Author Topic: Articles By Shri D.N. Barola - श्री डी एन बड़ोला जी के लेख  (Read 157544 times)

D.N.Barola / डी एन बड़ोला

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Flooding of roads

Flooding of roads during rains is not a new phenomenon in the world. Last year large areas across central and western England were under flood water and in places like Tewekesbury (England) people used canoe to cross the flooded roads. But there this is rare. Torrential heavy record-breaking devastating rainfall was experienced in these areas. However things are different in India. Flooding of roads in practically every small or big city in India is like a ritual, which every one including the Government agencies are unprepared for. It has become customary for an occupant of a business house to close down the drainage. The drainage system poses sanitary problems for them. Foul smell continuously emanates from the drain since the Municipal Board is not able to get the drain cleaned regularly. This gives the shopkeeper a firm reasoning to close down the drain. This way he not only gets rid of the foul smell but is also able to get further space for display of his saleable material. This is justified as a need-based encroachment. This 4-5 feet encroachment is the root cause of all the problems. The local authorities behave like silent spectators, because they sometimes are suitably rewarded from time to time to ignore the encroachments. In rare cases, due to intervention by the Court, the encroachment is demolished, people make lot of hue and cry, but soon people forget and they once again start the encroachments. The root cause is the connivance and convenience of both the shop occupant and the government agency that looks after sanitation. In fact the encroachment must not be allowed in the beginning. The judicial intervention has made life somewhat convenient at some places. But the executive has to play its dominant role. Even in the Capital of Uttarakhand, Dehradun, choking of drains and water logging is an ordinary sight after rainfall. During Monsoon season the problem increases by leaps and bounds. Garbage disposal is yet another problem. We in India lack civic sense. Is it because there is no similar word like ‘civic sense’ in Hindi? We have the habit of throwing the garbage in the neighbourhood or any where feasible. Strict enforcement of rules, education of civic sense and a vigilant public may be the answer to the problem. (D.N.Barola)

D.N.Barola / डी एन बड़ोला

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सरकार उत्तराखंड के शिल्पकारों को बढावा दे
Government should encourage the Shilpkars (Scheduled Caste) in their job.

