Author Topic: Poem of kanhaiyalal dandriyal : कन्हैयालाल डंडरियाल एक कवि, लेखक,साहित्यकार  (Read 25931 times)

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Excellent Lalit Ji.
Keep posting more such information about Kanhaiyalal Dandriyal ji. If possible photo also Plz.

Bhishma Kukreti

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History of Indian literature
History of Uttarakhand languages Literature
History of Garhwali literature
Critical History of  Garhwali Poetry
Anjwal: One of the Great Satirical Poetry Collections of World Literature
(Review of  Anjwal -Garhwali Poetry collection by Kanhaya Lal Dandriyal ‘The Great Poet’)
                                 Bhishma Kukreti
   No doubt, Sada Nand Kukreti (1923)  initiated satire as serious business in Garhwali by publishing first Garhwali story Garhwali That’ in Vishal Kirti but in true sense in modern Garhwali poetic field, Kanhaya Lal Dandriyal used satirical poems as to make serious and even frightening remarks on the dangers of the sweeping social, economical, spiritual  changes taking place throughout Garhwal and among migrated Garhwalis . Many critics as nathi Prasad Suyal state that we may find similarities in the work of Kanhya Lal Dandriyal and Horace, Persius, and Juvenal for  Dandriyal’s  satires about the life, vice, and moral decay Kanhaya Lal  saw around him as ‘Garhwali Sanstha’ of this volume.
  When Hindi critic Dr Manjula Dhoundiyal read poems of Anjwal, she said to this author “ I shall put Kanhaya Lal Dandriyal near to a French satirist of seventeenth century  Roger Rabutin de Bussy for his wit and calmness in describing the changes”
  Manmohan Jakhmola a post graduate in English literature, a literature lover and great admirer of Kanhaya Lal Dandriyal says that Dandriyal had to work hard for creating satirical Garhwali poems when most of the Garhwali  poets were either following Hindi literature  or busy in old style in terms of subject and versification, Kanhaya Lal came with new subject and the original satire of Garhwal into Garhwali literature.  Jakhmola further says that Dandriyal might have worked  hard in creating satire in Garhwali as eighteenth century American satirists as  Lemuel Hopkins,  Joel Barlow, Philip Freneau , John Trumbull, Hugh Henry Brackenridge did hard work in creating satire .
         The second edition  of Anjwal has fifty poems of Dandriyal. First issue was published in 1969 and Anjwal became a mile stone in the Garhwali poetic field that from here the Garhwali  poems transformed style , body, subjects ,  and creativity of Garhwali poems as well the thinking of Garhwali  poets . The Garhwali poems took new shape from conventional wisdom in many ways.
  The poems show that Kanhaya Lal Dandriyal was very sensitive, had the eyes ofa critic and had the power of  narrating serious and critical the subject through humorous and satirical methodology. Kanhya Lal show the putrefied social  system through effective wit that readers laugh but feel acute pain inside their mind, intellect and ego. Madan Duklan a garhwali critic and editor states that the  poems of Anjwal are provocative but do not create enmity among the society.
    Famous Garhwali folk literature expert, Hindi dramatist, Hindi poet, story teller, critic Govind Chatak says that the satirical poems as Satya Narayan Brat Katha, Mi Garhwali chhaun, Dhyabron ki Rally, Garhwali sanstha, Hamaru Garhwal are the world class poems and these poems are one of best poems among two hundred best satirical poems of world literature. Lokesh Navani a Garhwali critic and Puran Pant a poet and editor state about these poems and other poems that these poems are the classic poems for international literature.
 Girish Sundriyal a Garhwali poet says that his other poems Sarsu  Sanhar, Thyakra are best examples of bringing realism with the capsule of satire and humor into Garhwali literature in seventies.
 Harish Juyal a marvelous satirical Garhwali poet supports the statement of Dr Govind Chatak that  style of Jagar. Rakhwali and Tantra Mantra in many Garhwali poems of Kanhya Lal Dandriyal are very effective and readers enjoy those poems by heart.
   The Garhwali critic and Garhwali literature publisher Nathi Prasad Suyal states , “ In the poems of Dandriyal , we find the mixer of realism, experiencing , pain for wrong changes happenings, and at the same time the poet provide suggestions to as teacher but differently than his predecessor Garhwali poets.”
  Bhishma Kukreti wrote in the special issue of Hamri Chitthi about Kanhya Lal Dandriyal that the poems of Anjwal of Kanhya Lal Dandriyal are the inner experiences of a Garhwali women, which no Garhwali poet could touch so marvelously as Dandriyal did . Kukreti called Dandriyal as Ardh NariIswar at the time of creating poetries.
    About the poems of Anjwal, Nathi Prasad Suyal and Dr Govind Chatak rightly said that Dandriyal did not leave any important aspect of life in Garhwal and life of migrated common Garhwalis.
  Jaipal Singh Rawat a famous Garhwali symbolic poet state that no Garhwali poets of past as Dandriyal used Garhwali symbols so perfectly that even a common person can fully understand the meaning and insight of poems of Dandriyal.
  Parashar Gaud the great admirer of Kanhaya Lal Dandriyal  finds that Kanhaya Lal Dandriyal was expert of creating real images of rural Garhwal and life sketches of common migrated Garhwalis so effectively that makes him one of the greatest poets of  all world languages.
 Each poems of Anjwal take the readers to one important aspect of garhwali life of sixties and before.
 Kanhya lal Dandriyal was the master of garhwali vocabulary and this poetry collection is the proof. The poems are so simple and under stable that a migrated Garhwali who never read Garhwali literature will also read all poems and will enjoy.
Anjwal is a heritage of world languages  literature and we should arrange proper distribution of this poetry collection all corners of world among Garhwalis.
Poet : Kanhya Lal Dandriyal
Maulyar Prakashan
7 D, L.P. Maurya Enclave
Peetampura, Delhi, 110088
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, Mumbai, India, 2010

