Author Topic: उत्तराखंड पर विद्वानों के लेख व निबंध- ARTICLE ON UTTARAKHAND BY LEARNED PEOPLE  (Read 26658 times)

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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« Reply #10 on: October 31, 2007, 09:52:41 AM »
Gone are the days when the time gap between writing a book and actually seeing it on the stands could be a couple of months to years, depending on the publisher. Now many authors are simply cutting short the process and self-publishing their book.

Debutant author Navin Pangti said since he was not eager to wait for long, he went ahead and published his book himself.

"Publishers these days have more than they can swallow. They get so many transcripts each day that it's only natural they take so long to give their opinion on a transcript," Pangti told IANS.

"Moreover, if it is a first time author, they don't take the transcript with much seriousness. I just wanted to avoid all this hassle. That's why I went right ahead and published my book Dhar Ke Us Paar," Pangti told IANS.

Based in Uttarakhand, the book is a collage of pictures and 15 poems in Hindi. The language was another reason why Pangti felt that going to a publisher would mean a longer wait.[/color]
"It is a 48-page book. It was difficult editing and reviewing my own book. But I did it. After that I promoted it in all the popular networking sites like Orkut and Facebook," he said.

And the good news is that it worked. The book had many takers online and in roughly two to three months, Pangti sold over 100 copies.

In fact, poetry is a genre where self-publishing is happening quite frequently.

"My printing costs have been recovered and I have already broken even," Pangti smiled. Being a creative designer and photographer himself, he was also saved the headache of finding a different person to design the book.

For debutant author, Shubham Basu, the advantages of self-publishing were many.

"In self-publishing the advantage is that you can put forth your view without any screening. It's especially useful to those people who want to voice things that are important according to them but may not be of interest to everyone else," Basu said.

"You have the liberty to publish your virgin thoughts."

While the advantages of self-publishing are many, it has its share of shortcomings as well.

Karthika VK, publisher and chief editor of Harper Collins, said: "The method of promoting a book online, placing orders and delivering is still at a nascent stage in India simply because here the reach of the internet is still not very wide."

Basu agreed.

"One might have to buy his way through the distribution network which can turn out to be pretty expensive because book stores will be sceptical to take up self-published books and distribute it."

"This is because when one goes through a known publisher, there is a certain amount of credibility about the material," he said.

Also, in self-publishing, one needs to take care of the number of books being printed.

Shanti Das, another self-publisher, said she had to take care that not too many copies were printed as they might have ultimately got stacked away in a store room nor so little that they needed to be printed again and again.

"Thankfully, I got just the right amount of books printed - 200. My book of poems, which I marketed online, sold off that many copies," she said.

Thus, writers in India, albeit slowly, are now beginning to see the advantages of self-publishing their work, much like their Western counterparts.

"Self-publishing is a common thing in the US and Canada where people don't mind taking risks unlike here where we tend to tread only those paths which have been tried and tested before," Basu said.

"It will take some time, but it will catch up in India," Basu said.

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2007, 02:23:29 PM »

see this interesting article.

 “नराई” के बहाने सिर्फ “नराई”

कल लिखना तो चाहता था अपनी “नराई” के बारे में पर लिखते लिखते चिट्ठाजगत पर लिखने बैठ गया. कारण शायद ये रहा कि मुझे भी लगा यदि मैं किसी विषय विशेष पर लिखुं तो मैं भी किसी खांचे में ढाल दिया जाऊंगा और लोग भी वही करेंगे जो आम तौर पर अन्य चिट्ठों के लिये करते हैं यानि चयनित पठन ( सलेक्टिव रीडिंग ) वैसे तो उम्मीद से ज्यादा ही टिप्पणीयां आयीं जिससे ये मन हुआ कि इसी विषय पर और कुछ लिखा जाये पर अभी वापस लौटते हैं “नराई” पर नहीं तो लोग कहेंगे कि “नराई” के बहाने मैं भी “बकरी और बिल्ली” को गुरु बनाने में तुला हुआ हूँ 