भारत के जाने माने शिल्पकार  प्रतिवर्ष अपनी कला का प्रदर्शन कर राष्ट्रीय पुरस्कार प्राप्त कर राष्ट्रीय और अंतर्राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर ख्याति प्राप्त करते हैं उत्तराखंड मैं भी शिल्पकार निवास करते हैं  वह अपनी शिल्पकला का उपयोग जनहितार्थ सस्ते दामों मैं तथा जीविकोपार्जन के लिए पिछले सैकड़ों साल से करते आए हैं  पर्वतीय अंचल के शिल्पकार पत्थर को तराश कर चिनाई करने को मशहूर हैं  पत्थरोँ मैं नक्कासी कर उनको कलात्मक बना देते हैं  इनकी कला के नमूने पूरे उत्तराखंड मैं देखे जा सकते हैं चम्पावत मैं एकहतियानौला,कोसी पुल जिसमें पत्थरोँ को जोड़ कर अर्धचन्द्राकार रूप देकर बिना 'बीम' के मजबूती दी गई है  नैनीताल का राजभवन, अल्मोड़ा का जिला परिषद् भवन, नंदा देवी मन्दिर आदि पर्वतीय शिल्पकारों ने ही बनाये हैं  थराढ़ (ताड़ीखेत मैं) १०० -१५० साल पुराने मकानों मैं पत्थरोँ को तराश कर , उर्द की दाल का गारा बनाकर , चिनाई की गयी है पजीना (ताड़ीखेत) मैं ५२ खिड़की वाला मकान पुराना है पर उत्तम हालत मैं है पर्वतीय अंचल के मौसम के अनुसार ये मकान गर्मियों मैं ठंडे व जाडों मैं गरमी प्रदान करते हैं  ये मकान भूकंपरोधी भी हैं इन्हें अब तक भूकंप से कोई नुकसान नहीं हुआ है   इन मकानों मैं लकड़ी का काम यहां के लोगों ने किया है  लकड़ी मैं नक्काशी का कार्य देवी देवताओँ  के चित्र आदि गड़कर लकड़ी का स्वरुप बदलकर उसे कलात्मक रूप प्रदान करना यहाँ के शिल्पकारों की खासियत है इसी प्रकार यहाँ के लोहार रोजमर्रा के काम की चीजें जैसे दराती, खुकरी कुल्हाडी आदि बनाते है ताबें के फूलदान, गगरी, फौलों मैं नक्कासी हस्तशिल्प के अद्भुत नमूने हैं  तांबे के साज सज्जा के समान , पानी के फिल्टर आदि खास तौर पर प्रसिद्ध हैं परन्तु तांबे के बर्तन बनाने का कार्य, अन्यत्र उच्च कोटि की मशीनोँ का चलन होने के कारण यहाँ ढलान पर है  वाद्य यंत्रों मैं तुरही,पिपरी, बांसुरी आदि पर्वतीय अंचल मैं  ही बनते थे बांस की  डलिया, छापरी, सूप, कंडी, भीमल के पेड़ की छाल की रस्सी बनाने का कार्य अब नायलोन - पोलिथीन के प्रचलन के कारण कम होता जा रहा है बाहरी छेत्र से बड़ी मात्र मैं राज, मिस्त्री तथा अन्य कारीगर आदि के आने से यहाँ के लोग प्रतिद्वंदिता नहीं कर पा रहे हैं तथा यहाँ के शिल्पकारों को आजीविका प्राप्त करने मैं कठिनाई हो रही है  वे बेरोजकारी के शिकार होते जा रहें हैं स्थानीय कला को जिंदा रखने के लिए यह अवश्यक है के शिल्पकारों को अपने पुश्तैनी कार्यों को करने हेतु सहायता दी जाए, उनको शिक्षा दी जाए तथा राज्य स्तर पर उनके लिए पुरस्कारों की योजना बबंई जाए, जिससे की उनके कार्य को गरिमा प्रदान हो सके. (D.N.Barola)    

D.N.Barola / डी एन बड़ोला

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दीर्घ जीवन  व निरोगता के लिए प्रातः  भ्रमण उपयोगी
Morning walk good for longevity.

प्रातः काल ब्रह्म मुहर्त मैं उठकर स्नान ध्यान करना भारतीय  संस्कृति मैं पुरातन काल से चला आ रहा है प्रातः उठने के अनेक फायदे हैं प्रकृति ने भी मानव सरीर को ऐसा बनाया है की नवजात  शिशु की भी ब्रह्म मुहर्त मैं नींद खुल जाती है  यही हर मानव के साथ होता है  यह बात अलग है की अलास्य के वशीभूत होकर बहुत लोग उंघते उंघते निद्रा देवी की गोद मैं फ़िर से समा जाते हैं  सुबह की नीद  बहुत सुखदायी होती है  आलस्य, प्रमाद तथा मीठी मीठी अर्धनिंद्रा  मैं सोया हुवा  मानव स्वप्नों के संसार मैं विचरण करता रहता है सुबह की नींद की उपमा देर तक सोने वालों ने अधपकी खिचड़ी से की है  जैसे खिचड़ी पकने के बाद 'दम'  लेने के लिए उतार दी जाती है वैसी ही प्रातः की निंद्रा होती है   जब कोई बहुत बड़े  नेता किसी रमणीक स्थल या हिल स्टेशन पर जाते  हैं तो अखबार बाकायदा बॉक्स कालम मैं एक ख़बर छापते है 'नेताजी खूब जमकर सोये तथा सवेरे काफ़ी देर तक सोये  परन्तु सच तो यह है की देर तक सोना कभी कभार ही  ठीक कहा जा सकता है  प्रातः उठकर मोर्निंग वाक् या जोगिंग करने से ब्लड प्रेसर आदि बीमारियों से दूर रहा जा सकता  है  प्रातः काल शुद्ध  हवा के झोंके शरीर को उर्जा व स्फूर्ति प्रदान करते हैं  अतः दीर्घजीवी  अवाम निरोग काया के लिए प्रातः काल भ्रमण को लोकप्रिय बनाना हम सबका कर्तव्य है (D.N.Barola)

