighting is among big leaders, Very soon it will be in open and then you will understand what it is about.
Deen Dayal- But! People are talking about Unification and you are telling infighting. Tell me what is this unification?
Poet-There is mention of unification or Ekikaran in Ayurved. There are many names for Ekikaran, unification, unionization, merger, federalism, mixing, amalgamation and so on. A few doctors refer it mad men’s voice.
Deen Dayal- Oh!
Poet-Yes! The process is that first, make powder of all social organizations. Then add Neem, Laung or clove, black peeper, jiggery, Alou Iladu etc. Then mix them with care. More the bitter ingredients more sweetness is the principle. Mix the mixture with water and boil it for longer.
Deen Dayal- Very well! What next?
Poet-Then boil it for longer.
Deen Dayal- What next?
Poet-Let it boils. We have been boiling it from ninety fifty.
Deen Dayal- Boiling from ninety fifty? But it will be Kwath?
Poet- We are still waiting that it becomes Kwath. Kwath means the real medicines. However, we are waiting that it becomes Kwath. That is why we meet every Saturday-Sunday.
Deen Dayal- How is this type of unification? You are coming out of meeting. Where is the meeting for unification?
Poet-Meeting is always held in Reading Kothi. There is ample place.
Deen Dayal- Well! What are the people talking today?
Poet-I don’t know. I could not hear them. I don’t have time.
Deen Dayal- What do you do?
Poet- I am poet. I published poetry collection. I went there to sell my poetry collection
Deen Dayal- Oh! Did you publish poetry collection?
Poet-Yes! You too take one book. (Hands over book) Its name is ‘Chyan Chilangi’. Chyan Chilangi Aja, Bukhana Bukai Ja…
Deen Dayal (keeps booklet in his pocket)- I shall read in leisure time.
Poet-Its price is two rupees.
Deen Dayal- Take it back. I have only one rupee
Poet-fine, I shall collect balance one rupee next day.(Takes one rupee)
Deen Dayal- I require one rupee for bus.
Poet-Don’t worry! I shall take you by my cycle.
Deen Dayal- Unification is very costly.
Poet-You go inside. I am just coming. I need a cigarette.
Deen Dayal- will it not any problem in entering?
Poet- No! Not at all, there is problem in entry for unification. Anybody can go there and can speak whatever way he wishes or she wishes. The bungalow owner offers tea and you have to arrange your own for cigarettes.
Deen Dayal- Well! I will go there (comes down from stage. The editors comes on stage)
Poet-Namaskar Editor Ji! Are you going for meeting?
Editor- Yes! Am I not too late?
Poet-No! No! Not late.
Editor-  I thought meeting might have started. What is happening there?
Poet-Come here! At this juncture, Jeeja –Sala Jokes are being busted there.
Editor- Ok! You write a report on unification for the newsletter. Due to unification movement there is good demand for our newsletter.
Poet-I will write the news. Do want report in prose or poetry? Do you have match box?
Editor- Yes1 (hand over match box)
Poet-Then you will have cigarette too?
Editor- No! I stopped smoking.
Poet-Why are you keeping match box?
Editor- Somebody offers me cigarette.
Poet- But, I have only one cigarette stick. (Lights cigarette)
Editor- Please, make report on this meeting.
Poet- Definitely, I shall submit my report. Tell me! Is your paper supporting unification or not?
Editor- In the last edition, we opposed the idea of unification. But, we shall support unification in the coming issue.
Poet-Why is this confusion?
Editor- There is no confusion at all. Our paper goes as per time, place and class. We support the idea of majority.
Poet-Should I write strongly in support of unification?
Editor- If there is differences for any matter, the writer should be diplomatic. The readers should not know which way is writer.
Poet-Everybody has own principle.
Editor- There is only principle that makes difference between a dog and a man.
Poet- What are you views on unification?
Editor- My views! Where the majority is there I am for the majority. Unification is also good, federalism is also nice and many gentlemen support merger.
Mathyal (enters)-Tell me who are those gentlemen? Majority is supporting unification. Now, you are raising the question of merger or federalism.
Editor- If there was unanimity for one thing there would be no infighting. You may tell from your part angle but you can’t say from other people views.
Mathyal-Our organization represents whole Garhwal. That means that view of our organization is view of all.
Poet- How can you be representative of all other organizations?
Mathyal- The name of our organization is All India Garhwal Organization. That means we represent all organizations.
Editor-This is absurd logic.
Mathyal -Yes it is the only logic.
Poet- Gyatam Pitarpandityam Namdharanakaranat!
Mathyal- Don’t mention my father’s name at all. I will see you that you are not able to utter a single word (catches Poet and poet goes back).
Poet – I never means what you understood. It is not to be angry.
Editor- He never means what you understood. You are educated man and should not behave like that.
Mathyal- I have come across such useless poets in past. If I show my power, you will forget creating poetry.
(Baguleshwar comes among all)
Baguleshwar- Let I speak first. Let I speak first. What do you all think of you? (he goes out of stage)
(Deen Dayal enters. There is a plaster on his head and hand is seen broken)
Deen Dayal- I came to watch the unification. But there was football completion. 
(Mathyal enters)
Mathyal – What happened? You head and hand are broken?
Deen Dayal – There was no unification but my body became football for unification players.
Mathyal-Was there fighting?
Deen Dayal –No! There was no fighting but there was stamped due to everybody was raising his views. I became unification.
Mathyal-Is any other injured?
Deen Dayal –How could other be injured. All were wise leaders. I got injury; a common man gets injury for the differences for opinions among leaders.
Mathyal- Don’t worry. It was your first chance. It is necessary to have small injury before becoming big leader.
Deen Dayal –Sorry! Mathyal Ji! I did not get any taste in you unification.
Mathyal- Was there any result about unification, merger or federalism?
Deen Dayal – I don’t think there would come any result. Now, my wife is going to make me out of house.
Mathyal-But you have to go to your house.
Deen Dayal –You will have to go with me to unify me and my wife.
Mathyal-Ok! Let us go to your house.

Copyright@ Heirs of late Lalit Mohan Thapliyal, NOIDA, UP, 2014
And Garhwal Sangeet –Natak Samaj , New Delhi 
Script for hilarious, satirical, humorous, , entertaining, Inspiring drama, Stage Play about Social Organizations by Lalit Mohan Thapliyal; Script for hilarious, satirical, humorous, entertaining Inspiring drama, Stage Play about Social Organizations by Lalit Mohan Thapliyal born in Shrikot; Script for hilarious, satirical, humorous, Inspiring drama, entertaining Stage Play about Social Organizations by Lalit Mohan Thapliyal born in Khatsyun; Script for hilarious, satirical, humorous, Inspiring drama, entertaining Stage Play about Social Organizations by Lalit Mohan Thapliyal born in Pauri Garhwal; Script for hilarious, satirical, humorous, Inspiring drama, entertaining Stage Play about Social Organizations by Lalit Mohan Thapliyal born in Uttarakhand; Script for hilarious, satirical, humorous, Inspiring drama, entertaining Stage Play about Social Organizations by Lalit Mohan Thapliyal worked as journalist; Script for hilarious, satirical, humorous, Inspiring drama, entertaining Stage Play about Social Organizations by Lalit Mohan Thapliyal who worked with Pioneer newspaper; Script for hilarious, satirical, humorous, Inspiring drama, entertaining Stage Play about Social Organizations by Lalit Mohan Thapliyal worked in Geneva; Script for hilarious, satirical, humorous, Inspiring drama, entertaining Stage Play about Social Organizations by Lalit Mohan Thapliyal New York; Script for hilarious, satirical, humorous, Inspiring drama, entertaining Stage Play about Social Organizations by Lalit Mohan Thapliyal one of founders of Garhwali Sangit-Natak Samaj, Delhi ; Script for hilarious, satirical, humorous, Inspiring drama, entertaining Stage Play about Social Organizations by Lalit Mohan Thapliyal who wrote famous five Garhwali stage plays; Script for hilarious, satirical, humorous, Inspiring drama, entertaining Stage Play about Social Organizations by Lalit Mohan Thapliyal famous playwright of Khadu lapata stage play; Script for hilarious, satirical, humorous, Inspiring drama, entertaining Stage Play about Social Organizations by Lalit Mohan Thapliyal the playwright of stage play- Gharjawain; Script for hilarious, satirical, humorous, Inspiring drama, entertaining Stage Play about Social Organizations by Lalit Mohan Thapliyal playwright of stage play Anchheryun ka Tal ; Script for hilarious, satirical, humorous, Inspiring drama, entertaining Stage Play about Social Organizations by Lalit Mohan Thapliyal playwright of stage play Durjan ki Kachhedi;


Bhishma Kukreti

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                   Tiger: The Protecting Officer for Goat-Sheep Herds 
(Script of a Satirical, Humorous, Social theme, Political theme, Humorous, Entertaining Drama)
                (Bakhron Gwair Syal: A Garhwali Language Stage Play By Bhishma Kukreti, written in 1987 and published in 2005)
             (A Satirical, Humorous, Hilarious, Realistic Stage Play, Drama)

                          By: Bhishma Kukreti

Main Characters
Village Chief (He becomes fatter in every scene)
Dharma- Forty years old
Gaje Singh - Forty years old
Dhingwa-Fifty years old
Gopal Singh- below forty
Rikhwa- Forty year old poor man
Bhana Ironsmith- Sixty years old poor man
(Different back ground voices)

[The curtain is on. On Curtain a photograph is hung where a Garhwali hill village is shown]
(From Background- voices are heard)
One woman voice- Shit! In this village, nothing is available. In my Delhi, you may get even the butter manufactured in New Zealand and cornflakes made in Brazil…
Another woman Voice- Hey Sister! When did you come from Delhi?
First woman- Yesterday night
Second Woman- Have you met my husband in Delhi? He did not send money order for many months. I’m unable to pay shopkeepers and he is persuading to sell my irrigated land.
Background Male Voice- Should we not Thanks to Money Order Economy?
Another woman Voice- Mother in Law! My two months old child is weeping. I am busy in thrashing paddy grain.
Mother in law (rage full voice) - Put the toy in his hand.
Daughter in law: - That is the finest advice. Seeing the toy, the weeping child will forget the hunger.
(Suddenly there is sound of Bell-Tan  ...Tan  ...Tan)
A school Boy’s voice- Papa! I have to finish home work of mathematic questions.
A Male strong Voice- Shut up. Don’t be in illusion that by education you would be a Big Officer. Will your Grandfather take care of your younger brother? Take him on your thigh and sing lullaby that he sleeps. After that you have to take out cow dung from cowshed.
(Sound of Bell-Tan  ...Tan  ...Tan)

