HIMALAYAN QUAIL Ophrysia superciliosa (CR). Osmaston
(1935) reported three specimens collected from
Mussoorie in 1865, 1867 and 1868. Known only from
the western Himalayas between 1,650-2,100 m in
Jharipani above Dehra Dun, between Malsi Deer Park
and below Mussoorie (Fig. 1). The last specimen was
procured in 1876 from Mussoorie (Ali and Ripley 1989).
WESTERN TRAGOPAN Tragopan melanocephalus (VU).
Osmaston (1935) reported it as a rare bird in the area, occurring in dense fir forests beyond the river Tons from 2,400 to 2,700 m. Fleming (1967) found it once at 2,240 m at Mussoorie.
CHEER PHEASANT Catreus wallichii (VU). Fairly common in hills beyond Chakarata in steep, grassy and rocky slopes from 2,400 to 2,700 m (Osmaston 1935). Fleming (1967) recorded it rarely from 2,130-2,470 m at
Mussoorie. Srivastava (1977) reported it to be scarce in the Chakarata forest division.
SIBERIAN CRANE Grus leucogeranus (EN). George (1957) observed a flock of 25 birds flying over New Forest on 12 May 1955 but their identity was considered doubtful. WOOD SNIPE Gallinago nemoricola (VU). A winter migrant in the Dehra Dun valley, occasionally seen in swampy patches near the forest edge (Osmaston 1935).
INDIAN SKIMMER Rynchops albicollis (VU). Scarce, occurring mixed with terns on the Ganga and Yamuna rivers (Osmaston 1935).
LESSER FISH EAGLE Ichthyophaga humilis (LR: nt). Osmaston (1935) observed them on the Yamuna and Tons rivers and on their larger ributaries in the hills. PALLID HARRIER Circus macrourus (LR: nt). A common winter visitor in Dehra Dun (Osmaston 1935), and in the Tons valley in April and May (Wright 1955). RED-NECKED FALCON Falco chicquera (LR: nt).Uncommon in Dehra Dun in open country (Osmaston
1935). Wright (1955) recorded it as a winter migrant in the Tons valley, arriving in December.
LONG-BILLED THRUSH Zoothera monticola (LR: nt). Osmaston (1935) reported it to be scarce, found in damp forest patches in summer in ravines from 2,400 to 2,700 m, at Deoban and Chakarata. Fleming (1967) noted it as an occasional migrant at Mussoorie.
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