CEO Behaviour Influence the Organization Culture (Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series -12)
(Lessons for CEOs based on Shukraneeti)
Bhishma Kukreti (Sales and Marketing Consultant)
अचार प्रेरको राजा ह्योतकालस्य कारणम।
यदि कालः प्रमाणं हि कस्माधर्मोस्ति कर्तषु ।। 22 ।। ( शुक्रनीति )
Achar prerako raja hyotkaalsya karanm
Yadi kal: pramanm hi kasmadhrmosti ।। 22 ।। (Shukraneeti)
[The King is the sole inspirer of behaviour (of citizens). The King is the sole reason for the Time. Conclusively, the origin of behaviour is King and not the time.]
In the previous sholka (SN21), Shukraneeti states that time is one but due to many aspects, its forms are different. Now, Shukraneeti states that the reason of behaviour or culture of (Citizens) is not because of time but because of the King.
In other words, the CEO behaviour directly affect on the culture or behaviour of the organization
Corporate Culture goes wrong due to CEO Behaviour
The CEO’s good or bad behaviour influence the employees for their own behaviour and organizational behaviour and decision making practices.
The best example of how CEO behaviour influence the entering bad culture into the organization is the case of Travis Kalanicks the Uber Cofounder and CEO (1) . Travis Kalanicks was a ruthless CEO, having bad temper, and repertoire rife with *ual innuendo and harassment. His behaviour had a trickledown effect throughout the organization. Employees did same bad things thinking that those bad deeds are Ok because CEO is doing so (2) The result was that the bad culture entered into Uber and at the end Travis Kalanicks had to resign from CEO post .
It is almost certain that employees take clue from their top bosses for opting their own and organizational behaviour and taking decision.
1-Isaac, Mike (Feb. 22, 2017, Inside Uber’s Aggressive, Unrestrained, Workplace Culture, The New York Times
2-Karen Benz, June 11 2018, How does CEO Behaviour Affect Business Culture? /how-ceo-behaviour-affect-business-culture
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2019
CEO Behaviour influencing Organization Culture, Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers; CEO Behaviour influencing Organization Culture, Guidelines for Managing Directors; CEO Behaviour influencing Organization Culture, Guidelines for Chief Operating officers (CEO); CEO Behaviour influencing Organization Culture, Guidelines for General Mangers; CEO Behaviour influencing Organization Culture, Guidelines for Chief Financial Officers (CFO) ; CEO Behaviour influencing Organization Culture, Guidelines for Executive Directors ; CEO Behaviour influencing Organization Culture, Guidelines for ; Refreshing CEO Behaviour influencing Organization Culture, Guidelines for CEO; Refreshing CEO Behaviour influencing Organization Culture, Guidelines for COO ; Refreshing CEO Behaviour influencing Organization Culture, Guidelines for CFO ; Refreshing CEO Behaviour influencing Organization Culture, Guidelines for Managers; Refreshing CEO Behaviour influencing Organization Culture, Guidelines for Executive Directors; Refreshing CEO Behaviour influencing Organization Culture, Guidelines for MD ; Refreshing CEO Behaviour influencing Organization Culture, Guidelines for Chairman