D.N.Barola / डी एन बड़ोला

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Funeral by daughters in Bihar

    Breaking the old age traditions, last year, the daughters and not the sons carried their deceased father’s body to the cremation ground, thus broke the age old tradition of the monopoly of the sons to carry the body of their father and lit the pyre at the funeral. Sharmila Devi and Meena Devi of Nawada, Bihar deserve all round appreciation from every section of the society.  The men folk of the village cooperated with the daughters as the deceased had no son. They gave all support to the daughters. This is no doubt an example of gender equality. At a time when * ratio is misbalanced and many people kill the female foetus well before its birth, it is an exemplary action. It is message to the men folk who refrain from celebrating the birth of a female child and throw a lavish party is a male child is born. The role of the reformist organization of Nawada deserves to be applauded. One can only hope that the people who make gender discrimination would get a message from this event.
   Even in Uttarakhand, recently the girls lit the pyre of their father, which was considered a further step in gender equality. Women are proving themselves in every walk of life and the men are with them and are helping them, so that there is no discrimination between a boy and a girl. (D.N.Barola)

D.N.Barola / डी एन बड़ोला

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Girls prefer boys of higher age for marriage?
            Researchers in Sweden have found that the girls prefer to marry a matured and successful person and at the same time matured persons want to marry young girls, who may be quite lesser in age. The researchers selected a group of 11,500 persons in Sweden. Women born between 1945 and 1955 were contacted. The report has been jointly prepared by Maritin Feather and Susain Hyubar and published in British magazine Biology letters.
In India the girls also prefer elderly boys for marriage. A difference of 5 years is considered to be ideal. If the boy is 5-10 years older in age it is considered to be all right. The girl should be 19 to the boy in all spheres. She should be lower in age, in height, in weight in education, in intelligence and what not. In Horoscope matching her stars should be weaker than that of the boy. The main qualifications of the girl is, that she should be beautiful as far as possible and should bring as much dowry as possible and should prove to be a good housewife. For the men the only qualification is his earning. But things are changing now. Now boys prefer working girls. Some of the qualifications of the girl may be waived if she is in service i.e. she is a working girl, though many still do not prefer a working girl.
The Mother-in-law and Father-in-law menace stands diminished to a great extent in urban areas because girls have economically independent, but still dowry death are reported frequently.
In fact I personally feel that the so-called weaker * is not that weak. It is the patience and versatility of the girl that she is able to live in the new environment with new family members who are unknown. The pertinent question is what would have happened if the boy would have been required to go the girls house after marriage – Ghar Jawain No! No!! No!!!  Nobody wants to be a Ghar Jawain. Why? Is it the superiority complex or male ego, ya darte ho. Guess and keep guessing!(D.N.Barola)

D.N.Barola / डी एन बड़ोला

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People of Ranikhet demand a District

            With the establishment of Uttarakhand the people were expecting decentralization of power up to the village level. It was expected that many new Districts and Blocks would be created. Some years back the Congress Government of Uttarakhand had constituted a State Level Committee consisting of four members to go into this issue. It is understood that the Government examined this matter and it was felt that the creation of 4 new districts, i.e., Kotdwar with a population 1,35,000, Ranikhet (3,00,000) Didihat  (2,25,000) and Kashipur (3,00,000) would be feasible. However after the defeat of the Congress Government the matter is still hanging fire. The people of Ranikhet have been demanding creation of a new District since 1955. In 1984 after a long drawn agitation for the creation of Ranikhet District the UP Government gave a written assurance. Again in 1994 a 56 days longs agitation ended with the assurance of Mulayam Singh Yadav, the then CM of U.P. and as a first step in this direction he ordered the posting of an Additional District Magistrate and Deputy Superintendent of Police. In 1997 Mayawati, the then Chief Minister of UP declared three districts i.e. Bageshwar with a population of 2,49,453, Rudraprayag (2,27,461) and Champawat (2,24,461). But Ranikhet could not find a place as a district. Ranikhet is an old Tehsil and has the necessary infrastructure required for a District Headquarter. The Government has sufficient land for the construction of Vikas Bhawan and other offices. The old District Board Dak Bungalow situated at Mall Road, Ranikhet which at present houses Grain Godown of the Government, has 96 acres of land, which may be used for the establishment of all the Offices and residential quarters at one central place. Now the Bharatiya Janta Party Government is in power. The people of Ranikhet have once again been appealing to the Chief Minister Major General (Retd.) B.C.Khanduri to kindly declare Ranikhet as a District.  (D.N.Barola)