मेरा पहाड़ से क्या रिश्ता है ये बताना मैं आवश्यक नहीं मानता पर पहाड़ मेरे लिये ना तो प्रकृति को रोमांटिसाईज करके एक बड़ा सा कोलार्ज बनाने की पहल है ना ही पर्यावरणीय और पहाड़ की समस्या पर बिना कुछ किये धरे मोटे मोटे आँसू बहाने का निठल्ला चिंतन ( तरुण जी इसे अन्यथा ना ले लें ये आपके लिये नहीं है ). ना ही पहाड़ मेरा अपराधबोध है ना ही मेरा सौन्दर्यबोध. मेरे लिये पहाड़ माँ का आंचल है ,मिट्टी की सौंधी महक है , ‘हिसालू’ के टूटे मनके है , ‘काफल’ को नमक-तेल में मिला कर बना स्वादिष्ट पदार्थ है , ‘क़िलमोड़ी’ और ‘घिंघारू’ के स्वादिष्ट जंगली फल हैं , ‘भट’ की ‘चुणकाणी’ है , ‘घौत’ की दाल है , मूली-दही डाल के ‘साना हुआ नीबू’ है , ‘बेड़ू पाको बारामासा’ है , ‘मडुवे’ की रोटी है ,’मादिरे’ का भात है , ‘घट’ का पिसा हुआ आटा है ,’ढिटालू’ की बंदूक है , ‘पालक का कापा’ है , ‘दाणिम की चटनी’ है क्या क्या कहूँ …लिखने बैठूं तो सारा चिट्ठा यूँ ही भर जायेगा. मैं पहाड़ को किसी कवि की आँखों से नयी-नवेली दुल्हन की तरह भी देखता हूं जहां चीड़ और देवदारु के वनों के बीच सर सर सरकती हुई हवा कानों में फुसफुसाकर ना जाने क्या कह जाती है और एक चिंतित और संवेदनशील व्यक्ति की तरह भी जो जन ,जंगल ,जमीन की लड़ाई के लिये देह को ढाल बनाकर लड़ रहा है . लेकिन मैं नहीं देख पाता हूँ पहाड़ को तो.. डिजिटल कैमरा लटकाये पर्यटक की भाँति जो हर खूबसूरत दृश्य को अपने कैमरे में कैद कर अपने दोस्तों के साथ बांटने पर अपने की तीस-मारखां समझने लगता है.

पहाड़ ,शिव की जटा से निकली हुई गंगा है .कालिदास का अट्टाहास है .पहाड़ सत्य का प्रतीक है .जीवन का साश्वत सत्य है . कठिन परिस्थितियों में भी हँस हँस कर जीने की कला सिखाने वाली पाठशाला है. गाड़, गध्यारों और नौले का शीतल , निर्मल जल है .तिमिल के पेड़ की छांह है , बांज और बुरांस का जंगल है . आदमखोर लकड़बग्घों की कर्मभूमि है . मिट्टी में लिपटे ,सिंगाणे के लिपोड़े को कमीज की बांह से पोछ्ते नौनिहालों की क्रीड़ा-स्थली है . मोव (गोबर) की डलिया को सर में ले जाती महिला की दिनचर्या है . पिरूल सारती ,ऊंचे ऊंचे भ्योलों में घास काटती औरत का जीवन है .

कैसे भूल सकता है कोई ऎसे पहाड़ को .पहाड़ तूने ही तो दी थी मुझे कठोर होकर जीवन की आपाधापियों से लड़ने की शिक्षा . कैसे भूल सकता हूँ मैं असोज के महीने में सिर पर घास के गट्ठर का ढोना ,असोज में बारिश की तनिक आशंका से सूखी घास को सार के फटाफट लूटे का बनाना, फटी एड़ियों को किसी क्रैक क्रीम से नहीं बल्कि तेल की बत्ती से डामना फिर वैसलीन नहीं बल्कि मोम-तेल से उन चीरों को भरना , लीसे के छिलुके से सुबह सुबह चूल्हे का जलाना , जाड़े के दिनों में सगड़ में गुपटाले लगा के आग का तापना , “भड्डू” में पकी दाल के निराले स्वाद को पहचानना. तू शिकायत कर सकता है पहाड़ ..कि भाग गया मैं , प्रवासी हो गया , भूल गया मैं ….लेकिन तुझे क्या मालूम अभी भी मुझे इच्छा होती है “गरमपानी” के आलू के गुटके और रायता खाने की .अभी भी होली में सुनता हूँ ‘तारी मास्साब’ की वो होली वाली कैसेट …अभी भी दशहरे में याद आते है “सीता का स्वय़ंबर” , “अंगद रावण संवाद”, “लक्ष्मण की शक्ति” . अभी भी ढूंढता हूँ ऎपण से सजे दरवाजे और घर के मन्दिर .अभी भी त्योहार में बनते हैं घर में पुए , सिंघल और बड़े. कहाँ भूल पाऊंगा मैं वो “बाल मिठाई” और “सिंघोड़ी” , मामू की दुकान के छोले और जग्गन की कैंटीन के बिस्कुट .

तेरे को लगता होगा ना कि मैं भी पारखाऊ के बड़बाज्यू की तरह गप मारने लगा लेकिन सच कहता हूं यार अभी भी जन्यू –पून्यू में जनेऊ बदलता हूं , चैत में “भिटोली” भेजता हूं , घुघुतिया ऊतरैणी में विशेष रूप से नहाता हूं ( हाँ काले कव्वा ,काले कव्वा कहने में शरम आती है ,झूठ क्यूं बोलूं ) , तेरी बोजी मुझे पिछोड़े और नथ में ही ज्यादा अच्छी लगती है .मंगल कार्यों में यहाँ परदेश में “शकुनाखर” तो नहीं होता पर जोशी ज्यू को बुला कर दक्षिणा दे ही देता हूं .

