Author Topic: Exclusive Garhwali Language Stories -विशिष्ठ गढ़वाली कथाये!  (Read 95185 times)

Bhishma Kukreti

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                Toni Dali: Story about Split within Brotherhood
               (Review of Garhwali Story Collection ‘Mwari’ (1986) by Durga Prasad Ghildiyal)

                                  Bhishma Kukreti

              [Let Us Celebrate Hundredth Year of Modern Garhwali Fiction]

[Notes on story about  splitting brotherhood; Garhwali story about  splitting brotherhood; Uttarakhandi story of splitting brotherhood; Mid Himalayan story of splitting brotherhood; Himalayan story of splitting brotherhood; North Indian story of splitting brotherhood; Indian story about  splitting brotherhood; South Asian story of splitting brotherhood; Asian story of splitting brotherhood]
           Father of Govind and his other two younger brothers dies. Now, comes time for division. There is division of property among three brothers.  There is a tree of Toni that can give ample of wood for carpentry works.  Brothers ask for cutting the tree but their wives don’t want to cut Toni. There is fraction among brotherhood for Toni tree. However, everybody is under tremendous shock when the tree is cut.

1-Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna, Gad Myateki Ganga
2-Dr Anil Dabral, 2007 Garhwali Gady Parampara
3-Bhagwati Prasad Nautiyal, articles on Durga Prasad Ghildiyal l in Chitthi Patri
4-Dr. Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal, Garhwal Ki Divangat Vibhutiyan

Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 7/7/2012
Notes on story about  splitting brotherhood; Garhwali story about  splitting brotherhood; Uttarakhandi story of splitting brotherhood; Mid Himalayan story of splitting brotherhood; Himalayan story of splitting brotherhood; North Indian story of splitting brotherhood; Indian story about  splitting brotherhood; South Asian story of splitting brotherhood; Asian story of splitting brotherhood
                   Let Us Celebrate Hundredth Year of Modern Garhwali Fiction!

Bhishma Kukreti

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दर्शन सिंह बिष्ट (जन्म १९६०)की कविता

[भीष्म कुकरेती की गढवाली पद्य , गढवाली कविताएँ, गढ़वाली गीत. उत्तराखंडी पद्य, उत्तराखंडी गीत, उत्तराखंडी पद्य लेखमाला से ]



आंगनवाडी म् ज्यादतर

वूं कि घरवळि मौज म्

बी.पी.एल कार्ड वेकू

जैका चार नौना फ़ौज म्

विकलांग पेंसन वेकी

जु रात कर्दा चोरी

पार्टी इमानदार लुंड

जु दिन- रात गप्पी म्र्दु कोरी

खच्चर बतिया सचिव -साब की कौफिम

ग्राम सभा की सुख - सुविधा प्रधान जीक चौकी म

सर्वाधिकार @ दर्शन सिंह बिष्ट

गढवाली पद्य , गढवाली कविताएँ, गढ़वाली गीत. उत्तराखंडी पद्य, उत्तराखंडी गीत, उत्तराखंडी पद्य लेखमाला जारी ...

Bhishma Kukreti

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 Sudhar: A question mark on Development of India

(Review of Garhwali Fiction Collection ‘Bwari’ (1987) by Durga Prasad Ghildiyal)

                            Bhishma Kukreti

                 [Let us Celebrate Hundredth Year of Modern Garhwali Fiction!]
[Notes on fiction  about Indian development; Garhwali fiction  about Indian development; Uttarakhandi fiction  about Indian development; Mid Himalayan fictions about Indian development; Himalayan fictions Indian development; North Indian fictions about Indian development; Indian fiction  about Indian development; South Asian fiction  about Indian development; Asian fiction  about Indian development]
           Indian needs development in all the fields. Indian requires works from the citizens for developing India. There is requirement of every citizen’s contribution for developing India. Remembering past is not the means of developing India. Actions are the ways for developing India.
               Through village characters, Durga Prasad Ghildiyal questions Indian citizens for the individual contribution in Indian development as dreamt by freedom fighters. Citizen’s contribution is the  first step in development of  India.
1-Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna, Gad Myateki Ganga
2-Dr Anil Dabral, 2007 Garhwali Gady Parampara
3-Bhagwati Prasad Nautiyal, articles on Durga Prasad Ghildiyal l in Chitthi Patri
4-Dr. Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal, Garhwal Ki Divangat Vibhutiyan
5- Notes of Prem lal Bhatt on Durga Prasad Ghildiyal
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 20/7/2012
Notes on fiction  about Indian development; Garhwali fiction  about Indian development; Uttarakhandi fiction  about Indian development; Mid Himalayan fictions about Indian development; Himalayan fictions Indian development; North Indian fictions about Indian development; Indian fiction  about Indian development; South Asian fiction  about Indian development; Asian fiction  about Indian development
       Let us Celebrate Hundredth Year of Modern Garhwali Fiction!       

