CEO must take advice from advisors
Duties (Raj dharma) of the Chief Executive Officer -5
Judiciary System in the Organization /Country
Guidelines for Chief Officers (CEO) Series –413
Bhishma Kukreti (Marketing Strategist)
s= आधी अ
धर्मशास्त्रानुसारेण क्रोधलोभ विवर्जित: I
साप्राद्ड्विवाक: सामात्य: सब्राह्मणपुरोहित: I
The King, by leaving greed and anger should inspect or act for lawsuits with the advice of Chief Justice, Amatya, Brahmana, Priests.
(Shukraniti, Raj dharma Nirupan of Duties of King – 4)
The advisors for the Chief Executive Officers –
All the chief executive officer should make a note that all great kings or personalities became great because of a great advisor or groups of great advisors only.
Ashoka became Ashoka the Great because of a Buddhist advisor
Alexander had great advisor Aristotle
Chandra Gupta Maurya had great advisor –Chanakya or Kautilya
Mahatma Gandhi had advice from the teaching of Kabir and his mother.
Cruel, womanizer, and terrorist by nature Badshah Akbar was not educated but he kept advisors and created an image to the world that he was great.
Roosevelt had a great advisor –Harry Hopkins
Rahul Gandhi today is perceived as a foolish leader (might be due to branding by BJP) and the main reason behind negative perception is that he does not have great advisors as cruel and terrorist, womanizer by nature Akbar had.
CEO and advisors in today’s context-
Today, a new way of advisors has emerged due to evolution.
The non-family run Corporate’s CEO takes advice from the following groups of advisors
Board of Directors
The members of higher management
Other chief executives (Associations or forums)
Outside Consultants and associates (layers, advertising agencies, suppliers, etc )
CEO should have own personal advisor (might be from organization or outsider) –
The personal advisor for the CEO should have the following characteristics-
Well knowledgeable about the subject
Deep thinker and analyzer
Big Picture thinker
One thing is clear, while taking advice, the CEO must be unbiased
Shukraniti, Manoj Pocket Books, Delhi pp 252
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2021
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