Author Topic: Chief Executive Officer Guidelines, CEO Refreshing Guidelines  (Read 98442 times)

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Chief Executive Officer Guidelines, CEO Refreshing Guidelines
« Reply #30 on: March 24, 2020, 04:55:51 PM »
Need of Punishment in organization

Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series – 30
(Guiding Lessons for CEOs based on Shukraneeti)
(Refreshing notes for Chief Executive Officers based on Shukraneeti) 
By: Bhishma Kukreti (Sales and Marketing Consultant)

  दुष्कर्मदंडको राजा यम: स्यादंड कृद्यम I
अग्नि: शुचिस्तथा राजा रक्षार्थ सर्वभागभुक् II (Shukraneeti 1.74)
Translation –
 The King punishes them those indulge in criminal offences or wrong actions. That is why the King is called ‘Yama’ (Death Deity).  Same way, the king that takes tax for social causes and consumes some portion for his uses too .That is why the King is also called Agni (Deity Fire) (Shukraneeti 1.74)
  It is essential that there is discipline in the organization or in work places. Punishment may not be desirable , punishment might have side or adverse effects in long run .However, there must be some ant award system those employees break the discipline.
Usually, there are following types of punishment –
Oral reprimand
Written reprimand
Salary reduction
Leave reduction
Demotion or transfer
Complaint to government authorities 
 No human resource scholar advocates for punishment. However, it is also a fact that without punishment organization does not run well.
1-Shukraneeti, Manoj Pocket Books Delhi, page 26
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2020 

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Chief Executive Officer Guidelines, CEO Refreshing Guidelines
« Reply #31 on: April 03, 2020, 05:18:18 PM »
CEO is the only Guardian of the Organization

Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series – 32 
(Guiding Lessons for CEOs based on Shukraneeti)
(Refreshing notes for Chief Executive Officers based on Shukraneeti) 
By: Bhishma Kukreti (Sales and Marketing Consultant)

 पिता माता गुरुर्भ्राता बन्धुर्वैश्रवणो यम:
  नित्यं सप्तगुणऐरेषां युक्तो राजा न चान्यथा II ( Shukraneeti1. 77)
The king is real king that has character of Father, mother, Guru, elder brother, Younger brother, Kuber (wealth store keeper or protector) , Yam (punishes to criminals) for subjects. If those characters are not with the King, he is not capable of being called as King. 
 It is true that The CEO is guardian of the organization because the CEO –
The CEO provides proper care to the staff (material, money and mentally)
The CEO sees that maintenance is looked after well in the organization.
The CEO sees that the children of Organization staff get proper education
The CEO take scare of shelter, food etc. for Staff
The CEO takes care of proper training/ refreshing training in the organization
The CEO sees that organization follows the regional laws (constitutional and social)
The CEO sees that the associates behave in favour of organization by caring for associates.
1-Shukraneeti, Manoj Pocket Books Delhi, page 26
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2020 

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Chief Executive Officer Guidelines, CEO Refreshing Guidelines
« Reply #32 on: April 04, 2020, 08:09:53 PM »
CEO   as Parents in the organization

Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series – 32 
(Guiding Lessons for CEOs based on Shukraneeti)
(Refreshing notes for Chief Executive Officers based on Shukraneeti)   

By: Bhishma Kukreti (Sales and Marketing Consultant)
गुणसाधन संदक्ष: स्व्प्रजाय बन्धुवैर्श्रवणो यम: I
क्षमयित्र्य पराधानां माता पुष्टि विधायिनी II ( Shukraneeti 1. 78 )
As the father raises children for making them with powerful character same way the King should have the capability for raising the subjects very strong. Same way, the king should have quality of mother for forgiving the children (subjects). ( Shukraneeti 1. 78 )
 CEO should behave as parent in the organization.
Usually following are the responsibilities of parents for their children and there is no surprising that the CEO ha same duties as roles of parents in following lines –
1-Parents see that their children are always happy and same way, CEO must see that employees and associates are always happy.
2-Parenting is not popularity contest and same applies for CEO that it is not necessary others should come or don’t come to tell CEO is good in his duties. That means the CEO should not wait for other’s approvals.
3-Parents control children and CEO controls the organization or Employees.
4-Parents should see that let the children do what they capable of doing . Same way, CEO must ensure that jobs /duties to each employee are as per their capabilities and not whims of the boss.
Mother is never super woman for the children. Same way, CEO is not a superman but human being and should ensure the protection etc. of staff.
CEO takes tough decision and not popular decision and same is case of a parents .
CEO offers individuality to staff as parents offer to their children.
CEO holds the staff accountable as parents do .
CEO or employees must go   with rides;
CEO Should do his best as parents do.
1-Shukraneeti, Manoj Pocket Books Delhi, page 27
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2020 

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Chief Executive Officer Guidelines, CEO Refreshing Guidelines
« Reply #33 on: April 11, 2020, 04:27:46 PM »
Chief executive as Guru for employees

Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series – 34 
(Guiding Lessons for CEOs based on Shukraneeti)
(Refreshing notes for Chief Executive Officers based on Shukraneeti)   

By: Bhishma Kukreti
(Sales and Marketing Consultant)
 हितोपदेष्टा शिष्स्य सुविद्य अध्यापको गुरु : I
 स्वभागोद्धारकृद् भ्राता यथशास्त्रं पितुर्धनात II  Shukraneeti .1.79)
Translation –
The King should be for subjects (Citizens) as Guru, preacher and great teacher (knowledge donor) As a bother takes part of wealth from his parental wealth , the king should take partial wealth from Kingdom.  (Shukraneeti 1.79)
 The Chief executive officer should behave as a guru, as preacher an as great knowledge donor to the employees. The Guru means that eradicates ignorance and CEO should see that employees are ware in all respects
  The characteristics of CEO as Guru are –
The CEO must be a great psychologist for understanding the employees
The CEO as a Guru should protect the religious or spiritual faith of employees
The CEO as a Guru should be an authority for employees
The CEO as Guru should be free of Egotism.
The CEO as Guru should be able for controlling Ego
The CEO must be unbiased for each employee as Guru
CEO as a Guru should preach the disciple what she/ he understands
CEO  as Guru must teach the employees step by step
As Guru looks after the progress of disciples the CEO must see the progress of employees /mental development of employees.
CEO as Guru should act with positive attitude
CEO as Guru should behave equality among employees
CEO as Guru should protect employees
CEO as Guru should appreciate employees
CEO as Guru should not expect personal benefits from any employee
1-Shukraneeti, Manoj Pocket Books Delhi, page 27
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2020 

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Chief Executive Officer Guidelines, CEO Refreshing Guidelines
« Reply #34 on: April 12, 2020, 07:25:23 PM »
CEO keeps Top secrets and does not tell the secrets to others

Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series – 35 
(Guiding Lessons for CEOs based on Shukraneeti)
(Refreshing notes for Chief Executive Officers based on Shukraneeti)
By: Bhishma Kukreti (Sales and Marketing Consultant)
आत्मस्त्रीधनगुह्यानां गोप्ता बन्धुस्तु मित्रवत्त I
धनदस्तु कुबेरःस्याद्यम: स्याच्च सुदंडकृत् II  (shukraneeti 1.80)
 Translation –
   As the kindred does not open the secrets about body wife, wealth, and other secrets of friends to outsiders. Same way, the King should have the same characters. The king should offer monetary help (as Kuber) to his subjects and should punish if they do crime.
The CEO should never open tell the top secrets of organization to outsides at any costs .
1-Shukraneeti, Manoj Pocket Books Delhi, page 28
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2020 

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Chief Executive Officer Guidelines, CEO Refreshing Guidelines
« Reply #35 on: April 15, 2020, 05:56:17 PM »
Important Qualities/Responsibilities of a Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series – 36 
(Guiding Lessons for CEOs based on Shukraneeti)
(Refreshing notes for Chief Executive Officers based on Shukraneeti)   

By: Bhishma Kukreti
(Sales and Marketing Consultant)
  स्वान्  दुर्गुणान् परित्यज्य ह्यतिवादांस्तिक्षते I
दानैर्मानैश्च सत्कारै स्वप्रजा रंजक: सदा II 1.83
 दांत: शूरस्च शास्त्रास्त्रकुशलो अरिनिषुदन:I
  अस्वतन्त्रश्च मेधावी ज्ञानविज्ञान संयुत: II 1.84
नीच हीनो दीर्घदर्शी वृद्धसेवी सुनीतियुक् I
गुणिजुस्टस्तु यो राजा स ज्ञेयो देवतांशक : II85
विपरीतस्तु रक्षोअश: स व नरक भाजन: I
नृपांश सदृशो नित्य: तत्सहायगण: किल   II 86
 Translation of Shukra Niti 1st chapter Shloka II Shukra Niti 83-86 ) –
 That king after leaving bad habits and does not care for criticism; makes the subjects happy by donation (social works) and respects; that controls his sensational organs or is nor addicted for (  sight ;  taste , nose, ear and visual ) ; that who is enemy/competition  winner; knowledgeable; bad habits lees; ; visionary; respects elders/experiences; applies best policies; theta King is ‘devansh’ or part of Deities and that King does not have above qualities is devil.  Good quality King appoints good quality subordinates and associates but bad quality king appoints bad subordinates and associates.
1-Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books Delhi, page 28
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2020 

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Chief Executive Officer Guidelines, CEO Refreshing Guidelines
« Reply #36 on: April 16, 2020, 05:58:59 PM »
 CEO must have knowledge of Management Principles

CEO should have knowledge of learning from past experiences of own and others
Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series – 36 
(Guiding Lessons for CEOs based on Shukraneeti)
(Refreshing notes for Chief Executive Officers based on Shukraneeti)   

By: Bhishma Kukreti (Sales and Marketing Consultant)
 नयस्य विनयो मूलं विनय: शास्त्रनिश्चयात् I
 विनयस्येन्द्रिय जयस्तद्युक्त: शास्त्रमृछ्ति II (Shukra Niti 1.91)
 The King makes policy only by humility. The humility comes by knowledge of Shastra or books of knowledge. That is the reason the person that controls his senses can get Shastra Knowledge. (Shukra Niti 1.91)
   CEO must have ability for learning from experiences of others and his/her own experiences and from books and periodicals too .  The past knowledge comes by studying management books or periodicals and or by attending management schools or training conferences.  It is important the CEO has tacit knowledge and industry experiences or management experiences.