तू तो मेरा दगड़िया रहा ठहरा.. अब तेरे को ना बोलूं तो किसे बोलूं .तू बुरा तो नहीं मानेगा ना ..मैं आऊंगा तेरे पास . गोलज्यू के थान पूजा दूंगा ..नारियल ,घंटी चढाऊंगा .. बाहर से जरूर बदल गया हूँ पर अंदर से अभी भी वैसा ही हूँ रे ..तू फिकर मत करना हाँ..

ना जाने क्या-क्या लिख डाला, ना जाने कितनी नराई लगा बैठा .बहुत से शब्द आपकी समझ में नहीं आये होंगे ना…अभी क्षमा करें ..हो सका तो अर्थ बाद में बताऊंगा.

पंकज सिंह महर

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« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2007, 03:33:47 PM »
मूल आर्य जाति ने उत्तराखण्ड से नीचे की भूमि में वनों को काटकर, जलाकर उन्हें रहने योग्य बनाया । वहाँ नगर बसाये । इससे पूर्व वहाँ कोई निवास नहीं करता था । इस प्रकार मूल निवासी के रूप में एक ही उत्पत्ति आर्यों के रूप में हिमालय के उत्तराखण्ड क्षेत्र में हुई । वहीं से मनुष्य जाति का सारे विश्व में विस्तार हुआ । आदि मानव हिन्दू समाज था । इस प्रकार शेष सभी धर्म-मत-जातियाँ-रेस-वर्ण कालान्तर में समय प्रवाह के साथ विकसित होते चले गए भारतीय आर्षग्रन्थ ऋग्वेद केवल भारतीय आर्यों की ही नहीं बल्कि विश्वभर के आर्यों (श्रेष्ठ मानवों) की सबसे प्राचीन पुस्तक है ।

मनुसंहिता यही बात कहती है-
एतद्देश प्रसूतस्य सकाशादग्रजन्मनः ।
स्वं-स्वं चरित्रं शिक्षरेन् पृथिव्यां सर्वमानवः॥

किन्तु भारत से बाहर जाने के बावजूद अपने धर्म आचरण के प्रति अनुराग के उनने अपने सम्बन्ध भारतवर्ष से बनाए रखे । महाभारत काल तक भारतीय नरेशों से उनके वैवाहिक सम्बन्ध हुए । उनकी कन्याएँ भारत आयीं । सत्याभामा व शैव्या के प्रसंग यही बताते है । इस प्रकार यह सिद्ध होता है कि सारी धरित्री पर बसे विश्व के सारे मानव आज से पाँच सहस्र वर्ष पूर्व तक भारतीय संस्कृति के ही अनुयायी इसी की संतति थे । भारतीय दृष्टि से वे संस्कारच्युत थे किन्तु बहुसंख्य सतत् प्रयत्नशील रहते थे कि वे भारतीय आचारधारा के संपर्क में रहें ।

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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सकलाना क्षेत्र में साहित्यकारों का जमावड़ाNov 17, 02:36 am

नई टिहरी (टिहरी गढ़वाल)। राजशाही के खिलाफ आंदोलनकारी गीतों और लेख से सामांतशाही की चूलें हिलाने वाले सकलाना क्षेत्र के सत्यों में साहित्यकारों का जमवाड़ा लगा। इस दौरान साहित्यकार व कवि सोमवारी लाल उनियाल के 66वें जन्मदिवस पर उनकी आत्मकथा हथेली भर जिंदगी पुस्तिका का लोकार्पण किया गया।