A Teenage female Voice- O Sister in Law! O Bhabhi! I want to go for urination and daily…
An Older female Voice- Shut up! You daughter of Bhutani! Will your mother come from heaven to paint the kitchen wall by cow dung?
Another woman Voice- O wise sister! My baby is caught by diarrhea. For miles, there is no hospital. He is also vomiting every hour.
Wise woman Voice- Brand his belly and stomach by hot red iron rod.
(Very Strong male Voice and slowly the curtain also open the stage. The drawing room of Village Chief is shown and there are photos of contemporary political leaders including Mahatma Gandhi etc. There are bundles of some files, a cot and furniture as per imagination of director)
Male Voice- Shut up and Shut Up... You selfish villagers!  Don’t you see our village chief is in great pain? Don’t you see that the village chief is running here and there as if he had child delivery pain?
You are worried about your money order but shameful woman! Don’t you see that the village chief is in confusion?
You are worried about mathematical questions and their solutions but ever did you think that our village chief can’t find solution for his worries?
You are agonized for your son’s diarrhea and are you not worried that our village chief is having mental and physical pains? Disgraceful villagers!
Village Chief (Repeatedly strike his head by his fist and slowly runs in his drawing room from one corner to other corner) - O My Mother! What should I do? What is the solution? I was unknown that the job of a village council chief is so very hard. I was thinking that job of a village chief is just the simplest job. (Coughs). But, it is headache to be a village council chief. It is total headache to be a village chief. Village chief means no gains and only pains. What should be done? What is the remedy?
Gopal Sing (enters and see village chief (Pradhan) running one corner to other corner) – Paylagun Pradhan Ji! Village Chief! Good Morning Pradhan Ji. Pradhan Ji! You are running in circle as if you are pregnant cow and would deliver the calf. What is the matter?
Village chief or Gram Pradhan-(checks his stomach and then pull his hands from stomach suddenly with force) - You son of Pig!  You are joking with me when I am having severed stomach pain.  I am great Pradhan Virendra.
Gopal Singh- Oh! Don’t remind me stomach pain. Last year I had stomach pain in cow shed camp in outfields. The whole night I was busy in toilet. The stomach pain is very painful.
Village Chief or Gram Pradhan- Oh My God! This pain is different pain.
Gopal Singh- Virendra Uncle! Different pain! But your wife is here only.
Village chief-(angry) - You Pig! It is headache and severe headache…
Gopal – My foot on headache! Come on! I massage your head and there won’t be any headache for many months.
(Gopal massages the head of Village Chief).
Village Chief- Ha! Ha! Now headache is no more. But now, my legs are paining as if there is heavy tension.
Gopal Singh (Gopal pulls legs of Pradhan and started massaging them with fast hands) - O Pradhan Ji! Your legs are so strong as if these are pine tree stem. At this age, you are very strong.
(In the mean time, Pradhan started coughing)
Gopal-You lie down and I shall press your neck.
Village Chief-What?
Gopal- I mean that let me massage your neck too.
(Gopal massages the neck of village chief)
Village Chief- Thank god! You came at proper time. I was to die.
Gopal- I am first son of my father. I am always at proper and right time.
Village Chief (touching his neck) - It is headache to be a village chief means Gram Pradhan. You have to carry the heavy load that you only created.
Gopal- Yes Pradhan Ji! There are problems everywhere. Take my problem …
Village chief (jumps on his feet) - Problems! Have you come to me for your problems? Have you not seen that I was running here and there as if ..
Gopal- I think you have constipation. Take soap water from your back and constipation would go. Let me help to push soap water through your back.
Village Chief- O son of Pig! You started joking again.
Gopal-But, Pradhan Ji! The headache comes by constipation.
Village Chief- I have a great problem. I could not sleep for three nights and days. I thought from one angle but there was another problem. When I though from another angle and found that there was different problem.
Gopal (enthusiastically)- You are absolutely right. Take my problem. My problem with Galladar uncle...
Village Chief (again jumps) - Your problem! Don’t you see that I am dying by my problem and you have come for your problem and solutions?
Gopal- Chief! Listen! My problem is very serious.
Village Chief- I think you are drugged. I am crying for my problem and you have come with your useless and small problem
Gopal- No! No! Chief! My problem is not small. It is very grave problem. If you don’t make take decision as village chief, either I will kill my uncle or my uncle will kill me.
Village Chief- You both go to hell. Why don’t you go to court to settle your disputes? Leave me alone and let me find the solution for my serious problem.
Gopal- Village Chief! My uncle did encroach my farm land. If you don’t take judgment there will be murder from either side.
Village Chief- I am least bothered if you murder your uncle or he assassinates your whole family. When you kill your uncle inform me in person. Get out from my sight at this time. I don’t have a moment for think about other problem.
Gopal (Going out) - If there is murder you will be responsible for every killing.
Village Chief (walking in his drawing room cum office)- These illustrate villagers! If his uncle had done intruded the farmland he should approach to Patwari or police. Even his uncle run away with his nephew’s wife I don’t have time to settle their disputes.
I have bigger problem than land encroachment and rapes.  I am in terrible dilemma. Every Gram Pradhan has become famous in my area. Every village chief talks about their achievements in Block chief meetings. Every Village Chief has bright fame as moon. Only my fame in the region is less than glow worm. Bisht Pradhan of Bisht Ganv sold the pine forest of village and built three floored temple. Baman Pradhan of Baman village built Nagarja temple by selling village Tun forest. The Nagraja temple is copy of Meenakshi temple. Every villagers of region is   talking about those tall temples. Other village chiefs also built temple in their village by selling village assets and got fame and name and now are celebrities. I am ashamed that I did not take birth in prosperous village where natural resources are for sale and village chief gets fame and name. There is no lime mines, there are no trees in our village that I sell and ….. What? What am I thinking? Shit! Why could I not think for so many days?  What a Applaud! I am proud of my marvelous thinking ... Wah! Wah! I am the wisest village chief of this province. What an idea for getting fame! I am great! I am great!
 Where my two Chamchas!  O Gaje Sing! O dharma Nand! Where are you? Both are mindless. I can’t find them when I need them the most. I got such a marvelous idea and both are absconding.
(Village Chief lies on bed as if he got heaven)
Village Chief- Now, I am relaxed. I am relieved! For three days, I was unable to sleep.
(Two persons enters from two sides into drawing room)
Both- I am now here. I am here now.
Village Chief- Now, I am relieved. This relaxation comes by only when there is …
Dharma Nand- Oh! Now you are relaxed. Did you get solution?
Gaje Singh- o Dharma Nand! What do you mean? Do you think of our great village chief?
Dharma Nand- O! Gaje Singh! In my opinion our village chief is human being.
Gaje Singh- Dharma! I think you did not have breakfast today. That’s why you are calling our village chief as mere human being.
Dharma Nand – Do you mean that village chief has cow horns?
Gaje Singh- Foolish man! Pradhan Ji! It was better for you to nourish a dog than this Dharma. O Dharma! Listen! These days, people do not respect deities but worship Gram Pradhan. Gram Pradhan is not human being but more than deities.
Dharma- Yes! You are right. Now a day, people go first paying tribute to Gram Pradhan and then pay visit to temple. Even people fist put mark on forehead of Pradhan Ji and then put mark on deity idol.
Gaje Singh- Now, you are talking sensibly.
Dharma Nand- Pradhan Ji! Why did you call us?
Gaje Singh- Did you get?
Village Chief- You both were talking about that barring me every Gram Pradhan has become famous due to temple building.
Both- We only endorsed your views.
Village Chief- Now, what I carry would be the top. No village chief would have thought what I do now.
Dharma- We are sure that you are wisest village chief in this region.
Gaje Singh- No! Not only in our area but our village chief is the wisest village chief in whole of Garhwal.
Dharma- Will you build 60 feet Devi temple on top of our village hill?
Village Chief- No! I will do that everybody will forget every Pradhan.
Dharma- Have you called a black magician from Bengal?  Would that black magician shine your fame?
Village Chief- The will be only may name everywhere. Everybody would say Virendra the great village Chief. Virendra from Gadhpur! The Great Virendra ... The great Virendra from Gadhpur…
Gaje Singh- Yes! You are absolutely right. Because of your majesty, Gadhpur would also get fame and name. Because of you, everybody respects us too and pays tribute to us this way or that way.
Virendra - Let comes the second October and everybody all over this state will talk only about Virendra from Gadhpur. There will be discussion in every media about Virendra from Gadhpur. Second October is the birth day of Mahatma Gandhi and another great man will take birth on this date that is great Virendra.
Gajendra- yes! On that day is Shradh day of Gandhi. Very Good! We shall get Kheer and Kadhi …
(Virendra did not pay attention his eyes are towards sky or roof)
Dharma- O Gaje! Shradh day is when a person died. Birth day is nor Shradh day.
Gaje- Dharma! See we remember our deceased parents on their death day or tithi. India remembers Mahatma Gandhi only on second October. Definitely it is Shradh day of Mahatma Gandhi. Indians do not remember Gandhi other than second October.
Dharma- In a way, you are right that Indians remember Gandhi only on second October. It means that second October is Shradh day of Mahatma Gandhi.
Gaje Singh- It means on that day we shall have Kheer, Kadhi, Mithu Bhat and Rayta?
Dharma- In my opinion, we shall have mutton on that day for our village. There should be big feast for our villagers.
Virendra- There will be more than the feast.
Dharma- It means there will be one rupee Pithai for all.
Gaje Singh- Dharma- Your attention is always on Pithai or tribute.
Dharma- I know you too. Your attention is always on goat for mutton.
Village Chief (shows unhappiness) - I told so many times to pay attention on my views.  On that day, the whole Gadhpur village will be decorated as a bride. It will match with fifteenth August celebration in Delhi. There will be flowers, garlands, flower beds, flags, banner, banana and pine Singh Dwar that is welcome gates, cultural music, big meeting. This rally will be bigger than city rallies. Huge rally!
Gaje Singh- What are you telling a rally in our village?
Village Chief- Yes! Huge rally in our village! There will be Dhol, Damau and what not in music. On that day, we shall raise a Gandhi sculpture in our village.
Dharma – Pradhan Ji ki Jai, Virendra Ji ki Jai! Gandhi Ji Ki bhi jai!
Village Chief- The height of Gandhi Ji statue would be sixty feet and base would be twenty four feet high. There are eighty four karods deities and there will be eighty four feet high Gandhi Ji statue in our village. The base and Gandhi Ji statue would be of white marble stone.
Gaje- Eighty four feet high statue …?
Village Chief- Yes! Statue will be eighty four feet high …
Gaje Singh – Great Idea!
Dharma- Greatest Idea!
Village Chief- Gandhi Ji! Gandhi Ji was great lover of villages. Gandhi Ji used to tell villages are soul of India. He used to tell that farmers are deities for India. But we villagers don’t understand his values. Gandhi Ji respected villagers but we villagers never repaid his debt.
Dharma- Will it not  too expensive?
Village Chief- Great work means huge expenses! The expense will be in Lakhs.
Gaje Singh- Will You spend that much by your own on Gandhi Ji Statue?
Village Chief (Loudly laughs) – Politicians don’t spend a penny on such social act. If I spend money on statue I would be called fool the most in this world. The real politicians spends money but not from his pocket from government or nation’s natural resources. None of you can understand the secret of fame and name from other’s pocket.
Gaje Singh – That is right.
Dharma- That means firing through other’s solders!
Village Chief- Yes! Other will pay and I shall get fame and name. These days, you become more famous when other invests on you.
Dharma- Definitely! In modern democracy suggests walk to top on other’s horses.
Gaje- But from where that much amount would come? Are you going for collective subscription?
Village Chief- You should have big eyes and you will search the wealth. The wealth is in our village.
Dharma- Did you find any hidden treasurer?
Village Chief- It had been there for centuries. We could not exploit our village natural resources. How big is our village catechu forest?
Dharma- Our village catechu forest be about 800-1000 acres.
Gaje Singh- I think more than 1000 acres.
Village Chief- I shall sell catechu trees to Catechu Factory Catechu factory owner would offer lakhs and lakhs. That amount would be more than enough for statue and other programs for huge rally.
Gaje Singh – However, villagers would be main hurdle between selling catechu trees to Kattha Seth.
Village Chief- You are blind. The people are as good as sheep to follow the leader. You may take people wherever you would want to. Only you should know the trick.
Gaje Singh- Wah! This called Heen Lage Na Fadkadi aur Rang nikle Chokha. The forest belongs to our village and you will get fame by selling collective forest. You are modern technocrat for getting fame and name.
Dharma- Pradhan Ji! Whether you like or not like but it is just impossible to sell collective catechu trees of village and even you can’t erect small statue of Gandhi Ji.
Village Chief- Get out from here. I shall keep a dog in your place. Your family depends on me for every gulp of food. Now, you are preaching me that I can’t erect Gandhi Ji statue. You know my tricky power. Being an upper caste person I took tea at lower caste people houses. Though I an upper caste man but I did not hesitate to touch the feet of a poor Harijan just to get votes. At the time of village chief election, I created such a situation that Rajput families are enemies of Brahmin families and Harijan families think that Rajputs and Brahmins are their enemies by birth.
Dharma- Yes! You are right that Rajputs now don’t talk with Brahmins and Harijan don’t want see faces of Rajput and Brahmins. However…
Village Chief- Gaje Sing! Take this bugger out. I don’t want to see his face forever.
Dharma- I know that due to your smart tactics now, every caste hates every other caste. However there is a problem.
Village Chief- I know how to crush the problematic stones. What do you mean by problem?
Dharma- There are Dhingwa and Badri.
Village Chief- What will they do?
Dharma- You are well aware about Dhingwa and Badri wanted to become village chief. You won the position. However, still Dhingwa and Badri are hopeful to get position. Apart from Badri and Dhingwa, there is Sudama too who will challenge you.
Village Chief- Yes! Yes! Dhingwa, Badri and Sudama would challenge me. This trio might stop my chariot of fame.
Dharma- That is the main reason I was insisting to hear my plea. I can’t go out from your shadow.
Village Chief (serious) – definitely! These three would not allow villagers accepting my scheme of selling catechu forest and erecting eighty four feet Gandhi Ji statue. Dhingwa Singh … Badri Prasad … and Sudama teacher … Trio … wall between my dream and the reality ….. Sudama teacher1 No! I should not worry about Sudama teacher. But Badri Prasad and Dhingwa Singh would never allow me selling catechu forest for my own fame. Badri Prasad … Dhingwa Singh ….
Gaje Singh – Be careful! Both are dangerous game players. Dhingwa Kaka and Badri Tau may destroy your scheme at crucial time.
Village Chief- I can make fool of villagers. However, Badri and Dhingwa would not come into my trap easily.
Dharma- That means you will have to abandon selling catechu forest.
Village Chief (in deep thinking mood) - Dhingwa is Rajput … Badri is Brahmin … You both listen!  Brahmin and Rajput families should not be friendly at any cost.
Gaje Singh –what do you mean by Brahmin and Rajput families should not be friendly at any cost?
Village Chief- Badri is my enemy number one and Dhingwa is my enemy number two. Till they don’t see eye to eye with each other I am safe. When they have collaboration I am finished. It means I have to play the alphabets of R and B.  That means I have to create bigger rift between Rajput and Brahmin families.  Even the Rajput children should stop playing with Brahmin children. Both castes should boycott each other’s marriage party and religious feasts.
Dharma- What about Sudama teacher?
Village Chief- Sudama teacher is intellectual. I am not worried about his concern for social causes. Badri and Dhingwa want power. Power hungry are far more dangerous than social cause oriented intellectuals. Power hungry men are dangerous than man-eaters.
Dharma- Definitely, you have to manage Badri kaka and Dhingwa Kaka.
Village Chief- Definitely! I have to manage they both … Dhingwa and Badri …
Gaje Singh- It is terrible to manage both for such a big work.
Village chief- Listen carefully! I am visiting Kattha city to negotiate with Kattha Seth for selling catechu. I will see that I get full advance from Kattha Seth. In the mean time, I shall make strategy to tackle Dhingwa and Badri.
Both- Badri and Dhingwa ….
Village Chief- you just spread the news in the village that Gram Pradhan is erecting eighty four feet high Gandhi Ji stature on second of October. Every villager should dream for eighty four feet high statue of great Gandhi Ji. Tell that Gandhi Ji statue will enhance the fame and name of village. Each villager should know that every Indians will ask our village for such high statue.
Gaje Singh – Don’t worry Pradhan Ji. Each villager will dream about our village is famous for big name in all corners of India.
Village Chief- Now, you have to keep eyes on Badri and Dhingwa. You should have each activity by these two buggers.
Dharma- Chief! Don’t worry!  We shall have details of every moment of Badri Kaka and Dhingwa kaka. We will know what Badri Kaka is eating and where Dhingwa Kaka is urinating.
Village Chief- Now, I am relaxed. Gandhi Ji statue would make me MLC.
Dharma- Definitely, Gandhi Ji statue would take you to Lok Sabha too. Still, the stick of Gandhi Ji has power to take a village chief to Parliament.
Village Chief- Well! Now I am visiting to Kattha factory city and will return with money. You see that there is more enmity between Rajput and Brahmin families.
(Background Voices)
Chorus- Come! Children! Come on! We shall tell the tale of Gandhi Ji. Gandhi Ji can take you assembly. Gandhi Ji can take you to parliament too.
Second voice- Now, we shall have eighty four feet high Gandhi Ji statue in the middle of our village!
Third voice- yes! We shall be proud that our village has eighty four feet high statue. Our village will have fame and name.
A woman voice – Will that fame offer medicinal treatment to my dying child?
Another woman- Will that fame satisfy my hunger?
A Male voice- Will that fame offers my child better education?
A woman voice – Will that fame offer medicinal treatment to my dying child?
Another woman- Will that fame satisfy my hunger?
Male Voice- Will that fame brings canals to my dry fields?
Voice- Fame is more important.
Voice- No! Medical facilities are more important than fame
Voice- No! Fame is more important than any facility.
Voice- No! Irrigation is more important than fame
Voice- No, fame
Voice- Food is important than fame
Voice- Fame
Voice- Food
Voice- Fame
Voice- I am Confused that whether fame is important or irrigation!
Voice- I am also confused fame or education facility
A Loud Voice- Shut up! It is not your job to decide what is valuable and important for the village.
Another loud Voice- Yes! You just follow what leaders say. It is job of Village chief to decide best for this village.
(Slowly, Curtain ups. Village Chief is walking slowly in his drawing room. Now, his stomach is bigger than past.)
Village Chief (Happy mod) - Wah! I won. I won. I am great winner. I sold forest in ten lakhs. No doubt the value was for twenty lakhs rupees. But you have to pay the heavy price for total advance.  Personally I don’t lose anything. It is collective natural resource. Nobody is loser in selling collective resources at half the price. I am the winner. Now, there will be four headed statue of Gandhi Ji in centre of village. Brahma would be embarrassed to see that four headed marble statue. This four headed statue will bring great fame and name for Virendra the great village chief of Gadhpur! Virendra the great leader of this province! Now, nobody can stop me becoming MLC of this state. After second October, Virendra would be called MLC. What a great idea! Just by selling natural resources I become MLC! Great Virendra!
    But the job is not so simple. Badri and Dhingwa might put down spikes on my road of success. I have to take care for their strategies in stopping my game plan.
    They are dangerous. They are hurdle. I have to take hard decision. Everything is fare in political war.
 O Dharma! O Gaje! Where are you? You Both! Are you alive or dead!
(Both come running)
Both- We expected that you will take more time in getting advances for catechu trees from Kattha Seth.
Village Chief- I am great village Chief Virendra of Gadhpur. I am powerful negotiator.
Dharma- It means you have sold village forest to Kattha Seth.
Village Chief – Yes! I sold village forest and I got full advance too.
Both (Loudly) -Virendra Ji Ki jai Ho! Virendra Ji Ki jai Ho!
Village Chief- Tell me about villagers. What are their opinions about Gandhi Ji statue?
Gaje Singh- Mostly, the villagers are happy. Older are dreaming to have Bhajan there on daily basis.
Dharma- Younger boys have decided to have Card games and Chaupad from morning to night on the base of Gandhi Ji statue. Many young boys have assured donating lamp and oil for many months.
Village Chief- Shut up! To know the characters of cow and buffalos you find character of owner. If you want to judge people’s mood you have to find out mood of their leaders. Tell me activities of Dhingwa Sing and Badri Prasad. What are the views of Badri and Dhingwa about Gandhi Ji statue?
Gaje Sing- Don’t ask about jealousy of Dhingwa Kaka. Whenever, anybody asks him about Gandhi Ji, he starts shivering. He starts preaching that we should not erect statue of Gandhi Ji by selling collective catechu trees.
Village Chief- Whose statue does he suggest?
Gaje Sing- He was referring some Bigtori karas or Gabaru ..I don’t know what this Bigtori is…
Village Chief- he means Victoria Cross winner Gabar Singh of Garhwal rifle.
Gaje- Yes! Yes! Dhingwa Kaka was saying rifle too.
Village Chief- What about Badri?
Dharma- Badri Bada becomes fire cracker when he hears about Gandhi statue.
Village chief- What are his views?
Dharma- Badri Bada wants that there should be statue of Jagta Guru Acharya…
Village Chief- Jagadguru Shankaracharya!
Dharma- Yes Shankar …
Village Chief- Gabbar Singh …! Shankaracharya …Statue... It means both Dhingwa Singh and Badri Prasad are not against statue. Both are pro Statue. Both are image worshippers. Both are politicians. Poison should be treated by poison. Politicians would be dealt by political tricks.
               Tell me! Are they still in non talking term?
Gaje Singh- No! Till date they are not in talking terms. However, the underground news is that they want treaty very soon. They did not used bad words for each other for four five days. Otherwise, in morning Dhingwa Kaka used to have bad words for Badri uncle and Badri uncle was calling Dhingwa the betrayer.
Village Chief- They should not have any friendship.
Dharma- Both wants forest for own political purposes. 
Village Chief- The lion is not afraid from foxes but when all are organized the lion becomes helpless.
Gaje Singh- How is it possible that Dhingwa uncle and Badri uncle don’t become friends?
Village Chief- Both should do not see each other. Both should have more enmity.
Dharma – How?
Village- Very simple! If the cow of Gopal Singh enters into standing crop of Vishal Mani the news should be a Rajput sent his cow into Brahmin’s field. The simple event should be converted into caste war. If there is smut on Brahmin’s wheat, the news should be it is because of Rajput and like that …for every ill-fate Brahmin should blame on Rajput and Rajput should blame on Brahmins for every unfortunate.
Dharma- You mean there should be caste tussle between Rajput and Brahmin.
Village Chief- Dhingwa and Badri would be busy in Brahmin-Rajput tussle and I shall prepare me for becoming MLC.
Gaje Singh- This is called Chanakya Neeti. Divide and rule!
Village Chief- You should know when to show your triumph card.
Dharma- That is right. However, what should be done for that Sudama teacher?
Village Chief- Don’t worry for that ineffective intellectual. Such intellectuals are neither counted among men nor women.
Gaje Singh- Pradhan Ji! This Sudama Master is biting insect. It is news in weekly paper that Chipko People are also joining with Sudama teacher.
Village Chief- In our Garhwal, these intellectuals either publishes articles or publishes news for their movement. They will write letters to prime minister or chief minister but do not come in field. Filed work is not their cup of tea. This Sudama is confused intellectual. First, he will think whether letter should be written on white paper or pink paper or other color. Then he will waste his long time on about the type of pen. If he decides about paper and pen he would be undecided for color of ink. By then he decides I would be MLC of this province.
Dharma-You are right about intellectuals for taking decision. They are always undecided for taking the job in hand and think that their responsibility is just to publish their views.
Village Chief- Sudama master will write letter to Chipko people. They are now too, too much intellectuals and not field activists. They will also take time to decide. By that time, Kattha Seth would have deforested. By that time, there will be smiling Gandhi Ji statue. We should worry about field activists as Badri and Dhingwa. They don’t write letters or publish articles but act fast. Oh! My God! I forget letter. I have to write hundreds of letters. Shit! Go and find out where the ink pot is in my inner room. Find out ink and pen too. If ink and pen are not there run to market and bring reams of white paper.
Dharma- Letter?
Gaje Singh – Letters from you?
Village Chief- Go and bring inkpot, ink and white papers.
Dharma- I think you used ink or pen seldom. I am dead sure we cannot search ink and ink pot. 
Village Chief- Run to market and bring pen, inkpot, and ink including reams of white papers. I have to write hundreds of letters to famous politicians.
Dharma- Gaje would go to market. He would come faster than me within three hours from market.
Gaje- Well! I would visit market to bring the required items.
Village Chief- Dharma! You search Village Chief Stamp and stamp pad. Gaje! Run for ink and papers.
Dharma- I am sure, I shall take three hours to find out Village Chief Stamp and Stamp Pad. I don’t think you used stamp for months. I am going your village chief store room to find out stamp.
Village Chief- Run fast! There is no time left for writing hundreds of letters. It is very tough job to write hundreds of letters.
(A mature but an old man and poor Rikhwa enters)
Rikhwa- Oh! Thank deities! My nephew is here in his office. Virendra! My dear nephew!
Village Chief- See! You came to the drawing room of a village chief. So, do not treat me as your nephew. Treat me as village chief and not nephew in relation. Call me as Pradhan.
Rikhwa- What do you mean that you are not my nephew? 
Village Chief- Yes! I am not your nephew.
Rikhwa- Am I not your uncle?
Village Chief- Did I speak in foreign language? I am just a village chief. I am just a Gram Pradhan.
Rikhwa -Oh! My God! Are we in new era where village chief is not human being?
Village Chief- I am not there at your house for taking Shradh or Barkhi meal.
Rikhwa (utter surprise, towards audience) - Hain! You mean are Gram Pradhans from other planet? Before Gram Pradhan system, there were Padhans, there were Thokdars or Jameendars. However, they were human beings. Even a Thokdar used to call a fifteen years old boy uncle if he was in relation. A Thokdar used to touch feet of all who were uncles or aunty in relation.
Village Chief- See! Rikhwa!
Rikhwa- Keep quite! You are calling me by my name.
Village Chief- You illiterate villager! You won’t understand that we are living in democracy.
Rikhwa- Democracy! Does democracy means that you should forget your blood relation?
Village Chief- You bugger can’t understand the importance of Gram Pradhan.
Rikhwa- I can’t understand that what the Gram Pradhan is?
Village Chief- Yes!
 Rikhwa- Do you remember what did you tell me when you came to beg for my vote?
Village Chief- What did I tell?
Rikhwa- You said,” Rikhwa Kaka! You are my younger father. Caste me your vote” You only reminded me that my grandfather and your father’s grandfather were first cousin bothers. 
Village Chief- Now, do you want that I should touch your feet on daily basis? Have I become your slave for your single vote?
Rikhwa (Pathetic tone) – I am extremely sorry! Mr. Gram Pradhan! It is my mistake to call you my nephew. All right! I am your slave. My wife is your slave too.
Village Chief- That is fine. We are human being and we do mistakes. Now, tell me why did you come to see me?
Rikhwa- What to tell you and how to tell you?
Village Chief- What is this Nonsense? You came here and now, you are telling me what to tell me?
Rikhwa- Well!  I have only one son and ….He ….
Village Chief- Did I stop you for having more children?
 Rikhwa- My son Bhadwa is in ninth standard.
Village Chief- Yes! He goes to school as if he will become a top most officer in Prime Minister Office.
Rikhwa- he is the brilliant most in the region.
Village Chief- Unh! Have you come to tell me about your son’s brilliancy?
Rikhwa- I am in terrible condition because of Bhadwa.
Village Chief- I don’t have single moment to pass time. Tell me straight about your propose.
Rikhwa-   His school fees should be waved out.
Village Chief- Mr. Rikhwa! You are singing song with pigs!
Rikhwa- What? Am I singing song with Pigs?
Village Chief- Definitely! Waving fess is the job of School principal. You should approach to principal.
Rikhwa-  I went to principal but he said that I should visit you.
Village Chief- Who the hell told you that Gram Pradhan waves the fees?
Rikhwa- Principal told that I should take certificate from village chief that I am poor.
Village Chief- Is principal unaware about your condition?
Rikhwa- Why not? Principal is also my nephew in relation and knows everything about me.
Village Chief- So what?
Rikhwa- Principal says that I should get certificate from you to wave the fees.
Village Chief- Have I seen your stores that how much do you earn?
Rikhwa- In village, everybody knows that I am poor. Even dogs and cats know that I am poor. That is why dogs and cats don’t come to my house.
Village Chief- If you don’t have ability don’t send your son to school. If everybody would be educated who will do labor jobs?
Rikhwa- Please! Don’t speak such words.
Village Chief- I am telling the truth.
Rikhwa- When my Bhadhwa would be educated he would get good job and my prosperity would return as my grandfather.
Village Chief- Unh! Might be! He would become a peon
Rikhwa- Please! I beg not to speak inauspicious words.
Village Chief- Did I invite you to my house?
Rikhwa- Principal asked me to get certificate from you that I am poor.
Village Chief- Even the school peon knows that you are poor.
Rikhwa- That is why, I am requesting you.
Village Chief- You better peruse matter with principal.
Rikhwa- Please, just you write letter to principal that I am poor.
Village Chief- Have you become mad?
Rikhwa- When I was at my house I was alright. Now, I am also feeling that I am mad. Provide me certificate.
Village Chief- Do you have news?
Rikhwa- If the stomach is full every news comes. If you are poor no news comes. I heard that you are erecting Gandhi statue.
Village Chief- Thank god you heard the news that there would be Gandhi Ji statue. Gandhi Ji did a lot for poor but these poor are ungrateful. I am not ungrateful.   
Rikhwa- Certificate?
Village Chief- Get out from here. If I waste time for writing your poor certificate I shall lose time.
Rikhwa- But certificate is very important.
Village Chief- Why don’t you understand simple language that I don’t have a second  to write letter to principal.  I have to write hundreds of letters.
Rikhwa- But for me fees wave is case of death and life…
Village Chief- You poor are selfish people. Gandhi Ji lost his life for you poor people and you don’t understand the importance of providing respect to him.
Rikhwa- But my case is simple. Just a few words would be enough for certificate.
Village Chief- You would not understand. I don’t have time for urinating too.
Dharma (Sweating, Dharma comes)- Got it ! Got it!
Rikhwa- Ye Dharma! You tell Pradhan Ji to give me certificate.
Dharma- Uncle! You should understand the importance of time of village chief. He is busy for you and all poor people only.
(Dharma pushes Rikhwa and takes him out and comes back)
Voice of Rikhwa- Village chief does not have time for poor but has time for writing hundreds of letters. Democracy? Gandhi Ji ? Poverty certificate? Certificate ?
Dharma- At this junction, you should not annoy anybody.
Village Chief- Annoy? Whom? Rikhwa? He will visit to either Dhingwa Singh or Badri Prasad. Both will ignore him. He is just a poor man now. At the time of voting he is rich. Now, Rikhwa is useless for three of us.
Dharma- Yes! Political calculation speaks so.
Village Chief- Have you found village chief stamp?
Dharma- Yes! Can you imagine where was village chief stamp lying?
Village Chief- Where?
Dharma- Musdunl! Means into rat burrow
Village Chief- Thank god! You found it. Is the stamp intact?
Dharma- Yes! Up to certain extent!
Village Chief- Where is this Gaje Singh? I don’t have time.
Dharma- I think he will reach any time
(Gaje Singh enters)
Village Chief- Gaje! Have you brought pen, papers, and inkpot?
Village Chief- Now, Dharma! Take paper and pen and I will dictate letter you write.
Dharma- What letter? For whom will you posting letters?
Village Chief- I shall post letters to at least two hundred influential central and state level leaders. Dharma! Start!
Dharma-Respected Neta Sing or Neta Nandan …
Village Chief- Shit! You should write Janpriy Neta Ji or leader of leaders…
Dharma- Janpriy Neta Ji! Sadar Namaskar...
Village Chief- Oh my god! When will you get intellect? Write Jay Bharat instead of Sadar Pranam
Dharma- Then after it I shall write Atra Kushlam Tatrastu ... Means I am healthy I pray healthy body for you?
Village Chief- Are these politicians my uncles? They don’t need health.
Gaje- Do politicians don’t need health?
Village Chief- I have to write letter formally and not informally.
Dharma- Ok! Fine! I shall write we organizing Gandhi Statue opening ceremony on the occasion of Gandhi’s birth day and two thousand people will attend the ceremony…
Village Chief-Write fifty thousand people would attend the Gandhi Statue opening ceremony.
Gaje- Fifty thousand people?
Village Chief- Yes! Fifty thousand people would attend the ceremony. When a politician would know fifty thousand crowds is getting together he or she would come here in small village as honey bee comes to a blooming flower.
Dharma- So I will write that you are cordially invited to have your presence in this grand ceremony of sixty feet high Gandhi statue….Your presence would bless the people … your presence is essential for forwarding the message of Gandhi Ji …
Village Chief- That is fine…
(Dim and fast Light show the time gap for writing two hundred letters by Dharma)
Village Chief- Now, two hundred letters are in cover. Post them immediately. I am visiting Saharanpur.
Dharma- There is so much work and you are visiting Saharanpur?
(Dharma goes with huge bundle of letters)
Village Chief- Yes it is important..
(A voice comes- O Pradhan Ji! O Pradhan Ji!)
Village Chief- Who the hell is at this important juncture?
 (Bhana Lohar (Ironsmith enters)
Bhana Lohar (does not enter into drawing room speaks from outside of drawing room) - Thank God! Pradhan Ji! You are here.
Village Chief (Angrily) - O Bhana Iron Smith! What is the matter? 
Bhana Lohar- There is only one problem for we schedule caste people.
Village Chief (Angry)-What?
Bhana Lohar- Hunger and Hunger…. 
Village Chief- You Harijan! You only fight for food and food. Other than food you don’t know that there is importance of reputation, self esteem and honor for the village.
Bhana Lohar- We had problem of food from the old time. Now, farmers are getting ready made farm appliances and we don’t get job to make appliances. Same is the case for kitchen appliances. We are losing our traditional jobs and new jobs are not available. 
Village Chief- Bhana Lohar! Did I tell people to buy readymade farm appliances? Tell me your purpose for visiting me.
  Bhana Lohar- We heard that there is a scheme for scheduled caste people. Please visit Block head quarter and get rice and wheat for hungry scheduled caste people.
Village Chief- Do You mean that I visit to Block head quarter and come with rice and wheat for you scheduled caste people?
Bhana Lohar- We are in sever distress. By getting rice and wheat we may live for a few days. Please make visit to block head quarter.
Village Chief- Do you know it is utmost urgent that I visit Saharanpur for Gandhi Statue? Do you mean leaving important job I visit Block head quarter and request for free rice and wheat for you scheduled caste?
Bahna Lohar- But we don’t have a single grain in our house.
Village Chief- Bhana! There are abundant varieties of edible forest produces in this village. Go and eat Taidu, Basingu and many other forest produces.
Bhana Lohar- What about free scheme of rice and wheat?
Village Chief-  If I get chance after Gandhi Jayanti I shall visit Block Development Officer and ..
Bhana Lohar- By then, we shall be no more…Hunger …
Village Chief- Gaje! Take this Iron smith out of my sight. They don’t know that village reputation and honor is more important than hunger.
(Gaje drags Bhana Lohar out of sight)
(Background Voice of Bhana Lohar- This is definitely Kaljug. Pradhan has time to spend visiting Saharanpur but don’t have time to visit block Development officer.. Ghor Kaliyug...)
Gaje comes in and says-Pradhan Ji! In my opinion, you should not annoy Harijans. Scheduled caste people had great value for getting votes.
Village Chief- Yes! Definitely, scheduled caste people are Vote Bank. We should use them as Vote bank and not united scheduled caste. That is why I made Raija Tamota deputy village chief. These scheduled caste people are happy that Raija metal smith sits beside me.
Gaje -- Every Harijan is happy that their representative Raija sits beside our great Pradhan Ji.
Village Chief- Deputy Village Chief post is a toy for them. They play and are happy.
Gaje- When the scheduled caste people become aware?
Village Chief- There are many alternative toys for scheduled caste. For thousands years, they were suppressed by Pap. Now reservations, quota, positions keep them happy. One day, this toy another day another toy is the game plan for these Harijans.
Gaje- No! No! Pradhan Ji! Now days, they have leaders as Mayavati, Ram Vilas Paswan, Ramdas Athavale and so on …
Village Chief- That’s what my type of leaders wanted that in every district there should be competing Harijan leaders. These leaders fight among themselves and we leaders take best of advantages. The best leader is who sees that there is no unity among any community. Every community should have competing leaders who fight together. Our job is that make sure that iron smith fights with cobbler fiercely, gold smith fights with Dhunar and so on.
Gaje- Surprised! In election time, you always used to speak for unity among all communities.
Village Chief- Position teaches everything. Now, I got position and I have to defend my chair. My caste is in minority in this region. Due to my own caste, forget my being Jila Parishad President, I cannot be a Sarpanch. So I will not speak in favor of caste. My job is to divide every community. Yes! There is one name that is still relevant in India. That name is Gandhi Ji. Nobody follows Gandhi but everybody exploits Gandhi Ji name. Gandhi name is a polish to shine your name.   We believe in Idol worshiping and from old time whoever erects statue he gets fame. 
Gaje- You are clever politicians!
Village Chief- Gandhi Ji is a sellable name. If successors of Nathu Ram Godse sell Gandhi name they would get ministerial posts in India.   Gandhi Name is Paras stone for every small time or big time leaders in India. You might have heard urban development minister creates new township and names it as Gandhi Nagar.  Gandhi Name is Paras stone!
Gaje- Yes!
Dharma (enters in hurry)
Gaje- is somebody died in village?
Dharma (inhaling and leaving big breath)- Pradhan Ji! Pradhan Ji!
Gaje- Who died?
Dharma- That Dhingwa …
Gaje-Oh! No! Is Aunty of Dhingwa no more? She was serious too.
Dharma- Everything is finished …
Village Chief- What happened?
Dharma- Dhingwa Kaka is busy in doing…doing..
Village Chief- What is he doing?
Dharma- That Dhingwa kaka and Badri Kaka …
Village Chief- Tell me in details.
Dharma- There is going to be a meeting between Dhingwa Kaka and Badri Kaka in night. Every main leaders of village are attending that meeting. Even scheduled caste leaders will attend meeting.
Village Chief- Dhingwa and Badri are meeting. Dhingwa and Badri are meeting. Badri is very wise. Even god does not know his strategy. Till he takes action his wife would not know his action plan. He keeps his plan on his chest. Dhingwa is talkative. He cannot hide his strategy. Before, he acts, he tells loudly his strategy. Badri is dangerous for me more than Dhingwa. Dharma! Who all are attending meeting?
Dharma- Brahmin, Rajput and all important scheduled caste people. It seems that there is going to be truce between Dhingwa and Badri Kaka. Dhingwa Kaka is visiting every house and making everybody understand that instead of Gandhi Ji statue there should be irrigation canal, public water reservoirs and many other social benefit works.
Village Chief- No! Dhingwa and Badri should not come together. Gaje! Call Dhingwa here with you.
Gaje- Will he come here?
Village Chief-Definitely, his forefather would also come on my calling. 
(Gaje walks out)
Village Chief (sees towards roof) - Dhingwa will call meeting. Dhingwa would misguide people against me. Even there is Gandhi statue is erected it is fatal without people. People’s big crowd would make me MLC. Dhingwa should be on my side. What is his weakness? Yes! Got it! I got his weakness. His daughter is his weakness.
(Dhingwa enters,)
Dhingwa- Did you call me?
Village Chief (his belly is enlarged)- Oho! Dhingwa Ji! The great leader of Gadhpur! Do I have power to call you?
Dhingwa- Don’t joke with me. You are Gram Pradhan. So you are leader and not me.
Village Chief- Am I leader for you?
Dhingwa- You are organizing huge meeting and big festival. Definitely, you are leader.
Village Chief- If you become powerful you will not allow me live in this village.
Dhingwa- You also want that nobody supports me.
Village Chief- I am organizing such a big meeting, erecting eight four feet high Gandhi Ji statue  and the village will get reputation. But you are calling meeting against this honorable act. 
Dhingwa- You will also earn big name in the state. 
Village Chief- Is earning a big name crime? Are you financing for my name and fame?
Dhingwa- It is the collective money from village forest. I will see that you only don’t get fame and name.
Village Chief- I am Gram Pradhan. The village Chief of Gadhpur! So definitely, I will get name and fame.
Dhingwa- Pradhan Ji! So what? You got eight two votes and I got eight one vote.
Village Chief- Badri says to me that he is equal to me who got eighty votes.
Dhingwa- If Badri did not fight election I would have been village chief.
Village Chief- If my aunt had mustache she would be my uncle! I won the election. It is immaterial whether I won by one vote.
Dhingwa- You won the election but people are with me now.
Village Chief- What can your supporters do?
Dhingwa- I have followers not only in the village but in whole block. I shall ignite the situation. I cannot bear that due to collective village money you only get fame and name. Gandhi Ji statue will bring name and fame for you. I will see that I also get name and fame.
Village Chief- Mr. Dhingwa Singh! There has to be only one lion in the herds.
Dhingwa- I will not make it happens that you get name and fame from village forest money.
Village Chief- who will stop me?
Dhingwa- Me Dhingwa Sing the son of   Dunkur Singh will stop you erecting Gandhi statue. I will see that you don’t get name. I want my share for name and fame too. Till I am alive nobody can touch a single catechu tree.
Village Chief- That means you are calling meeting for your name.
Dhingwa- For getting name, I may do nude dance.  Village Chief- Nude dance! You will become nude on day after when …
Dhingwa- What is day after?
Village Chief- Is not your daughter’s groom party is visiting our village for engagement?
Dhingwa- Yes! There is my daughter’s engagement day after.
Village Chief- There is specific secrete about you daughter. Do you know?
Dhingwa (in terror) - What do you mean by secrete?
Village Chief- Only you, I and your wife know that secrete.
Dhingwa (terror)-No!
Village Chief- Yes! I just have to sit with boy’s father and you will not be able to marry your daughter forever.
 Dhingwa- You can’t harm any girl from village. Every girl of our village is as our daughter.
Village Chief-You can be naked for your name. Same way, I can disclose that secrete. 
Dhingwa-My daughter is my life.
Village Chief- Gandhi Ji statue is my life.
Dhingwa- To disclose secrete is not right for a man.
Village Chief- Why not! If you can make hurdle in my way I can be hurdle for your daughter marriage.
Dhingwa- I touch your feet. Not speak about my daughter’s secrete. 
Village Chief- Visit each house and tell them it is better irrigation canal than Gandhi statue. Go!
Dhingwa- Please for god sake! …
Village Chief- Take your followers with you and stop catechu tree cutting. Make truce with Badri Datt. 
Dhingwa-Please pardon me. But don’t spoil my daughter’s life. I shall never see Badri. I shall not tell anybody that instead of Gandhi Ji statue we should have social benefit works
Village Chief-Then go and tell to  scheduled caste community that instead of Gandhi Statue, scheduled caste people should get land from forest.   
Dhingwa- I beg by my daughter. I shall not tell anything against Gandhi Ji statue.
Village Chief- Are you sure?
Dhingwa- In the name of my Kuldevi, I promise I will not go against your plan. Just keep that my daughter’s secrete as you kept secret till date.
Village Chief- OK! I believe on your words. It is definite that just after establishing Gandhi Statue I shall move to state capital. I need my devotee successor as village chief and Sarpanch. 
Dhingwa- Who?
Village Chief-You.
Dhingwa- Will I become Gram Pradhan and then Sarpanch of Gadhpur?
Village Chief- Yes! Definitely! You are most active person.
Dhingwa-Thank you a lot.
Village Chief- However, you will have to make my strategy workable.
Dhingwa- I shall do everything for you.
Dhingwa- Don’t worry. I am Rajput and I shall die but would not deceive you. I also want fame from this act of …
Village Chief-Don’t worry. Everybody would get share from pie. I am worried from Badri side.
Dhingwa- Forget about Badri. I have to take revenge from him. He promised me that he would not contest Gram Pradhan election but … If I get chance I shall see that he dies.
Village Chief- Badri is also misleading people that forest money should be spend on social cause works. People respect and believe on him more than I and you.
Dhingwa- Forget about Badri. He will not be able to show his face before anybody in village.
Village Chief- How?
Dhingwa (whisper in the ear of Village Chief) - Do you think he will be able to show his face.
Village Chief- Now, I am convinced. I am visiting Saharanpur and from there I am visiting state capital and Delhi
Dhingwa- Why are you visiting Saharanpur?
Village Chief- Saharanpur! There are expert sculptures for making statue. The sculpture makers are also fast there. I have to place order of Gandhi Ji Statue. Now, in my absence, you have to lead the village. See that at least people from hundred villages attend that occasion on Gandhi Jayanti.
Dhingwa- You! Invite leaders and I shall collect crowd.
(Village chief goes out and curtain downs)
(Background Voices – Now our village name would be on Indian map. There is no so high Gandhi statue in whole of Uttarakhand as high it will be in Gadhpur. For a month, Village chief has been visiting state capital and Delhi)
(Curtain ups Dharma and Dhingwa and Dharma are sitting)
Dhingwa- Dharma! These are my golden days. Now, I shall also get name and fame along with Pradhan Ji.
Dharma- Yes! Definitely, village chief provides everybody his share. However, Badri Kaka is still a biggest hurdle.
Dhingwa- Badri will be hurdle when he is able to show his face to people.
Dharma- Badri kaka is very respectable personality.
Dhingwa-I am always jealous to Badri. Had he not contested the election I would have been elected Gram Pradhan. Now, he will see that what mistake he did by contesting Gram Pradhan election.
Dharma- What are you talking about?
Dhingwa- Where does Banwari the younger brother of Badri works and lives?
Dharma- Banwari works and lives in Kolkata.
Dhingwa- Where does wife of Banwari live?
Dharma- Banwari’s wife lives in village with Badri Kaka family.
Dhingwa- My followers already spread the rumors that Banwari’s wife and Badri have extra marital relationship. My fellows spread news that they sleep together in farms, cowsheds etc
Dharma- Oh1 No!  Banwari’s wife is poise as Sati Savitri. Nobody would believe.
Dhingwa- Everybody believes on such ‘bichkin’ rumors.
Dharma- Poor! Sati Savitri! She becomes victim of political infighting.
Dhingwa- You have to sacrifice some one in this battle.In politics you have to kill somebody to get your fame and name. A sacrificing goat is a must for political fight. Banwari’s wife is sacrificing goat for me.
Dharma- Will people believe?
(Village chief (now fatter) enters)
Dhingwa- -Pradhan Ji you became fatter! You are now, professional leader.
Village Chief- Oh God! What a terrific journey. Two hundred leaders from Delhi and state capital are joining the uncovering of Gandhi Statue program of second October. Tomorrow, Gandhi Ji statue will be in the village. What is the news in the village?
Dhingwa- We have already built twenty four feet high base for sixty feet high Gandhi Ji statue.
Dharma- Everything is as per your plan. However, that Sudama teacher is making holes in your plan.
Village Chief- What did he do?
Dhingwa- he published articles in the newsletters of Delhi and Dehradun as ‘Killing of Gandhi’s thought!’, re-killing of Gandhi Ji in Gadhpur!’
Village Chief- The titles are marvelous and catchy!
Dhingwa- Further he writes that Village Chief Virendra, Dhingwa Singh and Badri are looting the village cash assets. The village is lacking irrigation facilities, drinking water facilities and Garm Pradhan is planning to have Gandhi Ji statue. Sudama also criticized state and central leaders who are coming on the occasion of Statue uncovering function. Further he writes that it is Suraj but Kuraj.
Village Chief- Sudama is excellent writer!
Dhingwa-But! I am afraid!
Village Chief-There won’t be any harm for us.
Dhingwa-How come?
Village Chief- See! These papers are read by migrated Garhwalis who don’t live in villages. They will feel that they are safe. They just can’t do anything against us. These papers are not read by our villagers. That means the writings of Sudama will go into vain.
Dhingwa- Sudama can make some disturbances in function.
Village Chief-Sudama is intellectual. Sudama types of intellectuals become happy on their printed letters. They become happy and appreciate them by own. Need not to worry at all
Dhingwa- Even then we should take precautions.
Village Chief-We should never worry from pen. Yes! When pen and sword become united, pen and plough become joined then we politicians should be worried. Till these intellectuals sow the seeds of revolution we should not worry. When the intellectuals become street fighters that time the political leaders should make strategy to smash them.
(Gaje enters)
Gaje-(fiercely)- Pradhan Ji ! Pradhan Ji! No! No Neta Ji! Neta Ji!
Dhingwa- What happened?
Gaje- The wife of Banwari Kaka …
Dharma- What happened to her?
Gaje- She did suicide.
Dhingwa- Yes! That’s what I wanted. Where is Badri?
Village Chief-Where is Badri?
Gaje- He ran away from village. People are angry on their sinful relationship.
Dharma- It is very bad. Poor Banwari Kaka’s wife became target.
Gaje- I am also sorry for her. She was very kind and poise.
Village Chief and Dhingwa- In every fight, some sacrificing goats have to pay price.
Village Chief-Now, we shall celebrate Gandhi birth anniversary without any hurdle.
Dhingwa- Now, we shall sacrifice hundred of goat and sheep. We shall also kill five six deer. I have already talked with Patwari.
Village Chief- Hundred of bottles of wine are reaching tomorrow. Fifty national and state level journalists are also coming to cover the program. I am tired now. Dharma! Bring the whisky. Let us enjoy our victory in advance. Gaje! You bring a chicken from Barma Tamta.
Gaje- I forgot to tell that Sudama will sit on hunger strike on that day at the program place.
Dhingwa - Forget about Sudama teacher. Bring whisky and chicken.
Village Chief- Now, Nobody can stop me becoming Member of Legislative Council and Dhingwa as Sarpanch.
Dharma- But?
Village Chief- You listen radio news on the Gandhi Anniversary day.
Xx     xxx
(In drawing room at one corner Gaje is sitting and other corner Dharma is sitting and listening Radio News)
       Radio news- This all India radio, Nazibabad Radio station. Now Chakradhar Kandwal will read the news. I am Charkradhar Kandwal from Nazibabad Radio station. Listen! The Main news of Garhwal. The most important news is that in morning, there was unveiling of sixty feet high Gandhi statue in Gadhpur village. Virendra the village chief of Gadhpur village was main source of erecting such high statue. The statue is supposed to be highest statue in the state. Thousands of people gathered at the function. There were hundreds of central and state levels leading political and social leaders present at the unveiling ceremony.
           In evening today, Chief Minister appointed Shri Virendra as Chairman of Pradesh Gandhi Darshan. The position of Chairman of Pradesh Gandhi Darshan is equal to state minister. The Chief Minister announced that Shri Virendra will tour all over the state for publicizing Gandhi thoughts in the state.
       At the time unveiling Gandhi Ji statue, a couple of unsocial elements led by Sudama Master tried to disturb the meeting. State police from city arrested Sudama Master and took him to district court for taking him on remand.
At the same function, Dhingwa Sing was appointed Sarpanch of the area.
Now sports news! Chelsea beat Manchester United in football league. …

