Author Topic: Homoeopathic Treatise on Homoeo Help Research - Dr PS Rawat  (Read 7214 times)

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Homoeopathic Treatise on Homoeo Help Research - Dr PS Rawat
« on: January 24, 2011, 11:57:00 PM »


We are sharing here a Search work Dr P S Rawat                                             ON
                     ‘HOMOEO HELP’, RESEARCH
                                ALLIED WORK
DR. P.S. RAWAT is medical practitioner by profession who has done some research work.  He wants this work of mine get highlighted through your merapahad forum.
This will enable people to learn about medical issues and
 health-senstivitie information which in turn will lead to betterment of humanity.
Dr Rawat hails from Pauri Garhwal District of Uttarakhand.
Dr P S Rawat is  a medical practitioner by profession with a long-standing experience as a medical teacher (Professor) and physician based in Chandigarh. He has also been a medical researcher and acted as an administrator (Principal, Director). He has also got published my articles in various medical journals.
Regards,M S Mehta

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Re: Homoeopathic Treatise on Homoeo Help Research - Dr PS Rawat
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2011, 11:59:50 PM »

My Late parents and other family members who brought me up

The teachers who taught me to help the mankind.



The book Homoeopathic Treatise on ‘Homoeo Help’, Research & Allied Work is the outcome of my association with Homoeopathic System of Medicine as a teacher, practitioner, and researcher for nearly 25 years.
Although most of the text of the book has already been published in the past in various journals, souvenirs and dailies, it was thus imperative to compile all the published and unpublished work in a book form.  I am therefore pleased in presenting the same to you.

The contents have been bifurcated into two parts.  Part I deals with the description of 30 drugs and a total of 22 drugs have found place in an English daily, The Saturday Plus of ‘The Tribune’ under the heading of “Self Help” basically meaning “Homoeo Help” aimed to create awareness among the general public about the efficacy and limitation of Homoeopathic system in curing the diseases.  The approach was appreciated not only by the homoeopathic teaches, students and well established Physicians but by the general public also.  As the column of Self Help became highly popular, it really created ripples in the mind and flutter in the hearts of some jealous non-homoeopathic Physicians who through their personal influence got the column stopped.

Always, the writer has tried his best to link various dissipated symptoms of the drugs and placed them at their suitable place.  Stress has also been given to avoid repetition and unworthy elaboration.  But while doing so the writer could not overlook the repetition of various adjectives, prepositions and conjunctions since these are the beauties of the drugs and have also been used by the great Homoeopathic stalwarts like Dr. J.T. Kent and others.

Part II contains mainly research and other Allied work.  Though small but most valuable contribution of mine for the present and future Researchers who may like to dive deep into the sea of Homoeopathy vis-à-vis in the treatment of the diseases like cancer and AIDS.

Although I have endeavoured my best in presenting the facts in an understandable and interesting way especially while describing the drug picture inn order to make the book unique in itself, still I feel there may have remained certain shortcomings.  I would therefore, expect from the readers to pinpoint them and send them to me so that the same could be removed I the future edition.

In the end I am grateful to Mr. Upendra, Ravindra, and Mrs. Shashi Kala who are my son, daughter and wife for helping me directly and indirectly in bringing out this small contribution of mine for Homoeopathy. Address for Correspondence:                         

Dr. P.S. Rawat
B.Sc., B.M.S.,(Lkw.), B.H.M.S. (JPR.)
2032/1, Sector 45-C,
Astt. Prof & Former Principal,
Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital,
Sector-26, Chandigarh-160026
Date April 18, 2010

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Re: Homoeopathic Treatise on Homoeo Help Research - Dr PS Rawat
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2011, 12:01:06 AM »