Bhishma Kukreti

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Samaun : Story about rural and Urban Cultural Differences

(Review of Garhwali Story collection ‘Bwari’ (1987) by Durga Prasad Ghildiyal)

                            Bhishma Kukreti

           [Let Us Celebrate Hundredth Year of Modern Garhwali Fiction]
                      The story is about mother dividing the ancestral properties among sons for helping a son living in city that he gets his flat free from debt.
              Ghildiyal takes the readers showing the differences emerging between rural and urban culture.
The story is mirror of sixties and seventies of life of Garhwalis living in Garhwal and cities.
1-Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna, Gad Myateki Ganga
2-Dr Anil Dabral, 2007 Garhwali Gady Parampara
3-Bhagwati Prasad Nautiyal, articles on Durga Prasad Ghildiyal l in Chitthi Patri
4-Dr. Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal, Garhwal Ki Divangat Vibhutiyan
5- Notes by Prem Lal Bhatt on Ghildiyal
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 21/7/2012

[Let Us Celebrate Hundredth Year of Modern Garhwali Fiction]

Bhishma Kukreti

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Harin kakhadi: Story Portraying the Importance of Experience and Sharing Experience

(Review of Garhwali Story collection ‘Bwari’ (1987) by Durga Prasad Ghildiyal)

                             Bhishma Kukreti

             [Let Us Celebrate Hundredth Year of Modern Garhwali Story Literature]

     Durga Prasad Ghildiyal was of that generation that was born before independence. Therefore, his each story has the importance of village development of cooperation and social values. There is extreme desire for youth getting education employment.
  ‘Hari kakhdi ‘is about a common habit of boys stealing cucumber from other’s field. However, the story makes Ganeshi an honest police man by stealing cucumber.  The important character experienced ‘Bodi ‘changes the thinking pattern of Ganeshi.
1-Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna, Gad Myateki Ganga
2-Dr Anil Dabral, 2007 Garhwali Gady Parampara
3-Bhagwati Prasad Nautiyal, articles on Durga Prasad Ghildiyal l in Chitthi Patri
4-Dr. Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal, Garhwal Ki Divangat Vibhutiyan
5- Notes by Prem Lal Bhatt on Ghildiyal
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 21/7/2012

[Let Us Celebrate Hundredth Year of Modern Garhwali Story Literature]

Bhishma Kukreti

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Panchhundo: Women and New generation Finishing Old Enmity

(Review of Garhwali Story Collection ‘Bwari’ (1987) by Durga Prasad Ghildiyal)
                             Bhishma Kukreti

             [Let Us Celebrate Hundredth Year of Modern Garhwali Story Literature]
     There is indissoluble enmity between the families of Hari Pradhan and Nortu Seth for two generations. The enmity started from the time Sheru Pradhan and Bhagtu Seth grand fathers of Hari and Naurtu respectively. Panchhundo means when there is no talking terms between two families.
             Educated and experienced Jagdish Seth asks his mother the reason for not ending the family enmity. His mother replies,” Byata, jaun haman dharna ki bat bwan , t ham hwe geyaan janani jat…” the story is about the easy way for  finishing disputes.
1-Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna, Gad Myateki Ganga
2-Dr Anil Dabral, 2007 Garhwali Gady Parampara
3-Bhagwati Prasad Nautiyal, articles on Durga Prasad Ghildiyal l in Chitthi Patri
4-Dr. Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal, Garhwal Ki Divangat Vibhutiyan
5- Notes by Prem Lal Bhatt on Ghildiyal
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 23/7/2012

                 Let Us Celebrate Hundredth Year of Modern Garhwali Story Literature   !                       

Bhishma Kukreti

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Vikhot Aulo: Story about Struggle of Young widow

(Review of Garhwali Story collection ‘Bwari’ by Durga Prasad Ghildiyal)
  [Let Us Celebrate hundredth year of Modern Garhwali Fiction]
                                 Bhishma Kukreti
             Vikhot Auli is a story of a girl Shushila who lost her parents in childhood and husband after three years of marriage. Her husband was a working in Mumbai. Her in laws sent her back to ‘mayka’. The in laws presented her as insane for getting the pension and funds of her husband. 
     After death of her mentor elder brother she was alone in village. Her nephew came from Banaras to take her with him and with his family. Sushila refused and live in village. Sushila is waiting that her nephew will visit village again.
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 24/7/2012

Let Us Celebrate hundredth year of Modern Garhwali Fiction !