D.N.Barola / डी एन बड़ोला

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Uttarakhand ki Nihatthi (Unarmed) Police

            Believe it or not in Uttarakhand's Nihatthi (unarmed) police is maintaining the Law and Order position of the State. The Patwaris are responsible to maintain the Law and Order of the villages in hills of Uttarakhand. Recently Diwarkar Bhatt, the Minister for Revenue declared that soon Patwaris would be armed with a ‘danda (wooden rod). This seems to be a ridiculous statement but is hundred percent true. In this Nation of 
Gandhi non-violent Patwari Police is working efficiently for the past over 200 years. In fact the main job of this Revenue Police is to maintain the land records. But Patwaris have also been given powers of a Station In charge of a Police Station. They are required
investigate crimes even under Sections like 302 which deals with murder. But they are  not provided any kind of arms, not even a danda.
            After the arrest of any alleged criminal, the Patwari is supposed to present the criminal before the Magistrate within 24 hours. Sometimes when the arrest is made in the night, the Patwari handcuffs the criminal and also himself, so that there are no chances of the criminal absconding. You can very well imagine the scene. The situation is so peculiar that if some Officer makes a surprise visit under these circumstances, it would be difficult for him to recognize the Patwari, as both the Patwari and criminal would be visible as handcuffed. After the establishment of Uttarakhand, it was expected that the Patwari police would be granted facilities in commensurate with their responsibility. However the Minister has ‘gracefully’ decided to arm them with a danda. The Government has also decided in principle to do away with the Patwari Police system, but it will take time. In the meanwhile the Government has established Patwari Chowkis with facility of Lock up for the criminals. Patwari Training Institute, which is the only Institute of its kind in the world, has been attached with the Officers’ Training Centre, Nainital and Hostel facilities for Patwari trainees have also been provided in the Training Centre. The hill area of Uttarakhand is comparatively peaceful and the Patwaris have so far played a powerful yet peaceful role in maintaining law and order in the hills. Hence the Govt. must study the merits and demerits of withdrawing police powers from the Patwaris.(D.N.Barola)

D.N.Barola / डी एन बड़ोला

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विकास की राह जोहता चिलियानौला
Chilianaula, waiting for development!

नया रानीखेत के नाम से प्रसिद्व चिलियानौला मैं रानीखेत की लगभग एक चौथाई आबादी निवास करती है  रानीखेत से मात्र ३ किलोमीटर दूर रानीखेत के इस टाऊन के लिए सिंगल सीट के किराए पर टैक्सी हर वक्त उपलब्ध रहती है  बहुत से लोग इस दूरी को पैदल चल कर स्वास्थ्य लाभ करते हैं  चिलियानौला मैं अंतर्राष्ट्रीय पर्यटकों को आकर्षित करता बाबा हैडाखान का प्रसिद्व मन्दिर है तथा यहीं पर आधुनिक साज सज्जा से सुसज्जित हैडाखान अस्पताल भी है  इसके अतिरिक्त आवासीय बिडला कालेज, टूरिस्ट काम्प्लेक्स, डिग्री कॉलेज आदि इस स्थान को पर्यटक आकर्षण का केन्द्र बनाते है हिमालय श्रंखलाओं का यहाँ से अदभुत नजारा अत्यन्त दर्शनीय एवं मनोहारी है  यहाँ पर कई खूबसूरत मकान बने हैं परन्तु सही टाऊन प्लानिंग न होने से मकान बेतरतीब बने हैं जिस कारण कई लोगों को रास्ते तथा ड्रेनेज की समस्या से रूबरू होना पड़ता है चिलियानौला के विकास हेतु इस छेत्र तो रानीखेत के साथ मिलकर नगर पालिका बनवाना हितकर होगा (D.N.Barola)