                                                                    Curtain downs!
Script of a Garhwal based satirical, hilarious, humorous, entreating Stage Play; Script of a political and social satirical drama; Script of A Satirical hilarious, humorous, entreating drama satirizing Political corruption; Script of A Satirical, hilarious, humorous, entreating drama ridiculing politicians and their tricks; Script of A social, Satirical, uproarious, amusing, entreating drama ridiculing politicians and their deceptions; Script of A social, Satirical, uproarious, amusing, entreating drama ridiculing politicians and their exploitations; Script of A social, Satirical, uproarious, amusing, entreating drama ridiculing political misuse; Script of A social, Satirical, uproarious, amusing, entreating drama, stage play  ridiculing politicians and their exploitations; Script of A social, Satirical, uproarious, amusing, entreating drama ridiculing politicians and their exploitations from Tehri Garhwal; Script of A social, Satirical, uproarious, amusing, entreating drama ridiculing politicians and their exploitations from Pauri Garhwal; Script of A social, Satirical, uproarious, amusing, entreating drama ridiculing politicians and their exploitations from Uttarkashi Garhwal; Script of A social, Satirical, Humorous , amusing, entreating drama ridiculing politicians and their exploitations from Dehradun Garhwal; Script of A social, Satirical, Humorous , amusing, entreating drama ridiculing politicians and their exploitations from Haridwar Garhwal; Script of A social, Satirical, Humorous , amusing, entreating drama ridiculing politicians and their exploitations from Chamoli Garhwal; Script of A social, Satirical, Humorous , amusing, entreating drama ridiculing politicians and their exploitations from Rudraprayag Garhwal; Script o

Bhishma Kukreti

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                                सांप की कथा
                                 लिओनिड ऐड्रेयेव
                                (रुसी एकालाप एकाँकी )
                          गढ़वाली अनुवाद ::: भीष्म कुकरेती

[(एक स्त्री ताल माँ हिलणि -डुलणि च। स्त्रीक आँख बुज्याँ छन , वींतैं कुछ बि होश नी च जन बुल्यां व सम्मोहित ह्वेक अपण शरीर हिलाणी ह्वा । वा भौत इ सुंदर च , आकर्षक च )
(कुछ क्षणों बाद वींक आँख खुल्दन , वींक मुख पर अर्ध मुस्कान आंद।  वा अपण एक अंगुळि ऊँठ पर धरदी )]
             श्श , श्श , श्श।  म्यार नजदीक आवो , भौत नजदीक अर म्यार आंख्युं मा झांको।
तुम जाणदा छंवां कि म्यार एक आकर्षक व्यक्तित्व च । कोमल , संवेदनशील अर चेतनापूर्ण।  मि अपण समय से   अधिक समझदार छौ। म्यार शालीन शरीर मा इन लोच छौ कि मि अपण शरीर तैं आकर्षक रूप से मूड़ी लींद छौ। तुम तैं म्यार नाच दिखण मा आनंद आलु ।  आलु कि ना ? क्या नाच दिखौं ? क्या क्या एक गोल डीलु जन घ्यारा  मा मुडि जौं ? क्या मि अपण द्रुतगामी चाल दिखौं कि हवा बि शरमै जाव। क्या मि अपण आलिंगन से तुमर स्वागत करूँ ?

           श्श , श्श , श्श।  म्यार नजदीक आवो , भौत नजदीक अर म्यार आंख्युं मा झांको।
अरे म्यार आँखों से दूर किलै दिखणा छंवां ? क्या तुमतैं  मेरी तड़फ भरीं , सीधी अर छिददी नजर नि पसंद नी आणि च ? हाँ हाँ म्यार सर जरा भारी च तो मि धीरे धीरे हिलणु छौं। म्यार सर जरा भारी च तो बि  मि हिल्दु छौं तो मेरी नजर सीधी ह्वे वे जांद। नजीक आवो। मि तेरी गर्मी महसूस करण चांदु। हाँ हाँ ठीक च तु अपण  अंगळयुं से म्यार होशियार माथा पर जोरै  मार मार अर किनारा पर हाथ फिरैल त जु गड्ढा च उखपर ज्ञान भर्युं च अर संध्याकाल  का फूलूं ओस भरीं च। जब म्यार हिलण से हवा हलकदि त उख एक जाळ बणि जांद जैमा आकर्षक सपना भर्यां छन, ध्वनिहीन चाल कु सम्मोहन ! लहराती अर्धस्वर की ध्वनिहीनता ! मि मौन छौं अर हिलोरे लीणु छौं। मि अग्नै दिखणु छौं अर हिलोरे मारणु छौं। मि अपण गर्दन मा कौन सा एक अजीब सि भार लेक बैठ्युं होलु ?

मि त्वे से प्रेम करदु । मै तुमसे प्रेम करती हूँ  I Love You I
मि हमेशा  एक आकर्षक व्यक्तित्व वळि छौ, अर मि चांदु छौ कि मि तैं संवेदना , कोमलता अर सच्ची तरह से प्यार करे जावु। नजदीक आ। आ । म्यार दांत दिखणि छे ? म्यार  मोहक , सफेद , छुट छुट दांत ? जाणदि छे ना , जब मि तेरी भूकी पींद छौ याने किस करदो छौ त
तबि मि यूंसे काटदु छौ कट कट। ना ना डा लगाणो ना पर बस कुतरदु छौ कुतरदु। मि तब तक कटणु रौंद छौ जब तक चमकीली रक्त बूंद नि ऐ जांद छौ , जब तक एक किराट  नि आंद छौ जन बुल्या घंटी क गुदगुदीदार आवाज। यु क्षण बड़ो आनंददायक हूंद छौ - हाँ अन्यथा नि ले हाँ।  यदि ऊँतै म्यार काटण पसंद नि छौ जौंक मि भुक्की पींद छौ , जौं तैं मि काटदु छौ तो उ लोग बार बार मीम कटवाणो किलै आंद ? आंद क्या ? अर वो वापस आंद छा। वु एक अनजान सि  शक्ति से बशीभूत ह्वैक वापस आंद छा  जन ज्वार चन्द्रमा कु आकर्षण से खिंचैक आंदन। वु अफु पर काबू नि कर सकद छा।  अर मि भौत बार ऊंकी भुक्कि पींद छौ  अर हर बार रक्तिम ! अर आज ! आज ! मि बस एकि दैं भुक्कि पे सकुद - कथगा बड़ी व्यथा च - केवल एक बार !  केवल एकाकुण बस एक भुक्कि , प्रेमी हृदय, संवेदनशील आत्माओं का वास्ता , प्रेम आकांक्षाओं का अतृप्त प्रेमियों का वास्ता अर प्रेम मिलन का वास्ता एक भुक्कि तो भौत इ कम च।  पर यू मि छौं, एक दुख्यारी जु भुक्कि पींदी पर केवल एक बार , अर म्यार प्रेम का मंगनेर जाणदु च कि म्यार प्रेम - संवेदनशील , वैवाहिक किश का बाद हैंक प्रेम ना। म्यार प्रेम अभूतपूर्व च नैसर्गिक च।  ना भै ना मि त्वे तैं कतै धोका नि द्योलु। ओहो ! रगबगी ना जब मेरी कहानी खतम ह्वे जाली तो अवश्य ही त्वे तैं किस करुल,  तेरी बि भुक्कि प्योलु।

मि त्वे से प्रेम करदु । मै तुमसे प्रेम करती हूँ  I Love You I
 म्यार आंख्युं मा देख। क्या मेरी आँखि भव्य अर अत्यार्षक नि छन ? क्या कबि तीन इथगा दृढ अर सीधी दृष्टि देख च ? या स्थिर दृष्टि बरछी समान त्यार हृदय तैं चीर दींदि। मि समिण दिखणु छौ अर हलकणु छौं ,मेरी दृष्टि आकर्षित करदि , तेरी डौर-भै  , त्यार प्रेम , तेरी थकावट , तेरी समर्पित तृष्णा सब मि अपणी हरी  आंख्युं मा जमा कैरि दींदु I और नजदीक आ।  आ।  मि अबि रानी छौं अर तू मेरी सुंदरता तैं दिखण बगैर  नि रै सकदी पर एक समय बि छौ जब -आह कथगा आश्चर्यजनक समय ! वै समय का विचार ही घोर यातना दे दींदन -अस्पष्ट , यातनादायी अर आश्चर्यजनक समय ! क्वी बि मै से प्रेम नि करदु छौ।  क्वी बि मि तैं नि पुजद   छौ।  म्यार निर्दयतापूर्बक उत्पीड़न ह्वे, कीचड़ माँ कुचेल्यों ग्यों , मेरी हंसी उड़ाए गे- ये मेरी ब्वे ! उ समय आश्चर्यजनक अर पीड़ादायक छौ। भौत सा मादे एक !  भौत सा मादे एक !

मीन ब्वाल कि नजदीक आ , ब्वाल च कि ना ?