राष्ट्रीय प्रेस दिवस पर टिहरी जनपद के राजकीय इंटर कालेज पुजारगांव में मुख्य अतिथि दूरदर्शन के पूर्व समाचार संपादक राजेंद्र धस्माना ने कहा कि सकलाना क्षेत्र साहित्यकार, कवि व क्रांतिकारियों की भूमि रही है। राजशाही के खिलाफ अपने प्राणों की आहूति देने वाले शहीद नागेंद्र सकलानी इसी क्षेत्र में जन्में इसलिए आने वाली पीढ़ी हमेशा यहां के लोगों को याद रखेगी। पूर्व सांसद एवं स्वतंत्रता संग्राम सेनानी पूर्णानंद पैन्यूली ने कहा कि क्रांति वीरों की इस भूमि ने राजशाही से मुक्ति दिलाने में अहम भूमिका निभाई जो अब एक इतिहास बन गया है। घनसाली के विधायक बलवीर सिंह नेगी ने कहा कि इस क्षेत्र के लोगों के संघर्ष को हमेशा याद रखा जाएगा। विधायक मंसूरी जोत सिंह गुनसोला ने हथेली पर जिंदगी पुस्तिका में वर्णित घटनाओं को ऐतिहासिक बताया। सीपीआईएम राज्य सचिव मंडल के सदस्य बच्चीराम कोंसवाल ने साहित्य, समाजसेवा में उनियाल के संघर्षों का अलग महत्व है। पूर्व मंत्री मंत्री प्रसाद नैथानी ने कहा कि क्रांतिकारियों की भूमि सकलाना ने राजशाही से मुक्ति दिलाने में अपनी लेखनी के माध्यम से लोगों में जो जागृति भरी वह हमेशा याद की जाएगी। साहित्यकार सोमवारी लाल उनियाल ने कहा कि मेरा भीतर राजनीति और पत्रकारिता कभी एक दूसरे की पूरक हो जाती तो मै तनावग्रस्त हो जाता था और दोनों ही स्थितियों में अनुभूत सत्य अपनी अभिव्यक्ति का रास्ता स्वयं तलाशता। इससे पूर्व कार्यक्रम में उत्तराखंड के विकास में कलम की भूमिका पर संगोष्ठी आयोजित हुई।

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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कुमाऊं कविता संग्रह उचैण का विमोचनDec 12, 02:33 am

अल्मोड़ा। कुमाऊं विश्वविद्यालय एसएसजे परिसर के हिन्दी विभाग के प्रो.शेर सिंह बिष्ट की कुमाऊंनी काव्य संग्रह 'उचैण' का विमोचन महादेवी वर्मा पीठ के निदेशक प्रो.लक्ष्मण सिंह बिष्ट 'बटरोही' ने किया।

इस अवसर पर अपने संबोधन में प्रो.बिष्ट ने कहा कि 'उचैण' काव्य संग्रह का कुमाऊंनी कविता की विकास यात्रा में ऐतिहासिक महत्व है। उन्होंने कहा कि कुमाऊंनी की लिखित परंपरा में 'उचैण' जैसे कविता संग्रह को उल्लेखनीय कदम माना जा सकता है। उन्होंने कहा कि यह संग्रह ऐसे समय में निकल रहा है, जबकि उत्तराखण्ड की लोक बोली-भाषाओं के विकास के लिए जगह-जगह सार्थक स्वर उभरते दिख रहे है। प्रो.बटरोही ने कहा कि प्रो.शेर सिंह बिष्ट की इस कविता संग्रह में विषय तथा भाषा-संवेदना की दृष्टि एक नई तरह की सोच व शैली इस संग्रह की कविताओं में दिखाई दी है।

उन्होंने कहा कि कविताओं में गांव से लेकर देश की चिन्ता व सोच साफ-साफ दृष्टिगोचर होती है। कविताओं में कलात्मक अभिव्यक्ति, बिम्बों, प्रतीकों का प्रयोग स्वाभाविकता को स्पर्श करता है।

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A Poor child’s Way to IITK and Beyond
« Reply #15 on: December 15, 2007, 05:58:40 PM »
Story of Dr. H.D. Bist who comes from a poor Pahadi Family of Champawat. Story of his struggle and achieving success ....A GREAT ARTICLE

Source ; -

1) Preamble

This small write up, is written to encourage the poor children in Uttarakhand, to have dreams of getting their place in the home state, in India and in the world. The writer was born in a poor family as a child in village Darah, Champawat. Timely help from parents, relatives, friends, teachers, local philanthropic fund, political luminaries, and inherent governmental support system for education helped him to overcome the impediments on his path for getting education. He makes it clear that the Sanskar (the imprints), and swavlamban (self-confidence) that one develops could give him a personality, to earn livelihood (riches); and desire to work to pay back to the system that supported his upliftment. This is a synopsis of a typical poor child from a village where there was only one school up to class fourth, within a radius of ~ 10 Km.  The story of getting into IIT Kanpur and doing the  academic and social work that any person of his time from a wealthy family could have done.


2) Early Childhood (started formal education at the age of 8 years)

I would like to state that if one dreams of some thing, makes a determination to achieve it; and works hard for it; he/she is most likely going to get it. Of course, there are circumstances which change the course of life. I will state that by, my example as a poor child.  The experiences of overcoming the lack of education facilities at Champawat,Uttarakhand, some 72 years back  seem unimaginable today, even to me! 


     3) Help from Grandmother/ Parents: The Primary School and Sanskrit Pathshala, Champawat


I was born in Village Darah-Bisht, Champawat, then a Tehsil head quarter of the district- Almora. I am the first child to my parents Sarashwati and Amba Datt Bisht. My grand father, shri Shib Datt , had expired when my father was only 7 year old. My grand mother had made her best efforts to educate my father at Khetikhan Middle School, but he had only Class 4th certificate from Champawat Primary School.