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Modern Literature in Kumaun and Garhwal Garhwal

        Hamaru Garhwal : A Realistic and Satirical Poem by Kanhya Lal Dandriyal

                          (Modern poetry in Garhwali, Kumauni and Himalayan Languages )

                       Bhishma Kukreti 

               Kanhaya Lal Dandriyal is master of blending realism and satire, and humour in his Garhwali poetry . he has objectives vision of reality has defense for his own thesis or principles,  Kanhaya Lal has capacity to create poems in popular language too

                The readers will find same taste and characteristics of realism in this Poem “ Hamaru Garhwal “ by Kanhaya Lal  Dandriyal as they can enjoy the realism in My Mistress’s eyes poem by William Shakespeare,  Peter Grimes poem by   George Crabbe , The Miller’s Tale of Geoffrey Chaucer, The Carver in Stone poem by Robert Drinkwater and poems of Thomas Hardy , poems of Rudyard Kipling or poems of Jonathan Swift

                     As a satire, Dandriyal  is master in accusing the system. This poems is an example the capability and craftsmanship of Kanhaya Lal Dandriyal that the readers may smile by lips but by heart, the readers feel a sharp pain about happenings around their surrounding. The poem of Dandriyal offer the readers The Smile and The Sorrow, The Pain simultaneously

In the following poem , Dandriyal shown that he can create clear images by using symbolic words and known phrases


                         हमरु   गढ़वाळ
                       A poem bykanhya Lal Dandriyal
                    खरड़ी डांडी
                    पुंगड़ी लाल
                     धरती को मुकुट
                       भारत को भाल
                        हमरु गढवाळ
   यखै   संस्कृति---: गिंदडु , भुज्यलु , ग्यगडु  , गड्याळ
 सांस्कृतिक सम्मेलन--- :अठवाड़
महान बलि--- : नारायण बली
 टेक्निसियन---- : जंदरौ   सल्ली
दानुम दान----- : मुक्दान
बच्युं---- निर्भागी     
मर्युं -----भग्यान
परोपकारी --- बेटयूँ  को परवाण   
विद्वान् ---- जु गणतकैर जाण 
नेता -----जैन सैणो गोर भ्याळ हकाण
समाज सुधारक---- : जैन छ्न्युं बैठिक दारु बणाण 
बडू आदिम ---- जु बादण नचाव
श्रधापत्र ---  बुराल़ी, बाघ अर चुड़ाव 
मार्ग  दर्शक ---बक्की
मान सम्मान ---- सिर्री फट्टी अर रान
दर्शन ---- सैद, मसाण परी अर ह्नत्या
उपचार ---कंडाळी टेर , जागरदार मैर , लाल पिंगळी सैर
खोज ---बुजिना
शोध --- सुपिना
उपज -- भट्ट अर भंगुलो
योजना - कैकी मौ फुकुलो
उद्योग ---जागर , शाबर , पतड़ी
जीवन -- यख बटे वख तैं टिपड़ी
व्यंजन ---खुन्तडो अर बाड़ी
कारिज ---बया, बरखी अर बोतल
पंचैत ----कल्यो की कंडी
राष्ट्रीय पदक --- अग्यल पट्टा , पिनसन पट्टा , कुकर  पट्टा 
 बचपन ----कोठ्युं मं
जवानी  --- पल्टन , दफ्तर , होटल
बुढापा --- गाल्यूं फर , चूलखन्दर्युं फर
आशीर्वाद -----बभुतै चुंगटी 
वरदान --- फटगताळ , नि ह्व़े , नि खै , नि रै, घार  बौडी नि ऐ
आयात ---खन्नू खरबट अर मनीऔडर
निर्यात ---छ्वाड बटें Chhwad  तैं बाई ऑर्डर
This poem Hamaru Garhwal  is the prove that Bhishma Kukreti positions Kanhyaa Lal dandriyal among 200 great poets of this earth born so far
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Bhishma Kukreti