उ में से प्रेम किलै नि करदा छा ? क्या मि तब आज जन आकर्षक जीव  नि छौ ? बस तब मीमा कपट , धूर्तता अर दुर्भावना नि छे , मि तब सौम्य , सरल अर सुहृदयी छौ अर तब आश्चर्यचकित करण वळु नाच नाचदु छौ।  पर ऊंन मि तैं यातना  दे , त्रास दे , उन मि तैं आग मा जळै I ऊँ भारी भरकम जंगली जानवरूं , घटिया जानवरूंन मितै पतेड़ , मींड, उंक भारन मि तैं तौळ दबै   . .. बड़ा दातुंन अर बड़ा बड़ा खूनी जबड़ों -जिबाड़न मि तैं चीर अर ये शक्तिहीन दुखदायी  समय मा मीन बळु काट, माटु घूळ - मि निराशा मा बस मोरणि वाळ छौ I
 मि हर रोज दबण से अधमरु ह्वे जांद छौ। हर दिन मि हताश ह्वेक मरण लैक ह्वे जांद छौ। आह ! क्या त्रासदी को समय छौ।  त्वे तैं मी पर दया नि आदि ? उ जंगळ   वै समौ तै याद नि करदु पर मि तैं त याद आंद च।  म्यार नजदीक आ , मि तैं सुविधा दे , आनंद दे , मि - घायल , दुखी , प्यारा जू सुंदरता से नाच बि सकद I
 मि त्वे से प्रेम करदु । मै तुमसे प्रेम करती हूँ  I Love You I           
तू मीतै समजदी छे - है ना ? तू यखुली छे ? मि अपण रक्षा कनकै करदु छौ ? मीम तब यि छुट छुट शानदार सफेद दांत छा जु केवल भुकि पीणो का वास्ता इ छया। तो मि इथगा बड़ा बड़ा  जानवरूं से कनै रक्षा करदु छौ ? उ त अब मि अपण गौळ मा इथगा भारी मुंड बुकणु छौ, मेरी नजर सीधी च अर मेरी नजर अब रौबीली च, पर तब म्यार मुंड भौत हळकु छौ मेरी आँखि गिंजगिंजी।  तब मीम क्वी बिष नि छौ। अब म्यार मुंड इथगा भारी च कि येतैं सीधो नि रख सकद I मि अपण शरीर देखि देखि बड़ी  हों अर म्यार कपाळ मा द्वी गारि छन जु मेरि आँखि छन। शायद चमकदी गारी मूल्यवान छन पर कोमल आंख्युं जगा यूँ  आंख्युं तैं अळगैक लिजाण कठण च किलैकि यी म्यार मस्तिष्क दबाणा रौंदन। म्यार मुण्डकण भौत कठिन च ! मि अग्नै दिखणु रौंद अर हलकणु रौंद। मि त्वै तैं हौरू धुंध मा दिखणु छौ , तू भौत दूर छे। नजदीक आ - आ अर मेरी अंग्वाळ बौटी ले,  आ गले लग जा।  तू भौत तागतवर छे - है ना ? आ अपण तागत दिखा। मि कम्पणु छौं , थरथराणु छौं।
   पता च ना मि दुःख मा बि बिगरैलि छौं। मि प्यार का कारण इ कमजोर छौं। मेरी पुतळी देख; मि यीं तैं सिकड़ुल अर चौड़ करुल , अर एक नैसर्गिक चमक द्योलु -रात मा टिमटिमांदा गैणा, हरेक कीमती पथरों याने रंगीन पथरों जन हीरा , पन्ना की हरित कांति पुखराज को पीली रंगीनियाँ , मणी टर्न की लालिमा वळ विनोद च।  मेरी आंख्युं मा झाँक।  मी राणि छौँ-  मि अफुं तैं ताज पैराणु छौं - जु चमकणु च , जळणु च , आभायित हूणु च - जु तेरी स्वतंत्रता , जीवन छें ल्याल -अर वा च बिष। यु बिष की एक बून्द I 
इन कन ह्वै ?मि नि बोलि सकुद। म्यार त्यार प्रति क्वी बुरु भाव नी च , कै हौर दगड़ बि नी च। भौतुं मादे एक !
मि ज़िंदा रौं अर कष्ट भुगणु रौं। मि चुप रौं। मि दिन काटणु रौं। जब बि छुप सकुद छौ मि लुकि जांद छौ ; मि जल्दी जल्दी से रींगिक भजदु छौ। पर ऊंन निर्दयता से मि तैं दबाइ अर रवै बि नि सकुद छौ।  ऊंन मि तैं दबाइ ! मि सुंदर आंसू बगांद छौ -मि रोई नि सकुद छौ; अर म्यार नाच गतिवान हूंद गे अर अधिक आकर्षक हूंद गे । अन्धकार मा , अकेला मा , मि अपण हृदय मा दुःखका नाच नचदु छौ , वु म्यार नाच का तिरष्कार करदा छा अर मौक़ा मिलण पर मार सकद छा । अचाणचक म्यार मुंड बड़द गे अर भारि हूंद गे - आचर्यजनक च ना ! म्यार मुंड भारी हूंद गे ; छुट अर सुंदर, उनि जन होशियार अर सुंदर ; यु भौति भारी हूंद गे , मीन अपण गौळ धरती तरफ झुकाइ अर अपण कोमल शरीर तैं त्रास दे ।   अब त आदत पड़ि गे; पैल पैल त परेशानी ह्वे अर बड़ो दुखदायी छौ । मि तैं लग मि मरण वाळ छौं। पर मि नि मोर।   बचि ग्यों।
अर तब अचाणचक ....   अब म्यार न्याड़ आ अब  … मेरी आंख्युं मा झाँक।  शश श्श ! श्श!, श्श !
अर अचाणचक म्यार शरीर भारी ह्वे गे - यु कडकडु अर अजीब ह्वे गे -इख तक कि मी बि डौर ग्यों। मि अफु से इ डर गे छौ ! मि इना ऊना मुड़न अर झंकण चाणु छौ पर मे से नि ह्वे I मि खाली अग्वाड़ी इ देख सकुद छौ जन कि आज -मि आंख्युं से असर कर सकुद छौ ; मि जड़वत ह्वे गयों - म्यार आंखुं तैं देखिक हौर जन बि जड़वत पत्थर जन ह्वे जांदन।  म्यार आखुं मा त देख !

मि त्वे से प्रेम करदु। मेरी कथा पर नि हौंस।  यदि तू हंसली तो मि नराज ह्वे जौलु।  तू हँसलि त मीन त्यार नि हूण। मि अपणि  जिकुड़ी हृदय फ़ाड़िक दिखाण चाणु  छौं, म्यार संवेदशील हृदय, मि अपण सर्वस्व दिखाण चाणु छौं , अपर अस्तित्व बि ! त्वै तैं मि अपण दुःखभोग समजाण चाणु छौं। मी एक युगलबंदी करण चाणु छौं , परिपूर्ण युगल   ... पर यु संभव नी च।  किन्तु मेरी सब कोशिस बेकार छन - मि इखुलि छौं।  मीन हमेशा इखुलि य रौण। मेरी पैलि अर आखरी भुक्कि  तरंगित, लहरांदु  दुःख च, रंज च , शोक च  - अर जैसे मि प्रेम करदु उ इखम नी च अर मीन फिर से अपण प्रेम खुजण , अर यदि मि तैं परिचित स्वर सुण्याल त फिर से मीन अपण कथा शुरू से लगाण - म्यार हृदय ये तैं न सहन नि कर सकद, अर बिष मि तैं उत्पीड़ित करद अर म्यार मुंड हौर बि गर्रु ह्वे जांद। क्या मि हताशा मा बि सुंदर नि छौं ? नजदीक आ , नेड़ आ।
मि तेरी भुक्कि लीणो बिलकुल तयार छौं।

एक दैं मि जंगळम नयाणु छौ - मि तैं साफ़ सफै पसंद च - यु एक सभ्य जन्म कु चिन्ह च अर मी बार बार नयेंदुं।  पाणि मा नयाँद अर नाचद दैं मीन अपण प्रतिछाया द्याख अर अपण अप्रतिम सुंदरता पर मि मोहित ह्वे ग्यों। मि सुंदर चीजुं शौक़ीन छौं  ! अचाणचक मीन अपण कपाळ मा हौर जन्मजाति आभूषणो दगड एक नयो चिन्ह द्याख  … एक आशचर्यजन्य चिन्ह  … शायद ये इ चिन्ह से मुंड गर्रु ह्वे , चेतनाशून्य दृष्टि ह्वे अर गिछ पुटुक मीठो सवाद। म्यर कपाळ मा एक चौबट्या, गहरा रंगौ चिन्ह च -बिलकुल इखम -देख। नजीक आ। क्या यु आश्चर्यजनक नी च? वै समय मि नि समज; मि तैं भलु लग , मीन स्वाच यु सुंदर च।  पर वैदिन इ , वै दर्दनाक दिन ही , जैदिन चौबट्या चिन्ह आयि , म्यार पैली भुक्कि अंतिम बण गे , मेरी भुक्कि प्राणघातक ह्वे गे।
मि अबि बि हलाहल तैं चख सकुद। मि त्वैकुण तयार करणु छौं।  मि तैं बेशकीमती रत्न आभूषण पसंद छया पर ये म्यार विष से अधिक बेशकीमती क्या ह्वे सकुद। एक अणु बरोबर बूंद। तीन कबि द्याख च ? कबि ना , कबि  ना। पर तू दिखलि !   पता च एक छुटि सि बून्द बणाणो बान कथगा दुःख भुगण पड़द , कथगा गुस्सा पैदा करण पोड़द , कथगा शक्ति नष्ट करण पोड़द , तब जैक एक अणु बरोबर विष की बूँद बणद   ! मि राणी छौं ! यीं छुटि सि विष की बूंद का दगड़  मि मृत्यु बि रखदु अर म्यार राज्य सीमाहीन च ,इख तक कि दुःख बि सीमाहीन च ,इख तक कि मृत्यु बि सीमाहीन च। मि राणी छौं ! मेरी दृष्टि निष्ठुर च , निर्दयी च निर्मम च ! म्यार नाच अलौकिक च !  मि बिगरैलि छौं ! कईयों मादे , भौतुं मादे !

आ नजीक आ , और नजीक आ , मेरी कथा समाप्त नि ह्वे।
वैदिन वै शापित जंगळ मा मि धीमी गति से चौल , हरो राज्य मा।  मि राणी छौ अर राणी जन  नजाकत से मि दैं तरफ झुक , बैं तरफ झुक । अर वु भागि गेन ! राणी जन मि अपण प्रजाक समिण झुकु - अर वु विचित्र लोग भाजि गेन। वु किलै भागिन ? मेरी आंख्युं मा झांक। क्या त्वै तैं उख डरौण्या चीज दिख्ये -एक भयंकर चमक अर मांश।  क्या त्वे तै डॉ लगणु च ? क्या म्यार ताज की किरण से तयार आँख बुजेणा छन ? क्या तू जड़वत हूणि छे ? क्या तू कखि ख्वै गे ? मि अब अपण आखरी नाच नाचलु -तौळ नि गिर। मि कुंडली मा बैठलु , मि कंचुळ तेजी से चलौलु अर मि अपण कडकड़ो शरीर से त्वे तैं पकड़लु -एक सौम्य पर मजबूत अंग्वाळ। ले मि ऐ ग्यों ! मेरी केवल एकि भुक्कि स्वीकार कौर , वैवाहिक भुक्कि - प्रताड़ित जीवों कुण या  भुक्कि सबसे शोकप्रद भुक्कि च। भौत सि भुक्क्युं मादे एक भुक्कि ! भौत सि भुक्क्युं मादे एक भुक्कि !
झुक !
मि ते से प्रेम करदु !
अब मर !
मर !
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Copyright@ लिओनिड ऐड्रेयेव प्रकाशक या अन्य ,
अनुवाद नाटक सिखण वाळुं कुण च।

Bhishma Kukreti

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                                               फोर्टीन ( FOURTEEN )
                                               लेखक -ऐलिस गरस्टेनबर्ग (1921 )
                                                   अनुवाद - भीष्म कुकरेती

चरित्र -
मिसेज होरास प्रिंगल - (फ़ैसनेबल स्त्री )
इलेनी - मिसेज होरास की पुत्री प्रथम प्रदर्शन कुण तयार
डुनहाम - खानसामा

  ]सीन - न्यूयॉर्क मा एक घोर।  लम्बी टेबल , एकेक कुर्सी अमणि समणि अर छै छै कुर्सी अगल बगल माँ कुल चौदह कुर्सी।   डुनहाम अंतिम फिनिशिंग टच दीणो इना उना फिरणु च ,मिसेज प्रिंगल आदि , वा फ़ैसनेबल स्त्री च , संध्या का वास्ता गाउन मा च। भवनात्मक ,पर काबू करण जाणदि च , काम निकाळम हुस्यार , जीवंत व सुंदर व शालीन। वा  जल्दीबाजी मा प्रवेश करदि।  वींक हतुंम फूलूं बुके अर एक कागजुं खाली बॉक्स लांदि जौंन  वीन फूल ढक्यां छन। ]
मिसेज होरास प्रिंगल- डुनहाम ! हार्परक सुचना आयि कि वु अपण एक अथा बीमार दगड्या का पास च।  वैन यी फूल भिज्यां छन -हाँ यु वैन ठीक कार। मि तैं पसंद नि करदो कि क्वी जवान लौड़ आखरी समय पर डिनरौ निमंत्रण ठुकरावो।
डुनहाम  (वीं मांगन बुके आदि लींदु )- मिसेज पिंगल ! मि यूँ फूल अर बक्सा ले लींदु।
मिसेज होरास प्रिंगल टेबल  पर ध्यान दींदि )-च्च च्च ! मि तैं यु पसंद नी च कि तु टेबल सुंदर ढंग से तयार कौर अर -फिर देर ह्वे जा - क्वी ना क्वी बस आण इ वाळ होलु। रसोइयाणि क्या हाल छन   ?
डुनहाम - जन रौंदी च गरम मूड मा   !
मिसेज होरास प्रिंगल- भलो भलो ! उन वा  अभिनेत्री तरां  जन च । जब  मूड मा हो त बढ़िया अभिनय। जब तक वा स्वादिस्ट भोजन बणा तब तक मि तैं फर्क नि पड़द कि वा गरम च या अल्डी च। बकै तू वीं तैं दूरि रखि।  अच्छा गुस्टाव कख च ?
डुनहाम -अब क्या बुले जावु , बर्फीला तूफ़ान च अर वु  रस्ता साफ़ करणो जयूँ च।

मिसेज होरास प्रिंगल- ओहो, उन सि हूंद त शामियाना लगै दींदा कैतै पता छौ कि मेन टैम पर तूफ़ान ऐ जाल।
इलैनी - ममी ! यी छन प्लेस कार्ड्स अर डाइग्रैम , लगै द्यूं ?
मिसेज होरास प्रिंगल-हाँ हाँइलैनी  , लगै दे। त्यार डैडी टाइ से परेशान छन तो ऊंक मदद करणो जाणु छौं (वा जाणो तयार हूंदी ) डुनहाम ! एक प्लेट कम कर दे।
डुनहाम -एक प्लेट उठै द्यूं ? हैं ?  आप तेरा प्लेटूं दगड़ बैठिल्या ?
मिसेज होरास प्रिंगल- तेरा ! हाँ तेरा प्लेटूं दगड ठीक नि हूंद। यु सब मिस्टर हारपरो नादानी से हूणु च।  बिमार दोस्त ! हूँ ! वु बि लापरवाह लोगुं मादे च जु निमंत्रणो जबाब कबि बि समय पर नि  दींदन। वैक फुलुं देखिक मीन वै तैं माफ़ कर दे  पर देख ना क्या परेशानी खड़ीं कर दे वैन, तेरा प्लेट ! अब अंतिम समय पर कै तैं भट्यों ?   इलैनी मेरी मदद कर कि कै तैं बुलाण लास्ट मिनट मा ?
(वा टेलीफोन टेबल पर जांदी अर टेलीफोन डायरेक्ट्री का पेज फरकांदी )
इलैनी - जॉर्ज अंकल हमेशा काम आंद।
मिसेज प्रिंगल - पर वु मुख नि खुल्दु।
डुनहाम -मैडम ! मिस्टर मॉर्गन , हमेशा जोक सुणाणा रौंदन।
मिसेज प्रिंगल - हाँ हाँ ! तू हुस्यार छे।  इलैनी ! त्यार बाळ भौत टाइट छन।  जरा खोल दे बाळुं तैं।  (टेलीफोन मा ) - हेलो ! मिस्टर मॉर्गन का रेजिडेंस ! ओ भलो भलो ! मि समिणक बंगलो से  मिसेज प्रिंगल बुलणु छौं।  औ ओहो ! अच्छा जब मिस्टर मॉर्गन आवन तो बोल देन कि म्यार तरफान डिनर पार्टीक न्यूत  दीण छौ । जनि आल तो फोन करणो बोल दियां। जनि आल तो … क्या दस मिनट मा आण वाळ छन ? (मिसेज प्रिंगल इलेनाक बाळ पकड़दि अर फुलाणो कोसिस करदि,  इलेना मुख पर दर्द का भाव पर मिसेज प्रिंगल ध्यान नि दींदि ) यदि मोर्गन नि आल तो क्या करला ?
इलेनी - ममी ! मि तैं टेबलम रौणै जरूरत नी च। उनि बि या तेरी पार्टी च।  सब शादी शुदा छन अर उमर मा मे से बड़ छन
मिसेज प्रिंगल (टेबलक डाइग्रैम इलेना तैं दींदी अर दिखांद ) -मीन त्वै तैं ऑलिव वर्थ  का पास नि बिठाळण क्या ? करोड़पति ! ऑलिव वर्थ करोड़पति च ! 
इलेनी -हूँ ! वैन ध्यान बि नि दीण।
मिसेज प्रिंगल -वु त्वे से ब्या नि कर सकुद क्या ? अरे अपण शादीक  बान तू कोशिस बि नि कर सकिद क्या ? मि कुछ इन करुल कि अविवाहित का दगड त्यार टांका भिड़न शुरू ह्वे जावो।  बकै तु अपण काम पुरू नि कर सकिद क्या ?
इलेनी - ममी ! कुछ नि हूण। तू मेरी शादी कै महत्वपूर्ण नौनौ दगड़ करण चाणि छे जन वो च। मि तैं वै देखिक इ डौर लग जान्दि जन बुल्यां मौत ऐ गे हो। मि हकलाण मिसे जांद।  जन बुल्यां मि प्रिंस ऑफ वेल्स से मिलणु हों !
मिसेज प्रिंगल -प्रिंस ऑफ वेल्स ! ऊँ ! अरे ये घरम प्रिंस ऑफ वेल्स आणो बान क्या से क्या नि कर सकुद !  न्यूयॉर्क तो प्रिंस ऑफ वेल्स पर  कुरबान च। मि ब्याळि मिस्टर ऑलिव वर्थ से बुलणु बि छौ कि प्रिंस तैं इख बुलाणो बान कुछ बि कर सकुद। मि सरा जिंदगी बान अपण सामाजिक रूतबा स्थापित कर द्योलु। मेजवानी वास्ता म्यार सम्मान बि च। ( टेलीफोन बजद ) जरा मि फोन उठांद।  -हेलो ! -मिसेज सेडविक ! -हाँ -मि मिसेज प्रिंगल बुलणु छौं -क्या ? ना - ओह ! बरफबारी मा कार फंस गे - दुसर कार नि मील सकद ? (वा फोन धरदि अर ) भलो ह्वे ,  व विधवा सेडविक  नि ऐ सकिद - अब ह्वे बारा प्लेट ! डुनहाम ! द्वी प्लेट हटा दे।  ( डुनहाम द्वी प्लेट हटान्द , इलेनी कार्ड्स बदल्दि ; मिसेज प्रिंगल टेलीफोन मा व्यस्त रौंदी ), हैं !  - बड़ी शरम की बात च ! म्यार त दिल इ टूटि गे! अरे त्यार बगैर पार्टी मा मजा कखन आलु ! अच्छा तीन कोशिस कार च ना ? म्यार त आँसु आणा छन। गुड बाइ ! (टेलीफोन धरदि ). भलु ह्वे वा नि आणि च।  डुनहाम द्वी कम , द्वी कॉकटेल बचि गेन अर कम से कम चार शैम्पियन बच गेन। (टेलीफोन उठांद ) हेलो मिस्टर मॉर्गनक घौर ? मि मिसेज प्रिंगल बुलणु छौं।  अच्छा अबि तलक मिस्टर मौर्गन नि ऐन ? अच्छा मिस्टर मौर्गन मा म्यार टेलीफोनक बारा मा कुछ नि बुलिन।  अब डिनरकुण देर ह्वे गे।  (व टेलीफोन धरदि )। . अच्छा मीन क्लीन तैं निमंत्रण दियुं च ,  अहसान चुकाणो बान .… अर शैम्पियन बचि गे -
 डुनहाम - अचकाल शराबबंदी कारण अर ज्यादा पार्टी हूणै बाद शराब कम मिलणी च।
इलेनी (हतोत्साहित ह्वेक ) -पर ममी ! यदि बारा इ मेमान आणा छन तो डैडी टेबल का एक सिरा पर नि बैठ सकदन।
मिसेज प्रिंगल -नै नै ऊँ तैं एक सिरा पर बैठण पोड़ल।  अरे घरक मालिक टेबलक इना उना  बैठल तो या असभ्यता ही मने जाली।
इलेनी - नि ह्वे सकद।  द्वी किनारों पर द्वी स्त्री बैठण चयेंदन-
मिसेज प्रिंगल (घबड़ैक )   -क्या बेतुका च -मि हमेशा  जांद।  बारौं तैं बैठाण असंभव च। (व प्लेस कार्ड दिखदि ) मीन यूँ जनान्युं मादे कै तैं बि टेबलक सिरौं नि बैठाळण- एक वा या मिसेज डर्बी च -बिल्ली -मि वीं तैं सम्मान नि दे सकुद अर -मिसेज  (टेलीफोन बजद ) डुनहाम फोन उठा । 
डुनहाम- हेलो मिसेज प्रिंगलक घौर इ च - क्या संदेशच  ? जी हाँ -क्या जी ?- मिस्टर - डॉक्टर ! क्या डॉक्टरन ब्वाल कि तुम्हारी बेटी तैं ददरु हुयुं च-
मिसेज प्रिंगल - ददरु ! इलेनी !
इलेनी -ममी !
डुनहाम- जी हाँ ! (वु फोन धरुद ) बेटी पर ददरु हूण से मिस्टर डर्बी अर मिसेज डर्बी नि ऐ सकदन तो ऊंक ड्यार अयाँ मेमान मिसेज अर मिस्टर फ्लीटवुड बि नि ऐ सकदन।  बीमारी इ इन च कि मिस्टर डर्बीन क्षमा मांग।
मिसेज प्रिंगल -मतबल चार हौर कम ह्वे गेन।
इलेनी - मतबल केवल आठ इ प्लेट लगल। डुनहाम ! प्लेट उठा -
(वा उत्तेजना माँ कुर्सी अर चांदीक थाळी आदि उठाण लगद। परेशानी मा मिसेज प्रिंगल बि सहायता करण लग जांद। इन सहायता की आदत नि हूण डुनहाम  तैं घंघतोळ हूंद अर व रगबग से प्लेट उठांद तो प्लेट गिरण से टूटी जांदन, चण्डिक प्लेट गिर जांदन , उदेश्यहीनता मा वु जल्दीबाजी कर्द ) 
मिसेज प्रिंगल -अरे क्वी इन नी च जैतैं हम आखरी बगत आमंत्रित कौर सकां -
इलेनी -उ हैटवूड्स -
मिसेज प्रिंगल -अरे जब उ बुलांदन तो शराब नि दींदन। मेरी शराब मोफत की नी च जु मि ऊँ तै बुलौं -
इलेनी - ग्रीन -
मिसेज प्रिंगल -वा बड़ी बोर च।
इलेनी -मिस्टर कोनले
मिसेज प्रिंगल - वु डिनर पार्टी मा आन्दु इ कब च ? मीन कथगा दै निमंत्रण दे पर आइ  नी उ।
इलेनी - हेस्टर लौंगले -
मिसेज प्रिंगल -नै न ! तू अर लौंगले एकी टेबल मा ऑलिव वर्थ का पास नि बिठै सकदु। लौंगले ते से सुंदर अर चतुर -चालाक बि च -
इलेनी - टेलीफोन डायरेक्ट्री कख च ? (वा टेलीफोन डायरेक्ट्री टटोळदि ) टुप्पर्स ?
मिसेज प्रिंगल -टुप्पर्स ? इलेनी ! वै परिवार मा  छै जन छन -
इलेनी - हाँ पर यांसे सब लोग चौदह ह्वे जाला अर डैडी टेबलक एक सिरा पर बैठ सकदन।
मिसेज प्रिंगल -ठीक च तू कोशिस कौर।  मि तयार डैडी तैं समजाणो जांदु कि वु ड्रवाइंग रूम  मा रावन।  मेमान आण इ वाळ होला।
(वा  भैर जांदी )
इलेनी - (टेलीफोन करदी ) - हेलो टुप्पर्स का घौर ? हेलो मि इलेनी प्रिंगल बुलणु छौं - औ  मिस इला  टुप्पर्स बुलणी छे  ? बढ़िया।  अच्छा तुमन  डिन्नर तो नि खै ह्वाल - क्या च आज हमर इख  डिन्नर पार्टी छे - अर कुछ लोगुंन अचानक अबि ब्वाल कि वु लोग नि आणा छन - तो - उन त बुलणम  शरम लगणी च -अच्छा तो आप आणा छन - मजा ऐ जाल - अच्छा अच्छा - क्वी बात नी च - पर क्या ? अच्छा ? हैं ? (टेलीफोन पर हाथ लगैक ) मेरी समझ मा नि आणु च कि क्या करण ? (व घंघतोळ माँ च घबड़ाइं च ) डुनहाम  ! मेरी समझ मा नि आणु कि क्या जबाब दीण त जल्दी से माँ तैं बुला ( डुनहाम जल्दी से भैर जांद ) । (अब टेलीफोन पर बात करदि ) हांअअअ १ अच्छा ठीक च - तो सब - हाँ हाँ …बिलकुल क्वी बात नी च - पक्को ना ? फिर ठीक च ।  (फोन धरदी ) हैं मीन क्या कौर दे ? उँह ! माँ नि हूंद त मि कुछ बि जबाब दे दींदु। हे भगवान ! अब मीन क्या काण्ड लगै दें
मिसेज प्रिंगल (वा जल्दी से भीतर आदि अर डुनहाम पैथर च ) -इलेनी ! क्या बात च ?
इलेनी - अब तू इखम नि छी - तो मीन हाँ बोल दे - अब तू नि छे त मीन हाँ बोल दे।
मिसेज प्रिंगल -पर ह्वाइ क्या च ?
इलेनी - मीन टुप्पर्स स कौंक इख फोन लगाइ।  ऊंन हाँ तो बोल दे पर दगड मा ऊंक इख द्वी हौर मेमान अयाँ छन तो उ सब आठ जन आणा छन।  अब सब आदिम ह्वे जाल सोळा , सोळा !
डुनहाम- पर मैडम टेबल की लम्बै -चौड़ै इन च कि सोळा लोग कनकै बैठ सकला ?
मिसेज प्रिंगल -इलेनी ! तयार हाल हमेशा - तिकड़म इ नि लगांदि।  तेर जगा मि हूंद तो मीन नम्रतापूर्वक बोल दीण छौ कि हमर टेबल इथगा लम्बो नी च।
इलेनी - हाँ पर तू बि त  इखम नि छे ।  त्वे तैं पता च कि रंगतंगा समय पर मि कुछ का कुछ बोल दींदु।
डुनहाम- पर प्लेट - प्लेट तो चौदह ही छन।
इलेनी - मि नि खौलु।
मिसेज प्रिंगल -पर मि अपण बेज्जती नि हूण द्योलु।  हम इथगा मा बि बढ़िया इंतजाम कर सकदवां। हम टेबल पर एक बोर्ड लगै सकदां ( डुनहाम भैर जांद, मिसेज प्रिंगल अर इलेनी टेबलक चादर उठांदन )
इलेनी - पर माँ मि तै टेबलम बैठणो जरूरत नी च।
मिसेज प्रिंगल - बस तीन  ऑलिव वर्थ का पास वळि सीटमा बैठण।  अर अब बुलणो जरूरत नी च कि तीन नि बैठण।
इलेनी - पर बोर्ड लगाणै जरूरत नी च।  किटास से बि त काम चल सकद।  प्लेट अर कुरस्यूं तैं हौर आस पास करे सक्यांद -
मिसेज प्रिंगल -त्वे तैं पता च ना कि मिस्टर टुप्पर हाथी जन म्वाट च अर मिसेज कोनली बि भैंस जनि च त किटास से काम नि चल सकद।
डुनहाम (भीतर ऐक  )- मैडम ! सर्युळाणी भौत गुस्सा मा च। बुलणि च कि वीं केवल चौदह आदिम्युं कुण खाणक बणयूँ च।   