I also went to the only Primary School at Champawat town. As there was a barrier of a hilly rivulet between the school and the village , I started to go to school , when I attained a mature age of 8 years. We used to migrate for ~ 3 months to Tanakpur, the nearest train station in the plains. By the temporary stay at Gyankhera near Tanakpur, the family members of our village-folks were able to take up some temporary job and were also spared from the extreme cold of the hills during December – February period. From the temporary residence( a hut), my grand mother used to take me in her back to a primary school, situated near the banks of Sharda river, in Tanakpur for continuing my schooling during this migratory period of our family . After I passed Class 4th, I had to be in my village, taking care of my younger brothers -sisters ,the cows  (some times a buffalo), bullocks and the family agriculture in the village. However, my father (and grand mother) very well understood the importance of educating the child. They sent me to a Sanskrit Pathashala to keep busy in the spare time at my disposal, with reading and writing. In addition to Sanskrit, one teacher Sri Madho Singh Taragi, used to teach us some English and some Math. This continued for three years, when Madho Singh Jee told us that he would not teach any more ,beyond class 7th books. My father in that year told me to go to same school and revise the 7th books , and I will be stronger in that class. May be next year the class 8th may open. He was a Sales man in the co-operative society, getting a monthly salary of ~Rs 40 pm, and he had to supplement the expenses of a family of 11 members in our house. Hence the question of sending me outside Champawat could not be imagined.


     4) Help from Relatives : The High School Examination in 1952


During summer of 1949, Sri M K Joshi, Dy S P , a nephew of my maternal grand father Shri PN Joshi, passed through our village, after visiting her village in Latoli. He respected and loved my mother, as his real sister. On seeing me sitting idle at Darah, Champawat, almost discontinuing my education; he advised me to go to Pithoragarh, where his father Sri N D Joshi (brother of my maternal grand father) was a Manager at Branch office of NainiTal Bank.  Sri N D Joshi had only two rooms for the residence of the family, adjoining the office of the Bank and had a moderate family ,two sons and a daughter from his second wife, living with him. I was added as a third person in the second room sharing with three children. Shri N D Joshi, took me to the private S S D S Higher Secondary School, Pithoragarh for admission and he succeeded in admitting me ,after an interview, to class 8th. I stayed with his family till I appeared for my High School Board examination.  All along I shared the  one room with three of his children. I passed High School Examination, barely getting a first division, in 1952 from UP Board.


     5) Help from Friends, Principal, Beni Ram Punetha Scholarship and CM  G B Pant Fund Award, Inter   

s   Science in 1954


I had made my mind to continue my education beyond tenth standard. When I reached Pithoragarh in July, my grand father told me that he will provide Rs10/ pm for my food, but I should ask some of my class-mates  to give/share a residence; since his children had grown and wanted the room for them. My class mate, Shri  Satish Chandra Joshi offered a room for residence, in his three story house at Takora village, about 2 km away from the Government Inter College, Pithoragarh; where I was to continue my intermediate science study. The house was vacant. I stayed in the lowest storey (goth) of Satish Joshi, making bed out of a straight plank. A kerosene lamp was used for lighting the room for studies. I cooked my own single morning food “Khichari” in the morning for six days and “Churukwani- Bhat” on Sunday for almost the whole year. In the evening, the aunt of Satish, who was a poor widow, used to cook “rotis” for me, which we used to eat with potato soup ( Thechuwa- pani). As an exchange for the time spent, I used to teach her only son during that time, in my bed-cum kitchen room under kerosene lamp light, sitting on my plank bed. In the evenings, I remember very vividly, taking many children of the village to the top most place near by and all of us used to laugh to our hearts content –evidently to release all stress of the tough daily routine.


On my determination of continuing education beyond High School under any circumstance, the then GIC Principal, Shri Kala Nidhi Pande offered me free-ship for college fees. He showed his inability to do anything more, as there were three more 1st division students admitted to the 11th class, in the college, who had obtained more marks than me, in their High School board examination. Naturally, they will get other privileges of scholarships etc. He advised me to apply for the Beni Ram Punetha scholarship of Rs 15/ pm, from Lohaghat (given to poor, bright children from Kumaon ), and the Chief Minister’s Scholarship of Rs 10/ pm given to poor students from UP. I did comply to his kind instructions.

The first six-monthly examination at GIC Pithoragarh, showed that I stood first in the whole of 11th class. Principal Kala  Nidhi called me to his office some time around March and informed me that I had been selected for the B R Punetha scholarship ( Rs 15/pm  from Lohaghat and the Chief Minister, award (Rs 10 pm) from UP. He advised me to get admitted to the Hostel, and he will make me free scholar in the hostel, not to pay the hostel fees. I could meet my food and other educational expenses from the two scholarships.