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Modern literature of Kumaun  and Garhwal
                                Special Issue of Chitthi Patri on Great Poet  Kanhaya Lal Dandriyal
                                              Bhishma Kukreti
        Chitthi Patri a Garhwali language magazine brought a special issue ( September 2004) on Kanhya Lal Dandriyal to pay homage to one of the greatest poets born in  this earth . the issue is a collective issue for all Garhwalis
          Madan Duklan the editor of Chitthi Patri paid homage by reviewing the poetic style and subjects  of Maha Kavi Dandriyal in his poetries , Madan threw light on  the great personality of Kanhaya Lal .
              Smiritiyon ka Chalchitr an article as memoir by Kanhaya Lal Dandriyal is marvelous piece of prose in Garhwali literature .
           There is an interview with Kanhaya Lal Dandriyal wherein Dandriyal discussed and told his views on various subjects as Garhwali literature, his frustration that there is nobody in Uttarakhand who can allow local language studies in schools, , worries on culture language as bases for  business . Dandriyal in this interview, showed his concern that the literature creator of Garhwali language are not serious. Dandriyal expressed many his personal views on various aspects of Garhwali  literature . This interview should be broadcasted everywhere as there is hundred percent truth on his views
Bhagwati Prasad Nautiyal a leading cirtic of Garhwali literature put his critical views “ Anjwal ek Kathy) on Anjwal a poetry collection of Dandriyal
 Harish Juyal in ‘ sadharan mankhi , Asadharan Kavi “ paid homage to great verse maker and tells his memories of Dandriyal with scholarly views and with emotions too
  Girish Sundariyal a famous lyrical Garhwali poet takes the readers about the visit of Maha Kavi to his village and the special characteristics of Dandriyal . Sundariyal opens various speciality of Dandriyal as his spirituality and his enjoyment meeting with people.
 Jaspal Singh Rawat a close associate of Maha Kavi Dandriyal tells his memories about last days of great poet in “ Ankhun Man : Vo Akhiri Din “ The readers feels pathos by reading the memories of Dandriyal’s last days of his life.
    Prem lal Bhatt one of the  senior most Garhwali and Hindi poets and a literature analyzer reviews various spectrums of poems of Anjwal (1984). The readers come in contact the various phases and sides  of poetic art of Dandriyal
In article ‘ MahaKavi Kanhaya lal Dandriyal’ , Bhagwati Prasad Nautiyal reviews various critical aspects and dimensions of poetries of Great Poet Kanhayalal
In the articles , Nagraja (ek) : Vilakshan Pratibha ko Pratyaks Praman and Nagraja (2) : apna Ap ma Alaukik Nagaraja, scolar of folk literature of Garhwal, a poet, a story writer, a dramatist, a famous drama critic  Dr Govind Chatak reviews the epics Nagraja created by Maha Kavi Kanhaya Lal Dandriyal ..
Lalit Keshwan a famous Garhwali poet and very close associate of Kanhaya Lal  paid homage to Dandriyal by way of prose and a remarkable poem on Dandriyal .
  Bhishma Kukreti in his article “ Byathlya Anubhavun ka Kavi : Dandriyal reviews Dandriyal from psychological point of view, which no reviewer did so far. Kukreti states that there was womanhood in the mind of Dandriyal while Kanhayalal used to create poetries .
 Himashu Sharma in his article discusses various aspects of modern subjects in Nagraja epic by Dandriyal
 Nathi Prasad suyal a Garhwali and Hindi literature publishers details the life span of Maha Kavi and his publications
  This special issue should be published in book form as the issues deals the various aspects of Maha Kavi Kanhaya Lal Dandriyal
Madan Duklan should be congratulated for his great efforts in memorizing one the Greatest poets of this earth
Mahakavi Kanhaya lal Dandriyal Visheshank
Chitthi Patri
September 2004
16 A Rakshapuram (Ladpur)
Dehradun Pin 248008
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Modern Literature of Kumaun and Garhwal , Himalayas
         Experiences of Women in Verses of Kanhayalal Dandriyal
                         Bhishma Kukreti
(Translated version of a Write up “Byathulya Anubhavun ka Kavi “ by B C Kukreti Kukreti on Dandriyal )
 Kanhayalal has gone far away from us (2/6/2004). Birth itself is the first step of death. Birth is not truth but death is the real truth. Another truth is that whether it is non-living atom or living organism , the consciousness of it is always there. The consciousness of each matter or organism  was there before galaxy came in existence and it will be there when nothing wll be seen as it is today, Consciousness neither takes birth nor it dies , only the body dies. The consciousness of late Kanhayalal Dandriyal is always there in poetic and materialistic world.