मिसेज प्रिंगल -मि कुछ नि जाणदु कि - सूप कैन खोलो , भुजी काटो अर - सोळा आदम्युं कुण खाणक बणन चयेंद अर -
डुनहाम - हाँ पर आइसक्रीम अर पुडिंग को क्या करे जावो ?
इलेनी - हाँ मि बोलि द्योलु कि मि तैं आइसक्रीम अर पुडिंगपसंद नी च।
मिसेज प्रिंगल -पर फिर बि (टेलीफोन बजद ) -टेलीफोन (मुंड पर हाथ ) अब क्वा च ? नि उठावो! टेलीफोन मि तैं पागल करणु  च। (फिर वै टेलीफोन उठाणो जांदी ) हेलो ! - हाँ - मि मिसेज प्रिंगल - हाँ ! अरे जैसिका - च्च ! च्च ! खतरनाक जुकाम ? ओहो (वा हथ हिलैक  डुनहाम तैं टेबल पर बोर्ड जुड़नो मना करदी। सबि खुश हून्दन ) ओहो इ राम दा।  बिचारो मिस्टर ! हाँ हल्दी अर शहद को लेप आवश्यक च।  ऊंक स्वास्थ्य कु ख़याल रख भैरों ! बाई बाई। (फोन धरदी ) ख़ुशी बात च जैसिका अर वींक पति नि आणा छन तो अब बि केवल चौदह आदिम ही ह्वे।
इलेनी - पर अब कार्ड गलत ह्वे गेन।  जौंक कार्डम नाम छन उ त छै इ आणा छन।  आठ लोग नया छन। अब नै डाइग्रैम बणाण पोड़ल। अब यूंक  सीट कै हिसाब से रखे जाव !
मिसेज प्रिंगल -ला कार्ड मि तैं दे। (वा टेलीफोन टेबल मा इ खड़ी रौंदी अर वा पैड  मा पेन्सिल से डायग्राम बणान्दि )
इलेनी - ले यी कुछ नया कार्ड छन (वा पुरण कारडुं तैं फड़दी अर डुनहाम की टेबल सजाण मा मदद करदि )
मिसेज प्रिंगल -हूँ ! क्या गोळ -माल ह्वे गे।  मीन सिटिंग अरेंजमेंट का ड्रवाइंग बणाणम कथगा समय लगै छौ।कु क्खम बैठल  पर भौत ध्यान दे छौ। अरे तौळ दर्वाज़ाक घंटी बजणी च। जा ड्रवाइंग रूम बिटेन देखिक आ कि क्वा च - मीन ऐनी कुण बोल छौ कि उखक ध्यान रखी। (डुनहाम जांद अर टेलीफोन की घंटी बजदि ) हत्यारा टेलीफोन ! अब क्वा च अर क्या च ? (फोन उठान्दि ) हेलो ! हाँ मिसेज प्रिंगल बुलणु छौं - कु ? मिस्टर ऑलिव वर्थ ? हैं ? मिस्टर ऑलिव वर्थ का सेक्रेटरी ? क्या रैबार च ? क्या ? मिस्टर ऑलिव वर्थ कख ? मिस्टर ऑलिव वर्थ तैं अचानक बोस्टन जाण पड़ अर सूचना दीण मा असमर्थ - मिस्टर ऑलिव वर्थ डिन्नर  मा शामिल नि ह्वे सक्दन , वु बोस्टन का वास्ता - (मिसेज प्रिंगल फोन रख दींदि , वा गुस्सा, आहत , निराशा मा हाथ झटकदि  ) वैक हिम्मत त द्याखो ! वैक हिम्मत त द्याखो !  मेरी पार्टी कुण ना बोली दे अर वु बि ऐन बगत पर ? अरे मेजवान की बि क्वी इज्जत हूंदी।  पट्ट अबि ना ब्वाल वैन ! हैं ! हैं मीन कथगा परेशानी से डिन्नर पार्टीक इंतजाम कर अर आखरी बगत पर रैबार आंद  कि बोस्टन जाण पड़णु च।  मेरी बि क्वी हैसियत च कि ना ? अरे मीन सब इंतजाम कर्युं छौ कि इलेनी अर ऑलिव आस पास बैठल अर फिर अग्नै बात बढ़लि।  पैसा वाळ च त क्या ह्वे ? मि कम छौं ? कैक इज्जत बि त क्वी चीज हूंद। स्वार्थी ! (व वैक नामक कार्ड फाड़दि ) अब मीन वै से कतै बात नि करण।  कुट्टी ! बस कुट्टी ! म्यार दगड इन बर्ताव ? कुट्टी !
इलेनी (डर अर घंघतोळ )  - ह्वे सकद च अचानक व्यापारिक काम ऐ गे हो अर आनन फानन मा बोस्टन जाण पोड हो।
मिसेज प्रिंगल (वा ध्यान नि दींदि ) -मेरी गणत ये सहर मा सबसे बेहतरीन मेजबानुं मा हूंद।  लोग मेरी मेहमानबाजी की तारीफ़ करदन। लोग मेरो निमंत्रण का वास्ता तरसणा रौंदन। मि सफलता पसंद करदु - असफलता से भारी चिड़द।  वु आज म्यार सबसे महत्वपूर्ण अर धनी मेहमान छौ। हरेक आदिम वै से मिलणम गर्व महसूस करद- अर वु नी आणु च - मि क्या क्या - मि गुस्सा - मीतैं गुस्सा - गुस्सा ।  आग लग जैन ये बर्फीला तूफ़ान पर -
इलेनी - अब मि टेबल से दूर रै सकुद। वु नी आणु च मतबल फिर से हम तेरह जन ह्वे गेवां।
मिसेज प्रिंगल (गुस्सा मा )-बिस्तर मा पद जा।  उखि मि दूधौ बोतल मा दूध अर पटाखा भेजि दींदु।
इलेनी - पर ममी मेरी क्या गलती कि ऑलिव तैं व्यापारिक काम से भैर जाण पोड ?
मिसेज प्रिंगल -हाँ त्वी ले कामक हूंदी त तेरी प्रसिद्धि सूणीक वु सब काम धाम छोड़िक डिन्नर पार्टी मा आंद. पर तू डरपोक अर संकोची जि छे तो तनि मनी खानदानक  छ्वारा बि ते देखिक बितक जांद। म्यार इथगा बड़ो नाम च कि क्वी मेरी सहायता नि करदु।  अब त तेरा इ छन त जा बिस्तर जोग ही ह्वै जा।  मेरी नजर से दूर ह्वै जा।
डुनहाम (भितर आंद )- इ मिस्टर मॉर्गन छा।
मिसेज प्रिंगल -मिस्टर मॉर्गन ! पर मीन तो नौकर मा बोलि छौ कि आज नि अयाँ।
डुनहाम- वूं तैं तुमर दुसर रैबार नि मील।  अर मिस्टर प्रिंगल से फोन मा बुलणा छया कि आमंत्रण से मिस्टर मॉर्गन अहसानबन्द छन अर डिन्नर मा आण पर गर्व महसूस करला।
इलेनी - ल्या फिर से तेरा ह्वे गेन बशर्ते मि बिस्तर नि ग्यों।
मिसेज प्रिंगल -तीन बिस्तर मा नि जाण। डुनहाम ! अर अब फिर से चौदह ह्वे गेवां।
डुनहाम-मि कॉकटेल बणाणो तयारी करदो।  ऐनी बुलणी छे कि बरफ मा  मोटर दौड़न लग गेन। भौत देर ह्वे गे अर सरुळयाणी   बड़ बड़ करणी च कि खाणक सुखण लग गे
(फोन बजद , इलेनी चम्म ख़ड़ी हूंदी )
इलेनी - ना मीन नि उठाण।
मिसेज प्रिंगल - मि तैं इ जबाब दीण पोड़ल - ना बुलण - हेलो - (करकरी आवाज मा ) हाँ हेलो ? मिसेज टुप्पर ! हाँ मिसेज टुप्पर !  पर तुम तैं आण इ चयेंद - हमन तुमर बान इथगा तयारी करीं च अर -हाँ -पूरा आठ आदम्युं कुण -मेरि तुमर लड़की से बात करि छे आर तुमर लड़किन अपण मेमानों बारा मा बि बोलि छौ - हमन सब्युं कुण प्लेट बि लगै आलिन - नै नै मेरी बेटी तैं निमंत्रण दीणो अधिकार च - नै नै - इन बि क्या च -हाँ जबरदस्ती नि छे -पर बात करिक ही तो -नै नै - उफ़ क्या , ह्यां - (वा फोन धरदी ). मिसेज टुप्पर सै बुलणी च कि मेमानुं तैं दूसरौ डिन्नर मा लीजाण क्वी सभ्यता थुड़ी हूंद।  पर यांक कारण वु आठ ना छैइ आणा छन आठ ना ! डुनहाम ! द्वी प्लेट कम कर अब हम बारा इ छंवां।
इलेनी - पर यदि बारा ह्वे तो पिताजी टेबलक सिरा वळि सीट मा नि बैठ सकदन-
मिसेज प्रिंगल (थकीं थकीं सि )- अब मीन कबि पार्टी नि दीण।  लोगुं तैं पता हूण चयेंद कि उ आणा छन कि ना।  आमंत्रण स्वीकार करदन अर अंतिम क्षणों मा ना बोल दींदन। अरे मीन इथगा बढ़िया बैठणो इंतजाम कर्युं च। अर कु क्खम बैठल यांक पुरो ख्याल रख्युं छौ अर अंतिम समय पर -अब कै हिसाब से बिठाळु ? यदि मिसेज मोर्गन इखम बैठदि तो मिसेज कोनले ऊना बैठलि अर मिसेज  टुप्पर तैं उखम बैठण पोड़ल अर वगल मा मिस्टर टुप्पर पर मि चांदु कि उखम मिस्टर मॉर्गन बैठन अर पर -इन कनै -अब तो असंभव च।  अब मीन नि दीण पार्टी।  फिर ऑलिव बर्थ जन लोग बि छन - अरे कथगा बि सौकार ह्वावन कथगा बि प्रभावशाली ह्वावन कथगा बि महत्वपूर्ण ह्वेवन धौं। बिना सभ्यता का यी कुछ बि नि छन। असभ्यता की हद ह्वे गे ! अरे इख मेरी मधुर , सुंदर लड़की दगड परिचय हूंद तो क्या जाणु छौ वे ऑलिव बर्थ कु ! इलेनी ! सूण अब वै असभ्य ऑलिव बर्थक दगड बात कार त मि गुदुल फोड़ द्योलु हाँ ! अब मीन ऑलिव बर्थ तैं कत्ते बि सम्मान नि दीण।  अब उ मेरी नजरूं से गिर गे। ऑलिव बर्थ ! मि त्वे से घृणा करदु।
( डुनहाम चांदी की थाली मा एक लिफाफा लेक आंद
डुनहाम- मैडम - मिस्टर ऑलिव बर्थ की तरफ से एक रैबार च।
मिसेज प्रिंगल -मिस्टर ऑलिव बर्थ से संदेश ? (व लिफाफा खोल्दी )
डुनहाम- हांजी मैडम ! तौळक  हाल मा द्वी अपछाण्यक मेमान अयाँ छन। ऊंन यु लिफाफा दे। वैन ब्वाल कि वु सेक्रेटरी च। बकै सबि मेमान मथ्याक हॉल मा जमा छन। मीन सब्युं तैं गौण बरोबर बारा -आप, मिस्टर प्रिंगल अर मिस इलेनी तैं मिलैक।  पुट बारा। अर वु द्वी नया मेमान आपक जबाब की इंतजारी मा छन।  एक की सूरत जणि -पछयणि लगणी च पर पता नि कु छन धौं ! मि तैं लगणु च म्यार कखि ना कखि दिख्यां छन -

मिसेज प्रिंगल (वा पत्र पढ़न मा व्यस्त छे।  पत्र पढ़द पढ़द वीं तैं आश्चर्य हूंद अर भौत खुस हूंद ) -इलेनी ! हे भगवान ! पता च को च हमर इख  अयाँ ? प्रिंस ऑफ वेल्स ! प्रिंस ऑफ वेल्स !
डुनहाम- सेक्रेटरी बुलणु छौ कि आपन फोन काट दे जब कि मिस्टर ऑलिव बर्थन रैबार दे छौ कि प्रिंस ऑफ वेल्स तुमर डिन्नर पार्टी मा आण चाणा छन आ -असल मा तूफानी बरफबारी से प्रिंस ऑफ वेल्स का शहर का अन्य प्रोग्रैम कैंसिल करण पोड़ी गे छ तो आपसे बढ़िया मेजवान ये शहर मा नी च तो -
मिसेज प्रिंगल -प्रिंस ऑफ वेल्स म्यार ड्रवाइंग हाल मा बैठ्याँ छन ? अर इन्तजार मा छन कि मि कब ऊं तैं डिन्नर का वास्ता आमंत्रण द्यूं ?
इलेनी - पर यांसे तो हम तेरा जन ह्वे जौंला -
डुनहाम- इलेनी ! प्रिंसक सेक्रेटरी बि च अर उ बॉडीगार्ड -
मिसेज प्रिंगल (गर्व से तड़तड़ी खड़ी हूंदी )- हाँ ! सेक्रेटरी बि त च।  याने हम सब चौदा छंवां। डुनहाम ! कॉकटेल दीणो शुरुवात कौर। जै तैं जख्म बैठणाइ बैठण द्यावो।  मि  वेल्स तैं लेक आंदु।
इलेनी (ब्वेक पैथर पैथर )- पर ममी ऑलिव बर्थ भलो युवा च कि ना ? तबि त अपण जगा प्रिंस ऑफ वेल्स तैं भ्याज !
मिसेज प्रिंगल -मि बुल्दु नि छौ कि ऑलिव बर्थ एक सही विवाह योग्य  युवा च ?
इलेनी - मि तैं लगणु च कि मि ऑलिव बर्थ तैं पसंद करुल -
मिसेज प्रिंगल -बेवकूफ लड़की अब ऑलिव बर्थ तैं पसंद करणम  देर ह्वे गे। अब तो प्रिंस ऑफ वेल्स तैं  समय ऐ गे।  (भैर जाणो तयारी मा ) अब साबित ह्वे गे कि मि सबसे उम्दा डिन्नर पार्टीक इंतजाम कर सकद। भगवान ! बरफबारी वास्ता धन्यवाद !
Translated Drama in Garhwali by Dahngu ka Garhwali  writer; Translated Drama in Garhwali by Gangaslan ka Garhwali  writer; Translated Drama in Garhwali by Lainsdowne Tehsil  ka Garhwali  writer;Translated Drama in Garhwali by Dahngu Pauri Garhwal ka Garhwali  writer;

Bhishma Kukreti

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                            मुखाभेंट (इंटरव्यू )
                    (  एक  उन्नादेसी  भाषा कु नाटक )
                             अनुवाद -भीष्म कुकरेती
समय - 1890 . जगा - बार या वाइन शॉप
चरित्र -
-बार कु मालिक - गोपु
इंटरव्यू लिन्देर -युवा टिप टॉप मा , टाइ आदि मा ; गौळुन्द कैमरा

(बार कु दृश्य , बारक द्वार गली मा खुल्दन , एक काउंटर मा शराबौ बोतल धर्यां छन। गिलास आदि छन।   दीवाल पर हीरोइन हीरों की फोटो लगीं छन। )
[ ग्वारो , म्वाट आदिम बारक मालिक ; कमीज - पेंट मा , काँध मा तौलिया , कॉउंटरक पैथर गिलास चमकाणु च , उख एक औरत , जैक  मुख पर दुःख , निराशा की छाया च , छूट गिलास पर शराब पीणि च। पैथर एक साइन बोर्ड मा = व्हिस्की , बियर मिल्द (शराब पीण जोखिमक काम च )
 स्त्री -पता च … , पता च,  सब पता च  …
बारक  मालिक -हुयूं क्या च वै तैं ?
स्त्री - पुटकौ पीड़ा --- बड़ी द्यावळी स्थिति च।  वु नीलु सि पड़णु च , नीलु
बारक  मालिक -त तीन क्या कार ?
स्त्री -कुछ ना  …
व गिलास से अधिक मात्रा मा शराब गटकदि )
मि तैं क्या पता क्या करण ? इथगा सरल थुका च … उनि बि हमम पैसा बि नि छन … त इन च कि   … बड़ी शरम आंद।
बारक  मालिक -वै तैं द्वी चमच कॉफी अर मुंगर्युं दारू दूध मा मिलैक दे दे।
स्त्री - ठीक ह्वे जालु ?
बारक  मालिक -हाँ अरे जल्दी फरक पड़ जांद।   … गर्मी लांद  … पुटुक साफ़ कर दींद  … अर कब्ज हो तो साफ़ ! अमृतधारा च अमृतधारा !
स्त्री -द्वी चमच ना ?
बारक  मालिक - हाँ  .... कॉफिक। 
स्त्री -औ !  मि कोशिस करलु।  बिचारु  … गरीब गुरबाक बच्चा …
बारक  मालिक -द्वी हाँ !
स्त्री -बिलकुल सही
(गोपु छुटि बोतल भरदु )
ये ब्वे ! … यु अन्याय च  .... तीन साल पैल हमर सबसे बडु नौन ग्यायि  … भगवान जाण कख ग्ये धौं....
बारक  मालिक गोपु  -हाँ बिचारु  ....
स्त्री -पोर दुसर नौनु  .... गौळक बिमारी से मोर।   
बारक  मालिक - हाँ . बिचर ....
 स्त्री -अब  यु छ्वटु  ....
(वा गिलासुंद बचीं दारू तैं ऊब लगैक पींदी )
हमेशा सदा इनि हूणु रौंद  … खैर। । हम ऊंक जथगा बि हम से ह्वे सकद  देख भाळ करदां अर ....
बारक  मालिक -देख भाळ इ काफी नी च …  तुम तैं ऊँ तैं उ दीण चयेंद जांक ऊ तैं आवश्यकता च ।
वीं तैं वीं भरीं बोतल दींद )
अच्छा जब उ ठीक ह्वे जाव तो मि तैं बतै दे  … अर अफु तैं बीमार  नि कौर  …
स्त्री -अच्छा  .... कथुग ह्वे ?
बारक  मालिक -चार आना
(हंसुद च )
दवैयुं से कम। हैं ?
स्त्री -हाँ सै ब्वाल   …
बारक  मालिक -अर स्वाद बि स्वादि ?
स्त्री -बिलकुल   ....
(पैसा पकड़ान्दि )
चार आना।
बारक  मालिक - धन्यवाद !
स्त्री - अच्छा चल्दु छौं।
बारक  मालिक -अपण तब्यतौ ख्याल रख  ....
स्त्री -बिचरु  छ्वटु !
 (वा स्त्री जांदी।  बारक मालिक गोपु  गिलास आदि साफ करण लग जांद।  थ्वड़ा डेरमा एक इंटरव्यू लीण वळ आंद )
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -मिस्टर गोपु प्लीज ?
गोपु (काउंटर छोड़िक आंद, दोस्ताना अंदाज मा ) -मि गोपु छौं  ....
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -भौत बढ़िया।
गोपु -ब्वालो मे से काम ?
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ (गोपु पर ध्यान दींदु ) -लम्बो … काळ बाळ   … पैंतालीस साल उमर , छुट हथ   … कड़क मुख … यु सही च।
गोपु -क्या च ?
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ (अपण कैमरा टेबल मा धरद , हैट टँगद ) -पैल एक बियर!
गोपु -हाँ  … हाँ … क्वा बियर ?
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ - सबसे अच्छी  बियर
गोपु -हाँ हाँ मैंगी बियर !
(गिलासुंद बियर भरुद )
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -हूँ ! यी तैं तू अच्छी बियर बुल्दि ?   .... खैर चलल!
अपण बैं बौंळ उठै दे भै !
गोपु -म्यार बैं बौंळ   … पर  …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ - अपण हाथ दिखा।
गोपु (संदेह मा )-आ  । पर
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ (रौब से ) -हां हाँ  … हथ  …
गोपु (बौंळ बिटांद ) -टीका लगाण वळ इंस्पेक्टर , हाँ हाँ इंस्पेक्टर।
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ (बौंळ दिखुद ) -हाँ हथ गोड्यूँ छन  … पता छौ इनि ह्वाल  … औ द्वी हृदयूँ बीच माँ फूलदान मा फूल   … बिलकुल सही , सही   …
(कैमरा खुल्दु , फोटो बान कैमरा तयार करद )
अल राइट   … रेडी  रेडी ?
गोपु -पर कना क्या छंवां ?
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -हिल ना  … हिल ना।
(कैमरा फोकस  मा लांद )
गोपु -औ …  तो   …  फोटोग्राफर हैं
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ (पिक्चर लींद ) -भौत सुन्दर  … अब फरक जा। 
गोपु (आज्ञा पालन ) -हैंक  ?
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -हाँ हाँ , … हिल ना  हिल ना
(पिक्चर लींद )
अब हैंक तरफ। 
गोपु (आज्ञा पालन करद )- फिर से ? …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -हाँ हाँ , … हिल ना  हिल ना
(व हैंक पिक्चर लींद )
अब घूम - पीठ मेरी तरफ   .... ठीक ठीक !  … पीठ बि मुख हूंद  ....
गोपु -हैं किस्मौ फोटोग्राफर छंवां भै  ?
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -मुस्कराओ   …
(हैंक पिक्चर लींदु )
भौत बढ़िया
(कैमरा टेबल मा धरद )
अब नाप  ....
(वु किसौंदन टेप निकाळदु अर गोपुक नाप लीण लग जांद )
एक मीटर  …   सहतर सेंटीमीटर   …
(एक नोटबुक मा लिखुद  )
गोपु -हैं अब तुम टेलर  ?
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -छाती की चौड़ाई   … नपण पोड़ल  …
(नपद )
अट्ठासी सेंटीमीटर   …
(कंधा झटकांद )
अनुपात बरोबर नी च
(अपण नोट बुक मा लिखुद )