1.  Aconite Napellus
2.  Aethusa cynapium
3.  Aloes socotrina
4.  Ambra grisea
5.  Anacardium
6.  Antim crudum
7.  Apis mellifica
8.  Argentum nitricum
9.  Arnica montana
10. Arsenic album
11. Baryta carb
12. Belladona
13. Bryonia alba
15. Calcarea carb
16. Calcarea phos
17. Chamomilla matricaria
18. Chelidonium majus
19. Cina
20. Colchicum autumnale
21. Hepar sulph
22. Ignatia amera
23. Lachesis
24. Lycopodium clavatum
25. Natrum muriaticum
26. Nux vomica
27. Phosphorus
28. Podophyllum peltatum
29. Pulsatilla nigricans
30. Ruta graveolens
31. Rhus toxicodendron
32. Sangunaria Canadensis
33. Silicea


1.  Mysterious viral fever that baffles Doctors
2.  Our failure our success
3.  Recurrent bronchial diseases.
4.  *ual myths
5.  Urolithiasis – biochemical aspect
6.  Eye diseases and their homoeopathic treatment
7.  AIDS – Can Homoeopathy Prevent it
8.  An encounter with AIDS patient.
9.  Hahnemann – The great genius and patient investigator of the world
10. How HIV/AIDS patient became symptoms free
11. What else is found common amongst HIV/AIDS patients
12. Communication with Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi
13. How to prevent (non)virus Polio

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Re: Homoeopathic Treatise on Homoeo Help Research - Dr PS Rawat
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2011, 12:02:33 AM »
Aconite Napellus or Monkshood is a poisonous plant called Dakra in Hindi, one of the five species of Aconite plant cultivated in America but also found in Europe and the mountains of Himalaya.  This homoeopathic medicine is given to those who suffer from sudden and violent inflammatory conditions of the brain, lungs, heart, kidneys, and other organs of the body along with a state of anxiety of mind and great nervous excitability generally reflected in the form of fear.

In diseased condition the fear is so marked that the patient starts predicting the time of his death.  He may call his family members around to take a leave of them or, say “Doctor, there is no use of taking medicine as I am going to die.”  Such disturbance may be triggered of by the exposure of the dry cold air particularly in autumn when the days are still hot but the nights have become cold or, vice versa specially when the persons though seem healthy but are actually sensitive to heat and cold.  The mind too is like the body i.e. extremely sensitive and that’s why the patient exaggerates the complaints to such an extent that his own imagination of the enormity of his complaints overpowers him.  Even in a most trifling ailment like inflammation of the eyes or body temperature, the patient has uncomfortable anguish and anxiety along with fear in the mind.
Aconite is an effective medicine when there is fear among the children and others for the dark places as they have been frightened by their elders or because of wrong perceptions and stories, etc., when the objects had looked ghosts, fearful images watched at night while awake or asleep.  On account of news or sights of the accidents, arson, riots, violence, etc., these sensitive persons develop fear of going out in the crowded place like cinema hall, fair, market and crossing the roads, etc.  At times, they may have actually come across such situation of violence, destruction, shoot out or threat to their life from their enemies.

The fear and fright may lead to abortion in a sensitive pregnant woman or menses may get suppressed in others.  For the same reason Aconite is an excellent medicine for the prima gravida when she thinks about her parturition or when the process has become really difficult.

During epidemics of various tropical diseases like cholera, when the atmosphere is surcharged with fear, Aconite acts as preventive drug.  It not only removes the fear from the mind of the people but actually cures the victims.  At time, it comes to the rescue of the doctor when there is anaphylactic shock i.e. serum reaction and the patient’s life is too short especially when the patient says, “save me doctor, save me doctor, I shall die.”  He may get hold of the doctor of the fear of death in his mind.

          It is also the life saviour medicine for the newborn babies when they have difficulty of breathing especially after the use of forceps or from tedious labor.  It is good medicine for the school going children who are occasionally punished either by the parents at home or by the teachers at school for not pulling well, for not doing home work or doing some mischief in the class, leave either the school or run out of the home for ever.

A good medicine for bowel trouble when the days are hot and nights are cold.