Bhishma Kukreti

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Sanskar: Investigating the Problems of Migrated Garhwalis

(Review of Garhwali Story Collection ‘Bwari’ (1987) by Durga Prasad Ghildiyal)
         [Let us celebrate Hundredth Year of Garhwali Fiction]

                                Bhishma Kukreti
           Every migrated Garhwali of cities far away from Garhwal has ambition for visiting ancestral village. However, there are various problems in visiting the village. Raveendra gets invitation letter from his younger uncle for attending his son’s marriage. All family members go to village for attending marriage including seventy years old Ravindra’s mother. The old woman fells ill. There is no basic hospital facilties in village. Now every member is worried if old woman dies there. However, she is happy if she dies at ancestral village.
            Sanskar investigates the areas of concern of migrated Garhwalis and reasons for their not visiting village regularly. The migrated Garhwali far away from ancestral place face the following questions in the life not once but many times –
महेश न बोले "... बीस बरस बिटि व कही जमीन- जायजाद छोड़ याले अर इनी हालत मा अगनै भि क्या भरोसो कि हम वीं ताप मूक कर सकला. स्यो इबारे सुन्दर मौक़ा च . दस पन्दरा दिन का वास्ता इ सही , हम जैकी ब्यो मा भि शामिल ह्व़े जौंला अर अपणा घर द्वार , मुलक-देश, देखी भि ऐ जौंला..."

रविन्द्र क जेठा नौना सतीश न बोले- “सैधांतिक रूप मा स्यू महेश अर दादी बोलना त ठीक छन, पर व्यवहारिक रूप मा या समस्या तीन हजार रूप्या फिजूल मा खर्च करनै च . ततना खर्च करनै बाद भी वी होण' कख गै छया बल कि कखि ना, अर क्या लै छया , बल कि कुछ ना'.

1-Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna, Gad Myateki Ganga
2-Dr Anil Dabral, 2007 Garhwali Gady Parampara
3-Bhagwati Prasad Nautiyal, articles on Durga Prasad Ghildiyal l in Chitthi Patri
4-Dr. Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal, Garhwal Ki Divangat Vibhutiyan
5-Notes of Prem lal Bhatt on the Stories of Durga Prasad Ghildiyal
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 25/7/2012

Bhishma Kukreti

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                                Sanso: Story of Women Heroism

(Review of Garhwali Story Collection ‘Bwari’ by Durga Prasad Ghildiyal)

[Let us Celebrate Hundredth Year of Modern Garhwali Fiction]

                                      Bhishma Kukreti
‘Sanso’ is the story of relationship between brothers and sisters(Narendra- Surendra and Shanti) and the women heroism.  The daughters of Surendra and Shanti go to Lucknow for taking higher education and live there alone in a rented room. 
 The story ends with heroic acts of two Garhwali female students in Lucknow
वो बोलनु छौ, "इनी साँसों गढ़वालै वीर कन्या ही कर सकदन"
  The end is sudden and the end part does not provide any hint to the readers in the first part of story.
1-Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna, Gad Myateki Ganga
2-Dr Anil Dabral, 2007 Garhwali Gady Parampara
3-Bhagwati Prasad Nautiyal, articles on Durga Prasad Ghildiyal l in Chitthi Patri
4-Dr. Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal, Garhwal Ki Divangat Vibhutiyan
5-Notes of Prem lal Bhatt on the Stories of Durga Prasad Ghildiyal
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 26/7/2012

Let us Celebrate Hundredth Year of Modern Garhwali Fiction!

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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"गड्वाली छ्वाटी कथा"

अति कख छो खूब ?

कै गौमा एक नौनी ब्यो हवे ! द्वार बाटाकु जवै अर बेटी आई ! बिखुन
दा, रसोई का बगत गौंका जनना, जवे थै मिनु एनी ! नौनी ब्वे
, याने दुलाहा की सासुल ,उसे अपणी जवाई की तारफीमाँ वो लम्बी लम्बी छुडिनी !
म्यारू जवेत इनच, उनच ! युचा- स्यूचा ! जवै भी सुणु छो ! व बुन बैठी ... " दा ,
दीदी , क्या बुन ! मेरु जवैत इतुगु खांद ( हाथल बताद हवे ) इतुगु ! एक रवाटी
कु टुकड़ी भी मुश्किल से खांद ! अगर यकीन न हो त, अभी देखिल्या !
वीं नौनिकू बोली ... " बाबा ..., जवे खुनी खाणु लगो ! "

पूरी कहानी (काथ) पढने के लिए नीचे दिए गए लिंक में जाइए, गर कहानी अच्छी लगे तो अवश्य शेयर कीजियेगा !
नोट- हमारा प्रयास उत्तराखंडी संस्कृति का संयोजन, सवर्धन और प्रचार-प्रसार - आइये इस मुहीम से जुड़े !

कहानी (काथ) - श्री पराशर गौर !


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