After July 1953, I moved to the hostel of the inter college, located within the campus. I devoted my whole time for studies. I stayed during winter vacations in the hostel and revised whole course, sitting in a corner of a field near the hostel. I remember Mrs.Kalnidhi Pande, the wife of our Principal providing buttermilk, when she saw a lonely student studying in  a corner of a field near the hostel, whole day in the open sun during that winter. That year in 1954, I stood first in the whole of the district Almora, in the Intermediate Examination of U P Board; getting distinctions in four subjects- Physics, Chemistry, Math and Higher Hindi.


Reflecting back, I consider the year I spent in the Goth at Takora in the first year of Intermediate class was the toughest period for me in my whole life. Likewise, the two years (1952-54), were the most dedicated years for course related material study by me. After those two years my life flowed on its own momentum in a natural way.


     6) The DSB Govt. College, NainiTal, B Sc ,M Sc, and Ph D (1954-1962)


Another brother of my maternal grand father, Shri M D Joshi, Nana Jee, was a teacher in Lala Chet Ram Inter College in NainiTal. As soon as he saw the Intermediate result and came to know that  I stood first in the whole of Almora district, he wrote a letter to my father in village Darah-Bisht, Champawat, to send me to Naini Tal and he would take care of my further studies. I was looking for the opportunity and dashed to Nainital, well before the opening date of the D S B college, NainiTal.  I stayed with the family of Shri M D Joshi.  He was a very kind man and several of his relatives used to live and eat food in his house. My grand mother used to cook food and we were doing all house hold duties, bringing water from the street common water pipe, washing dishes and other home tasks. By the end of the first year in B Sc, I had four scholarships: Rs 15 from B R Punetha, Rs 10/ pm from CM G B Pant Fund , Rs 15 pm merit scholarship for standing first in Almora district and another Rs 25/ pm, as the merit  bursary from UP Government on the basis of Intermediate Board examination; tallying to Rs 65pm from all the four sources. By July of 1955, I was persuaded by Professor D D Pant, the HOD Physics  at the college, to get admitted in the outhouse of  Langham House Hostel free of hostel fees, but all the advantages of hostel life. I was able to pass B Sc with fourth position (first division) in B Sc; and 2nd position ( first division) in whole of Agra University in my M Sc examination. I was selected for the BARC training school for 1954,where Bhabha used to say “ he is taking cream of India” for his atomic energy program. However ,Professor D D Pant had a project for conducting research in Spectroscopic Studies of Uranyl Salts. and I joined as a research scholar with effect from June 12 ,1958. I remained in the Langham House Hostel during my research period as Assistant warden of the hostel, with Dr R D Pande as its Head warden. I obtained my Ph D Degree in 1962 from Agra University.


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) I I T Kanpur


While in the third year of my Ph D research in NainiTal in 1961, Professor Putcha Venkateswarlu, the Professor designate in Physics, IIT Kanpur ( and ten Professor of Physics in Aligarh university) came to DSB College NainiTal as an external examiner to evaluate M Sc experimental examination. During our usual break in the tea room in the afternoon, in the third floor of Physics building, he asked me some questions on spectroscopy and Physics. After the informal discussions, he suggested to me that I should apply to get a research position  in IIT Kanpur where they are to set up a unique institute  by the name of IIT Kanpur. I did apply for the research post and was called for interview. On receiving the selection letter some time in 1961, I wrote to the Institute that I will be willing to join the Institute after I submit my Ph D thesis by middle of 1962. I did submit the thesis to Agra by June 1962, but was happy to stay in beautiful Nainital, till I got another letter from IIT Kanpur, that unless I join within a month, it will be assumed that I was no more interested in the research post. I joined immediately on Aug 16, 1962 at Physics department of IIT Kanpur, located at H B T I campus as a guest – institute. Professor Robert Mulliken’s association during his lecture series in IITK gave me a chance to join Professor Willis B Person as a Research Associate at University of Iowa, Iowacity.  After 2 years I joined Professor J C D Brands group at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee. I rejoined IIT Kanpur in January 1967 as a Pool Officer;and joined the faculty post in June 1967.


     8) The World Beyond


The life was regulated and enjoyable with hard labour, after joining IIT Kanpur for the second (or third) time. I remained a faculty member till I retired in June 1995. I traveled to USA several times  as Visiting Professor, Research Scientist, invited speaker in professional  conferences, collaborating in various parts of the world for research and giving lectures. I visited Canada, UK, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, South Africa, China, Hong Kong, USSR several times in connection with research work and giving invited talks in conferences and seminars. Established a state- of-the-art Laser Raman Laboratory in IIT Kanpur, where 187 scientists worked during my tenure there. We published ~250 papers in national and international journals. 22 Ph D students earned their Ph D’s under my supervision and I published/edited 9 books. In my way of thinking this was far more expected from a child from a village, unfamiliar with the galloping world before he joined IITKanpur.