The most notable feature of this remedy is that; on many occasions when one needs its help, already there is enough delay as either the trouble is over or the disease has passed to the next stage or the patient is no more.  The actions are thus like a fearful storm that sweeps and passes over.

एम.एस. मेहता /M S Mehta 9910532720

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Re: Homoeopathic Treatise on Homoeo Help Research - Dr PS Rawat
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2011, 12:03:15 AM »

Aethusa cynapium is a European weed, commonly known as Fool’s parsley.  This homoeopathic medicine is prescribed to persons who have intolerance of milk or milk preparations in any form due to irritability of the stomach particularly noticed in infants and children during dentition in summer months.  As a consequence no sooner the child finishes the feed, it comes up either with a great gush and in big quantity or when it is retained for a while in stomach, the milk is vomited in the form of big, thick, greenish, partly in curds and partly in liquid form.

          Owing to exertion in vomiting and weakness thereafter, the child falls into a sort of helpless slumber from which it makes up crying with violent hunger to eat and vomit again.  Very often vomiting is accompanied with diarrhoea of light yellow, slimy and bilious colour.  Such conditions if not checked with the timely administration of this medicine runs on to cholera infantum, where child cannot stand,
unable to hold up the head and is prostrated and
The child may have the appearance as if it were dying with pale, Hippocratic face.  There appears whitish blue hue around the lips of all that portion of the face bounded by the upper lip and two distinct lines drawn from two orifices of the nose to the angles of the moth called the linea
Aethusa cynapium is a good medicine for brain trouble with a hot head, vomiting, exhaustion, sweat and prolonged sleep.  At times, the brain trouble does not affect the stomach but the child goes into convulsions where the eyes of the child turn downwards with dilated pupils and the thumbs get clenched.

           Aethusa cynapium has been found an effective remedy to overcome examination funk when the patients, generally students are unable to read anything after over taxation (brain fag) of mental faculties.  Some times there may occur inability to think or fix attention from want of the power of concentration.  The result may be confusion and idiocy.

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Re: Homoeopathic Treatise on Homoeo Help Research - Dr PS Rawat
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2011, 12:05:05 AM »

Aloes socotrina is a succulent plant.  The medicine is prepared from the gummy leaves.

This homoeopathic medicine is recommended to persons who lead sedentary life and consequently suffer from excessive fullness (engorgement) of the veins especially of the porta l system.  As a result the liver area (right hypochondrium) is felt heavy, hot and burning.

Sometimes the veins become engorged and tortuous (varicose) and may ooze venous blood particularly from the nose, bowel, bladder, and genitalia.  The skin and other orifices of the body like the eyes, mouth, throat and anus may also become hot and burn.  The soles too burn and the patient keeps them uncovered.

          Owing to portal congestion, the muscles of the rectum get relaxed leading to protrusion of the mucosa of the anus like a bunch of the grapes, commonly known as piles or haemorrhoids.  These to may be felt hot, sore and burn preventing sleep.  At times, itch is so violent that the patient is compelled to bore the finger into the anus.

Concurrently, there may be great rumbling in the abdomen so much so that it may be heard anyone in the room due to accumulation of flatus, which generally passes downward causing distress in lower bowel.

The abdomen many be much distended as ever even after great quantity of flatus has been passed out without any relief.  A great feeling of fullness and weight in the pelvis specially in rectum as though it were full of faecal matter.

The urging for the stool is so great that he rushes for the toilet but even before his clothes are all soiled.  Generally the stools are passed involuntarily while expelling flatus or passing the urine.  Sometimes, when there is urge to clear the bowel the patient passes only hot flatus and gets relief for a short time but the urge soon returns compelling him to go again for evacuation.  At times, the patient holds the stool with great difficulty and even not dare to take his mind off the sphincter owing to the fear of escaping faeces.