   Kanhayalal Dandriyal came in this galaxy for not as human but he took birth for a specific purpose and  came in this earth for spreading a specific consciousness. The Lord sent Kanhayalal Dandriyal in this earth for creating  new path, newer venture , new style, new format, new meaning of literature, new dignity in Garhwali poetic field and , to tell serious subjects  in simple words, making Garhwali poems easy for all
  The editor of Alaknanda,  Swaroop Dhoundiyal introduced me with the poetries of Dandriyal. Dhoundiyal was there in his tour in Mumbai from Delhi and he gifted me Anjwal a Garhwali poetry collection by Kanhayalal Dandriyal . While putting book on my hand, Swaroop Dhoundiyal said to me, “From materialistic point of view the Maha Kavi Dandriyal is same as Nirala of Hindi poetic field. Dandriyal do not have a coin in his pocket but he the Badshah or he is the most wealthiest poet  in poetry construction  of Garhwali poetry. Truly, Dandriyal is Moksh Prapt Mast Maula”
  When I read the poems as Satynarayan Brat katha , Chusana, Keedu Bwe, Sarsu Sanghar, Hamaru Garhwal; I was shocked that there a such marvelous pieces of poems in Garhwali language. Till then, I was not well aware of Garhwali language literature . Anjwal is one of the various factors for me to take interest in Garhwali language. I went in different pysch after reading the poems of Dandriyal and read those poems many times. Not only read myself but told poems to others too. The poems of Anjwal are with laughter but at the same time there is pathos together; there is Amrit and poison together in the same poem; there is philosophy of life and a smile together in the same line of a verse; there is fire as well as water reservoir in the same verse; there is snake and a Nevla in the same poem, there is pain of delivering a child by mother and a delight of delivering the child by mother in the same poem of Dandriyal; the taste of sourness and sweetness is together; if there is  happiness then there is a sharp pain of reality in the same poem. Humorous words of poem will make you laugh but the reality will make you weep loudly. The reader will experience the same feeling from his poems as a mother feels  irritation when she sees dirty nose of her child by at the same time parents feel proud that the child is their future generation.
    The specialty of Dandriyal is that he narrates the serious most subject as philosophy in simplest and under stable words
  There is experiences of Garhwali women in each poem of Dandriyal. The readers find the pain of Garhwali women in the humorous poem Chusana too. Mostly the poets of both genders of Garhwali language create poems by male –proud mentality barring Kanhayalal Dandriyal. Most of the Garhwali poets of both genders create poems by intellect but Dandriyal creates poetry by heart and not by mind. It seems to me that at the poit of creating poetry Kanhayalal becomes a women by all means. This is equal to Ardhnareshwar for of Lord Siva and I am sure Kanhayalal was expert of becoming Ardhnareswar (half woman-half male) while creating verses. That is why his poems are intelligent but without any complexity. The complexity in verses , usually comes by unnecessary male psych at the time of creating literature. The poems of Nagraja epic show that Kanhayalal used to transform him totally as woman while creating poetry.
  Kanhayalal never showed his concern over his poor materialistic condition except that he could not publish Nagraja epic before Bhumyal of Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna
 Kanhayalal Dandriyal brought new realism, new satire, new humour, new meaning, new style, new format to Garhwali poetry .Kanhaya Lal Dandriyal, Lalit  Keshwan and Jayanand Khuksal Baulya brought new turn to Garhwali poetry from conventional and unnecessary intellectual poetry to new realism.
    Harish Juyal seems to be true disciple of Kanhaya Lal Dandriyal.
 In my opinion, Kanhaya Lal Dandriyal is one of the 200 Greatest Poets of all languages in this earth. The specific point is that you can not translate the poem of Dandriyal in other language and get same rapture. This quality makes him Greatest Poet of world language (Jadli translated his poetries in Hindi)
 I wish when Dandriyal takes another human birth he should be a Garhwali poet only.
Ref Chitthi Patri, September 2004 page 61-63
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History of Himalayan Literature
History of Indian literature
History of Garhwali Kumaoni Literature
Critical History of Garhwali Poetry
Baagi Uppan Ki Ladai: The Poems of Freedom Fight , Worsening Happening after Independence in Symbolic Style
(Review of Long Poetry (Khand Kavy) Baagi Uppan Ki Ladai by Kanhaya Lal Dandriyal)
                       Bhishma Kukreti
              Kanhaya Lal Dandriyal had  been a great poet of Garhwali poetry world. The critics and readers call Dandriyal as ‘Maha Kavi” and there is no doubt about  his great craftsmanship, choosing subjects, using simple but effective words for narrating complex subject and on top of it doing experiments for developing Garhwali verses. Bagi Uppan ki Ladai is long poetry ( Khand Kavy ) and this poetry collection in Garhwali language is the best example of symbolic poetry apart from imagery poems narrating images of  Garhwal .