1-Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books Delhi, page 28
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2020 

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Chief Executive Officer Guidelines, CEO Refreshing Guidelines
« Reply #37 on: April 17, 2020, 04:23:04 PM »
CEO must practices humility what the CEO preaches

Benefits of  Humility in CEO for Improvement   
Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series – 38 
(Guiding Lessons for CEOs based on Shukraneeti)
(Refreshing notes for Chief Executive Officers based on Shukraneeti) 
By: Bhishma Kukreti (Sales and Marketing Consultant)
आत्मानं प्रथमं राजा विनयेनोप पाद्येत्  I
तत: पुत्रांस्ततो अमात्यांस्ततो भृत्यांस्तत: प्रजा :  II (Shukra Niti 1.92)
  The King should practices humility first, Then he should see that his sons, ministers, servants and citizens practice humility. That means the King should not only preach but should practice first before preaching. (1)
 Benefits of humility in CEO for improvement
  Amy et al concluded by their thoroughly researches that (2)
1-“A CEO’s humility narrates positively to their empowering leadership behaviours “
2-These empowering leadership conducts subsequently   relate positively the integration of top management
3-It is proved that the top management team integration recounts  positively to middle management’s perception for values of the  organization
4- The middle management‘s positive perception affect job performances, work engagements and commitment and affect positively same way to workers too
It is clear that the humility importance cited by Shukra Niti is relevant in today’s conditions too
1-Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books Delhi, page 29
2-Amy, Y. et al, (2014) Humble Chief Executive Officer’s connexions to  the Top Management Team integration and Middle Managements’ Responses , Administrative Science Quarterly (8th January 2014)
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2020 
CEO must practices Humility, CEO refreshing guidelines, CEO training humility; Strategies for Humility by CEO , Leader must have humility, Importance of humility of CEO  in improving empowerment in Organization  to be continued …

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Chief Executive Officer Guidelines, CEO Refreshing Guidelines
« Reply #38 on: April 19, 2020, 06:09:40 PM »
Corrupt Subordinates of CEO are dangerous

Benefits of  Humility in CEO for Imporovement   
Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series – 39 
(Guiding Lessons for CEOs based on Shukraneeti)
(Refreshing notes for Chief Executive Officers based on Shukraneeti)   

By: Bhishma Kukreti (Sales and Marketing Consultant)
 भ्रष्टश्री: स्वामिता राज्ये नृप एव न मंत्रिण: I
तथाअविनीतदायादोदांता: पुत्रादयोपि च II ( Shukra Niti Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan , Shloka 95)
Translation –
 The corrupt King will be King but corrupt minister loses the job. The corrupt King loses crown only when kin or family members, sons are   notorious, corrupt and unfaithful or addict.

1-Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books Delhi, page 29
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2020 

Bhishma Kukreti

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Re: Chief Executive Officer Guidelines, CEO Refreshing Guidelines
« Reply #39 on: April 20, 2020, 07:31:39 PM »
Humble, demure, disciplined CEO makes the organization Prosperous and influence organization performances 

Benefits of  Humility in CEO for Improvement   
Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series – 40 
(Guiding Lessons for CEOs based on Shukraneeti)
(Refreshing notes for Chief Executive Officers based on Shukraneeti)   
By: Bhishma Kukreti (Sales and Marketing Consultant)
सदानुरक्त प्रकृति:  प्रजापालन तत्परः I
विनीतात्मा हि नृपतिर्भूयसीं श्रियमश्नुते II (Shukra Niti Rajkrityadhikar Nirupan . 96)
 Translation –
The King that becomes highly prosperous who is humble disciplined and raises the citizens (subjects) well and as well as citizens are always devoted to him or subject loves the king.
  Humble CEO matters for performances of Organization
 In a research paper, Ou, Waldman and Peterson (2015) concluded that their study suggests that humility is a potentiality significant   CEO attribute with consequences for firm’s strategies and performances. No doubt humble CEO would not get Title of Great CEO but that humble CEO is always beneficial to the organization for better performances and human handling aspects in organisation (2). 

1-Shukra Niti, Manoj Pocket Books Delhi, page 29
2- Ou A.Y., Waldman, D.A., Peterson S.J., (2015), Do Humble CEOs Matter? An Examination of CEO Humility and Firm Outcomes, Journal of Management  Vol. XX No X, Month XXXX pages 1- 27
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2020 


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