गोपु - दर्जी  ह्वालु !  ....
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ (गोपुक हथेली दिखुद ) -खुरपी जन हथेली   …
(गोपुक गाळ पर हाथ फिरांद )
गाळुं हड्डी महत्वपूर्ण ,  … विषम ममुखाकृति   …
(गोपुक चौंठी थपथान्द।  )
हूँ भैर निकळयूँ जबड़ा   .... हाँ पर तगड़ा जबड़ा   … मि तैं नि छौ पता  … 
गोपु - हैं क्या अजीब दर्जी च !
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ (अपण टेबल मा वापस आंद ) -अब , बातचीत कौर। 
गोपु (समजणै कोशिस मा )   -हैं   … क्या ?
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -बात और क्या ?
गोपु -मि तैं अबि तक पता नी कि तू या तुम कु /को च /छंवां ?
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -औ ! हाँ ! 'आंदोलन  चीफ इंटरव्यूवर।
गोपु -कु ?
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -आंदोलन मैगजीनों चीफ इंटरव्यूवर।
गोपु (नासमजी मा ) -औ !
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ (दया दिखांद )-हैं ! त्वे तैं आन्दोलनौ बाराम नि पता ? कन ककुनगस ह्वे।  'आंदोलन ' एक न्यूज पेपर , साहित्यिक पत्र …  दुन्या भरौ समाचार -सूचना  … द्वी करोड़  पाठक … वु न्यूज पेपर जु अपण पाठकुं तैं कार दिलांद , घौर दिलांद … गवर्मेंट बॉण्ड  दिलांद  …प्रशिक्षित नौकार्याणि दिलांद … अब समजी गे कि ना ?
गोपु -औ  …हाँ …हाँ …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ - मि जल्दी मा छौं …मीन दस बजि शिक्षा मंत्रिक इंटरव्यू लीण …अर दुफरा मा बेल्जियमौ राजक इंटरव्यू …तुम म्यार  सवालुं सही अर सूक्ष्म जबाब द्याओ …हाँ पर पैल बियर।
गोपु -हाँ  …हाँ
( इंटरव्यू लीण वळ आपण नोटबुक खुल्दु )
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ- यी समय च …अब युइ क्षण च …सत्य कु मनोवैज्ञानिक क्षण …
(गोपु बियर गिलासुंद डाळदु, इन्टरव्यूवर झटाक से पींदु , गोपू गिलास फिर से भरदु   )
गोपु -मीन सैत च घर इनाम मा जीत।
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ (टेबल तैं दिखुद अर गोपु पर नजर गड़ैक ) -तुम  शराब विक्रेता छंवां ?
गोपु (दुकानक तरफ नजर घुमांद ) -नजर घुमाओ …इनि लगणु च कि …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -एक घृणित व्यापार …एक देशविरोधी उद्यम …हैं नशाखोरी …व्यभिचार …शराबखोरी …अल्कोहॉलिज्म , गर्त की और जांद समाज …समाप्ति -क्षरण …सोसालिज्म
(गोपू सोसालिज्म शब्द पर ऐतराज जताँद )
सब बिषैला … एक दिन तुम सब खतम कर देल्या -नहीं ?
गोपु -क्या बोल रहे हो ?
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -यु क्वी माने नि रखद …मि कुछ नि बुलणु छौं …मि तैं तहकीकात करण मा व्यस्त रौण चयेंद…यु महत्वपूर्ण च कि तू जबाब दे …
गोपु -मि तैं नि पता क्या बुलण , मि नाखुश नि छौं , मीन कार जीत क्या ?
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ (गंभीरता से )-तो तुम शराब विक्रेता हो …मंजूर ?
गोपु -बिलकुल…
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -अर यु बि मंजूर च कि  नाम गोपु ?
गोपु -गोपीचंद …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -देख हाँ यु महत्वपूर्ण च कि तू कै हिसाब से जबाब दींदु …भौत इ महत्वपूर्ण …बिलकुल सत्य …
गोपु (घंघतोळ मा ) -हाँ सही जन की म्यार पिताजी क नाम धरमचन्द। 
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -भौत अच्छु …
(विराम )
अर भौत दिनु तक तयार अपण बीबी दगड अच्छा संबंध नि छया तो ?
गोपु -बीबी का साथ ?
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -हाँ …हे भगवान…
गोपु (हौर बि घंगतोळ मा ) -यु …क्या …मेरो त ब्यौ इ नि ह्वे …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -औ ! ... सही… लिविंग विद कम्पेनियन … बद से बदतर …
(वु नोटबुक मा लिखद )
तो … त्यार  अपण साथिणो दगड़ खराब संबंध चलणा छन… 
गोपु -क्या ?… पता नि तुम क्या बुलणा छंवां … म्यार साथिणो दगड़ ?
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -हे भगवान ! … यदि तू शादी शुदा नि छे अब मि तेरी रखैल  तैं क्या नाम द्यूं अर जैंक दगड त्यार मधुर संबंध नि छन -----खाणौ बणाणो भांड ?
गोपु (हंसदो अर जंगडूं पर ताल ठोकदु ) -म्यार भोजन पकाणो भांड , पतीली या कढ़ै --हाँ यु शब्द बढ़िया शब्द तो छै च … पर नहीं … पर मीम ना तो भांड च … नहीं  …मेरि क्वी  रखैल बि नी च …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ (नकल अर कर्कश ) -तू अणब्यौथा छे … तेरी रखैल बि नी च … तो त्यार बिस्तर मा त्यार दगड़ कु रौंद ?
गोपु -मि सच बुलणु छौं …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -सच या च …
(गोपुक पास जांद )
तू म्यार आंख्युं मा धूळ नि झोकि सकद , दुष्ट … मि तैं पता च … मि सत्य जाणदु छौं … अब तू सच नि झुटलै सकदी … क्या वा पतिव्रताहीन छे… तेरी घरवळि  … रखैल … या कढ़ाई… जु बि … मि क्या जादा गरम हूणु छौं /
गोपु -भगवानौ खातिर , तेरी समज मा नि औणु … मि बुलणु छौं कि …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ (बिचि मा )-हाँ … हाँ तू धोखेबाज जीब से बुलणु छे !
गोपु -हे भगवान … मि बुन्नु छौं  …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -तू क्या समजणु छे कि तू जोक सुणाणु छे … मि तैं शब्दजाल मा नि फँसै सकिद !… त्यार करतब मीमा नि चल सकदन !
गोपु -पर … मि …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -तू प्रेस तैं धोखा नि दे सकदि … मिस्टर गोपू आप धोखा दीणो प्रयत्न नि कारो  …प्रेस एक शक्तिशाली सेना समान च…
(धमकी दींद )
अर मि प्रेस छौं मिस्टर गोपीचंद ! … दो करोड़ पाठक …
गोपु -अच्छा ब्वालो कि क्या करण ?
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -आज प्रेस माँ अप्रतिम शक्ति च …महान शिक्षक  …वैश्विक चेतना  …प्रेस दोषी ठहरांद  …न्याय  अर निंदा  …एक बियर !
गोपु -इ ल्या …इ ल्या
(बियर दींद )

इंटरव्यू लीण वळ (हथ पर बियर )-मिस्टर गोपु प्रेस …अकेला खड़ रौंद …पुलिस , न्यायपालिका ब्ला ब्ला सबसे   ऊपर…
(बियर पींदु )
प्रेस इनाम दींद …दंड दींद …क्षमा करद…
(अपण गिलास खाली करद )
प्रेस कीमत का हिसाब से कुछ चुकान्दी या दींदि बि च…प्रेस सब कुछ च …यि नि भूलि …
(गोपु गिलास भरद )
गोपु -ह्यां पर  याँक मे से क्या संबंध ?
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -क्या संबंध ?…हकीकत …तथ्य असलियत का साथ …क्या त्यार  'आंदोलन' का साथ विज्ञापन करार बि च ?
गोपु (घंघतोळ मा ) -क्या  ?…
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -मीन पूछ कि क्या त्यार  'आंदोलन' का साथ विज्ञापन करार बि च ?
गोपु -करार ?…
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -हाँ ! …हरेकक छन …सरकार , प्रशासन , बैंक , व्यापारी , उत्पादनकर्ता …जज …डॉक्टर …रोगी …सोसाइटी जनानी…पेंटर्स …कु करार …पर त्यार नी च …लज्जा की बात नी च ?…किलै त्यार विज्ञापन करार नी च… त्यौकुण  भौत नुकसानदेय च मिस्टर गोपु …
गोपु -हाँ पर मीतैं करार की जरूरत किलै च ?
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ - हूँ ! …चबोड़ …चखन्यौ …मसखरी …जु चा स्यु कौर …
(इन्टरव्यूवर गोपुक बटणुं से खेल्दु , बियरक शुरुवाती नशा मा )
तीन शराबक बोतलन  अपण बीबीक मुंड किलै फ्वांड़  ?
गोपु (भौंचक्का )-शराबक बोतलन ?
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -हाँ …जबाब दे !
गोपु -शराबक बोतल …यांक मतबल क्या हूंद ?
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -तो तू स्वीकार नि करण चाँद …
(विराम )
ओके …
गोपु -शराबक बोतल…कसम भगवान की …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -चुप ! झूट नि बोल !
(जोर से )
झूट बिलकुल बि ना हाँ …झूट पाप इ ना अपराध बि च …अर फिर प्रेस का साथ झूट बिलकुल नि चलद…मि कोशिस करुल कि …यद्यपि तयार 'आंदोलन' का दगड करार बि नी च …मि समजणो कोसिस करलु …दिखला कि …
(पत्रकार गोपुक कंधा थपथपान्द )
दिखदाँ …मिस्टर गोपीचंद …
(धीरे से )
पर ईं निर्दयता कु उद्येस्य का ह्वे सकद …किलैकि दिखेण मा तो तू सौम्य छे …एक सही मनुष्य …बदला की भावना से कर्युं अपराध ?…या अचाणचक गुस्सा क्रोध मा ?…क्वी सुझाव …रक्तचाप बढ़ण से ?…
(विराम )
हैं ?
(गोपु मना करद , पैथर हटद )
बातचीत जारी रखण …धीरे धीरे …
(गोपुक कंधा दबांद )
क्या पगलपन तक की हद वळ प्यार या बैर ?…या शारीरिक शक्ति ?…या केवल भूतकाल कु भूत , पूर्वानुरूप  ? …
गोपु (आँख भैर आंदन ) -भूत ? पुरवा ?
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -पूर्वानुरूप!
गोपु -ये मेरि ब्वै !
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -तेरि समज से भैर च। …तू अपण कर्मुं का विश्लेषण नि कर सकिद …
(भौत इ  दया भाव )
तू क्या जाणि विज्ञान माने मनोविज्ञान …तेरी मनोदशा झौड़ा संगुळो माने कॉकरोच की च …
(पत्रकार गोपुक कपाळ पर झटका दींद )