        With reference to Bagi Uppan ki Ladai , Dr Maju Dhoundiyal a Hindi literature critics, Madan Duklan (editor of Hamari chitthi), Puran Pant Pathik  in personal conversation with this writer say that Kanhaya Lal Dandriyal has same position in Garhwali literature for using symbols of animals to describe the present society as the critics appreciate William Blake, Alfred Jerry , Antoni Lange, Albert Aurier, Albert Giraud, Albert Mockel, Albert Samain,  Alexander Block, Andrie Bely, Arthur Rimbaud, Auguste Villiers de I.Adam, Caspar David Friedrich, Charles Baudelaire, Dante Gabriel, Isidore  Lautreamont, Dimcho Debelyanov, Dmitry Merezhkovsky, Eldgar Allan Poe, Emile Nelligan, Emile Verhaeren, Francis  V Griffin, Fyodor Sologub, George Bacovia , George Rodebach, Gustavo , Innokenty  gustave Flaubert , Annesky, Kahn,  Henride Regneir, Jean Moreas, Joa da Cruz Sousa, Josip M Aleksandroy, Jurgis Baltrusaitis, Jules Laforgue, Konstantin Bafmont,  Maurice Maeterlinck, Mateiu Caragiale, Maxmilian Voloshin,  Mikaloius K Ciurlionis , Otokar Brezina, Paul Adam, Paul Fort, Paul Valery , Paul Verlaine, Rachilde, Remy de Gourmont, Stanislaw K Brzozowski, Stephane Mallarme, Stuart Merril,  Tendeusz micinski , Valery Bryusov, Vyacheslay Ivanov, Zinaidia Gippius for their creating symbolic verses or literature.. Dr Nagendra Dhyani, a learned Garhwali literature critics of Garhwali literature states that Kanhya Lal Dandriyal uses animals in his long poetry successfully as Vishnu Sharma uses animals in the stories of Sanskrit classic Panchtantra .
    The story of Bagi Uppan ki Ladia is chivalry story and the plot is of Goath (when the farmers take their domestic animals in the field from May to October and look after their in the field for so many months) . There is very deep friendship among animals as bulls, buffalos, rams, he goats, goats, sheep etc.  An insect Uppan (which is a medium of  plague bacteria too) attacks to the flocks of domestic animals. The mosquitoes, bugs, and many other harmful insects are with Uppan but  take part in attack on later stage of the story . , The brave and strong buffalo (Bagi) takes the charge of his army to defend the animals of Goath and bull is always the advisor. There is ups and downs in tha fight between buffalo  with other animals and Uppan . However, after much bloody struggle, the domestic animals win the battle. After winning the battle, the fighters were thrown out of the kingdom and the corrupted culprits, evilly animals take the charge of symbolic kingdom. Even the lion asks separate nation “Sheristhan”.
  In between , the poet describes many real happenings of the contemporary society.
   In fact, with the aid of animals, the great poet of all languages, Kanhaya Lal Dandriyal narrates the story of either Freedom Movement and thereafter the worsening situation in India or struggle of Uttarakhand Movement and then worsening situation after becoming separate state Uttarakhand that who struggled for the state could not get the honour but politicians as Narayan Datt Tiwari and others,  who never supported the movement,  got all the positions in separate Uttarakhand .
  One of the greatest poets of the world language Dandriyal could narrate the story in symbolic way and he successfully create all raptures -love, bravery, pathos, laughter, smile, satire , horror, anger, abhorrence, peace, spiritual and philosophical awareness apart from every human emotions.
 There are twenty four parts in this long poem (Khand Kavy) and each part has many chapters. There are 367 chapters in this Khand Kavy - Bagi Uppan ki Ladai. All poems are Chaupaya and in the style of Bravery style (veer Rasiy Chhand) as found in Allha Uddal poetry.
 There is another poet Jai Pal Singh Rawat ‘Chhipadu dada’ (the disciple of Dandriyal) in Garhwali language  who creates symbolic poems with the aid of animals but he never created long poetry as Kanhya Lal could create .
 The symbols are easily under stable for intellectual Garhwalis and every body will appreciate the wording construction, Garhwali words of past, images of Garhwal and rural Garhwali society  and the total realism of this long poetry of late Dandriyal. Once, the intelligent reader starts reading first poem the reader can not leave reading till he finishes the whole poetry. There is magnetism in the poems of Kanhaya lal Dandriyal.
   The long poetry Bagi Uppan ki Ladai is the proof the reason behind calling Kanhaya Lal Dandriyal the Mahakavi (Great Poet)  of not only  Garhwali language but all languages of this earth. Bag Uppan ki ladai positions Mahakavi Dandriyal as one of the greates Poet of all languages in this earth
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, Mumbai, India,2011

