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Chief Executive Officer Guidelines, CEO Refreshing Guidelines

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Bhishma Kukreti:
  Our Member Bhishma Kukreti will offer many insights about guidelines based on Shukraneeti to Chief Executive officers, Managing Directors, Executive Directors .
Guidelines for CEO (Chief Executive Officers)
Guidelines for Managing Directors (MD)
Guidelines for Executive Directors
Guidelines for COO (Chief Operating Officers)
Guidelines for CFO (Chief Financial Officer)
Guidelines for Managing the new world

Bhishma Kukreti:
Shukracharya: The first management Guru of the Earth

(Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series -1

: Bhishma Kukreti (The management Historian)

 Today, management authors cite examples of many Management Gurus. However, the first management Guru had been Shukracharya.
 Mahabharata is the first recorded book that deals first time on King managing the kingdom.  Mahabharata is the first recorded book that refers first time the Neeti or policy or code of conduct or management (mostly King or Kingdom officers or mangers). 
    In 59th Chapter of Mahabharata of Shanti Parva (After the death of Bhishma and Bhishma offering Management lessons to Yudhishthara) , there is discussion on Neeti or Policy or management science  In that chapter, the narrator states that when in the earth there was loss for righteous deeds , Gods reached to Prajapati and requested him to bring back the Dharma (righteous deeds) . Prajapati create a Shastra that is Neeti Shastra (Policy, morality management) or Dandneeti.
  It is stated in  Shukraneeti book (1) that initially, Shiva created Vaishalaksha Neetishastra comprising 10000 shlokas. Indra condensed that Grantha and created Bahudantak shastra comprising 5000 shlokas. After that, Gods  Guru Brihaspati condensed Bahudantak and created Baharspatya Grantha comprising 3000 sholkas. Later on Shukracharya ( Guru of Devils) condensed Baharspatya Grantha and created Shukraneeti comprising of 2200 shlokas.
  Shukraneeti was essential for Kings to manage the Kingdom.  From that time , other Kingdom management gurus as Vidur , Prahsar, Bhishma , Chanakya folloed Shukraneeti too. Today too, Shukraneeti is essential for chief executive officers , prime ministers, ministers, managers at various levels to follow Shukraneeti for managing the institution.
Shukraneeti deals with the rights and duties of the King (CEO); Rights and Duties of prince (second in command); Characteristics of Nation and King (Institution and CEO); Characteristics of friend and enemy; Resource management; Relationship between the King and the citizens (Relationship between CEO-staff- customers); Art and Knowledge; Common policies; King characteristics; defence mechanism ; army management (strategies) etc. All the above subjects of Shukraneeti are relevant today for all managers and CEOs .
  In the following chapters, this author will offer teaching of Shukraneeti relevant to politicians, administrators, managers and policy makers at all levels in all institutions including UNO.
1-Shukraneeti (Neeti Vishayak ek Shreshtha granth) , Manoj Pocket books, Delhi , page Vishay pravesh 1-3)
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2019
Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers; Guidelines for Managing Directors; Guidelines for Chief Operating officers (CEO); Guidelines for  General Mangers; Guidelines for Chief Financial Officers (CFO) ; Guidelines for Executive Directors ; Guidelines for ; Refreshing Guidelines for  CEO; Refreshing Guidelines for COO ; Refreshing Guidelines for CFO ; Refreshing Guidelines for  Managers; Refreshing Guidelines for  Executive Directors; Refreshing Guidelines for MD ; Relevancy of Shukraneeti for CEOs

Bhishma Kukreti:
 Chief Executive Officer should know about Code of Ethics

(Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series -2

By: Bhishma Kukreti (The management Historian)
  सर्वाभीष्टकरं  नीतिशास्त्रं  स्यात सर्वसम्मतम I
अत्यावश्यं नृपस्यापि स सर्वेषां प्रभुर्यत: .I 12 I  (शुक्रनीति )
 Srvabhishtkarn neetishastra syaat sarvsammtam
  Atyavshyam nripsyapi s sarvesham prabhuryta: 12 (Shukraneeti
 The knowledge of Neetishastra (Code of Ethics or Knowledge of Ethics) helps in achieving the target .
 The knowledge of Neetishastra is essential for chief executive officers, directors, chairmen, and managers. 
  Apart from business laws, the chief executives face various ethical obligations those are beyond constitutional laws.  Chief Executive Officer is responsible for all the staff of his organization, the staff of associates and for carrying on those responsibilities.
    The study of ethics is nothing but the study of values, principles standards within the organizational environments.
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2019
Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers; Guidelines for Managing Directors; Guidelines for Chief Operating officers (CEO); Guidelines for  General Mangers; Guidelines for Chief Financial Officers (CFO) ; Guidelines for Executive Directors ; Guidelines for ; Refreshing Guidelines for  CEO; Refreshing Guidelines for COO ; Refreshing Guidelines for CFO ; Refreshing Guidelines for  Managers; Refreshing Guidelines for  Executive Directors; Refreshing Guidelines for MD ; Refreshing Guidelines for Chairman ;  Ned of Knowledge of ethics by CEO, Chairman, MD, Directors 