Normally the stool gurgles out like water runs out of the bottle when it is passed out.  Sometimes children may go round dropping involuntarily hard, round marble like pieces of the stool.  They don’t even know the stool has been passed out or, these little nodules remain in the rectum for a long time without any urge to evacuate them.  It ultimately escapes unconsciously and are found in the clothings.  At times, the patient may pass a cup full of thick jelly like mucus before having stool which may have occupied the lower part of the rectum.

Aloes is a good medicine for diarrhoea when it may be brought on by drinking beer and eating oysters in the hot summer season.  It is worse after eating or drinking anything else.  Useful in dysentery when there may be violent tenesmus, heat in the rectum, perspiration even to fanting and profuse clammy sweat.

The stool may be yellow, bloody or transparent jelly like mucus, comes in great masses or ‘gobes’ which drops out of the anus unnoticed.  Sometimes, stool is watery, hard lumps mingled with faecal fluid or hard lumps looking like marbles or sheep during stool.

           It has also been found effective medicine in curing prolapse of the uterus of long standing when there is dragging down feeling due to its outward pressure.  It is accompanied with fullness, heat on the body surface and feeling of the wedge in between symphysis pubis and coccyx along with the tendency of morning diarrhoea.  The patient may at times experience funnelling sensation in the vagina.

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Re: Homoeopathic Treatise on Homoeo Help Research - Dr PS Rawat
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2011, 12:05:39 AM »

          Ambra Grisea is also known as Ambergris, a fat like morbid secretion found in the intestine and in the excreta of the spermwhale.

          This homoeopathic medicine is prescribed to the persons who are intensely shy and blush easily.  They cannot do anything in presence of others.  At times, they cannot even defecate when somebody is present nearby.  The result is inverterate constipation specially experienced by the children, bedridden and old people.

          Useful medicine for those who go among strangers and become nervous.  The result is cough which may be often followed by eructation of wind.  At times, there occurs particularly from little exertion like attempting to *ual intercourse.

          Ambra is a superb medicine for domestic shock especially after repeated deaths in the family.  There seems to be nothing remaining.  The patient takes on dreaminess and wonders whether life is worth living.  In great business loss, the result may be sleeplessness, where the patient feels sleepy but as soon as the head touches the pillow, he wakes up.

          Such patients may dwell upon unpleasant happenings of the past, which they cannot take rid of.  While concentration of mind is difficult, he has to make an unusual effort every time to bring his thoughts back to place before he can concentrate over the present subject.

          When there is perversion in the ability to heart the music which brings on congestion to head, it sometimes aggravates the cough and often makes the patient to weep.

          Ambra is a good medicine for the bleeding from the nose of such persons especially in the morning.  Also, for the slightest show of blood between menstrual periods of the females, every little accident or exertion such as straining at stool or after little longer walk than usual brings the bleeding.  During menses the left leg becomes quite blue and distended and tortuous veins (varices).  At times, menses may appear seven days before time which may be followed by soreness, itching, and swelling of genitalia.

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Re: Homoeopathic Treatise on Homoeo Help Research - Dr PS Rawat
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2011, 12:06:41 AM »


Anacardium orientale is a homoeopathic medicine prepared from the seeds of the marking nut (used by washerman for identification marking on clothes).  The Indian name for this plant is “bhilava.”

It is a remedy for mental fatigue, when a slight mental exercise brings on a dull pressing headache.

Also, for those who suffer from sudden loss of memory, when things told at a given moment are forgotten minutes later.

          Anacardium is prescribed to overcome memory weakness after an exhausting disease, or due to old age.

          Impaired memory may lead to depression or irritability or aversion to work, lack of self-confidence.  Also, fear of examinations, interviews or public appointments.

          Confusion reigns supreme in such persons.  They may also become suspicious that they are being observed.  They cannot easily take a decision.

          A patient may also become violent, and suffer from profound melancholy and hypochondriasis.  He may cause bodily injury to others without any cruel, malicious or wicked intention.

          It is also suitable for those who are hypersensitive when it comes to religious issues.

          It acts as “smiriti sudha” for the students, if taken 10 to 15 days before the examination in 200 potency doses weekly.