D.N.Barola / डी एन बड़ोला

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Polythene is the most useful thing-Use it with care

    Very often there is an agitation against Polythene, because the Polythene is polluting the environment. In Schools and Colleges we debate over the issue and take a vow not to use Polythene. But all the promises made vanish away the moment we go in for marketing. What are the reasons that we are not ready to abide by the promise we make to ourselves, in the meetings where we discuss the ill effects of polythene. In fact Polythene is a very useful thing. You go to the market and you can fetch any small or large material in a plastic bag. It has ease of use, hardiness, lightweight, waterproof, low cost, ideal for packaging, storing, useful as carry bags. In fact its usefulness has made it a necessary evil in every family. After all it is so cheap and convenient.
 In fact all the problems start because we are not disciplined. We lack civic sense. In USA recycled polythene is used again and again.  They have the habit to throw their garbage in the Dustbin or Trash. Recently in my city Dustbins were kept at important places with much publicity. But the citizens do not put their garbage into the Dustbin. The garbage can is seen spread over around the dustbin.  A Dustbin for Polythene was also provided, but no one uses it. People pack household trash in a poly bag and throw it away. Polythene is non-degradable; hence dumping it on the ground is not environment friendly. If dumped in the ground it reduces the fertility of the soil. The former President of India APJ Abdul Kalam once said that why could we not behave the way we behave when we are in the foreign soil? He said that in case someone goes for a foreign jaunt he behaves like a well-behaved person in that country. But soon after he lands at the Indira Gandhi International Airports he forgets everything and starts throwing the garbage anywhere or everywhere. In spite of the best efforts of the Government, social organizations, NGOs and other institution we have not been able to discourage the use of Polythene, because it is a thing of utility. The problem is we do not want to improve ourselves and look for an escapement.  We want good roads but do not hesitate to break the traffic rules. We do not want to abide by the prescribed speed limit on busy roads, instead demand Speed breakers. We use polythene, but are not ready to put the used polythene in a trash. This irresponsible attitude of the people has made a very useful thing, the polythene, an environmental menace. The solution to the problem is – on the spot enforcement of environmental rules strictly, inculcation of civic sense and discipline. (D.N.Barola)

D.N.Barola / डी एन बड़ोला

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Killings by irate mob

 Cases of lynching by irate crowd are coming from all corners of the country. In a latest example, two persons were lynched by a motley crowed in Bihar. A reason for taking the law into their hands by the mob is rampant corruption in every walk of life. Because of corruption, people are frustrated. The poor, who have no money, find it difficult to bribe the officials for getting the work done. Yet another reason is the invisible or visible hand of the Netas. If there is a mob, naturally a Neta appears in the scene and takes over the reins of the hooligans, though he makes an entry only when the mob fury goes down to its lowest ebb. Senior citizens sometimes lament that we got democracy very early. Democracy and discipline are synonymous, because without discipline, democracy cannot be successful. We lack civic sense. Since we are the citizens of free India, hence we are free to do any thing-this feeling is wrong. The phrase Justice delayed is Justice denied holds good for India. We don’t get justice in time, naturally this frustrates us and we start behaving like street urchins. Social relationship and social values are becoming a thing of the past. We are not bothered about what is happening next door. This evasive attitude is also responsible for crossing the thin Line of Control between democracy and mobocracy. This is matter for introspection by the Government and the social organizations collectively. (D.N.Barola)


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