     9) The Sanskars ( Imprints) and paying Back Phase


As a man grows the sanskars guide him to behave in a way he has been brought up. In my case also ,unknowingly and unconsciously, I think,  I have paid back to :


Family: All of my four younger brothers, stayed with me for their education and/or  training at NainiTal or Kanpur, right from the time I was a research scholar at DSB Govt college Nainital. Tribhuwan came after High School (at Champawat) for education to NainiTal in 1959, when I was a research student and Asst. warden in the Langham House Hostel. He completed his M Sc  there. He came to USA in 1966 and is now a US citizen working in Michigan. Govind finished his MBBS after High School at Kanpur and NainiTal. He is an Eye surgeon in Govt. Hospital, NainiTal. Chandra Kant, also finished his MA from NainiTal and he is also a US citizen working for the state of Michigan. The youngest of the five brothers, Prem,  is presently an Associate Professor in Physics Department at Chennai, India. The whole family did not need any outside help after me, as there was a gap of 30 years between me and my youngest brother ( now at Chennai); we could support ourselves for studies and other needs. All brothers have happy balanced families and are happy. My two children, both IIT Kanpur graduates, are well settled with their engineer spouses in engineering field in the west coast of USA. Today I am proud of all the members of our family, being self-confidant and self-reliant; contributing to the world well being of our village and the society, in a broader sense.


Relatives, Friends  and Teachers: Few examples could be cited here again.

My maternal uncle, M K Joshi’s family- wife( my Mamee) and 4 daughters stayed in our three bed room house at IIT Kanpur for about one year, while he had to go to North Eastern border area as company commandant. Today, all four of his daughters are well settled with their own professions and husbands holding top position in the area of Police, BARC, Internal revenue and Forest departments.

One of our distant relative, Sri  D N Joshi, Director of Technical Education, resided with us at our IIT Kanpur house, for one year when he was transferred in the last year of his service to Kanpur and his whole family was settled at Lucknow.

Professor D P Khandelwal, joined H B T I Kanpur while his family was in Agra. He stayed with us in IIT Kanpur for more than a year . We continued our collaboration ,even after he moved to Nawabganj in Kanpur. He worked as visiting scientist for three years after his retirement in my lab, before he set up the IAPT and has done great task to put Indian UG Physics teaching in world map.


9) Formal Retirement and New Passion to Serve the Society


After retiring from IITK in 1995, I worked for 5 years in IITK itself as Emeritus Scientist of CSIR. Later, I served as Emeritus Fellow of AICTE for three years. After fully retiring from formal jobs in 1993, I have been devoting my time for the support of education of poor children in Uttarakhand as (Secretary, SAVIDYA Upsamiti, Himalaya Water Service Tatha Vikas avam Paryavaran Sanrakshan Samiti, Village- Darah, P O Champawat),14/35 G B Pant Marg, Haldwani-263141. Two of the prominent problems facing India have been put in the form of two ( out of 9) edited books, in 2005 and 2006, respectively.


The Savidya Upsamiti of this NGO is collaborating with Asha For Education , Stanford and Si- Valley chapters, for supporting Primary and Middle school children. Presently, Primary School, Kulethi and DungraSethi Middle Schools in Champawat and Primary School, Subhash Nagar, Haldwani are being supported by AFE chapter , Silicon Valley. Our idea is to take a cluster ( ~ 9 schools consisting of  ~6 Primary, 2 Middle and 1 High School), and show the cluster as a model of Govt. and NGO supported success for elementary integrated quality education. 


I have also been involved with Foundation for Excellence as a Co-ordinator in Uttarakhand. Four Facilitators (Dr K K Pande, Dr Kavita Pande, Mr Kamalesh Rashyara, and Mr R C Pant ) are working and helping FFE by  forwarding  the names of deserving students to them. These efforts of ours have been greatly enhanced by the efforts of Uttaranchal  Association, Si -Valley this year. The number of FFE beneficiaries from Uttarakhand rose from zero in 2004, to 4 in 2005 and 63 in 2006 ;a marvelous increase, by any standard.


Hence I very vehemently suggest that sanskars have to be imprinted in young age and have to continue during whole education, life-long. The dreams have to become reality with hard-work and devotion. May this be true in every young poor man’s life.