           This dose is also advised for patients mentioned above.

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Re: Homoeopathic Treatise on Homoeo Help Research - Dr PS Rawat
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2011, 12:07:11 AM »

          Antim crudum is a chemical compound also known as black sulphide of antimony.  This homoeopathic remedy is commonly prescribed for the gastric derangement due to sluggish stomach in normal eaters but mostly for those who overload their stomach from fat food, milk, meat, pasty and sweet, etc., of  recent origin.  As a result,  there may be thick milky white or dirty coating on the tongue with or without cutting colic in abdomen along with a feeling of oppression in the stomach.

          Diarrhoea often follows such dietic errors where the stool is linteric and partly hard solid lumps remain mixed with watery faecal discharge.  Even sometimes loose motions may alternate with constipation particularly noticed in old people.

          Antium crudum is also given to those long standing cases that dates the beginning of the present trouble e.g. after going on swimming, falling into water or after cold bathing.  Headache is one such problem, commonly noticed after cold bathing particularly in the river or the canal water in the chilly winter.  Tender abdomen in the flanks (ovarian region) along with many other female problems are also found after indiscriminate cold bathing.

          A good medicine for the Gout or Rheumatoid arthritis of fingers where the swelling and pains are worse from cold damp weather or cold bathing and relieved by heat or hot bating.
          An excellent medicine for the corns on the soles most often and occasionally on the palms.  Very painful when walking especially on the hard ground.  The nails may also be found brittle and growing out of shape.

          Antim crudum has been found efficacious in toothache or decayed teeth (stumps) where there is unbearable pain after eating anything or after cold drinks.  The gums may be receding from the teeth and bleed on touch.

          For the hysteric or other sentimental patients who are down hearted (sad) and loathsome nature often become impulsive to commit suicide in desperation by drowning.   At times, they may have an irresistible desire to talk in rhymes and verses particularly in moon night.

          Young children, who may be irritable and fretful when touched or looked at, some times become obese, it is their remedy too.

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Re: Homoeopathic Treatise on Homoeo Help Research - Dr PS Rawat
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2011, 12:07:39 AM »
           ANTIM TART

          Antim tart or Tartar emetic is an indispensable life saving homoeopathic medicine.

          Owing to its marked action on respiratory system particularly the lungs where it not only helps in the absorption of mucus secretion but also strengthens the lungs to expel the mucus and builds resistance for subsequent attacks of cold.

          This drug is mostly prescribed for the bronchitis, bronchopneumonia (cold in the chest), asthma and various other chest complaints.

          Although it can be prescribed for all age groups but its special affinity is for the young children and the old rundown people who easily become victims of the exposure to sharp cold spell in winter and suffer from chest congestion.  The  patients cough and cough but are unable to raise the phlegm and throw it out due to weakness of the lungs.  Thus, there appears large accumulation of the mucus in the chest while coughing with peculiar sound called “rattle.”

          Owing to chest congestion, the victims feels difficulty in breathing while lying in bed thus compelled to sit up erect in the bed or is carried by the mother in her lap in order to have easy breathing.

          The new born and other infants may have had their first attack at the time of their birth generally due to cold bathing or, by any other way even in summer months but such children become prone for the subsequent exposure to cold later in life until they reach to adolescence, when they are not treated judiciously.

          During such attacks, the face becomes cold and darkish blue owing to lack of oxygen supply.  They may have low or high fever with their tongue thickly white coated.  The nostrils may be dilated and in flapping condition, the child coughs and coughs with a loud rattling for a long time but cannot raise the mucus.  Thus he becomes dull, drowsy and unconscious before the impending death.

          Antim tart is also used to relieve asphyxia from drowning, swallowings foreign bodies such as buttons, seeds, pebbles or marbles sticking in the trachea or bronchi, or may be due to paralysis of lungs where the victim is almost breathless and gasps for air.  It not only removes the rattles; the impending death signal but brings the patient to normal life.


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