खीमसिंह रावत

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Paliwal ji Namskar

kanhayalal daudiriyal ji apane antim dino men kaha rahre the|
kyaa unke bachche ab bhi vahi rahre hai| Kripya Jankari de |


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Literature of Garhwal, Kumaun, Himalayas

    Thakrya  : A Satirical poem by the Great poet (Mahakavi ) Kanhayalal Dandriyal

       ठकर्या : महाकवि कन्हैया लाल डंडरियाल की विश्व प्रसिद्ध व्यंगात्मक कविता

(Satire and Irony  in Garhwali literature, Satire and Irony in Himalayan Literature )

         Bhishma Kukreti

   The poem Thakrya of Kanhayalal Dandriyal is the best example of  satire and irony in world literature and is the proof that Kanhayalal Dandriyal is one of the 200 Greates Poets of the world literature born in this earth .  The satire and irony is in each line of poem Thakrya and the readers like to to laugh on wordings but cant because the poet makes pins point on the social structure of that age when children yet to pass high school used to run away from village in search of job. The poem shows the readers that the Great Poet (Mahakavi ) Kanhayalal Dandriyal was master of creating satire with realistic subjects. Yes it is always stated by critics  that the satire should have amoral ground  and Kanhayalal pins point on the whole rural society of Garhwal about children education, escaping from smart works and choose easy job rather to find prosperous job.

The language used in this poem is mixture of Hindi and Garhwali and that is again biggest irony of migrated Garhwalis who leave their own mother tongue and adore Hindi instead of adoring Garhwali language.  The poem ridicules whole society through words and style of mixing two languages . This poem easily positions Kanhayalal Dandriyal with poets as Alduous Huxley, Anthony Burgess , Bret Ellis, George Orwell, Jonathan Swift, Billy Collins, John Stewart, William Golding Stephen Colbert , Lois MacNeice,  Eric Kastner,  Thomas Murner, Dryden, Rochester, Robinson, Charles Dickson, and many more great poets.