Bhishma Kukreti:
Managing Ethics in the Organization is essential
(Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series -3

By: Bhishma Kukreti (The management Historian)
शत्रवो नीतिहीनानां यथाsपथ्यशिनां गदाः।
सद्यः  कोच्चिच्च कालेन भवन्ति न भवंति च। 13 ।  (  शुक्रनीति )
Shatrava Neetiheenanan yathaapathyashinan gada: I
Sadya: kocchicchch kalen bhavanti n bhavanti cha I 13I (Shukraneneti )
[As the illness comes by taking harmful food and illness does not come near by taking useful food, Same way, ethic less human gets several enemies, while the ethical man gets countless friends.]
   Tamara Lundgrane r the president and CEO  of  Schnitzler Steel  Industries rightly said “ We are  not born with character , it is not inherent , It is something we have control over” It means the CEO has to manage ethics for his/her own life and for organization.
Ethics attract helping hands from all directions but unethical deeds attract enmities
  The CEO has to be an ethical human being for managing  the organization  (whether business, government or any organization) smoothly and ethics  are important  for life too.
A business Consultant  (Organization development and Change) Carter McNamara rightly mentions that apart from moral benefits there are at least  8 other benefits by managing ethics in the (business organization).
Those 8 benefits by managing ethics in the organization are  –
1-The Business ethics has sustainability for improving society
2-Managing Ethics help the organization in bad times because the organization has more friends than enemies
3-Managing ethics in organization create strong teamwork and productivity
4- Managing ethics in the organization help in improving the employees’ growth
5- Managing ethics in the organization means the organization leads all works legally that phenomenon increase the life of organization
6- Managing ethics in the organization as well in own life too helps in avoiding criminal acts and those acts decrease the chances of government fines.
7- Managing ethics in the organization is fit for creating quality management, diversity management and strategic planning.
8- Managing ethics in the organization as well in own life create positive and healthy image good for the person and organization too.

 Carter McNamara, 223Oct, 2010, 10 Benefits of Managing Ethics in Workplace, www managementhelp.org blogs

Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2019
Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers; Guidelines for Managing Directors; Guidelines for Chief Operating officers (CEO); Guidelines for  General Mangers; Guidelines for Chief Financial Officers (CFO) ; Guidelines for Executive Directors ; Guidelines for ; Refreshing Guidelines for  CEO; Refreshing Guidelines for COO ; Refreshing Guidelines for CFO ; Refreshing Guidelines for  Managers; Refreshing Guidelines for  Executive Directors; Refreshing Guidelines for MD ; Refreshing Guidelines for Chairman ; Refreshing Guidelines for President ;   Importance of Ethics for CEO, Chairman , MD

Bhishma Kukreti:
The Ultimate Duty of CEO is to serve Internal and External Customers

(Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) series -4

By: Bhishma Kukreti (The management Historian)
नृपस्य परम् धर्मः प्रजानां परिपालनम।
दुष्ट निग्रहणं नित्यं न नित्याsतो  विना ह्युभे। 14।   (शुक्रनीति )
Nripasya param dharm: prajanam paripalnam I
Dusht nigrahan nityam na nityaato vina hyubho I 14I (Shukraneeti)
[The ultimate duty of the King is to serve the citizens and punishing or bridling the evils. The king cannot perform this dharma or duty without knowledge of ethics or code of conducts]
  The ultimate duties of a chief executive officer of any organization are to serve the internal customers (organization staff and staff of associate or related organizations) and the external customers.  The external customers might be the real buyers of organization, government and public entities.
  The job of CEO is to communicate with all internal and external customers
 The CEO can serve the internal or external customers only when she or he has the knowledge of code of conducts or good policies.
  The CEO (Chief Executive Officer) or Managing director should always see that there are no devilish acts in the organization and should have regulations for stopping evil acts or inhuman or unconstitutional acts in the organization.
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 2019
Guidelines for Chief Executive Officers; Guidelines for Managing Directors; Guidelines for Chief Operating officers (CEO); Guidelines for  General Mangers; Guidelines for Chief Financial Officers (CFO) ; Guidelines for Executive Directors ; Guidelines for ; Refreshing Guidelines for  CEO; Refreshing Guidelines for COO ; Refreshing Guidelines for CFO ; Refreshing Guidelines for  Managers; Refreshing Guidelines for  Executive Directors; Refreshing Guidelines for MD ; Refreshing Guidelines for Chairman ; Refreshing Guidelines for President ;   Serving internal and external Customers by CEO , Managing directors ; Ultimate Duties of CEO/chief executive Officers


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