गोपु -बकबास …
(गोपु काउंटरों पैथर जांद अर कांच अर प्लेट आदि टूटणो आवाज आंद )
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -गोपु ! सचमुच मा तू दयाक पात्र छे …तेरी समस्या स्वेच्छाचारी से अधिक बौद्धिक शक्तिहीनता च …
(इंटरव्यूअर तैं पता चलद कि गोपु छुप गए। वु काउंटरक पास जांद अर जोर से बुल्दु। )
अच्छा अब मि दुसर हिसाबन प्रश्न पुछुल…तेरी बौद्धिकताक हिसाबन … द्वी बियर !
गोपु -हाँ हाँ !
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -चियर्स ! चियर्स !
गोपु (हँसिक )-अरे वाह  …
(वु बियर गिलासुंद डाळद।  द्वी पीन्दन    )
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -तेरो स्वास्थ्य का वास्ता !
गोपु -तयार स्वास्थ्यौ कुण बि !
(अब द्वी सहज छन )
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -गोपु ! …मि त्यार दोस्त छौं …दगड्या जन इ जबाब दे …
गोपु (हंसद च अर गिलास काउंटर मा धरद )-हाँ हाँ …किलै ना …किलै ना …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -क्या त्यार र परिवार मा बिंडी कतल ह्वेन ?… आखिर …ना त तेरि घरवळि च ना इ रखैल तो …फिर बि परिवार त होलु …हैं ?
गोपु(आतुर्दि मा ) -फिर दुबर वै बात शुरू …
(गोपु काउंटर से टेबलक तरफ  जांद , साफा से टेबल साफ़ करद )
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ (पैथर जांद ) -त जब त्योर जनम ह्वे ह्वाल , असह्य दुःख अर अकेलापन न त्यार कोमल , कमजोर मन तैं ढक दे अर जब खानाबदोशी अर परेशानी कु वातवरण आयि ना कि …उ अनुभव अग्नै ऐ जांदन …यही व्याख्या ह्वै सकद …ह्वे सकद  बहाना हो …
गोपु (अग्नै -पैथर करणु रौंद )- हा …हा …हा …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -तू जबाब नि दीणु छे …
(विराम )
जबाब नि देक तीन पक्को इरादा कर आल कि ये इंटरव्यू तैं कमजोर करण ?
गोपु -हे भगवान …तुम क्या बुलवाण चाणा छंवां ?
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -कुछ बि !पर  सच्चाई…त्वे तैं पता च कि ना कि त्यार अनमनापन अर कुछ बि बताणो व्यवहार पर मीन भौत सहनशीलता दिखाइ …मीन त्वे तैं विश्वासघाती  बि नि ब्वाल हाँ …
( गोपुक इना उना फिरण से रुकद )
…इलै शराबक बोतल चलाण मा पूर्वनियोजन आवश्य छौ…
गोपु (काउंटर से भैर आंद ) - व्हिस्की क  बोतल …क्या मतबल ?
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ (वकील जन ) -व्हिस्कीक  की ही बोतल किलै ? बियर की बोतल किलै ना ?  जिन की बोतल बि त …?
गोपु -हे भगवान …हे भगवान !
(काउंटर मा जांद अर घोड़ा सीढ़ी मदद से बोतलूं तैं अळगौक खानौं मा एक का मथि धरद ) 
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -गोपु सावधान हाँ ! …यु महत्वपूर्ण च… जज छुटि बात तैं …बि बड़ी बात , गुस्सा वळ घटना समज सकदन …
गोपु -जज … जज किलै ?
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -शायद महान वैज्ञानिक डाक्टर सौक …
(ईर्ष्या मा खुश ह्वेक )
डाक्टर सौक त्यार चेकअप से अवश्य पता लगै ल्याल कि …तीन सुनियोजित ढंग से…या अवचेतन मन से …या उपचेतन मन से …व्हिस्की की बोतल किलै प्रयोग ह्वेन …अर या सामजिक विज्ञान का हिसाब से कथगा गैरजिम्मेदाराना च …
गोपु -मेरी समज मा बिलकुल बि नी आणु च …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -अच्छा कुछ बि समज मा नि आयि ?…कुछ बि समज मा नि आयि…कि मीन क्या पूछ …मेरी बात समज …तेरी  अपराध कथा …
गोपु (अबि बि बोटलुं ढेर लगाणु च )-अब म्यार अपराध …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -गंभीरता से विश्लेषण , स्थिति की विवेचना … आम , सामाजिक अर वैवाहिक दृष्टि से आद्योपांत विवेचना से पता लग जांद कि …मि हत्या का पैथर मनोवैज्ञानिक कारण बथै सकुद …ओह !
गोपु (उखि च )-म्यार बर्मंड …हे भगवान !
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -ये अपराध की  मानसिक रासयनिक विश्लेषण …हाँ ! …अब बिलकुल साफ़ च …समझ गे ना ?
गोपु -औ …तो तू समजणी छे कि तू सब कुछ जाणदि   …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -अब तू अन्धकार तैं या म्यार सवालों जबाब तैं अपण शाब्दिक अलंकारुं से नि छुपै सकुद …जबाब दे !
गोपु -मि तैं इख बटें जाण पोड़ल …
(वु स्टूल की सहायता से भीम उतरदु , भैर भगण  चांद कि इंटरव्यूअर वैक पैंट पकड़ दींद )
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -दुष्ट मनुष्य !
(अब पैथर से हथन पकड़द )
अब …त्यार विकल्पुं पर ध्यान दीण पोड़ल …तू डाक्टर सिजार लम्बोरसो तैं जाणदि छे ?
गोपु -लम्बो …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -…रसो …हाँ !
गोपु (स्प्रे बोतल से स्प्रे करिक  टेबल साफ़ करण लगद )-हूँ …मि जाणदु …ना भै…असलियत मा ना …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -एक दिमागदार,  ज्ञानी मनुष्य …
गोपु -हाँ …अच्छा …अच्छा …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -महान वैज्ञानिक …प्रतिभाशाली जैक प्रतिभा तैं सब प्रशसा करदन …वैन ख्वाज कि प्रतिभाशाली क्रूर अर हत्यारा हूंदन …
गोपु -अच्छा …अच्छा …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -पतित …हत्यारे …हरेक का पास दृढ मानसिक ताकत …वौद्धिक शक्ति बढ़ै दींदन !
गोपु -ठीकि ह्वाल जब तुम बोलणा  …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ (क्रोधित उत्तेजना )-तो जन्मजात अपराधवृति संबंधित डाक्टर सिजार लम्बोरसो की खोज का बारा मा क्या राय च ?
गोपु -कुछ ना।
(गोपु समज मा नि आंद त वु पाइप सुलगैक पीण लग जांद )
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -डा डाक्टर सिजार लम्बोरसो कु मनण च बल गरीबी एक सामाजिक बिमारी नी च …ना ही आर्थिक कमजोरी …अपितु एक मनोविक्षिप्त रोग च…तेरी यीं क्रांतिकारी खोज का बारा मा क्या राय च ?
गोपु (समझ से भैर ) -मि चांदु …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -गोपू ! एक मनोविक्षिप्त रोग…
गोपु -संभव च  … संभव च …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -पता च वैन समस्या निदान का वास्ता बि नियम बणै …सुणणु छे ?
गोपु -सुण …हाँ हाँ !
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -प्रसिद्ध डॉक्टरन  अधिक  से जांच कार अर वूं वन की जांच कर जौंमा गरीबी का चिन्ह छया …
गोपु -हूँ कुछ कठिन नि छौ ?
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -चुप …डाक्टरन एक्स रे से जांच कार।
गोपु -सुणणु छौं …हाँ …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -बिचारा दस गरीबुं का आंत , किडनी  , लिवर , सबजाँचे गे …पर क्वी विशेष निर्णायक फल नि मील …समजणी छे ना ?
गोपु -हाँ …हाँ
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -पर निर्णायक फल आई।  पता च क्या ? …हरेकक मगज मा एक काळो धब्बा मील अर सैरिब्रो स्पाइनल फ्लूड मा।
गोपु -हूँ ? …क्या ?
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -सैरिब्रो स्पाइनल …
गोपु -वो बढ़िया …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -प्रसिद्ध वैज्ञानिक न यु काळु धब्बा धनी अर मध्यवर्गीय मनुष्यों मा नि पाइ …सुणणु छे ?
गोपु -हाँ -हाँ …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -तो वैज्ञानिक खोज से पता चौल कि गरीबी दिमाग की एक बिमारी से आदि
गोपु -सही सही …बिलकुल
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -यूँ काळु धब्बों की क्या प्रकृति च।  या बात तू पुछि  सकिद छे।
(बात करद करद , वु काउंटर का पास जांद , बोतलुं तैं चेक करद अर कुछ गिलास मा मिलांद , इना गोपु बि वै तैं दिखणो बान जांद )
इनि सूर्य का चारों पैथर खोज ह्वे …फिर एक खोज से दुसर खोज से जोड़े जांद  …
(वु मिश्रण तैं  हिलांद , पींद  )
एक खोज दुसर से जुड़े जांद , सौरमंडल अर दिमाग …देख ?
(गोपु पत्रकारक हथन गिलास लींद अर वै तैं धीरे धीरे पैथर धकेल्दु )
लम्बोरसो   का पास वैज्ञानिक खोज , सामजिक खोज आर सौरमंडलक खोज छे अर वूंन न सबी खोजूं तैं मिलै।
गोपु -कुकरो लौड़ !
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ ( काउंटर से झुकिक )-मीम यूं काळ धब्बों  पूरो फीजियोलॉजिकल विवरण दीणो समय नी च …तेरि समज मा नि आण…भौत कठिन च …
(गोपुवै तैं काउंटर से दूर रौणे हाथ हिलांद )
संक्षेप मा या च कि लोम्ब्रोसोन वुं धब्बों की प्रकृति पछ्याण …बकै काम तो फिर लोम्ब्रोसो सरेखा वैज्ञानिक कुण सरल छौ …
गोपु -हाँ पर मि तैं क्या ?…भाड़ मा जा ऊ …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -फिर लोम्ब्रोसोन ऊँ दस लोगुं तैं अपण निगरानी मा एक जेल नुमा मकान मा रखिक वूंक चिकत्सा कार …बिलकुल समयवद्ध अर विटामिन आदि का हिसाब से भोजन अर भोजन मा आयोडीन , …नयाण मा दवै अर तब तक वूं तैं कमरों मा रख जब तक वो परिपूर्ण ढंग से नरोगी नि ह्वे गेन …मतलब गरीब से धनी नि ह्वे गेन …समझे ?
गोपु (आतुर्दि मा ) -म्यार दिमाग …म्यार दिमाग …  भगवान !
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -अपण दिमाग की चिंता नि कौर डाक्टर शौक , डिबलर अर मि तयार बर्मंड ठीक करला !
गोपु -डिबलर ?
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -सात हफ्तों खोज से पता चौल कि यूँ मादे एक तैं अचानक  पारिवारिक उत्तराधिकार का बीस  लाख मिलेन रुपया
गोपु -वाह
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -हैंकन पनामा जैकपॉट जीत
गोपु -बढ़िय --- भगवान ओह
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -तिसर  तैं आंदोलन न्यूजपेपर की कालिस लाख की लाटरी लग गे …
गोपु -भाग्यशाली …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -चौथू खुसनुमा आदिम जेलनुमा मकान से बाज अर कार तौळ ऐ गे अर वैक खुटूँक  कार तौळ बुगचा बण गे …अर तब कार इन्सुरेंस से एक लाख सालान कु पेंसन मिलण लग गे
गोपु -अविश्सनीय !
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -बकै मर गेन
गोपु -सच्ची कथा च ?
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -अरे सच्ची ! वैज्ञानिक  कथा !
गोपु -गजब !
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -सच्ची वैज्ञानिक अन्वेषणीय कथा …बियर …
गोपु -हाँ …हाँ …
(बियर भरद )
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ (गिलास खाली करणो बाद)-गोपीचंद महाराज ! अब मी आखरी मुद्दा पर आंदु
गोपु -अबि बाकि च ?
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -तू अफु तैं न्यूरोथिरैपी की कैं कैटेगरी मा धरण चांदी मतलब कु वर्ग ?
(विराम )
मतलब त्वे पर क्वा दिमागी बीमारी च ?
(विराम , गोपु तरफ बढ़िक )
क्या दिमागी असंतुलन च …या
गोपु -अरे …पर मि …तो …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ (धमकाणै भौण ) - रहस्यात्मक ?…संक्रमित रोग ? …अल्कोहॉलिज्म ?…पूर्वजन्यारूप ? …स्रियल किलर ? …या
गोपु -सूण जा अब …मि दारु बिक्रेता छौं …बार टेंडर छौं …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ (धमकी ) -गोपु ?
गोपु -अरे जा …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -तो तू अपण अपराध तैं अस्वीकार करदि ?
गोपु -भाड़ मा जा …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -प्रेस से बदसलूकी ?…हैं ?
गोपु -कु डरद प्रेस से
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ (किसौंदन एक न्यूजपेपर निकाळदो )  -अच्छा ! तो तू डेली सिटी न्यूज पढ़दी छे ?
गोपु -हाँ ? म्यार इख रोज आंद
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -पेपर कु सम्मान च , सच्चाई का मामला मा ?
गोपु -हाँ
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -आज पौढ़ च ?
गोपु -हाँ
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -एक देख इख  मा लिख्युं च कि गोपु अबि बि रहस्य बण्यु च …
गोपु -कथगा इ गोपु छन शहर मा
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -हाँ शराब विक्रेता गोपु …
गोपु -भौत होला
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ (पेपर पढ़द ) -नै तू ही शराब विक्रेता गोपु …बातूनी पर अब गूंगा , …शेखीबाज गोपु…ग्राम मिजाजी …
गोपु -नै नै …सब गलत च …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -मि तैं पूर करण दे …
गोपू शराब  विक्रेता …मुज्जफरपुर  मां रौंद
गोपु (सही करदो )-मुज्जफरनगर
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -मुज्जफरपुर
गोपु -मुज्जफरनगर
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ (पेपर दिखांद ) -इक मा लिख्युं च शराब विक्रेता मुज्जफरपुर मा  रौंद
गोपु -पर मि मुज्जफरनगर कु छौं
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -तो …क्या ह्वे गे ?
गोपु -अरे क्या ह्वे गेक क्या मतबल ? …हम कखम छंवां मुज्जफरनगर या मुज्जफरपुर मा ?
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -चुप रौ …यांसे क्वी फरक नि पड़द …
(पेपर पढ़द )…
गोपु शराब विक्रेता …मुज्जफरपुर मा रौंद …
गोपु -…नगर
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -पुर
गोपु -नगर
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -(पढ़द )…गोपुन व्हिस्की की बोतल उठाइ अर अपण बीबीक मुंड पर फ्वाड़…खूनक तालाब …स्त्री की हालात नाजुक व अति गंभीर च 
गोपु -पर मि बुलणु छौं कि …मि मुज्जफरपुर कु नि छौं …मुज्जफरनगर कु छौं
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -पुर …
गोपु -नगर …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -मि त्यार खेल से थकि ग्यों …त्यार नाम गोपु ?च
गोपु -हाँ
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -तू  विक्रेता छे
गोपु -हाँ …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -यु सब पेपर मा लिख्युं च ?
गोपु -हाँ …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -त तू मुज्जफरपुर रौंद  मुज्जफरनगर मा रौंद यासे क्या फरक  पड़द …
गोपु -पर वु मि नि छौं …यि नि ह्वे सकद …मीन ब्वाल च कि ना …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -तीन म्यार सवालुं जबाब नि दे …तीन म्यार समय बरबाद कार …जोकर जन …
गोपु -क्वी मूरख बि समज सकद …किलैकि मि मुज्जफरनगर रौंद …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -पुर …
गोपु -नगर …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -पुर …
गोपु -नगर …नगर …नगर …मुज्जफरनगर !
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ (वैक गुस्सा बढ़द, बियर का बि असर ) -हाँ हाँ बोल …
(वु  जोर की थाप मरद )
मि अपण लाखों पाठ्कुं ' आंदोलन ' मा लिखुल …कि तीन सच्च तैं पतेड़ … मि लिखुल कि तेरी बेटी से एक बच्चा छौ अर तीन वै बच्चा की बि हत्या कार … जब तेरी घरवळि नी च …रखैल नी च …नौकरानी नी च त बेटी त अवश्य होली …
(गोपु तैं खांसी आदि अर वु पत्रकार तैं रुकणो कोसिस करद पर पत्रकार )
मी लिखुल कि त्यार शराबखाना मा हत्यारों तैं जगा मील्दी , आतंकवाद्यूं तैं जगा मिल्दी , अराजक अर देशद्रोहियों तैं छुपणै जग मिल्दि …तेरी घरवळि पड़ोस्यूँ से गलत संबंध छन …लिखुल कि तेरी फूफू बि बदचलन…तब दिखुल कि प्रेस से कन व्यवहार करण चयेंद …प्रेस की महान आवाज बंद नि ह्वे सकदी …
गोपु -मी भगवान की कसम खांदु कि जु पेपर मा लिख्युं च वु मि नि छौं …किलैकि मि मुज्जफरनगर म रौंदु मुज्जफरनगर
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -पुर …
गोपु -नगर …नगर …नगर…
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -मि तेरी जिंदगी बर्बाद कर द्योलु …बदनाम ह्वे जैलि … प्रेस का साथ दुर्व्यवहार नि करण हाँ …प्रेस माने वैश्विक चेतना …तेरि घरवळि कख च ?
गोपु -फिर से मेरि घरवळि ?
(भीख जन वर्ताव )
मेरि घरवळि नी च।
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -यदि तेरि घरवळि नी च त तू व्हिस्कीक बोतल वींक मुंड मा कनकै फोड़ि सकिद ?
गोपु (अपण तौलिया फिंकद ) - भगवान का वास्ता
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -कुतर्क से अपण बात नि छुपा …
गोपु -पर …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -अब …अपण घरवळि तैं बुला …वैइ सही बात बथै सकदी।
गोपु -नि लै सकुद …किलैकि …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -वीं से म्यार मिलण जरूरी च …वींसे सवाल पुछण जरूरी च …
गोपु -औ औ
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -मि वींक मनोविज्ञान समजण चांदु …
गोपु -सुंगर !
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -मि वींसे पूर्वनियोजित कार्य का बारा मा सवाल करण चांदु …
गोपु -हरामी
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -तेरि घरवळि कै किस्मै जनानी च ?
गोपु -अरे ह्वा तब ना …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -क्या वा सुंदर च ?
(गोपुक आवाज संट बंद )
क्या वा लम्बी च ?
(चुप्पी )
क्या वा भुरिण च ?
(विराम )
 गंदी गंदी गाळी दींदी ?
( चुप्पी )
क्या तू वीं तैं तंग करदि कि वा तंग करदी ?
(चुप्पी )
अब तक कथगा अबोर्सन करै ऐन ?
(चुप्पी )
एक या द्वी या …यूँ सवालुं जबाब जरूरी च …मेरी खोज का वास्ता यु जणन भौत आवश्यक च कि…पर तैसे क्या आस करण ? …पर फिर बि क्वी बात नी च …
(वु हाथ मल्दो मल्दो चलणु रौंद )
कुछ बात और…
( अग्नै बढ़द त गोपु पैथर पैथर सरकद )
टेलीपैथी का बारा मा क्या विचार छन ?
(चुप्पी )
हिप्नोटिज्म ?
((पत्रकार का कारण गोपू पैथर पैथर हूंद )
कखि जनसंख्या  दिनोदिन कम हूणों बारा मा क्या विचार च ?
(विराम )
साहित्य तैं आशावादी हूण चयेंद कि निराशवादी , सकारात्मक कि नकारात्मक या प्रतीकवादी या प्रकृतिवादी ?
(चुप्पी )
तेरी चुप्पी गवाह  च कि तू प्रेस की तौहीन करणु छे। यूँ सवालुं जबाब से तेरी मानसिकता पता चलदी तो …
(चुप्पी )
मीन तू नि छुड़नी  …प्रेस मा इन लिखुल कि …
(विराम )
चटका लग जाल त्वे पर …एक बियर
गोपु -हाँ …हाँ
(बियर गिलासुंद डाळदु )
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -अब मि जाणु छौं
(वु गिलास खाली करदु )
मि अब त्यार पड़ोसियुं इंटरव्यू लीणो जाणु छौं अर पड़ोस्यूँ का पड़ोस्यूँ का इंटरव्यू …
(वु गिलास पकड़िक दरवाजा क तरफ जांद )
गोपु -(खाली गिलास गणद )
-रुको …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -नही …नै नै …
गोपु -हाँ पर …
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -अब भौत देर कर दे तीन …अब मि क्वी सफाइ नि सुणण वाळ …
गोपु -हाँ पर साब तुमन म्यार बारा बियर ग्लासक पैसा दीणन
इंटरव्यू लीण वळ -हाँ पर कबि प्रेस या पत्रकार पैसा दीन्दी क्या ? क्या भोजन क्या दारु ?
(वु खाली गिलास लेक वापस आंद , जोर से गिलास मेज मा धरद , आदि मेज से गिर जांदन अर गोपु सामन उठाण लग जांद अर पत्रकार भैर चल जांद )

गोपु (चकनाचूर सामन पर नजर अर परेशान ) - हे भगवान आज कैक दगड़ मुखाभेंट ह्वे ? हे भगवान कैक दगड मुखाभेंट …
             (परदा )
(केवल नाट्य प्रशिक्षण का वास्ता )

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Bhishma Kukreti

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Best  Harmless Garhwali Humor -A Comedy Drama for Children , Garhwali Comedy Skits-A Comedy Drama for Children , Satire, Wit, Sarcasm , Garhwali Skits , Garhwali Vyangya , Garhwali Hasya - -A Comedy Children Drama

                                                   सूरजमुखी कु फूल (बाल नाटिका )

                                   बाल  प्रहसन नाटिका संकलन ::: भीष्म कुकरेती

चरित्र -



सूत्रधार -जब पृथ्वी मा पेड़ -पौधा उगण शुरू ह्वेन तो भौत सा फूल बि उगि गेन। बुरांस , गुलाब , संतराज , मर्च्या, बुगुल आदि अर दगड़म एक छवटु पीलु फूल । एक दिन फूलुं चौपाल बैठ अर निर्णय ह्वे बल लाल गुलाब तै फूलुं राजा बणै द्यावो अर फिर राजा सब्युंक इच्छा पूर्ति वरदान बि द्याल।  त वैदिन गुलाबक ताजपोशी ह्वे अर हरेक फूलन गुलाब से वरदान मांग।  कैन सुंदरता मांग , कैन अाकर्षण मांग , कैन सुगंध मांग , कैन रातम फुलणो वरदान मांग।  पीलु फूलन वरदान मांग कि वु बड़ो फूल बण जावो।  गुलाबन वरदान दे अर पीलु फूल लम्बू हूंद गे , लंबु से लंबू ! पीलु फूल लम्बू हूंद गे अर लतामय ह्वे गे।  पीलु फूल हमेशा दुखी रौंद छौ कि वु हमेशा पड़्यूं रौण , अर दूसरों सारू /सहारा पर इ रौण पोड़ल।  वु  दुखी छौ  , वैन सूरज से मौ मदद लीणो स्वाच।

एक दिन सूरज उगणु इ छौ कि पीलु फूलन सूरज तैं आवाज दे।  सूरजन आवाज सूण।

सूरज -क्वा च ?

पीलु फूल -सूरज जी ! क्या तुम मी तैं सीधो खड़ रौणो सहायता कर सकदां क्या ?

सूरज - अरे तू अफिक सीधो खड़ो नि रै सकुद ?

पीलु फूल -एक दैं मीन फूलुँ राजा से वरदान मांग कि मि तैं बड़ो फूल बणा तो तब से मि बढ़णु त छौं पर मि हौर फूलुं तरां सीधो खड़ु नि रै सकदु।

सूरज -चलो तीन एक पाठ त सीख कि बगैर सुच्यां -समज्यां वरदान नि मंगण चयेंद।  चल मि तेरी एक सहायता कर सकुद कि जब मि अकास मा चमकणु रौल त तू सीधु खड़ रै सकदी।

पीलु फूल -धन्यवाद सूरज दिवता ! अब से जख बि तू जैलि मि अपर मुख त्यार जीना कर द्योलु।

सूत्रधार -अर तब बटें पीलु फूल जना  बि सूरज जांद तना इ पीलु फूल अपण मुख कर दींदु अर सूरज की कृपा से डमडमु रौंद।  अर तब सब फूलुंन वैक नाम सूरजमुखी धौर दे।


** एक प्रसिद्ध लोककथा  पर आधारित
10 /3 /15 ,Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti , Mumbai India
*लेख की   घटनाएँ ,  स्थान व नाम काल्पनिक हैं । लेख में  कथाएँ , चरित्र , स्थान केवल व्यंग्य रचने  हेतु उपयोग किये गए हैं।
 Best of Garhwali Humor in Garhwali Language -A Comedy Drama for Children ; Best of Himalayan Satire in Garhwali Language -A Comedy Drama for Children ;  Best of  Uttarakhandi Wit in Garhwali Language ; Best of  North Indian Spoof in Garhwali Language -A Comedy Drama for Children ; Best of  Regional Language Lampoon in Garhwali Language -A Comedy Drama for Children ; Best of  Ridicule in Garhwali Language -A Comedy Children Drama  ; Best of  Mockery in Garhwali Language  -A Comedy Children Drama  ; Best of  Send-up in Garhwali Language  -A Comedy Children Drama ; Best of  Disdain in Garhwali Language- a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ; Best of  Hilarity in Garhwali Language a Comedy Kid Stage Play   ; Best of  Cheerfulness in Garhwali Language  ;  Best of Garhwali Humor in Garhwali Language from Pauri Garhwal  ; Best of Himalayan Satire in Garhwali Language from Rudraprayag Garhwal  ; Best of Uttarakhandi Wit in Garhwali Language from Chamoli Garhwal  ; Best of North Indian Spoof in Garhwali Language from Tehri Garhwal a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ; Best of Regional Language Lampoon in Garhwali Language from Uttarkashi Garhwal  a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ; Best of Ridicule in Garhwali Language from Bhabhar Garhwal a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ; Best of Mockery  in Garhwali Language from Lansdowne Garhwal a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ; Best of Hilarity in Garhwali Language from Kotdwara Garhwal  a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ; Best of Cheerfulness in Garhwali Language from Haridwar a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ;
Garhwali Vyangya a Comedy Kid Stage Play  , Garhwali Hasya a Comedy Kid Stage Play a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ,  Garhwali skits a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ; Garhwali short skits a Comedy Kid Stage Play  a Comedy Kid Stage Play  , Garhwali Comedy Skits a Comedy Kid Stage Play  , Humorous Skits in Garhwali, Wit Garhwali Skits a Comedy Kid Stage Play   
                    स्वच्छ भारत  , स्वच्छ भारत , बुद्धिमान भारत!

Bhishma Kukreti

  • Hero Member
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  • Karma: +22/-1
Best  Harmless Garhwali Humor -A Comedy Drama for Children , Garhwali Comedy Skits-A Comedy Drama for Children , Satire, Wit, Sarcasm , Garhwali Skits , Garhwali Vyangya , Garhwali Hasya - -A Comedy Children Drama 

                           ना काटा  …तौं डाळयूँ    (एक लघु बालनाटिका )                                     

                                            लकड़हारा और पेड़ 

                 बाल  प्रहसन नाटिका संकलन ::: भीष्म कुकरेती


ननि  नौनि











                              -पैलु अंक -

(स्टेज मा पेड़ ,  वसंत , सुबेर , घाम आणु च , चखुलि गाणा गाणा छन , नेपथ्य मा क्लासिकल संगीत )

डाळ (रुणु च )

छुटि नौनि (स्टेज मा प्रवेश )- मेरि गिंदि कख गे होलि ? यि सब इलै हूणु च किलैकि मीन अपण ब्वेक बुल्युं नि मान (दिखणेरुं याने   दर्शकुं तरफ ) कैन मेरि गिंदि बि द्याख ? (डाळौ तरफ दिखदि)  हैं ये डाळ! तू रुणु किलै छे ? किराणि किलै छे ? दुखि  किलै छे ? क्या ह्वे ? कैन पीट ? (दिखणेर याने  दर्शकुं से पुछदि ) तुमन डाळपीट ?

डाळ-कैन नि मार मितै।  तू अबि ननि छे।  तीन नि समजण। नाम क्या त्यार ?
छुटि नौनि- छुटकी ! हाँ पर बता ना ! परेशानी क्या च ?
खरगोस (स्टेज मा तेजी से प्रवेश करद )- ! तेरी समज मा नि आयि ! तेरी समज मा नि आई ! (वैक धक्का से नौनि गिरदी अर वू बि )
नौनि -उफ़ ! देखिक चौल ! (भैर ह्वे जांद )
खरगोस -सॉरी हाँ , सॉरी !  … क्या परेशानी च ? (अब डाळ से पुछद ) त्वे तैं जुकाम लग्युं च  या तू रुणु छे ?
छुटि नौनि अर खरगोस - हाँ हाँ बोल ! बथा !
डाळ- एक चखुलिन बवाल बल मि तैं कटणो एक लकड़हारा आणु च।
खरगोस - डाळु  त्वै तैं काटणो लखड्वेर आणु च , लकड़हारा आणु च, वुडकटर आणु  च ?  (बतख , चखुलि , फूल स्टेज मा प्रवेश करदन ) काटणो आणु च ? त मि कख लुकुल ? कख छिपुल ?

चखुलि -मि अपण घोल -घोंसला कख बणौलु ?

बतख - मि क्या खौंलु ?

फूल - अर हम तैं छैलु -छाया कु द्यालु ?

सूरज - जंगळ कथगा दुखी ह्वालु ? अब मि अपण किरण कै तैं देलु जाँसे मेरी ऊर्जा संसार तै मिल जावो ? डाळ मेरि ऊर्जा तैं बदलिक संसार तैं दींदन।  ये मेरी ब्वै !

खरगोस - मि तेरी तरफ बिटेन लड़ुल (बौंळ  बिटाँद )

चखुलि - ले ऐ गे !  लकड़हारा ऐ गे।  सम सब तैं एक ह्वे जाण चयेंद हाँ !

                     -अंक दुसर -

लखड्वेर (सीटी बजान्द बजांद प्रवेश ) -कै डाळ काटुं ? एकि त कटण ! (डाळ तैं दिखुद ). अहा सही डाळु च (कटण शुरू करद ) (खरगोस आंद अर वैकि कुलड़ि लुठिक भीम चुलै दींद , लखड्वेर खौंळेन्द , इना -उना दिखुद , कुलड़ी उठान्द   अर काटणो कोशिस करद। चखुलि आंदी अर कुलड़ि भीम चुलै दींदि ) अरे आज क्या हूणु च यी जीव अजीब हरकत करणा छन ( कटण शुरू करद अर डाळ किरांदु )

डाळ - ना काटो ना काटो

नौनि (स्टेज माँ प्रवेश ) - तू चिताणि नि छे बल स्यु कन किराणु च

लखड्वेर - कु किराणु च ? डाळ ? डाळु फिकर कु करद ? (दिखणेरुं से ) क्या तुम डाळु फिकर करदा क्या ?

नौनि -हम करदां।  पेड़ हमर रक्षा करद , हम तैं भोजन दींद , फल दींद , हवा साफ़ करद  , अर   … अर  हमर दगड्या च। अर पता च बांजक डाळ पाणि बि रुकद अर डाळ पैरी पड़न याने भूस्खलन बि रुकदन हाँ !

लखड्वेर - अरे म्यार  बि परिवार च , पेड़ काटिक भोजन बणौला , लखड़ जगैक गरमी ह्वेलि, हम सब आग तपला।

नौनि -लखड़ इ चयाणा छन तो कखि हौर जा।  सुक्युं डाळ खुज्या , सुक्यां फौन्टी खुज्या। यू हौर डाळ हमर दगड्या च अर हमन ये तैं बचाण हाँ ! (स्टेज से भैर )

खरगोस - तू इथगा इ बादुर छे तो म्यार दगड़ लौड़ ! ये डाळ ! तू फिकर नि कौर मि त्यार तरफांन लड़ुल !

लखड्वेर (खरगोस पर थप्पड़  लगांद )-तू किलै लड़न चांदि ?

खरगोस - मी ? अरे कैक दगड़ ? लड़णै बात कैन कार ? (स्टेज से भैर जांद )

नौनि (स्टेज मा प्रवेश, पेड़ पर अंग्वाळ बटदि )-हमन  त्वे तैं नि छुड़न।  त्वे से पैल वैकि कुलाड़ि हम पर चललि !

लखड्वेर (प्रभावित ह्वेक ) -ठीक च! इथगा इ काफी च। मि सुक्यां लखड़ खुज्यौल  ....  मि क्वी धुर्या मनिख , क्रूर मनुष्य या रागस थुड़ा छौं  …  ( दिखणेरुं से ) क्या छ इन भौण मा में दिखणा , हैं ? हाँ मेरि समज मा बात ऐ गे।  हौर डाळु तैं नि कटण चयेंद।

नौनि (खुसी से ) - हमन अपर काम कर याल ! हमन अपर काम कर याल ! हमन अपर काम कर याल !

खरगोस  (स्टेज मा प्रवेश )- कख गे वु ?