           घौर भटिं अयाँ क हम , गढवाली भुल्यान क हैं
           जरा जरा विदेश की अद्कची फुक्यां क हैं
जनम के उछ्यादी थे , विद्या की कदर ना की
कण्डाळी की झपाग खै  , ब्व़े की अर बुबाकि भी
जा रहे थे बुळख्या ल्हें, एक दिन स्कूल को
मूड कुछ बिगड़ गया , अदबाटम  भज्याँ क हैं 
     घर भटी अयाँ क हम गढवाळी  भुल्याँ क हैं
      जरा जरा विदेश की अद्कची फुक्यां क हैं
 कै गुजरू इनै उनै , पोड़ी सड़कि का किनर
गाँव वालोँ य मित्रु का , घौर कै कभी डिन्नर
कुछ रकम ठी फीस की , कुछ चुराई ड्वारूंद
खर्च कै पुकै पंजै , मैना धंगल्ययाँ क हैं
           घौर भटिं अयाँ क हम , गढवाली भुल्यान क हैं
           जरा जरा विदेश की अद्कची फुक्यां क हैं
टैक्निकल जौब में, हाथ काले क्यों करें
करें किलै कूली गिरी , ब्यर्थ बोझ से मरें
डिगचि  डिपार्टमेंट का , डिपुटी हम बण्या क हैं
तीस रूप्या रोटी ल्हें , जुल्फा झटग्याँ क हैं
          घौर भटिं अयाँ क हम , गढवाली भुल्यान क हैं
           जरा जरा विदेश की अद्कची फुक्यां क हैं
क्या कहें पहाड़ से , तंग हम थे आ गये
च्यूडा , भट बुकै  बुकै , दांत खचपचा  गए
कौणयाळी गल्वाड़ से क्वलणि तक पटा गयी
अब तो ठाठ  से यहाँ , पान लबल्यां  क हैं
       घौर भटिं अयाँ क हम , गढवाली भुल्यान क हैं
           जरा जरा विदेश की अद्कची फुक्यां क हैं
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Literature of Great Poet (Mahakvai) Kanhyalal Dandriyal
Jeeja Sali ka Prahasan  Prasang ( Funny Moments between Sister in Law and Brother in Law) in Nagraja :

 नागराजा महाकाव्य में जीजा साली मजाक prahas, has parihas  प्रसंग

             Bhishma Kukreti

      It is common everywhere that at the time of marriage ceremony , sister in laws do fun with dulha (Groom) . In nagraja when lord Shiva got married and the Barat was returning or doing see off . At that time , his sister in laws or sisters of Gauri from her village do fun with jeeja or brother in law (lord Shiva) . The fun is marvelous and the readers will smile. There is indication of an old custom of Negi Chari when the bride family used to offer maid servants as Dehej ( dowry)  to groom family. This is the characteristics of great poet (Mahakavi) Kanhayalal Dandriyal to narrate the serious story with local atmosphere and custom. The Nagraja is all about philosophy and mythology related to marriage of Lord Shiva with Sati but Dandriyal did not make it serious but made it as part of Garhwali society of nineties. No body can challenge the art, capacity and capability of great poet (MahakavI) Kanhayalal Dandriyal for  fine blending and  mixing  realism with philosophical and religious subject

                    कै बुद कैकी     बामण , करदा बिदा         बरात
                     दगडया ऐ गेन तब गौरी की ब्व्दीन जोडिहात
जीजा क दगड त्वडे   नि देई
जाओ नेग हमारू यू चुकाई
निम्णि   मुखडी देखी स्याळीयूँ  की
कुम्पळी स्वाणि जनी फ्यूंळी की
ब्वल्दी शिव तुम दगडू नि त्वाडा
नातो भलो प्रेम को ज्वाडा
चलो दगड कैलास हमारा
दास छंवां   बिन मोल तुम्हारा
विजया बोद जंगी छें छिन क्या
गाणी करदौ  गिच्ची टपटये  या
ल्हाओ नेग की झगुली बिकाओ
जोगी कर्ज हमरु ल्ही जाओ
            नन्दीश्वर ल़ा  बोली तब , झगुली मोल नी ह्वेली
            तवे तैं छोडि नी जौंलू हम  छे तू   प्यारी स्याळी
(महाकवि कन्हया लाल डंडरियाल : नागर्जा , भाग -१ शीर्षक - बिदै  , पृष्ठ २३० )
Copyright @ Bhishma Kukreti , Mumbai

Bhishma Kukreti

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Modern Literature of Garhwal, Kumaun and Himalayas

 Garhwali Sanstha : A Realistic Poem by   Great Poet (Mahakavi ) Kanhayalal Dandriyal

             (Garhwali Realistic Poem, Himalayan Rrealistic Poem)

                                      Bhishma Kukreti

       Learned critics as Dr Jadali, Dr Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal, Dr Manjula Dhoundiyal , Bhagwati Prasad Nautiyal , Bhishma Kukreti, Himanshu Sharma and famous poets as Parashar Gaud, Madan Duklan, Puran pant, Virendra Panwar , Jai Pal Singh Rawat state that Mahakavi Kanhyalal Dandriyal is one the 200 Greatest Poets on this earth ever born.