H  D Bist, Ex Professor IIT Kanpur,Ex- Emeritus Professor (CSIR), IIT Kanpur,Ex-Emeritus fellow, AICTE, Kanpur University and BIAS, Bhimtal

Nine Books written/ edited by Dr H D Bist

 1) Corruption, a Road Block for Human Development,

R.K. Gupta (ed.) H.D. Bist (ed.), Anamika Publishers & Distributors (P) Ltd. 2006

2) Higher Education: Challenges for the Future
R.K. Gupta (ed.) H.D. Bist (ed.), Anamika Publishers & Distributors (P) Ltd. 2005

 3) Advances in Spectroscopy and Lasers, Bist, HD, Little, TS, eds., Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, (1997).

 4) Lasers & their Applications (The Indian Spectrum for 2001 AD) - HD Bist & Sanjay Bhargava, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd, New Delhi, 1996

 5) Advanced Laser Spectroscopy and Applications, eds. H.D. Bist, R.K. Thareja, A. Pradhan and P.K. Khulbe, Allied Publishers Ltd., New Delhi, 1996

 6) Vibrational Spectra and Structure, Vol.17A, (Bist, HD, Durig, JR, and Sullivan, JF, Eds.) Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1989,

 7) Vibrational Spectra and Structure, Vol.17B, (Bist, HD, Durig, JR, and Sullivan, JF, Eds.) Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1989,

8)  Lasers and their Applications in the Indian Context, Bist H D, Khandelwal D P , and Chakrapani G.; Tata McGraw Hill ( 1985)

9) Lasers & Applications, Proceedings of the Third Symposium on Lasers and Applications: Held at IIT Kanpur Bist, H. D. and Goela, J. S.; (ed.); Tata- McGraw-Hill( 1984 ).

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काकेश जी इंटरनेट पर बहुत सुन्दर ब्लोग्स लिखते हैं... और पहाडी ब्लोग्स के तो क्या कहने.... उनके कुछ पहाड से संबन्धित ब्लोग्स हैं......

नराई ठंड की …

आमा और जंबू का धुंगार..

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श्रीनगर (पौड़ी गढ़वाल)। दार्शनिक लेखक और रचनाकार अश्वनी देव: ममगांई ने कहा कि वंशज आधार पर ही किसी व्यक्ति को मूल निवास का प्रमाण पत्र मिलना चाहिए।

मूल निवास की पहचान हमारी संस्कृति और सामाजिक परिवेश से भी जुड़ी है। उन्होंने कहा कि मूल निवास और स्थायी निवास प्रमाण पत्रों को लेकर कोई राजनीतिक मजबूरी नहीं होनी चाहिए जो व्यक्ति कम से कम अपनी चार पीढि़यों से लगातार इस देवभूमि में रह रहा हो वही यहां की संस्कृति और वंशज का भी अधिकारी होता है। लेखक अश्वनी देव: ममगांई ने कहा कि मूल निवास और स्थायी निवास प्रमाण पत्रों के अधिकार को पारिवारिक सांस्कृतिक और सामाजिक दृष्टिकोण के साथ ही कानूनी आधार मिलना चाहिए। मुख्यमंत्री को भेजे पत्र में ममगांई ने कहा किसी व्यक्ति के मूल होने को विशुद्ध सांस्कृतिक सामाजिक और पारिवारिक आधार पर भी परिभाषित किया है। उन्होंने कहा है मूल निवास प्रमाण पत्र को पूर्ववत की भांति ही रखा जाना चाहिए। उन्होंने कहा है कि 20 साल से इस देवभूमि में भूमिधारी होने के साथ ही स्वयं का मकान होने वाले को स्थायी निवास प्रमाण पत्र दिया जा सकता है।

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मैं पहाड़ कविता संग्रह का विमोचन

अल्मोड़ा। त्रिपुरा सुंदरी नवयुवक कला केन्द्र कक्ष में आयोजित एक साहित्यिक कार्यक्रम में डा.महेन्द्र मेहरा 'मधु' की काव्य पुस्तक 'मैं पहाड़' का विमोचन किया गया। पुस्तक का विमोचन कुमाऊंनी के प्रसिद्ध रचनाकार जगदीश जोशी ने किया। अपने संबोधन में जगदीश जोशी ने 'मैं पहाड़' का उल्लेख करते हुए कहा कि महेन्द्र 'मधु' ने विशालता, गहनता व गगनचुंबी ऊंचाई लिए शिखरों को छोटी सी पुस्तक में समेट कर रख लिया है। उन्होंने कहा कि काव्य खंड के रूप में पहाड़ का हर पक्ष हर पल खुशी, संवेदना, प्रकृति, जीवन, जल, हवा को कवि ने बहुत ही सुगढ़ व सुथरे तरीके से जिया है। उन्होंने कहा कि 'मैं पहाड़' की अभिव्यक्ति के लिए किए गए हिन्दी उर्दू का प्रयोग मन को सुख देने वाला है।


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