नौनि - चल गे , समज गे , अब हमर दगड्या सुरक्षित च।

डाळ -मि भौत खुस  छौं।  सबि जुगराज रयां।

सबि थड्या गीत गांदन -

ना काटा  …तौं डाळयूँ  …
डाळयूँ ना काटा  … चुचों डाळयूँ ना काटा , तौं डाळयूँ ना काटा , दिद्यों डाळयूँ ना काटा

ना काटा  …तौं डाळयूँ  …
डाळयूँ ना काटा  … चुचों डाळयूँ ना काटा , तौं डाळयूँ ना काटा , दिद्यों डाळयूँ ना काटा

डाळि कटेलि त माटि बगेली , डाळि कटेलि त माटि बगेली ,

कूड़ी ना , पुंगड़ि ना , ना डोखरि बचलि

घास लखड़ा ना खेती ही रालि , घास लखड़ा ना खेती ही रालि ,

बोल तेरी आन औलाद क्या खालि , बोल तेरी आन औलाद क्या खालि ,

ना काटा  …तौं डाळयूँ  …
डाळयूँ ना काटा  … चुचों डाळयूँ ना काटा , तौं डाळयूँ ना काटा , दिद्यों डाळयूँ ना काटा

ना काटा  …तौं डाळयूँ  …
डाळयूँ ना काटा  … चुचों डाळयूँ ना काटा , तौं डाळयूँ ना काटा , दिद्यों डाळयूँ ना काटा

** एक प्रसिद्ध लोककथा  पर आधारित
11 /3 /15 ,Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti , Mumbai India
*लेख की   घटनाएँ ,  स्थान व नाम काल्पनिक हैं । लेख में  कथाएँ , चरित्र , स्थान केवल हास्य व्यंग्य  रचने  हेतु उपयोग किये गए हैं।
 Best of Garhwali Humor in Garhwali Language -A Comedy Drama for Children ; Best of Himalayan Satire in Garhwali Language -A Comedy Drama for Children ;  Best of  Uttarakhandi Wit in Garhwali Language ; Best of  North Indian Spoof in Garhwali Language -A Comedy Drama for Children ; Best of  Regional Language Lampoon in Garhwali Language -A Comedy Drama for Children ; Best of  Ridicule in Garhwali Language -A Comedy Children Drama  ; Best of  Mockery in Garhwali Language  -A Comedy Children Drama  ; Best of  Send-up in Garhwali Language  -A Comedy Children Drama ; Best of  Disdain in Garhwali Language- a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ; Best of  Hilarity in Garhwali Language a Comedy Kid Stage Play   ; Best of  Cheerfulness in Garhwali Language  ;  Best of Garhwali Humor in Garhwali Language from Pauri Garhwal  ; Best of Himalayan Satire in Garhwali Language from Rudraprayag Garhwal  ; Best of Uttarakhandi Wit in Garhwali Language from Chamoli Garhwal  ; Best of North Indian Spoof in Garhwali Language from Tehri Garhwal a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ; Best of Regional Language Lampoon in Garhwali Language from Uttarkashi Garhwal  a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ; Best of Ridicule in Garhwali Language from Bhabhar Garhwal a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ; Best of Mockery  in Garhwali Language from Lansdowne Garhwal a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ; Best of Hilarity in Garhwali Language from Kotdwara Garhwal  a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ; Best of Cheerfulness in Garhwali Language from Haridwar a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ;
Garhwali Vyangya a Comedy Kid Stage Play  , Garhwali Hasya a Comedy Kid Stage Play a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ,  Garhwali skits a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ; Garhwali short skits a Comedy Kid Stage Play  a Comedy Kid Stage Play  , Garhwali Comedy Skits a Comedy Kid Stage Play  , Humorous Skits in Garhwali, Wit Garhwali Skits a Comedy Kid Stage Play   
                    स्वच्छ भारत  , स्वच्छ भारत , बुद्धिमान भारत!

Bhishma Kukreti

  • Hero Member
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  • Karma: +22/-1
Best  Harmless Garhwali Humorous Children Stage Plays -A Comedy Drama for Children , Garhwali Comedy Skits-A Comedy Drama for Children , Satire, Wit, Sarcasm , Garhwali Skits , Garhwali Vyangya , Garhwali Hasya - -A Comedy Children Drama

                                                     मूसुं खबळिs  (चूहेदानी )

                                   बाल  प्रहसन नाटिका संकलन ::: भीष्म कुकरेती

(s = आधा अ )

--------------------नाटिका चरित्र ---------------








--------------साजो सामान-------------------

चूहेदानिक बक्सा



सूत्रधार -एक मूस दीवालो दुंळ बटें दिखुद बल यां एक आदिम अर एक जनानी एक बक्सा खुलणा छन।

मूस (अफि अफिक , स्वगत ) - हूँ ! छ तो स्यु पैकेट सुंदर च।  इख पुटुक क्या भोजन होलु ?

सूत्रधार - ये मेरि ब्वे ! जब मूसन चूहेदानी द्याख त वैक पुटुक चयाळ पड़ि गेन , आत्मा परमात्मा हिल गेन। वु हौर मूसुं तैं बथाणो दुंळ से भैर गे।

मूस (धै लगैक ) - सूण ल्यावो ! सूण ल्यावो ! टक्क लगैक सूण ल्यावो ! तख चूहेदानी च   .... मकानम चूहेदानी च   .... चूहेदानी

सूत्रधार - एक मुर्गी जमीनक कीड़ा टिपद टिपद ब्वाल ।

मुर्गी -ये  भै ! मीन सूण बल तुम भारी बिपदा मा छंवां।  पर मेकुण फिकरै बात नी च।  मि चिंता नि करदु।

सूत्रधार - मूस और चिंतित ह्वे अर वु ढिबरम गे।

मूस - मिस्टर बुगठ्या  ! तख मकानम चूहेदानी च।

बुगठ्या  - ब्या ब्या अ अ , मि तैं लगद यु मेकुण नी च। पर भये मि कुछ नि कौर सकुद।  हाँ मि प्रार्थना कर सकुद।  शांत चित से रौ।  मेरी दुआ छन त्यार दगड़।

सूत्रधार -तब मूस गौडिम गे।

मूस - मिसेज सुंगर  ! तख चूहेदानी च।

सुंगर  -हाँ तो ? क्या मि बिपदा मा छैनूं ? मे नि लगद कि मे पर कुछ फरक पोड़ल।

सूत्रधार -तब दुखी मूस छुपणो भितर कखि बैठि गे। वींइ रात जब सब जगा चुप्पी छे तो एक बड़ी आवाज आई।  इन लग जन चूहेदानी मा क्वी शिकार फंस गे। जनानी भाग कि चूहेदानी मा कु फंस।  वींन अन्ध्यर मा नि देख कि चूहेदानी मा  विषैला गुराक पूँछ फँस्युं च। सांपन वीं जनानी क खुट तड़कै दे।

जनानी - ये ब्वे ! मि तैं गुरान तड़कै दे (वा बेहोश ह्वे गे )

सूत्रधार - अदिमान डाक्टर भट्याइ।

डाक्टर - अब विषक प्रभाव तो खतम ह्वे   गे।  पर तुमर घरवळि तैं तेज बुखार च।

आदिम - क्या करे जाव ?

डाक्टर - यूँ तैं मुर्गिक रस्सा पिलाओ। रस्सा पेकि वींक बुखार उतर जाल।

सूत्रधार - अब आदिम अपण चौक मा गे अर मुर्गी तैं पकड़णो वींक पैथर भाग।

आदिम - सूण इना आ मीन अपण घरवळि कुण मुर्गी  रस्सा बणाण।

मुर्गी - मुर्गिक रस्सा ! भागो।

सूत्रधार -पर आदिमन मुर्गी पकड़ अर रस्सा बणै , अपण घरवळि तैं पिलाई।

आदिम - अब मेरी घरवळक हालत मा सुधार ह्वे गे।  कमजोरी नी जाणि च।  डाक्टरन ब्वाल कि यीं तैं बुगठ्याक मांस अर डौण्यूँ रस खलावो।  त अबि बुगठ्या मरण आवश्यक च।

बुगठ्या - नमस्कार ! आज मजेदार दिन च। घाम ना तेज ना कम !

आदिम - बुगठ्या तैयार ह्वे जा।  आज तेरी शिकार बणान अर डौण्यूं रस  …

सूत्रधार - फिर आदिमन अपण जनानी तैं बुगठ्याक शिकार खलाई अर डॉंण्यूं रस पिलाइ। अब आदिमक घरवळि बिलकुल ठीक ह्वे गे।  त यार दगड़्योँन जिम्नो /पार्टीक मांग कर दे अर सुंगरौ शिकार की ख्वाइश कार। पार्टीक दिन जीमणों /पार्टीक दिन आदिम सुंगर मरणोचौक मा गे।

आदिम - आज जीमण च।

सुंगर - ऑ त  तुम  मि तैं न्यूत दीणो अयाँ छंवां ?

आदिम - हाँ आज त्यरो मांस पकाये जालु।

सूत्रधार - ये तरह से सुंगर बि मारे गे। मूस अब मुसदुंळ से भैर ऐ गे।

मूस -द्याखो जब क्वी मुसीबत मा ह्वाओ त इन नि समजो कि तुम पर मुसीबत नि आली किलैकि चूहेदानी  घौरम हो तो  मुसीबत हरेक पर इ आली । हम तैं वूंक सहायता अवश्य करण चयेंद जौंतैं सहायता की जरूरत हो।


** एक प्रसिद्ध लोककथा  पर आधारित
13 /3/15 ,Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti , Mumbai India
*लेख की   घटनाएँ ,  स्थान व नाम काल्पनिक हैं । लेख में  कथाएँ , चरित्र , स्थान केवल व्यंग्य रचने  हेतु उपयोग किये गए हैं।
 Best of Garhwali Humor in Garhwali Language -A Comedy Drama for Children ; Best of Himalayan Satire in Garhwali Language -A Comedy Drama for Children ;  Best of  Uttarakhandi Wit in Garhwali Language ; Best of  North Indian Spoof in Garhwali Language -A Comedy Drama for Children ; Best of  Regional Language Lampoon in Garhwali Language -A Comedy Drama for Children ; Best of  Ridicule in Garhwali Language -A Comedy Children Drama  ; Best of  Mockery in Garhwali Language  -A Comedy Children Drama  ; Best of  Send-up in Garhwali Language  -A Comedy Children Drama ; Best of  Disdain in Garhwali Language- a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ; Best of  Hilarity in Garhwali Language a Comedy Kid Stage Play   ; Best of  Cheerfulness in Garhwali Language  ;  Best of Garhwali Humor in Garhwali Language from Pauri Garhwal  ; Best of Himalayan Satire in Garhwali Language from Rudraprayag Garhwal  ; Best of Uttarakhandi Wit in Garhwali Language from Chamoli Garhwal  ; Best of North Indian Spoof in Garhwali Language from Tehri Garhwal a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ; Best of Regional Language Lampoon in Garhwali Language from Uttarkashi Garhwal  a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ; Best of Ridicule in Garhwali Language from Bhabhar Garhwal a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ; Best of Mockery  in Garhwali Language from Lansdowne Garhwal a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ; Best of Hilarity in Garhwali Language from Kotdwara Garhwal  a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ; Best of Cheerfulness in Garhwali Language from Haridwar a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ;
Garhwali Vyangya a Comedy Kid Stage Play  , Garhwali Hasya a Comedy Kid Stage Play a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ,  Garhwali skits a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ; Garhwali short skits a Comedy Kid Stage Play  a Comedy Kid Stage Play  , Garhwali Comedy Skits a Comedy Kid Stage Play  , Humorous Skits in Garhwali, Wit Garhwali Skits a Comedy Kid Stage Play   
                    स्वच्छ भारत  , स्वच्छ भारत , बुद्धिमान भारत!

Bhishma Kukreti

  • Hero Member
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  • Posts: 18,808
  • Karma: +22/-1
Best  Harmless Garhwali Humor -A Comedy Drama for Children , Garhwali Comedy Skits-A Comedy Drama for Children , Satire, Wit, Sarcasm , Garhwali Skits , Garhwali Vyangya , Garhwali Hasya - -A Comedy Children Drama

                                               होशियार छौना -छौनी

                                   बाल  प्रहसन नाटिका संकलन ::: भीष्म कुकरेती

         -- चरित्र -



बखरिक छौना (बच्चा )


सबसे छुटि छौनि

सूत्रधार -एक दिन बखरि तैं अपण बच्चों बान भोजन पाणि निड़ाणो बान भैर जाण पोड़।

बखरि (छौना -छौन्युं कुण )-  सूणो ! क्वी बि ह्वावु द्वार नि खुलिन।  बस  जब मि हूँ तबि द्वार खुलिन।  अर हां स्याळ से सावधान रैन हाँ।

सूत्रधार - बखरि जांदि अर कुछ देरम स्याळन द्वार खखटै।

छौना -  कु च ?

स्याळ (बखरिक आवाज मा ) - तुमर ब्वे।  द्वार ख्वालो।

सबसे छुटि छौनि -नै हमर ब्वेक आवाज त भौति मयळि आवाज च।  तू स्याळ छे।

सूत्रधार - स्याळ चल जांद , थुड़ा देरम वु फिर आयि। अबै दैं वैन और बि मयळि आवाज मा धै लगै -बल द्वार ख्वालो।

सबसे छुटि छौनि - जरा अपण  खुरड़  दिखादि

सूत्रधार - स्याळन  अपण खुरड़ दिखाइ।

नन्हा छौना -छौनी - नै नै ! हमर ब्वेक त सुफेद खुरड़ छन जब कि त्यार त काळ खुरड़ छन (फटाक से ऊंन द्वार भेड़ि दे )

सूत्रधार - स्याळ अपण खुरडूं मा सफेद आटु लगाणो बान दौड़ पर ये चक्कर मा वु नदी मा पोड़ि गे अर डुबण लग गे।

स्याळ - बचाओ ! बचाओ ! मि डुबणु छौं।

सूत्रधार - तना बखरि छे।  वींन आवाज सूण।

बखरि - यदि तू प्रण करिल कि हम तै नि खैली तो हम त्वे तैं बचौला!

 स्याळ - मि कसम खांदु।

सूत्रधार - तब बखरि अर छौना -छौन्युंन नदी एक रस्सी फेंक अर स्याळ भैर आई।

स्याळ -धन्यवाद तुमन मेरी जान बचाई।  मि अब जंगळ जिना  जाणु छौं।

सूत्रधार - बखरि खुस छे कि बच्चा सही सलामत छन अर शत्रुओं से बचण सीखि गेन।

** एक प्रसिद्ध यूनानी  लोककथा  पर आधारित
143/15 ,Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti , Mumbai India
*लेख की   घटनाएँ ,  स्थान व नाम काल्पनिक हैं । लेख में  कथाएँ , चरित्र , स्थान केवल व्यंग्य रचने  हेतु उपयोग किये गए हैं।
 Best of Garhwali Humor in Garhwali Language -A Comedy Drama for Children ; Best of Himalayan Satire in Garhwali Language -A Comedy Drama for Children ;  Best of  Uttarakhandi Wit in Garhwali Language ; Best of  North Indian Spoof in Garhwali Language -A Comedy Drama for Children ; Best of  Regional Language Lampoon in Garhwali Language -A Comedy Drama for Children ; Best of  Ridicule in Garhwali Language -A Comedy Children Drama  ; Best of  Mockery in Garhwali Language  -A Comedy Children Drama  ; Best of  Send-up in Garhwali Language  -A Comedy Children Drama ; Best of  Disdain in Garhwali Language- a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ; Best of  Hilarity in Garhwali Language a Comedy Kid Stage Play   ; Best of  Cheerfulness in Garhwali Language  ;  Best of Garhwali Humor in Garhwali Language from Pauri Garhwal  ; Best of Himalayan Satire in Garhwali Language from Rudraprayag Garhwal  ; Best of Uttarakhandi Wit in Garhwali Language from Chamoli Garhwal  ; Best of North Indian Spoof in Garhwali Language from Tehri Garhwal a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ; Best of Regional Language Lampoon in Garhwali Language from Uttarkashi Garhwal  a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ; Best of Ridicule in Garhwali Language from Bhabhar Garhwal a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ; Best of Mockery  in Garhwali Language from Lansdowne Garhwal a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ; Best of Hilarity in Garhwali Language from Kotdwara Garhwal  a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ; Best of Cheerfulness in Garhwali Language from Haridwar a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ;
Garhwali Vyangya a Comedy Kid Stage Play  , Garhwali Hasya a Comedy Kid Stage Play a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ,  Garhwali skits a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ; Garhwali short skits a Comedy Kid Stage Play  a Comedy Kid Stage Play  , Garhwali Comedy Skits a Comedy Kid Stage Play  , Humorous Skits in Garhwali, Wit Garhwali Skits a Comedy Kid Stage Play   
                    स्वच्छ भारत  , स्वच्छ भारत , बुद्धिमान भारत!

Bhishma Kukreti

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Best  Harmless Garhwali Humor -A Comedy Drama for Children , Garhwali Comedy Skits-A Comedy Drama for Children , Satire, Wit, Sarcasm , Garhwali Skits , Garhwali Vyangya , Garhwali Hasya - -A Comedy Children Drama

                                                हाथी की अलग अलग व्याखा

                                   बाल  प्रहसन नाटिका संकलन ::: भीष्म कुकरेती

-----------------चरित्र -----------


चक्षुहीन  -१

चक्षुहीन  -२

चक्षुहीन  -३

चक्षुहीन  -४

चक्षुहीन  -५

चक्षुहीन  -६


        -----------नाटिका आलेख --

                  ----मंच सेटिंग -जख हाथी चलद ----

नौनु - आवा आवा ! हाथी आणु च।  हाथी दिखला , हाथी दिखला , हाथी आणु च।

(चक्षुहीन लोगुं  मंच मा प्रवेश )

चक्षुहीन १ - मि तैं पता नी च हाथी कन हूंद।

चक्षुहीन २  - मि तैं बि नी पता।

चक्षुहीन  ३ -मि तैं बि नी पता।

चक्षुहीन ४  -हाथी कन हूंद जाणनै मेरी बड़ी इच्छा च।

चक्षुहीन ५ -जग्वाळ करदां अर वै पर हाथ लगैक छू ला

चक्षुहीन ६ -हमर अंगुळी इ हमर हाथ छन तो हम हाथक स्पर्श से पता लगौला कि हाथी कन हूंद।

मार्गदर्शक - सावधान हाथी ऐ गे।

चक्षुहीन १ - मीन हाथी कबि नि देख मि तैं स्पर्श करण द्यां।

मार्गदर्शक - , डरो ना ,  यु  हाथी बड़ो सांत च। स्पर्श कारो

चक्षुहीन १  (हाथीक लद्वड़  याने शरीर स्पर्श करिक ) -मीन देखि याल।   अरे हाथी तो एक खुरदरी दीवाल जन हूंद।

चक्षुहीन २ (पैर स्पर्श करिक ) - नै नै।  तू झूट बुलणु छे।  हाथी तो खड़ो डाळ जन हूंद।

चक्षुहीन ३ - चलो झूठ नि ब्वालो।  हाथी तो भाला जन हूंद

चक्षुहीन ४- नै हाथी तो लतमड़ु सुप जन हूंद।

चक्षुहीन ५ - तुम सब बेवकूफ छंवां।  म्यार हाथ से अधिक संवेदनशील तुमर हाथ नि छन। हाथी त डुडड़ जन याने रस्सी जन हूंद।

चक्षुहीन ६ -सब झूठ बुलणा छन।  हाथी तो गुरा जान याने सांप जन हूंद।

चक्षुहीन - तुम सब झूठा छंवां

सबी एकैक करिक  - तू झूठा।

सबि एकैक करिक - मि होशियार छौं।  तुम सब मुर्ख छंवां। मीन त्यार दगुड़ नि करण।  आज से म्यार रस्ता अलग अर त्यार रस्ता अलग।

मार्गदर्शक - लडो नही , लडो नही , झगड़ा नहीं।

सब एकैक करिक - मि सचु छौं।

मार्गदर्शक - सूणो मि बतौल सच क्या च। जैन हाथीक पेट पर हाथ लगाई वैन ब्वाल दीवाल च , जैक हठ खुट पर लगिन वैन हाथी तैं पेड़ समज ; जैन कन्दुड़ पर हथ धार वैन हाथी तैं कोमल सुप्प समज ; जैन पूछ पकड़ वैन रस्सी समज , सूंड तैं एकान भाला समज तो हैंकान गुरा समज।

चक्षुहीन १- हमन लाट -कालों तरां ब्यवार कार।

चक्षुहीन २-हम सब गलत छया

चक्षुहीन ३- हम सब गुस्सा हूणा छया।

चक्षुहीन ४ -हम बगैर समज्यां बुज्याँ  एक दुसर तैं मूर्ख बुलणा छया।

मार्गदर्शक  - असल मा  हरेकन बगैर पूरो अध्ययन कर्याँ निर्णय ल्याइ। जब तक पूरी बात नि समजो तो निर्णय कदापि नि लीण चयेंद।

चक्षुहीन ५ - हाँ निथर हाथी तो एक इ  छौ पर हम वैकि व्याख्या अपण अपण ढंग से करणा छया।

तो आज से हम जब तक पूरी बातक अध्ययन नि करला अपण निर्णय सुदि नि करला।

सबि चक्षुहीन - धन्यवाद मार्गदर्शक जी !

मार्गदर्शक (हाथी मा चढ़िक अग्नै बढ़िक ) हाँ सच जाणणो बान हरेक भाग की छाण निराळ करण आवश्यक हूंद।

सबि चक्षुहीन - चलो सब ठीक ह्वे गे अब फिर से दोस्ती।

** एक प्रसिद्ध लोककथा  पर आधारित
15/3/15 ,Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti , Mumbai India
 Best of Garhwali Humor in Garhwali Language -A Comedy Drama for Children ; Best of Himalayan Satire in Garhwali Language -A Comedy Drama for Children ;  Best of  Uttarakhandi Wit in Garhwali Language ; Best of  North Indian Spoof in Garhwali Language -A Comedy Drama for Children ; Best of  Regional Language Lampoon in Garhwali Language -A Comedy Drama for Children ; Best of  Ridicule in Garhwali Language -A Comedy Children Drama  ; Best of  Mockery in Garhwali Language  -A Comedy Children Drama  ; Best of  Send-up in Garhwali Language  -A Comedy Children Drama ; Best of  Disdain in Garhwali Language- a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ; Best of  Hilarity in Garhwali Language a Comedy Kid Stage Play   ; Best of  Cheerfulness in Garhwali Language  ;  Best of Garhwali Humor in Garhwali Language from Pauri Garhwal  ; Best of Himalayan Satire in Garhwali Language from Rudraprayag Garhwal  ; Best of Uttarakhandi Wit in Garhwali Language from Chamoli Garhwal  ; Best of North Indian Spoof in Garhwali Language from Tehri Garhwal a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ; Best of Regional Language Lampoon in Garhwali Language from Uttarkashi Garhwal  a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ; Best of Ridicule in Garhwali Language from Bhabhar Garhwal a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ; Best of Mockery  in Garhwali Language from Lansdowne Garhwal a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ; Best of Hilarity in Garhwali Language from Kotdwara Garhwal  a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ; Best of Cheerfulness in Garhwali Language from Haridwar a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ;
Garhwali Vyangya a Comedy Kid Stage Play  , Garhwali Hasya a Comedy Kid Stage Play a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ,  Garhwali skits a Comedy Kid Stage Play  ; Garhwali short skits a Comedy Kid Stage Play  a Comedy Kid Stage Play  , Garhwali Comedy Skits a Comedy Kid Stage Play  , Humorous Skits in Garhwali, Wit Garhwali Skits a Comedy Kid Stage Play   
                    स्वच्छ भारत  , स्वच्छ भारत , बुद्धिमान भारत!


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