                The poem 'Garhwali Sanstha' of great poet (Mahakavi) Kanhaya Lal Dandriyal is another example for Dandriyal being a great poet.

 In every major city, there are migrated Garhwali sttled due to their need of employment. It is a fact that  Garhwali social organizations emerge as mushrooms and die as mushrooms only . the great poet Kanhayalal Dandriyal was aware and had experience of birthing of Garhwali social organizations and their short death too.  The great poet Dandriyal had an innovative imagination to express his views about Garhwali social organization too  . Greta poet used metaphors and many known and created symbols to express and to tell his readers in his own style. Great poet Kanhayalal Dandriyal also did experiment in style and form when in Garhwali poetry world, experiment was rare gene

The great poet shows the life style of migrated Garhwali in cities of India with  simple realistic techniques .. Kanhayalal does not do preaching as his predictors were habitual to do so . knhayalal shows the contemporary life as it is without any degree of  exaggeration

This poetry is as realistic as  poems   ‘The Millers tale of Geoffrey Chaucer,  ‘My Mistress's Eyes’ of  William Shakespeare; ‘A Description of the Morning’ of Jonathan Swift ; Peter Grimes of George Crabbe:;  Porphyries’ Lover of Robert Browning; Friends Beyond of Thomas Hardy Danny Deaver of  Rudyard Kipling; poems of Vladimir Mmayakovsky ,poems of Ramon de Campoamor ,Emilio Ferrari .

The poem is as :

             गढवाळी संस्था
           ज्ल्मी त भौत छै
पर कैन बि पूरी मन्था नि खै
कुछ कैन पणसैन  , कुछ कैन उगटेन 
तन्नी कुछ .. अफ़ी हरची गैन
हुणत्यळी छै , गुणत्यळी छै मयळी  छै
पर ..उंकी पुछ्ड़ी फ्न्कुड़ी निम्खणि छै
हाँ .. ऊंका नियम बड़ा कठोर छा
धारणा ध्येय बी विशाल छा
जो रजिसटरूंम ल्यख्यां छा
बाँधी बून्धी बस्तौं मा धरयां छा
पैलि पैलि ऊंसे सबकू लगाव छौ
नौन्याळ समजी  खुखली खिलाणो चाव छौ
तब गढ़वालै तरक्की सवाल छौ
इस्कोल , अस्पतालौ ख़याल छौ
अपणि भाषा किलै नि ब्वना 
यांको मलाल छौ
नौनि ब्यवाणा हांळ चा 
नौने नौकरी समस्या  चा
कोठी बणाणे लिप्स्या चा
जिन्दगी भर कं रै ग्याँ पाडि पाड़
यांको मलाल चा
हाँ कै बगत
एकाद सांस्कृतिक प्रोग्राम कै
खुद बिसराणे /ब्यळमाणो ख्याल च
झणि कत्गौंल अपणये  छै
फेर झणी किलै छोड़ बि दे छे
ऊन कैसे मोह नि तोड़ी छौ
कैकु दीद बि नि तोड़ी छौ
पण सुदी सुदी अपणे  आपस म
द त्वी समाळी   ल्हें रै तैंते
न त्वी भटगे  ल्हें
बडो ऐ संस्थौ वालु   .. ल्हें समाळ
जा जा त्वी घटगे ल़े
जबान समाळी बोल
जीब रूंगड़ दूंगा नथर
अरे चल बे चल
बड़ा आया गवरनल  का बच्चा
स्यूं कि  त  ह्व़े गे पछिन्डी
बणया भाजी ग्या कठुग कोच्ची ग्या
हे भै ....
क्य ह्वालू यीं को
फुकीण  दे मोरी जाण बलें 
कैरू त क्या कैरू
इनि इनि कै
कुजणि कब बटें अब तैं
उपजदी गेन
हरचदि गेन
गढ़वळी संस्था
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